Engineering: Discipline

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Date: 06/12/2021

Khulna University, Khulna

4th Year II Term Examination
Session: 2019-2020
Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline
Course No.: ECE 4209
Full Title of the Course: Mobile
Communication Engineering
Full Marks: 60 Time: 03 Hours
The figure in the margin indicates full marks.
Use The questions are of equal value.
separate sheet for each section.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE
1.(a) What do you understand by "AWGN" channel?
1.6) What do you understand by communication channel?
1(c) Write down the names of the channel assignment
strategies. Describe them in brief.
1.(d) Consider the multipath power profile of a wireless 03
channel shown in Figure Q. 1(d) 05
comprising L=4 multipath components. Compute the RMS delay spread RMSfor the
wireless channel.
- 40 dB

-10 dB-

- 20 dB

Figure Q.1d)
2.a) Write short notes on the following topics () 1G (i) 4G (üi) 5G.
2.b) Describe following graph (Figure Q. 2(6)). Also comment among the two curves A
and B, which one is better. 03



Figure Q. 2(b 16 (Eb/No) J8
2.(c) Describe circuit switching and packet switching.
= 04

(a) Write a few names of different cell shape. Which shape of the cell is best and why? 03
3.b) Explain how cell splitting and sectoring can improve system capacity.
3.(c) Derive the folowing equation.

where the symbols bave their usual meaning. Consider 6 co-

anel cells.
Date: 06/12/2021

han Describe the hand-off procedure with figure. What is the significance
Define handoff. 04
threshold margin on handoff procedures?
+D) Consider a cellular system in which the total available voice channels to handle the 05
tratic are 1200. The area of each cell is 9 km* and the total coverage area of the
system is 3600 km.
) Calculate the system capacity if the cluster size is 4.
ii) Calculate the system capacity if the cluster size is 7. Does decreasing the reuse
factor increase the system capacity? Explain.
(11) How many times should a cluster & size 7 be replicated to cover the entire
cellular area?
4.(c) What do you understand by flat fading? 01

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
5(a) What is CDMA? Describe the basic mechanism of CDMA. 03
5.(b) Describe some important features ofFDMA 03
5.(c) There is a GSM system in Khulna, which is a TDMA/FDD system that uses 30 MHz 04
for the forward link which is broken into radio channels of 180 KHz. If 8 speech
channels are supported on a single radio channel and if the guard band is 15 KHz,
calculate the number of simultaneous users that can be accommodated in that system. 1

6a) Define spread spectrum multiple access. Describe the transmitter of FHSS with 05
necessary block diagram.
6.(b) Derive the equation to find out the radio capacity of a cellular system in terms of 05
carrier-to-interference ratio.

Ra) Describe time alignment problem in GSM. 03

7.(b) What is MIMO system? Write the generalize equation of a MMO system. 02
7.(c) Describe the first level and second level of Interleaving with necessary figure. 05
Describe the necessity of this Interleaving.

8.(a) Describe the main functions of the authentication center (AUC) in GSM. .

8.(b) Describe the step by step procedure of handover between cells controlled by the same 05
8.(c) What is SDH? What do you understand by uplink frequency in GSM system? 02

Date: 12.12.2021

Khulna University, Khulna Time: 10.00 1.00

4th Year Term II Examination
Session: 2019-2020
Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline
Course No.: ECE 4211
Full Title of the Course: Radar & Satellite Communication
Full Marks: 60 Time: 03 Hours

The figure in the margin indicates full marks. The questions are of equal value.
Use separate sheet for each section.
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.

of operation behind the 03

1.(a) What are the essential functions of a radar? Briefly explain the principle
use of radar for measuring target range, velocity,
and location.
receiver and discuss 04
(b) Draw the block diagram of conventional pulse radar with a super-heterodyne
it briefly.
wave length with peak 03
(c) Calculate the maximum range of radar system which operates at 3 cm
the capture area of its antenna is 5m and radar cross-
power of 500KW, if Pmin is 101W,
section area of target is 20m2.

2.(a) Explain false alarm and missed detection with the necessary figure.
block's function in brief. 04
(b) Draw the block diagram of an MTI system and describe each
and uses two PRFs; 03
(c) A certain airborne pulsed radar has a peak power P: 10KW,

so that the
fn 10KHz andfr2 = 30KH2. What are the required pulse widths for each PRF
the pulse energy in each
average transmitted power is constant and is equal to 1500 w? Compute
case. L

3.(a) Briefly describe the Doppler frequency shift with the necessary mathematical derivation. 03
(b) Prove that the equation of received signal of pulse doppler radar is 03

Ve=A,sin 2nf(1 +t- symbols have their usual meaning.

(c)If the radar operates at frequency of 5 GHz, find the Doppler frequency of
a an aircraft moving 04
with a speed of 100 KMph. 2

4fa) What is a tracking radar system? Describe the different types of radars that can provide the target 04
tracks system.

b) Briefly describe the functions of an automatic detection and track (ADT) radar. Under what 03
conditions does the Kalman ilter perform like the a-ß träcking filter?

(c) Briefly explain the A-scope and B-scope radar display systems. 03


There are FoUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.

that ratio of the 04

{a) State and explain Kepler's second law of motion. Using this law, show
to (I- ey(I + e).
at apogee and perigee for an earth orbiting satellite is equal
Symbols hold their usual meaning
there is only one 04
Write down the conditions for an orbit to be geostationary. Why
geostationary orbit?
of 613 km. Determine 02
() A satellite has an height of 39,842 km and a perigee height
the semi major axis and the eccentricity of its orbit.

communication? 02
6.(a) What do you mean by an orbit perturbation in satellite
(6) Explain earth eclipse of an earth orbiting satellite.
is 35° N 05
KU campus. GPS reading of KU campus
(C) An earth station is to be installed at
satellite at longitude 25° W.
and W. It will receive signal from a geostationary
Determine range and look angles.

Lot * ) 03
in brief.
7.(a) Explain satellite station keeping 03
b) Define and explain the axes of a 04
satellite system, prove that
(c) For FDMA downlink analysis in a
[BTR]s- [BO],

[a]. [Symbols

have their usual meaning]. F n

in km and frequency in GHz. 03
Find expression of free space loss with range
8a) an
satellite communication?
(b) Define noise factor. Why is this term important for
(c) A satellite circuit has the following parameters:
UL (decilogs) D/L (decilogs)
54 34
200 198
2 2
0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5
Calculate the total [C/N] value.

Date: 19/12/2021

Khulna University, Khulna

4th Year II Term Examination
Session: 2019-2020
Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline
Course No.: ECE 4207
Full Title of the Course: Opto-electronic Devices and Optical Communication
Full Marks: 60 Time: 03 Hours

The figure in the margin indicates full marks. The questions are of equal
Use separate sheet for each section.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
1.(a) generations of optical communication system.
Discuss the five
1.(b) Describe double clad fiber of W-profile with necessary diagram.
1.(c) What is meant by mode coupling? What causesi 02
=mv2A. 02
1.d) Show that the numerical aperture of a step-index optical fiber NA

in optical fiber. 04
2(a) Derive the equation for elliptically polarized light
fiber using optical fiber preform. 04
2.(b) Write down the fabrication process of optical
opíicai Tber is 1%. DeieTine ihe 02
2.(c) Th relative refractive index difference for 1.46.
critical angle at the core-cladding interface if the core refractive index is

the loss 03
3.(a) Describe the fundamental two types of absorption in optical fiber. Draw
urve of optical fiber caused by various kind: of absorption.
mode 03
3.(b) Define hirefringence. Describe the impact of birefringence on polarization
dispersion. Also explain how polarization mode dispersion can be reduced during
fabrication of optical fiber.
3.(c) Define waveguide dispersion. Derive the cxpression for waveguide dispersion in = 04
optical fiber.

4.(a) What do you mean by pulse broadening? Explain its effect on the
carrying capacity of a fiber.
4.(b) Draw a four-port fiber fused biconical Aaper coupler. Also explain the working 03

M principiefa four-port fiber fused biconiceitaper coupler.

K)A 32x32 port multimode fiber transmissive star coupler has 1 mW of optical power 03
launched into a single input port. The average measured optical power at each output
port is 14 uW. Calculate the total loss incurred by the start coupler and the average
insertion loss through the device.

Date: 19/12/2021

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
5.(a) Define optical souroe. Mention the three types of optical light sources. 02
5.(b) Explain the operation principle of double-heterojunction light emitting diode (LED). 02
5.(c) Describe the two processes by which light can be emitted from an atom. Discuss the 04
requirement for population inversion so that stimulated emission may dominate over
of a
spontaneous emission. Illustrate your answer with an energy level diagram
common non-semiconductor laser.
5.(d) Given the following parameter values for GaAs at 300 K:
Electron rest mass, m=9.11x10-3 kg
Effective electron mass, me=0.068m
Effective hole mass, mp=0.56m
Band-gap energy, Eg- 1.42 eV
Find the intrinsic carrier concentration.

of 04
6.(a) Discuss theprinciple of operation of LASER diodes. What are the effects
temperature on the performance of a LASER diode?
6.(b) Describe the construction and working principle of a distributed-Bragg-reflector
(DBR) laser diode.
The threshold current density for a stripe geometry AlGaAs laser is 3000 A
cm-' at 02
a temperature of 15 °C. Estimate the required threshold
current at a temperature of
60 °C when the threshold temperature coefticient To for the device is 180 K, and the
contact stripe is 20x100 um.

7.(a) What are the desired features of a photodetector? Mention any six features.
7.(b) Compare PIN and avalanche photodiodes. 02

7c) Define photodiode dark current. Derive the expression for the signal-to-noise ratioat 05
the input of the amplifier of a photodiode.

8.(a) Draw the functional block diagram for the signal path through an optical data link 03
which will be used to transmit 1101 (ASK) binary data.

8.(b) Make a comparative discussion among the three types of optical amplifiers. 02

8.()Distinguizh between Time Division MultiplexingPassive Optical Networks (TDM-

PONs) and Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Networks (WDM-
PONs). Discuss the fundamental concepts along with frame structure of E-PON.

Date: 30/12/2021

Khuna University
Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline
4 Year Term-2 Examination, Session: 2019-2020
Course No.: ECE 4223, Course Title: Bio-Medical
Full Marks: 60
Time: 03 Hours Credit: 03
Figures in the margin indicate full marks. Questions are of equal value.
Use a
separate sheet for each section.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.

1(a) Discuss the design consideration for the medical instrumentation system. 03
1(b) Explain the Man Instrument System with the necessary block diagram. 04
1.c) Diseuss body surface electrode, reference electrode, pH electrode? 03

2.(a) Define transducer. Briefly discuss the active and passive transducer with examples and 03
2.(b) What is a thermistor? What are the advantages of thermistors? 04
2.(c) Briefly discuss the blood pressure measurement system. 03

3.(a) What is MAP? If a person's systolic and diastolic pressure is 90 mm of Hg and 60 mm of 03

Hg, respectively, then calculate his MAP.

3.(b) Show that the artery motion Doppler frequency is 135 Hz. 04
3.(c) Draw a typical ECG waveform and how the action potential of the heart is related to ECG? 03
Explaig. briefly.
4 aBriefly explain electroencephalography and electromyography. Also, explain how different 06
types of artifacts affect the EBG and EMG signals.

4.(b) Define blood flow and stroke volume. Discuss the working principle of blood flow in the
blood vessel.
Date: 30/12/2021

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.

S(a) Explain the coulter counter method with its principle of operation and block diagrams. 05

5(b) Define () Haematocrit (ii) Red Cell Count (ii) MCV (iv) MCH (V) MCHC. 05

6.(a) Draw the block diagram of an X-ray machine. Explain RC Timing Circuits for Timing 06
Control of the X-ray machine.
6.(b) When the minimum X-ray wavelength of a certain X-ray is 0.1 Å, calculatethe frequency of
the X-ray. Also, calculate the target voltage and energy required to produce that wavelength.

7.(a) Describe working processes of data acquisition system in a CT scanner. 03

7.(b) Show schematically the positions of rotation X-ray source, detector and patient of a modern 03
(Spiral) CT?
7.(c) Briefly explain how different tissue is detected using attenuation coefficient and CT values. 04

aWhy active medium is needed for laser action? 03

8.(b) Describe LASER system for the treatment of cancer.

a 04
8.(c) What is renal failure? In acute renal failure, which changes are happened in body fluid and 03
related mctallic substances?

Date: 23/12/2021

Khulna University, Khulna

4th Year, Term II Examination, Session: 2019-2020
Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline
Course No: ECE 4201
Full Title of the Course: Semiconductor
Processing & Fabrication Technology
Full Marks: 60 Time: 3 hours

The figure in the margin indicates full marks. The questions are of equal value.
Use separate sheet for cach section.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.

Ka). What are the steps of IC fabrication? Briefly explain with necessary figures. 05
Ab) Briefly explain CZ process. 05

12.3) Briefly explain ion-implantation process. Write down the advantages of it. 05
What do you mean by lithography? Bricefly explain
photolithography process with necessary 05
3. (a). What do you mean by diffusion? State Fick's first law and derive the second law from
it. 04
3. (b). What are the factors on which diffusion of impurities
depends? 02
3. (c) Detine vacancy diffusion and solid soBubility.

(a). What are the types of diffusion? Briefly explain different diffusion mechanism.
4. (b). The base of an npn transistor has a
doping of NA 8 x 10"/cm>, where Na is the number of

acceptor ions in the base. Phosphorous is to be diffused to form emitter. It took 28 min for the
diffusion at 1100° C. The solid solubility limit
of phosphorous is 1021/cm' and diffusion
coefficient of phosphorous at 1100° C is 2x 10" cm/s.
Determine the depth of the base-emitter
junction from the surface. [Use the Figure 4(b)].
Date: 23/12/2021

THREE questions.
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any

What are the steps involved in photolithography? Differentiate between positive and negative 03
. (a).
Define resolution and depth of focus. Find the feature size and depth of focus of the projection 05
optical system, if k, is 0.61, kz is 1, and the numerical aperture is 0.5 for the wavelengths of
light as 36S0 A for high pressure mercury light i-line, and 2480 Å for KrF excimer laser.
5. (c). Justify that c-beam lithography plays a vital role in VLSI fabrication. 02

.(4). How is junction capacitor formed? Draw the cross-sectional view and the equivalent circuit of 03
a junction capacitor.

What is Schottky transistor? Why is storage time eliminated in such a transistor?
Briefly explain the fabrication process of n channel Depletion type MOSFET with neat
sketches. Why is polysilicon gate used in MOSFET Fabrication?

Explain latch-up in conventional CMOS technology? How can you reduce this
problem using SOI technology? latch-up 04

1.(b) Differentiate between fully depleted SOI (FDSO) and partially depleted SOI (PDSOI). 04
Explain floating body effect in PDSOI.
7.(c). What is LOCOS? Draw the cross sectional view of a LOCOS isolated
bipolar transistor. 02
8. (a). Mention the basic functions of an IC
packaging. What are the steps involved in IC packaging?
8 . (b). Explain the flip-chip bonding process. Give two reasons why
prefered in IC industry. flip-chip bonding is currently 04
8. (c). What are the
advantages of BiCMOS technology over CMOS technology? Draw the
section ofa BiCMOS transistor. cross 03

4S V

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