Solar Clipping

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Project Report

Analysis of Inverter clipping for

10/6/2021 different PV panel String
An Estimation Approach

Muhammad Hamza
Analysis of Inverter clipping for different PV panel String
Inverter Clipping
As the term suggest, it is a mode of operation in a solar inverter where it clips the excessive power
generated by the panels. This happens when we connect more panels to the inverter than its power
output rating. This means that the input DC power would be greater than the max AC power output of
an inverter.

The inverter does this by reducing its DC-AC voltage ratio. The best way to demonstrate this is by
visualizing it graphically. The figure shows the power-voltage curve of a solar panel. The panel can
operate at any point on this curve. The inverter will select the operating power based on maximum
power at that time of day. This is called maximum power point tracking (MPPT).

But every inverter has different Dc operating voltage range. In below mentioned figure it’s between
(250V – 710V).Beyond this voltage range the inverter will simply shutdown and will p rovide no power
as output. As shown below, the excessive DC power produced by the panels is beyond inverter’s
output power so the inverter will select the DC input voltage at its max output limit. This is called
inverter clipping mode.

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This model is developed to simulate the effect of clipping on daily yield production (KWh or units).For
this purpose we have compared two different string configurations of panels for 20Kw system each.
One configuration is setup to demonstrate the clipping mode of inverter, and the other will simulate in
a regular manner. Comparison of both the daily yield production will determine the dominancy of one
configuration over the other. The method used for finding the daily production is by calculating the
area under the curve (AUC) method. Following figure shows the Simulink model developed for this

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The configuration of string connected panel is stated below. Each of the config will generate 20Kw of

Configuration 1 (clipping)

 14Kw string config

 6Kw string config

Configuration 2 (non-clipping)

 10Kw string config

 10Kw string config

Source Code
Below Sections shows the developed algorithm to acquire real time irradiation & temperature data
from sensors, simulating the model and applying math techniques to determine the daily yield
production of energy/units (KWh) by the panels. The algorithm comp ares the difference of total units
and peak hour units produced by both configurations.

Section 1: Acquiring Irradiation & Temperature data from CSV file

This section of code will acquire the irradiation and temperature data obtain through sensors from it
CSV files available to use it in Simulink model as input. RNG vector will define the rows and columns
of the data to be extracted from CSV. Each sample of data is taken 10 minutes apart for 13 hours in a

The irradiation data will be in Watt/m^2 and temperature will be in °C.

%% Section 1: Aquiring Irradiation & Temperature data from CSV file
%RNG defines range of data to be extracted from csv file...
%Matlab reads the 1st element as index [R,C]=(0,0)
%So Matlab index is [csv row index-1 csv colom index-1]
IR_RNG=[1 14 79 14];
Temp_RNG=[1 15 79 15];
x=csvread('IR values.csv',1,14,IR_RNG);
y=csvread('IR values.csv',1,15,Temp_RNG);
hold on
hold off

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Section 2: Sending Irradiation & Temperature data to model & Simulate Model

This section of code is passing the data acquired from CSV to the Simulink model as inputs and
simulating it using 'sim' function. Input argument of 'sim' function are 'model file name with extension'
& simulation time specified by vector [0 12].
%% Section 2: Sending Irradiation & Temprature data to model & Simulating it
sim('solar_convter.slx',[0 12]);

Section 3: Total Units generated in 13 hours using Area under the Curve

This section of code is used to determine the total units generated by each configuration in a day using
area under the curve method. For that, we have used ''cumtrapz'' function. Input argument to this
function are the daily yield curve obtain from model and segmentation of 13 hours in a day. This will
give power generated at each sample of time in 13 hours. Sample size is set by user itself.

The second portion of this section will calculate the difference in total units & peak hour units generated
by both configuration. Based on this analysis one can determine which configuration is optimal for a
specific application.
% 1 Unit= 1KWh
%C1 is 14_6KW and C2 is 10_10KW system
Int = cumtrapz(to,C1); %total units generated by C1 in 13 hours
Intv = @(a,b) max(Int(to<=b)) - min(Int(to>=a));
% SegmentArea = Intv(4.5, 7.4) %C1 Units generated in peak duration between 4.5 -
Int2 = cumtrapz(to,C2); %total units generated by C2 in 13 hours
Intv2 = @(a,b) max(Int(to<=b)) - min(Int(to>=a));
% SegmentArea2 = Intv2(4.5, 7.4)%C2 Units generated in peak duration between 4.5 -
Tot_diff=Int2(end)-Int(end) %difference between total units generated
% sum(C1)

Results & Conclusion

Figure 1 shows the power curve for 14kw, 6kw and 10kw systems. The blue curve represents the
operating area of an inverter. As you can see that 14kw system as exceeding the power output limits
of the inverter, so the inverter clipped the excess power and limit it to 10kw.This simulation
demonstrates the behavior of an inverter under excessive input power mode .

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Figure 2 shows the daily power generated by the 14-6Kw configuration and 10-10Kw configuration.
The results shows that configuration 2 is producing more units per day than configuratio n 1.This
indicates the affect and drawback of power clipping by the inverter.

Below results are generated by simulating the model.It shows that the configuration 2 has superiority
over configuration 1 by 4.0356 units/day in total & 4.1315 units/day in peak hours.
Tot_diff =
peak_diff =

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