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This is to certify that Ahmad Zaid of class

XII-B of Delhi Public School Laboratory
Project Titled “Determination Of Ascorbic
acid in citrus fruits” Under the guidance of
Ms. Sarika Saluja.
To Study and Calculate the
contents of ascorbic acid in
Different citrus fruits.

Lemon Juice
Orange Juice
Citrus Maxima Juice
Burette Pipette
Conical flask
Standard flask
Bunsen's burner
Muslin cloth

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-

soluble carbohydrate-like substance found in citrus
fruits that plays a role in certain metabolic processes
in animals. While most animals can synthesize
vitamin C, it is essential in the diets of some,
including humans and other primates. To prevent
scurvy—a disease marked by hemorrhaging,
particularly in the skin and mucous membranes—
vitamin C was identified as a treatment for this
condition in 1928. The term "ascorbic acid" comes
from the phrase "antiscorbutic vitamin," highlighting
its ability to prevent and cure scurvy. First isolated in
1928 by Hungarian biochemist and Nobel Prize
winner Albert Szent-Györgyi, vitamin C has since
been the focus of ongoing laboratory research to
uncover its specific mechanisms of action within

Ascorbic acid (AA) is a simple sugar. It is the

most active reducing agent known to occur
naturally in living tissues, and is easily reversibly
oxidized to Dehydroascorbic acid (DHA).
Ascorbic acid is a white crystalline stable
substance, when in dry light and air. It is easily
soluble in water and easily Oxidized especially in
alkaline medium and exposure to heat and light,
it reacts with metals, particularly copper. It is
fairly soluble in cold acid solution. Though the
first stage in its oxidation to DHA is reversible,
oxidation to diketo-gulnic acid cannot be
structure of ascorbic acid
Ascorbic acid, the formula of which
C6H806, behaves as a vinologous
carboxylic acid, wherein double bond
("vinyl") transmits electron pairs
between the hydroxyl and carbonyl.
There are two resonance structures
for the deprotonated form, differing
in the position of double bond.
Another way to look at ascorbic acid
is to consider it an enol. The
deprotonated form is an enolate,
which is usually strong basic.
However, adjacent double bond
stabilized the deprotonated form.
Ascorbic acid is rapidly in converts
into two unstable diketone
tautomers by proton transfer,
although it is the most stable in the
enol form. The proton of the enol is
lost, reacquired by electrons in the
form of double bond, to produce a
diketone. It is an enol reaction there
are two nossible forms: 1,2-diketone
and 1,3-diketone.

The concentration of the solution of
ascorbic acid can be determined in
many ways; the most common way
involves titration with an oxidizing
A commonly- used oxidizing agent is
the dye 2,6-dichlorophenol-
indophenols, or DCPIP for short. The
blue dye is run into the ascorbic acid
solution until a faint pink colour
persists for 15 seconds.
Another method involving using
jodine and a starch indicator, wherein
iodine reacts with ascorbic acid, and
when all the ascorbic acid had
reacted, the iodine is excess, then
forming a blue -black complex with
starch indicator. This indicates the
end point of the titration. As an
alternative, ascorbic acid can be
reacted with iodine in excess,
followed by back titration with
sodium thiosulftate while using
starch as indicator
The above method involving iodine
requires making up and standardizing
the iodine solution. One way around
this is to generate the iodine in
presence of ascorbic acid by the
reaction of iodate and iodide ion in
acid solution.
A much-less-common oxidizing agent
is N bromosuccinimide, (NBS). In
titration the NBS oxidizes the
ascorbic acid 9 in presence of
potassium iodide and starch). When
the NBS in excess (i.e., the reaction is
complete). The NBS liberates iodine
from the potassium iodide, which
then forms the blue/black complex
with starch, indicating the endpoint
of the titration.

Ascorbic acid is easily oxidized and

so is used a reductant in
photographic developer solutions
amongst ethers and as a
preservative. Exposure to oxygen,
metals, light, and heat destroys
ascorbic acid, so it must be stored in
dark, cold and not metal container.
The L-enantiomer of ascorbic acid is
known as vitamin C. The name
"ascorbic" comes from its property
of preventing and curing scurvy.
Primates including humans and few
other species of the same animal
kingdom, notably the guinea pig,
have lost the ability to synthesize
ascorbic acid, and must obtain it in
their food. Ascorbic and its sodium,
potassium, calcium salts are
commonly used as antioxidant food
additives. These compounds are
water-soluble and thus cannot
protect fact from oxidation. For this
purpose, the fat soluble esters of
ascorbic acid with long chain fatty
acid can be used as food
antioxidants. 80% of World's supply
of ascorbic acid is produced in China


🔹Weight 0.254g of solid iodine and

pour in a dry beaker. Add 4g of solid
potassium iodide. Then add distilled
water then dissolve iodine and
potassium in it. Transfer this solution
to a clean 100ml volumetric flask
and prepare required quantity of
distilled water that was added to
make 100ml of iodine solution. In
this way another 100nml of iodine
solution is prepared. This solution
has a molarity of 0.01M.

🔹Now a starch solution is prepared

by adding a spatula of starch to
100ml of water and subsequently
boiling it.
🔹The fruit juices are extracted and
fltered using muslin cloth.

🔹The iodine solution of 0.01M 0s

taken in a burette and 5ml of filtered
juice is pippeted out in a conical
flask. To the juice Iml of starch
solution is added.

🔹The solution of juice is titrated

against iodine solution. The process
is stopped at the point the colour of
solution in conical flask changes
from fruit juice to violet colour
🔹Three concordant readings are
Citrus Weight(in Juice (in Amount of
S.NO fruit g) ml) ascorbic acid

Lemon 27.70 13 4.16


Orange 95.52 45.8 10.53


The following are the amount of
ascorbic acid in yarious citrus fruits.

i)Lemon- 4.16 mg/piece

ii)Sweet orange- 10.53 mg/piece
iii)Grapefruit- 75.65 mg/piece
iv)Citron- 7.20 mg/piece
The percentage of ascorbic acid was
found to be less in lemon and more
in Grapefruit. Here starch solution
was added to the fruit juices, before
doing titration due to which some of
the fruit content reacted starch and
a permanent complex was formed
which could not be oxidized.


Sarawathi lab manual chemistry - XI

Comprehensive lab manual chemistry

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