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Acta Manilana 59 (2011), pp.

Printed in the Philippines
ISSN: 0065–1370

Improvement of textural properties of yogurt made

from reduced-fat carabao milk by whey protein content
adjustment and heat treatment of the milk
Janice C. Mariano1, John Hennessy M. Merced1, Abbie June F. Miranda1,
and Philipina A. Marcelo1,2*
Department of Chemical Engineering, 2Research Center for the Natural and Applied Sciences
University of Santo Tomas, España Boulevard, 1015 Manila, Philippines

If caseins and whey proteins were present in appropriate proportion in milk, and the milk
was heat-treated at temperatures well above the usual milk pasteurization temperatures,
these components have the ability to form firm gel of uniform porosity through heat-induced
protein-protein interactions. In this study, the whey protein-to-casein ratio (by mass) in
reduced-fat carabao milk was adjusted from its natural ratio to 0.25 and 0.35 by the addition
of whey protein isolate (WPI). The milk samples were then heat-treated at 80°C for 25 min.
The heat-treated milk samples were used in yogurt-making, and the viscosity evolution
during acidification with starter culture inoculation was monitored to determine and compare
gel setting times. Compression, puncture and syneresis tests were done on the yogurt
samples to determine the effects of proteins ratio adjustment and heat treatment on the
texture of the yogurt samples. It was found that the milk with 0.25 whey protein-to-casein
ratio exhibited the most satisfactory results in all the tests. This suggests that the combination
of proteins ratio adjustment and heat treatment used led to textural improvement of the
yogurt, and may enable the production of set yogurt from reduced-fat carabao milk without
using carbohydrates-based stabilizers and texture enhancers.

Keywords: yogurt, carabao milk, whey protein, whey protein isolate, casein, viscosity

INTRODUCTION microorganisms. Subjecting milk to heat

treatment primarily affects the behavior
Protein enrichment and heat treatment are of milk proteins — caseins and serum
important in controlling the consistency proteins — in terms of conformational
and textural properties of yogurt [1]. Heat changes they undergo. During heat
treatment is done to improve the keeping treatment, no noticeable heat induced
quality of milk by deactivating effects can be observed on the structure of
casein micelles in the temperature range
of 70–100°C [2]. However, heating has a
*To whom correspondence should be addressed
Email: [email protected] / definite effect on the serum, or whey,
[email protected] protein fraction of milk, which is primarily

Acta Manilana • Volume 59 (2011)

Mariano JC et al. / Acta Manilana 59 (2011)

composed of β-Lactoglobulin (β-Lg) and α- believed to exhibit much favorable

Lactalbumin (α-La). During heating, the consistency and textural properties if the
reactive thiol group is exposed in β-Lg due matrix was primarily made up of κ-casein-
to conformational changes of the molecule β-Lg aggregate [11].
[3]. This reactive thiol group can form links
with other proteins having a reactive thiol This study aims to exploit the increased
group, or through thiol group-disulfide denaturation of whey proteins by elevating
exchange. The reaction between thiol both the heat treatment temperature and
groups makes the denaturation process the whey protein to casein ratio to improve
irreversible [4]. The process of denaturation yogurt texture. Carabao (Bubalus bubalis
and subsequent aggregation of β-Lg carabanesis) milk with reduced fat content
constitutes the polymerization process, in was used in the study. The whey protein-
which the unfolding of the globular protein to-casein ratio in the milk was adjusted
represents the initiation step [5]. β- from the natural ratio in milk samples to
Lactoglobulin also exhibits interactions 0.25 and 0.35 by the addition of whey
with casein micelle thiol group-disulfide protein isolate (WPI). The milk samples
bridge exchange reaction through κ- were then heat-treated to a temperature
caseins, which are located at the casein moderately higher than the pasteurization
micelle surface. The initial step of this temperature of 80°C, for 25 min. According
process is believed to be physical in nature, to Dannenberg and Kessler [12] more
but the final interaction is covalent (i.e., extensive whey protein denaturation
disulfide linked) [6]. As a result, the “hairy occurs at higher temperatures. However,
strands” on the casein micelle surface cases of prolonged heating at high
contain casein associated with whey temperature and excessive protein addition
proteins after heating. Incorporating heat in yogurts result in a grainy consistency of
treatment in milk preparation, therefore, the product [1]. This kind of yogurt texture
results in a complex mixture of native whey is a result of vigorous and uncontrolled
proteins, whey protein aggregates and protein-protein interactions where large
casein micelle covered with whey protein protein aggregates that separate from the
[7]. yogurt gel network are formed. The
challenge, therefore, is to find the suitable
Yogurt is made by the acidification of milk proteins ratio and heat treatment
through lactic acid bacteria (LAB). During conditions.
fermentation, LAB transforms milk sugar
(lactose) into lactic acid. The lowering of pH The results of this study could lead to
due to milk acidification promotes the textural properties improvement of yogurt
process of casein coagulation [8]. Casein made from carabao’s milk. Texture is one of
micelle begins to destabilize at pH 5.3 the factors that consumers consider in
where colloidal calcium phosphate (CCP), buying food products, thus improvement
which supports the casein micelle structure of the texture of a nutritious product, such
by binding the casein submicelles together, as yogurt, is a step in making the product a
leaches into the serum phase, setting a more attractive and commercially viable
condition that favors micellar aggregation vehicle to deliver nutrients through the
[9, 10]. Complete precipitation of casein human diet. Buffalo milk, which was found
occurs at its isoelectric point of pH 4.6. The to contain more caseins and minerals than
precipitated casein complex constitutes the cow’s milk is potentially a good raw
yogurt curd. The yogurt matrix formed was material for this purpose [13]. The

Improvement of textural properties of yogurt

utilization of carabao’s milk, which is the milk samples by the First Analytical
milk from Philippine buffalo, for dairy Services & Technical Cooperative (F.A.S.T.)
product development and manufacture Laboratories (Cubao, Quezon City,
will not only result in a wide range of Philippines).
nutritious choices for consumers but will
also help in achieving high and sustained Preparation of milk samples
productivity in the local dairy industry.
Based on the compositional analysis of the
EXPERIMENTAL reduced-fat carabao milk, the amount of
WPI powder to be added that corresponded
Materials to the desired whey protein-casein ratio in
the milk was computed. The following
Pasteurized whole carabao milk (DVF Dairy equations were used:
Farm, Talavera, Nueva Ecija, Philippines)
was purchased from a local retailer and the WP from milk = weight of milk × [NCN – NPN) × 6.38]
WPI was NZMP, Alacen 894, with 2% (w/
w) moisture and 90% (w/w, dry basis) Whey protein to casein ratio = (WP from milk +
WP from WPI) ÷ (Weight of milk × [(TN – NCN)]
protein, which was a gift from Fonterra
× 6.38])
Philippines (Pasig City, Philippines). The
starter culture was bought from Danasia where: WP = whey protein
Philippines (Makati, Philippines). TN = total nitrogen
CN = non-casein nitrogen
Skimming of milk NPN = non-protein nitrogen
6.38 = constant used in converting
The pasteurized carabao milk was %nitrogen to %protein
skimmed using the Ultra 8V-2 Centrifuge
The WPI powder was dispersed in the milk
(LW Scientific, GA, U.S.A.) at 3300 rpm for
by gentle stirring for 90 min using PC-620
30 min, following the method developed by
hotplate/magnetic stirrer (Corning Inc., NY,
Hendrix and Reyes [14]. After
U.S.A.). The mixture was then allowed to
centrifugation, the fat accumulated on the
equilibrate by storing overnight in the
surface was removed using a small plastic
refrigerator at 4°C. The equilibrated milk
spatula. For more effective skimming, the
solutions were used in the subsequent parts
milk was centrifuged for another 10 min
of the experiment.
and the remaining fat skimmed off. Three
batches of milk were skimmed to produce
Standardization of milk pH
reduced-fat samples, which were used in
the experiments. Representatives of the The pH of the milk was measured before
reduced-fat milk, together with the whole incubation and adjusted to 6.8 ± 0.02 as
milk samples were sent to a private necessary for pH standardization. This
laboratory for chemical analyses. ensured that the rate of pH decline due to
the addition of LAB was approximately
Compositional analysis of milk
uniform in the milk samples.
Compositional analyses, which included
Preparation of yogurt
the total solids, fat, lactose, total nitrogen,
non-protein and non-casein nitrogen A batch of pasteurized whole milk (blank)
contents, were determined for both the and reduced-fat carabao milk with whey
pasteurized whole and skimmed carabao protein-to-casein ratios adjusted to 0.25

Mariano JC et al. / Acta Manilana 59 (2011)

and 0.35 were prepared as previously the addition of LAB bacteria was carried
described. Following the method developed out using the Brookfield LVT viscometer
by Mesina et al. [15], the milk samples were (Brookfield, MA, U.S.A.) and the viscosity
then heated using a water bath at 80°C with reading was recorded until a constant
constant stirring for 25 min. After heating, reading was achieved, which was deemed
the milk samples were immediately cooled the onset of milk gelation.
using a cold bath to the starter culture
inoculation temperature of 45°C. The Compressibility test. The compressibility
freeze-dried starter culture was then added test was done to estimate and compare the
to the milk with an approximate weight of strength of the yogurt gel samples. A flat
0.04 g per batch. The product was stirred round disk was placed on top of the yogurt
gently for 10 min to ensure uniform sample with the same cross-sectional area
distribution of the culture. The milk sample as the disk. Pressure was applied to
mixtures were distributed in 20 mL compress the yogurt by adding weights in
sterilized containers and placed in an small increments on the disk until the
incubator (Binder Inc., Tuttlingen, yogurt collapsed. The total mass of the disk
Germany) for about 12 h at a temperature and the weight added were recorded, and
of 45°C. After fermentation, the yogurts the pressure computed by:
produced were stored in a cooler at about
4°C. They were then used in the subsequent P= F
parts of the experiments. Three batches of
milk samples were studied. where: P = pressure applied on the yogurt
sample, Pa
Yogurt characterization F = (mass of the disk + mass
of added weights) × acceleration
The ability of heat-denatured whey protein due to gravity, N
to improve yogurt texture was verified by A = cross-sectional area of the disk
comparing the viscosity evolution of milk or the yogurt sample, m2
samples as they set to yogurt gels, the
strength and firmness of the yogurt gels The pressure necessary to cause the
that are related to sensory quality, and the collapse of the yogurt network was
percent syneresis from the yogurt at recorded. The pressure was related to the
specific time intervals. firmness of the yogurt gel network as well
as the porosity of the gel. Void spaces are
Viscosity test. The viscosity test was done present in a gel network and they are filled
to determine the time duration of the milk with water. During the compression test
samples to set to yogurt gels, and to the void spaces, or pores, were compressed
investigate the effects of heat treatment and water was expelled from the yogurt
parameters and whey protein-to-casein network. The test was performed on all
ratio on the gel setting behavior of the milk. samples in duplicate.
The whey proteins in the milk solution was
polymerized and allowed to interact with Puncture test. An improvised glass
the casein micelles by heat treatment and instrument, which consisted of a calibrated
stored at 4°C for 12 h. LAB was then added glass needle of measured mass, was used
at 45°C. The milk was set up in a water bath for the puncture test. The instrument was
with the temperature maintained at 45°C. elevated to different heights which are 8,
Continuous viscosity measurement after 10 , and 12 cm, and was released directly
on the yogurt surface and allowed to

Improvement of textural properties of yogurt

puncture the yogurt within a fixed time water holding capacity of the yogurt gel
interval. For each elevation the length of during storage [16]. The percent liquid
the glass imbedded in the yogurt was expelled was computed using the equation
recorded at a fixed time interval. This test below [17].
was done to measure and compare the
cohesiveness of the yogurt samples.
Amount of liquid removed
%Syneresis = ________________________ × 100
Amount of water in the yogurt use
This test also allowed the comparison of
the water holding capacity of the samples.
Forced syneresis. After 7 days of storage,
When the instrument was dropped at a
samples were centrifuged for 30 min at
certain height, the initial fraction of glass
3300 rpm. Empty test tubes were initially
length submerged in the yogurt sample
weighed, and then weighed once more after
was recorded. The total glass length
adding the samples. After centrifugation,
imbedded into the yogurt was noted after
the liquid expelled from the yogurt gel using
30 min. The space that was occupied by the
pipette and the test tubes containing the
puncture instrument was the void space
samples were weighed again. The syneresis
in the yogurt gel that held water. The water
percentage was calculated by dividing the
rose to the surface as the puncture went
mass of the liquid separated from the yogurt
deeper, and more water was expelled. A
after 7 days by the amount of liquid
large amount of water expelled would
expelled after centrifugation and then
mean weak and less cohesive network. The
multiplying by 100.
variation of the drop height was done to
see the impact of force applied to the
Compositional analysis of the milk
Syneresis index
The compositional analyses of the milk
Time-dependent syneresis. The liquid samples used in the experiments are shown
expelled from each yogurt samples in Table 1. It is interesting to note that while
produced was recorded at the end of the the protein contents are about the same,
first, fifth and seventh day of storage. It was the whole carabao milk contained more
done by carefully removing and weighing than double of cow’s milk fat content, which
the liquid that separated from the yogurt is 3.1% (w/w) on average. This is consistent
gel. This corresponded to the initially with the findings of Ahmad et al. [13] for
entrapped liquid in the yogurt network raw buffalo milk from the Murrah breed of
and slowly separated due to diminishing B. bubalis. However, for this study, it was

Table 1. Compositional analysis of whole and reduced-fat carabao milk

Parameters, Whole Reduced-fat
Test Method
% (w/w) Carabao Milk Carabao Milk
Total Solids 18.2 12.6 AOAC 990.20, Air Oven
Fat 8.0 0.31 Mojonnier Extraction
Lactose 4.7 4.8 AOAC 930.28, Gravimetry
Total Nitrogen 0.5 0.3 Kjeldahl
Non-Protein Nitrogen 0.03 0.03 Kjeldahl
Non-Casein Nitrogen 0.04 0.06 Kjeldahl

Mariano JC et al. / Acta Manilana 59 (2011)

Table 2. pH of samples casein micelle surface more effectively,

with different whey protein-to- thereby causing an increase in viscosity of
casein ratios the milk samples continuously as
acidification ensues until they set to yogurt
Test Samples pH
gels [22]. This behavior was quantified by
Blank 6.80  0.00
monitoring how the apparent viscosities
0.25 Ratio 6.79  0.01
0.35 Ratio 6.78  0.02 of the milk samples evolved with time.

The milk samples slowly thickened until

about 30 min. The viscosity reading then
started to increase more considerably, and
necessary to reduce the fat content of the
then rapidly, until they reached the limit of
carabao milk to ascertain that textural
the viscometer, which indicate that the
characteristics were due mainly to the
samples then started to set into gels.
adjusted protein ratio and heat treatment.
Therefore, the fat content of the milk
Figure 1 shows the viscosity curves for the
samples were reduced by skimming up to
different milk samples considered in this
the limit of available means.
study. The milk sample of 0.35 whey
protein-to-casein ratio exhibited a rapid
Textural characterization tests pH of milk.
increase in viscosity after 40 min. This
The pH of the different milk samples with
indicates high protein aggregation rate and
and without adjusted whey protein-to-
extensive interaction between caseins and
casein ratios are shown in Table 2. The
whey proteins within a short period of
variation in pH prior to heat treatment can
incubation. Excess amount of whey protein
affect the mechanism of denaturation
present in the milk sample must have led
because the molecular conformation of the
to interaction between whey proteins other
whey proteins is pH-dependent [18]. At
than just κ-casein-β-Lg interactions (κ-Cβ-
higher pH values, heat treatment will result
L) [23]. On the other hand, the blank showed
in the formation of more whey protein
a considerable increase in viscosity only
aggregates while lower pH will result in
after 100 min, which was slower compared
more association of whey proteins with
with both milk samples with 0.25 and 0.35
casein micelle [7, 19, 20]. These emphasize
whey protein-to-casein ratios. This slow
the importance of keeping the pH of milk
samples the same prior to heat treatment.
It was to ascertain that the variation in
yogurt characteristics was due to the heat 1000
treatment and the adjustment of whey
Apparent Viscosity (mPa.s)

protein-to-casein ratio. 700
Viscosity. Heat treatment denatures the 500
globular whey proteins, and high-heat 300

treatment leads to high degree of whey 200 0.25 Ratio

100 0.35 Ratio

protein denaturation and polymerization 0
of the denatured proteins [21]. Aside from 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

being more effective water binder Time (min)

compared with those in their native form, Figure 1. Change in the apparent viscosity with time
the denatured proteins interact with the of the blank and the milk samples with whey
casein micelles through the k-caseins on the protein-to-casein ratios adjusted to 0.25 and

Improvement of textural properties of yogurt

viscosity increase was a result of limited

interactions between whey proteins and
caseins. The milk sample with 0.25 whey Blank Ratio C

Pressure Applied (Pa)

5000 0.25 Ratio
protein-to-casein ratio exhibited a 0.35 Ratio
moderate viscosity build-up, which started
to increase considerably after about 75 min.
It was deemed that the shorter the time it 1000
took for the milk sample to set to yogurt 0
Yogurt Samples
gel, the stronger the gel network formed by
the milk sample, and that the result Figure 2. Compressive pressure measured for yogurt
made using: (A) blank, and the milk samples with
indicated that as the whey protein-to- (B) 0.25, and (C) 0.35 whey protein-to-casein
casein ratio increased in the heat-treated ratios at which structure collapse was observed.
milk samples, the shorter the time for the
onset of gelation. This is consistent with the before structural collapse became apparent.
findings of Beaulieu et al. [24]. However, it The yogurt gel also expelled water as
was unclear how this supposed gel compression ensued, which means that the
strength could be related with textural formed yogurt was also porous and had a
properties relevant to sensory quality. This satisfactory water holding capacity, but the
was further investigated in the subsequent gel network was stronger compared with
tests. that produced from the blank. According
to Tamime and Robinson [26], an increased
Compression test. In the compression test,
protein interaction and protein-protein
compressive pressure was applied on the
bond increases the elastic character of the
gels and the corresponding change in their
gel, making yogurt less susceptible to
volume measured against the applied
rupture. It was deemed that the addition of
pressure until the gel collapsed. The
whey protein lead to a more extensive whey
compressive pressures at which the gels
protein-casein interaction, which
collapsed were recorded as indication of
strengthened the gel network, while
their strength. These were then compared
maintaining a porosity that allowed
and analyzed.
satisfactory water holding capacity. A
The yogurt gel produced from the blank strong gel network with satisfactory water
required the lowest compressive pressure holding capacity is desirable because the
of only about 220 Pa before a change of water held in the network acts as a
0.2 cm became apparent, followed by its plasticizer [27]. This will render the yogurt
subsequent collapse (Fig. 2). Moreover, to be firm but not rigid. Also, this will allow
water was expelled as the yogurt gel was the yogurt to retain water-soluble
compressed and the pores of the gel network nutrients, such as minerals and the
where water was held collapsed upon remaining native whey proteins, making
compression. This behavior must be due to the yogurt more nutritious.
weak gel network brought about by
The yogurt gel made from the milk sample
insufficient protein interactions that hold
with 0.35 whey protein-to-casein ratio
the gel network together [25].
required the largest pressure of more than
The yogurt gel made from the milk sample 5000 Pa for apparent collapse, and expelled
with 0.25 whey protein-to-casein ratio very little liquid compared to the other two
required greater pressure of about 1400 Pa samples (Fig. 2). It was deemed that at a

Mariano JC et al. / Acta Manilana 59 (2011)

whey protein-to-casein ratio of 0.35, the network without making the gel rigid and
amount of whey protein must have been dense. This is relevant to sensory and
excessive so that a massive protein-protein overall quality related to mouthfeel and
interactions as well as casein cross-linking spooning the yogurt.
via denatured whey proteins took place
during heating and acidification, making a The yogurt gel from the milk sample with
strong network with small pores [28]. This 0.35 whey protein-to-casein ratio allowed
made the yogurt gel very dense and, a shorter length of the puncture glass to be
therefore, rigid and with small water imbedded in it. This must be due to the
holding capacity. dense and highly cohesive texture of the
yogurt, which must have been rendered by
Puncture test. The experimental results (Fig. a more massive protein-protein interaction
3) show that the yogurt gel samples from and casein cross-linking due to excessive
the blank and the milk with 0.25 whey amount of whey proteins [28]. Once again,
protein-to-casein ratio allowed the same this is consistent with the results of the
length of the puncture glass to be imbedded compression test.
in them within the predetermined time
interval. However, close observation The combined results of the compression
indicated that the yogurt gel from the blank and puncture tests indicate that the
milk sample expelled more liquid. This addition of whey proteins improved the
observation is in agreement with the strength and stability of the yogurt gel
compression test results based on the water network, which lead to the improvement
expelled upon puncture. of water holding capacity of the gel.
However, an excessive amount of whey
It is interesting to note that, while the proteins may also render the gel to be rigid,
yogurt from the milk with 0.25 whey dense and with reduced water holding
protein-to-casein ratio exhibited greater capacity, which are characteristics of
network strength in the compression test, overly stabilized gel and are, generally, not
its response to the puncture test was desirable [1]. While samples made from the
similar to that of the less strong yogurt from blank and 0.25 whey protein-to-casein milk
the blank. This indicates that the addition exhibited similar behavior during
of whey protein strengthened the gel puncture test, the latter exhibited greater

2.8 A
14 12 12 Blank Ratio
Length of Imbedded Rod (mm.)

10.5 10.5 0.25 Ratio

% Liquid Expelled

12 2 0.35 Ratio
9 Drop Height = 8 cm.
10 8
Blank Ratio
8 0.25 Ratio 1.2 B
0.35 Ratio
6 0.8
4 0.4 C
2 A A B B C C 0
Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final –0.4
Yogurt Samples –0.8

Figure 3. Imbedded length of the glass puncture Figure 4. % Liquid expelled from yogurt made using:
instrument in the yogurt made using: (A) blank, (A) blank, and milk with (B) 0.25, and (C) 0.35
and in the yogurt samples with (B) 0.25, and (C) whey protein-to-casein ratios.
0.35 whey protein-to-casein ratios.

Improvement of textural properties of yogurt

gel strength in the compression test. The combined results of the compression
However, whether this translates to and puncture tests indicate that, compared
greater stability against syneresis during with the other two samples, the yogurt gel
storage is unclear. Therefore, syneresis tests prepared from milk with 0.35 whey
were subsequently performed. protein-to-casein ratio was denser and,
therefore, must have been less porous [32].
Syneresis. Syneresis is the extraction or Therefore, its water holding capacity can
expulsion of liquid from a gel [29]. Figure 4 be expected to be smaller compared with
shows the percent liquid expelled from the other samples. Results of the syneresis
yogurt made from blank and milk samples test (Fig. 4), showing the 0.35 sample to have
with 0.25 and 0.35 whey protein-casein the lowest % liquid expelled confirmed this
ratios. The data shows that yogurt samples hypothesis.
from milk with no added whey protein had
the highest percentage of expelled water Forced syneresis. Syneresis during
compared with yogurts from the milk prolonged storage was simulated by
samples with added whey proteins. subjecting the samples to centrifugation.
The %liquid expelled from the different
The blank exhibited high percentage of yogurt samples made from milk samples
liquid expulsion because of weak protein of different whey protein-to-casein ratios
interactions due to limited amount of whey were tested (Fig. 5). The experimental results
proteins, which lead to weak gel network. can verify the water holding capacity and,
Samples with added whey proteins therefore, the porosity of the yogurt samples
exhibited relatively smaller amount of as well. The amount of liquid separated
liquid expelled compared with the yogurt from the sample affirmed that the yogurt
from blank. This can be attributed to with more whey proteins was more
sufficient amounts of whey proteins for k- resistant against syneresis.
casein-b-Lg interactions [30]. In addition,
cross-linking of caseins by polymerized Based on the results (Fig. 5), the 0.35 whey
whey proteins enabled the forming of a protein-to-casein ratio had the smallest
stable gel network to hold more water amount of water expelled, which is
within a prolonged period. On the other consistent with the results gathered from
hand, excessive amount of whey protein the time-dependent syneresis. This
may lead to the formation of whey protein
aggregates in addition to whey protein-
linked casein aggregates, which result in 34.8
pore tightening and cause lowering of water 34.4
holding capacity [1]. 33.6 Blank Ratio
33.2 0.25 Ratio
% Liquid Expelled

32.8 B 0.35 Ratio

Time dependent syneresis. The effect of the 32.0
increased whey protein-to-casein ratio 31.6
was studied by Lorenzen et al. [31] where 30.8
it was found that cross-linking of protein 30.0
29.6 C
chains can stabilize the three-dimensional 29.2
network of yogurt gel and prevent liquid 28.4
expulsion as a result of a decrease in gel
porosity, thus reducing syneresis. Figure 5. Estimation of the water holding capacities
of yogurt samples made using: (A) blank, and
milk with (B) 0.25, and (C) 0.35 whey protein-
to-casein ratios.

Mariano JC et al. / Acta Manilana 59 (2011)

A The overall results of the syneresis tests are
13 consistent with the results of the previous
12 tests, which indicated that the yogurt gel
11 Blank Ratio made from milk sample with 0.25 whey
0.25 Ratio
9 0.35 Ratio protein-to-casein ratio had the most
% Syneresis

satisfactory gel strength and water holding
B capacity. This may potentially lead to
5 satisfactory sensory quality.
0 The adjustment of whey protein-to-casein
Yogurt Samples
ratio in reduced-fat carabao milk to 0.25,
Figure 6. % Syneresis from yogurt made using (A) and the heat treatment of this milk at a
blank, and milk with (B) 0.25, and (C) 0.35
whey protein-to-casein ratios.
temperature higher than pasteurization
temperature of 80°C for 25 min, resulted in
significant improvements of yogurt texture.
indicates that this sample had the smallest The yogurt gel exhibited relatively high
water holding capacity while the blank had water holding capacity and low
the highest water holding capacity. This is %syneresis, moderate gel setting time as
indicative of the lesser porosity of the 0.35 shown by the moderate increase in
yogurt sample, which must have been viscosity during acidification, and
brought about by the highly stabilized gel moderate gel strength compared with those
network from the excessive amount of samples made from the milk with whey
whey proteins added [22]. protein-to-casein ratio adjusted to 0.35 and
that with unadjusted ratio. These
Figure 6 shows the %syneresis based on the
characteristics are deemed ideal in
total liquid expelled on the seventh day of
producing reduced-fat, high-protein, set
test and the liquid expelled by
yogurt without using carbohydrates-
centrifugation. While the yogurt sample
based stabilizers and texture enhancers.
made from the blank had the highest water
holding capacity, Fig. 6 indicates that it also
gave the highest %syneresis while the
yogurt from the milk with 0.35 whey The authors thank the University of Santo
protein to casein ratio had the smallest Tomas Research Center for the Natural and
%syneresis. The yogurt sample from the Applied Sciences for the research fund; and
milk with 0.25 whey protein-to-casein ratio Fonterra-Philippines, through Ms. Theresa
had a water holding capacity close to that Jusay, for providing the WPI used in the
of the blank (Fig. 5), but showed an average experiments as sponsorship in kind.
%syneresis that was more than twice lower
than that of the blank. This is consistent REFERENCES
with the results of the compression and
[1] Damin MR, Minowa E, Alcantara MR, & Oliveira
puncture test, indicating that these samples
MN. “Effect of cold storage on culture viability
had similar porosity, which was confirmed and some rheological properties of fermented
by their similar water holding capacities milk prepared with yogurt and probiotic bacteria.”
as per Fig. 5, but the sample made from the Journal of Texture Studies 2008;39:40–55.
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