Formula Chart, Phys111, Common Exams 1 and 2

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Formulas - exams 1 and 2

Constants and units: g = 9.8 m/s2 , 1 mm = 10−3 m, 1 cm = 10−2 m, 1 km = 103 m, 1 in =

2.54 cm, 1 mi = 1609 m; 1 N (newton) = kg · m/s2 , 1 J (joule) = N · m = kg · m2 /s2 ,
1 W (watt)=J/s. density=mass/volume.
Volumes. Cylinder: πR2 h, sphere: 43 πR3 , cone: 1 2
 3 πR √h 
Quadratic equation. ax2 + bx + c = 0 , x = −b ± b2 − 4ac /(2a)
d n 1
t = ntn−1 , r n dr = n+1 r n+1
Derivatives/integrals. dt
Vectors. If ~c = ~a +~b, then cx = ax +bx , cy = ay +by , cz = az +bz and c = c2x + c2y + c2z . Dot
product: ~a · ~b = ax bx + ay by + az bz = ab cos α. Cross product: î × ĵ = k̂ , ĵ × k̂ = î , k̂ × î = ĵ.
v0 +v
Kinematics: v = dx/dt , a = dv/dt = d2 x/dt2 . Constant a: v − v0 = at, x − x0 = 2 t =
v2 −v02
v0 t+ 12 at2 = 2a . Projectile: vx = const , x−x0 = vx t , vy = v0y −gt , y −y0 = 1 2
v0y t− 2 gt
2 − v 2 )/(2g). 2

(v0y y Range: v0 /g ∗ sin(2θ)
Circular motion with constant speed: ω = v/R, ac = v 2 /R = ω 2 R, towards center.
The three Laws of motion: (1) If F~net = 0 then ~v = const; (2) F~net = m~a; (3) F ~21 = −F~12
Specific forces. Gravity: m~g (down). Normal N - perpendicular to surface; tension T - con-
stant along the string. Spring force: F = −kx (k is spring constant).
Friction - parallel to surface; kinetic: fk = µk N ; static: fs ≤ µs N with N = mg (horizontal
plane) or N = mg cos θ (inclined plane).
Inclined plane. Components of gravity: mg sin θ (parallel to plane, downhill) and mg cos θ
(perpendicular to plane). Kinetic friction: µk mg cos θ (parallel to plane, opposite to direction
of motion).
Centripetal motion: Fnet = mv 2 /R; direction of F ~net - towards center of revolution.
Work and power. Constant force W = F · (~r2 − ~r1 ) = Fx ∆x + Fy ∆y + Fz ∆z (or,
W = F ∆r cos α); general: WAB = A F~ · d~r. Power: P = W/∆t = F~ · ~v . Work by
specific forces: gravity: Wg = −mg∆y (and ∆x  does not matter); normal: WN = 0;
kinetic friction: Wf = −f L; spring Ws = 21 k x2i − x2f
Kinetic energy and work-energy theorem: K = 21 mv 2 , ∆K = W where W is the net
work (i.e. work by all forces).
Potential energy. For conservative forces (with path-independent work) introduce U (~r) so
that WAB = UA − UB = −∆U . For specific forces: gravity: Ug = mgh; spring: Us = 12 kx2 . If
only conservative forces, then energy conservation: K + U = const. If also non-conservative
forces (e.g., friction) with work Wnon−cons, then ∆(K + U ) = Wnon−cons

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