Diagnostic Sentence Skills

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Name: ___________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

type title here

I. Write “S” if the words form a complete sentence. Capitalize and punctuate the
sentences. Write “F” if the words are a sentence fragment. Change the fragments into
complete sentences.

1. ________ type sentence or fragment here


2. ________ type sentence or fragment here


3. ________ type sentence or fragment here


4. ________ type sentence or fragment here


5. ________ type sentence or fragment here


II. Rearrange the words into a sentence. Add correct capitalization and punctuation.
scramble type here sentence punctuation no with



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III. Write a sentence of each type about type topic here followed by a period.

1. Statement (.)


2. Question (?)


3. Exclamation (!)


4. Command (. or!)


IV. Complete the given sentence stem using because , but, and so .
type sentence stem here

re-type sentence stem followed with because



re-type sentence stem followed with , but (place a comma before but)


re-type sentence stem followed with , so (place a comma before so)



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V. Complete each sentence following the subordinate clause.

1. type an introductory subordinate clause followed by a comma,



2. type an introductory subordinate clause followed by a comma,



3. type an introductory subordinate clause followed by a comma,



VI. Combine the given sentences into one sentence.

type sentence one here

type sentence two here

type sentence three here

Combined Sentence:




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VII. Expand the kernel sentence.

type kernel sentence here

Kernel: _________________________________________________

q word .................................................

q word .................................................

q word .................................................

q word .................................................

q word .................................................

q word .................................................

Expanded sentence:





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