2 Term 5th Grade

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Summative assessment for the 2 term 5th grade

Duration of the summative assessment – 40 minutes

Listening – 10 minutes
Reading – 10 minutes
Writing – 20 minutes
Speaking task is conducted separately.

Total marks - 20

The structure of the summative assessment

This Summative Assessment consists of 12 questions: listening, reading,
writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment
for the term.
Gap filling tasks is a task in which words/numbers are removed from a text and
replaced with spaces. Learners have to fill each space with the missing word/number
or a suitable word.
True/False tasks offer a series of statements each of which should be judged as
true or false according to the text.
Open-ended tasks require learners to follow instructions of the task, answer
questions in words, expressions and sentences.
Typescript for listening task can be found in CD1.
The content of the summative assessment for the 2 term should be selected on topics
“Values” and “The world of work” for any strands.
Characteristic of tasks for summative assessment for the 2 term

Unit Strand Learning objective Total number Question Type of Task description Time Total
of questions № question marks
Listening 5.L8 Understand supported 1 Gap Each learner works 10 5
narratives, including some 2 filling individually. Learners minutes
extended talk, on an 3 listen to the recording
increasing range of general 4 twice and
and curricular topics 5 complete the sentences
with suitable words
from the box related to
the topics “Values” or
“The world of work”.
Values. 5 Before the recording
starts learners have one
minute to get familiar
with the questions. The
task includes 5 questions.
Learners match
The pictures to the
The world numbers.
of work. Reading 5.R2 Understand with little 1 True/ Each learner works 10 5
support specific information 2 False individually. Learners minutes
and detail in short, simple 3 read the text on topic
texts on a limited range of 4 ‘The world of work’. The
general and curricular topics. 5 task consists of 5
questions. In each
5 question learners should
identify whether the
statements are true or
false and write True or
Writing 5.W7 Use with some 1 Open Each learner works 20 5
support appropriate layout ended individually. minutes
at text level for a limited Learners write a short
range of written genres on 1 letter using appropriate
familiar general topics and grammar structures,
some curricular topics. layout for the letter and
5.W5 Link without support linking words covered
sentences using basic during the term.
coordinating connectors
Speaking 5.S7 Use appropriate 1 Open Learners work in pairs to Learners 5
subject-specific vocabulary ended describe the picture using talks for 2
and syntax to talk about a the subject vocabulary minutes
limited range of general covered during the
topics. semester on the topics
"values”," the world of
1 the work". Learners
should use appropriate
grammatical structures.
Learners prepare for 1
minute and speak for 1
minute. The teacher can
ask auxiliary questions if
necessary to help
Total 40 20
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2

Task. Listen to the recording twice and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words
from the box.
CD 1

helps office
pies lucky

Hello, my name is Elena. Today I want to tell you about my (1) __________.
I have a mother, a father and a sister. My mother is a doctor. She (2) _________
people. My father is an economist. He has a large and bright (3) __________. My
sister goes to University. She's a student. I'm in the 5 th grade. When we have
weekends, my mother bakes delicious (4) __________. My sister and I help my
mother. I'm very (5) __________ to have a wonderful family.

Total [5]

Task. Read the text about Stefan's work.

My name is Stefan. I work as a cook in a small cafe. I really like to cook

delicious dishes. Since childhood, I love to cook. My mother and I used to bake cakes
on weekends. I get up every day at six o’clock. I start work at seven o’clock. First, I
wear a white cap and apron. After that, I clean vegetables and fruits, make
preparations for the soup. In my free time, I cook for my family. I like being our
family cook. I go home at eight o’clock. I’m always happy as I love my job!

Read the text again and write True/False next to the sentences according to the
1. Stefan works at a cafeteria. True False [1]
2. His favorite food is cake. True False [1]
3. Stefan gets up at 6 o’clock. True False [1]
4. He has a white cap and apron. True False [1]
5. He cooks for the family on weekend. True False [1]

Total [5]
Task. Write a letter to your friend about your new friends. The sample letter will
help you to write a reply.

Hello dear friend!

I want to tell you about my new friends in England. I met them at school. They
are very friendly and funny. This is Matt, Sarah, and Tom. We go to school together.
We have common interests. Write to me about your friends.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Love, Lilly

Write your answer to Lilly.


Total [5]
Task. The learners are arranged in pairs. It is a two – way conversations. Select one
of the images and describe it.

Yоu should:
 Ask 5 questions
 Answer
 Use topical vocabulary

https://goo.su/3ATY https://goo.su/3AU2

https://goo.su/3ATz https://goo.su/3aU1 https://goo.su/3Au1

Total [5]

Total marks __/20

Mark scheme
Listening and Reading

№ Answer Mark Additional

1 family 1
2 helps 1
3 office 1
4 pies 1
5 lucky 1
1 False 1
2 False 1
3 True 1
4 True 1
5 False 1
Total 10
Mark scheme Writing and Speaking
Specification of Summative Assessment for term on the subject “English” Grade 5


Give points out of 6 for each criterion (content, organization, vocabulary and grammar and punctuation), and then
calculate a mean to give a total mark out of 6. All fractional marks should be rounded up to the closest whole mark.
Mark / Content (relevance and Organization (cohesion, Vocabulary (style and Grammar (style and
Criterion development of ideas) paragraphing and accuracy) accuracy) and
format) Punctuation
•All content is relevant to •Uses basic connectors •Uses a range of everyday •Writes short and extended
the task; insignificant correctly. vocabulary appropriately; simple and compound
content omissions may be •Uses paragraphs to attempts to use less sentence forms correctly.
present. separate ideas; most
common lexical items, but •Occasional errors in
•The register on the whole paragraphs revolve around
may make frequent errors. grammar and/or
5 corresponds to the one idea or a set of like
•Has good control of word punctuation do not distort
requirements of the task; ideas; the size of each formation; may make errors meaning.
occasional and inconsistent paragraph may reflect in producing less common
misuse of register may be imbalanced development of
word forms.
present. ideas. •Spells common
•Most content points are • The format is appropriate.
vocabulary items correctly;
addressed, but their few (no more than five)
development may be occasional spelling
slightly imbalanced. mistakes may be present.
•May often misspell less
common lexical items.
•Errors in word choice
and/or spelling do not
distort meaning.
4 •Most content is relevant to •Uses some basic •Uses everyday vocabulary •Writes short and extended
the task; insignificant connectors, but these may generally appropriately, simple and some compound
content omissions may be be inaccurate or repetitive. while occasionally sentence forms correctly.
present. •Uses paragraphs to overusing certain lexical •While errors in grammar
•The register on the whole separate items.
corresponds to the ideas, but tends to misuse Has good control of word and / or punctuation are
requirements of the task. paragraphing (a script is a formation; can produce noticeable, meaning is
•Most content points are set of very short paragraphs common word forms rarely distorted.
addressed, but some content or some paragraphs may be correctly.
points may be more fully much longer than other •May make infrequent
covered than others. ones for no apparent errors in spelling more
reason). difficult words.
•The format is generally •Errors in word choice
appropriate. and/or spelling rarely
distort meaning.
3 •Some content is relevant to •Uses a very limited range •Uses basic vocabulary •Writes short simple
the task; significant content of basic connectors reasonably appropriately. sentence forms and most
omissions may be present. correctly. •Has some control of word extended simple sentence
•The register barely •Writes in paragraphs, but formation; can produce forms correctly.
corresponds to the may not use them to some common word forms •Errors in grammar and/or
requirements of the task. separate ideas (a script may correctly. punctuation may distort
• Only some content points, have random breaks •Makes frequent errors in meaning at times.
which are minimally between paragraphs). spelling more difficult
addressed. •The format may be words, but simple words
inappropriate in places. are spelled correctly.
•Errors in word choice
and/or spelling distort
meaning at times.
2 •Severe irrelevances and •May use a very limited •Uses an extremely limited •Writes only very short
misinterpretations of the range of basic connectors, range of vocabulary. simple sentence forms
task may be present. and those used may not •Has very limited control of correctly.
•Only few content points, indicate a logical word formation; can •Frequent errors in
which are minimally relationship between ideas. produce a few common grammar and/or
addressed. •Attempts to write in word forms correctly. punctuation distort
paragraphs, but their use •Makes many errors in meaning.
may be confusing (may spelling, including a range
start every sentence with a of simple words.
new line). •Errors in word choice
•The format may be and/or spelling distort
inappropriate. meaning.
1 •Attempts the task, but it is •Links are missing or •Can only use a few •No evidence of sentence
largely misinterpreted and incorrect. isolated words and/or forms.
the response is barely •Does not write in memorized phrases.
relevant to the task. paragraphs at all (a script is •Has essentially no control
a block of text). of word formation; can
•The format is not barely produce any word
appropriate. forms.
•Displays few examples of
conventional spelling
0 Does not attempt the task in any way.
•The response is completely irrelevant to the task.
•There is too little language to assess.
•Content is completely incomprehensible due to extremely poor handwriting: very few words are distinguishable, so
there is a lack of context to verify meaning.
Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (development and fluency, and language), and then calculate a mean to give an
overall total out of 6.
Mark / Development and Fluency Language

•Responds relevantly and at length which •Produces error-free simple sentences.

makes frequent prompting unnecessary, •Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when
resulting in a competent conversation. talking about a range of general and curricular
•Produces mostly extended stretches of topics.
language despite some hesitation, although •Occasional mistakes do not cause
5 instances of using short phrases may be present. comprehension problems.
•Can generally respond to change in direction
of the conversation.
•Pronunciation is generally intelligible. •
Intonation is generally appropriate
• Attempts to respond to questions and prompts. •Frequently produces error-free simple
•Produces responses which are extended sentences.
beyond short phrases, despite hesitation. •Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about a
4 •Effort will need to be made to develop the limited range of general and curricular topics.
conversation; only partial success will be •Errors may cause comprehension problems.
•Pronunciation is mostly intelligible.
•May not follow English intonation patterns at
•Responses tend to be brief and are •Produces basic sentence forms and some
characterized by frequent hesitation. correct simple sentences.
•Has to be encouraged to go beyond short •Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary
3 responses and struggles to develop a to talk about a limited range of general topics.
conversation. •Errors are frequent and may lead to
•There is a lack of intelligibility of misunderstanding
pronunciation, but it is unlikely to impede
•May not follow English intonation patterns
•Responses are so brief that little is •Attempts basic sentence forms, but with
communicated. limited success.
•Barely engages in a conversation. OR
•Pronunciation may cause some communication •Heavily relies on apparently memorized
difficulty. utterances.
2 •Does not follow English intonation patterns. •Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary
to talk about a very limited range of general
•Makes numerous errors except in memorized
• No communication possible. •Cannot produce basic sentence forms. • Can
• Pronunciation and intonation patterns cause only produce isolated words and phrases or
1 difficulty for even the most sympathetic memorized utterances.
• No attempt at the response.
0 OR
• No rateable language.
Hello, my name is Elena. Today I want to tell you about my (1)family. I have a
mother, a father and a sister. My mother is a doctor. She (2)helps people. My father is
an economist. He has a large and bright (3)office. My sister goes to University. She's
a student. I'm in the 5th grade. When we have weekends, my mother bakes delicious
(4)pies. My sister and I help my mother. I'm very (5)lucky to have a wonderful

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