Question Bank
Question Bank
Question Bank
Part A
Part B
Part A
Part B
1. With the example, explain the mitigation measures proposed to be adopted during the construction
and operation phases of the
project overall mitigation measures
2. Prioritize and explain Environmental Audit Stages.
3. Summarize some good practice note addressing the grievances from Project-Affected Communities.
4. Outline the environmental monitoring requirement, sampling methods, frequency and reporting
requirements for water Quality Monitoring.
5. Explain Environmental Monitoring Plan for Air and water bodies.
1. Discuss about Rehibilitation& Resettlement plan for Jamrani dam multipurpose project
2. Explain about KELO Project.
3. Give Screening Criteria Application checklist methodology for addressing
socio-economic impacts.
4. Explain in detail about NRRP – 2007.
5. Tell about the classification and prediction of impacts.
1 Define Infrastructure.
2 Tell us about real estate and its development in India.
3 List few waste water treatment plants in India.
4 Enlist few mining projects in India.
5 What do you mean by sustainable development?
6 Who is involved in an EIA study?
7 Tell the important aspects of EIA
8 Report the benefits of EIA.
9 Name the acts involved in EIA formation.
10 What is the role of central government on EIA?
11 Why EIA notification is sent for public hearing?
12 Outline the limitations of EIA
13 Recall the some power plant projects that influences EIA.
14 Tell us how irrigation projects involved in EIA.
15 What are the Constraints to Stakeholder Involvement in EIA?
16 Recall some Road and Bridge projects that influence EIA.
17 Differentiate Environment audit and environment plan.
18 What do you mean by case study analysis?
19 When was the latest EIA notification published? Discuss about it.
20 What are Rio principles all about?
21 Do EIA necessary in countries like India? Justify your answer.
22 Name the Physical Resources of Environmental Impact of Industrial development
23 Name the Ecological Resources of Environmental Impact of Industrial
24 Discuss about project sitting.
25 Give the important aspects of EIA.
1 Report an example of EIA case studies pertaining to Infrastructure Projects.
2 Examine and infer EIA case studies pertaining to Multi-storey Buildings
3 Construct the Comparative review of EIA procedures and practices.
4 With help of a case study, discuss about EIA of Bulk Drug Industry -Environmental Impact Assessment.
5 Summarize the Environmental impact assessment study of
Navi Mumbai international airport
6. Write short notes on physical and ecological resources in evaluating the impact of industrial
development projects.
7. With help of case study, discuss about assessment of Impacts of Traffic
and Transportation.
8. Report the General Guidelines for Preparation of TORs for EIA.
9. Report a case study of EIA on Ports and Harbor.
10. Discover Environmental Impacts of Highway/Road Development Projects
11. Interpret a case study of EIA pretending to be Real Estate Development.
12. Discuss about 2006 Amendment of EIA Notification and its impacts.
13. Discuss about the National Environmental policy act.
14. How irrigation projects will have an impact on the environment? Explain with the help of a case
15. Discuss about Preparation of EIA for Industrial Projects.
16. Report EIA analysis of thermal power plant at Raigarh.
17. With help of case study, discuss about assessment of Impacts of Waste water treatment plants
1. How is EIA used to assess the environmental impacts? Explain with examples.
2. With help of case study, discuss assessment of Impacts of Water supply and drainage projects.
3. Take a mining affected area and report the impact related to the environment.
4. Explain with the help of Case Study about the Impact Assessment on Soil Erosion due to Highway
5. Report EIA analysis of any dams constructed in India.