Esia Important Questions

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Department of Computer science and engineering




1.Define the term “Environment”

2. What are all the activities affecting the environment System?
3. What are the characteristics of environmental Impacts in suitable example?
4.Write few commitments of India to International agreements
5. What are the sectional issues in Environment?
6..Define the term “EIA”
7. State any two types of EIA?
8. Define the term Screening’ and scoping in EIA.
9. Define the term “Matrices”.
10. Define how noise pollution is special case of air pollution.
11. Differentiate b/w reversible and irreversible impacts.
12.What do you understand by Environmental Inventory
13. What do you mean by rapid EIA process?

14.Define Environment Management Plan (EMP).

15. What Life cycle assessment?
16.Highlight the significance of public participation in a great
lift related EIA process
17.Why individual impact must be accountable in EIA
18.Enlist the essential prominent software used in EIA Process
19.what is environmental clearance
20.What are the various types in SIA?
21. State benefits of cost benefit analysis.
22. Define exposure assessment.
23. List out the steps in EIA process.
24. What is baseline monitoring?
25. What is economic valuation?

26. List out the impacts of river valley project.
27. List out the impacts of Thermal power plant project.
28. List out the impacts due to mining in India.
29. What are the ways to migrate noise due to airport projects?
30. Write about the Ecological Impact Assessment.
Department of Computer science and engineering

1. Write about the historical development of EIA and their types in detail.
2.What are the characteristics of EIA and explain their types in detail
3. What are the major methodologies for EIA? Explain any two methods.
4.Describe about legal framework and EIA notifications on development on
5. Explain the sequential action of EIA as an Environmental Management Tool with
neat flow sheet.

1. Explain about the environmental impact of deforestation, causes, effects and control
2. Explain the methodology for prediction and assessment of impacts on soil with neat
flow sheet
3. Explain about Screening and scoping in EIA
4. Write about the checklist of EIA and their types in detail
5. Briefly describe about Baseline monitoring, Prediction.

1. What are the steps involved in EIA clearance process?
2. Explain in detail the Environment management plan for Air, Water and Land
environment for thermal power plant project?
3. Briefly explain planning for mitigation adverse of Impact on land, water, air, noise,
flora and fauna
4. Explain in detail about quality control in EIA report.
5. Explain in detail about public consultation and disclosure plan.

1. What is the significance of cost benefit analysis in EIA?
2. Write detailed notes on Rehabilitation and resettlement policy.
3. Explain about monitoring and detailed about baseline monitoring.
4. Write in detail about economic valuation of EIA.
5. What is SIA? Explain their types.

1. Write the case study about EIA in hydro electric power generation project.
2. How would you prepare EIA report in order for road and bridges project?
3. List out the impacts of a Irrigation project and suggest appropriate mitigation
4. .Write the case study about EIA in thermal power plant project
5. Write the case study about EIA in mining project
6. Write the case study about EIA in river valley project.
7. Write the case study about EIA in road and bridges.
8. Write the case study about EIA in irrigation project.

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