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1 Zhou, Chun.(2000). Electronic Higher An online assess The postlab To conduct the
Teaching in the Time lap notebook education students lab assignments online labs, th
of Covid-19, on Beachling performance, the aimed to instructor desi
September/October, instructor ask deepen the each labs that
460-463. students to record student postlab assign
their in-class understandin The prelab
experimental results g of the assignment inc
in their individual experiments. reading lab pro
Benchling. watching video
answering som
question desig
probe student
lab protocols.
4 Singh, S, & Arya , Zoom, Higher An online survey The strated Internet conne
A(2020). A Hybrid Google education with the user- approach is an issue with
Flipped-Classroom Meet, Cisco friendly platforms could be regions of the
Approuch for Online Webex, solution for teaching highly developing eco
Teaching of Microsift process. benefical and which was obs
Boochamistry in Team could be
Developing Contries motivates to
During Covid-19 study.
Crisis.Teaching in the
Time of Covid-
er, 502-503
7 Sujannah et.all. Google Higher The studens with the This study The result of s
(2020).Teaching Classroom education experimental group aimed to that the writin
English with were given a examine the ability of the E
Technology, April, 16 Universiti questionnaire to effect of studenta taugh
Negeri know their blended using blended
Malang autonomy levels. learning using learning was b
Google Beside, the hig
Classroom on autonomous E
writing ability studens
of EFL outperformed
students low autonomo
across studentd in th
autonomy writing ability.
8 Megan, W and Yanan, Google Docs Middle Trought face to face An online comparing to o
F. (2017) Google Docs schools in online, and word modalities, eq
as Tool for California anonymous writing processing participation a
Collaborative Writing activities, a rubric tool can be students of va
in the Middle School used to language fluen
Classrom, vlb p391- encourage and if anonym
410 participation collaborative w
among compared to o
students of modalities, aff
different student comfo
language levels.
9 Chuapalakit, K et. All. Thai EFL Higher Peer feedback tasks, It also It could be not
(2019) A Study of the writing education questionnaires, and explored how from the study
Quality of Feedback classroom in Thailand a interview were the atudents sufficient train
Activity in a Thai EFL used to colect the perceived the must be proud
Writing Classroom. information. The anonymous before implem
Progresive Education, result s form the online peer the anonymou
V15 n5 plo 3 -118 peer feedback tasks feedback online peer fee
showed that the activity. activity.
quality of peer
10 Dincer, Ali et, all. Self High The participants of The study The other
(2017). Journal of determinatio education the study were EFL aimed to motivational fa
Language Teaching n theory earners from a state investigate also play roles
and learning in University in Turkey. therelationshi their volition t
Thailand, jsn-jun V53 One hundred forty- ps between speak, with the
p1-23 tovo undergraduates English as a teacher seemi
about the constructs EFL learners br the key fact
and seven of them motivation to the class as a
participated in speak, motivation
following oral auntonomous supporter.
interviews. regulation,
support from
teaches with
12 Ahmetovic, Emnifeta Speaking Junior hight The study proudes Indicated that Motivation to
et. All (2020). Motivation schools, instructors with overall in English as a
Contemporary middle querdeli on how to intrinsic toreign langua
Education, V9 n2 schools, make their motivation with respect to
p271-298 secondary classrooms an and intrinsic gender and gra
education environment motivation to level as well as
hihg condusive to the experience effetc on stude
schools development of stimulation EFL performan
higher levels of were
speaking motivation significant
and lower levels of predictors of
anxiety eith the aim the students
of improving their EFL
13 Ebadi, Saman et.all. Google Docs Higher An investigated the the findings the impact of o
(2019). Mediating Education short and long term indicated synchronous D
EFL Learners' impact of the DA academic academic writi
Academic Writing mediations on writing skills. Three EF
Skills in Online writing performance development university stud
Dynamic Assessment in new and more in all the four who were prep
Using Google Docs. challenging contexts areas of task themselves for
Computer Assisted by conducting near achievement, IELTS examina
Language Learning, and delayed coherence were selected
v32 n5-6 p527-555 synchronous and cohesion, participants of
transcendence (TR) lexicon, and study.
sessions. grammatical
range and
accuracy in
both writing
task 1 and
task 2.
14 Damavandi, a digital Secondary The participants' The findings to gain an in-d
Mousazadah, Z, et.all. storytelling Education writing development of both picture of
(2018). The Effects of tool, called was frequently quantitative fluctuations of
Computer Assisted "Storyjumper assessed through a and process of writi
Mediating Prompts ." series of repeated qualitative development,
on EFL Learners' writing tests before data analyses learners' views
Writing Ability. and after the show that obtained throu
Education and treatment during there was a both semi-stru
Literacy Studies, v6 one term of study, significant interviews and
n1 p64-71 jan, 8 and the significance difference reported reflec
of change was between EFL journals which
examined by learners' also recorded
Repeated measure writing analyzed.
ANOVA (rANOVA). development
before and
receiving the
16 Husin, Said,M. descriptive- Higher Students are able to the most The most decis
(2017).The Ability of quantitative Education write a good quality concerning internal factor
Indonesian EFL research in English of thesis with an external respondents' l
Learners in Writing Departmen average score of factor is the score of writin
Academic Papers. t at IAIN 2.81 which is at a quality of appropriate an
Dinamika Ilmu, v17 Samarinda scale of 2.61-3.40. learning acceptable stru
n2 p237-250, 14 The quality is structure in English. This
affected by internal course and effect of
factors and external the respondents' l
factors. professionalis ability of comp
m of the adequate para
informants in in English.
guiding the
students to
improve their
writing ability
in thesis
writing. A
is included.