Name: Erlangga Auliyan Waluya Student's ID Number (NPM) : 120060013 Whatsapp Number: 082121900947 1. Articles Summary

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Name: Erlangga Auliyan Waluya

Student’s ID Number (NPM): 120060013

Whatsapp Number: 082121900947

1. Articles Summary

Sample/ sex
nts /
Mis: F M Undi
Preservi sclos
Research Study gs /
Aut Coun Scho ce ed
N questions design most
hor( try ol teacher;
o (s)/aim/purp & remark
s), (setti settin English/
. ose of the measur able
year ng) g EFL
study e outco
John Neth Radb 573 3 5 Research The The
Yan erlan oud students 4 3 question:  data results
dell ds Univ from 9 1. What gained showe
(202 ersity tenth- level of from d that
0) Nijm grade Foreign the studen
egen, classes Language researc ts
Neth 167 1 1 Speaking h are a indicat
erlan students 3 5 Anxiety combi ed a
ds from six 4 (FLSA) do nation moder
classes; vocational of ate to
1 Mechani 29 high school quantit a
cal students in ative seriou
Engineer Indonesia and s level
ing 1 experience qualita of
Mechani 34 in the tive FLSA,
cal traditional data, that
Engineer classroom? that they to
ing 2 2. What is was evalua
the student's analyz te the
evaluation of ed learnin
Nautical 20
their using g
Studies 1

Nautical 20

Mechtro 32
ing 2

Five 2 3

Students 11

experience in SPSS websites

using two and positivel
speech-enables narrative y and
websites inquiry.  believed
(www.iloveind Three that instrume web-
And nts were based
NovoLearning used in languag
) to practice the e
their study, learning
speaking? (1) the could
3. What is the (pre- and alleviate
effect of web- post-) their
based question speaking
language naire on anxiety.
learning on FLSA, The
students’ (2) the intervie
FLSA? User ws
Experien revealed
ce that
Question students
naire or felt less
UEQ, anxious
and (3) when
the studies
intervie should
w investig
guideline ate the
s actual
Foreign ment of
Languag learners’
e speaking
Classroo skills
m over a
Anxiety longer
(FLCA) period
was of time.
ts with a
2 Mu- Indo SMK 30 Aim :  -This The
Hsu nesia N1 learners This study study finding
an Janth in aimed to emplo s
Cho o, a Multime examine the yed a showe
u publi dia class level of quantit d that
(201 c speaking ative a high
9) vocat anxiety frame level
ional experienced work of
high by second- in speaki
scho year high seekin ng
ol in school g to anxiet
Aceh Acehnese obtain y was
Besar EFL learners and found
in their oral explor in the
performance e majorit
in L2 relevan y of
classroom t data the
and to on the learner
investigate scale s and
the attempt of that
to lower learner the use
their anxiety s’ of
through the speaki selecti
implementati ng ve
on of anxiety error
selective in an correct
error EFL ion
correction classro and
and group om to group
work.  arrive work
at a for the
reliabl treatm
e ent of
result.  speaki
-A ng
quasi- anxiet
experi y
mental overall
design resulte
was d in
used the
for this learner
study 's‟
since improv
field ed
setting perfor
s made mance
a in their
rando oral
m task.
assign The
ment finding
of s
partici highlig
pants hted
infeasi the
ble.  needs
- to
Questi create
onnarir a
es and positiv
tests, e and
which suppor
consist tive
ed of educati
an oral onal
pretest enviro
and an nment
oral that
post- stimul
test, ates
were learner
the s to
data freely
collecti experi
on ment
metho with
ds L2 and
used in to
this establi
study.  sh
- close-
Closed knit
-ended learnin
questio g
nnaire comm
in the unities
form that
of a promot
modifi e
ed 12- authen
item tic
Foreig interac
n tions
Langu in L2
age and
Classr provid
oom e
Anxiet opport
y Scale unities
(FLCA to be
S) was more
used to engage
measur d in
e the oral
learner langua
s’ ge use.
in this

3 And Indo Engli 34 Research -This The

y nesia sh students question :  study result
Goo Depa in third 1. What are elabora from
dwi rtme semester the levels of ted the
n nt, public quantit questio
(202 Tidar speaking ative nnaire
0) Univ class anxiety researc are
ersity (PSCA) h as an delinea
experienced inquiry ted to
by third- into a explor
semester social e the
students of proble causes
English m that of
Department reveals public
at Tidar pheno speaki
University. mena ng
2. What are by anxiet
the primary collecti y. The
factors that ng study
influence numeri found
public cal that
speaking data 58.8%
class anxiety were of
(PSCA) identifi student
among third- ed s
semester using experi
students of mathe ence a
the English matical mediu
Department ly m
at Tidar based level
University. metho of
ds, for public
instanc speaki
e, ng
particu anxiet
lar y. In
statisti additio
cs.  n,
-In most
collecti of the
ng the student
data s
regardi agreed
ng the that
public fear of
speaki negati
ng ve
anxiety evaluat
level, ion
the becom
researc es the
hers major
used anxiet
the y-
Public Provok
Speaki ing
ng factor
Class follow
Anxiet ed by
y Scale comm
(PSCA unicati
S) on
propos appreh
ed by ension
Yaikho and
ng & test
Usaha anxiet
(2012). y—
half of
t in

References : 
Yandell, John (2020): Learning under Lockdown: English teaching in the time of
Covid-19, DOI: 10.1080/1358684X.2020.1779029
Mu-Hsuan Chou (2019): The Impact Of The English Listening Test in The High-Stakes
National Entrance Examination On Junior High School Students And Teachers, DOI:
Goodwin, Andy (2020): Special Issue: English Teaching And Teacher Expertise, DOI:
Muzakki Bashori, Roeland van Hout, Helmer Strik &Catia Cucchiarini (2020): Web-
based language learning and speaking anxiety, Computer Assited Language Learning,
DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2020.1770293
Sugiati, K. & Indriani, L. (2021). Exploring the Level and Primary causes of Public
Speaking Anxiety among English Department Students. Journal of Research on
Language Education, 2(1), 57-66.
Zulfikar (2022): Reducing EFL Learners' Speaking Anxiety Through Selective Error
Correction and Group-Work. DOI: 10.242335/eltecho.v7i1.1020

2. Research Gap
From the first journal, there was no explanation for overcoming the unwanted effect of
speaking anxiety. Whereas, in the second journal, there was no explanation about the
factors that are a serious challenge in teaching speaking skills. And from the third
journal, there was no explanation regarding what effective strategies can help students
reduce their anxiety so that they can perform better in public speaking skills both inside
and outside the classroom. 

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