Name: Erlangga Auliyan Waluya Student's ID Number (NPM) : 120060013 Whatsapp Number: 082121900947 1. Articles Summary
Name: Erlangga Auliyan Waluya Student's ID Number (NPM) : 120060013 Whatsapp Number: 082121900947 1. Articles Summary
Name: Erlangga Auliyan Waluya Student's ID Number (NPM) : 120060013 Whatsapp Number: 082121900947 1. Articles Summary
1. Articles Summary
Sample/ sex
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Students 11
References :
Yandell, John (2020): Learning under Lockdown: English teaching in the time of
Covid-19, DOI: 10.1080/1358684X.2020.1779029
Mu-Hsuan Chou (2019): The Impact Of The English Listening Test in The High-Stakes
National Entrance Examination On Junior High School Students And Teachers, DOI:
Goodwin, Andy (2020): Special Issue: English Teaching And Teacher Expertise, DOI:
Muzakki Bashori, Roeland van Hout, Helmer Strik &Catia Cucchiarini (2020): Web-
based language learning and speaking anxiety, Computer Assited Language Learning,
DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2020.1770293
Sugiati, K. & Indriani, L. (2021). Exploring the Level and Primary causes of Public
Speaking Anxiety among English Department Students. Journal of Research on
Language Education, 2(1), 57-66.
Zulfikar (2022): Reducing EFL Learners' Speaking Anxiety Through Selective Error
Correction and Group-Work. DOI: 10.242335/eltecho.v7i1.1020
2. Research Gap
From the first journal, there was no explanation for overcoming the unwanted effect of
speaking anxiety. Whereas, in the second journal, there was no explanation about the
factors that are a serious challenge in teaching speaking skills. And from the third
journal, there was no explanation regarding what effective strategies can help students
reduce their anxiety so that they can perform better in public speaking skills both inside
and outside the classroom.