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Molecular detection of Methylotrophs from an

Indian landfill site and their potential for
biofuel production

Article in GlobalNEST International Journal · November 2017


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Global NEST Journal, Vol 19, No 3, pp 533-539
Copyright© 2017 Global NEST
Printed in Greece. All rights reserved

Molecular detection of Methylotrophs from an Indian landfill site

and their potential for biofuel production
Yadava S.1,* and Maitra S.S.2
1Department of Biotechnology, Assam University, Silchar, PIN-788011

2School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, PIN-110067

Received: 09/06/2017, Accepted: 19/09/2017, Available online: 24/10/2017

*to whom all correspondence should be addressed: e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract and generation of greenhouse gases like methane (Yadav

Emission of CH4 from landfills is a major cause of concern et al., 2015). Methane is an important greenhouse gas,
as CH4 is twenty four times more potent than CO 2, as a because it is 25 times more potent than CO2 in global
greenhouse gas. However, landfills also harbor a group of warming (Yadav et al., 2014). Despite directives from the
bacteria called methanotrophs, which can oxidize CH4. Honorable Supreme Court and the MSW Rules 2000 of
They can be used for in situ bioremediation to reduce Government of India, Municipal Corporation of Delhi has so
methane emissions. They can also be used for production far failed to address the issue of Landfill Gas(LFG) recovery
of methanol or renewable diesel, utilizing methane in (mixture of CO2 ,CH4 gas): which is causing great harm to
natural gas or biogas. Methanotrophs are a subgroup of environment and leading to loss of a potential source of
methylotrophs. We used molecular techniques for energy (Talyan et al., 2008; Talyan et al., 2007).
detection of methylotrophs in samples from a landfill in Access to clean, affordable and reliable energy has been a
New Delhi. We could detect five methylotrophs. Isolation major requirement of the world’s increasing population
and efficiency in methanotrophy of these bacteria is and economic growth. Our use of energy in the twenty-first
undergoing now. century must be sustainable. Solar and water-based energy
Keywords: Methylotrophs, Molecular detection, Municipal generation and engineering of microbes to produce
Solid Waste leachate biofuels, are a few examples of alternatives (Chu and
Majumdar, 2012).
1. Introduction
Diminishing oil reserves and climate-changing greenhouse
Climate change is one of the most important challenges gas emissions have led to calls for clean and renewable
that the humankind is facing in this era. It is related to liquid fuels (Hu et al. 2016). Currently, India contributes
forest and land degradation, freshwater shortage, food about 5% of total global CO2 emissions. To prevent CO2
security and air-water pollution. According to emissions to peak quickly, part of India’s new energy needs
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, must come from low-carbon technologies. However, India
the global mean temperature may increase between 1.4 to had only 60 GW of low-carbon capacity installed by the end
5.8 °C by 2100 (Mitigation, 2011). The impact of this rise in of 2014, and only 3 GW of solar power. A more robust
temperature would be particularly severe, in the tropical electrical grid and a dramatic rise in renewable energy
areas, which mainly consist of developing countries sources are required to achieve the target (Jackson et al.,
including India. The climate change issue for developing 2015).
countries is correlated with pace of sustainable
development (Sathaye et al. 2006). At present India’s Methane (CH4) is the second most important atmospheric
requires plans for sustainable development and she must greenhouse gas after CO2 (Cai et al. 2016) and is believed to
address many climate change concerns. These conscious account for 17% of global warming (Collins et al. 2013).
policy decisions may prove helpful for obtaining climate- Although most sources and sinks of methane have been
friendly sustainable development model (Sharma et al. identified, their relative contributions to atmospheric
2006; Kumar et al. 2009). methane levels are uncertain (Houghton et al., 2001; Yvon-
Durocher et al., 2014; Bridgham et al., 2013; Kirschke et al.,
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management has remained 2013). About 500–600 Tg of methane is emitted annually
one of the most neglected areas of the municipal service to the atmosphere of which 74% is biogenic (Solomon
delivery in Delhi, India. About 70–80% of generated MSW 2007; Jackson et al., 2015).
is collected, 9% of which is treated through composting and
rest is disposed in uncontrolled open landfills. In absence Landfill sites are among the largest anthropogenic source
of leachate and landfill gas collection systems, these of methane. It constitutes 30 and 24% of the anthropogenic
landfills are a major source of groundwater contamination CH4 production in Europe and the US, respectively

Yadava S. and Maitra S.S. (2017), Molecular detection of Methylotrophs from an Indian landfill site and their potential for biofuel
production, Global NEST Journal, 19(3), 533-539.

(Solomon, 2007; Mitigation, 2011). In comparison to the 28°37’22.4”N-77°19”25.7”E and the pH of the sample was
western countries, the composition of organic waste in in between 7.4-8.4.
municipal solid waste (MSW) of developing countries like
2.2. Nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification and
India has been higher (40% - 60%). This gives it more
potential to emit higher GHGs from per ton of MSW
compared to the developed world (Mayumi et al., 2013). DNA from both landfill leachate samples was extracted on
Moreover, landfills in India are neither planned nor the same day of sampling, using Fast DNA Spin Kit for soil
engineered. They are often found in low-lying open areas, (MP Biomedicals, CA, USA). DNA from leachate was
where municipal waste is haphazardly and indiscriminately amplified using the universal primer set 27FWD and
disposed. These sites neither have landfill lining to avoid 1492REV. The amplification profile was 94 °C for 5min, 94
percolation of leachate to groundwater table nor leachate °C for 30s for 30 cycles, 55 °C for 1minute, elongation at 72
collection facility (Yadav et al., 2015). The city of New Delhi °C for 2 minute and final extension at 72 °C for 10 minutes
generates about 9000 tons of solid waste per day (Gupta et followed by a cooling step down to 4 °C. 16S rDNA gene
al., 2007). Due to scarcity of land in big cities, municipal specific PCR products, thus obtained, were purified by PCR
authorities are using same landfill for nearly 10 - 20 years. purification kit (Fermentas, UK) as recommended by
Thus, the possibility of anaerobic digestion of MSW and manufacturer’s protocol. PCR amplicons of 16S rDNA gene
emission of greenhouse gas (GHGs) further increase (Rawat were cloned inside PTZ57R/T vector using the Insta-T/A
and Ramanathan, 2011). cloning kit (Fermentas, UK) and transformed into
Microbial decomposition, climatic conditions, refuse Escherichia coli DH5𝛼. The positive clones were selected
characteristics and land-filling operations are among the using blue-white screening on Luria-Bertani plates
many factors that contribute to the generation of methane containing Ampicillin (100mg/ml), X-gal (20mg/ml), and
(Talyan et al., 2007; Bridgham et al., 2013). The migration IPTG (100 mM). Then positive clones were sequenced using
of gas and leachate away from the landfill boundaries and M13 FWD primer.
their release into the surrounding environment presents 2.3. DNA Sequencing and Phylogenetic Analysis of 16S
serious environmental concerns (Hansen et al., 1998; rDNA clones
Bloom et al., 2010; Singh and Mittal, 2011). Leachate
harbors huge prokaryotic diversity, which yet remains to be Sequencing was performed for all the clones with the ABI
discovered. Characterizing microbial diversity of that prism 3130 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystem Inc., CA)
mediates carbon and methane flux in landfills, is critical for at the Department of Biochemistry, South Campus, Delhi
predicting their role and responses to climate changes University. The sequences were edited to exclude the PCR
(Bardgett and van der Putten, 2014). primer-binding site and manually corrected with Sequence
Scanner 1.0 (Applied Biosystems) and were checked further
Methanotrophs use methane as their sole carbon source for vector contamination using the Vecscreen tool
and directly convert methane into cellular compounds or (
transform it into a substrate that drives processes via
interaction with other microbes. The biological conversion The sequences showing similarity with vector sequences
of methane has become a topic of intense interest. In 2013 from both ends were trimmed. Sequences were then
the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E) ,within compared with the available nucleotide database from the
the U.S. Department of Energy, granted US $34 million NCBI GenBank using the BLAST program (Altschul et al.,
worth of funding directed toward research for converting 1997). The partial nucleotide sequences of 16S rDNA genes
methane into liquid fuels (Strong et al., 2015). Bacteria like were submitted to NCBI under accession numbers
Methylosinus trichosporium, have the capacity to oxidize KM041243 to KM041247 (Table 1). Partial 16S rDNA
methane. However, processes for microbial conversion of sequences obtained from this study were used for
methane to biodiesel are marred by low productivity, slow similarity search in NCBI database using BLAST program.
growth rate and undesirable substances in the lipid After performing BLAST, sequences showing similarity
accumulated by the bacteria. Therefore, there is need for above 90% were used and aligned in MEGA software
bio-prospecting for a better methanotroph. version 6.0 (Tamura et al., 2013) using ClustalW. The
phylogenetic relatedness among clones was estimated
In the present study, a PCR based study was performed for using the Maximum Likelihood Tree using Kimura K2P+G
detection and community fingerprinting of methylotrophs model with 2000 bootstrap value (Kimura, 1980). For
present in the MSW leachate from a landfill site of Delhi, model selection Bayesian analysis was performed and the
India, targeting 16S rDNA sequences with methylotroph model with lowest BIC value (i.e., i.e. 9109.105) was chosen
specific primers. for tree construction. All positions containing gaps and
2. Materials and Methods missing data were eliminated from the dataset (complete
deletion option).The phylogenetic analysis was carried out
2.1. Sampling using MEGA software version 6.0 (Tamura et al., 2013)
Samples were collected from the Ghazipur landfill site of (Figure 1).
Delhi. It is situated in east Delhi and is the oldest and largest 2.4. Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis
landfill of Delhi. It was established in the year 1984 and
spans 29.6 hectares in area. It has received about 2200 TPD For denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, genomic DNA
waste till now. The GPS location of sampling point was extracted from the landfill leachate was amplified using

primer 27FWD and GC 968 which gave a product length of denaturant contained 7 M urea and 40% Formamide.
about 700 bp. DGGE was performed with a D-Code Electrophoresis was initially run at 200 V for 10 min at 60°C,
universal mutation detection system (Biorad, Hercules, CA, and afterwards at 130 V for 4 hours. After electrophoresis,
USA), using 16 cm by 16 cm and one mm gels. PCR products the gel was silver stained and scanned under white light
were loaded onto 7% (w/v) polyacrylamide gels. The using Gel doc (Biorad). DGGE gel was further analyzed using
polyacrylamide gels (Bis-Acrylamide, 37.5:1) were made Gel2K software (Svein Norland, Department of Biology-
with denaturing gradients ranging from 40 to 60%. 100% University of Bergen, Norway) (Figure 2).
Table 1. Methylotrophic 16S rDNA amplicon sequences with accession numbers submitted to NCBI.
Sequence ID Size Accession no. Location Organism name Closest relative
METG2_16S rDNA 701 Nt KM041243 Ghazipur landfill Methylobacillus Methylobacillus
flagellatus flagellatus
METG3_16S rDNA 705 Nt KM041244 Ghazipur landfill Methylotenera Methylobacillus
mobilis flagellatus
METG4_16S rDNA 719 Nt KM041245 Ghazipur landfill Methylobacillus Methylobacillus
gramineus flagellatus
METG6_16S rDNA 729 Nt KM041246 Ghazipur landfill Methylobacillus Methylobacillus
arboreus flagellatus
METG7_16S rDNA 637 Nt KM041247 Ghazipur landfill Methylovorus Methylobacillus
glucosetrophus flagellatus

Figure 1. The phylogenetic relationship of 25 partial 16S rDNA sequences (the confirmed 5 sequences of clones
generated in this study, recovered from Ghazipur landfill site Delhi ,marked with black triangle) was inferred by the ML
method using K2P+G parameter model with 2000 bootstrap replicates using the MEGA 6 tree building program

Figure 2. Showing Jaccard cluster analysis of methylotrophic community based on 16S rDNA amplicons from samples
obtained from five locations of Ghazipur landfill site Delhi

3. Results and Discussion excess reducing equivalents through the respiratory chain.
Further in 2015, Gilman et al., found that this strain has
3.1. Identification of methanotrophs present in landfill site
both high growth rate and carbon conversion efficiency
Delhi using 16S rDNA sequencing
and emphasized on its use for commercial methane
Present study investigates presence of methylotrophs in bioconversion to value-added products such as fuels and
landfill leachate of Ghazipur landfill site. To the best of our chemicals (Gilman et al., 2015).
knowledge this is first study where molecular analysis of
3.2. Diversity of Methylotropic Bacteria by Denaturing
methylotrophs/methanotrophs have been performed and
Gradient Gel Electrophoresis
their presence reported from a Indian landfill site.
Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA clones indicate the Abundance and diversity of methylotrophic bacteria were
presence of methanotrophs belonging to the domain studied using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis in
bacteria, phylum proteobacteria, order Methanophilales, leachate samples collected at five different locations at
genus methanobacillus in the Ghazipur landfill site of Delhi. Ghazipur landfill site, Delhi. 16S rDNA gene amplicons used
Sequence METG2_16S_rDNA matched with for cloning were analyzed on the DGGE gel for estimation
Methylobacillus flagellatus strain belonging to order of their richness in respective samples. Banding patterns of
Methanophilales. METG3_16S_rDNA matched with 16S rDNA amplicons obtained from all five leachate
Methylotenera mobilis. MET4_16S_rDNA matched with samples of the Ghazipur landfill site were compared using
Methylobacillus gramineus and METG6_16_rDNA matched Gel 2K software and the analysis of DGGE image revealed
with Methylobacillus arboreus, which is a obligate the presence of total 23 bands Figure 2.
methanol-utilizing Gram-negative, asporogenous, motile There are some unique bands in each lane, which indicates
rod that occur singly, in pairs or in small groups. They the variation of methylotrophic community residing in
oxidize methanol by PQQ-MDH to formaldehyde and those particular samples. Cluster analysis of bands using
assimilate it via the RuMP pathway (Gogleva et al., 2011). Jaccard analysis indicated the presence of two main
Sequence METG7_16S_rDNA matched with Methylovorus clusters on the basis of number of similarity and DGGE
glucosetrophus. All them showed 99% to 96% similarity to bands in Figure 2. In first cluster samples GZ3, GZ4 and GZ5
Methylobacillus flagellatus. The family Methylophilaceae sample clustered together showing similar community
includes all four described genera (Methylophilus, structure and diversity. In second cluster samples GZ1 and
Methylovorus, Methylobacillus and Methylotenera). All GZ2 of leachate clustered together. It indicates that
represent obligate or restrictive facultative methylotropy. methylotrophic community structure inhabiting in all five
Methylobacillus flagellatus belongs to the leachate samples were similar. In terms of richness
Betaproteobacteria class and is most closely related. regarding number of bands, GZ4 samples has maximum 13
Methylobacillus flagellatus strain KT utilizes methanol and bands followed by GZ2, GZ1, GZ2 and GZ5 having 12,11 and
methylated amines as the sole sources of carbon and 10 bands respectively. Methylotrophic community
energy and is classified as an obligate methylotroph. The diversity present in all five samples on the basis of band
strain was isolated from a metropolitan sewer system and pattern were found to be uniform in the Ghazipur landfill
selected as a prospective industrial strain due to its high site.
growth rates on methanol, high tolerance to methanol and
3.3. Culture independent molecular analysis of
formaldehyde, high biomass yield, and high coefficient of
conversion of methanol into biomass (Baev et al., 1992;
Chistoserdova et al., 2007). Methylotrophy is the metabolic Methylotrophs/methanotrops have gained attention since
capacity to grow on reduced carbon compounds such as last decades, as they have considerable potential for the
methane, methanol, methylated amines, etc. oxidation of methane (Schimel, 2000; Singh, 2011). The
Methylotrophy functions in Methylobacillus flagellatus, slow growth rate of methanotrophs hinders their study by
(Chistoserdova et al., 2007). This can also be a type I conventional culture dependent techniques. Methods such
methanotroph belonging to gamma-proteobacteria. as the MPN technique, FISH can be biased by selective
Benstead et al. 1998, found that methanol promotes culture conditions or require too much manual effort.
atmospheric methane oxidation by methanotrophic Therefore, PCR based molecular techniques are widely
cultures and in soil. Methanol enhances activity of used for their identification and diversity analysis.
methanotrophic activity in soils by acting either as Methanotrophs are extensively studied in a wide variety of
substrate for growth and source of energy production or as environments like rice paddy fields, landfill cover soil etc.
reducing agent that are required for the continued because of their critical role in the global carbon cycle and
oxidation of atmospheric methane(Benstead et al., 1998; methane mitigation (Cai et al., 2016; Han et al., 2009;
Hanson and Hanson, 1996). Eshinimaev et al. 2002 found Singh, 2011; Su et al., 2014).
that alkaliphilic methanotroph Methylomicrobium Culture-independent surveys showed that methanotrophs
buryatense 5B is capable of growing at high methanol belonging to family Methylophilaceae are ubiquitous,
concentrations (up to 1.75 M). They hypothesized that the thriving in a variety of natural as well as man-made
high methanol tolerance of M. buryatense 5B is due to the environments. (Murrell et al., 1998; Chen et al., 2007; Han
utilization of formaldehyde for the synthesis of sucrose, et al., 2009; Musenze et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2015; Su et al.,
glycogen, and the glycoprotein and to the oxidation of 2014). In present study we used 16S rDNA based cloning-

sequencing and DGGE for identification and diversity Methanotrophs are a special group of bacteria within
analysis of methylotrophs/methanotrophs present in the methylotrophs. Methanotrophs can survive on methane as
leachate samples of Ghazipur, Delhi. Novel Type 1 obligate sole carbon source for both growth and energy generation.
methanotrophs belonging to class gamma proteobacteria We have identified a few methylotrophs. Research is
has been also found to be associated with leachate samples continuing for their isolation. Study is being done whether
of Ghazipur landfill site which can utilize methane and they could survive on methane alone. If that is case, they
formaldehyde as energy source (Chistoserdova et al., 2007; qualify for being methanotrophs as well.
Gogleva et al., 2011). Acknowledgment
3.4. Methylotrophic potential for methane mitigation and Dr. S. S. Maitra is grateful to the Department of Science and
biofuel production Technology (DST), Government of India( under PURSE program)
Technology for conversion of natural gas/landfill gas to and Jawaharlal Nehru University (under UOPE-II ,UGC) , for
providing grants.
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