The Effectiveness of Applied Behavior Analysis Program Training On Enhancing Autistic Children's Emotional-Social Skills
The Effectiveness of Applied Behavior Analysis Program Training On Enhancing Autistic Children's Emotional-Social Skills
The Effectiveness of Applied Behavior Analysis Program Training On Enhancing Autistic Children's Emotional-Social Skills
Background This study focuses on the potential of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to improve emotional and social
skills in children with autism spectrum disorder. ABA is a well-established therapeutic approach that uses behavior
modification techniques to encourage positive behaviors and reduce challenging ones. Despite its widespread use,
further research is needed to better understand its specific impact on emotional and social development in autistic
Objective This research aims to investigate an effective method for improving and enhancing institutionalized
children’s social, communicative, and daily life skills. The study also examines the impact of behavioral analysis on
these children’s social and emotional skills.
Method The research is categorized as applied in terms of objectives and quasi-experimental in data collection. It
involves a control group, an experimental group, and a covariance analysis model. The research population consists
of 100 volunteer boys aged 4 to 11 residing in institutional care in Wuhan during the year 2023. Among them, 60
individuals were selected and divided into control and experimental groups, each comprising 30 participants. Data
for the study were collected using the kindergarten inventory of social/ emotional tendencies (KIST. The applied
behavioral analysis program was implemented individually for the experimental group in eight one-hour sessions
twice a week.
Findings Data analysis was conducted using SPSS-24 software and a multivariate analysis of the covariance method.
The results indicated that the behavioral analysis program significantly impacts institutionalized children’s social and
communicative skills, improving their daily lives (p < .05).
Bordini, D.; Moya, A.C.; Asevedo, G.R.d.C.; Paula, C.S.; Brunoni, D.;
Brentani, H.; Caetano, S.C.; Mari, J.d.J.; Bagaiolo, L. Exploring the
Acquisition of Social Communication Skills in Children with Autism:
Preliminary Findings from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Parent
Training, and Video Modeling. Brain Sci. 2024, 14, 172. https://doi.
Yuanbing Guo
[email protected]
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Du et al. BMC Psychology (2024) 12:568 Page 2 of 10
Conclusion The findings of this study demonstrate that the applied behavior analysis program significantly
improves the social, communicative, and daily life skills of institutionalized children with autism spectrum disorder.
ABA interventions, delivered through structured sessions, effectively enhance emotional and social development,
confirming its value as a therapeutic approach in institutional care settings.
Keywords Behavioral analysis, Autistic children, Social skills, Emotional skills
The ABA is a therapeutic program that can enhance using MANCOVA to control for covariates
social, communicative, and learning skills through posi- and assess group differences. The analysis of
tive reinforcement and individualized instruction. Many covariance was employed to interpret the research
experts consider it a standard approach for children with hypothesis, alongside repeated measures where
ASD to improve developmental disorders. It is tailored to applicable, to examine changes over time and across
the child’s behavior analysis in their environment, con- conditions. This combination of methods ensured a
sidering their specific characteristics. The target behavior comprehensive assessment of the experimental data.
for change is consistently assessed and measured. One
successful aspect of this approach is breaking down edu-
cational goals into smaller steps through repetition and Findings
practice, facilitating learning [36]. In this educational Demographic description
program, children receive individualized instruction 30% of the children in the self-retained group were 4 to
from the researcher for one hour twice a week, and data 5 years old, 10% were 6 to 7, 40 were 8 to 9, and 20 were
analysis is conducted using covariance. The significance 10 to 11. The mean and standard deviation of boys’ age in
level for hypothesis testing is set at 0.05 (Table 1). the experimental group was 7.5 (SD = 1.32), while for the
control group, the mean was 7.86 (SD = 1.23). No statis-
Data analysis tically significant difference was observed in the groups’
The data analysis was conducted using SPSS software age. Moreover, the mothers in the control group con-
(Version 24), with a focus on the multivariate analysis sisted of 20 individuals holding a Bachelor’s degree (BA)
of covariance (MANCOVA) to assess the impact of the and 10 holding a Master’s degree (MA). Their mean age
independent variables while controlling for covariates. was 31 years (SD = 3.89). In the experimental group, there
The following steps were employed to systematically ana- were 18 mothers with a BA and 12 with an MA, with a
lyze the data: mean age of 32.1 years (SD = 4).
Table 2 Descriptive statistics of children’s scores in the variables under study in the experimental and control groups (n = 60)
Variable Time Control (M, SD) Experimental (M, SD)
Adaptive Behaviors Before intervention 24.08, 8.79 27.78, 5.32
After intervention 24.00, 7.40 30.60, 4.61
Social Skills Before intervention 22.90, 5.21 21.70, 3.14
After intervention 22.53, 5.40 23.95, 2.22
Communication Skills Before intervention 19.60, 6.25 20.80, 7.89
After intervention 19.10, 6.93 23.50, 7.52
Daily Living Skills Before intervention 16.20, 6.14 11.88, 2.54
After intervention 15.72, 6.31 19.55, 2.25
Nutrition Behavior Before intervention 11.60, 2.27 11.67, 2.53
After intervention 11.70, 1.60 11.55, 2.60
Separation Anxiety Before intervention 14.80, 4.55 14.65, 4.27
After intervention 14.60, 4.23 11.20, 4.42
Total Score Before intervention 137.80, 19.63 128.37, 12.34
After intervention 134.30, 18.70 142.10, 16.01
Skills, Daily Living Skills, Nutrition Behavior, Separation Box’s M test for equality of covariance matrices was also
Anxiety, and Total Score for both the control and experi- non-significant, confirming the assumption of equality
mental groups. Before the intervention, the experimen- of variances. Lastly, residuals were normally distributed,
tal group generally scored lower than the control group and Levene’s test indicated no violations of homogeneity
across most variables (e.g., Adaptive Behaviors: M = 27.78, of variance, which further supports the reliability of the
SD = 5.32 vs. M = 24.08, SD = 8.79). After the intervention, MANCOVA results. The assumptions of MANCOVA are
the experimental group showed improvements in several presented in Table 3.
variables, most notably in Adaptive Behaviors (M = 50.60,
SD = 4.61), Social Skills (M = 23.95, SD = 2.22), and Daily MANCOVA results
Living Skills (M = 19.55, SD = 2.25), suggesting a positive The MANCOVA was conducted followed by a two-by-
effect of the intervention. In contrast, the control group’s two comparison analysis to assess the effects of the inter-
scores remained relatively stable. vention on the experimental group. Pillai’s Trace, Wilks
Lambda, Hotelling’s Trace, and Roy’s Largest Root were
MANCOVA assumptions conducted to evaluate the multivariate effect of the inter-
Table 3 summarizes the results of the assumption tests for vention across the dependent variables (adaptive behav-
MANCOVA. All assumptions required for the analysis iors, social skills, communication skills, daily living skills,
were met. Linearity was confirmed between the covari- nutrition behavior, separation anxiety). These tests indi-
ates and the dependent variables, and no multicollinear- cate whether there is at least one significant difference
ity was detected. The homogeneity of regression slopes between the experimental and control groups across the
assumption was satisfied, as the interaction between dependent variables. Results are shown in Table 4.
the covariates and the group factor was non-significant.
Du et al. BMC Psychology (2024) 12:568 Page 6 of 10
All four tests are significant at the p < .05 level, indi- 0.071). However, no significant effect was found for daily
cating that there is at least one significant difference living skills.
between the experimental and control groups on the The intercept terms showed highly significant effects
combined dependent variables after controlling for pre- across all variables, including adaptive behaviors (F(1,
test scores. This confirms that the intervention had a sig- 23369.58) = 2415.289, p < .001, η² = 0.954), social skills
nificant multivariate effect on the children’s social and (F(1, 4060.054) = 884.724, p < .001, η² = 0.883), and total
emotional development. For further analysis, results of score (F(1, 181165.1) = 748.433, p < .001, η² = 0.865). These
tests of tests for between-subject effects are presented in high intercept values suggest that baseline differences in
Table 5. these variables were strongly influential before account-
The analysis examined the effect of an intervention on ing for the intervention. The large effect sizes (η² ranging
several dependent variables: adaptive behaviors, social from 0.392 to 0.954) across all dependent variables high-
skills, communicative skills, daily living skills, nutrition light that the initial levels were critical in explaining the
behavior, separation anxiety, and the total score. The cor- variance observed in the outcomes.
rected model indicated significant differences between Regarding time and group effects, significant time
the experimental and control groups across multiple effects were found for adaptive behaviors (F (1,
variables. Significant effects were found for adaptive 68.278) = 7.057, p = .009, η² = 0.057), social skills (F(1,
behaviors (F(2, 74.156) = 7.664, p = .001, η² = 0.116), 64.263) = 14.004, p < .001, η² = 0.107), and communicative
social skills (F(2, 56.836) = 12.385, p < .001, η² = 0.175), skills (F(1, 150.621) = 3.921, p = .030, η² = 0.032). Group
communicative skills (F(2, 153.515) = 3.996, p = .021, η² = effects were also significant for most variables, particu-
0.064), nutrition behavior (F(2, 39.150) = 6.987, p = .001, larly for social skills (F(1, 49.408) = 10.767, p = .001, η²
η² = 0.107), and separation anxiety (F(2, 83.302) = 5.083, = 0.084), and adaptive behaviors (F(1, 80.033) = 8.272,
p = .008, η² = 0.080). The total score also showed a signifi- p = .005, η² = 0.066). The intervention had a positive
cant improvement (F (2, 1078.863) = 4.457, p = .014, η² = impact on the experimental group, leading to improved
outcomes in social skills, adaptive behaviors, and other - prerequisites for communication skills - and enhances
variables compared to the control group. their performance in this area. This finding is consis-
tent with the results of Dixon et al. [20] and Samban-
Discussion and conclusion dam et al. [27] but contrasts with the findings of Betting
This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of & Mass [43]. ABA is a systematic scientific approach to
the ABA program on the social and emotional skills of identifying influential environmental variables on sig-
children with autism. The findings demonstrated that nificant social behavior [44]. In this sense, it is employed
the ABA program effectively improves the social and to understand what happens to create a behavior and
emotional behaviors of children with autism, enhancing what happens afterward that appears to reinforce the
their overall performance. These results align with pre- behavior [44]. The method used in this research involves
vious studies conducted by Peters et al. [28], Samson et removing reinforcing factors for undesirable behav-
al. [15], and Sneed [37]. However, there is a discrepancy ior from the environment and utilizing new reinforcing
with the findings of Mazefsky et al. [12]. In explaining factors to teach the desired behavior. Therefore, exer-
these findings, it can be stated that social and emotional cises focused on familiarization and introduction, self-
development encompasses a set of skills, with some of awareness, communication skills, and offering friendship
the most crucial ones including self-awareness, under- were conducted. These exercises aimed to enhance
standing and recognizing others’ emotions, managing communication skills. Additionally, visual attention to
intense emotions, and constructively expressing them, environmental stimuli and communicative verbal and
organizing one’s behaviors, and establishing and main- non-verbal responses increased by performing visual
taining relationships as cited in Alshurman and Alsreaa perception exercises and verbal and event sequencing.
[35]. The ABA program can contribute to developing Training in understanding the sequence of events was
social and emotional skills through various approaches also carried out through cards depicting short stories
such as breaking down instructional steps, direct teach- with three or four stages to facilitate the development of
ing, response system arrangement, and immediate rein- these skills.
forcement [6]. The main focus of the Applied Behavioral The ABA program is efficacious in improving daily
Analysis method, as both a science and a practice, is on living skills, enhancing their performance in this area.
manipulating environmental variables to improve social This result aligns with the findings of Sandbank et al.
behavior [21]. [42], Fowler and Connor [19], and Di Rezze et al. [45].
In this research, exercises were conducted to create Research has demonstrated that, from the perspective of
calmness in children, focusing on enhancing patience and both parents and individuals with autism, the most sig-
tolerance and training in understanding and performing nificant challenge is difficulty in performing daily activi-
turn-taking skills. Exercises involving the recognition of ties. The ABA method breaks down each task and new
emotions and facial expressions aimed to familiarize chil- skill into smaller components, as it is designed to do.
dren with facial expressions and express their emotional When a requested task is performed correctly, the child
state, while complaint skills training focused on teaching is encouraged to increase motivation for repetition and
the skill of objecting to pain. The research findings indi- compliance. Throughout the instructional sessions, chil-
cated improved social and emotional skills after com- dren with autism are taught skills such as tying knots,
pleting the sessions. According to the findings, the ABA buttoning, pouring into a cup, using utensils, and dress-
program is efficacious in improving the communicative ing. The effectiveness of parental involvement in guided
behaviors of children with autism. It leads to an enhance- exercises using ABA and the generalization of their
ment in their performance in communication skills. This results to the child’s living environment led to positive
finding aligns with the results of studies by Nowell et al. social changes. By consistently and continuously imple-
[38], Lerna et al. [26], Pervin et al. [39], and Filippini [40]. menting this treatment, parents can contribute to behav-
In explaining this result, possessing communication skills ioral and positive life changes for their children.
in a child’s interaction with family members and peers
improves their individual lives. Children with autism Conclusions
spectrum disorder face difficulties in responding to com- In conclusion, this study demonstrates the effectiveness
munication interactions. Therefore, they need support of ABA program in enhancing the social, emotional,
and training to acquire communication skills. By teach- communicative, and daily living skills of children with
ing communication interventions to these children, it is autism. The findings reveal significant improvements in
possible to impart some appropriate skills to them [41, adaptive behaviors, social skills, communicative abili-
42]. ties, and separation anxiety, indicating the program’s
Moreover, in line with the findings, the ABA pro- success in fostering positive behavioral changes in the
gram effectively improves speech and language skills experimental group compared to the control group.
Du et al. BMC Psychology (2024) 12:568 Page 8 of 10
These results are consistent with prior research and sug- introduces a potential limitation regarding the broader
gest that ABA’s structured, reinforcement-based methods applicability of the study’s outcomes to other cultural
play a critical role in teaching essential life skills to chil- and demographic groups. Caution is warranted when
dren with autism, facilitating their social interaction and generalizing the results beyond the specific context of
emotional regulation. The significant effects observed Wuhan, and further research should aim to include a
in social and communicative skills highlight the impor- more geographically diverse and representative sample
tance of early intervention and targeted training in help- to ensure the robustness and external validity of the find-
ing children with autism navigate their environment ings. Additionally, exploring variations in cultural and
more effectively. Furthermore, the positive impact of the environmental factors could provide a more nuanced
program on daily living skills, though less pronounced, understanding of the applicability of interventions across
underscores ABA’s capacity to break down complex diverse populations.
tasks into manageable steps, thereby enhancing the chil- Given the acknowledged limitations, future research
dren’s ability to perform essential daily activities. Parental endeavors could expand the participants’ age range to
involvement and the generalization of these skills to the encompass a broader developmental spectrum. This
home environment were also identified as key contribu- would contribute to a more comprehensive understand-
tors to sustained behavioral improvements. Overall, the ing of the effectiveness of the Applied Behavioral Analy-
findings provide strong support for the use of ABA as sis (ABA) program across various developmental stages,
an intervention for improving critical life skills in chil- thereby enhancing the generalizability of interventions
dren with autism, offering them greater independence for individuals with ASD. Furthermore, extending the
and social integration. Future research could explore the geographical scope of studies beyond Wuhan to include
long-term effects of ABA and its potential application in diverse cultural and demographic contexts would facili-
other developmental areas. tate a more nuanced comprehension of how cultural fac-
The practical recommendations derived from the tors may influence the outcomes of ABA interventions.
research findings include prioritizing the ABA method Additionally, examining the long-term impact of the
in workshops related to interventions for ASD, ensuring ABA program on individuals with ASD and their fami-
that trainers specializing in ASD acquire the necessary lies could provide valuable insights into the sustainability
expertise in implementing the ABA method, and provid- of the intervention effects over time, guiding the devel-
ing parents with comprehensive training to generalize opment of more enduring and impactful support strate-
ABA teachings to the child’s living environment effec- gies. Finally, to broaden the generalizability and impact
tively. This emphasizes the importance of reinforcing and of the ABA program, the research suggests expanding its
operationalizing ABA principles, enabling children to application to other diverse populations by increasing the
apply learned skills in real-life situations when needed. sample size. Additionally, to enhance the effectiveness of
Through these recommendations, the study aims to con- the ABA program, the study proposes its implementation
tribute to the broader understanding and application of over a more extended duration and a more significant
the ABA program in addressing the unique needs of indi- number of sessions.
viduals with ASD.
The author would like to thank all participants, their parents and educators
Limitations and suggestions for further studies who contributed to helped the researchers to manage the experiment.
While this study provides valuable insights, it is impor-
Author contributions
tant to acknowledge certain limitations that impact the Geng Du conceptualized the study. Yuanbing Guo designed the study and
generalizability of the findings. One notable limitation wrote the methodology. Weihong Xu collected and analysed the data. Geng
is the age restriction imposed on the statistical sample, Du wrote the original draft. Yuanbing Guo and Weihong Xu reviewed and
edited the manuscript. All authors agreed to the published version of the
encompassing children aged 4 to 11. While this age range manuscript.
is relevant to the developmental stage commonly associ-
ated with ASD interventions, it restricts the extrapolation Funding
This project is financially supported by Ministry of Education Project of
of results to individuals outside this age bracket. Efforts Research of Humanitarian (19YJC880018), Hubei Province education
were made to mitigate this limitation by carefully coor- development planning project (2020GA050), and Ministry of Education
dinating the samples within the specified age range; how- Project of Ideological and political work innovation and development center
(WHDHSZZX 2023041).
ever, future research should consider including a more
diverse age spectrum to enhance the applicability of the Data availability
study’s findings across different developmental stages. The data will be made available upon the request from the corresponding
Another limitation pertains to the geographic speci-
ficity of the sample, focusing exclusively on children
with autism in Wuhan. This regional concentration
Du et al. BMC Psychology (2024) 12:568 Page 9 of 10
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