Developmental Social Pragmatic Interventions For Preschoolers With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review

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Review Article

Autism & Developmental Language

Developmental social pragmatic interventions Volume 4(1): 1–18
! The Author(s) 2019
for preschoolers with autism spectrum Article reuse guidelines:
disorder: A systematic review DOI: 10.1177/2396941518824497

Amanda V Binns and Janis Oram Cardy

University of Western Ontario—Elborn College, Canada

Background and aims: Developmental social pragmatic interventions are one treatment option for supporting the
social communication and language skills of preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. Our first aim was to
differentiate interventions using a developmental social pragmatic model from other developmental or naturalistic
behavioral approaches. We applied explicit criteria outlining core features of developmental social pragmatic interven-
tions to identify programs that use these core features. We then systematically reviewed studies examining the impact of
developmental social pragmatic interventions in supporting (a) foundational social communication and language skills of
preschool children with autism spectrum disorder and (b) caregiver interaction style. Additionally, we reviewed results
exploring mediators and potential factors influencing children’s response to developmental social pragmatic
Methods: A multistep comprehensive search strategy was used to identify developmental social pragmatic treatments
and studies examining their effectiveness for preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. The characteristics of
each study and their outcomes were then reviewed, and a modified Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool was used to
evaluate rigor.
Main contribution/Results: Six interventions that met criteria to be classified as developmental social pragmatic are
examined within this review. Ten studies of varying methodological rigor met criteria for inclusion and collectively
reported on the outcomes of 716 preschool-aged children with autism spectrum disorder. All of the studies examined
foundational communication outcomes and all but one reported positive outcomes for at least one of the measures.
Seven studies examined language outcomes. While results were positive for language use within natural contexts, they
were mixed for overall, receptive, and expressive language. Parents’ interaction styles significantly changed postinterven-
tion, namely in terms of increased responsiveness, synchronous behavior, use of affect, and decreased directiveness. Only
two studies conducted formal mediation analysis and found that parent responsiveness and synchronous behavior were
related to children’s positive response to treatment.
Conclusions: This review suggests that developmental social pragmatic treatments positively impact children’s foun-
dational communication capacities (i.e. attention, social referencing, joint attention, initiation, reciprocity). Positive
findings were not consistently found for supporting children’s language. Further, methodologically rigorous studies are
needed to draw definitive conclusions. Additional research exploring components of developmental social pragmatic
treatments that might mediate response to treatment is needed.
Implications: This review provides synthesized information for clinicians, families, and researchers on the effectiveness
of developmental social pragmatic interventions for improving children’s foundational communication. It also suggests
directions for future research and provides ideas for enhancing methodological rigor and promoting more homogeneity
among treatment implementation and outcome assessments.

Autism spectrum disorders, intervention/therapy, parent–child interaction therapy, preschool children, speech and
language therapy

Corresponding author:
Amanda V Binns, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Western University, London, Ontario N6G 1H1, Canada.
Email: [email protected]

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NonCommercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction
and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages
2 Autism & Developmental Language Impairments

Developmental social pragmatic (DSP) treatment & Rogers, 2010; Wagner, Wallace, & Rogers, 2014;
models have been cited as one of the primary treatment Warren; Wetherby & Woods, 2008). However, we still
approaches used to address the social communication do not clearly understand the effectiveness of this
and language challenges characteristic of children with approach to intervention. One of the barriers to pro-
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (Ingersoll, Dvortcsak, gress is that previous reviews have not used consistent
Whalen, & Sikora, 2005; Prizant & Wetherby, 1998; or explicit criteria to differentiate interventions claim-
Smith & Iadarola, 2015). These models are based on ing to be using a DSP model from other developmental
an integration of developmental psychology (Piaget, or naturalistic behavioral approaches. This leads to
1936), transactional models of development (Sameroff inconsistency within the current literature regarding
& Fiese, 2000), and the social pragmatic model of lan- which treatments are classified as DSP. Ensuring that
guage acquisition (Bates, 1976; Bruner, 1975, 1983; treatments share not only the self-identified title of DSP
Prutting, 1982). Like other interventions that are con- intervention, but more specifically share DSP theoret-
sidered developmental, DSP interventions use the ical principles and practice elements, is important for
developmental sequences observed in typical develop- ensuring more homogeneity among the DSP treatment
ment to inform assessment and treatment, with the studies being examined. Additionally, having a set of
assumption that the overarching principles of develop- core common features among the interventions under
ment are applicable to all children regardless of diag- evaluation can provide the advantage of examining
nosis (NRC, 2001). In alignment with social pragmatic potential mechanisms of action for efficacious DSP
theory, DSP interventions direct their emphasis away treatment models.
from focusing on the content and form of spoken lan- The aim of this systematic review was to build on the
guage, and instead emphasize the importance of social current literature, and add a level of specificity, in iden-
engagement, communicative intent, and the flexible use tifying DSP interventions used with children with ASD.
of symbols within meaningful contexts (Gerber, 2003). Our first step was to develop a clear approach to clas-
Influenced by both transactional and social pragmatic sifying DSP interventions. With this in hand, we were
models of development, DSP interventions also under- then able to systematically evaluate whether DSP inter-
score the interpersonal aspects of communication and ventions are effective in (a) improving children’s founda-
language development. They draw from the assumption tional social communication skills (e.g. regulation,
that both social communication and language are attention, engagement, joint attention, reciprocity), (b)
learned within the context of affective social engage- improving children’s language, and (c) changing
ment with caregivers during natural interactions. caregivers’ interaction style or communication.
Therefore, caregiver involvement—via training, coach- Additionally, we were able to explore which (if any) par-
ing, and reflective practice—is a key component of DSP ticipant characteristics or intervention variables may
interventions. Some inherent features of DSP interven- impact the effectiveness of DSP-based interventions.
tions include encouragement of caregivers to join in
with children’s ideas rather than promoting their own
agenda during play, attunement, responsiveness, and Method
natural reinforcement to all forms of children’s commu-
Search procedures
nication and arrangement of the environment to sup-
port communication (Ingersoll, 2010). These Phase one search strategy. With the aim of being com-
interventions align with recommendations by the prehensive in our scan of the literature, a multistep
National Research Council that ASD interventions search strategy was used. The first phase involved iden-
(a) emphasize the inclusion of developmentally appro- tifying treatment interventions that either self-identified
priate activities and individualized goals, (b) include as a DSP intervention or were identified as DSP within
ongoing assessment of the child’s developmental pro- peer-reviewed journals. Two independent reviewers
gress, (c) occur in inclusive settings, (d) include care- explored previously published articles discussing DSP
givers and family (e.g. parent training or coaching), and theory or DSP-branded interventions (e.g. Brunner &
(e) are intensive (25 or more hours per week, when we Seung, 2009; Ingersoll, 2010; Smith & Iadarola, 2015)
consider both direct therapy and the amount of time and compiled a list of those treatments referred to as
parents implement the learned strategies at home) DSP.
(NRC, 2001). Phase two search strategy. Following the identifica-
Previous reviews of interventions for children with tion of brand named DSP treatment approaches, we
ASD have included treatments classified as DSP within conducted systematic searches for each treatment
their evaluation (e.g. McConachie & Diggle, 2007; approach using the name of the treatment (e.g.
Odom, Boyd, Hall, & Hume, 2010; Oono, Honey & ‘‘DIR’’ OR ‘‘developmental, individual difference, rela-
McConachie, 2013; Smith & Iadarola, 2015; Vismara tionship’’ OR ‘‘Floortime’’; ‘‘Responsive Teaching’’)
Binns and Oram Cardy 3

and the key words (‘‘Autism’’ OR ‘‘ASD’’) AND selected because it included intervention elements that
(‘‘Intervention’’ OR ‘‘Treatment’’). The searches were aligned with core elements of developmental and social
completed between November 2017 and April 2018 pragmatic theories. We extended Ingersoll’s (2010)
within five electronic databases: PsychINFO, DSP criteria by including an additional core feature
SCOPUS, ERIC, CINAHL, and PUBMED. within our classification system that is integral to
Publication dates were unrestricted in our search; how- social pragmatic theory. In order for a treatment to
ever, only articles published in English in peer-reviewed be considered a DSP intervention, the treatment had
journals were included. This initial search limited us to to meet the following criteria: (a) describe itself as
only studies that had been conducted after the treat- based on developmental principles; (b) use a natural
ment had formally received a name and would not play-based setting; (c) ensure that teaching episodes
have identified new DSP treatment approaches or are child initiated; (d) include child-selected teaching
DSP treatments not given one of the aforementioned materials and activities; (e) target general social com-
brand names. Therefore, we also elected to conduct a munication skills that are foundational to verbal com-
broader search of the literature. munication; (f) use facilitation strategies (e.g. adult
Phase three search strategy. To cast a wider net, we responsiveness, contingent imitation, indirect language
entered the following key words into the search data- stimulation, affective attunement); (g) use environmen-
bases: (‘‘Developmental Social Pragmatic’’ OR tal arrangement to support communication and lan-
‘‘Relationship-based’’ OR ‘‘Transactional’’ OR guage (e.g. communicative temptations, playful
‘‘Social-Developmental’’) AND (‘‘Autis*’’ OR obstruction, wait time); (h) reinforce communication
‘‘ASD’’) AND (‘‘Intervention’’ OR ‘‘Treatment’’) using natural properties; (i) use reinforcement contin-
AND (‘‘Communication’’ OR ‘‘Language’’) AND gencies that reinforce all communicative behavior
(‘‘RCT’’ OR ‘‘Randomized Control Trial’’). (treating all behavior as intentional); and (j) avoid use
Publication dates were unrestricted but the search was of explicit prompts that does not consider the child’s
limited to articles on children from 0 to 5 years pub- intent (e.g. ‘‘Say ______’’).
lished in English in peer-reviewed journals. When avail- We elected to include avoidance of explicit prompts
able (i.e. PUBMED), a randomized trial filter was for communication as a core feature of DSP interven-
applied to the search in lieu of RCT search terms. tions in our classification. This differentiation between
Because terms related to DSP-based treatments may DSP and non-DSP interventions was mentioned by
not appear in the title, abstract, or keywords, search Ingersoll (2010) but not included within her table com-
parameters were set to ‘‘open field.’’ Google Scholar paring DSP and naturalistic developmental behavioral
and reference lists of articles that met inclusion criteria intervention (NDBI) techniques. We decided to include
were also examined to identify any articles that might this in our categorization because use of prompts to
have been missed. elicit expressive language without consideration of
speaker intent is explicitly avoided in DSP interventions
(Gerber, 2003). Prompting for expected verbal out-
Selection criteria
comes rather than providing scaffolding to support
Phase one selection criteria. The compiled list of self- children’s spontaneous generation of speech is funda-
identified and previously identified DSP interventions mentally different. This feature can differentiate DSP
was independently screened by two speech-language and NDBI interventions and thus should be included
pathologists (SLPs) to determine whether (a) the inter- in DSP criteria when looking at mechanisms of
vention targeted social communication or language change in DSP interventions. Treatment approaches
development and (b) the intervention aligned with our that met all 10 criteria mentioned above were screened
DSP criteria (described below). Reviewers were asked by two independent reviewers for phase two selection
to answer either yes, no or unknown for each of the DSP criteria.
criteria outlined in Table 1. Phases two selection criteria. To be included in phase
Interventions that received yes responses for each of two of this review, studies had to (a) be peer reviewed,
the DSP criteria were classified as DSP and those that (b) be published in English, (c) be a randomized control
met only some of the criteria were classified as non- trial (RCT), (d) evaluate social communication and/or
DSP. Inter-rater agreement was substantial, k ¼ 0.886. language treatment effects of DSP-based treatment for
Based on recommendations from the Cochrane children or for caregivers, (e) report effects using quan-
Collaboration, the disagreement was resolved by dis- titative data, and (f) include preschool children (0–5
cussion between the authors (Higgins & Green, 2011). years) with a diagnosis of ASD. We excluded studies
An adaptation of Ingersoll’s (2010) classification of where only a minority of the participants fell within the
DSP interventions was used to decide if a treatment was age range of 0–5 years or when diagnostic groups (those
DSP or non-DSP. This classification system was without ASD, or those with co-occurring diagnosis

Table 1. Interventions proposed to be DSP and evaluation of how they incorporate core features of DSP interventions.
Previously Child- Targets Adult Only
identified Natural Child-initiated selected general social responsiveness Arrange Reinforce Reinforce indirect
Intervention as DSP setting episodes materials communication as key strategy environment naturally all attempts prompts Decision

Autism 123 Project (Wong & Kwan, 2010) Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No Non-DSP
DIR (Greenspan & Wieder, 2006) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DSP
Enhanced Milieu Training (Ingersoll, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Non-DSP
Meyer, Bonter, & Jelinek, 2012)
Focused Playtime Intervention Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DSP
(Siller, Hutman, & Sigman, 2013)
Focus Parent Training (Oosterling et al., 2010) Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Non-DSP
IMPACT (Ingersoll & Wainer, 2013) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Non-DSP
JAML (Schertz, Odom, Baggett, & Sideris, 2013) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DSP
JASPER (Kasari, Freeman, & Paparella, 2006) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Non-DSP
MEHRIT (Casenhiser, Shanker, & Stieben, 2013) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DSP
More than words (Sussman, Drake, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DSP
Lowry, & Honeyman, 2016)
PACT (Green et al., 2010) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DSP
Play Project (Solomon et al. 2014)12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DSP
RDI (RDIConnect, 2017) Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Non-DSP
Responsive Teaching (Mahoney & Perales, 2003) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DSP
Son-rise (Kaufman, 1994) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Non-DSP
SCERTS (Prisant, Wetherby, Rubin, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DSP
Laurent, & Rydell, 2005)
The Denver Model (Rogers & DiLalla, 1991) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DSP
The Scottish Centre Program (Salt et al., 2002) Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Non-DSP
Stronger Families Project (Keen, Roger, Yes Yes Yes UN UN UN UN UN UN UN Non-DSP
Doussin, & Braithwaite, 2007)

DSP: developmental social pragmatic; UN: unknown.

Autism & Developmental Language Impairments
Binns and Oram Cardy 5

such as untreated seizure disorder and ASD or Cerebral of suggestive was provided. If there was a high risk of
Palsy and ASD) were combined in the data reporting bias (a rating of no or unknown response to more than
(e.g. Siller, Hutman, & Sigman, 2013). two questions on the topic), a score of equivocal was
provided. These validity and importance ratings were
then used to derive overall assessments of the quality of
Data collection
the evidence using Dollaghan’s (2007) three-point scale:
The first author developed a coding manual for extract-
ing and analyzing data from the articles meeting inclu- 1. Compelling: The evidence is such that unbiased
sion criteria. After completion of data collection, a experts would find little or nothing about the infor-
graduate SLP student independently verified 30% of mation to debate. Both the validity and importance
the included studies and perfect inter-rater agreement of results are rated compelling. Altering one’s cur-
was attained k ¼ 1.0. When two studies reported inter- rent clinical approach should be seriously
vention outcomes for the same group of participants, considered.
data for both studies were consolidated and reported as 2. Suggestive: A rating of suggestive could be indicative
a single entry in the table (e.g. Casenhiser, Binns, of inconsistent quality open to debate on a few cri-
McGill, Morderer, & Shanker, 2015; Casenhiser et al., teria. It requires at least a suggestive level of validity
2013). If a study contained more than one experiment, and certainty of results. Clinicians might reach dif-
only the experiments meeting inclusion criteria were ferent decisions about whether to use the informa-
incorporated into our analysis (e.g. Green et al., 2010). tion to support altering their current clinical
The following information was extracted from each practice.
study: (a) participant characteristics (number, sex, and 3. Equivocal: An equivocal rating suggests low validity
age), (b) research design, (c) intervention characteristics and questionable certainty of results. No change to
(setting, practitioners, dosage), (d) dependent variables clinical practice needs to be considered.
and intervention outcomes for children (i.e. founda-
tional social communication outcomes involving regu- Methodological quality, risk of bias, and importance of
lation, attention, joint attention, engagement, results were independently assessed by two SLPs (one
reciprocity, and child language outcomes), (e) depend- of whom was blind to the authors and dates of publi-
ent variables and intervention outcomes for parent lan- cations). Initial inter-rater agreement for overall quality
guage, (f) effect size estimates, and (g) measurement ratings was k ¼ 0.78 and 100% agreement was attained
tools. Where effect size was not reported, Cohen’s d through item-by-item discussion between the reviewers
was calculated for each variable using means and SDs (Higgins & Green, 2011).
(Cohen, 1988).

Assessment of evidence-based quality
Systematically identifying DSP interventions
An integration of the Critical Appraisal Skills
Programme tool (CASP, 2018) and Dollaghan’s Eighteen treatment approaches were either self-identi-
(2007) scale for appraising communication treatment fied as being a DSP-based intervention or identified in
evidence was used to determine whether each article other literature as being DSP, and were examined
met one of three levels of evidence-based quality. during phase one of our search. A total of 10 brand
CASP tools provide a framework for assessing the named treatments met all of the DSP criteria, and thus
study quality through considering a series of appraisal were included in phase two of our search. See Table 1
criteria designed to collectively answer three broad for a list of all the treatments referred to as DSP and
questions: (a) Is the study valid? (b) What are the our analysis of their alignment with the DSP interven-
results? and (c) Will the results help locally? Some of tion components that we based on Ingersoll (2010).
the appraisal criteria require a simple binary judgment; We do not intend to imply that interventions receiv-
however, other ratings are more subjective. As several ing a response of no in any DSP category mean that the
criteria were used to assess these CASP questions, they treatment never incorporates the DSP feature into their
were then weighed and graded to derive both validity model, but rather that it is not a core feature of the
and importance (e.g. substantial effect size, social valid- intervention. For example, RDI focuses on establishing
ity, maintenance) scores using a three-point scale. A shared partnerships (RDIConnect, 2017). Therefore,
score of compelling was assigned if all CASP questions having children select materials or initiate the teaching
on the topic being scored (i.e. validity or importance) episodes is not a defining feature of the intervention.
received a response of yes. If a low risk of bias was Similarly, JASPER is a treatment that incorporates
noted or only minor details were questionable, a score having children initiate teaching episodes and selecting
6 Autism & Developmental Language Impairments

activities, but this is reportedly only done after children key social pragmatic aspects classified them as non-DSP
have been primed to provide appropriate responses within this review.
using discrete trial training (Kasari et al., 2006).
Additionally, interventions such as Enhanced Milieu
Description of studies
Training and IMPACT incorporate many DSP features
that align with cognitive developmental psychology, Consolidation of phase two and three of our search
but were missing core features that align with social yielded a total of 289 abstracts for review. Reference
pragmatic theory (e.g. treating all forms of communi- list and Google Scholar searches resulted in identifica-
cation as intentional and avoiding explicit prompting tion of an additional four articles. After removing
for communication). For example, Enhanced Milieu duplicates, 151 articles were screened for inclusion. In
Training reports use of elicited modeling and manding order for a study to be definitively excluded, the title
to target social communication and language, and and/or abstract had to undoubtedly fail to meet one of
IMPACT promotes having clinicians only respond to the predetermined inclusion criteria. Full text reviews
correct communication attempts and withholding were conducted on 30 articles. A total of 10 studies
objects from the child until a correct response is (14 articles) examining 6 identified DSP treatments
attained. Similarly, although the Denver Model meets met inclusion criteria. See Figure 1 for the PRISMA
DSP criteria, the Early Start Denver Model, which flow diagram outlining our search and screening results.
evolved from the original Denver Model, did not Sample characteristics. A summary of participant
because it incorporates behavioral principles in how characteristics for the included articles is presented in
challenges in language production are addressed (e.g. Table 2. The 10 studies reported on outcomes for 716
Picture Exchange Communication System; Rogers, children diagnosed with ASD who ranged in age from
2017). Although these treatments might meet the cri- 1:3 to 6:0 years with a mean of 37.8 months. Sex was
teria for DSP interventions aligned with cognitive reported for 546 of the children; of these, 443 of par-
developmental psychology, their failure to incorporate ticipants were male and 103 were female. Sample size

Records idenfied through phase 2 Addional records idenfied

and phase 3 database searching through other sources (n=4;
(n=289) reference lists, Google Scholar)

Records aer duplicates removed


Records screened Records excluded

(n=151) (n=121)

Full-text arcles assessed Full-text arcles excluded

for eligibility

(n=16) for the following

(n=30) reasons:

Parcipant age (n=2)

Parcipants at risk for ASD
but not diagnosed (n=3)
Study design (n=7)
Did not meet DSP criteria
Arcles included in (n=2)
quantitave synthesis Not parent implemented

(n=14) treatment (n=2)

Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram.

Table 2. Summary of included studies.

Age rangea Treatment condition (control Intervention setting; frequency; Practitioner; practitioner
Articles N (n females) (mean ageb) condition) duration training

Aldred, Green and Adams 28 (3 f) 2:0–5:11 (48) Child talk (routine care) Clinic; 1 session/month for 6 Unknown; unknown
(2004) months, then ‘‘less frequent’’
follow-ups for 6 months; 12
Carter et al. (2011) 62 (11 f) 1:3–2:1 (20) More than words (no Clinic and home; 8 parent only SLP; Hanen certified
Binns and Oram Cardy

treatment) sessions, 3 in home sessions;

3.5 months
Casenhiser et al. (2013, 2015) 51 2:11–4:11 (44) MEHRIT, DIR based (com- Clinic; 2 hour/week; 12 months SLP, OT; DIR certification
munity treatment)
Green et al. (2010), Pickles 152 (28 f) 2:0–4:11 PACT (treatment as usual) Clinic and home; biweekly ses- SLP; ‘‘Specially trained,’’
et al. (2016) sions for 6 months, monthly supervised by senior SLP
follow-ups, 18 sessions total; with clinical autism
12 months experience
Pajareya and 32 (9 f) 2:0–6:0 (54) DIR (community standard Home; 1.5 hours first session, no Rehabilitation Therapist;
Nopmaneejumruslers (2011) care) specified time for remainder Reading books, viewing
of sessions; 3 months training videos
Schertz et al. (2013) 23 (26) Joint attention mediated Home; at least 15 sessions; 4–12 Early Childhood Educators,
learning (community months with a mean treat- Counselor; ‘‘Prior
treatment) ment time of 7 months training’’
Schertz, Odom, Baggett, and 144 (29 f) 1:4–2:6 (24) Joint attention mediated Home; 1 hour/week; 32 weeks Unknown; unknown
Sideris (2018) learning (community
Solomon, Van Egeren, Mahoney, 128 (23 f) 2:8–5:11 (50) Play project—DIR based Home; 1, 3 hour session/month; OT, SLP, Special Educator; 4-
Huber, and Zimmerman (community standard care) 12 months day Play Project Training,
(2014) 12–18 months of
Venker, McDuffie, Weisemer, and 14 2:4–5:8 (41) Adapted more than words Clinic; 5, 2 hour parent educa- SLP, Graduate student SLP;
Abbeduto (2012) (delayed treatment group) tion sessions, 2, 45 minute Hanen certified
individual sessions, twice
weekly 60 minute group ses-
sions; 7 weeks
Wetherby et al. (2014) 82 1:4–1:8 (20) SCERTS individual Clinic and home; 3 sessions/ Unknown; unknown
treatment (SCERTS week for 6 months, then 2
group treatment) sessions/week for 3 months; 9
DIR: developmental, individual difference, relationship based intervention; f: female; MEHRIT: Milton and Ethel Harris research initiative treatment; OT: occupational therapist; PACT: preschool autism
communication treatment; RCT: randomized control trial; SCERTS: social communication, emotional regulation, transactional support intervention; SLP: speech-language pathologist.
8 Autism & Developmental Language Impairments

across all studies ranged from 23 to 152 participants. therapists, recreation therapists, and educators, and
Studies were conducted across four countries, and thus three studies did not report the professional back-
included participants from a variety of socioeconomic ground of the clinicians. The level of training of the
and cultural backgrounds. therapists was diverse and ranged from therapists
Research design and rigor. All of the RCTs included who had undergone four years of training (e.g.
at least one natural parent–child observation measure Casenhiser et al., 2013), to students reading a book
that evaluated generalization of skills learned in inter- and watching videos on the intervention (e.g. Pajareya
vention during play interactions and all but one study & Nopmaneejumruslers, 2011), to having no mention
(Schertz et al., 2013) reported adequate measures of of specific training (e.g. Schertz et al., 2018).
inter-rater reliability for the observational scales they
used.Nine studies included a social validity measure
Intervention impact
(Carter et al., 2011; Pajareya & Nopmaneejumruslers,
2011; Schertz et al., 2013, 2018; Venker, McDuffie, Ellis Foundational social communication skills. All of the
Weismer, & Abbeduto, 2012; Wetherby et al., 2014), RCTs examined the impact of DSP intervention on
which included parent satisfaction questionnaires, a social communication outcomes (see Table 3). The
parent stress index, and a clinician experience question- most common social communication capacities tar-
naire. Implementation of some form of fidelity measure geted were overall social interaction or communication
was included in six studies. Most of these studies eval- (n ¼ 4), attention (n ¼ 3), joint attention (n ¼ 4), and ini-
uated clinician implementation of the intervention tiation (n ¼ 3). Studies also examined children’s focus-
(Carter et al., 2011; Green et al., 2010; Schertz et al., ing on faces (n ¼ 1), involvement (n ¼ 1), engagement
2013, 2018; Solomon et al., 2014; Venker et al., 2012; (n ¼ 1), reciprocal interactions (n ¼ 1), gesture use
Wetherby et al., 2014), while only a few examined (n ¼ 1), nonverbal communication (n ¼ 1), and inten-
parent implementation of strategies (Casenhiser et al., tional communication (n ¼ 1).
2013; Schertz et al., 2013, 2018). Social interaction or social communication. Each of
Evidence was assessed to be compelling for four of the four studies evaluating social interaction capacities
the studies, suggestive for one and equivocal for five or overall social communication reported positive
(see Table 3). Notably, one of the studies rated as results, with moderate (Solomon et al., 2014;
equivocal was conducted in Thailand, a country Wetherby et al., 2014) to large effects (Aldred et al.,
where access to intervention services and resources is 2004; Green et al., 2010; Pajareya &
limited (Pajareya & Nopmaneejumruslers, 2011). Nopmaneejumruslers, 2011). Aldred et al. (2004)
Factors identified as recurring challenges in study included both social interaction and communication
design included small sample size (under powered), par- outcome measures, and reported positive results in
ticipant attrition, variable blinding of assessors (i.e. use the social interaction domain of the ADOS, but no sig-
of parent report outcome measures when parents were nificant change on the communication domain.
not blind to group allocation), lack of clarity in the Attention, interest, engagement, and involvement.
identification of the active ingredients used with care- Children’s overall attention was considered in three stu-
givers and children within the treatment, and lack of dies. Results were mixed. Positive results were reported
comprehensive fidelity measurement. in two studies (Casenhiser et al., 2013; Solomon et al.,
2014). The other study reported no significant changes
in children’s attention posttreatment (Aldred et al.,
Description of intervention 2004), but found small to moderate effects, possibly
Setting and intensity. Characteristics of the interven- related to small sample size (i.e. N ¼ 28). A more spe-
tions are presented in Table 2. It was most common cific form of attention, focusing on faces, was also posi-
for therapy sessions to be provided within the child’s tively impacted for children who had received DSP
home setting at least some of the time (n ¼ 7). Only intervention (Schertz et al., 2013, 2018). Joint attention
three studies conducted sessions solely in a clinic set- (including initiating and responding to bids for joint
ting. The range of treatment intensity was extensive, attention) was examined in four studies. Large positive
from an unspecified amount of treatment over 3 effects postintervention were reported in studies rated
months, to a hybrid of individual and group sessions suggestive and compelling (Casenhiser et al., 2013;
over 7 weeks, to 2 hours weekly over 12 months. Schertz et al., 2013, 2018) and no effects were reported
Service delivery. The trainers implementing the DSP in one study that was underpowered (Carter et al.,
interventions varied across studies. SLPs were the most 2011). Children’s involvement in interactions with care-
frequently noted professionals (n ¼ 5). Other profes- givers and overall engagement were also found to be
sional backgrounds included occupational therapists, positively impacted postintervention with large to mod-
a social worker, a psychologist, rehabilitation erate effects (Casenhiser et al., 2013).
Table 3. Summary of included studies outcomes and certainty of evidence.
Social communication variable, p-value Parent outcome variable, p-value CASP certainty
Citation Outcome measures used (effect size) Language variable, p-value (effect size) (effect size) of evidence

Aldred et al. (2004) ADOS social interaction domain; Social interaction, p ¼ .004 Expressive language, p5.001 Increase in parent synchrony, Equivocal
parent–child video analysis; (d ¼ .85) Child communication acts, (d ¼ .01) Language comprehension, p ¼ 0.16 (d ¼ .93) Decrease
VABS communication domain; p ¼ .041 (d ¼ .73) Child shared p ¼ .10 (d ¼ .00) Communication, in parent asynchrony, p ¼ .009
Binns and Oram Cardy

MCDI attention, p ¼ .204 p ¼ .121 (d ¼ .43) (d ¼ 1.07) Parent shared

(d ¼ .57) Communication, p4.05 attention, p ¼ .176
(unable to calculate effect size due to (d ¼ .37) Parent communi-
insufficient data) cation acts, p ¼ .293 (d ¼ .54)
Carter et al. (2011) ESCS; PCFP; nonverbal commu- Initiating joint attention, p4.05 – Parent responsivity, p¼.08 Equivocal
nication of PIA-NV (d ¼ .00) Initiating behavior (d ¼ .71)
requests, p4.05
(d ¼ .00) Frequency of intentional
communication, p4.05 (d ¼ .00)
Casenhiser et al. (2015) and CBRS; PLS and CASL; language Initiation of joint attention, p5.001 Total language, p ¼ .214 Fidelity parent coregulation, Suggestive
Casenhiser, Shanker and sample analysis; parent fidelity (d ¼ 1.02) Enjoyment, p5.05 (d ¼ .63) Number of utterances, p50.001 (d ¼ .996) Fidelity
Stieben (2013) to treatment (d ¼ .63) Attention, p5.05 p ¼ .002 (2p ¼ .191) MLUm, parent joining, p50.01
(d ¼ .69) Involvement, p5.01 p ¼ .015 (2p ¼ .123) Number of (d ¼ .92) Fidelity supporting
(d ¼ .87) different communication acts, reciprocity, p50.01
p5.001 (2p ¼ .208) Contingent (d ¼ .86) Fidelity use of
responses, p ¼ 0.28 affect (facial expressions, ges-
(2p ¼ .138) Commenting, tures, intonation changes,
p ¼ .012,(2p ¼ .239) Labeling, etc.), p50.001 (d ¼ .96)
p ¼ .021, (2p ¼ .104) Responding,
p ¼ .147, (2p ¼ .161) Directing,
p ¼ .132, (2p ¼ .001) Sharing,
p ¼ .005 (2p ¼ .234) Obtaining
information, p ¼ .005
(2p ¼ .151) Rejecting/protesting,
p ¼ .015 (2p ¼ .160) Social conven-
tions, p ¼ .57
(2p ¼ .024) Spontaneous social
expressions, p ¼ .05 (2p ¼ .075)
Green et al. (2010) Parent–child video analysis; Child initiations, p ¼ .009 PLS receptive language, n.s., no p-value Parental synchrony, p4.00, Compelling
CSBS-DP social composite; (d ¼ .44) Social composite, n.s., no reported (d ¼ 1.09) PLS expressive (d ¼ 1.09) Shared attention,
ADOS social communication p-value reported (log- language, n.s., no p-value reported n.s., no p-value reported
modified algorithm total; PLS; odds ¼ 2.49) Social communication, (d ¼ .00) MCDI receptive, n.s., no (d ¼ .38)
MCDI; VABS communication n.s., no p-value reported (log- p-value reported (log-
domain odds ¼  0.64) odds ¼ 2.49) MCDI expressive, n.s.,
no p-value reported (log-
odds ¼ 1.63) Vineland communica-
tion, n.s., no p-value reported
(d ¼ .17)
Table 3. (continued)

Social communication variable, p-value Parent outcome variable, p-value CASP certainty
Citation Outcome measures used (effect size) Language variable, p-value (effect size) (effect size) of evidence

Pajareya and FEAS; FEDQ Functional emotional capacities, p ¼ .031 – – Equivocal

Nopmaneejumruslers (2011) (d ¼ .82) Emotional development,
p ¼ .006 (d ¼ 1.18)
Schertz et al. (2013) PJAM; VABS communication Focusing on faces p5.01 Receptive language, p5.05 – Equivocal
domain; MSEL (d ¼ 1.24) Responding to joint (d ¼ .34) Expressive language,
attention p5.001 (d ¼ 1.39) Turn p4.05 (d ¼ .45) Communication,
taking p4.05 (d ¼ .55) Initiated p5.05 (d ¼ .59)
joint attention p4.05 (d ¼ .70)
Schertz et al. (2018) PJAM Focusing on faces, p5.001 – – Compelling
(d ¼ 1.20) Responding to joint
attention, p5.001 (d ¼ 2.80) Turn
taking, p5.001 (d ¼ 0.85) Initiated
joint attention, p ¼ .003 (d ¼ .90)
Solomon et al. (2014) CBRS; SCQ; MBRS; MSEL; Attention, p5.01, n2 ¼ .07 Initiation, Vocabulary understood, p4.05 Maternal behavior, p5.01 Compelling
MCDI-words gestures; MCDI- p5.001, n2 ¼ .14 Social communi- (n2 ¼ .00) Phrases understood, (n2 ¼ .30) Maternal respon-
words sentences cation, p4.05, n2 ¼ .01 Gestures, p4.05 (n2 ¼ .00) Vocabulary pro- siveness, p5.001
p4.05, n2 ¼ .00 Functional emo- duced (words and gestures), p4.05 (n2 ¼ .15) Maternal affect,
tional capacities, p5.05 (n2 ¼ .05) (n ¼ .01) Vocabulary produced p5.001 (n2 ¼ .20) Maternal
(words and sentences), p4.05 achievement orientation,
(n2 ¼ .02) Complexity, p4.05 p5.001 (n2 ¼ .10) Maternal
(n2 ¼ .00) Receptive, p4.05 directiveness, p5.001
(n2 ¼ .00) Expressive language, (n2 ¼ .08)
p4.05 (n2 ¼ .01)
Venker et al. (2012) Parent–child video transcription Spontaneous nonverbal communication Prompted communication acts, p ¼ .007 Follow in comments, p ¼ .029 Equivocal
acts, p ¼ .320 (d ¼ .09) (d ¼ .74) Spontaneous communica- (d ¼ .06) Linguistic mapping,
tion acts, p ¼ .196 (d ¼ .54) p ¼ .025
(d ¼ 1.12) Prompting,
p ¼ .002
(d ¼ 1.39) Redirects,
p ¼ .004 (d ¼ .89)
Wetherby et al. (2014) CSBS; VABS communication and Social, p ¼ .04 (g ¼ .48) Socialization, Receptive language, p ¼ .008 – Compelling
Socialization domains; MSEL p ¼ .04 (g ¼ .66) (g ¼ .58) Expressive language,
p ¼ .61 (g ¼ .18) Speech, p ¼ .81
(g ¼ .05) Symbolic, p ¼ .72
(g ¼ .13) Communication, p ¼ .004
(g ¼ .69)

ADOS: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (Lord et al., 2001); CASL: Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (Carrow-Woolfolk, 1999); CBRS: Child Behavior Rating Scale (Bronson et al.,
1990); CSBS-DP: Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile (Wetherby & Prizant, 2002); ESCS: Early Social Communication Scale (Mundy et al., 2013); FEAS: Functional Emotional
Assessment Scale (Greenspan, et al., 2001); FEDQ: Functional Emotional Development Questionnaire (Greenspan et al., 2003); MBRS: Maternal Behavioral Rating Scale (Mahoney & Powell, 1986); MCDI:
MacArthur Communicative Developmental Inventory (Fenson et al., 2007); MSEL: Mullen Scales of Early Learning (Mullen, 1995); PCFP: The Parent–Child Free Play Procedure; PIA-CV: Parent Interview for
Autism–Clinical Version (Stone et al., 2003); PJAM: Precursors of Joint Attention Measure (Leaf & McEachin, 1999); PLS: Preschool Language Scale (Zimmerman et al. 2006); SCQ: Social Communication
Questionnaire (Rutter, Bailey & Lord, 2003); VABS: Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (Sparrow et al., 2005).
Autism & Developmental Language Impairments
Binns and Oram Cardy 11

Initiations. Moderate to large positive effects for chil- and responding to joint attention (d ¼ 1.18). Schertz
dren’s initiation were found in two studies (Green et al., et al. (2018) reported similar maintenance of skill
2010; Solomon et al., 2014). However, Carter et al. improvements in the DSP group six-month postinter-
(2011) found no significant improvements in initiations vention (p ¼ .007, d ¼ .77), in addition to improvements
of behavior requests. in reciprocal turn taking (p5.001, d ¼ .78). However,
Reciprocity. Only one study examined children’s improvements in initiating joint attention were not
reciprocity skills. Schertz et al. (2018) found large posi- maintained (p ¼ .082, d ¼ .69). Another study found
tive effects on children’s turn taking post-DSP children’s overall socioemotional skills (e.g. attention,
treatment. reciprocity, use of affect) continued to significantly
Gestures, nonverbal, and intentional communication. improve one-year postintervention relative to a com-
No effects were found for children’s use of gestures munity treatment group (p5.001; Pajareya &
(Solomon et al., 2014), spontaneous use of nonverbal Nopmaneejumruslers, 2012).
communication (Venker et al., 2012), or frequency of Long-term follow-up. A 5.75-year follow-up of chil-
intentional communication (Carter et al., 2011). dren who received PACT intervention revealed a smal-
Language capacities. Children’s posttreatment lan- ler group difference for child initiations at follow-up
guage skills were considered within seven studies (see (d ¼ .29, 95% CI: 0.02 to 0.57) than directly postin-
Table 3). Outcome measures used to assess language tervention (Pickles et al., 2015). However, the mean
varied across studies. Six studies used standardized lan- treatment effect from baseline to follow-up was stron-
guage tests as outcome measures (e.g. Preschool ger (d ¼ 0.33, 95% CI: 0.1–0.6, p ¼ 0.004). Similarly,
Language Scale; Zimmerman, Steiner, & Pond, 2006). parent synchrony did not maintain treatment effects
Of these, three reported mixed results across different at follow-up (d ¼ .02, 95% CI: 0.30 to 0.36) but
language tests (Green et al., 2010; Schertz et al., 2013; when the overall study duration was taken into
Wetherby et al., 2014) and three reported no effects account, the effects of the intervention were significant
(Aldred et al., 2004; Casenhiser et al., 2013; Solomon (d ¼ .61, 95% CI: 0.38–0.86, p50.0001).
et al., 2014). Two of the studies that reported mixed Postintervention differences between groups in lan-
results found small to moderate positive effects in chil- guage were no longer present at follow-up (d ¼ .15,
dren’s receptive language, but not in expressive lan- 95% CI: –0.23 to 0.53).
guage (Schertz et al., 2013; Wetherby et al., 2014). Caregiver interaction outcomes. Pre–post social com-
Green et al. (2010) found no effects using assessor- munication or language outcomes of caregivers were
rated measures of language. However, parent ratings examined within six studies. Parent outcomes most
showed large positive effects on both children’s expres- commonly reported related to parent responsiveness
sive and receptive language. Casenhiser et al. (2013) and parental control.
and Aldred et al. (2004) found no significant differences Responsiveness. Parental responsiveness significantly
for children’s receptive, expressive, or total language increased for parents who had participated in DSP
scores using standardized language tests; however, intervention, with two studies reporting large positive
moderate to large positive effects on children’s language effects (Casenhiser et al., 2013; Solomon et al., 2014).
use were found when language skills were analyzed By contrast, Carter et al. (2011) reported no changes in
during naturalistic videotaped interactions (Casenhiser parental responsiveness with moderate effects noted,
et al., 2015). Venker et al. (2012) also used naturalistic which may have related to small sample size (n ¼ 28).
observation tools to evaluate language. They found Parental control/directiveness. Within DSP interven-
mixed results, with no changes observed in children’s tions, parental directiveness is not thought to support
use of spontaneous communication acts, but large posi- spontaneous communication or language and is there-
tive effects on children’s use of prompted communica- fore discouraged. Three studies reported reductions
tion acts, following DSP intervention. in directiveness with moderate (Solomon et al.,
Short-term follow-up. Four studies reported on out- 2014) to large effects (Aldred et al., 2004; Venker
comes from follow-up assessments that were conducted et al., 2012).
between 1–2 months and 1 year postintervention Synchrony/joining and shared attention. Parent’s syn-
(Carter et al., 2011; Pajareya & Nopmaneejumruslers, chrony with their children showed significant positive
2011; Schertz et al., 2013, 2018). One study did not find improvements in two studies (Aldred et al., 2004; Green
significant treatment effects posttreatment or at follow- et al., 2010). Similarly, Casenhiser et al. (2013) reported
up (Carter et al., 2011). However, Schertz et al. (2013) large positive effects postintervention for parents join-
found significant improvements in their DSP interven- ing their children’s ideas. Parents’ use of comments that
tion group relative to a community intervention group followed the children’s interests also improved with
that were maintained 4–8 weeks’ postintervention for moderate effects (Venker et al., 2012). Green et al.
following faces of communication partners (d ¼ .84) (2010) found positive changes in parent–child shared
12 Autism & Developmental Language Impairments

attention post-DSP intervention but Aldred et al. initiating joint attention were not influenced by
(2004) did not. autism severity.
Affect and coregulation. Both studies evaluating par- Expression of enjoyment of the child, joining, support
ents’ use of affect to engage their children found large of reciprocity, and support of independent thinking.
positive effects with DSP intervention (Casenhiser Casenhiser et al. (2013) found that parent fidelity to
et al., 2013; Solomon et al., 2014). Parents’ coregula- treatment predicted both language and social commu-
tory strategies also had large positive changes nication outcomes in children following DSP interven-
(Casenhiser et al., 2013). tion. Specifically, positive child outcomes were
Parent communication acts, linguistic mapping, and predicted by parent fidelity on expression of enjoyment
indirect prompting. Aldred et al. (2004) reported no during interactions with the child, joining, support of
changes in the frequency of parent communication reciprocity, and support of independent thinking.
acts post-DSP intervention; however, moderate effects However, caregiver behaviors before treatment were
were noted. Large positive changes in parents’ use of not significantly associated with any of the changes in
linguistic mapping and indirect prompting to encourage child outcomes.
communication were also observed post-DSP treatment Amount of treatment. Pajareya and
(Venker et al., 2012). Nopmaneejumruslers (2014) found that the more
hours per week of intervention, the better the gain in
functional emotional capacities. However, fidelity to
Factors influencing DSP intervention effects treatment was not considered, so it is unknown whether
Four studies examined child or intervention features therapists or parents were implementing DIR therapy
that may have influenced children’s response to DSP as it was intended. Therefore, it is unclear whether
treatment (Carter et al., 2011; Casenhiser et al., 2013; gains were related to time in the intervention per se
Pajareya & Nopmaneejumruslers, 2012; Schertz et al., or time spent interacting with a parent.
2018). Formal mediation analysis examining the rela- Caregiver responsiveness and use of affect. Mahoney
tionship between treatment elements and children’s and Solomon (2016) conducted a secondary analysis of
response to treatment was only conduced for two stu- data from Solomon et al. (2014) to examine potential
dies (Mahoney & Solomon, 2016; Pickles et al., 2015). mediators of their DSP treatment. Intervention effects
The following themes emerged. on children’s social engagement were mediated by
Child’s pretreatment object interest. Carter et al. increases in parental responsiveness. Similarly, inter-
(2011) reported that children’s object interest prior to vention effects on children’s social affect were mediated
treatment influenced the treatment effect on the resi- by increases in parental responsiveness and use of social
dualized gain for several communication variables. affect. A large portion of the gains in children’s social
Children who played with fewer than three toys engagement and functional emotional capacities fol-
during the pretreatment assessment demonstrated lowing DSP intervention was explained by change in
greater gains in initiating joint attention and initiating caregiver responsiveness and use of social affect.
requests if they were assigned to the DSP intervention. Caregiver synchronous behavior. A follow-up study
However, children who played with five or more toys examining the treatment mechanisms of PACT inter-
during the initial assessment showed fewer gains in vention found that children’s improvements in commu-
initiating joint attention, initiating requests, and the nication initiations were mediated by an increase in
weighted frequency of intentional communication if caregivers’ synchronous behaviors. Repeated measures
they were assigned to the DSP treatment group. This reliability models and a two-mediator reliability mode
suggests that children’s level of object interest at the indicated that approximately 70–90% of the changes in
time they entered the study had an impact on how the children’s improvement in communication were
they responded to the DSP intervention. attributed to improvements in parent synchronous
Autism severity and overall development. Two studies behavior (Pickles et al., 2015).
examined how a child’s autism severity influenced treat-
ment effects, and results were conflicting. Pajareya et al.
(2012) found that the less severe the impairments or the
higher the level of overall performance of the child This systematic review examined the impact of six dif-
prior to intervention, the more likely they were to ferent DSP interventions on children’s or caregivers’
have positive gains from the DSP intervention.In con- social communication across 10 studies.
trast, Schertz et al. (2018) found that more positive Consolidation of results from the studies identified as
changes in responding to joint attention occurred for being compelling reveal consistent empirical support
the children with more severe autism. However, treat- for the effectiveness of DSP interventions for enhancing
ment effects for following faces, turn taking, and foundational social communication capacities, namely
Binns and Oram Cardy 13

positive changes in children’s attention, focusing on Variability in the professional background and
faces, responding to bids for joint attention, use of experience of the treating clinicians, combined with
affect, engaging in reciprocal interactions, and initiating the limited use of fidelity measures within the studies
communication. It is critical to identify interventions included in this review also raises questions about the
that support the development of these foundational effective implementation of treatment designed to sup-
communication skills given that they can have a tre- port children’s language. A comprehensive evaluation
mendous positive impact on children’s social inter- of treatment fidelity may help to resolve these issues.
actions and language development, yet these skills can DSP interventions are considered triadic treatment
be particularly challenging for children with ASD models where there is (a) a therapist providing treat-
(Watt, Wetherby, & Shumway, 2006).Within the few ment to a child and coaching caregivers, (b) caregivers
(n ¼ 4) studies that included maintenance measures, receiving training and then implementing strategies
positive gains in social communication remained, fur- learned during interactions with their child, and (c) a
ther supporting the effectiveness of DSP. child receiving intervention directly from both the ther-
The effect of DSP interventions on children’s lan- apist and the caregiver. When working within a triadic
guage is less clear. Positive findings in some studies treatment model, researchers would be wise to measure
are tempered by null findings in others. Notably, of fidelity of treatment implementation at each level of the
the studies rated compelling, none revealed lasting, intervention (e.g. therapist’s fidelity to delivering treat-
large effects on children’s language posttreatment. In ment, fidelity of parent training, and fidelity of parent
light of these findings, we should consider factors that use of DSP strategies; Roberts & Kaiser, 2011). Within
may have impacted children’s response to treatment. our review, although many studies reported use of fidel-
First, given the young age at which some of the children ity measures, only one (Schertz et al., 2018) looked at
began treatment, and the marked improvements in chil- fidelity at more than one level of implementation (i.e.
dren’s social communication but not language, we clinician and caregiver).
might consider the possibility that some of the children Despite the importance DSP places on including
included in the studies were not developmentally ready caregivers in the treatment process and previous
to use symbolic language. Therefore, it would have research outlining the relationship between parent
been developmentally appropriate to solidify these interaction and communication styles and children’s
foundational communication skills prior to targeting communication outcomes (Siller & Sigman, 2002,
specific language goals, and this might be reflected 2008), only three studies included outcome measures
within the results. Future studies should consider exam- evaluating caregiver communication. Access to both
ining the impact of children’s pretreatment language parent and child data will bolster further exploration
level on their response to DSP interventions. of the mediating effects of specific parent interaction
Additionally, the heterogeneity in both the language styles on children’s communication and language and
capacities assessed and the tools used to measure vice versa.
change may have played a role in the inconsistent lan- Of the studies that included caregiver outcomes,
guage results across studies. Children’s social commu- increases in parent synchrony, responsiveness, and use
nication and functional language use are particularly of affect were observed post-DSP intervention, as was a
difficult to evaluate using standardized or parent decrease in the amount of directiveness. Uptake of
report measures (Tager-Flusberg et al., 2009) and yet these strategies aligns with a number of the core fea-
standardized language testing was the most frequent tures of DSP interventions, namely: (a) allowing chil-
tool used to evaluate children’s language outcomes. In dren to initiate activities and select materials, that is
alignment with social pragmatic theory, DSP interven- joining in with their ideas rather than directing the
tions focus on developing children’s communicative interactions and (b) adult responsiveness. However,
intent and communication functions, rather than lan- these changes were not universal across all studies or
guage form. Natural play interactions create an envir- all parent behaviors. To better understand why some
onment to more effectively evaluate these skills.Only studies found changes in caregiver behavior and others
two studies included in this review evaluated language did not, future research should examine not only parent
within natural contexts and found positive results behaviors, but also the mechanics and techniques used
(Casenhiser et al., 2015; Venker et al., 2012). The inclu- in parent coaching. This information would also allow
sion of such natural outcome measures aligns with pre- for study replication and analysis of the relations
vious recommendations and underscores the between coaching/training strategies and parents’
importance of including tools that examine language effective use of DSP techniques.
within natural contexts as outcome measures to Two specific mediating effects of DSP treatments
ensure that the data gathered have the highest degree were revealed in our review: caregiver responsiveness
of validity possible (Tager-Flusberg et al., 2009). and caregiver synchronous behavior. Both positively
14 Autism & Developmental Language Impairments

predicted children’s communication development and ASD (e.g. smaller age range, similar pretreatment lan-
response to DSP interventions (Mahoney & Solomon, guage level).
2016; Pickles et al., 2015). These findings align with Inclusion of measures of generalization and main-
previous research demonstrating that parental respon- tenance when evaluating treatment effectiveness is
siveness supports children’s cognitive, communication, important (Dollaghan, 2007) and was scarce within
and socioemotional development (e.g. Kochanska, the studies included in this review. The necessity of
Forman, & Coy, 1999; Mahoney & Perales, 2003, these kinds of measures is underscored when assessing
2005; Tamis-LeMonda, Bornstein, Baumwell, & interventions that include a parent training component.
Melstein Damast, 1996; Wolff & Ijzendoorn, 1997). One goal of including parents in intervention is to
Both responsiveness and synchronous behavior (joining increase the child’s treatment dosage through having
in with ideas children have initiated) are specifically parents generalize the strategies learned during inter-
targeted within DSP interventions and were included vention to their interactions with their child outside
within the framework we used for identifying DSP- of intervention. Without generalization measures, it is
based interventions. Caregiver responsiveness in par- difficult to determine what might be driving change
ticular is one of the critical differences in how DSP within the intervention. For parent coaching interven-
and some NDBI interventions are implemented (with tions, different levels of generalization that researchers
responsiveness not being a core defining feature of should include: (a) whether the caregiver and child,
NDBI treatment models; Ingersoll, 2010). It is possible as a dyad, are able to generalize skills learned in treat-
that this feature influences interventions’ effectiveness ment to natural interactions that are outside of
for social communication and language development the treatment setting, and (b) whether the child is
(Ingersoll, 2010). Given the movement toward integrat- able to maintain communication and language gains
ing developmental principles within behavioral inter- when interacting with someone who has not received
vention models (Lord et al., 2005; Schreibman et al., the intervention, and who therefore may not be provid-
2015), it will be important to understand which features ing scaffolds to enhance the child’s communication
of DSP interventions best predict positive treatment or language. Examining generalization at these
response. Including analysis of potential treatment two levels can help researchers to answer the question:
mediators in future research should be a priority. This Did the child’s language change because the caregiver
could help clinicians better tailor interventions to each learned to effectively scaffold the child’s language,
child’s individual profile and enhance the decision- or was it specifically the child’s language that
making process about which treatment characteristics changed, thus enabling the child to maintain changes
to integrate when combining the two treatment models. across different partners? In future research, it is
imperative that measures of generalization are included
and that consideration is given to the tools used
Limitations and future research to evaluate generalization. Kazdin (2008) explored
Within the studies that met inclusion criteria, there was opportunities to bridge clinical research and practice,
sizable heterogeneity specifically with respect to (a) reporting that ‘‘even changes on well-established
study design; (b) methodological quality; (c) duration, rating scales are often difficult to translate into every-
intensity, and implementation of treatment programs; day life’’ (p. 148). None of the studies included in
(d) professional background of professionals delivering this review assessed generalization or maintenance
the treatment; (e) fidelity to treatment; (f) level of train- of social communication or language gains by remov-
ing of therapists; and (g) outcome measures used. ing the familiar caregiver during interactions. However,
Consequently, a meta-analysis was not conduced all studies employed at least one outcome measure
(Sterne, Egger, & Moher, 2011). There is need for add- that evaluated children with caregivers or therapists in
itional RCTs that are adequately powered and that natural play contexts. Including more extensive meas-
employ greater consistency in the frequency, duration, ures at multiple levels of generalization in future
and delivery of the intervention provided to both the research would support evaluation of real-world
treatment and control groups. Consensus on outcome generalization.
measures used across studies will also help researchers Finally, including detailed information about service
draw more definitive conclusions about DSP interven- delivery factors (e.g. intervention duration and fre-
tions. Although treatment effects were significant quency, clinician training) and how specific capacities
in many cases, wide confidence intervals demonstrating are targeted during intervention would be a valuable
the variability of outcomes were also common addition to this body of research. Including this infor-
across studies. Within future research, it might be mation would allow for analysis of how service delivery
advantageous to look at how DSP interventions factors or use of specific treatment strategies might
impact more homogeneous groups of children with relate to children’s response to treatment and inform
Binns and Oram Cardy 15

service delivery. Within the studies we reviewed, specific Institutes for Health and Research and Sinneave Family
capacities targeted during intervention were often Foundation’s Autism Research Training Program.
described vaguely, and many of the DSP programs
were not manualized. This may be due to the concern Supplemental Material
that manuals do not always allow for enough flexibility Supplemental material for this article is available online.
and customization of intervention to meet the diverse
needs for the children and families (Smith, 2012). ORCID iD
However, a manual that provides guidance on how to Janis Oram Cardy
consider implementation of the intervention in a way
that allows for flexibility and individualized adaptation References
would help to make DSP intervention studies more Aldred, C., Green, J., & Adams, C. (2004). A new social
replicable. communication intervention for children with autism:
Pilot randomised controlled treatment study suggesting
effectiveness. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
45(8), 1420–1430.
As far as we are aware, this is the first systematic review Bates, E. (1976). Language and context: The acquisition of
to identify a group of interventions that met clearly pragmatics. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
defined DSP intervention criteria. Our review examined Bronson, M., Goodson, B., Layzer, J., & Love, J. (1990).
the effectiveness of DSP treatments on the social com- Child behavior rating scale. Cambridge, MA: ABT
munication and language of young children with ASD.
Bruner, J. (1975). The ontogenesis of speech acts. Journal of
It also investigated how parents’ interaction and com-
Child Language, 2, 1–20.
munication styles were impacted by these interventions. Bruner, J. (1983). Child’s talk: Learning to use language.
Our review suggests that DSP treatments positively New York: WW Norton.
impact children’s foundational social communication Brunner, D. L., & Seung, H. (2009). Evaluation of the effi-
capacities such as attention, focusing on faces, joint cacy of communication-based treatments for autism spec-
attention, initiation, and reciprocity, but do not con- trum disorders: A literature review. Communication
sistently improve children’s language skills. These inter- Disorders Quarterly, 31(1), 15–41.
ventions have the capacity to enhance the interaction Carrow-Woolfolk, E. (1999). Comprehensive assessment of
styles of caregivers, optimizing them for supporting spoken language. Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance
children’s communication development. The two stu- Service.
Carter, A. S., Messinger, D. S., Stone, W. L., Celimli, S.,
dies that examined mediating factors impacting chil-
Nahmias, A. S., & Yoder, P. (2011). A randomized con-
dren’s response to DSP interventions suggest that
trolled trial of Hanen’s ‘more than words’ in toddlers with
caregiver responsiveness and synchronous behavior early autism symptoms. Journal of Child Psychology and
positively predict response to treatment, and thus inclu- Psychiatry, 52(7), 741–752.
sion of these intervention features should be Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). (2018).
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