OCWk5 Aug 26 31

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DAILY LESSON LOG: Oral Communication in Context

Level: GRADE 11 Date: Aug. 26-31, 2024
LEARNING Discusses the functions of communication. EN11/12OC-Ibe-8
LEARNING At the end of this module, you should be able to: 1. Discuss the functions of communication. 2. Identify the speaker’s purpose(s). - Ibe-9
OBJECTIVES 3. Ascertains the verbal and nonverbal cues that each speaker uses to achieve his/her purpose. - Ibe-11 4. Comprehends various kinds of oral texts. -
Daily Routine •Greetings, •Prayers, •Cleanliness and Orderliness, •Checking of attendance
B. Source: Source: Source: Source: Source:
NATIONAL G11SLM-Oral-Compdf G11SLM-Oral-Compdf SHS-Core_Oral- G11SLM-Oral-Compdf
MATERIALS/ DAY SHS-Core_Oral-Communication- SHS-Core_Oral-Communication- DEPEDTV, EtULAYtv
CG.pdf CG.pdf
C. LEARNING 1 2 Directions: 3 Directions: What can 4 Directions: 5 Directions: 6
STRATEGIES/ Directio Describe the pictures you say about these Comment of this video Read sample poems. See sample Directi
ns: showing the Functions of sentences? What is the Debates. ons:
ACTIVITIES HOLIDAY Communication: What characteristics do poems & Continu
purpose of each?
Regulation/Control  Social debates have? What do you think do e the
Interaction  Motivation 
1. Stand straight. they serve as? tasks
Information  Emotional 2. Speak louder! given
3. How are you? Oral texts are poems and narratives for the
4. What have you that are recited. week’s
Expression been up to these Nonverbal cues: Lesson.
Tone of voice, bodily
days? Oral texts include: speeches, Kindly
actions, eye seminars, oral histories, debates, reply
5. You can make it communication, and
this semester. live/recorded presentations, & other with
others. appropriate oral text types. emojis
6. I believe in you!
7. I’m happy to be
Purpose of oral text: up’ your
given this Speakers & listeners use oral texts for quick
opportunity. a variety of purposes, ranging from reply
8. Good morning! functional to aesthetic. They create & will
How’s everyone? respond to a variety of functional and serve as
9. Hey, what’s aesthetic texts, obtain and your
poppin’? communicate info, and build asynchr
Basically, there are 5 relationship with others. onous
10. It’s so nice to see
functions of attenda
communication. you!
Oral text is performed and verbally nce
1. Control – Communication 11. I sincerely
transmitted using arts and language
functions to control apologize for my to showcase cultural info & values
behavior. mistake. from one generation to another.
2. Social Interaction – 12. You give me 1. Proverbs
Communication allows butterflies to my 2. Poetry
individuals to interact with tummy. 3. Song
others. 13. I feel bad the way 4. Riddle
3. Motivation – a. Enigma
Communication motivates
you talk to me. b. Conundrum
or encourages people to live 14. Oh wow! That’s so 5. Oral Narrative
better. exciting! 6. Mixed Genre
4. Information 15. Come to me all
dissemination – you who labor and
Communication functions to I will give you rest.
convey information.
5. Emotional expression –
A.The Control/Regulation
Communication facilitates
people’s expression of function of
feelings and emotions. communication includes:
i. instructions, ii.
Requests, iii. Commands

B. Social Interaction
includes: i. greetings, ii.
Getting to know, iii. Chit
chats, iv. Catching up, v.

C. Motivation includes: i.
cheers, ii. quotations, iii.
Bible verses, iv. Advice

D. Info dissemination
includes: i. facts, ii.
Announcements, iii. Info
on the given evidence, iv.

E. Emo expression
includes: i. express, ii.
Accept, iii. Affirm, iv. Deny
D. Beginners: Show & Tell: Beginners: Draw: Beginners: DRAT Division Reading Assessment
signs/symbols for control; signs/symbols for control; people What are her non-verbal Tool Grade 11
ASSESSMENT people interacting; motivating interacting; motivating emojis; cues?
PLAN emojis; emotional emoticons; emotional emoticons; info
info dissemination media logos. dissemination media logos.
Explain the purpose of each of
Slow: Draw: signs/symbols for your drawings.
control; people interacting;
motivating emojis; emotional Slow: What are the purpose
emoticons; info dissemination functions of the ff.:
media logos. Explain each of
your drawings. 1. Plant a tree and save a life!
2. Go and make disciples. Slow:
Average: 3. Do me a favor & please
What are the functions of the clean your space.
ff.: 4. Go straight ahead then turn
left on the street to the
1. Plant a tree and save a right of Puregold.
life! 5. I care about you not to
2. Go and make disciples. make you believe that
3. Do me a favor & please giving an incomplete
clean your space. notebook will make you a
4. Go straight ahead then good student. Average:
turn left on the street to
the right of Puregold. Group work: Make a poster
Average: Prepare Role Play---
5. I care about you not to of your chosen function of
Group 1. There is an
make you believe that
giving an incomplete
Acquaintance Party in school communication.
wherein students are coming
notebook will make you a Advance:
from different places.
good student.
Group 2. Parents are talking to
Analyze various
Advance: their children about the house kinds of oral texts
Prepare Role Play---Group 1.
There is an Acquaintance Party
rules. by watching an
in school wherein students are Group 3. Children are oral presentation.
coming from different places. complaining about the house
rules. Watch and listen
Group 2. Parents are talking to
Group 4. A teenager motivates carefully to any of
their children about the house
rules. the old ones. the oral texts that
Group 3. Children are Group 5. Class president shared will be presented
about the plans for the
complaining about the house
and work on the
given table below
Group 4. A teenager motivates
the old ones.
together with your
1. Based on your activity,
Group 5. Class president shared what can you say about the
groupmates in
about the plans for the function of communication? making an analysis.
intramurals. 2. What is the importance of O T Per Plac Mes
being aware of the different r it for e/ sag
functions? a l me Dat e of
1. Based on your activity, l e r e of pre
what can you say about the Advance: t pre sent
function of communication? Give other examples of--- e sent atio
2. What is the importance of A.Control/Regulation x atio n
being aware of the different function of t n
functions? communication includes:
i. instructions, ii.
Requests, iii. Commands

B. Social Interaction
includes: i. greetings, ii.
Getting to know, iii. Chit
chats, iv. Catching up, v.

C. Motivation includes: i.
cheers, ii. quotations, iii.
Bible verses, iv. Advice

D. Info dissemination
includes: i. facts, ii.
Announcements, iii. Info
on the given evidence, iv.

E. Emo expression
includes: i. express, ii.
Accept, iii. Affirm, iv. Deny
REMEDIATIO Jot down key words on your Jot down key words on your Jot down key words on Jot down key words on your notebk
notebk. notebk. your notebk. Review past lesson.
N/ Review past lesson. Review past lesson Review past lesson.

Prepared and submitted by: Mr. JOSEPH M. GANNABAN Dr. Esperancilla M. Clemente
Teacher III Master Teacher II
Noted by:
Mrs. Annabelle E. Salamida
JHS-SHS Head Teacher

Approved by:
Dr. Edna V. Bañaga
Principal IV

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