MODULE 7: Sample Oral Communication: Activities

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MODULE 7: Sample Oral Communication


"Sometimes our actions are much more meaningful than words. A hug can
sometimes express more than our words will ever express. “
~Catherine Pulsifier~

There is one lesson covered by the module.

Sample Oral Communication Activities

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 Compare dynamic and flat oral communication activities;

 Appreciate effective oral texts employed by speakers; and
 Recognize verbal and non-verbal cues used to effectively convey a message.

Directions: Read carefully each statement below. Write T for truthful or

right statements and F for false or wrong statements.

1. Speeches, stories, oral poetry and songs are examples of oral


2. Stories are helpful in teaching morals and solving attitude

problems especially with younger people who lack experience.

3. Songs are handy tools for entertainment and other purposes for

almost any occasions. They also carry a great deal of historical

to modern day information.

4. Physical appearance and bodily movements do not complement

verbal messages.

5. A dynamic speaker asserts his own objectives regardless of feedback.

6. Reading the audience is one aspect of an effective speaker.

7. Presentations and speeches are more formal, therefore less

engaging than singing, stories and oral poetry.

8. Compared to written text, speech is less formal and less in fluency.

9. Language techniques do not apply to oral communication activities

since oral communication is supposed to be spontaneous.

10. Non-verbal cues should match the spoken words to avoid confusion.

7 Sample Oral Communication Activities

Video Analysis

A. Watch and listen to the comic illustration on the Guide to Effective Communication on this link:
90&fbclid=IwAR37XIJAgpojEGme7D4LhRo4TkJic5OwWXAyDTADR0sbtRS9RF- cImwSF_4

After playing the video, explain briefly the quote: “Precise communication at the right place, the right time, can
guarantee success.” Write your answer in your notebook.

B. Open the link Study the two different approaches

of communication -- one good and the other bad. Then answer the following questions. Write your answer in your
What communication strategy did the boss miss in set 2 of the first scenario?

1. What effective strategy did the boss utilize in set 1 and 2 in the second scenario?

2. How did the employee react to the task in scenario 1? Why do you think so?

3. What made the employee react positively to the task in scenario 2?

4. What made the employee react positively to the task in scenario 2?

Communication involves verbal and non-verbal cues. Verbal cues include auditory
language like sound and words in order to deliver or exchange information. It is the
superficial part of communication because it is more obvious than non- verbal cues. Non-
verbal cues are your total presentation and self-expression apart from spoken words. You
will miss some non-verbal cues when you are not in a face- to face interaction like on the
phone or using the Messenger.

How do verbal and non-verbal cues impact our communication? Imagine the
following scenarios:

1. Your superior enters the office with an angry look.

2. The Schools Division Superintendent arrives and surprises everybody in

3. Your best friend avoids you the whole day.

4. Pinned down for a 3-hour university orientation.

Which among the above scenarios will elicit the most reactions? Darlene Price,
author of Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results, said that verbal
cues are more impactful especially when it involves attitudes and behavior. She further
explained that when verbal and non-verbal cues disagree, you ought to believe the non-
verbal cues.

A good communicator, whether talking to a child, in front of an audience, or behind

the desk, has to be only keen to verbal and non-verbal cues. More importantly, his
expressions and words have to agree.
Here is a graph that summarizes both verbal and non-verbal cues.



● Volume Word choice shows Tone of voice, pitch, volume, inflection,

● Pitch qualities such as intellectual pacing, pause

● Voice capacity, Silence

quality intensity or urgency of the

● Tone message and Body language

● Inflection confidence and values like Gestures Eye contact

● Pacing modesty or Facial expression Touching
● Pausing superiority. Posture Proximity

Grooming Confidence
The Entertainment Factor

People love to listen to stories in the form of oral poetry, songs or plain storytelling.
These oral communication activities, all packed with emotions, differ in oral delivery. They
communicate a lot of truth regarding relevant issues of today and yesterday, skillfully
incorporating a variety of language features. What important role do these activities foster?

Oral poetry contains most of the elements found in written poetry. Aside from
rhythm, it also uses figurative language. The difference is, it is delivered or performed to a
live audience, hence, the body language and emotions are better expressed, creating a
higher degree of response among the listeners. Some features of oral poetry are tone, meter,
repetition, inflection, mood and it perfects imagery.

Songs do not differ much from oral poetry. Songs play a huge role in
communication. It has religious, social and political functions. It has similar features to
poetry added the lyrical element. A special musical feature found in many different genres
of music is syncopation, an artistic play of rhythm, deviating from the natural flow. Rap is
a popular style of popular music that magnifies the use of syncopation. Its grooving effect
appeals mostly to young people.

Storytelling is roughly defined as the sharing of events and experiences that is meant
to entertain, inform, as well as to teach morals. By stories, we may avoid communication
barriers by passing morals to children and young adults indirectly. Everyone loves a good
gossip or story. It is a safe and brilliant way to keep the children at home.

Choose any of the following exercises.

Exercise 1. Make a musical production with original

lyrics and film yourself with the help of your family or
friends. You can talk about someone or something
worth acknowledging. You may choose any musical

Exercise 2. Produce an oral poetry that comments on a relevant

issue. Submit a soft copy of your performance.

Exercise 3. With the help of family or friends,

make a drama presentation of how social media
affects relationships.

Match the descriptions to the pictures below. Write A for songs, B for oral poetry and C for

1. It uses syncopation.

2. Similar to written poetry but delivered to an audience.

3. It perfects imagery by use of body language and tone.

4. It plays a huge role in religious, social and political functions basically

for entertainment and information.

5. It tells events and other people’s experiences to entertain, inform and

give morals.

6. A safe and brilliant way to keep the children at home.

7. Helps prevent confrontation by giving indirect lessons or guidance.

Baraceros, Esther L. and Lintao, Rachelle, B. (2010). English 4: Oral Communication in Context (First Edition).
Quezon City: Rex Bookstore, Inc.

Dapat, Jose Rizal O., Sadorra, Bryan Eli B., and Lumabi,Bethany Marie C. (2016). Oral Communication in
Focus. Quezon City: Lorimar
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City, Metro Manila. ; P38-54.

Diaz, Rafaela Hernandez. (2014). Speech and Oral Communication for College Students, Revised Edition.
Quezon City: National Bookstore.

Flores, C.and Lopez E. (2008). Effective Speech Communication 5th Edition.

National Bookstore: Philippines.

Galero-Tejero, E. (2008) Doorways to English Language Proficiency: A self Improvement program, National
Bookstore: Philippines.

Sipacio, P.J.F. & Balgos, A.R.G. Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School. Types of Speech
Styles. p35. 2016. C&E Publishing Inc. Quezon City, Philippines. Retrieved on December 28, 2018

Sipacio, P. F., & Balgos, A. G. (2016). Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School. Quezon City: C
& E Publishing, Inc. .

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