Drill, Baby, Drill!' and Climate Change Denial: Mater Dei's Link To USC Admission For Donors' Kids

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Mater Dei’s
link to USC
admission for
donors’ kids
up and ask us for this?” then-
School’s ex-president Councilmember Sal Tina-
jero chided Patrick Murphy,
promoted students’ the school president at the
acceptance as athletes time, at a May 2018 City
Council meeting. “Fifty per-
who would never play. cent of our residents don’t
own a car. Ninety-three per-
By Matt Hamilton cent of Santa Ana Unified
and Harriet Ryan students are living at the
poverty line.”
Mater Dei High School A vote on the money was
Christina House Los Angeles Times was building a new campus tabled. Two days later, Mur-
PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald Trump speaks at his golf course in Rancho Palos Verdes in September. The parking structure, and phy reached out to USC for a
potential for a Trump administration to profoundly alter or gut existing environmental polices is considerable. asked its hometown, Santa favor: college admission for
Ana, for $1.8 million for re- the son of Santa Ana’s may-
lated street improvements. or at the time, Miguel

‘Drill, baby, drill!’ and The response from City

Hall was cool. Mater Dei was
an elite private school with
annual tuition and fees then
“Possibly as a Preferred
Walk On (thru Tennis),”
Murphy wrote to a contact in

climate change denial north of $15,000 and a stu-

dent body drawn mainly
from Dana Point, Laguna
Beach and other wealthy
areas. Santa Ana was work-
the university’s athletic de-
Though the mayor’s son
ultimately attended college
elsewhere, the episode at-
As a candidate, President-elect tance himself from the conservative ing-class, overwhelmingly tests to the unique connec-
Donald Trump repeatedly professed Project 2025 game plan, many of its en- Latino, and at the time, six tion between USC’s secret
his love of clean air and water, but he
also dismissed climate change as a California ergy and environment proposals mir-
ror Trump’s contention that the gov-
years ago, in the midst of a
budget crisis.
admission system for the
wealthy and well-connected
hoax, railed against zero emission elec- ernment’s focus on climate change has “Does it feel right to come [See Mater Dei, A7]
tric vehicles and expressed contempt braces for shackled the oil industry and damaged
for the environmental regulations that the nation’s economy and must come
seek to protect California rivers and es- a Trump to an end.
tuaries. Equipped with a Republican-con-
Now, as Trump prepares to return to
the White House, state officials and en-
vironmental groups are bracing for the
trolled Senate, a likely majority-Re-
publican Congress, and a Supreme
Court that has shown hostility toward
Latino men voted
same sweeping environmental policy
changes that characterized his first ad-
ministration, as well as others that
By Susanne Rust,
Ian James,
Lila Seidman
environmental laws and regulations,
the potential for a Trump administra-
tion to profoundly alter or gut existing
for ‘American dream’
have been proposed more recently by and Tony Briscoe polices is considerable.
former Trump aides and allies. However, experts say the road isn’t first of all,” said Garcia, 70,
Although Trump has sought to dis- [See Environment, A10] Those struggling to whose great-grandparents
emigrated from Mexico to
provide for families the U.S.
say Trump’s economic Garcia grew up poor in
San Antonio. And for 40
promises were the key.
Election By Rachel Uranga
years he poured his life sav-
ings into a retirement fund.
“When Biden came into

and Brittny Mejia presidency I lost $80,000 of
my investment, but that’s
Tomas Garcia and Maria OK, I’m looking for rosier

legacy Viesca-Garcia toasted the

presidential win with an old
fashioned and a martini in-
times,” he said. “I know that
I’m going to do good with

media’s side the opulent 64-story

Trump International Hotel
Las Vegas as the sun shone
the day after a historic presi-
Trump’s economic popu-
lism and promises to “make
America great again” have
deeply resonated with some

struggles dential election.

Around the hotel bar,
people donned “Make
Latinos who turned sharply
right Tuesday amid con-
cerns over inflation, the bor-
America Great Again” hats der and safety. They
Trump won while and one woman wore a red brushed off anti-immigrant
shirt with the numbers “45” language and backed him by
attacking, eschewing and “47” printed above a 46%, compared with 2020
mainstream journalism flag. Garcia and his wife, when he received 34% of
from San Antonio, voted for their vote.
as podcasts gain clout. Trump in 2016, again in 2020 In some of the most heav-
and in this election. ily Latino corners of the
By Stephen Battaglio “Why am I for Trump? country, voters came out
and Samantha Al Seib For The Times Because I’m an American [See Latino, A8]
Masunaga PHILLIP FEDERIS retrieves keepsakes for family friend Carol Cressy on Friday
after the Mountain fire destroyed 130 homes in Camarillo and damaged 80 others.
Imagine if the Super
Bowl audience dropped by
25%. That’s what happened
Tuesday when Nielsen tal-
lied the viewership for TV
Mountain fire razed their Schiff pushes
the insults aside
Senator-elect, a fre-

homes, but not their resolve

networks that provided cov- quent target of Trump,
erage of former President says he’ll work with
Trump’s historic electoral him, Mark Z. Barabak
victory over Vice President writes. NATION, A5
Kamala Harris for the White
House. numerous homes and send- Cressy volunteered with ‘Kidults’ go crazy
But election night was Camarillo neighbors ing residents fleeing for safe- the local Democratic Party
for Labubu toys
just the grand finale of a po- ty. to register voters and stayed
litical season that showed help one another after With the danger passed, up late on Tuesday night to People are lining up for
how legacy media organiza- destructive blaze, with people returned to survey watch the election results. hours for the furry char-
tions are struggling to main- the devastation. But instead On Wednesday morning, as acter with rabbit-like
tain relevance while alterna- many eager to rebuild. of defeat, there was a spirit of the Mountain fire raced to ears and a nightmarish
tives in the digital universe resiliency and defiance as her neighborhood, she re- grin. BUSINESS, A12
chip away at their influence. By Nathan Solis neighbors helped neighbors ceived an automated phone Weather
Young viewers are get- and many talked of rebuild- call to evacuate. Partly sunny.
ting information from Tik- The residents of Camaril- ing as quickly as possible. “By that time, the color L.A. Basin: 76/50. B10
Jason Armond Los Angeles Times
Tok, YouTube and Elon lo Heights knew all too well On Friday afternoon, 85- outside my windows was THE ACTOR is author
Musk’s X, skipping the eve- the dangers of fire. year-old Carol Cressy visited bright red,” she said. “The of the memoir/self-help
ning news broadcasts and Their corner of Ventura what remained of her home. flames were already there.” For the latest news, mix “Master of Me.”
cable shows as they go with- County was battered by Neighbors stopped to check She jumped out of bed in go to latimes.com.
out pay TV subscriptions. powerful Santa Ana winds in on her as she walked her nightgown, chased after Keke Palmer,
Printed with soy inks on
Trump largely bypassed every fall, and those gusts around the rubble and her 10-year-old border collie,
partially recycled paper.
beyond compare
traditional media outlets, stoked fires that came close twisted metal that made up Henry Valentine, and ran to Nickelodeon-turned-
granting lengthy interviews but never swept into their her home of 50 years. her car in a pair of sandals. “Nope” star gives advice
to comedians such as Theo hillside community. “The Bible says don’t put She didn’t have time to grab on controlling your own
Von and the influential Joe That is until Wednesday, your faith in material pos- much else. narrative in a new book.
Rogan, who eventually en- when the Mountain fire sessions,” Cressy said. As a former educator who ENTERTAINMENT, E4
[See Legacy media, A18] made a direct hit, burning “Don’t I believe it.” [See Fire, A6]

Every story. Every section. Every feature.

Subscribers get unlimited app access. Download now.
A2 S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M


Healthcare was on the ballot — and it lost big

MICHAEL HILTZIK nant women because doc- that has a vaccine mandate
tors were unwilling to termi- or a mask mandate.”
It was per- nate their pregnancies It’s possible that this
haps natural because the treatment reflects the sway that Ken-
that cam- would break the law in their nedy has exercised over
paign cov- states, even in an Trump, who has promised
erage of the emergency, and expose the to place RFK Jr. in a policy-
presidential doctors to consequences making role over health-
candidates’ including criminal care. The prospect should
healthcare prosecution. make all Americans queasy,
policies Trump has specifically for Kennedy is a one-stop
began and said he would not support a shop for conspiracy theories
ended with abortion rights; national abortion ban such as anti-vaccine claims
since June 2022, when the “under any circumstances,” to outright antisemitism.
Supreme Court overturned but that leaves open a multi- The truth is that vac-
Roe vs. Wade, 20 states have tude of ways he could cines are indisputably a
banned abortions or en- achieve that goal by another triumph of medical science.
acted draconian name, whether by applying They’ve eradicated small-
restrictions on the pro- an ancient federal law to pox from the face of the
cedure. constrain the shipment of Earth and reduced diseases
That landscape could abortion pills, installing such as measles, polio and
turn even more dire with the reproductive rights oppo- whooping cough to occa-
reelection of Donald Trump. nents at federal healthcare sional outbreaks (among
But many other healthcare agencies as he did in his first the unvaccinated). If Trump
issues were implicitly on the term, or some other means. and RFK Jr. intend to make
ballot Tuesday. Republi- Plainly, abortion rights the world safe again for
cans may well feel empow- aren’t safe in a Trump presi- these diseases, they
ered to continue their long dency. should come right out and
campaign against the na- say so.
tion’s public health infra- Gender To the authors of Project
structure, to step up their Trump made gender- 2025, the COVID vaccines
attacks on science, and to related medical treatments Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times along with other anti-pan-
spread the anti-vaccine a target of his campaign, PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald Trump has promised to place Robert F. Kennedy demic policies were nothing
mantra of Robert F. Ken- spinning a deranged fantasy Jr. — a one-stop shop for conspiracy theories — in a healthcare policymaking role. but infringements on indi-
nedy Jr., who has worked his about schools subjecting vidual rights (don’t think
way into Trump’s inner children to gender-changing plans. These don’t meet lem is a Medicare and Medi- enacted. Expect it to be about the children and
circle. surgery behind their par- ACA standards because caid problem.” considered again. families whose rights to a
The Biden adminis- ents’ backs; Project 2025 they often exclude essential Never mind that the Project 2025 asserts that healthy life would be jeopar-
tration’s progress in making disdains what it calls “the healthcare services and can single biggest driver of the ACA “mandates that dized by the elimination of
healthcare more accessible new woke gender ideology, mislead consumers into federal deficits is the tax cut states must expand their school vaccine mandates).
and affordable for all Ameri- which has as a principal thinking an illness or treat- for corporations and the Medicaid eligibility stand- The project rails against
cans is almost certain to be tenet ‘gender-affirming ment is covered — learning wealthy signed by Trump in ards” to include everyone at the Centers for Disease
rolled back. RFK Jr. and care’ and ‘sex-change’ sur- the truth only when they try 2017, which could add $5.2 or below 138% of the federal Control and Prevention and
other healthcare quacks, geries on minors.” to obtain coverage. trillion to deficits over the poverty level. This is a lie. the National Institutes of
such as Florida Surgeon This parallels laws The road map also calls next 10 years. Following a Supreme Court Health — the country’s
General Joseph Ladapo, passed in several red states for curtailing the ACA’s Medicare and Medicaid ruling, the ACA leaves it to premier public health agen-
may move into national barring any gender-affirm- contraceptive mandate, together enroll more than individual states to cover cies — for “the irrational,
policymaking. Religion- ing care for minors. In fact, which it says “has been the 140 million Americans, or childless low-income indi- destructive, un-American
based policies may move to surgery is not part of the source of years of egregious more than 41% of the popu- viduals; 10 states, all of mask and vaccine mandates
the fore, shouldering sci- standard of care in gender- attacks on many Ameri- lation. (Medicare members which are under the control that were imposed upon an
ence-based policies aside. affirming cases involving cans’ religious and moral also pay premiums for some of GOP governors or legisla- ostensibly free people dur-
If any of these eventu- children and adolescents. beliefs.” (Of course, the ACA of its parts.) tures, still haven’t done so. ing the COVID-19 pan-
alities come to pass, Ameri- doesn’t require that anyone Although Trump has The project also calls for demic.”
ca’s health profile will be in Affordable Care Act actually use a contracep- vowed not to cut Medicare eliminating the 90% govern- But that’s just one exam-
danger of declining, and The repeal of Oba- tive, only that they be benefits, conservative an- ment match of the cost of ple of how the right wing,
sharply. The main victims macare, as it’s familiarly covered without cost-shar- tagonism toward Medicaid, that coverage and reducing which will now occupy a
would be women, seniors known, has been a prime ing.) the state-federal healthcare it to a “fairer and more favored perch in the White
and low-income house- goal of Republicans since It calls for turning the program for low-income rational level,” presumably House, has elevated an
holds. the law’s enactment in 2010. clock back on the Food and Americans, has never lower. amorphous concept of
Let’s examine the par- The law was saved from Drug Administration’s ebbed. In 2014, under former individual freedom over the
ticulars. Some of these repeal in 2017, during the last safety approval for the Speaker Paul Ryan (R- Vaccines undeniably real benefits, to
derive from the Heritage Trump administration, by a abortion pill mifepristone, Wisc.), House Republicans The rapid development millions of people, of robust
Foundation’s notorious single “no” vote from the which is currently the target proposed converting the of COVID-19 vaccines, which public health imperatives
Project 2025, a road map to late Sen. John McCain of a lawsuit filed by anti- program from one that averted about 1.1 million based on communal respon-
a reactionary future that is (R-Ariz.). abortion activists. covered a percentage of U.S. deaths and more than sibility.
sure to animate many It’s still a target. House state spending on health- 10.3 million hospitalizations How much worse will
Trump administration Speaker Mike Johnson Medicaid, Medicare care to enrollees into a within a year of their intro- things have to get before the
policies. (R-La.) vowed last month These crucial federal block-grant structure that duction in December 2020, public wakes up to the con-
that there would be “No healthcare programs — the lacked the flexibility needed was one of the few genuine sequences? Why in heaven’s
Abortion Obamacare” in another first serving low-income to confront disease out- achievements of the first name would anyone want to
Protections for abortion Trump term. The law is Americans and the second breaks as they occur. Ryan’s Trump term. So it’s a mys- find out?
rights were on the ballot in popular, however, favored serving seniors — are in the plan would have cut Medi- tery why he has turned
10 states, and passed in by 62% of Americans ac- GOP’s gunsights. Project caid funding by 26% over a against them, and against Hiltzik writes a blog on
seven — not including Flor- cording to a KFF opinion 2025 claims that they are decade. vaccines in general. latimes.com. Follow him on
ida, where a measure rolling poll in May. Trump has “the principal drivers of our It failed, but the idea was During his campaign he Facebook or on X, formerly
back the state’s draconian repeatedly promised to offer $31-trillion national debt. ... taken up by Trump in his promised, “I will not give Twitter, @hiltzikm or email
abortion ban garnered 57% an alternative program, but In essence, our deficit prob- first term, though it wasn’t one penny to any school [email protected]
of the vote but fell short of never has done so.
the 60% required to pass. Project 2025 calls for
Republican and conser- giving more latitude to
vative hostility to abortion bare-bones health plans
rights has persisted despite
the ghastly deaths of preg-
such as association health
plans and short-term health Trump attacks Newsom’s call to action
water up into the hills where
How to contact us Incoming president you have all the dead forests,
where the forests are so brit-
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journalistic standards press release go to the Nation’s beautiful Califor- limit access to abortion “They are making it im- dia, in the press and the
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L.A. Times Store day after the governor con- hold federal disaster re- OUT OF CONTROL,” federal aid for California
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For print and online and front pages at vened a special session of the sponse funding, among Trump wrote. wildfires. And Trump also
advertising information, go to latimes.com/store. state Legislature to prepare other promises he made Trump’s social media used a clip of Newsom com-
for potential Republican-led during the campaign. post included a promise to mending him for sending
attacks on abortion rights, Newsom is asking law- demand voter identification COVID-19 testing swabs to
environmental protections makers to provide addi- and proof of citizenship in California in an ad during his
A Publication
Founded Dec. 4, 1881 and disaster funding in the tional funding to the Califor- order to cast ballots. This 2020 presidential campaign.
Vol. CXLIII No. 343 liberal state. nia Department of Justice fall, Newsom signed a law The pair maintained a
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(ISSN 0458-3035) Seven-day $28/week, $1,456 annually.
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som “is using the term ministration to immediately from imposing voter identi- the scenes, but it appears to
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things that can be done to Trump administration. criticized the “rerouting of day, Newsom thanked the
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Home Delivery Subscription Rates (all rates
annually (also includes Sundays, except ‘Make California Great The governor’s aides said MILLIONS OF GALLONS people who tuned in —
3/31, 5/26, 9/1, and 10/13). Monday–Friday
include applicable CA sales taxes and apply $16/week, $832 annually. Again,’ but I just overwhelm- increases to the state’s legal OF WATER A DAY FROM 35,000 in total, he said — for
to most areas)
Printed with soy-based ink on recycled newsprint from wood byproducts.
ingly won the Election.” defense would be paid for THE NORTH OUT INTO their work to help elect
Newsom’s preemptive with income tax revenues THE PACIFIC OCEAN, Democrats in 2024.
strike signals the return of that have exceeded projec- rather than using it, free of He said he respects the
the hostile relationship be- tions in the current fiscal charge, for the towns, cities, presidency and wants
tween Democratic-con- year, but the amount of & farms dotted all through- Trump to succeed. But he’s
trolled California and the funding will be determined out California.” not naive about the presi-
Trump administration. in negotiations at the state Speaking at his Rancho dent-elect’s agenda.
In a video address to Capitol. The special session Palos Verdes golf club in “We know the playbook,”
small donors and support- is set to begin Dec. 2. September, Trump indi- Newsom said. “He is going to
Download the app. ers Friday afternoon, New- The president-elect on cated he would revive his be more, I think, aggressive
Discover more. som said Trump’s criticism social media blasted the “IN- first-term fight with Califor- than he was in the past.”
felt familiar. “It’s a tired, old SANE POLICY DECI- nia leaders over water The special session is
playbook of grievances. No SIONS” of California’s allocations and environ- about getting prepared, he
prescriptions. No solutions. Democratic leaders, claim- mental laws meant to pro- said, as he hinted he has
Just grievances,” he said. ing they’re to blame for peo- tect endangered fish such as other moves up his sleeve:
The governor’s procla- ple fleeing the state. (State the tiny delta smelt. “We’re not done by any
mation for the largely sym- data show that, last year, He said he would “revert stretch.”
L AT I M E S . C O M S S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 A3


Hungry Palestinians in north Gaza search for food

But Alia Zaki, a spokes- ‘Ghost of famine ... Israel’s airstrikes and
Medical workers say woman for the WFP, said Is-
hovering over Gaza’ ground invasion in Gaza
raeli troops at a checkpoint have destroyed much of the
hunger is spiraling to forced the convoy to unload The offensive has raised territory and killed more
fears among Palestinians
dire proportions as the food before it could reach
that Israel seeks to empty
than 43,000 people, Palestin-
shelters in Beit Hanoun. It ian health officials say. They
Israeli bombardment was not clear what then hap- northern Gaza and hold it do not distinguish between
blocks delivery of aid. pened to the supplies. long term under a surren- civilians and combatants,
Palestinians in the north der-or-starve plan proposed but say at least half of those
describe a desperate daily by former generals. The Is- killed were women and chil-
By Samy Magdy struggle to find food, water raeli military has denied re- dren.
and Julia Frankel and safety, as strikes level ceiving such orders, but the
buildings, sometimes killing government hasn’t denied
the plan outright. Witnesses Nutrition problem
JERUSALEM — With whole families.
virtually no food allowed Arqouq said he goes out report Israeli troops going long in the making
into the northernmost part at night to search bombed- building to building, forcing Even before the siege in
of Gaza for the last month, out buildings: “Sometimes people to leave toward Gaza the north, the Patient
tens of thousands of Pal- you find a half-empty pack- City. Friend hospital saw children
estinians under Israeli siege age of flour, canned food and On Thursday, the Israeli suffering from malnutrition
are rationing their last lentils.” military ordered new evacu- — more than 4,780 in Sep-
lentils and flour to survive. His family relies on help ations from several Gaza tember compared with 1,100
As bombardment pounds Abdel Kareem Hana Associated Press from others sheltering at a City neighborhoods, raising in July, said Dr. Ahmad Es-
around them, some say they DISPLACED PALESTINIAN children receive food Jabaliya school, he said — the possibility of a ground kiek, who oversees hospital
risk their lives by venturing at a camp last month in Deir al Balah, Gaza Strip. but their food, too, is run- assault there. The U.N. said operations.
out in search of cans of food ning low. some 14,000 displaced Pal- Soboh said staff get calls
in the rubble of destroyed north for the long term. opening of a new crossing “We are like dogs and cats estinians were sheltering from Beit Lahiya and Ja-
homes. On Friday, experts from a into central Gaza and ap- searching for their food in there. baliya pleading for help:
Thousands have stag- panel that monitors food se- proving new delivery routes. the rubble,” said Um Saber, Food and supplies are “What can we do? We have
gered out of the area, hungry curity said famine is immi- But he said Israel must a widow. stretched for the several nothing.”
and thin, into Gaza City, nent in the north or may al- do more. “It’s not just suffi- She said she and her six hundred thousand people in She had worked at Ka-
where they find the situation ready be happening. The cient to open new roads if children had to flee a school- Gaza City, too. Much of the mal Adwan Hospital in the
little better. One hospital re- growing desperation comes more humanitarian assist- turned-shelter in Beit city has been flattened by north but fled with her fam-
ports seeing thousands of as the deadline approaches ance isn’t going through Lahiya when Israel struck it. months of Israeli bombard- ily to Gaza City. Now they
children suffering from mal- next week for a 30-day ulti- those roads,” he said. Now they live in her father- ment and shelling. stay with 22 people in her un-
nutrition. A nutritionist said matum the Biden adminis- in-law’s home, stretching Dr. Rana Soboh, a nutri- cle’s two-bedroom apart-
she treated a pregnant wom- tration gave Israel: raise the meager supplies of lentils tion specialist at Gaza City’s ment. Thursday, she had
an wasting away at 88 level of humanitarian assist-
Each day, a struggle and pasta with 40 others, Patient Friend Benevolent had a morsel of bread for
pounds. ance allowed into Gaza or for food and safety mostly women and children. Hospital, said she sees some breakfast and later a meal of
“We are being starved to risk possible restrictions on Israeli forces have been Ahmed Abu Awda, a 28- 350 cases of moderate to se- yellow lentils.
force us to leave our homes,” U.S. military funding. hammering the towns of year-old father of three living vere acute malnutrition As winter rains near, new
said Mohammed Arqouq, The U.S. says Israel must Beit Lahiya, Beit Hanoun with 25 relatives in a Ja- daily, most from the north arrivals set up tents wherev-
whose family of eight is de- allow a minimum of 350 and the Jabaliya refugee baliya house, said they have but also Gaza City. er they can. Some 1,500 peo-
termined to stay in the trucks a day carrying food camp. Witnesses report in- a daily meal of lentils with “The bone of their chest ple are in a heavily damaged
north, weathering Israel’s and other supplies. Israel tense fighting between bread, rationing to ensure is showing, the eyes are pro- U.N. school that “could col-
siege. “We will die here in our has fallen far short. In Octo- troops and militants. children eat. truding,” she said, and many lapse at any moment,”
homes.” ber, 57 trucks a day entered A trickle of food has “Sometimes we don’t eat have trouble concentrating. UNRWA spokesperson Wa-
Medical workers warn Gaza on average, according reached Gaza City, but as of at all,” he said. “You repeat something a teridge said.
that hunger is spiraling to to figures from Israel’s mili- Thursday, nothing entered Lubna, a 38-year-old number of times, so they can With toilets destroyed,
dire proportions under a tary agency overseeing aid the towns farther north for mother of five, left food be- understand what we are say- people try to set aside a cor-
siege on north Gaza by the entry, known as COGAT. In 30 days, even as an esti- hind when fleeing as strikes ing.” ner of a classroom to use,
Israeli military since the be- the first week of November, mated 70,000 people remain and drone fire pummeled She cited a 32-year-old leaving waste “streaming
ginning of October. it said, the average was 81 a there, said Louise Wa- the street in Jabaliya. woman shedding weight in down the walls of the
The military says it is day. teridge, spokesperson for “We got out by a miracle,” her third month of preg- school,” she said.
rooting out militants from The United Nations puts the U.N. agency for Palestin- she said from Beit Lahiya, nancy — when they put her Others in Gaza City move
Hamas, which still holds the number even lower — 37 ian refugees, UNRWA, where they’re staying. She on the scale, she weighed 88 into the rubble of buildings,
hostages from last year’s at- trucks daily since the begin- speaking from Gaza City. spoke on condition her fam- pounds. draping tarps between lay-
tack on Israel that started ning of October. It says Isra- The government, in re- ily name not be used for fear “We are suffering, facing ers of collapsed concrete,
the war. The militants have eli military operations and sponse to a petition by Isra- of her safety. the ghost of famine that is she said.
regrouped and are carrying general lawlessness often eli human rights groups, ac- Her husband scavenged hovering over Gaza,” Soboh “It’s like the carcass of a
out hit-and-run attacks prevent it from collecting knowledged in late October flour from destroyed homes said. city,” she said.
from tunnels and bombed- supplies, leaving hundreds that it hadn’t allowed aid after Israeli forces withdrew The Israel-Hamas war
out buildings, according to of truckloads stranded at into Jabaliya because of mili- around nearby Kamal Ad- began after Palestinian mili- Associated Press writers
Israel, which has severed the the border. tary “operational con- wan Hospital, she said. It’s tants from the Gaza Strip Magdy reported from Cairo,
area with checkpoints, or- U.S. State Department straints.” On Saturday, CO- moldy, she said, so they sift it stormed into Israel on Oct. 7, Frankel from Jerusalem. AP
dering residents to leave. spokesman Matthew Miller GAT said it allowed 11 trucks first. Her young daughter, 2023, killing some 1,200 peo- correspondent Sarah El
Many Palestinians fear Isra- said Israel had made some of food and supplies into Selina, is visibly gaunt and ple — mostly civilians — and Deeb contributed from
el aims to depopulate the progress by announcing the Beit Hanoun and Jabaliya. bony, Lubna said. abducting 250 others. Beirut.



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A4 SU N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 WST L AT I M E S . C O M

Qatar to suspend mediation between Hamas, Israel

political willingness” to cause of the sensitivity of the people, including women
Doha says efforts to reach a deal on the war in issue. The Israeli prime min- and children, Palestinian
Gaza, according to one offi- ister’s office had no com- medical officials said.
reach a cease-fire deal cial from Egypt, the other ment. One strike hit a school-
could resume if both key mediator. turned-shelter in Gaza
Qatar told Israel and City’s eastern Tufah neigh-
sides show ‘serious Hamas it can’t continue to
Israeli airstrikes in borhood, killing at least six
political willingness.’ mediate “as long as there is a Lebanon and Gaza people, the territory’s
refusal to negotiate a deal in There continued to be no Health Ministry said. A
good faith,” and “as a conse- end in sight to the Israel- pregnant woman, a child
By Wafaa Shurafa quence, the Hamas political Hamas war in Gaza or the and two journalists were
and Samy Magdy office no longer serves its Israel-Hezbollah war in among the dead, the Health
purpose” in Qatar, a diplo- Lebanon, where Israel’s mil- Ministry said.
DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza matic source briefed on the itary said that it struck com- The Israeli army said the
Strip — Qatar has sus- matter said. Qatar told mand centers and other mil- strike targeted a militant be-
pended its key mediation ef- Hamas it will have to leave if itant infrastructure in longing to the Palestinian Is-
forts between Hamas and it isn’t ready to engage in se- Beirut’s southern suburbs. lamic Jihad group, offering
Israel, it said Saturday, after rious negotiations, the An Israeli airstrike on the no evidence.
growing frustration with the source said. southern port city of Tyre Another Israeli strike
lack of progress on a cease- In Washington, a U.S. of- late Friday killed at least killed seven, including two
fire deal for the Gaza Strip. ficial said the Biden admin- Mahmoud Illean Associated Press seven people, officials and a women and a child, when it
It wasn’t immediately istration informed Qatar A PALESTINIAN in Israel protests the Israeli mili- resident said. hit a tent in the southern city
clear whether the remaining two weeks ago that the tary’s operations in Gaza and Lebanon on Saturday. Hezbollah “should con- of Khan Yunis where dis-
Hamas leadership hosted by Hamas office’s continued tinue [the fight], and we will placed people were shelter-
Qatar must leave, or where it operation in Doha was no Hamas delegation of the de- withdrawal of Israeli forces continue to back them up ing, according to Nasser
would go. longer useful and the Hamas cision 10 days ago. from Gaza as a condition for even if we lose our families, Hospital. The Israeli army
Hamas has good rela- delegation should be ex- A senior Hamas official any cease-fire deal. Israel our homes, and end up in the didn’t respond to a request
tions with Iran and Turkey, pelled. said they were aware of seeks the return of all hos- dirt,” Beirut resident Mo- for comment about the
and some of its leaders are A senior U.S. official said Qatar’s decision to suspend tages taken in Hamas’ Oct. 7, hammed Mekdad said as blast.
now in Lebanon. that after Hamas rejected mediation efforts, “but no 2023, attack on Israel and in- people searched the smok- And an Israeli strike hit
However, Qatar is very the last proposal for a cease- one told us to leave.” Hamas sists on a presence in Gaza. ing rubble. tents in the courtyard of cen-
likely to return to the efforts fire, Qatar accepted the ad- has repeatedly called for an The officials spoke on In Gaza, Israeli strikes on tral Gaza’s main hospital,
if both sides show “serious vice and informed the end to the war and a full condition of anonymity be- Saturday killed at least 16 killing at least three people
and wounding a local jour-
nalist, Al Aqsa Martyrs hos-
pital in Deir al Balah said. It
was the eighth Israeli attack

Suicide bombing kills at least 26 at railway station in Pakistan on the compound since
The Israeli army has
struck several schools and
When asked about a pos- carrying explosives. Multi- ing in a statement, saying luchistan is Pakistan’s larg- tent camps packed with Pal-
Separatist group BLA sible security breach before ple other entrances to the that those who orchestrated est province in area but also estinians. The conflict has
the bombing, Shafqaat told station have no such securi- the attack “will pay a very its least populated. It is a left 90% of Palestinians in
claims responsibility reporters that “it is usually ty. heavy price for it” and that hub for the country’s ethnic Gaza displaced, according
for attack in Quetta very difficult to stop such su- The separatist Balo- security forces were deter- Baluch minority, whose to United Nations figures. Is-
icide attacks.” chistan Liberation Army mined to eliminate “the members say they face dis- rael accuses Hamas of op-
that leaves 62 injured, However, Shahid Nawaz, claimed responsibility for menace of terrorism.” crimination and exploita- erating from within civilian
some critically. who is in charge of security the attack in a statement, Afghanistan’s Foreign tion by the central govern- infrastructure.
at Quetta’s train station, saying the suicide bomber Ministry also condemned ment. Other separatist The war began after Pal-
said that there was no targeted troops at the sta- the bombing and expressed groups and Islamic mili- estinian militants stormed
associated press
breach, and that the at- tion. The outlawed BLA has its condolences to the fam- tants also operate in the into Israel on Oct. 7, 2023,
tacker was disguised as a long waged an insurgency ilies of the victims, as did the province. killing about 1,200 people —
QUETTA, Pakistan — A passenger when he blew seeking independence. Russian Embassy in Islam- The BLA mostly targets mostly civilians — and ab-
suicide bomber blew himself himself up. The separatists fre- abad, Pakistan’s capital. security forces and foreign- ducting 250 others. Israel’s
up at a train station in TVs showed the steel quently attack soft targets, Saturday’s assault came ers, especially Chinese na- bombardment and ground
restive southwestern Paki- structure of the platform’s said Muhammad Baloch, a a little over a week after a tionals in Pakistan as part of attacks in Gaza have killed
stan on Saturday, killing at roof, now blown apart, and a senior superintendent of po- powerful bomb attached to a Beijing’s multibillion-dollar more than 43,000 people,
least 26 people, including destroyed tea stall. Luggage lice operations. motorcycle exploded near a Belt and Road Initiative for Health Ministry officials say.
soldiers and railway staff, was strewn everywhere. “When their people are vehicle carrying police offi- major infrastructure work. They don’t distinguish be-
and wounding about 62 oth- Most of the victims were tak- arrested, they also attack in cers assigned to protect po- The group often demands tween civilians and combat-
ers, some critically, officials en to a state-owned hospital retaliation,” he said. “We all lio workers in the province, the halt of Chinese-funded ants, but say at least half of
said. and some to a military one. have to fight this war. We are killing nine people, including projects and that such work- those killed were women and
The attack happened Wasim Baig, a spokes- resilient. Our teams are here five children. ers leave Pakistan. children.
while nearly 100 passengers man for the health depart- and trying to save as many In August, the BLA Last month, the BLA
were waiting in Quetta, the ment and police, said more lives as we can.” carried out multiple coordi- claimed responsibility for a Shurafa and Magdy write
capital of Baluchistan prov- than a dozen soldiers and six Police said some of the nated attacks on passenger suicide bombing that tar- for the Associated Press.
ince, for a train en route to railway employees were wounded passengers had buses, police and security geted a convoy with Chinese Shurafa reported from Deir
the garrison city of Rawal- among the dead at the sta- died in the hospital, raising forces across Baluchistan, nationals outside Karachi al Balah, Magdy from Cairo.
pindi, according to Hamza tion, where a walk-through the death toll. killing more than 50 people, airport, killing two. Beijing AP journalist Jack Jeffery in
Shafqaat, a senior govern- gate has been installed to Prime Minister Shehbaz mostly civilians. has asked Pakistan to en- Ramallah, West Bank,
ment administrator. check whether anyone is Sharif denounced the bomb- Oil- and mineral-rich Ba- sure Chinese citizens’ safety. contributed to this report.

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L AT I M E S . C O M S S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 A5


Insults aside, Schiff is ready to work with Trump

MARK Z. BARABAK the very top of my list. We
need to build a lot more
Adam Schiff housing in California if we’re
— “sleaze- ever going to make it afford-
bag,” “lowlife,” able for people to pay the
“little pencil rent and buy their first
neck,” to use home. And if we’re going to
some of the solve the homelessness
pungent ways problem, we’re going to have
Donald to be building a lot more
Trump de- housing.”
scribes him — is taking the Next, Schiff said, “I also
high road, turning the other want to expand and make
cheek and generally being more accessible child care,
the better man by ignoring and we’ll be prioritizing the
all that and promising to do child tax credit as well as
whatever he can to work and financial assistance for
thrive in a MAGA-fied people who pursue a career
Washington. in child care, creating incen-
Yes, California’s newly tives for employers and for
elected Democratic senator the federal government to
requires bulked-up security build child-care facilities in
to get through life, thanks to the workplaces.”
the animosity and violent He also mentioned “at-
threats stirred up by the tacking food prices by going
vengeful president-elect. after some of these anti-
No, his views of Trump competitive mergers ...
and his rhetoric — “the hate attacking climate change by
and the division and the continuing our investment
bile,” as Schiff described it in renewable energy, and
— haven’t changed. also really diving into the
Still, he insisted, he water issue. No pun in-
would “focus on getting tended.”
done what my constituents Much of which is far
elected me to do, which is easier said than done with
try to bring down the cost of Republicans controlling the
living. In particular, bring White House and, quite
down the cost of housing possibly, both chambers of
and child care, build lots Damian Dovarganes Associated Press Congress.
more housing, address ADAM SCHIFF addresses union members in Burbank in February. The senator-elect’s views of Donald But Schiff said he’s not
homelessness, address Trump haven’t changed. Still, he said, he would “focus on getting done what my constituents elected me to do.” unaccustomed to working
rising food prices and just from a defensive crouch.
the struggle that working ity among California House did thank former Speaker it depends on what he Democrats managed in the Serving in Sacramento, in
families and middle-class members who tried to make Nancy Pelosi, who was thinks is in his self-interest.” last four years. the state Senate, he said he
families are facing.” a move from the lower extremely helpful pushing Since there’s no control- “You probably heard me “had a lot of my bills signed”
“They’re the same issues, chamber into the U.S. Sen- Schiff past fellow Demo- ling what Trump does, talk many times on the into law by Republican Gov.
in part, that Republicans ate. The state was simply crats in the top-two pri- Schiff went on, “my focus is campaign trail about how Pete Wilson. “Had a lot of
campaigned on and Trump too large and disparate — mary, leaving him only to on what I can do, and what I the problem today is not my bills signed by [Republi-
campaigned on,” Schiff said physically, psychically — for face the hapless Republican can do is seek out people on that people [aren’t] work- can President] George W.
in his first interview since a lawmaker representing a Steve Garvey in November.) the other side of the aisle. ing. Unemployment is very Bush and advance in Re-
voters on Tuesday gave him tiny slice of the landscape to During our conversation, Try to work the way Dianne low. The problem is that publican Congresses as
a six-year lease on the seat make the leap to statewide Schiff spoke of the presi- Feinstein did. Develop they are working and they well,” said Schiff, who has
once held by the late Sen. success. dent-elect only when asked. relationships with people. still are struggling to get by,” served in the House since
Dianne Feinstein. “Where That changed in recent Some have speculated Get to know the Central Schiff said. “This has been a 2001.
they’re serious ... they’ll find years, with the advent of Trump might use his sec- Valley and the far north and problem decades in the Considering a 2030 re-
a willing ally.” social media and, especially, ond term as president to the far south of the state. making. I think it has cer- election bid — that was your
Asked about Trump’s cable TV and its political help mend the deep divi- Represent them well. Rep- tainly been aggravated by friendly columnist’s idea,
threats to take aim at chat shows, which turned sions he’s created over the resent them aggressively.” the pandemic, and you’re not something Schiff is
California, arguably the Schiff into a household last tempestuous decade. In Schiff, freshly returned seeing a global recoiling already contemplating —
beating heart of anti-Trump name, not just in California this rosy way of thinking, from California, spoke via against the status quo and the soon-to be senator was
resistance, Schiff vowed “to but nationally. Trump won’t ever stand for Zoom from his home office incumbents everywhere. asked what he thought a
defend our state and our It was, of course, his role election again and has a in the Washington suburbs. “I think it’s a frustration successful pitch would
democracy and stand up to as a leading prosecutor and legacy to consider — a fanci- Behind him, flanking a that, notwithstanding all sound like six years from
any efforts to punish Cali- Trump antagonist that ful notion that is plainly a rolltop desk, were framed the promises that are made, now.
fornia or withhold resources made Schiff a hero among triumph of hope over experi- pictures of two sets of broth- people’s lives are still in- “He really delivered for
from California, or to dimin- Democrats and led to his ence. Recollect the many ers: John F. and Robert F. creasingly difficult and the state,” Schiff replied.
ish people’s rights and formal censure by the anticipated “presidential Kennedy, and Schiff and his challenging.” “Every part of the state. He
freedom.” House — a political gift as pivots” that failed to materi- elder sibling, Dan. Democrats’ task in the got things done, found ways
“But,” he said, “I’m going he ramped up his Senate bid alize during Trump’s first He said Trump’s victory, next several years, he said, to work together in the
to begin with a hopeful in a crowded Democratic time in office. while obviously disappoint- will be to find better ways to minority and majority and
expectation that there are field. The only thing lacking Schiff, however, gave a ing, wasn’t shocking. It speak to and remedy those delivered.
broad areas where we can was shiny wrapping paper rhetorical shrug. came down to deep-seated gnawing concerns. “And,” Schiff added,
work together and move the and a bright red bow. “I don’t think we really economy anxieties, he said, Asked what his top pri- “when the country needed,
state and the country for- Schiff made no mention know,” he said. Trump and a sense that Trump and orities would be as senator, he was there to protect our
ward.” of Trump in his Tuesday “doesn’t have much ideol- Republicans offered voters Schiff offered these: democracy, our rights and
There’s a history of futil- night victory speech. (He ogy, except self, so probably a better solution than “Housing, I think, is at freedoms.”

A comic, Donald Trump and Alpha Male walk into an election...

swipes at President Biden, she was vice president? No.
A comedian has used whom he calls “Papa Long Nobody knows. There’s no
Hugs.” proof.”
a character to satirize Alpha Male, whose vide- In another skit, Alpha
MAGA and its leader. os have had millions of views Male is the driver in the
on social media, has become garbage truck Trump rode
What happens now a way for Terhune to under- in after Biden’s verbal gaffe
that they’ve won? stand and navigate the na- suggesting that Trump’s
tion’s divisions. The charac- supporters were garbage:
ter is a funny, if unsettling, “You done pissed me off, Joe,
By Jeffrey Fleishman mirror who at times — like and if being a patriot is what
Archie Bunker before him — they’re calling garbage these
Alpha Male has won. earns a degree of empathy. days, then, yeah, I am
What happens now? Terhune’s irony and satire garbage ’cause I’m going to
Comedian Brent can be so sly that some peo- show up to the polls wearing
Terhune has for years sati- ple don’t get the joke, think- a garbage bag to show you
rized the angry, working- ing that Alpha Male is not an what us white trash can do.”
class white man who rails act but the comic’s true self. Alpha Male, sometimes
against “libtards” and ex- “Is this satire or is this tearing up when he recounts
presses unyielding devotion guy really as deranged as he his many grievances, my-
to Donald Trump. His sounds?” one man posted on thologizes Trump, a leader
monologues resound with Facebook. who survived an assassin’s
right-wing rants and epito- Like many liberals, Ter- bullet, an army of prose-
mize toxic masculinity in a hune, who spoke by phone cutors, 34 felony counts and
character he calls Alpha from his home on the day af- endless scandal.
Male. But the aggrieved ter the election, was finding After what authorities
American man now rides on it difficult to reconcile the said would have been a sec-
a sense of vindication in cele- many ruptures and recrimi- ond assassination attempt
brating Trump’s return to nations that have jolted the against Trump at his golf
the White House. And Ter- country since Trump’s first course in Florida, Terhune
hune wonders what that AJ Mast For The Times campaign eight years ago. reimagines the incident in a
means for his character and BRENT TERHUNE of Greenwood, Ind., channels his character Alpha Male in a Trump’s recent victory is video in which Trump grabs
the nation. video rant. The comic abhors the president-elect and is nothing like his alter ego. “a shocking but not so a golf club to deflect bullets:
“I think he’ll go from be- shocking revelation of where “The first one he sent flying
ing a sore loser to a sore win- snowflakes and bibliophiles. economy campaign that ap- was profiled in The Times we are as a country,” said went back to the shooter,
ner,” said Terhune, who lives The character is at once pealed to ranchers, mechan- last year, men who feel em- Terhune, the son of a lunch knocked his Bud Light clean
outside Indianapolis in a emblematic and a carica- ics, pastors, billionaires, col- powered by Trump’s show- lady and a father who out of his hand and he took
blue-collar neighborhood. ture of the Joe Rogan demo- lege students and the radical man brashness and the be- trucked fuel to construction off scared. And he was run-
“Alpha Male will always ex- graphic, bros and aging Proud Boys. Musk — who lief that he shares their rage sites. “A lot of people were ning away and there was an
ist. He was there before bros, mostly white but with a has 204 million followers on and bewilderment at a left- fed up with the last four envelope of cash that fell out
Trump. He doesn’t go away. growing number of Latinos, X — urged men to turn out wing, woke society that con- years, but this says that peo- of his pocket. You could see
He’s your dad, your cousin. who revere Elon Musk and and vote, posting a militant spires to leave them behind. ple don’t think past them- on it, it said, ‘Payoff from the
We all feel misunderstood march to Trump’s crass, reference on the day of the Alpha Male was born out selves. It is their need to put Dumb-ocrats.’ It was then
and betrayed at times. But weaving rhetoric. election: “The cavalry has of what Terhune saw as the party over country for per- that the Secret Service fi-
he’s got to find a way to jus- “His people will be en- arrived. Men are voting in hypocrisy of conservatives ceived patriotism. I’m a nally got off their lazy asses
tify everything Trump and couraged,” Terhune said of record numbers. They now who espouse American ide- straight white guy. I’ll prob- and did something.”
MAGA do. It’s a weird hur- the president-elect, suggest- realize everything is at als, such as freedom of ably be fine. But what about That is the kind of fervor
dle, and a way for me to get ing that the most extreme of stake.” speech and religion, but at- people who aren’t straight — James Brown’s “It’s a
out my frustrations.” Trump’s followers will be- Musk reposted an artist’s tack anyone opposed their and white?” Man’s Man’s Man’s World”
Terhune — a former Boy come more of a threat to depiction in which he, mus- prescribed views. The char- Through it all, though, played at the Republican
Scout and a Catholic- democracy, civil rights and cle-bound and stripped to acter’s first appearance the focus of Terhune’s Alpha National Convention in July
school-raised liberal — ab- gender equality than during the waist, resembles the came when Terhune posted Male bits will stay on Trump — that has surrounded
hors Trump and is nothing his first term. Hulk carrying an American “Redneck Burns Nikes” in and what he has shaped. In a Trump since he swaggered
like his alter ego. Alpha “He’s an embodiment of flag. Rogan sits atop Musk’s reaction to then-San Fran- recent video about Trump onto the nation’s political
Male, who wears a russet who they are,” he said. “They shoulders lifting Trump cisco 49ers quarterback working at McDonald’s, Al- stage.
beard, wraparound sun- believe he hates the same toward the sky in a trinity Colin Kaepernick taking a pha Male says, “Mr. Trump “He can do no wrong,”
glasses and a backward ball things they do. They’re will- that evokes both a savior knee in 2016 during the na- doesn’t need to work there. said Terhune, mimicking his
cap, is enamored with the ing to excuse anything and complex and hyper-mascu- tional anthem to protest He was just sticking it to ly- alter ego. “If you don’t like it,
likes of Tucker Carlson and everything for their guy. linity. racism. That was followed by ing Kamala Harris. ... deal with it.”
has no tolerance for gender There’ll be no repercus- Such imagery suits Al- Alpha Male diatribes on There’s no proof she even For Terhune, the only
studies, critical race theory sions.” pha Male. Terhune’s charac- book banning, the Black worked there. Hell, are we way to deal with it is to keep
or what he sees as the liberal Trump and his allies ran ter does not apologize. He “Little Mermaid,” Trump’s even sure she was the attor- channeling Alpha Male’s
radicalization of a country a high-testosterone, anti- does not equivocate. He rep- mug shot, ruminations on ney general of Commie-for- deep well of suspicion and
that has succumbed to immigrant, protect-the- resents, said Terhune, who Hunter Biden’s laptop and nia? No. Are we even sure anger.
A6 SU N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M

Fire destroyed
their homes,
but not resolve
[Fire, from A1] neighbor in touch with the
traveled overseas for 25 person who donated her
years, Cressy amassed a col- clothes and added that she
lection of goods, furniture had to pick up her dog from
and keepsakes from Ger- the groomers.
many, Japan and other parts The neighbor beamed,
of the world. “You’re amazing. Simply
“All of my goodies gone. A amazing.”
firefighter told me that it will Cressy walked around
all hit me in a few days on her lot, unsure if she wanted
what happened,” Cressy to rebuild somewhere else or
said. move into a senior commu-
Friends donated clothes nity once she receives her in-
and other necessities to get surance money. Her hearing
her back on her feet. She was aids burned in the fire, but
able to refill her prescrip- she wondered if maybe they
tions at her pharmacy, and survived.
someone offered her a new “That’s where my shower
wardrobe and other goods. used to be,” she told Phillip
She’s staying with a friend, Federis, 36, her friend’s Photographs by Al Seib For The Times
but stopped by her home on grandson who took the day HOMEOWNERS in Camarillo begin to survey damage from the Mountain fire, which destroyed more than
Friday as a friend’s grand- off from work to sift through 130 houses and damaged 80 others. Many neighbors checked in on one another, offering supplies and support.
son searched among the ash the ashes. He found a hand-
for any of her keepsakes that ful of coins she received Command Team, said em- important documents and
might have survived the fire. while she taught in Japan. bers traveled up to a mile placed them into his truck.
As Cressy drove up the A crew of Ventura County ahead of the fire and would Then he remembered his
street, Daryl Gross stopped firefighters stopped by to get into certain homes and family photo albums.
to talk with her neighbor check in on Cressy and of- fly by others. Running back to his
whom she didn’t quite know fered to help search through In the end, more than 130 truck with the box, he was
on a first-name basis. the rubble with their tools. homes were destroyed and met by a wall of smoke and
“I’m Cressy,” she said. “Oh, that’s the sweetest more than 80 damaged, ac- found that he couldn’t
“All my home is gone up in thing,” she said. “People cording to officials. breathe. Firefighters had ar-
smoke and ash.” really are coming together On Friday morning, a rived; but without fire hy-
“Oh, I hope they find and have been so kind. This pair of sheriff ’s deputies drants around his property,
something for you,” said fire is something else, be- scrambled up a hillside in they were left with his gar-
Gross, whose home was cause I’m getting to meet all Camarillo Heights after resi- den hose. He was told an air-
damaged. my neighbors.” dents noticed smoke billow- craft dropped water or fire
Drinking water quality in City officials were not ing out of dense brush. They retardant on the hillside.
Camarillo was unaffected; surprised by the spirit on used a water hose from a He left his home and was
but Gross’ water company, display Friday. nearby home to spray down told that the neighborhood
Pleasant Valley Mutual Wa- “We’ve got a very strong the brush. was wiped out. He didn’t
ter Co., notified customers and a very resilient commu- “PEOPLE ARE REALLY coming together and have The hillside around know how to process the in-
that there is possible fire-re- nity here,” Camarillo Mayor been so kind,” said Carol Cressy, who lost her home. Robert Dickran’s home in formation, but when he went
lated contamination and the Tony Trembley said. “We will Camarillo Heights was dot- back, he found his home
water is unsafe to drink. get through this, and we will to put together a town hall in rillo Heights got incredibly ted with burnt cacti and standing.
Gross planned to meet support each other.” the coming days to deter- unlucky. Forecasts show charred brush, showing just “Does prayer stop
with a contractor for home Trembley expressed his mine next steps for repopu- their area would get the how close the fire came to his things?” he asked. He
repairs and had little to no gratitude to the state and lo- lating the evacuated neigh- most punishing winds, and home. doesn’t know why the wind
water pressure on Friday. cal emergency agencies that borhoods. when a fire started in a At first, the fire seemed would send the fire to one
“There are so many stepped in to help, along Residents should have a nearby rural area, it made a far away on Wednesday. house and not another. He
things that I’m thinking with the fire agencies from to-go bag in the event of an direct run at the community. He felt he had plenty of doesn’t have a good answer.
about, but then I look out at outside Ventura County that emergency and not just a Intense gusts grounded air time to prepare, but then his “Well, I feel guilty that my
my neighbors,” she said. “I made the trek to Camarillo. wildfire, Trembley said. support, and officials fo- son arrived and told him to home survived it and other
can’t think that way. I have a He also mourned for the Homeowners should also cused on evacuating resi- leave. That’s when the 60 people’s homes didn’t,” he
house. I’m so fortunate. residents who lost every- consider a defensive pe- dents. There were no deaths mph winds whipped said.
Again, I have to remind my- thing. rimeter around their prop- reported and few injuries. through the hillside neigh- He plans to trim the vege-
self I have a house.” “Our hearts are broken erties to prevent fire from One fire expert told The borhood and the fire ap- tation around his home and
Even after all the de- for our neighbors and resi- spreading easily to a home. Times there was a cruel ran- peared on a nearby ridge- install a new water line that
struction, Cressy smiled dents who lost their homes “Sadly, this is a reminder domness to what homes line. can bring in more water to
brightly and joked with her and who are otherwise af- that we all need to be pre- burned. Kyle Ferris, fire be- Dickran, 77, grabbed the his property. He doesn’t
neighbors who stopped by. fected by the fire,” he said. pared,” he added. havior analyst with the essentials from his home — want to be unprepared
She offered to put another City officials are working Fire officials said Cama- Mountain Fire Incident his wife’s computer, some again.
L AT I M E S . C O M S S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 A7

Extra efforts for kids of potential USC donors

[Mater Dei, from A1]
and Mater Dei, a Roman
Catholic school long favored
by affluent Orange County
As The Times reported
last month, USC for years
admitted children of uni-
versity donors, potential
donors and other prominent
people through a route in-
tended for top-tier sports
recruits. The university has
since discontinued the prac-
tice and acknowledged to
the newspaper that it
amounted to “fraud.”
Applicants of athletic
caliber well below that of
Trojan teams were classified
as potential walk-on players
and evaluated by an admis-
sions subcommittee, and ac-
cepted at rates of 85% to
90%; most never appeared
on a team roster, according
to a review of thousands of
pages of confidential uni-
versity records spanning
2008 to 2018.
During this period, Mater
Dei High — a nationally ran-
ked sports powerhouse with
three Heisman Trophy win-
ners among its alumni —
routinely delivered schol-
arship athletes to fill the
ranks of USC teams, includ-
ing star quarterbacks Matt
Leinart and Matt Barkley.
The documents show
Mater Dei also sent students
through the athletic depart-
ment who never took the Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times
field for USC: the children of MATER DEI, above, often sends star players to USC. It has also helped affluent students get in as athletes who never played as Trojans.
donors and potential
donors. Internal records re- Lamberson told a colleague tween them and Mr. Meru-
lated to more than a hun- in January 2016, “She is not elo. It had nothing to do with
dred applicants channeled going to be on the beach me.”
through USC’s athletic de- team … she is going through The donation had not
partment for special treat- development, I think.” come through by 2018, when
ment show at least seven USC’s athletic devel- Murphy was seeking the
were from Mater Dei. Mur- opment — or fundraising — $1.8 million from the city of
phy was deeply involved in apparatus was seeking a ma- Santa Ana for the parking
some cases, and was the only jor contribution from her fa- structure project and push-
high school administrator in ther at the time, according ing USC to admit the son of
the records reviewed by The to internal emails. Pulido, the mayor, as a ten-
Times to have played such a “Jon has been very good nis player.
role. to the department and we Murphy acknowledged in
are planning a nice gift for an interview that he had
:: the coliseum,” the head of done “a favor” for Pulido,
athletic development, Ron- and had gone as far as phon-
Murphy told The Times ald Orr, told colleagues in an ing USC’s admissions office
in an interview that he only email, referring to the L.A. to advance the mayor’s son’s
put forward athletes he be- Memorial Coliseum, home of prospects. But he denied
lieved were qualified, and the Trojans football team. there was a relationship be-
denied knowing of fraud in USC admitted Muller’s tween Mater Dei’s parking
USC admissions. daughter as a walk-on beach structure request and his ef-
“I had nothing to do with volleyball player that forts. Murphy said that the
that,” he said, adding that he month. Her name never ap- mayor had asked him for
had advocated for thou- peared on any rosters during help, and that he had recom-
sands of students, rich and her time at USC. mended the teen as a walk-
poor, during his three dec- Muller did not respond to on himself because Pulido’s
ades with the high school. “I messages seeking comment. son “was a very good tennis
took nothing from anybody. Another Mater Dei senior player.”
I received nothing from any- was accepted by USC in 2018 Pulido disputed that ac-
body.” as a volleyball walk-on, and count. He told The Times
Asked about Mater Dei’s announced she was quitting that his son had stopped
knowledge of USC’s walk-on Kirby Lee Associated Press the sport even before she playing tennis competitively
system, a current spokes- PATRICK MURPHY, right, with then-coach Bruce Rollinson in 2018, denies graduated from high school. years earlier and that he had
person for the high school wrongdoing in helping students get into USC while he was Mater Dei president. “All good,” a university no desire to play in college or
said it “is committed to up- compliance officer, Kyle Wa- to attend USC. The former
holding Catholic principles Group representative that VIP. In an interview, Murphy Even as they tried to pin terstone, replied when in- mayor also maintained that
and social teaching,” and he had given “substantially denied telling USC to expect Murphy down about the formed of the senior’s status he’d never sought assistance
does “not condone or sup- less” than the amount in the $2 million or any other money, administrators kept by email. “Glad we could from Murphy and that he
port any improper college agreement. amount of money. He ac- admitting more students help facilitate her entrance hadn’t known the school
admission practices.” Armona’s daughter knowledged being aware from Mater Dei as walk-ons. into USC.” Waterstone told president reached out to
Murphy left the school in hadn’t played for Mater that university fundraisers When the daughter of The Times that the com- USC on his son’s behalf.
2020 for a job with the Arizo- Dei’s distinguished soccer were hoping to get a dona- Irvine real estate developer ment was tongue-in-cheek. “Maybe Murphy was try-
na Coyotes, an NHL fran- team but was “an elite club tion, telling The Times, Jon Muller — a USC alum As years passed without ing to find an angle, but not
chise owned by prominent player as far as I knew,” Mur- “They had seen Mr. Merue- and donor who had also giv- receiving $2 million from with my knowledge or [my
Mater Dei donor Alex Meru- phy told The Times. “She lo’s name on our building at en to Mater Dei — was up for Meruelos, USC administra- son’s] interest,” Pulido said.
elo before it moved to Utah wanted to play soccer [at Mater Dei. I gave them the admission in 2016 as a beach tors were becoming increas- Told of Pulido’s account,
this year. Internal USC re- USC]. My assumption was [phone] number and said, volleyball walk-on, Murphy ingly exasperated with Mur- Murphy said, “Maybe he for-
cords show that as the high that she was going to walk ‘Feel free to call. … It’s up to provided a letter of recom- phy. Records show the got that he asked me, but I
school’s president, Murphy on.” you to set up.’ ” mendation. Mater Dei’s jun- Mater Dei president assured know that he asked me.”
played a significant role in The following year, Mur- Meruelo told The Times ior varsity coach also wrote them the money would even- It didn’t matter in the
advancing the admission of phy was back with another that no one from USC ever an effusive endorsement of tually come, at one point cit- end. Still waiting for the
two young Meruelo family Meruelo applicant, this time asked him for money. He the teen. ing volatility in the stock $2 million they felt Murphy
members. The family had the son of company founder said that Murphy had re- Inside USC’s athletic de- market for the delay. had failed to deliver from the
given at least $5 million to Alex Meruelo. A USC fund- quested he make a donation partment, however, it was Murphy said that he did Meruelo family, USC’s ath-
Mater Dei, and the school’s raiser told then-Athletic Di- to the university at one common knowledge she not recall blaming the stock letic department ignored his
68,000-square-foot athletic rector Pat Haden that the point, but that he never wouldn’t actually play for market and that he never request for help with Puli-
center bears the Meruelo Meruelos had given millions agreed to any sort of gift, let the then-reigning national knew anyone at USC was up- do’s child.
name. to Mater Dei and that Mur- alone $2 million. champions, emails among set with him. The mayor’s son ulti-
One applicant Murphy phy had informed her that “if “I have no idea where administrators show. “They never said a thing mately enrolled at Santa
aided was the daughter of the kid got in Alex would they got that number,” Head coach Anna Collier to me about it,” he said, add- Ana College. And Mater Dei
Meruelo’s cousin Luis Ar- support USC with $2M.” Meruelo said. “I’ve given mil- had instructed her deputy, ing that such anger would finished its parking struc-
mona, according to corre- Murphy denied in an in- lions to education, but never Ali Lamberson, to put to- have been misplaced. “If ture project without the
spondence among USC ad- terview that he had made for any favors.” gether a volleyball resume there was an arrangement, $1.8 million from the city of
ministrators. Armona is an such a promise. Whatever the origin of for Muller’s daughter, but as that would have been be- Santa Ana.
executive at the family busi- The USC athletics de- the $2-million figure, USC
ness, the Meruelo Group, a partment arranged a private fundraisers were expecting
Downey-based conglomer- tour of the campus for the the money and were upset
ate with interests in gam- Meruelos and a one-on-one when it didn’t arrive, accord-
bling, construction, real es- meeting with the head of ad- ing to emails among athletic
tate and banking. missions for the son. After department officials.
“I would sincerely appre- seeing the teen’s stand- Such frustrations went

The world’s
ciate any support you could ardized test scores, Heinel beyond the campus. New-
provide in helping get [Ar- recommended that Haden port Beach property devel-
mona’s teenage daughter] press the case with then- oper Bob Best, a donor to

most beautiful
admitted to USC. This is the USC President C.L. “Max” both USC and Mater Dei,
ONE Mater Dei High School Nikias, according to an email emailed Murphy and Bruce
student I will be pushing exchange. Rollinson, the high school’s

hard for [this] year,” Mur- “I have been cultivating then-football coach, about
phy wrote to Donna Heinel, [the Meruelos] for a multi the money in 2014, writing:
a USC administrator who million gift,” Haden wrote in “I’m a bit embarrassed to en

served as liaison to the ad- a February 2015 email to ask about the [Meruelo] do- ne
missions subcommittee. Nikias. “They have a son … nation to USC, as I vouched k 8''
It a
The Mater Dei president who is applying for admis- for him with USC.” l ia
rounded up admissions ma- sion. From Mater Dei HS, a Murphy assured Best

terials for Armona’s child, good but not great student.” that the matter was under

including letters of recom- In addition to the walk-on control, telling him: “I dis-

mendation — one from route, USC had a number of cussed this with Pat Haden
Monica Lozano, who was other ways in which favored and we came up with a game

publisher and chief execu- or well-connected appli- plan that Alex Meruelo is it c
tive of La Opinion at the cants could get a boost in ad- comfortable with, which is, I hen
time. He also sent Heinel missions, including a VIP will re-approach Alex in the
multiple versions of a soccer program. Spring and he will make a
resume for the subcommit- “He is [on] my VIP list gift to USC in this calendar
tee, which admitted the with admissions but this year.”
Mater Dei student as a walk- may be difficult,” Haden As the end of the year
on player in February 2013. A wrote. “If you feel inclined, I drew near, there was still no
few months later, her father would appreciate you donation, to the consterna-
made a $250,000 pledge to putting him on your list as tion of USC fundraisers such Handmade in the same
USC, according to a donor well. I always stress in these as Alexandra Bitterlin Reis-
agreement circulated by a situations that gifts are not man, who told Haden in an way for generations
company lawyer and USC linked to admissions.” email, “Looks like Patrick
staff. She never appeared on Nikias replied less than Murphy needs a phone call.”
a USC team roster. an hour later, “Sure Pat! No Meruelo told The Times
Armona declined an in-
terview request, but he con-
USC admitted Meruelo’s
he was unaware USC had
been awaiting a donation Ciselier.com
tended through a Meruelo son two months later as a from him.
A8 SU N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M

Latino men chose Trump’s economic promises

[Latino, from A1]
roaring for Trump. In Starr
County, Texas, along the
U.S.-Mexico border, where
98% of the population is
Latino and immigration is in
their frontyard, Trump
pulled in 58% of the vote. In
the heavily Latino Miami-
Dade County, Trump won
“What we’re witnessing is
Trump ushering a major re-
alignment in American poli-
tics, when it comes to the
Latino vote,” said Alfonso
Aguilar, Hispanic engage-
ment director at the Ameri-
can Principles Project and a
Trump campaign surrogate.
Latinos certainly weren’t
the only demographic that
voted in droves for Trump,
but what was striking was
how Latino men embraced
Trump compared with the
last two elections. They fa-
vored Trump 55% to 43%, ac-
cording to Edison Research.
Four years earlier, Biden
won Latino men’s votes by a
23% margin. In 2016, Hillary
Clinton pulled in 63% of their
vote, while Trump got 32%. It
was an “extraordinary shift,”
as pollsters put it, and a sign
of the changing views of a
Latino population increas-
ingly distanced from the im-
migrant experience and
more focused on pocketbook
issues. But it also signaled
the stronger showing of men
among Trump supporters.
On social media, people
blamed the swing toward
Trump on machismo. Or
Latinos, they said, were des-
perate to be white. Or they
were self-loathing. Anti-
Blackness and colorism
swayed their vote, they said.
Others stressed the fact
that despite Latino men
moving toward Trump, Chandan Khanna AFP via Getty Images
there was a much larger per- DONALD TRUMP prays with Latino leaders in Miami on Oct. 22. Latino men favored him 55% to 43% at the polls, Edison Research said.
centage of white men who
voted him into office. stupid,” Madrid later posted “[Trump] being a billion- they aren’t able to be pro- Trump, he concluded, are views on gender as “a sleeper
The reality of why some on X, in a throwback to for- aire from New York, with a viders for their families.” those in the country illegally issue that had a great deal of
voted the way they did, in mer President Clinton’s beautiful family and a beau- Trump has also blamed and rightfully fear deporta- impact with the Hispanic
many ways, was as nuanced campaign mantra. Latino tiful wife, as a young His- immigrants for the woes of tion. community.”
and diverse as Latinos voters were increasingly vot- panic man, that is the Latino citizens and long- What has galled many Although the loss has
themselves, with differing ing based on pocketbook is- American dream, that is time residents — as migra- Trump detractors is the ap- plunged some Democrats
views on immigration, trade, sues, he said. what you one day want to be tion into the U.S. reached parent indifference Latino into recriminations and soul
policing, LGBTQ+ rights, The irony for Michael like,” said Enriquez, 29. record highs under the Bid- supporters of the president- searching about the future
Gaza. Fienup, who heads the Cen- After graduating from en administration after elect have about his loyalty of their party, experts are
But resoundingly, Lat- ter for Economic Research college in Abilene, Texas, more than a decade of de- to right-wing, racist groups, urging them not to place the
inos, who make up a wide & Forecasting at California Enriquez founded Bien- clines. Trump vowed to his immigrant scapegoating blame on Latinos.
spectrum of cultures and Lutheran University and venido US, a conservative launch a mass deportation and his own racist remarks. “The overwhelming les-
people, felt they struggled was one of the authors of the Latino advocacy group now program on Day 1 in the Oval “If you tell a people so son of this election was that
more economically during 2024 U.S. Latino GDP, is working in Texas, Nevada, Office. many times that they are a large majority of white men
the Biden administration, that under both parties Lat- Arizona, Pennsylvania and “They’re taking Black horrible and criminals, they and white women voted to
experts say. The COVID ino wages grow and Latinos Georgia. “When we were jobs and they’re taking His- will turn away from their elect Donald Trump. That is
shutdowns — which began see big surges in labor force looking at how we were going panic jobs,” Trump said in a own people and run towards the headline,” Matt A. Bar-
during the Trump adminis- participation. to organize the Hispanic CNN debate this summer. whiteness,” Maria Hinojosa, reto, a pollster and advisor
tration but were the most “You’re going to find it vote, we kind of saw that the As Trump touted depor- a Pulitzer Prize-winning to the Harris-Walz presi-
strict under the governors of very challenging to argue low-hanging fruit was His- tation, Govs. Greg Abbott of Mexican American journal- dential campaign, wrote in
blue states — kneecapped that Latinos suffered differ- panic men. They are the Texas and Ron DeSantis of ist and founder of Futuro an email. “We should be
the economy and gave way to ential economic harm,” he most conservative by na- Florida had been carrying Media, posted on X after the careful not to scapegoat mi-
inflation. Working families said. “Latinos are hard- ture, but yet we vote at a out their own displacement election. norities because of shifts in
scrambled to find work as working, they’re self-suffi- record-low number.” campaign, shipping mi- But experts say many their voting patterns when a
housing prices jumped. cient, they’re entrepreneur- Trump has promised a grants to California, New Latinos have long held con- clear majority of people of
These factors dovetailed ial, they’re patriotic, they’re sweeping departure from York, Pennsylvania and Illi- servative values, even as color voted Democrat.”
with historic immigration optimistic. Guess what? the Biden administration on nois, pounding a message of they leaned toward the To win, the party will
highs, said Mike Madrid, a Those are fundamentally the economy. a failed Biden administra- Democratic Party, which have to bring more Latino
strategist who co-founded American characteristics,” He said he will institute tion that allowed people and was viewed as fighting for men back into its fold by
the Lincoln Project, a Re- he said. And he said they tax cuts, particularly elimi- drugs to cross the border. workers. speaking for their interests.
publican anti-Trump politi- have been a major driver of nating taxes on tips and on The pressure to crack down Trump flipped the script “There needs to be a
cal action committee. the economy. overtime — a potentially on the border pushed Demo- by assuming the mantle of reckoning,” said Chuck
“One in five Hispanic But some still feel left be- critical wage boost for union crats to shift strategy. saving American jobs from Rocha, a Democratic strate-
men work in the construc- hind. With a disproportion- workers. He promised to de- Although economists say waves of new migrants, while gist who helped Sen. Bernie
tion industry,” he said. They ate number of Latinos in the regulate industry and em- migration tends to improve playing off those traditional Sanders (I-Vt.) draw the
enjoyed low interest rates service industry, they are bolden the oil and auto in- the overall economy, it can values. Latino vote during his presi-
under the first Trump ad- vulnerable to economic dustries. sow fear among those strug- A pro-Trump ad that dential bids.
ministration and lower headwinds. And with an And most controver- gling to make ends meet in painted Harris as a radical “We’ve allowed the Re-
housing costs, whether overall lower educational at- sially, he said he plans to im- low-wage jobs. liberal, out of touch with the publicans to steal the mes-
those had anything to do tainment compared with pose strict tariffs, denying Rafael Romero, a 30 year- working class, seemed to sages that got me as a non-
with his policies or not. “If white people, they have economists’ warnings that old Cuban immigrant who strike a chord with men. college-educated Latino
you’re one of the Latino men lower long-term earning they could cause massive in- works as a Lyft driver in Las “Kamala is for they/them. male to join the party in 1990
who work in the construc- power. flation. Vegas, said Trump’s words President Trump is for you,” and we’ve got to get that
tion industry, you were “Hispanics are about the “For ordinary working- resonated with him. said one ad released in the back on our side and be the
quantifiably better off under American dream,” said class Hispanic men, we are “I think that if you’re here months before the election. party of the working class,”
the Trump administration.” Abraham Enriquez, who locked out of homeowner- legally, if you’re doing things “I remember when I was he said. “People are anxious
And it wasn’t just Latino was raised by the children of ship,” Enriquez said. “Presi- the right way, there’s no rea- in elementary school, they about where they are in their
men. Trump also picked up Mexican immigrant parents dent Trump talking about son you’d get kicked out of used to bring a firefighter, a personal lives, they’re work-
support among Latinas, at in a small west Texas town. that and saying, ‘I want you the country,” he said. “If you police officer, to inspire peo- ing harder and they’re get-
38% — up from 30% in 2020. He recalls his parents and to achieve the American want a country where you ple, now they bring drag ting less money in their pay-
Poll after poll has shown grandparents talking about dream,’ he’s speaking di- can get ahead, why would queens,” said Ernie Quin- check and Donald Trump
that the economy is a top is- how the late Republican rectly to Hispanic men who you destroy it by doing tana, 44, who voted for the has tricked them into think-
sue for Latino men and President Reagan “loved feel like their masculinity is things illegally?” first time. ing that he’ll make it better
women. “It’s the economy, Hispanics.” now in question because Latinos who are against Aguilar referred to liberal for them.”

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A10 SU N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M

[Environment, from A1]

entirely clear: The lower
courts can still slow down
and stop some of the new ad-
ministration’s proposed
changes, while states, such
as California, can continue
to be leaders on the world
stage in areas such as green
technology, climate policy
and scientific research.
Unfortunately, they say,
the timing couldn’t be worse.

On climate change and gov-

“We do not have four
years to not do things, let
alone go backwards,” said
Ken Alex, director at the
Center for Law Energy and
Environment at UC Berke-
ley. “We are in a very, very
precarious moment.”
The goals outlined in
Project 2025 point to a “dis-
mantling of government and
government regulation” and
a “fossil fuel-based agenda.”
Alex said the biggest set-
back is the call to dismantle Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times
the National Oceanic and A TECHNICIAN on a wind turbine near Rio Vista, Calif. Solar and wind energy stocks plummeted on news of Donald Trump’s election.
Atmospheric Administra-
tion, which includes the
National Marine Fisheries
Service, the National
Weather Service (which
Project 2025 suggests should
be privatized), and the
Bracing for sweeping changes in policy
National Hurricane Center tional Museum of the Ameri- tric vehicles, but, then again, achieve ecological benefits said Biden reversed some of a small drop in the barrel of
— as well as the plan to can Indian. his biggest backer runs an like consuming excess vege- the changes to the way the total U.S. offshore volumes,
downsize a variety of envi- Project 2025 calls for re- electric vehicle company. tation. This approach is law is applied, but not all. much less compared to total
ronmental or environmen- structuring and consolidat- Tesla gets a lot of business in backed by research that And he expects the incom- U.S. output.”
tal-adjacent agencies, in- ing essential Native Ameri- California, so I think it’s an shows low-intensity fires can ing administration will de-
cluding the Environmental can health, education and open question,” Martinez reduce the risk of high-in- velop new regulatory Solar and wind:
Protection Agency, NASA, housing services, creating said. tensity fires. changes that hark back to Solar and wind energy
the U.S. Department of Ag- “one-stop shop[s]” for tribal But the 2025 manifesto Trump’s first term. stocks plummeted on news
riculture, the Department of issues. National monuments: instructs the agency to focus Environmental groups of Trump’s election. Howev-
Energy and the Department The document also rec- A tribal-led coalition has on thinning trees and in- say they are already girding er, many say the market
of the Interior. ommends allowing tribes to urged the Biden administra- creasing timber sale, in part for a fight. overreacted and that de-
“It’s a parade of hor- drill for oil and natural gas tion to designate three new by reducing “regulatory ob- “We know from recent spite Trump’s public hostil-
ribles,” Alex said. on their land, and — to de- monuments in the Golden stacles” put in place by the history that the incoming ity toward green energy, he
Brad Udall, a climate sci- crease the size of govern- State using the Antiquities National Environmental administration will un- may be able to slow it down,
entist at Colorado State ment — passing both land Act of 1906, a law that has al- Policy Act and the Endan- doubtedly push both a legis- but he can’t stop it.
University, said that “at and some environmental re- lowed presidents to protect gered Species Act. lative and a regulatory “In Texas, we now have
best, Trump’s win means a sponsibilities over to tribes. land of historic and scientific It’d be like “turning the agenda that is designed to not only more wind energy
four-year hiatus on US do- However, with many significance. clock back to the 1950s to dismantle bedrock conser- than any other state, we
mestic and international tribes reliant on government The requests have as- 1980s, when logging domi- vation laws like the Endan- have more installed utility-
leadership on greenhouse services because of poverty sumed heightened urgency nated national forest man- gered Species Act, and will scale solar than any other
gas reduction efforts. ... Un- and the remoteness of the as the administration nears agement,” said Andy Stahl, work to destroy the wildlife state,” said Katharine Hay-
fortunately, the impacts are federally created reserva- its end. Trump downsized executive director of advo- and the habitat that we hoe, the Nature Conservan-
likely to last much longer tions, some Indigenous lead- monuments in the West dur- cacy group Forest Service cherish,” said Pamela Flick, cy’s chief scientist and a pro-
than just four years given ers worry a rushed push for ing his first term, and some Employees for Environmen- California program director fessor of atmospheric scien-
the way long-term invest- tribes to take on more re- want him to go further in his tal Ethics. for Defenders of Wildlife. ce at Texas Tech University.
ments and planning work in sponsibility in the name of second — by abolishing the However, Stahl doesn’t She, like Alex, pointed to
the energy sector.” small government could ulti- Antiquities Act altogether. expect changes to the U.S. Oil and gas in California: the Inflation Reduction
He said Trump’s win mately hurt them. Project 2025 calls on a Forest Service will be a top Though “Drill, baby, Act’s infrastructure and en-
could lead to the repeal of new administration to re- priority for the Trump ad- drill!” was the rallying cry ergy projects — largely wind
the Inflation Reduction Act, Clean air: peal the law, arguing it has ministration. He noted that during Trump’s first admin- and solar — which have
which he described as “the “A Trump agenda means been overused and that pub- in Project 2025, the agency is istration, it’s doubtful he’ll proved to be an economic
single most important legis- more sickness and death lic lands need to remain addressed only in one very get far in California, experts boon for red states.
lation to date anywhere in caused by pollution and run- open to a wide range of uses, short section, “reflecting the say. “I will tell you for sure
the world to reduce green- away climate change,” in- including oil drilling, coal significance of this issue to Though the state boasts that this [Trump] adminis-
house gases.” sisted Bill Macgavern, policy mining and recreation. the broader conservative ample oil reserves, Gov. Gav- tration is beginning in a
He said the act has been director of the Los Angeles “I would say any monu- world, which is that it’s not a in Newsom’s climate policies radically different place
wildly successful in spurring nonprofit Clean Air Coali- ments that Biden has al- significant issue.” and his enmity toward the oil than it did eight years ago in
investment and innovation. tion. ready designated or is going industry are forcing a gradu- terms of the giant boulder
Ironically, much of the fund- Despite having some of to designate in the coming Wildlife and conservation: al wind-down of oil produc- that is the clean energy
ing has gone to red, or major- the strongest clean air rules two months are at severe In the first Trump presi- tion. Drilling permits in Cali- economy, which is already
ity Republican, states — in the nation, Southern Cali- risk of being shrunken or dency, the administration fornia’s oil fields are being rolling down the hill,” she
which may help to preserve fornia endures some of the eliminated by the Trump ad- weakened the Endangered slow-walked and production said.
it. highest levels of lung-aggra- ministration,” said Brendan Species Act by making it decreases year by year. According to the Depart-
vating smog. Cummings, conservation di- easier to remove a species The federal government ment of Energy, renewable
Water: “It was challenging al- rector for the Center for Bio- from the endangered list has little control over the energy sources such as solar
Trump is certain to clash ready with a relatively coop- logical Diversity. and reducing protections for state’s leave-fossil-fuels-be- and wind are the fastest-
with California leaders over erative federal government,” threatened species. In addi- hind energy strategy. Nor growing segments on the
water. said Macgavern, noting that Wildfire and forest man- tion, it allowed regulators to does the federal government power grid — driven by fed-
He has said the resource many of the more innovative agement: explore economic impacts hold power over offshore oil eral tax credits, state renew-
is “horribly mismanaged” in air policies and standards Project 2025 lays out a when considering listing a platforms within three miles able-energy mandates, and
California and has promised that state regulators have strategy to reform U.S. For- species and made it more of shore — those areas fall technology advancements
to turn on a massive “faucet” passed in recent years have est Service wildfire manage- difficult to account for cli- under state jurisdiction. that have lowered their
for farmers and cities — not yet received federal ap- ment. Right now, the agency mate change when making Though the federal gov- costs.
partly by weakening envi- proval. manages some naturally ig- such decisions. ernment does oversee explo-
ronmental protections for If they aren’t approved by nited fires rather than im- Cummings, the conser- ration and drilling beyond Hope for the environment:
such species as the Delta Jan. 19, there is concern mediately extinguishing vation director for the Cen- state waters, those plat- Most of the researchers
smelt. they’ll be denied. them so that the flames can ter for Biological Diversity, forms are rapidly aging and said that despite the
But such efforts, while During the previous many have been decommis- changes afoot, there is hope
popular among Trump sup- Trump administration, Cal- sioned or are being shut that many of the gains made
porters in rural farming ifornia officials had to get down. will be preserved.
communities, could en- creative to advance clean-air Drilling for oil out at sea First, there are the
counter substantial obsta- and climate action. has become expensive com- courts:
cles. “It was a time of intense pared with far more econo- “Biden has appointed as
“We’ve heard numerous deregulation of a heavily pol- mical alternatives such as many judges as Trump did
statements from the incom- luting industry and efforts to the fracking fields in the outside of the Supreme
ing president that California derail clean-air and water Permian Basin, which strad- Court,” said Alex, the UC
has more water than they protections,” said Adrian dled Texas and New Mexico. Berkeley law professor.
know what to do with, and Martinez, senior attorney Also, oil companies are aim- He also noted a recent
that they’re wasting water,” with Earthjustice. “I suspect ing new offshore production Supreme Court ruling that
said Mark Gold, director of that’s in the cards now.” at more promising locations, overturned the Chevron
water scarcity solutions for However, there is a twist including the Gulf of Mexico. Doctrine, which allowed fed-
the Natural Resources De- this time: Trump’s most ar- “The offshore sector in eral agencies to interpret the
fense Council. “I’m con- dent supporter is electric ve- California has been in de- laws they administer. Now
cerned and anxious about hicle magnate Elon Musk. cline for over a decade now, it’s up to the lower courts to
what the Trump adminis- That leaves some wondering across multiple administra- interpret ambiguous laws.
tration could mean for wa- if Trump may soften his neg- Gary Kazanjian For The Times tions,” said Matthew Bern- “That will now apply to
ter, and especially biodiver- ative stance toward EVs. DEAD fish in the Kern River. The first Trump ad- stein, senior analyst at Rys- any interpretations of statu-
sity protection in aquatic “There’s criticism of elec- ministration weakened the Endangered Species Act. tad Energy. “This area forms tes and regulations done by
habitats.” the Trump administration,
But Gold said he is confi- which gives a fair amount of
dent that Newsom and Atty. additional leeway to courts,
Gen. Rob Bonta will be particularly lower courts, to
strong adversaries. constrain outlandish inter-
“Between the environ- pretations of rules, regula-
mental community and the tions, statutes by agencies,”
governor and the attorney he said.
general, we’re well situated He also said that by
to fight to protect nature virtue of its size and
and to protect environmen- strength, California was —
tal health and the public,” and will be — a stabilizing
Gold said. force.
“Trump was elected the
Indigenous lands: first time in 2016 and it really
Neither Trump nor the increased California’s pro-
Republican Party has de- file on climate,” he said. “I
clared any official policies suspect that will have a re-
for Indigenous people, but peat, because countries
tribal leaders worry the new around the world, let alone
administration could slow states and provinces, need a
land return efforts, slash es- U.S. partner. And while Cali-
sential services and under- fornia cannot do foreign pol-
mine their sovereignty. icy, it can do agreements,
“While they don’t men- memorandum of under-
tion tribes, they do mention standing and cooperation.”
so much that would impact
us,” said Greg Sarris, chair- Times staff writers Noah
man of the Federated Indi- Haggerty, Alex
ans of Graton Rancheria in Jason Armond Los Angeles Times Wigglesworth and Russ
the Bay Area and the board HOMES sit above the Inglewood Oil Field. Though the state boasts ample oil reserves, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Mitchell contributed to this
chair of the Smithsonian Na- climate policies and his enmity toward the oil industry are forcing a gradual wind-down of oil production. report.
L AT I M E S . C O M WST S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 A11

Democratic Sen. Rosen is reelected in Nevada

dent Kamala Harris tar- improvised explosive device
In a state that geted the state and its six there in 2008 and endured 30
electoral votes. surgeries as he recuperated.
flipped to Trump, she Conservative money In campaign ads he repeat-
fends off a challenge flowed in during the final edly mentioned that his face
days as the Republican remains heavily scarred
from Republican rival Party posted a strong show- from the attack.
Sam Brown. ing in early period, but He is also the founder of a
Brown was unable to fully medical company that
fight back. serves veterans.
associated press
Analysts note that Ne- Brown previously made
vada has a history of backing an unsuccessful bid in 2022
LAS VEGAS — Demo- no-nonsense senators who for the Republican nomina-
cratic Sen. Jacky Rosen of deliver funding from Wash- tion to face Cortez Masto.
Nevada has won reelection, ington. All four of Nevada’s U.S.
beating Republican Sam Brown, who was awarded House incumbents — three
Brown in a tight but unusu- a Purple Heart for his serv- Democrats and one Repub-
ally quiet race for the battle- ice in Afghanistan, was lican — also won reelection
ground state. grievously wounded by an this year.
The Associated Press de-
clared Rosen the winner on
The first-term senator
campaigned on abortion
rights and positioned herself
as a non-ideological politi- WITH JACKY ROSEN’S victory, both of Nevada’s U.S. Senate seats remain
John Locher Associated Press
cian, a formula that worked
two years ago for the state’s
in Democratic hands. She positioned herself as a non-ideological politician. Signature Auction | December 5

senior senator, Democrat and won easily, but he was She also spotlighted her ago to legalize abortion.
Catherine Cortez Masto, in significantly outspent dur- work on expanding broad- A ballot measure this PREVIEW
her reelection. ing the general election cam- band internet access and year to enshrine abortion November 15 | 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Brown, a retired Army paign, leaving Rosen to helping to connect Las rights in the state constitu-
captain who moved to Ne- dominate the airwaves for Vegas with Southern Cali- tion passed. Voters must
November 16 | 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
vada from Texas in 2018 and months. fornia via light rail. again approve it in 2026 to
has never held elected office, Rosen, a former Las And she hammered amend the constitution. Heritage Auctions
tried to ride Donald Trump’s Vegas-area synagogue presi- Brown for his opposition to The Senate contest drew 9478 W. Olympic Boulevard
victory in the Silver State, dent and computer abortion rights, saying he relatively little national in- Beverly Hills, CA 90212
which the AP also declared programmer, ran ads tout- would support a national terest for most of the cam-
Friday. ing herself as an independ- abortion ban, as Brown in- paign, a striking contrast
He had Trump’s support ent who doesn’t listen to sisted that he respects Ne- with the presidential race as
in the Republican primary “party leaders.” vada voters’ choice decades both Trump and Vice Presi-

Biden and Trump are set to meet next week

start of a peaceful transfer of Trump sought the presi- my entire administration
The Oval Office power under America’s dency four years after his to work with his team to Paulding Farnham
democracy. loss, continuing to claim ensure a peaceful and for Tiffany & Co.
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Democrat, for a sit-down af- false allegations of cheating deserve.”
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retiring president says. Trump lost his reelection the count went his way. 11 a.m. Estimate: $15,000 - $20,000
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Trump disputed Biden’s Vice President Kamala
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WASHINGTON — Presi- On Jan. 6, 2021, when law- president to return to power
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A12 S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M


Every few Fridays, in the

middle of the night, a line
forms outside the Pop Mart
store at Westfield Century
It’s the same scene over
at Glendale Galleria. And at
South Coast Plaza. Victoria
Gardens in Rancho Cuca-
monga, too.
They come by the hun-
dreds, all vying for the latest
Labubu, a furry toy charac-
ter with rabbit-like ears and
a nightmarish grin
stretched wide over a row of
serrated teeth. Labubu, her
legion of fans will tell you, is
female, the size of a cat and a
tad mischievous. She be-
longs to a Nordic tribe of
elves known as the Mon-
sters. She is very soft. They
insist her boyfriend is a look-
alike figure named Zimomo,
but Pop Mart denies the re-
lationship. Photographs by Christina House Los Angeles Times
A global buying frenzy for SHOPPERS LINE UP early one morning in October for a chance at a Labubu product drop at Pop Mart in Westfield Century City mall.
all things Labubu erupted in
April when Lisa, a member predictability has led people
of the popular K-pop girl to compulsively check the

Global frenzy for Labubu toys

group Blackpink, posted a stores’ Instagram Stories for
video on Instagram of her news of spontaneous re-
hugging a large Labubu stocks.
plush doll. The 27-year-old Whenever one is posted,
megastar, who isn’t a brand customers within quick driv-
spokesperson, further fu-
eled the mania
accessorizing her luxury
Labubu pendants.

reaches American shoppers ing or running distance de-
scend upon the store, as they
did last Thursday afternoon
after the Century City Pop
Mart used red siren emojis
Since then, every new re-
lease and restock of the A furry character inspires overnight lines, mall fights and instant to announce it had 83
Labubus for sale: “Hot re-
plush dolls has sold out stock announcement ... sales
within minutes in stores and sellouts. Its success shows Pop Mart has mastered hype playbook. start right now.” A shopper
within seconds online. who rushed over said every-
Grown men and women — thing was gone in less than
Labubu’s core customers By Andrea Chang 20 minutes.
are adults, not kids — have The challenge will be to
fought over her and police keep it going.
recently had to manage an “The biggest problem
unruly crowd at a Singapore “It would blow your posted real-time updates to sending 12 to the store so Plush toys, a hot category with the industry is these
toy show where Labubus mind,” he said of the number let others know how many that there’s this craze and in the toy industry, did mon- things are really popular
were being sold. Last month, of Pop Mart collectibles he items were left. nobody gets what they ster numbers: Pop Mart said when they’re popular, and
a family allegedly broke into has since acquired, which It was all over in about an want,” she said. “We want revenue skyrocketed nearly then they’re just not rele-
a claw machine filled with span “almost every collec- hour, with people toward the people to get what they 1,000% in the first half of the vant anymore,” said Jaime
boxes of Labubus and stole tion” and fill his living room back of the line dispersing want, and we do try to stock year, to $62.5 million. The Katz, an equity analyst at
three of them. Fakes and re- in downtown L.A. from floor once it became clear they up for the demand.” company declined to discuss Morningstar. “You have to
sellers have flooded the mar- to ceiling. “I would say I’ve wouldn’t make the cutoff. Brough attributed the Labubu-specific sales fig- change the storyline, you
ket. probably spent minimum Some grumbled about re- limited quantities to the Bei- ures or to comment on have to evolve what you’re
It’s a sudden and aston- $10,000.” sellers, who sell their jing-based company’s sup- whether it was ramping up selling, you have to think
ishing ascent for an ugly- “I’m not a collector of Labubu hauls at exorbitant ply chain timeline — Pop production. about what would get con-
cute character that debuted anything else,” he said. “But markups, being among Mart places its orders Creating a viral hit is the sumers to make that next
nearly a decade ago, and for- for some reason, Pop Mart those who had swarmed the months in advance, some- dream for toy makers, and purchase.”
tuitous timing for Pop Mart got me.” release. times before a particular toy there is no “exact formula,” Pop Mart began as a gen-
as it makes a major push into On that Friday morning Shopping online is just as has taken off. The company Brough said. “This is the eral merchandise retailer
the U.S. in late October, more than disheartening, they la- said it is working on strate- first time that we’ve seen selling third-party toys and
Founded in 2010, the Chi- 100 superfans had gathered mented, because of bots gies to make things more fair anything like this in North other products. Over time, it
nese toy maker has seen outside the Pop Mart store programmed to hoover up and to better manage the America.” pivoted to making designer
enormous success overseas before 9 a.m., having learned products the instant they’re masses at its U.S. stores on Pop Mart has benefited toys, working closely with in-
for its artist-designed col- about the product drop from available. The night before, product launch days. from some right-place- dependent artists via licens-
lectibles, growing to around the brand’s social media the Zimomo plush sold out Pop Mart reported right-time luck: Its Labubu ing deals. The toys, which
500 retail shops and 2,500 toy posts. in less than a minute on Pop record revenue of $638.5 mil- pendants double as bag are mainly manufactured in
vending machines in 30 Up for grabs: 29 large Mart’s website and TikTok lion for the first half of 2024, a charms, which have been a China, found a broad audi-
countries. The company’s Zimomo dolls, 30 six-box Shop. 62% increase over the same huge trend in the fashion ence among Gen Z.
stock price has more than blind sets of Labubu pend- “We’re not trying to man- period a year earlier. Sales in world. “Kidults” — adults Hong Kong-born artist
tripled this year, giving Pop ants and 40 Labubu purses. ufacture” scarcity, said Emi- its burgeoning North Ameri- who are big consumers of Kasing Lung is the creator of
Mart a market cap of $12.1 A squabble had broken ly Brough, head of licensing ca segment totaled $24.9 products traditionally made Labubu and the other Mon-
billion. It opened its first out a few hours earlier over for Pop Mart North Ameri- million; more than three- for children — have been on sters creatures, which first
permanent U.S. store in Sep- line position, store manager ca, which is headquartered fourths of its revenue comes the rise. And the organic so- appeared in 2015 in a series of
tember 2023 and has quickly Henry Nguyen said, and in Glendale. from Southeast Asia and cial media love from Lisa picture books; Pop Mart be-
expanded to 16 locations mall security stepped in to “It’s not like we’re just East Asia. and other celebrities was gan selling Labubu mer-
around the country, seven of restore order. “There was an also invaluable. chandise four years later.
them in California. escalation,” he said. “It was But more than anything, Lung told The Times that
Opened in February, the chaotic.” Pop Mart has mastered the he incorporated elements of
Century City Pop Mart is a Just a few days before, an hype playbook. his own personality into
maximalist shrine of whim- Australian TikTok user Collectors say they be- Labubu’s narrative, such as
sical characters such as posted a video from a differ- came hooked by the psychol- her “naughtiness,” which he
Skull Panda and Dimoo and ent Pop Mart that showed ogical thrill of the blind-box believed made the character
their many, many related hordes of shoppers waiting chase and the satisfaction of more compelling.
products: vinyl plush dolls in for the store to open, some completing a set; the steady He realized the impish elf
all sizes, action figures, key- sleeping on the ground out- release of special collabora- had become a runaway suc-
chains, stationery, purses side the shopping center’s tions and seasonal collec- cess when “one day my par-
and tote bags, cups, hair sliding doors overnight. tions (a recent Halloween- ents asked me for a Labubu
clips, smartphone and ear- “Everyone started themed Labubu had the elf doll,” he said. “That was the
phone cases, lamps and screaming, shoving and wearing a pumpkin outfit); specific moment for me.”
night lights. rushing in, and people even and the feeling of despera- Now, obsessed fans are
These days Labubu is the got crushed at the sides of tion that comes with want- showcasing them in acrylic
must-have character, with the doors,” Lawrence Yu ing something in short sup- display cases in their homes,
her merch universe ranging said in the video, which has ply. clipping them onto their
from an $8.99 fridge magnet been viewed 1.2 million There are also surprise, backpacks and purses, and
to a “Mega 1000%” — a giant times. “There was a group of MARIVENE DEL Rosario, 42, and her partner visit midday product drops in customizing them with fake
31-inch plastic figurine that poor Asian aunties that had Pop Marts all over Southern California twice a week. stores and online. That un- eyelashes, tiny clothes and
sells for $959.90. all got pushed to the floor. braces.
Blind boxes are in high They grazed their knees and Justine Cristobal and her
demand: The packages are they also snapped a few partner, Marivene Del Rosa-
sealed and contain a ran- nails, too.” rio, began buying Labubu in
dom product from a collec- The phenomenon has September. In two months,
tion, injecting an element of forced staff at each Pop Mart they’ve spent $2,500 on 28
surprise and tempting cus- store to devise their own small plushes and three
tomers to buy boxes over crowd control plans on the large ones, driving to Pop
and over until they get the fly. To get the line in Century Marts all over Southern Cal-
exact figure they want. Simi- City moving, Nguyen de- ifornia twice a week and
lar to packs of baseball trad- cided to open an hour early, meeting other collectors in
ing cards, a few lucky boxes reminding customers that coffee shops and at their
contain rare “secret” figu- they were limited to one Zi- homes to swap figurines.
rines that are not part of the momo doll ($289.99) or one “Sometimes we go to dif-
regular series. complete Labubu blind set ferent Pop Marts just to
“It’s a high and it’s excite- ($131.94). check out what they have in
ment,” said Jon Shapiro, 48, Once they made it the same day,” said 34-year-
who arrived at 2:30 a.m. to be through the doors, elated old Cristobal, a nurse from
first in line at a recent Pop shoppers grabbed blind Pico Rivera.
Mart release in Century City. boxes and vigorously shook But the secret chestnut-
“You start buying sets and them to try to discern what cocoa Labubu — there’s only
you’re like, ‘OK, well I need was inside. A mother and one in every 72 boxes — has
the whole collection.’ It’s like daughter from Inglewood eluded them.
you have a mission.” filmed an unboxing video for “It’s a reason for us to buy
Shapiro, who owns a TikTok as soon as they fin- more and then we’ll just
home inspection company, ished paying. trade the ones that we al-
visited Pop Mart for the first The store has several In- ready have,” she said.
time in January during a trip stagram group chats filled “They’re very limited, so
to Paris and “just got ad- with hundreds of customers, POP MART reported record revenue of $638.5 million for the first half of 2024, a that’s why you want it. You
dicted.” and those on the scene 62% increase. Sales in its budding North America segment totaled $24.9 million. kind of crave it.”
L AT I M E S . C O M S S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 A13

Election creates uncertainty

for student loan forgiveness
portant issue in the election, of people was blocked by the
By Cheyanne Mumphrey helping to propel Trump to Supreme Court last year. A
victory. But for borrowers, second, narrower plan has
Savannah Britt owes concerns about their fi- been halted by a federal
about $27,000 on loans she nances extend beyond infla- judge after Republican-led
took out to attend Rutgers tion to include their student states sued. A separate pol-
University, a debt she was debt, said Persis Yu, manag- icy intended to lower loan
hoping to see reduced by ing counsel for the Student payments for struggling bor-
President Biden’s student Borrower Protection Center. rowers has been paused by a
loan forgiveness efforts. “That’s a big part of what judge, also after Republican-
Her payments are on is making life unaffordable controlled states challenged
hold while courts untangle for them is this burden of ex- it.
challenges to the loan forgiv- penses that they can’t seem Bob Eitel, who served
eness program. But with the to get out from under,” Yu during the first Trump ad-
weeks ticking down on Bid- said. ministration as a senior Jacquelyn Martin Associated Press
en’s time in office, she could Student loan cancella- counselor to the Education PEOPLE demonstrate outside the Supreme Court in Washington in June 2023
soon face a monthly pay- tion was not a focus of the secretary, said he expects after justices rejected President Biden’s plan to forgive millions of student loans.
ment of up to $250. campaign for either Trump the president-elect will
“With this new adminis- or Vice President Kamala move to rescind the loan enough to say. Yu noted the Biden ad- than $300.
tration, the dream is gone. Harris, who steered clear of cancellations. Project 2025, the blue- ministration managed to “As a first-generation
It’s shot,” said Britt, 30, who the issue at her political “The Trump administra- print for a hard-right turn in cancel student loans for American, I live at home
runs her own communica- events. The issue came up tion may pursue different av- American government that about 5 million borrowers, with my family, I contribute
tions agency. “I was hopeful just once in the September enues of loan relief, but it will aligns with some Trump pri- even though the signature to our household finances,
before Tuesday. I was wait- presidential debate, when not be the mass blanket orities, calls for getting the forgiveness effort has been and that payment is a lot for
ing out the process. Even my Trump hammered Harris types of forgiveness that the federal government out of blocked. The administra- me and so many others like
mom has a loan that she and Biden for failing to deliv- current administration has the student loan business tion did it by leaning into me,” said Calazans, who is
took out to support me. She er their promise of wide- pursued,” said Eitel, presi- and doing away with repay- loan cancellation programs originally from Brazil.
owes about $18,000, and she spread forgiveness. Trump dent and co-founder of the ment plans that predate the already in effect. For exam- In her role as managing
was in the process of it being called it a “total catastro- Defense of Freedom Insti- Biden administration. ple, an existing student loan director for Student Debt
forgiven, but it’s at a stand- phe” that “taunted young tute for Policy Studies. Even without directly ad- forgiveness program for Crisis Center, Calazans said
still.” people.” Overall, Biden’s efforts dressing student loans, public service workers has she has been telling people
President-elect Donald Biden promised the stu- were relatively unpopular, Trump has made promises granted relief to more than to stay up to date on devel-
Trump and his fellow Re- dent loan cancellation pro- even among those with stu- that would affect them. He 1 million Americans, up from opments by using the loan
publicans have criticized gram during his run for the dent loans. Three in 10 U.S. has pledged to eliminate the just 7,000 who were ap- simulator on the Federal
Biden’s loan forgiveness ef- presidency. adults said they approved of U.S. Department of Educa- proved before it was up- Student Aid website and
forts, and lawsuits by GOP- From its launch, Biden’s how Biden had handled stu- tion, which manages the dated by the Biden adminis- reading updated informa-
led states have held up plans loan forgiveness faced re- dent loan debt, according to $1.6-trillion federal student tration two years ago. tion on forgiveness qualifi-
for widespread debt cancel- lentless pushback from op- a poll this spring from the loan portfolio. It’s unclear “A lot of the cancellation cations and repayment pro-
lation. Trump has not said ponents who said it heaped University of Chicago Harris which entity would take that that we saw in the last couple grams.
what he would do on loan advantage on elites and School of Public Policy and responsibility if the depart- of years was because the “There’s a lot of confu-
forgiveness, leaving millions came at the expense of those the Associated Press-NORC ment were eliminated, Biden administration was sion about student loans,”
of borrowers facing uncer- who repaid their loans or did Center for Public Affairs which would require approv- committed to making the Calazans said, and not just
tainty over their personal fi- not attend college. Research. Four in 10 disap- al from Congress. programs that are actually among young people. “We’re
nances. Biden’s first plan to can- proved. The others were “The American people enshrined in law work for seeing a lot of parents take
The economy was an im- cel up to $20,000 for millions neutral or didn’t know reelected President Trump people,” Yu said. out more debt for their chil-
by a resounding margin, giv- Sabrina Calazans, 27, dren to be able to go to
ing him a mandate to imple- owes about $30,000 on fed- school. We’re seeing older
ment the promises he made eral student loans from her folks go back to school and
MONEY TALK on the campaign trail. He days at Arcadia University having to take out loans as
will deliver,” said Karoline in Pennsylvania. Her pay- well.”

Rolling over a 401(k) after starting Leavitt, a spokesperson for

the Trump-Vance transi-
ments also have been on
hold, but she could soon face
a monthly payment of more
Mumphrey writes for the
Associated Press.

a new job at age 73? It can be tricky

subject to penalties, Lus- future benefits. If you spend
By Liz Weston combe says. She could avoid
the penalties by withdraw-
much time out of the work-
force or earn much more or
LA Times
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Residential Mortgage Lending Act, (BA) indicates Licensed Mortgage Banker, NYS Banking Dept., (BR) indicates Registered Mortgage
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A14 SU N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N



ver since the Supreme ments. Trump carried the state
Court took away the con- with a smaller majority, 56.1%.
stitutional right to abor- A failed measure in South Da-
tion in 2022, the people kota, where abortion is banned,
have been taking it back would have allowed the procedure
state by state. up to 12 weeks, which is considered
Before last week’s election, vot- restrictive in other states. Major
ers in six states had either en- reproductive rights groups such as
shrined abortion rights in their the regional Planned Parenthood
state constitutions or defeated bal- organization did not believe the
lot measures that would have re- measure would adequately restore
stricted them. abortion rights and refused to sup-
On Tuesday, that number more port it.
than doubled. In seven of the 10 And in Nebraska, where abor-
states where abortion rights mea- tion is banned after 12 weeks with
sures were on the ballot, they pre- some exceptions, the presence of
vailed. From the most liberal of two measures on the ballot made
those states (New York) to the for some confusion. The one that
most conservative (Missouri), and failed, Initiative 439, would have
regardless of how they voted in the guaranteed a right to abortion up
presidential race, voters asserted to viability and was supported by
the right to control their own bod- advocates of abortion access. The
ies. Even in Florida, where an abor- Ross D. Franklin Associated Press one that passed, Initiative 434,
tion rights measure failed, it won a PROPONENTS of abortion rights deliver petitions to put the issue on the ballot in Arizona. bans most abortions after 12
more decisive majority than Don- weeks. Under this measure, abor-
ald Trump. (More about that lat- tion could remain legal up to 12
Ballot measures in New York,
Maryland, Colorado and Montana
enshrined abortion rights (and, in
Voters across America are weeks, but the Legislature has lee-
way to further restrict abortion
rights, up to a complete ban.
Advocates have more work to
New York, other equal rights pro-
tections) in the constitutions of
states where they are already sub-
taking back abortion rights do to convince voters in states with
abortion bans and restrictions
that there is an electoral path to re-
stantially protected by law. Abor- store reproductive rights.
tion is legal to the point of fetal via- Tuesday were for measures in Ari- now unconstitutional bans, it’s as- did fail last week, all of them in “Every state that has a citizens’
bility in Montana, for example, but zona, which outlawed abortion af- tonishing progress for those states states that could have desperately initiative constitutional process
lawmakers there have repeatedly ter 15 weeks, and Missouri, where and the people who live in them. used constitutional amendments and restrictions on abortion is a
tried to restrict it. abortion was illegal with no excep- These election results should to ensure abortion access. place where we will be looking,”
These measures may be unnec- tions for incest or rape. Missouri send a powerful message to state In Florida, which bans abortion said Kelly Hall, the executive direc-
essary in liberal states where abor- legislators have hardly missed an and federal elected officials and beyond six weeks — a point when tor of the Fairness Project, which
tion remains legal — and let’s hope opportunity to attack abortion the incoming Trump administra- most women don’t even know worked on the ballot measures in
they are. But every state that codi- rights: One legislator floated a tion: Americans will not tolerate they’re pregnant — Amendment 4 Missouri and elsewhere this elec-
fies abortion rights in its constitu- measure to make it illegal to help the trampling of their reproductive would have constitutionally guar- tion season.
tion reinforces them against the someone leave the state for an rights in blue, purple or red states. anteed a right to an abortion up to In states that don’t allow citi-
whims of elected officials. Califor- abortion. Federal officials should keep that the point of fetal viability, which is zens’ initiatives, progress will be
nia voters passed a constitutional Both of those states now have in mind as conservative state at- roughly 24 weeks. The initiative more challenging. But people in all
amendment bolstering the state’s constitutionally guaranteed rights torneys general consider trying to earned a healthy majority of 57.2% kinds of states, liberal and conser-
already strong abortion protec- to abortion up to the point of viabil- block abortion medication from but fell 3 points short of the state’s vative, have shown that they want
tions in 2022. ity. Although legal or legislative ef- being provided by mail. undemocratic 60% threshold for to protect their right to control
The most important victories forts will be necessary to lift their Three abortion rights measures approval of constitutional amend- their own bodies.


Stop blaming Don’t blame white wom-

en; blame the Democrats.
The outgoing district
attorney, defeated by Na-
white women Neil Snow
Manhattan Beach
than Hochman, never
seemed to grasp the outrage
Re “There’s no mystery. that had been building
White women handed :: against him for the past
Trump the election,” Opin- several years.
ion, Nov. 8 Once again, Granderson We watched mass rob-
nailed it. I write this not as a beries helplessly. We see
As a “white” woman who proud member of my demo- cars in our neighborhoods
did not vote for Trump, let graphic, because Grand- that have been stolen, bro-
me say two things regarding erson is correct. The data ken into or had catalytic
LZ Granderson’s column. are correct. So, shame on us. converters taken. We con-
One, I object to being My question to my demo- tinually have to step around
defined by skin color. No one graphic peers: What the drug addicts passed out on
should be so defined. Until hell? If we ever had the our sidewalks and people
we learn to move beyond opportunity to elect a wom- living inside dirty tents
such divisive markers, we an as president, this elec- while police officers in their
will continually be at odds tion was that opportunity. squad cars drive by oblivi-
over differences that This was it, and I don’t have ous to the human tragedy in
amount to fictions. to spell it out as to why. plain sight.
Two, exit polls clearly We’ve seen it and heard it Most of us in L.A. will be
show that it was men of all over and over directly from glad to see Gascón go and
stripes, if we must employ the president-elect. hope this will be the begin-
Nathan Howard Associated Press distinctions, who handed I self-isolated beginning ning of a new era of public
A SUPPORTER of Kamala Harris walks on the campus of Howard University in Trump the White House. around midnight on elec- safety.
Washington, where the vice president gave her concession speech on Wednesday. What does this say about tion night and remained Doug Weiskopf
the United States? It says there for hours. What got me Burbank

‘It’s time to sheathe our swords’ that men in the U.S., having
had two opportunities to do
so, are still unlikely to elect a
up and back on track? Lis-
tening to Harris give her
concession speech at How- ‘Gov. Harris’
woman to the highest office ard University on Wednes-
Re “Politics stoke urge to move abroad,” Nov. 6 in the land, no matter how
qualified she is.
day afternoon.
I wept for what we could
sounds nice
s Americans, we have a birthright to elect our leaders, something that people in This is certainly an in- have had — for what we Re “Why did Kamala Harris

A some other countries have never enjoyed. This right was fought for centuries ago.
In the last 100 years, many other rights have been granted to the lucky citizens of
the United States.
dictment — of some sort.
Roxanne Vettese
should have had. But I was
inspired and so proud of her,
the campaign and who she
is. Thank you, Vice Presi-
lose?” letters, Nov. 8

Like one of your letter

writers, I also sent an email
The election result has caused elation in many people and despondency in others. This
:: dent Harris. to Vice President Kamala
election cycle, more than any other I have witnessed, has caused divisiveness among the And, to my fellow white Harris that she will prob-
people. Terrible things were said about the good people on different sides of the political If I did not know any female voters: Please. Just, ably not read, because I am
fence who were only exercising their constitutional right to express their opinion. better, I would think Grand- please. a nobody.
The best thing for America right now is for both sides to strike a conciliatory tone. We erson was racist against Linda Waade I suggested she run for
have met on the political battlefield, and a victor has been proclaimed. Now it’s time to white women by blaming Santa Monica governor of California. We
sheathe our swords and work together to further the success of our beloved country. them for Harris’ loss. need someone with her
Hayward Simpson, Lake City, Fla. I blame the Democrats strength and experience,
for not holding an open
convention and nominating
Gascón voter in and it would really irritate
President-elect Trump,

Never believe that every year in a beautiful were serious.

a stronger candidate to run
against Trump. Instead,
’20, not in ’24 which I think can be a good
thing. She’s had experience
American democracy and seaside town on Spain’s But I would bet most of they just handed Harris the Re “3 strikes against crimi- dealing with him, and she’s
our glorious Constitution Mediterranean coast. them will not leave; maybe reins after President Biden nal justice reform,” Nov. 7 had experience working in
are not worth fighting for! Frankly, over our 15 years of one or two, but not more ended his candidacy in July. many capacities for the
But my husband and I have visits there, we have felt than that. Why? Because It turned out that she In the 2020 election, I great state of California.
concluded that, at our ages, more accepted than we ever this is the best country in was an easy target for the voted for George Gascón for I am extremely sorry she
this is not our fight. It must did in the U.S. the world. Republicans to blame for district attorney in the hope lost the presidency, but we
fall to a younger and more Farewell and fight hard, Where did they make all the poor economy and the that he might reform the want her as governor.
energetic generation. my LGBTQ+ brothers and of their money? Where did immigration issue. She was justice system in Los Ange- Laura Norris
We battled the neglect sisters. they buy a big beautiful cast as simply too liberal. les County and take a more San Diego
and bigotry of the Reagan Thomas Bailey home and drive a big beauti- Sen. Mark Kelly (D- humane approach to those
and George W. Bush admin- Long Beach ful car? Where did they Ariz.), who is a moderate, arrested, especially the
istrations, and we won some become famous? The would have been a much many minority youths
victories. Now, however, a :: United States. better choice. He was a Navy caught up in it. HOW TO WRITE TO US
new administration spew- Of course, they are still pilot and an astronaut, and But I voted against him Please send letters to
ing vitriol is poised to take Some famous people free to leave. We’re waiting he could not have been in our recent election, be- [email protected]. For
over. have said they might leave if and watching. blamed for anything. I be- cause I felt he took too radi- submission guidelines, see
It may be time for us to Trump is reelected. These Ron Perry lieve he would have defeated cal an approach to enforcing latimes.com/letters or call
go. We spend two months people need to show us they Canyon Country Trump. our laws. 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.

Executive Chairman Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong

News: Executive Editor Terry Tang • Managing Editor Hector Becerra • Editor at Large Scott Kraft • Deputy Managing Editors Shelby Grad, Amy King, Maria L. La Ganga • Assistant
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FOUNDED DECEMBER 4, 1881 Brenneman • Business: President and Chief Operating Officer Chris Argentieri • Chief Human Resources Officer Nancy V. Antoniou • President of L.A. Times Studios Anna Magzanyan •
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LAT I M E S . C O M S S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 A15


worth celebrating.
For the first time in history, two
Black women will simultaneously
serve in the U.S. Senate: Angela
Alsobrooks of Maryland and Lisa
Blunt Rochester of Delaware. Also
in Delaware, voters elected Demo-
crat Sarah McBride, 34, as the first
out transgender member of Con-
gress. This is more than symboli-
cally important at a time when
Republicans such as Trump have
ginned up fear with outlandish,
untrue stories about children
going to school in the morning and
coming home in the afternoon
having received gender transition
Blessedly, North Carolina
Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Rob-
inson, who reportedly called him-
self a Black Nazi and declared that
slavery was not bad, was trounced
for governor by his Democratic
rival, Josh Stein.
In Florida, Democrat Monique
Worrell, the reform-minded Afri-
can American state attorney who
was ousted by Republican Gov.
Ron DeSantis in a blatantly parti-
san move, was reelected: Fifty-
seven percent of Florida voters
Ben Curtis Associated Press repudiated DeSantis, who had
SUPPORTERS WAIT for Vice President Kamala Harris to deliver her concession speech at Howard University on Wednesday. accused Worrell of pursuing leni-
ent sentences and declining to
prosecute certain charges.

Don’t fall into total despair, Democrats. “No governor’s petty political
maneuvers and no amount of dark
money can silence the voices of
thousands who demand a fair,

Election night had some good news smart approach to justice over the
failed, outdated policies of the
past,” Worrell said in a statement
released by her campaign.
I refuse to give up hope because
I will leave the election post- baseball player Steve Garvey, ever threshold for amending Florida’s our country’s electorate so often
State races backed abortion mortems to people whose jobs it is really stood a chance, but it’s constitution is 60%, so the state’s functions as a self-correcting
to figure out how and why Vice comforting to know that such an ban on abortion after six weeks organism. When politicians go too
rights, two Black women President Kamala Harris and outspoken Trump antagonist won will remain in effect. far, voters slap them back toward
won in the Senate, and Ron other Democrats failed to make in a blowout, and will become one Now we will learn whether the center.
their case, and what the party of the highest-profile Democrats Trump and his vice president- It won’t take long for Ameri-
DeSantis got slapped. must now do to regain the trust in Washington. When more wild- elect, JD Vance, were telling the cans to tire of the inevitable chaos
and votes of the frustrated work- fires come and Trump once again truth when they repeatedly and cruelty of a second Trump
ing-class Americans and others plays politics with federal relief claimed to oppose a national administration. They may be
ROBIN ABCARIAN who have deserted them in droves. dollars, California will need some- abortion ban. Personally, I think temporarily lulled by his promise
As a mother, grandmother, one who can play hardball. they will do everything in their to continue the tax cuts that
I share the pain aunt, friend and proud Califor- In other good news, American power to appease their right-wing promised to help the middle class
of those who are nian, my assignment now is to look voters delivered yet another re- Christian base by working to re- but overwhelmingly benefited the
deeply disappoint- forward, and to help those I love buke to the Supreme Court’s strict access to medication abor- rich.
ed that Americans find some shards of hope in this terrible 2022 decision that ripped tions, which involve a regimen of But once they realize that his
have chosen, for dark moment. away the 50-year-old constitu- pills, not surgery. The good news is tariffs will have raised prices they
the second time, an After all, some good things tional right to abortion. that there will be a healthy resist- think are already too high, his
unhinged, mi- happened Tuesday night. Ten states had measures en- ance to this move, and an already mass deportations will have left
sogynistic, racist For starters, this interminable suring access to abortion on their well-developed underground thousands of employers stranded
strongman for campaign is finally over. Many of ballots on Tuesday. Voters in seven medication pipeline will grow. As and vegetables rotting in the
president. us may hate the results, but at — Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, they have since the Dobbs deci- fields, that inviting Russia to do
A majority voted for a former least we won’t have to listen to four Missouri, Montana, Nevada and sion, women will continue to end “whatever the hell they want” to
president described as a “fascist” more years of President-elect New York — supported amending pregnancies they do not wish to NATO countries will have under-
by his own former staff members, Trump’s whining, wheedling and their state constitutions to protect carry, even as the government mined America’s role as a super-
who has promised “mass deporta- lies about who won. that fundamental right. threatens them. power, they will sour on him. Just
tions” of the millions of undocu- California’s Democratic Rep. Voters in only three — Florida, I know it’s popular to pooh- as they did in 2020.
mented immigrants, who has Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), who Nebraska and South Dakota — pooh identity politics; Harris, It may take four ugly years, but
vowed to reinstate his misbegot- led the first successful impeach- did not. But even in Florida, well smartly, never overplayed her trust me, the pendulum will even-
ten Muslim ban, who intimates ment against President Trump, over half the electorate — 57% — hand as potentially the first Black tually swing back toward normal.
that he will hand Ukraine over to handily won a seat in the U.S. voted in favor of preserving the and South Asian woman to be- It always does.
Russian President Vladimir Putin Senate. Not that his Republican right to abortion to the point of come president. But sometimes
and allow Israel free rein in Gaza. opponent, former professional viability. Unfortunately, the identity not only matters — it’s Threads: @rabcarian

n 80-something patient came in worry they are sure to get it.
for an annual visit recently and A positive blood biomarker test could
was worried that recent memory also lead to significant mental and financial
lapses might be symptoms of damage, with unnecessary and expensive
Alzheimer’s disease. This pa- procedures like an MRI, a PET scan or a
tient, like several others in my practice, has spinal fluid test. Some people don’t like to
taken cognitive tests annually for more than hear this, but in many cases simple lifestyle
a decade. changes like exercise, more rest and healthi-
With each passing year, I see and hear er eating could improve cognitive function.
the patient’s spiral of worry: Am I getting This is the recommendation I make to all
more forgetful? Perhaps it feels like “Where my patients regardless of their Alzheimer’s
are my keys?” and “Where did I leave my risk.
wallet?” have become common refrains. For now, the biomarker test should be
These are simple memory lapses, an experi- taken only if you are truly showing signs of
ence most people have throughout their Alzheimer’s disease. Here are some ways to
lives, but they can be troubling as we get tell: If a loved one is experiencing noticeable
older. Are they signs of Alzheimer’s? Or changes from their baseline mental abilities
signs of that other dreadful A-word … ag- — such as losing track of time and place or
ing? struggling to find words — that can be a
Year after year, for 10 years, in fact, this sign. Personality changes and new mood
patient’s cognitive tests had come back BSIP/Universal Images Group via Getty Images symptoms are other warning signs. Still,
normal. Until this year, when a blood test MEMORY assessments can help track trends, but a blood test is usually pointless. these symptoms should be distinguished
was positive for biomarkers for Alzheimer’s from the slow and steady decline we will all
— triggering a further sense of panic. But experience.
here’s the problem: Science can’t yet tell us
whether a positive test means the patient
has an early stage of the disease. The only
Too many people are getting If you do have symptoms, then yes, it
could be time for biomarker tests, but only
after thorough cognitive testing and a com-

tested for Alzheimer’s

new data point was that this patient, so long plete review of your medical history. That
dreading this day, had positive biomarkers medical history could show other conditions
showing increased risk for the disease. This such as sleep apnea that can influence
person may not develop full-blown Alzhei- memory. Lifestyle changes or treatments of
mer’s for five years or 20 years or ever. So did those other conditions could resolve the
running that test have any benefit? By Keith Vossel troubling symptoms.
There is a sense of urgency in the medical My stance on widespread testing will be
community to classify a positive biomarker different when doctors have more tools
test as “Stage One Alzheimer’s Disease.” clinicians in studies. can be just too great. available to predict and treat Alzheimer’s
This is part of a larger desire to appear There’s an understandable impulse Candidates for clinical trials should not and can offer constructive advice after a
aggressive in fighting the disease, which for behind the medical community’s push to be identified based on positive blood tests blood test comes back positive.
so long had no tests and no course of treat- test lots of people. The more the disease is from a clinical setting, but rather through When someone has a cancerous tumor,
ment. diagnosed, the more individuals will be carefully conducted research studies that surgeons remove it as soon as possible and
I get that, and I understand why so many identified for future treatments, and there is have proper counseling and disclosure start a treatment plan. When someone tests
older patients fear Alzheimer’s, but I dis- no doubt we need to improve recognition of protocols. positive for the gene that indicates risk for a
agree with doctors whose response is to test early dementia, especially in medically More than 40% of individuals over 80 who certain type of cancer, we monitor carefully.
early and often — and to diagnose Stage underserved populations. take a biomarker test for Alzheimer’s will A positive Alzheimer’s biomarker test,
One Alzheimer’s based solely on biomark- At the same time, pharmaceutical com- test positive. And it’s natural that many of on the other hand, leads to no changes in
ers. panies need more clinical trials — and also them then will fixate on the worst-case clinical management when there are no
That categorization is potentially dan- more patients — to develop new drugs to scenarios and live their lives with a sense of cognitive symptoms. Prevention trials and
gerous to patients, an unnecessary source of add to the array that already exists, such as worry and dread. improved predictive biomarkers for Alzhei-
middle-of-the-night stress that can be Leqembi. In an aging nation with 7 million Patients who’ve tested positive come to mer’s disease will change that, but we’re not
deeply damaging to the very quality of life people already diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, me and bluntly state, “I have Alzheimer’s.” I there yet.
this person seeks to retain. we need these drugs, badly, but there’s no see the scared look on their faces. Reaching In the meantime, doctors’ oath to “do no
Such worries have become more wide- denying that profit lurks in the background this conclusion based on the biomarkers is harm” should mean we avoid overdiagnos-
spread recently as the biomarker blood as a motive here as well. like diagnosing cancer without doing a ing Alzheimer’s and fueling needless anxi-
tests, marketed by companies like Quest Although there are good reasons to test biopsy. The danger is real: Half of the pa- ety.
and Labcorp, became commercially avail- lots of people and gather a larger pool of tients who actually do have Alzheimer’s
able so that patients could pay for them out patients who might have early stage Alzhei- experience some sort of depression, and so Keith Vossel is a professor of neurology at
of pocket. Previously, they were only used by mer’s, I think the cost to specific individuals do quite a few who think they have it — or UCLA.
A16 SU N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M




reputation as a Sphinx was well- is inevitably blamed for Carson’s

deserved. In a prologue to “Carson self-destructive matrimonial habits;
the Magnificent,” Thomas quotes the throughline of drinking exists
from an email Zehme sent to former almost in subtext.
“Tonight Show” writer Michael Scenes are briefly described in
Barrie: “[Carson] was … the ulti- which a drunk Carson decks a friend
mate Interior Man, large and lively and terrorizes wives. ”Occasionally
only when on camera. He was the he would wake the next day to dis-
inscrutable national monument on cover that some such havoc had
constant full view.” bruised the flesh of his sons’ moth-
Moreover, as Zehme writes in the ers,” Zehme writes of Carson’s first
first chapter, Carson’s “ghostly marriage before recounting a “60
wrath” “seems to still spook eternal; Minutes” profile in which third wife
ancient pledges of tight-lipped ones Joanna Carson told Mike Wallace,
persist, especially regarding his very “During that black out drunk phase,
human flaws . ” I was scared.”
But Zehme kept plugging away, But more emphasis is placed on
completing the first three-quarters Carson’s inevitable contrition, and
of “Carson the Magnificent” before his public admission that he “did not
he was diagnosed with colorectal drink well,” than on the possibility
Photos by Ron Tom , Gene Arias , Alice S. Hall NBC Universal via Getty Images; Bettman Archive cancer in 2013. After Zehme’s death, that it might have been alcoholism,
EVERYBODY who was anybody landed on Johnny’s show, clockwise from top left: Rich- Thomas, a Chicago arts and enter- rather than a love of magic, that
ard Pryor, 1986; Drew Barrymore, 1982; Bette Midler, 1992; then-Gov. Jerry Brown, 1979. tainment writer and author, took on helped shape the very private life of
the task of completing what the New the public man.
York Times had called “one of the Even the tragic death of his son

A Carson biography? great unfinished biographies.”

In many ways, the tale of the
book’s writing reveals as much
about Carson as its content. For
Rick, who died in a car accident in
1991, is given relatively short shrift.
Carson’s longtime friend and band
leader, Doc Severinsen, said later

Tempting but perilous even an experienced biographer,

Johnny Carson remains the Everest
of celebrity subjects — tempting and
Zehme’s research was volumi-
that “Johnny was never the same,
ever, after that,” but we have only
Severinsen’s word for that. (Carson
did not attend his son’s funeral —
according to one of Rick’s friends,
nous but those looking for headline- Carson said he did not want the
By Mary McNamara Johnny Carson fan, you know what grabbing revelations or even the inevitable press coverage to turn the
I’m talking about: the formidable salacious behind-the-scenes details service into “a circus.”)

ohnny Carson, the man who list of attributes that set him apart of the 2013 “Johnny Carson,” written Zehme is too good a journalist to
made “The Tonight Show — the suits, the laid-back stance, the by Carson’s longtime-til-fired lawyer ignore the more troubling aspects of
Starring Johnny Carson” an endlessly bobbing pencil, the lethal Henry Bushkin, will be disappoint- his subject, who was often described
American institution, has been one-liners and raised eye-brow ed. off-stage as cold and aloof, but he is
off the late-night air longer sangfroid that could dissolve into For Carson fans, the biographical also too big a fan, perhaps, to ex-
than he was on it. helpless laughter. Carson fans love details will be familiar — many can plore them fully.
For people of a certain age — you to remind you that he was, for all his be found in the very fine 2012 “Ameri- Early on in the book, Zehme
can do the math — this is more than sleek sophistication, a Nebraska boy can Masters” documentary “Johnny compares Carson to Sinatra, two
a little shocking. When Carson Simon & Schuster at heart; that he was an accom- Carson: King of Late Night,” in men who touched their audiences
walked away from “The Tonight Carson the plished magician and musician; that which Zehme was featured. The deeply, often at difficult moments.
Show” in 1992, it was a cataclysmic Magnificent he almost didn’t take the “Tonight book digs into early interviews with “Sinatra brilliantly offered the jolt of
cultural event. For nearly 30 years, by Bill Show” gig, but after he did, everyone Carson and uses these, a deep read- emotional solidarity in performance
he was television’s uber host. Cool Zehme who was anyone eventually found ing of “The Tonight Show” and whereas Carson specialized in dan-
rather than warm, mischievous with Mike themselves on the sofa beside his interviews with ex-wife Joanna gling forth an emotional distraction
rather than passionate, he all but Thomas desk. Carson, as well as many other … prompting improbable laughs at
invented the opening monologue, That he was also, by his own friends, family and co-workers, to times when you thought you would
launched countless comedy careers admission, an often violent, black- make the case that Carson’s early never laugh again.”
(including those of David Letter- out alcoholic who tore through three and devoted love of magic — the The difference is that while Sina-
man, Carson’s preferred heir, and marriages (he was on his fourth sleight of hand, the misdirect — tra’s voice remains omnipresent in
Jay Leno, his actual replacement) when he died), a mostly absent remained the ruling force of his life. modern life, “the ephemeral magic
and gathered millions of Americans father and a man who punished Jumping around in time and of Johnny Carson, who loomed just
every weekday night for a collective perceived betrayal with instant and space, Zehme’s eagerness to make as large and swung just as mightily
bedtime story. Fifty million tuned utter banishment are often but the case for the book’s title (often … no longer hums and flickers into
into his final appearance on “The footnotes in the tale. with breathless parentheticals) nightscape ambiance.”
Tonight Show.” And so it is in “Carson the Mag- both propels the narrative and, at “Carson the Magnificent” is the
Now, of course, at least two gen- nificent,” which is as much the de- times, slows it down. The inevitable offering of an acolyte who saw in
erations know him mostly as a refer- finitive testimony of a Carson fan as mix of writing styles — Zehme’s Carson, as many did, a man who
ence point to a time when an audi- it is a definitive biography, a dec- bodacious, Thomas’ straightfor- “launched the dreams of genera-
ence of 10 million was a possible ades-long labor of love. Of Zehme for ward — contributes an additional tions, as no golden Hollywood
nightly average for a late-night show Carson, but also of co-author Thom- whipsaw effect. Still it’s a field day dream merchant might have fath-
(Stephen Colbert, current king of as for Zehme, who died in 2023 after for anyone who remembers the likes omed, even in metaphor. Never a
the time slot, averages less than 3 battling cancer. of Kenneth Tynan and Tom Shales movie star, he shone maybe bigger
million). Now there are young adults A prolific and respected celebrity writing about the late-night host in a anyhow.”
who associate the iconic “Heeeeer- biographer, Zehme regularly way usually reserved for poets and Zehme, with Thomas’ help, was
rrrreeee’s Johnny” more with Jack penned celebrity profiles for Es- presidents. determined that the world not for-
Nicholson in “The Shining” than quire, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone and More disturbing is Zehme’s will- get.
with Ed McMahon’s nightly intro- Playboy. He wrote books about ingness to underplay Carson’s life-
duction. Frank Sinatra and Andy Kaufman long habit of infidelity and his cata- Mary McNamara is the Pulitzer
So perhaps the publication of Bill and co-authored the memoirs of strophic relationship with alcohol. Prize-winning culture columnist
Zehme’s long-anticipated biography Leno and Regis Philbin. For years, An emotionally withholding mother and critic for The Times.
“Carson: The Magnificent,” finished he threw himself long and hard
by Mike Thomas, is occurring just against Carson’s legendary citadel
when it should. Television continues
to produce stars worthy of benedic-
tions and analysis, but it’s difficult to
of privacy and in 2002 got the first
interview after Carson’s earthshak-
ing retirement.
Though he’s been off the air longer
imagine that any will leave as deep
an imprint on his or her fans as
Three years later, after Carson’s
death, Zehme began research on a
than he was on, the uber host still is
Carson did.
If you are, or have in your life, a
He soon realized that the icon’s the Everest of celebrity subjects.

Richard Price returns with a

he novelist Richard rally, he finds that inspirational

story of grit, hustle and hope

Price has said that when words come easily to him: “Whatev-
he sits down to write, he er starts out in you as a burden, as
begins with a precipitat- an ordeal, in the end, if you per-
ing event and that “the severe, will turn out to be the best
last thing” that comes to him is the thing that can happen to you,” he
plot. In the case of his gritty and intones, marveling at his newfound
compassionate latest novel, “Laza-
rus Man” — his first in nearly 10
‘Lazarus Man’ examines New York through a tenement ability to communicate. At the same
time, he is suspicious of his own
years — the central incident is the
2008 collapse of a five-story tene-
collapse and its aftermath for a cast of characters motives, questioning whether he
might be a fraud. Some of those
ment in East Harlem. The disaster around him wonder the same.
kills six and leaves witnesses and Price’s esteemed body of work
survivors in a dense cloud of toxic By Leigh Haber stretches back decades and in-
dust, debris and PTSD. cludes such classics as “Clockers”
On the evening before the col- and “Lush Life.” His writing for film
lapse, 42-year-old Anthony Carter Immediately after that scene, ing the rescue efforts. and television is equally venerated:
has been killing time drifting from Price shifts the focus from Anthony Price grew up in a Bronx housing He collaborated with Martin Scors-
bar to bar, mourning the turn his life to a peripheral cast of characters, project near his grandparents. His ese on films such as “The Color of
has taken and possibly looking for each affected differently by the grandfather was a factory worker Money” (Price’s screenplay was
company. Before he quit a cocaine building’s implosion. from Russia who wrote poetry and nominated for an Oscar) and was a
habit six months before, his addic- Felix, who is awakened by “a regaled the family with stories; his writer on the acclaimed series “The
tion had cost him his teaching ca- tremendous concussion of sound,” grandmother, Price has said, was Wire.” So it’s no surprise that “Laza-
reer and his marriage as well as his glimpses through his bedroom “like the Walter Winchell of the rus Man” contains many cinematic
relationship with his stepdaughter. window “a night-for-day rolling windowsill.” Price has clearly inher- moments, even if the plot meanders
He licks his wounds in an apartment black cloud.” When he realizes what ited their storytelling chops, then at times. Toward the story’s end, it
left to him by his parents, downing has transpired, the fledgling pho- Farrar, Straus and fine-tuned those skills by persuad- regains momentum and cohesion;
shots of vodka to chase his sleeping tographer grabs his Nikon and ing police to let him ride shotgun as in one way or another, each of the
pills and greeting nightly reruns of dashes out to document the scene.
Lazarus research. primary characters finds what
“Law & Order” as one might a long Once he confronts the extent of the
Man He has an ear for streetwise they’re looking for.
lost buddy: “Hello, old friend.” devastation, though, he’s torn be-
by Richard dialogue and an eye for description. On Price’s mean streets, parents
Before going home that night, tween an instinct to take pictures
Price He can size up people with a phrase; worry their children will be cor-
Anthony wanders into a makeshift and a reluctance to seem callous in a doorman is described as project- rupted by gangs or drugs, or hit by a
church where Prophetess Irene — the face of tragedy. ing “all the warmth of a coal shovel.” gunshot meant for someone else.
“as wide as a bus in a blue-and- Mary is a recently separated cop Police in the neighborhood have an Racism and poverty are facts of life.
white-check pantsuit and matching who shares custody of her two kids impossible job, “like pushing a Everyone’s a hustler.
newsboy cap” — presides over her with her husband. On her nights broom without a dustpan.” A cho- And yet this is not a cynical nov-
devoted flock, mic in hand, “boom- without them, she trysts with the rus of voices enlivens every page in a el. As Anthony tells his growing
ing out her visitations.” In response, married colleague she’s been carry- kind of urban opera. audiences of people just looking for
Anthony observes, congregants are ing on with for years. Though a good A little more than 100 pages in, a little reason to hope: “If you have
“upright and juddering like jammed cop, she’s been relegated to the Anthony returns. Thirty-six hours the will to stand fast long enough
washing machines … roaring, keen- Community Affairs division, where after the building collapse, he is against the crushing blow, one day
ing, yipping or rolling up and down she sees little action but gets a discovered beneath the rubble, you will find that your tables have
the aisles like tumbleweeds.” They bird’s-eye view of the city. semiconscious and unsure why he’s turned and your heart has healed.”
are all believers, while Anthony is a Royal is a funeral director whose there. His miraculous rise from the
mildly curious skeptic in need of business has fallen on hard times. ashes is celebrated in the media, Leigh Haber is a writer, editor and
redemption wherever he can find it. Seeing the disaster victims’ families and he is suddenly transformed by publishing strategist. She was
He ultimately exits the service even as potential clients, he dispatches gratitude. director of Oprah’s Book Club and
more unsettled than when he en- his young son to press business When a do-gooder ex-con invites books editor for O, the Oprah
tered. cards into the hands of those watch- him to speak at an anti-violence Magazine.
L AT I M E S . C O M S S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 A17




Were Joan Didion and

Eve Babitz really two
sides of the same coin? came across to Anolik as “the way
you talk to someone who’s burrowed
deep under your skin, whose skin
you’re trying to burrow deep under.”
Anolik writes that reading it was like
“hearing a conversation I wasn’t
By Leigh Haber Morrison, Harrison Ford and Steve supposed to hear, and my eyes lis-
Martin (who gave her a Volkswagen) tened ravenously.” With hundreds of
hen I first — all on the cusp of fame. She dab- additional pieces of correspondence

W cracked open Lili

Anolik’s dazzling
and provocative
“Didion & Babitz,”
I was dubious. The opening pages
have a breathy, adulatory quality
that made me think “fangirl.” And
bled in art, creating album covers for
the likes of Buffalo Springfield and
Linda Ronstadt.
Born in 1943 and coming of age
just as the sexual revolution was
unfolding, and before AIDS put the
brakes on it, Babitz reveled in her
now at her disposal — involving
Joseph Heller, Jim Morrison, Didion
and others — a new window into
Babitz’s world had opened.
In the literary arena, Didion took
the lead, outperforming the friend
she helped get published. Along
for about 60 pages, as Anolik recalls Scribner abundant sensuality. Enamored of with her astonishing prowess, Did-
her first encounter with Eve Babitz’s Didion & the artists flocking to Hollywood, ion was everything Babitz wasn’t:
work — a random quote that sent Babitz “sex was how she showed her appre- disciplined, calculating, protective
her down the Google rabbit hole — by Lili Anolik ciation.” She was “astonishing, of her talent and of whom she al-
and reprises what captivated her, I reckless, a wholly original person- lowed to safeguard it. Anolik tries to
remained skeptical. Could Anolik ality” aided in her seductions by make the case that Babitz and Did-
add anything meaningful to the being a “concupiscent creature.” ion — who died about a week apart
oeuvre she’d already produced, Her beauty, as well as her preoccu- in 2021 — are yin and yang, two sides
including the stunning 2014 Vanity pation with men and drugs, often to the same coin, thus the thesis for
Fair piece in which she outs Babitz led her hazy career aspirations her riveting book. My takeaway,
as her newfound idol, a secret genius astray. though, is that Anolik remains in
whose obscure literary output de-
served a renaissance? Anolik fol-
Once Anolik completed “Holly-
wood’s Eve,” she hoped the book
thrall to Babitz. The correspond-
ence and contacts she’s accessed —
lowed that in 2019 with a passionate
immersion into Babitz’s life and
persona, the book “Hollywood’s
would serve as a kind of “auto-exor-
cism” closing the chapter on her
decades-long obsession with an L.A.
which do contain irresistible
nuggets, such as claims that Did-
ion’s husband, John Gregory Dunne,
two Los Angeles
Eve,” which celebrates and psycho-
analyzes Babitz as a cultural icon
icon. But Didion, ever a powerful
influence, brought Anolik back.
may have preferred men, or that
Didion’s one true love was someone
icons: one seen
who hasn’t gotten her due.
I’d been among those who’d
flocked to reissues of Babitz’s “Slow
In 2021, Anolik received a call
from Babitz’s sister, Mirandi. Eve,
now in her 70s, had long been suffer-
other than her spouse — are bit
players in the larger production:
Babitz refuses to leave the stage.
as cool and
Days, Fast Company” and “Sex and
Rage,” among the out-of-print titles
ing from the effects of third-degree
burns (the result of a fire caused by
Didion may be the more esteemed
figure, but she’s not the one who
analytical, the
that were revived following the
Vanity Fair article. I was riveted by
her semiautobiographical, fictive
lighting a Tiparillo cigar while wear-
ing a gauzy skirt!), as well as the
onset of Huntington’s disease. She
captures our imaginations in Ano-
lik’s telling.
And I can’t blame Anolik for once
other decadent
chronicles of the glamorous and
seedy post-’60s Hollywood scene in
and her sister had made the difficult
decision to move Eve into assisted
more shining the spotlight on Bab-
itz. Her heroine is endlessly fascinat-
and uninhibited.
which she was a key, but unsung, living. While clearing out Eve’s filthy, ing — admirable, self-destructive,
player. cluttered apartment, Mirandi came loving, frustrating, ingenious, her
Babitz’s prose stood in stark across a box filled with letters Eve bright light largely extinguished by
contrast to that of her friend and had written and received. She in- “overindulgence, profligacy and
contemporary Joan Didion. Didion’s vited Anolik to pore through them promiscuity, reckless and spectacu-
is cool and analytical, like the image with her at the Huntington Library, lar consumption” — not to mention
she carefully cultivated, turning a which acquired Eve’s archives. a hereditary disease, the lack of a
skeptic’s gaze on California culture. Anolik hopped a plane from New killer career instinct, and a generous
Babitz’s literary style, on the other York to California the next morning. spirit that led to many disappoint-
hand, reads as uninhibited, exuber- The first item Anolik retrieved ments. In this character study,
ant, decadent. For all its sensuous- from the box erased any chance she Didion is more of an afterthought.
ness, though, there is an innocent, would relegate Babitz to the back As I turned the pages of “Didion
unstudied quality, and for Babitz, shelf. It was a compelling letter from & Babitz,” I found myself cheering
L.A. is an irresistible mecca with its Babitz to her friend-turned-frenemy on Anolik’s decision to make one
ruthless transactions over beauty Joan Didion, who had helped Eve more foray into Babitz’s glittering,
and power and its intoxicating establish connections in book pub- free-falling, unencumbered yet
bougainvillea. Babitz had experi- lishing and edited her first book. In troubled world. Would I want my
enced New York City and knew that the intervening years, while Didion daughter to follow Babitz’s path or
East Coast artists and intellectuals choreographed a brilliant career, Didion’s, if given the choice? Prob-
looked down their noses at Tinsel- Babitz circled fame but couldn’t ably not Babitz’s. But what a ride.
town, but she was Hollywood’s most close the deal. The letter’s subject
ardent defender and willing partici- was ostensibly Didion’s contempt Leigh Haber is a writer, editor and
pant. She threw herself into the fray for Virginia Woolf and the goals of publishing strategist. She was
with abandon, posing nude for a the women’s movement, but in its director of Oprah’s Book Club and
photo with Marcel Duchamp; taking “subtly vicious” digs at Didion’s books editor for O, the Oprah
lovers by the score, among them Jim more clinical approach to writing, it Magazine.

A gay couple’s messy surrogacy is just

the start of this very funny novel
By Abdi Nazemian Wynn, a character in a state of con- funny, never more so than when we
stant motion who declares early on finally meet Wynn and Jared’s surro-
love debut novels that that he doesn’t “want to feel empty gate), and moments where I cringed

I feel stuffed with every idea

an author has been waiting
to express. Tom Pyun’s
“Something Close to Noth-
ing” feels like one of those books. It
begins as the story of a gay couple’s
tragicomic surrogacy journey but
Crucially for the story Pyun is
telling, Wynn wants to be a hip-hop
dancer. He describes hip-hop as
“resistance, especially within the
white supremacist capitalist patri-
archy that we live in.” The novel
at how selfish its main characters
are in regard to their commitment
as parents.
It’s not until the acknowledg-
ments, where Pyun thanks the queer
friends who shared their surrogacy
journeys with him, that we hear a
then expands into much more. excels when exploring the role this Bywater positive story of queer parenthood.
It’s no spoiler to tell you that one patriarchy plays in shaping both Something He writes, “The happiness of your
half of the couple, Wynn, bolts before characters’ views of themselves and Close to households made poor fodder for
the baby is even born. And when I their world. Wynn, a Korean Ameri- Nothing the juicy novel I so desperately
say bolts, I mean he physically runs can born and raised in Connecticut, by Tom Pyun wanted to write.” Wynn and Jared do
out of the airport and leaves his spent his first 18 years being “rou- not exist to represent perfect depic-
partner, Jared, moments before tinely assaulted and ignored, some- tions of queerness. They exist to
they’re meant to board a flight to times on the same day,” by class- show us that queer parents-to-be
Cambodia for the birth of their
daughter, whom they plan to name
mates and residents of his home-
town. He makes two promises to
can be just as messed up, conflicted
and impulsive as any others. Wynn
The author uses
Meryl after the award-winning
actress. That memorable scene sets
up many more jaw-dropping plot
himself when he graduates college,
one being that he “wouldn’t end up
with a white man.” In a brilliant
might be the one who physically
runs away from parenthood and
prays their surrogate changes her
everything from
Told through Wynn’s and Jared’s
moment of introspection, he later
says, “The fatal flaw of this contract
mind or miscarries, but Jared is an
equally unprepared parent who at
Meryl Streep to
alternating points of view, this is a
restless novel about restless people
whose American dreams are rarely
was its rooting in the negative. As
they say, ‘If you don’t build your
dream, someone will hire you to
one point thinks of leaving the baby
himself to start over “with a Cali-
fornia-based surrogate this time.”
hip-hop dance to
satisfied. Pyun takes us to San Fran-
cisco, Cambodia, Thailand, Con-
build theirs.’ ”
And so, Wynn does end up with a
Ultimately, this is a novel about
the darkly hilarious side of our ne-
remind us that
necticut, New York, Switzerland,
Boston and Kenya. He begins the
story in 2015 but takes us as far back
white man … one he eventually runs
away from in the airport. And Jared
is not just any white man, but one
ver-satisfied American dreams.
What feels most American about it
is how stuffed it is with ideas and
gay parents are
as 1995 and as far into the future as
2036, all in a slim and breathless 250
who imagines a future where Wynn’s
escape becomes an anecdote for
energy, with rage and hope, with
rash and selfish decisions that leave
as impulsive and
pages. This is a novel that moves
Sometimes I felt the book moved
their dinner guests, “a well-to-do,
racially diverse mix of middle-aged,
straight, and gay professional cou-
chaos and hurt in their wake.
As Americans consider our most
recent existential election and mul-
conflicted as
too fast, that its plot twists were
resolved before they had time to
I should note that I am an Irani-
tiple global crises that should in-
spire us to face our complicity in anyone else.
fully unravel. The book shines an American gay husband and shaping an unjust world, “Some-
brightest when it lingers in the father who was gifted our beloved thing Close to Nothing” asks some
messes its characters create, and children through surrogacy. I know big questions of us as well as of its
when it takes time to examine their from my teen years as an immigrant characters: Will we run away from
passions and fears. Wynn’s love of in this country what it feels like to be our responsibilities to others? Can
dance, for example, is written with both assaulted and ignored on the we truly help someone else when we
patient complexity. Early on, he same day. haven’t yet examined and accepted
describes his ability “to disassociate I know too what it means to find ourselves? And perhaps most im-
and go through the motions when freedom, community and belonging portant: Should we name our next
needed” — what a way to set up a through the arts. I also understand child after Meryl Streep?
character who later abandons his the unique pressure of wanting to be
life to chase his thirst for dance, a perfect example of parenthood in a Abdi Nazemian is a writer whose
which is all about “the unbridled joy world that still views queer parents books include the Stonewall Honor
of being in my body.” In this novel, with suspicion. recipient “Like a Love Story” and
dance is the opposite of disassocia- There were moments in this the Stonewall Award- and Lambda
tion. It’s freedom, community, be- novel where I cheered its wisdom Literary Award-winning “Only This
longing — a refuge, especially for and humor (the book is very, very Beautiful Moment.”
A18 SU N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 WST L AT I M E S . C O M

Legacy media are struggling to remain relevant

[Legacy media, from A1] fully took advantage of the
dorsed the former presi- upheaval, calling their own
dent. Harris went on pod- shots on the debates — there
casts such as Alex Cooper’s was only one between
popular “Call Her Daddy” Trump and Harris — and be-
and “All the Smoke” with for- ing more selective in their
mer NBA players Matt formal media appearances.
Barnes and Stephen Jack- “The candidates were
son. able to control the relation-
The emergence of pod- ship with legacy media, per-
casters is an extension of haps more than in previous
what has happened in cable cycles, by either going
news, where the largest au- around them or controlling
diences are drawn by opin- the drip of when they would
ion hosts whom fans treat as give them interviews,” said
tribal leaders. Although Joshua Darr, senior re-
overall TV ratings were searcher at Syracuse Uni-
down, the top two networks versity’s Institute for
on election night were Fox Democracy, Journalism and
News, which draws big rat- Citizenship.
ings with its conservative There is no penalty for
hosts, and the progressive avoiding tough media plat-
MSNBC. forms when there are so
“What Joe Rogan tells many options to reach pock-
you is this business has be- ets of voters on alternative
come personality-driven, outlets, Heyward said. Ro-
not journalism-driven,” said gan’s interview with Trump
a TV news agent who was received nearly 40 million
not authorized to speak views in its first three days
publicly. on YouTube.
Meanwhile, newspapers “‘60 Minutes’ has been
continue to fight an uphill the No. 1 TV news program
battle to get users to pay for “Call Her Daddy” for five decades, but Trump
digital content as their print ALEX COOPER interviews Vice President Kamala Harris for an Oct. 6 episode of the comedy and advice had no problem not only
editions fade into obsoles- podcast “Call Her Daddy.” Donald Trump largely bypassed traditional media outlets during his campaign. skipping it but suing it,” said
cence. Public opinion polling Heyward, referring to the
by Gallup shows that trust a sustainable business in an Castellanos, chairman of the saying. Besides right-lean- major media centers such as $10-billion lawsuit Trump
in mass-media institutions increasingly fragmented communications firm Pur- ing outlets, media compa- New York. filed against the network
is at a record low. news environment. ple Strategies and a former nies may not have paid Criticism that corporate- over its editing of a Harris in-
TV news organizations “The Trump bump may Republican political con- enough attention to work- owned media outlets don’t terview answer on the CBS
are still absorbing what be a way in,” said Neil Brown, sultant. ing-class anger over the cost get deep enough into diverse News magazine show.
Trump’s return will mean to president of the Poynter In- On the campaign trail, of living during an otherwise communities or a wider Trump initially agreed to an
them. Anchors and corre- stitute. “It won’t be a way to Trump promised radical robust economic recovery. range of issues has gone on interview on the show but
spondents are having frank keep them unless you find a changes, including mass de- Mainstream news outlets for years. Addressing the then canceled his appear-
conversations with their lasting way to serve them.” portations of migrants in also were slow to see the shift problem is more difficult as ance.
agents about how they will Roland Martin, a former the country illegally and of Latino voters to Trump. the organizations come Although loyalty to lega-
navigate another four years CNN commentator who now putting vaccine and fluori- Martin attributed it to the under greater pressure to cy media and a sense of pub-
covering a president who owns and operates the dig- dated water critic Robert F. lack of Latino journalists or cut costs and deal with de- lic connection to these or-
has a hostile view of journal- ital Black Star Network, be- Kennedy Jr. in a position of executives in their organiza- clining revenue. ganizations have declined,
ists. lieves outlets are counting influence over public health. tions. He also noted that the “We’re in a changing media experts said there is
The public will have more on a turbocharged news cy- “It won’t be the obsessive media overstated the narra- world and everybody knows still power in these longtime
answers in the coming weeks cle. fascination with this novel tive of Black voters flocking it,” Heyward said. “Unfortu- brands.
as news organizations use a “A lot of legacy-media phenomenon that it was last to Trump. nately it’s a time of restricted Harris went on “The
new White House adminis- people were pining for time,” said Andrew Hey- “They were using main- resources. That means de- View,” did an interview with
tration to reassign corre- Trump’s return because ward, a former CBS News stream white polls and they ciding what can we afford to CNN’s Dana Bash, sat for a
spondents. It’s also possible they know it’s going to be a president who advises me- never put Black-specific do very well to serve a unique grilling by Fox News’ Bret
that some conservative s— show every single day,” dia companies. “It’ll be pollsters on the air,” Martin role in this much more com- Baier and did local media in
news hosts and commenta- Martin said. “It will be an- based more on news value, said. “And Black men con- plicated landscape.” battleground states. Her ap-
tors could end up as part of a other four-year reality show and therefore there may be gregate in other places than Aside from increased pearances on traditional
new Trump administration. about his craziness.” less of it and it may not last barbershops.” competition, media compa- networks got millions of
There’s hope for at least a Some news executives as long.” Fox News was criticized nies are seeing advertisers views.
short-term boost in ratings believe — perhaps wishfully Experts believe that several years ago for its ag- become more skittish about “Legacy media continue
and readership from anoth- — that the administration Trump’s better-than-ex- gressive coverage of the in- running their ads in news to be vital, and there’s noth-
er unpredictable Trump ad- will focus on policy at the be- pected performance re- flux of migrants at the U.S.- programming, as they are ing about this result that
ministration. Trump’s 2016 ginning and there will be less vealed a larger problem. Mexico border, but the re- turned off by the vitriol and changes that at all,” said the
victory was the lighter fluid emphasis on the president- They say large media or- porting foretold the emer- divisiveness in the polarized Poynter Institute’s Brown. “I
that accelerated a news elect’s rambunctious per- ganizations spent too much gence of immigration as a political landscape. Scripps believe fully that the legacy
bonfire, driving ratings and sonality. time in Washington focused major issue in the 2024 presi- News cited the attitude as a media have the credibility
subscription revenue. But a “I think he’s going to be on opinion polls and pundit- dential campaign. The story factor in its recent decision and institutional connection
repeat of that effect prob- way too busy, especially in ry from political profession- did not get significant atten- to shut down its 24-hour to their communities, that
ably will be ephemeral and the first two years if he has als and didn’t listen enough tion from its competitors un- news service. they provide a profound
won’t make news-gathering the House and Senate,” Alex to what the electorate was til migrants were bused into Presidential campaigns service.”

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CALIFORNIA S U N D AY , N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 4 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

L.A. officials
brace for ‘four
difficult years’
after Trump win
posed last year and modeled
Council members fear after a San Francisco law,
would bar federal immigra-
more deportations tion enforcement officials
and loss of homeless from accessing city data-
and Olympics funds. Also Friday, seven coun-
cil members signed a resolu-
By Dakota Smith tion urging President Biden
to renew a program that al-
Eight years ago, L.A.’s po- lows undocumented people
litical leaders jumped into from Central America to
action on the issue of immi- stay temporarily in the U.S.
gration, moving to protect Los Angeles has the largest
the city’s undocumented Central American popula-
population from the Trump tion outside Latin America.
administration. One of the resolution’s
City Council members backers, City Councilmem-
put public money toward ber Hugo Soto-Martínez,
lawyers to defend Angelenos said his own family mem-
facing deportation. They bers, constituents in his
pushed to legalize the work Eastside district and immi-
of street vendors, many of grant rights groups are all
whom lack citizenship. And feeling “absolutely nervous.”
Photographs by Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times they created a new commit- “More than anything,
MACARTHUR PARK was once a great source of municipal pride. But in a long cycle of reclamation and tee focused on immigration. people are angry,” said Soto-
loss, the impoverished community is facing new levels of crime, gang activity, homelessness and drug use. Last week, there was a Martínez, who chairs the
feeling of deja vu at City Hall city’s immigration commit-

MacArthur Park’s past

as political leaders braced tee. “They’re agitated and
for another round against they’re ready to fight back,
President-elect Donald just like we did in 2016.”
Trump. Other council members
Several council members said they feared that fund-
said Friday that they would ing for homelessness would

points the way forward hasten passage of L.A.’s

“sanctuary” law, which is
still under review by city at-
torneys, in the face of
Trump’s promised crack-
down on immigrants.
be choked off under a new
Trump administration. And
some worried about the
heavily Democratic city’s
ability to obtain federal se-
curity and transportation

2003 effort could be blueprint for fixing neighborhood The ordinance, first pro- [See L.A. council, B2]


Late one morning on a

sun-drenched Novem-
Why it’s wrong to
ber day, I was exploring
the western edge of
MacArthur Park when I
came upon a social
blame Latino men
worker who was looking
for a client.
We got to talking
for Trump’s victory
about the tree-shaded,
grassy slopes; the Levitt bandstand GUSTAVO tinted despot seemed rela-
that hosts summer concerts; the ARELLANO tively harmless compared
soccer field where youngsters still with those in their ancestral
gather; and the lovely view across the Six years ago, lands, so they didn’t view
lake toward the once-grand Westlake in this news- Trump as much of a threat.
Theatre building and the downtown paper, I coined These guys were used to
L.A. skyline. the term blabbermouths as bosses.
“It’s a beautiful oasis in the middle “rancho They respected people who
of the city,” Willard Beasley said. libertarian” to said what they wanted and
That’s the thing that breaks your describe a didn’t care about conse-
heart. There’s so much potential in LANGER’S DELI, pictured in August, had taken part in a 2003 effort political ideol- quences. Besides, rancho
the 35-acre expanse that dates to the with then-LAPD Capt. Charlie Beck to improve community safety. ogy I was ob- libertarians never liked to
1880s and was once a symbol of mu- serving in many of the Lat- raise a fuss, so they went on
nicipal pride, as well as a setting for ino men I knew. with their lives while dis-
Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton Proud of their family’s missing the loud opposition
movies and for a stunt in which es- rural immigrant roots but to Trump by activists on the
cape artist Harry Houdini jumped fully of this country. Work- streets and Democrats in
into the lake in chains. ing class at heart, middle Capitol Hill as little better
But the history is checkered and class in income. Skeptical of than leftist hysteria.
the beauty is blemished. Blight runs big government and “woke” After Joe Biden won in
through the park and bleeds into politics yet committed to 2020 with less Latino sup-
surrounding streets, with homeless bettering their communi- port than Clinton, I warned
encampments in every direction. ties. Believers in the Ameri- liberals that the Democratic
Similar issues run deep in other parts can dream they had seen Party was losing blue-collar
of Los Angeles, but the Westlake their parents achieve — and Latino men. Few listened to
neighborhood is also burdened by afraid it was slipping away. my concerns. Rancho liber-
gang activity and a fentanyl crisis on The rancho libertarians I tarians were seen as anti-
vivid public display. knew were mostly Mexican quated vendidos — sellouts
I asked Beasley if he thought the Americans, but not exclu- — who would drown in the
park could be rescued. sively — there were Salva- progressive blue wave that
“Yes,” he said. “But it’s going to dorans, Guatemalans, had covered California due
take a lot of work.” Peruvians, Colombians. to Republican xenophobia
Several times in the past few dec- They weren’t Donald and that was now spreading
ades, when park conditions deterio- Trump fans — he won only across the country.
rated, restoration efforts were 28% of the Latino vote in Well, who’s treading
launched by assorted teams of resi- 2016 against Hillary Clinton, water now?
dents, merchants, public officials, law BECK, who would become police chief in 2009, surveyed the area and according to the Pew Re- Democrats are — to mix
[See Lopez, B10] was convinced the park couldn’t be rescued “with just muscle alone.” search Center — but I saw political clichés — soul-
how Latino men could easily searching in the political
cozy up to him. An orange- [See Arellano, B8]

A mussel posing a strong threat State plan on maternal

golden mussels attached to
deaths called problematic
Invasive golden equipment and buoys in the
Port of Stockton last month Women for Wellness and the
species could cause while carrying out routine By Emily Alpert Reyes California Nurse-Midwives
ecological harm in water quality tests. The Assn. faulted the plan for
mussels were also recently Dozens of maternal “placing undue burden on
California’s Delta. found in O’Neill Forebay, health organizations and individuals” and failing to
part of the state’s water de- advocates are urging the “explicitly name and ad-
By Ian James livery system south of the California surgeon general dress racism as a root cause
Delta near Santa Nella. to suspend the rollout of a of maternal health inequi-
The recent discovery of a “Any invasive species in plan aimed at reducing ma- ties.”
new type of invasive mussel our Delta is problematic, ternal mortality, saying that The California Maternal
in the Sacramento-San and we’re going to do every- the recently announced ini- Health Blueprint, unveiled
Joaquin River Delta is rais- thing we can to control its tiative won’t effectively ad- in September, sets out strat-
ing concerns that the non- spread,” said Steve Gonza- dress the crisis and “risks ex- egies to try to bring down
native species could cause lez, a spokesperson for the acerbating existing inequi- maternal deaths. Among
major ecological harm and California Department of ties.” them: Getting Californians
inflict costly complications Fish and Wildlife. In a letter shared with of child-bearing age to fill
for the infrastructure Cali- The department an- The Times, representatives out a new questionnaire to
fornia relies on to deliver wa- Department of Water Resources nounced the discovery Oct. of organizations including assess their risk of preg-
ter across the state. GOLDEN MUSSELS were recently discovered on 31, saying it’s the first time the California Black Wom- nancy complications even
State workers discovered buoys and equipment in the Port of Stockton. [See Mussel, B6] en’s Health Project, Black [See Deaths, B9]
B2 SU N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M

At L.A. City
Hall, election
result revives
2016 memories
[L.A. council, from B1] Department regularly bat-
funds for the 2028 Olympics tled with L.A. in court,
in L.A. including over whether
Hosting the interna- federal funds could be
tional sporting event is al- withheld if city officials
ready a financial risk be- refused to cooperate with
cause the city is responsible immigration agents.
for cost overruns. Mayor Karen Bass was a
City Councilmember member of Congress during
Paul Krekorian, who trav- Trump’s first term and re-
eled to Paris for the Summer peatedly criticized the then-
Games, said Trump’s elec- president. In 2020, she called
tion left him expecting “four him a “lawless” president
difficult years for our city on who wants to be an “authori-
multiple levels, not least of tarian leader.”
which is our access to federal Since winning the may-
funding for different pro- or’s race in 2022, she has Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times
grams, and preparations for made ending street home- MARIA RAMOS and other immigration rights advocates rally Saturday across from L.A. City Hall. Several
the Olympics.” lessness her priority and council members said Friday that they would hasten passage of L.A.’s “sanctuary” law after Trump’s election.
L.A. expected to receive worked closely with the Bid-
about $355 million in federal en administration to secure Immigration will be the director of the California Im-
grants this fiscal year, ac- more housing vouchers and biggest source of tension be- migrant Policy Center, said
cording to the City Adminis- for new rules to allow home- tween the city government L.A. needs to offer “unprece-

Ex-aide who helped

trative Office. less Angelenos to become el- and the Trump administra- dented investment” in such
That doesn’t include the igible for federally funded tion, said Manuel Pastor, the programs because of
federal dollars that flow to apartments. institute’s director. At the Trump.
the Los Angeles Homeless Asked Thursday if she is same time, the City Council Harris-Dawson signaled
Services Authority, a joint
city and county agency, or
that would come to the re-
worried about losing federal
funding with Trump in of-
fice, Bass spoke in broad
has grown more progressive
since 2016, he said.
City leaders regularly
Friday that the council
could take more action on
immigration in coming
case against council
gion through the Federal
Emergency Management
Agency after disasters.
City officials expressed
Angelenos won’t allow
“anyone to divide us or to pit
groups against each other,”
talk about immigration in
personal terms.
cilmember-elect Ysabel Ju-

rado, a tenant rights attor-

He also suggested that
some city officials are taking
a wait-and-see attitude
member avoids jail
fear that Trump, a mercurial she said. “We’ve done that ney, won a seat last week rep- toward Trump’s plans.
leader prone to grudges, before, and we’ll do that resenting parts of the East- “Some of us, I don’t know agreement, which he signed
would retaliate against Cali- again.” side after running a why, want to give the presi- By David Zahniser in 2020.
fornia and Los Angeles be- City Council President campaign that highlighted dent the benefit of the doubt As Huizar’s intermedi-
cause of its Democratic Marqueece Harris-Dawson her Filipino parents’ un- and try to see what’s going to He kept thousands of ary, Esparza served as a go-
leadership. also sought to reassure An- documented status. happen, as opposed to react- text messages. He took pho- between for another bribery
Trump recently threat- gelenos last week, telling re- Despite their assurances, ing before something actu- tos of bribe money. He re- scheme — this one involving
ened to end federal disaster porters that it’s the job of the the City Council and Bass ally happens,” he said. corded his boss, then-Los the developer of a planned
aid for California’s wildfires City Council and the mayor have limited power when it Councilmember Eu- Angeles City Councilmem- 20-story residential tower at
— remarks that were on the to ensure “that everybody in comes to stopping deporta- nisses Hernandez, whose ber Jose Huizar, demanding Hill Street and Olympic
mind of Councilmember this city feels protected and tions. district includes the immi- that money in a City Hall Boulevard in downtown Los
Monica Rodriguez, who safe, and that includes im- The city is also facing a grant-rich neighborhood of bathroom. Angeles. That developer,
works closely with the city’s migrants.” budget crisis that could limit Pico-Union, isn’t among George Esparza, a cen- Dae Yong Lee, was sen-
Fire Department. L.A. County has about its ability to pay for pro- those waiting. tral figure in Huizar’s tenced to six years for ar-
“That’s not a democ- 800,000 undocumented resi- grams now sought by immi- She told The Times that sprawling pay-to-play oper- ranging a $500,000 bribe.
racy,” Rodriguez, whose San dents, including many fam- grant groups, including free officials have to “retrain” ation, provided federal pros- Esparza also secured fi-
Fernando Valley district in- ilies with mixed status, ac- attorneys for those at risk for themselves on how to pro- ecutors with a huge trove of nancial benefits on his own,
cludes areas that are prone cording to USC’s Equity Re- deportation. tect immigrant communi- evidence for their investiga- including at least $48,000 in
to wildfires, said Tuesday search Institute. At a rally Thursday out- ties. Trump “has been very tion into bribes from down- consulting payments from a
night. “That’s not how this is More than 70% of the side City Hall, some immi- explicit in what he wants to town real estate developers businessman looking to
supposed to work.” county’s undocumented grant rights leaders urged do,” she said. seeking city support for their pitch home automation
Rodriguez was on the residents have been in the city officials to fund efforts to projects. He met with prose- products to downtown high-
council during the last country for longer than a alert communities of depor- Times staff writer David cutors more than two dozen rise developers.
Trump administration, decade, according to the in- tation raids. Zahniser contributed to this times and provided crucial Friday’s sentencing was
when the U.S. Justice stitute. Masih Fouladi, executive report. testimony at four separate the third in five days for par-
trials, his attorney said. ticipants in Huizar’s so-
On Friday, U.S. Dist. called “criminal enterprise.”
Judge John F. Walter called On Monday, former lob-
Esparza’s cooperation byist Morrie Goldman re-
“nothing short of extraordi- ceived three years of proba-
nary.” He sentenced Es- tion and six months of home
parza to three years of pro- detention, along with a
bation, even after pointing $60,000 fine. Goldman
out that Esparza had com- pleaded guilty in 2020 to a
mitted a long list of crimes single count of conspiring to
himself. commit bribery.
“In my 20 years as a dis- A day later, real estate
trict court judge ... I have not consultant George Chiang
seen a defendant who has was also sentenced to three
provided such extensive and years of probation, along
helpful cooperation to the with 12 months of home de-
government,” Walter said. tention and 150 hours of
Esparza, 38, had faced community service. Chiang,
the possibility of several who pleaded guilty to one
years in prison. He initially count of conspiring to vio-
lied to FBI agents who were late federal racketeering law,
investigating City Hall cor- also must pay a $250,000 fine.
ruption, eventually pleading As part of his sentence,
guilty in 2020 to a single Esparza must serve 12
count of conspiring to vio- months of home detention
late federal anti-racket- and 300 hours of community
eering law. service. He must pay restitu-
For years, Esparza tion of $130,459 to the city of
served as a front man for Los Angeles.
Huizar, relaying the council Esparza joined Huizar’s
member’s demands for staff as an intern at age 19. He
bribes or other financial returned to Huizar’s office
benefits using coded lan- after college, eventually ris-
guage. ing to the position of special
Nevertheless, prose- assistant, serving as his
cutors recommended that driver, his confidant and his
Esparza receive no prison emissary to lobbyists, con-
time, saying he had taken re- sultants and others.
sponsibility for his crimes In legal filings and during
over the last six years. With- Friday’s hearing, Esparza
out his cooperation, “the said he viewed Huizar as a
public may have never father figure who had been
known the full scope” of missing from his life. Es-
Huizar’s corruption, Assist- parza said Huizar’s own
ant U.S. Atty. Susan Har told relatives referred to him as
the judge. Huizar’s “first-born son.”
Standing before the His voice cracking, he said
judge, Esparza apologized he had put his actual family
to his family, to the city of “through hell.”
Los Angeles and to his FBI agents raided his
neighborhood of Boyle grandparents’ Boyle
Heights, where he grew up Heights home, where he
and still lives. He acknowl- lived, in 2018. He said his
edged that he had enjoyed a grandfather, who had raised
lavish lifestyle afforded by him to be a moral person,
his crimes. watched as he was put in
“At the time, I was a mini- handcuffs.
Jose Huizar,” he told the “I failed them as a big
judge. brother, as a son and as a
Huizar pleaded guilty in grandson,” he said.
January to tax evasion and Walter said that, after
racketeering charges. He re- watching Esparza testify at
ported last month to the four trials, he was convinced
Federal Correctional Insti- that Esparza fully embraced
tution Lompoc II, a low-se- the luxurious lifestyle that
curity prison in Santa Bar- resulted from his corrup-
bara County, to serve a 13- tion. At the same time, he
year sentence. called Esparza’s written re-
For several years, Es- quest for leniency “one of the
parza accompanied Huizar most sincere and persua-
on trips to Las Vegas with sive” he had ever read.
Chinese real estate devel- After the hearing, Es-
oper Wei Huang, who had parza said he was “very
been looking to develop a 77- grateful for this moment” —
story skyscraper in Huizar’s even hearing Walter de-
district. Esparza and Huizar scribe his crimes in detail.
received lavish hotel rooms, “It was hard to hear the
expensive meals, casino judge be truthful with me,”
chips, prostitutes and other he said. “But the first part of
benefits from Huang, ac- your redemption journey is
cording to Esparza’s plea being truthful.”
B4 SU N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M


New LAPD chief sworn in amid scrutiny Weather

helping in
Jim McDonnell’s prior
cooperation with ICE
is criticized as Trump
returns to presidency. fire battle
By Libor Jany
and Richard Winton By Laurence
The Los Angeles City
Council on Friday confirmed Favorable weather con-
Jim McDonnell as the city’s ditions helped thousands of
59th police chief in a split 11-2 firefighters gain ground Sat-
vote, and he was later offi- urday on the devastating
cially sworn in in front of a Mountain fire, which has
crowded room of city lead- scorched some 20,000 acres,
ers. destroyed more than 130
While several council homes and damaged nearly
members praised Mayor 90 others — while upending
Karen Bass’ selection of a re- the lives of Ventura County
spected and experienced residents.
lawman to lead the depart- The blaze was 17% con-
ment, the lack of unanimous tained by Saturday morning
approval underscored con- as crews were dousing
cerns around McDonnell’s mulch fires in agricultural
record on immigration as land north of the 118 Freeway
President-elect Donald just a few miles east from the
Trump returns to office. fire’s origin in the Somis
McDonnell, who has neighborhood. In Santa
made few public appear- Paula, firefighters were ex-
ances since his appoint- tinguishing smoky areas in
ment, delivered his strong- the Santa Clara River bot-
est comments yet about en- Photographs by Myung J. Chun Los Angeles Times tom, while in the hard-hit
suring that the department FORMER SHERIFF Jim McDonnell becomes Los Angeles’ 59th police chief during a private swearing in at Camarillo Heights neigh-
would not participate in fed- City Hall on Friday. Councilmembers Eunisses Hernandez and Hugo Soto-Martínez voted against McDonnell. borhood, they were mopping
eral immigration enforce- up hot spots some 300 feet in
ment. the department’s immigra- Like others who sup- from the fire’s perimeter
“LAPD will not assist tion rules, McDonnell said, ported McDonnell, her com- amid burned-out homes.
with mass deportations. Los “It’s very clear what our poli- ments were met by a smat- “A lot of resources are go-
Angeles is a city of immi- cies are.” tering of both applause and ing to be down there today,”
grants, and I know that im- “Accountability is basi- jeers. Clint Swensen, operations
migrants are being dispar- cally the foundation of trust, Andrés Dae Keun Kwon, chief with the California De-
aged right now,” McDonnell and we are accountable to a senior policy counsel at the partment of Forestry and
told the council, striking a the rule of law and to the American Civil Liberties Fire Protection, said of the
more decisive tone than he policies of this organiza- Union, said “thousands of Camarillo Heights effort.
did in answering some of the tion,” he said. families” were separated The blaze started shortly
same questions at a previ- When asked about a hy- thanks to the Sheriff De- before 9 a.m. Wednesday in a
ous hearing. “My job is to pothetical scenario in which partment’s cozy relation- remote area near Bradley
protect everyone in Los An- LAPD officers had detained ship with federal immigra- and Balcom Canyon roads
geles and to build trust, and someone in the back of a po- tion authorities. amid prime Santa Ana wild-
that’s what I plan to do.” lice car and U.S. Immigra- Pastor Stephen Cue Jn- fire conditions, with wind
After the new chief ’s pri- tion and Customs Enforce- Marie, founder of Creating gusts topping 60 mph and
vate swearing in, Bass said ment officials asked to hand Justice LA, called McDon- humidity in the single digits
she “was so appreciative of them over, McDonnell nell’s appointment “a spit in — prompting the National
the way he handled every- replied his officers would not our face,” after he was voted Weather Service to issue a
thing.” comply. out of office by L.A. County “red flag alert.” Its cause re-
“He heard everything Most of the opposition DURING public comment, about 85 people spoke for residents after one term as mains under investigation.
people said. And to me, that has focused on McDonnell’s and against McDonnell, who served from 2014 to 2018. sheriff. “You want to pay this On Saturday, the
is just emblematic of the past willingness to allow im- man $500,000 a year, and weather was cooperating
type of chief he will be,” she migration authorities into derstood. He pointed to lowered from the initial pro- we’re in a budget deficit?” with some 3,000 fire person-
said. A public swearing-in the country’s largest jail sys- statistics showing that the posal of $507,509, which Some Latino establish- nel working the blaze — as
ceremony is to be held this tem, which he did while serv- number of incarcerated peo- spurred criticism with the ment community and politi- the winds died down and
week. ing as L.A. County sheriff ple released to immigration city facing financial straits. cal figures expressed disap- relative humidity levels
Councilmembers Eu- from 2014 to 2018. Permitting authorities fell to 820 in the While McDonnell was be- pointment that Bass did not rose.
nisses Hernandez and Hugo federal agents to target in- last year of his tenure, from fore the City Council, several pick Robert “Bobby” Arcos, That trend was expected
Soto-Martínez cast votes mates for deportation, crit- the more than 7,800 in 2013, hundred activists gathered a former LAPD assistant to continue through Mon-
against McDonnell, with ics say, led to the forced the year before his election. for a rally Friday morning in chief who would have been day, giving crews several
Kevin de León and Heather separation of “thousands of The number of U-Visas, front of City Hall, calling for the first Latino leader in the days to make headway
Hutt absent. families.” which provide protections to a new “sanctuary city” law department’s long history. putting a ring around the
In response to a question McDonnell said he had immigrants who are victims that would bar city person- In a list of finalists presented fire. However, windy and dry
about how he will ensure evolved in the 10 years since of crimes, sponsored by the nel and resources from being to Bass by the Police Com- conditions were forecast to
that all officers under his he was sheriff, but argued department also climbed used in federal immigration mission, McDonnell was pick up again in the evening
command will comply with that his record was misun- during his tenure. enforcement. ranked third behind Arcos and on Tuesday, again pos-
The council’s split vote on Many clutched signs and Deputy Chief Emada ing a hazard.
the LAPD chief was unusual. reading “Trump out of Tingirides, who is Black. “We’re monitoring the
McDonnell’s two immediate LAPD” and “McDonnell is At a news conference af- situation very closely as it
predecessors, Michel Moore anti-immigrant,” while a ter his confirmation, Mc- does coincide with the po-
and Charlie Beck, were each band played cumbia and Donnell addressed ques- tential for critical fire
confirmed unanimously. banda music from the back tions about whether he’d co- weather conditions,” said
Soto-Martínez said in an of a flatbed truck. operate with Trump’s de- Ariel Cohen, meteorologist
To advertise interview before the vote “Sheriff McDonnell does portation efforts. in charge of the National
in this directory, go to that he would stick with his not deserve and does not “Any talk of mass round- Weather Service in Los An-
www.latimes.com/placebpsdad, “no” vote from a recent pub- have the trust of the commu- ups or the Police Depart- geles and Oxnard.
or call 1.800.528.4637, ext.72769 lic safety committee meet- nity he is sworn to protect,” ment being involved in that The favorable weather
ing, where he grilled McDon- Pablo Alvarado of the Na- thing — we don’t do that conditions and headway
LEGAL SERVICES nell on his record on immi- tional Day Laborer Organiz- kind of thing,” McDonnell made by fire crews improved
gration and his views on traf- ing Network said in a state- said. “We would alienate air quality on Saturday, with
fic enforcement. ment. much of our population, an alert that had been is-
Soto-Martínez, whose The council vote on Mc- much of our community, by sued by the Ventura County
district stretches from Echo Donnell was preceded by a doing anything like that. So Air Pollution Control
Park to Hollywood, said he fiery public comment pe- it would make no sense for us District expected to expire
remained concerned about riod, which featured about to do that.” at 4 p.m.
the new chief ’s “history at 85 speakers split between The new chief added, On Friday, a thick layer of
the county working with ICE supporters and detractors. “We’re here to keep every- smoke blanketed the county,
and expanding some of his One speaker said she body safe in all communities forcing many residents in-
policies.” feared for the safety of chil- throughout our city, and the doors and schools to close,
“I don’t have any ques- dren in her Westside neigh- way we do that is by nurtur- but by Saturday the air qual-
tions today, but I’m voting borhood and said she sup- ing trust.” ity was rated “good to mod-
no,” he said. ported McDonnell, who she erate” for all regions of the
A newsletter about
The council also ap- believed “will help restore Times staff writer Dakota air district and was forecast
being Latinx in the U.S.
proved McDonnell’s salary peace, safety and calm to our Smith contributed to this to remain so through Mon-
of $450,000. The amount was city.” report. day.
Reflections on culture,
news, sports and
politics from members
of The Times’

Newsom is fined $13,000 for delayed

Latinx community.

reports of payments made at his request

Sign up now.
latimes.com/latinxfiles filings were late because it these “behested payments,”
By Sandra McDonald had to rely on third parties which might be an attempt
to track the necessary filing to curry favor with elected
Gov. Gavin Newsom information. officials.
agreed to pay a $13,000 fine “There is inherent public Concerns were raised
Friday for failing to report on harm in non-disclosure of when Newsom reported re-
time over a dozen charitable the payments because the quested payments that were
payments made at his re- public is deprived of impor- six times as much in 2020 as

quest by notable founda- tant information and de- those reported by former
tions and businesses, in- prived of the timely opportu- Gov. Jerry Brown over his fi-
cluding Microsoft, Amazon nity to scrutinize the pay- nal eight years in office com-
and T-Mobile, between 2018 ments,” the FPPC wrote in bined.

To view expanded property
information please
go to HomeFinder.com
and 2024.
California’s political eth-
ics law requires elected offi-
cials to report donations
made on their behalf within
Brian van der Brug L.A. Times
THE state’s FPPC levied
the fine against Newsom.
its settlement agreement
with the governor.
The commission did not
fine Newsom for missing
deadlines on several pay-
A Newsom spokesperson
defended the governor’s
record of soliciting charita-
ble donations.
“This work, connecting
To advertise your property, log on to latimes.com/placead 30 days. On 18 occasions, the than $14 million in pay- ments he requested to help private resources to public
Fair Political Practices ments. Newsom has filed the state during the first needs, is what we need more
Bel Air Beverly Hills Commission said, Newsom more than 1,100 such reports year of the COVID-19 pan- of across government,” Na-
Open Sunday 2-5 PM Unique Modern Farm House New Pricing - Open Sunday 1-4 and his 2018 campaign com- since 2011, totaling over $300 demic. than Click said in a state-
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Patrick LORCY (Nelson Shelton & Associates) 323-573- Compass / Michael J. Libow 310.691.7889
2875 reports on time, often sub- all the reports before being officials to ask companies to Click noted that Newsom
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Sharon Kielczinski | KW Beverly Hills 323.253.6771 in public office for more than million — others ranged ply to direct campaign dona- few weeks late and due to de-
25 years, should have known from $5,000 up to almost tions. The reporting require- layed notification of receipt
Beverly Hills Ventura better than to lose track of $500,000 from Amazon. New- ments are meant to allow of payment by the recipi-
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Lyft agrees to pay $2.1-million FTC

fine for false claims about drivers’ pay
frain from making such unfair or deceptive practices ing the difference between
By Clara Harter claims in the future. As the are all too common.” what they had already
complaint was brought by Lyft said that it recog- earned and what the pro-
When Lyft faced a driver the government, the penalty nized “the importance of gram guaranteed.
shortage in 2021, the ride- will be paid to the U.S. Treas- transparency in maintain- According to the
hailing company launched a ury and drivers will not see ing trust in the communities complaint, Lyft internally
major marketing campaign any of the money. we serve” and promised to acknowledged that “the face
to lure drivers with eye- FTC Chair Lina Khan “ensure that what we say values [of the ads] are much
catching earnings — up to pointed out that, in the ab- about driver earnings in our higher than the actual pay-
$43 an hour in Los Angeles, sence of salary or a set advertising is clear.” out” and received thousands
$41 in Portland and $33 in At- hourly pay rate, workers rely In addition to advertising of complaints a month from
lanta, according to the Fed- on gig companies’ market- that misled drivers on drivers who hit the target David Zalubowski Associated Press
eral Trade Commission. ing to gauge their earning hourly pay rates, the FTC and were upset to find they LYFT HAS promised to “ensure that what we say
What these advertise- potential. Khan issued a also said Lyft’s “earnings did not receive a bigger about driver earnings in our advertising is clear.”
ments failed to mention was statement alongside Com- guarantee” program was bonus.
that only 1 in 5 drivers were missioners Rebecca Kelly misleading. “This [is] unacceptable the company that its earn- curate information about
actually making these rates, Slaughter and Alvaro This program promised and not fair,” one driver ings claims were unlawful in how much they will be paid
the FTC said. Bedoya. big payoffs for completing a wrote in a complaint to the October 2021, according to for the work they do,” Samu-
On Monday, the agency “The stakes are high. certain number of rides company. Lyft“should pay the complaint. el Levine, director of the
and the Department of Jus- Americans are making seri- within a set time period, their driver[s] as stated, it Under the settlement, FTC’s Bureau of Consumer
tice announced that Lyft ous life decisions — such as such as $975 for completing shows I completed the task. Lyft must clearly notify driv- Protection, said in a state-
had agreed to pay a $2.1-mil- whether to leave a job or 45 rides in a weekend, ac- As the driver, I expected to ers about the terms of its ment. “Our settlement with
lion civil penalty to settle a forgo an opportunity — and cording to the FTC. be paid for the service I ren- “earnings guarantee” offers Lyft bans exaggerated earn-
complaint alleging that it their livelihoods are on the What many drivers did dered.” and back up any claims it ings claims and underscores
made false and misleading line,” the commissioners not realize was that Lyft Lyft allegedly continued makes about drivers’ pay the FTC’s commitment to
statements about drivers’ said. “Unfortunately, the would not be giving them a its advertising practices with evidence. ensuring gig workers are
earning potential and to re- FTC’s work here shows that $975 bonus but merely pay- even after the FTC informed “Lyft drivers deserve ac- treated fairly.”

JOBS Employment
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Burbank PD (818)238-3040 CLASS sociated technology. Must $176,134/yr. Apply at Farm- 90866701): Create, stan-
cial Services Office) (Man-
ager) (Multiple Positions) Chain, or Rel. Wage: $56,555/
YR Mail resume: Sea Domin- Sr. Specialist, Marketing
resume to: Alexandra But-
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LA COUNTY tered in Manhattan Beach, Android SDK Mngr, Xcod,
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Attn: Anyssa Dunning, 18 will accept any suitable $48,693 - $52,000/yr. rical & Home Entertainment
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ed Methodist Church 1800 Mngmnt (SCM), & XML. est safty, hlth, qual, GMP, Experian Information Solu- Humanscape US Inc., 12130 oppty for a Mech Engr. 9B5D91AD549C44961EB
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and Interpretation (Korean- Production Engineering & based in El Segundo, CA. to participate in Estimation,
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Bids Wanted sign, and build software read and write Korean lan-
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Mesa, CA is seeking to fill
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and systematic approaches Beach, CA to lead, men- toring, statistical scoring, muting permitted. Salary:
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ary: $139,006 – $166,121 per coach’g & support to ensure for consumer solutions. May
Rose Hill Courts II year. Send resume to: Sonya center users. May telecom- optimal perf. Reqs. 4 yrs of telecommute. Pay range tion sys. Wage $180,000 to US w/o spnsrshp. EOE
Consultant (Korn Ferry (US) Pr3 Software LLC seeks a
Housing Partners, L.P. is Gold, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., 6th mute. Pay range for this role exp. as QA Engr, Bus Dev for this role is $100,000.00- $190,000 per year. Resume Software Developer to de-
looking for a qualified Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90048 / Los Angeles, CA) – Respon- is $102,357.00-$135,027.00, Manager or rel. role. Exp. $120,560.00, with actual pay to: M. Lau (PM3051), Le Pafe MECHATRONICS ENGRS sign, develop and modify
sible for delivrng products & with actual pay based on must incl. automated testing based on work location, job Inc. dba Le Chef Bakery, 7547 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRI-
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odologies, test automation education. Role incl. variable CA for a MCC Design Engr. and software requirements
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borhood of northeast S. Diamond Bar Blvd. Suite build-up of yearly salary sur- benefits. Send resumes and guages Javascript, Python, & benefit inquiries to Amy Har- tions, Inc. in Costa Mesa, CA figure MCC and Switchgear performance through soft-
203 Los Angeles, CA 91765 veys & deliver client projects benefit inquiries to Amy Har- exp. devlp’g automated tests mon, HR, via email at amy. is seeking to fill the position solutions. $100,000.00/yr to ware maintenance, testing
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& test scripts; CI/CD practic- h ar m o n @ ex p e r i a n .co m . and profiling at our Westlake
lopment will include lizng proven methods. Reqs h a r m o n @ ex p e r i a n .co m . es & tools Jenkins. Position Must reference job code: for overseeing the strategy mestic travel reqd. Email re- Village, CA office. Apply at
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multi-family residential Business Analyst, Strategy Sci field incldng Finance & 20596.369 is a telecommut’g posit’n, products and will work as to gmayfi[email protected]. com/vacancies/erp-imple
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affordable housing - EY Parthenon - Transac- as an Assoc. Consultant &/or Writer (Sherman Oaks, CA): ment team responsible for in the U.S. w/o spnsrshp. EOE
and one community tion Strategy & Execution ment from various unan- Deloitte Consulting LLP jlty7-pbtna
Consultant. Bkgrd in educ, For rcrd label promoting ticipated worksites t/o the seeks a Consulting, Senior developing, launching and
building. Construction is (Deal Strategy & Manage- training, or exp must incld Banda, Norteño, Grupero, U.S. Salary fr. $136,490 to Consultant in Los Angeles, managing a set of decision- Operations manager: f/t;
scheduled to start in the ment) (Manager) (Mul- data & project mgmt, data & Mariachi, etc., write original $185,000/yr. Email resume: California & various unantici- ing (rule management capa- POS services; Mail Resume: Consulting – Technology
first quarter of 2025. tiple Positions) (1554438), solutions analysis, customer content for digi pltfrms. Op- [email protected]. pated Deloitte office loca- bility integrated with data One Merchant Solutions, Consulting – AI & Data –
Ernst & Young U.S. LLP, focus, & operatnl compli- tion to telecommute up to tions & client sites nationally & analytics) software appli- LLC. 13191 Crossroads Park- End to End - Data Design
Interested contractors Los Angeles, CA. Serve ance, proven track record 100%. 2 years exp in the job cations across the product way North #230, City of
should contact: Jack as a Strategy & Operations in advancd computer skills, or rltd req. Resumes: Morena Sr. Process Engineer, Project to drive software testing and lifecycle. May telecommute. Industry, CA 91746
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professional to prepare and customer & mrkt analysis, Music, Inc., Delivery (Paramount, CA): implementation services to Pay range for this role is PARALEGAL to assist lawyers
ager) (Multiple Positions)
Wickersham at jmwick Prov tech guidance on op- help companies unlock the (1553744), Ernst & Young
execute mergers and acqui- verbal & written communi- [email protected]. $149,350.00-$151,230.00, in preparing legal docu-
[email protected]
sition plans to maximize syn- catn, & review & reportng erating units w/in a refinery value of big technology in- with actual pay based on ments and other related
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ergies and financial benefits skills. Position can be per- that maintains & improves vestments, ranging from re- work location, job-related duties as assigned. Mon-Fri
Support client engagement
from transactions. Requires formed remotely from any Igloo Music Corporation safety, environmtl standards quirements to architecture, skills, experience and edu- 40hrs/wk. Associate’s degree
teams delivering profes-
domestic and international location in the U.S. Resp to seeks Audio Eng. in Burbank, & operating costs of the design to development, cation. Role incl. variable in Paralegal Studies, Law/re-
sional services that focus
travel up to 80% to serve cli- Brian.Bloom@KornFerr y. CA. Assem. & op. equip. to refinery; direct & coord de- testing to deployment, and pay and comprehensive lated fields of studies req’d.
on complex client business
ent needs. Employer will ac- com; ref job title in subject rec., sync., mix, edit or re- signing, modifications, opti- beyond as discrete services benefits. Send resumes and $53,206/yr. Mail resume to
problems involving the ac-
cept any suitable combina- line. Salary $90k to $120k pro. wrk. Reqs.: BS or foreign mization & operation of pro- or comprehensive solutions benefit inquiries to Amy Har- Benjumea & Associates APC,
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80% of the time, of which
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B6 SU N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M

Invasive golden mussel threatens state’s Delta

[Mussel, from B1] ficult to control once they’re If the mussels thrive in Lakes since the 1990s show much as we can to prevent Water Resources has had a
golden mussels have been established.” the Delta, they could dra- how severely an ecosystem that kind of a scenario, but program in place since 2007
found in North America. Na- Where the mussels at- matically alter the ecosys- can be upended by an inva- it’s going to be a challenge,” to monitor for the presence
tive to rivers and creeks in tach and grow, they can cre- tem, Rypel said. Their larvae sion of non-native mussels, Rypel said. of zebra and quagga mussels
China and Southeast Asia, ate problems for all sorts of swim and spread out in the Rypel said. There, zebra He said the serious at various locations in the
the bivalves have appeared infrastructure, including water, colonizing solid sur- mussels and quagga mus- threats call for an aggres- Delta and throughout the
in waterways elsewhere in docks and water intakes, re- faces and attaching them- sels have thrived and caused sive, coordinated effort to State Water Project. The de-
Asia as well as South Ameri- quiring costly efforts to re- selves with fibers. The mol- a major decline in the yellow contain and remove the partment has now ex-
can countries, including move them. lusks are efficient filter feed- perch fishery. mussels, and to prevent panded its monitoring to
Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay “It can create this major ers and can increase the In California’s Delta, them from spreading to new check for golden mussels,
and Paraguay. cost that simply has to be clarity of water by consum- there are threatened and en- areas. Veldhuizen said, and is also
The species has colo- dealt with, just for you to ef- ing large quantities of plank- dangered fish species, in- To contain the mussels adopting other measures to
nized new regions when fectively run your infrastruc- ton, which native fish cluding steelhead trout, two as much as possible, state of- protect pumping plants and
transported on ships’ hulls ture,” Rypel said. and other creatures depend types of Chinook salmon, ficials are urging Califor- reduce potential effects on
or in ballast water that is Where the mussels take on. longfin smelt, Delta smelt nians to be sure to clean, water deliveries.
drained in ports. root, Rypel said, there are “It could completely and green sturgeon. drain and dry all boats and California State Parks of-
The mussels can compro- different methods of remov- change the ecosystem, in a If the golden mussels equipment when removed ficials have begun additional
mise water delivery systems ing them: mechanically worst-case scenario, com- take hold and dominate the from a water body. They say exit inspections of boats at
by encrusting screens and scraping them off, treating pletely clarify the water, ecosystem, Rypel said, that this strategy has helped pre- O’Neill Forebay, San Luis
filters, attaching to the walls them with chemicals, or leaving less food for salmon would mean less food re- vent the further spread of Reservoir and Los Banos
of large pipelines, and clog- treating them with a certain and native fish,” Rypel said. sources for those native quagga mussels and zebra Creek Reservoir to ensure all
ging smaller pipes. dead bacteria that kill them “That’s the ecological prob- species. The non-native mussels beyond the lakes water is drained from
The effects for the state’s — a controversial method lem that people will be con- mussels also could kill na- and waterways those livewells, bilges and out-
water infrastructure could because of concerns about cerned about.” tive mussels in the estuary. species have colonized. board motors to prevent the
be similar to the complica- potential ecological effects. The changes in the Great “I think we want to do as The state Department of spread of the mussels.
tions that have been caused
by an invasion of quagga
mussels in the Colorado Riv-
er’s reservoirs. Since their
discovery in Lake Mead in
2007, those mussels have
spread throughout aque-
ducts and reservoirs in
Southern California.
After finding the golden
mussels in O’Neill Forebay,
state workers have begun
surveys to determine the ex-
tent of the infestation in the
State Water Project system,
including the California Aq-
ueduct, which transports
water pumped from the
Delta to cities and farm-
The increased monitor-
ing and maintenance that
will be required is expected
to have an economic impact
for the State Water Project,
increasing water delivery
costs, said Tanya Veld-
huizen, manager of the De-
partment of Water Re-
sources’ Special Projects
The estuary already has a
long list of nonnative
species, including bass, wa-
ter hyacinth, Asian clams
and overbite clams. But the
golden mussel could be par-
ticularly problematic for wa-
ter infrastructure and the
Delta’s ecosystem if the
species spreads and flour-
ishes, said Andrew Rypel, a
professor of fish ecology and Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times
director of UC Davis’ Center H EAD UNDER HEELS
for Watershed Sciences.
“It’s a major threat,” Josiah Ihem, left, busts a move while breakdancing for visitors to the Palm Springs Village Fest. The downtown pedestrian street
Rypel said. “They’re very dif- fair takes place every Thursday night with varying hours throughout the year and features arts, crafts, food and entertainment.

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L AT I M E S . C O M S S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 B7

Estelle COOPER
Born Jan. 23, 1934, Windsor
Ruth Toshiko(nee
Place a paid notice latimes.com/placeobituary
Search obituary notice archives: legacy.com/obituaries/latimes

Ontario Canada. Loving wife Kodama) HORIBE

of Edmund (deceased), proud Ruth Toshiko Horibe, 95
mother of Michelle (Robert years old, born in Brawley
Hunter), Randy (Jodi), Cindy California, resident of Los
and Gregg. Adoring Bubi Angeles passed away on
of Jake, Chelsea, Casey and October 19, 2024. Ruth had
Skyler and proud Great a wonderful life and a beauti-
Grandma of Lily. ful, loving family. She loved
her family, dogs and golf
Donations in her memory
may be made to your favorite Lionel A. David Walter and was an avid Lakers and
Dodgers fan. After living in
charity. Services were private.
Hernandez HERRICK El Centro California with her Harriet Ann Snyder
parents and nine siblings, her September 1, 1940 -
Lionel A. Hernandez,
Carl S Gibson born in Los Angeles April 11,
family was interned at Poston
Arizona before Ruth returned
September 10, 2024
Jeri Cecile TAYLOR
October 4, 1940 - 1930, passed away peacefully D a v i d Wa l t e r
Herrick was born to California after the war Harriet Snyder passed
September 24, 2024 from natural causes at the away peacefully and sur-
on April 17, 1946 where she raised her family
age of 94 on September 24, rounded by loving family, in Jeri Cecile Taylor, longtime resident of Sherman Oaks, CA,
Carl S. Gibson passed in Culver City, California, to and lived a long and happy
2024. A lifelong lover of the San Diego, CA on September passed away of natural causes on October 23, 2024, at an
away peacefully on Tuesday, Paul Myron Herrick and Ruth life. She was predeceased
California lifestyle, he will 10, 2024. She had just cel- extended care facility in Davis, CA. Her son Andrew Enberg
September 24, 2024, at the Jeanette Tallman. by her husband Sho “Salty”
be remembered fondly for ebrated her 84th birthday was at her side.
age of 83, in his home in Horibe. She is survived by
the many lifelong friends Dave grew up in Culver the week before.
Palm Springs, California. her children, Sandie (Don) Jeri was known the world over as a writer and producer
he made over the years, as City with his parents and old-
Born on October 4, 1940, in Ito, Donna (Charlie) Mayeda, of the television series Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: The
well as for his service to the er brother, John Paul Herrick
Canada, Carl lived a full and Robert (Patricia) Horibe and Next Generation. She also worked on many of TV’s best-
community. His surviving and younger sister, Melanie S h e wa s m a r r i e d to
accomplished life, dedicating Debi (Bryce) Horibe-Robbins; known shows during the 1970s and ’80s. In male-dominated
family includes five children Jane Herrick. He graduated Stephen Snyder for 63 years,
his talent to the art of lighting eight loving grandchildren; Hollywood, Jeri managed to succeed while still maintaining
and four grandchildren. Alexander Hamilton High having met in college in New
design and cinematography 11 great-grandchildren; her leadership style, which was based on kindness and
Services will be held at School in 1964 and then brother, Roy (Emiko) Kodama; Jersey. After having their
in Hollywood, California. compassion, a balance that she navigated with poise and
Incarnation Catholic Church served and protected the also survived by many nieces, first child, Harriet and Steve
public for almost 32 years a quiet strength.
in Glendale on November nephews, and other relatives. moved west, first to Seattle
15th at 10 am. as a member of the LAPD. She was the gem of our family before settling in Los Angeles. As a writer and producer, she was known and respected
Carl was the beloved
During his time as an officer and will be missed dearly. In addition to raising three for her incredible intelligence, her understanding of narrative
son of the late Frank and
he enjoyed playing baseball children and volunteering structure, her strength of character and her ability to inspire
Jean Gibson. He is survived www.fukuimortuary.com
with the Devonshire baseball in their classrooms, Harriet and support. Countless well-known writers and actors owe
by his loving children and
team and golfing with the 213-626-0441 held various jobs including, their careers to her guidance and help.
their families: daughter
LAPD Golf Association, but for over 25 years, in the LA
Linda Lacy and her husband
John, along with their two To place his real pride and joy was be-
ing an active member of the Phyllis Eileen
public library system. A vora-
Jeri was born on June 30, 1938, in Evansville, Indiana. As
a child, she had a lifechanging experience when she went to
children, Wade and Brad; and cious reader and huge film
see the Walt Disney movie, Dumbo. Although most children
son Paul Gibson and his wife an obituary ad LAPD Trap and Skeet Team for
almost 50 years. He enjoyed (Pearlman) Steiner
and television fan, she loved
making recommendations
left the film talking about a flying elephant, young Jeri was
Kim, with their two children, immediately inspired by the power of storytelling. It was in
Wesley and Skyler, Skyler’s please go competing in the California
Police Olympics and other
Phyllis Eileen Steiner, aged
86, passed away peacefully
and helping patrons find
their books and media at
that moment that she knew she wanted to be a writer. Not
wife Brooke, and their two long after, she wrote her first published story, about a little
children, Lucetta Belle and online to: tournaments with his cher-
ished teammates, winning
on October 31, 2024. Born
on Oc tober 1, 1938 in
the Woodland Hills library
bee longing for friendship. When a newspaper ran her story,
Greyson Sky. Carl is also she won her first literary award.
hundreds of gold medals and Los Angeles, California to
survived by his brother, Gary
awards. His ultimate love was Morris and Leah Pearlman, She was Valedictorian of her class at Wilmington High
Gibson, and his wife Pat; his latimes.com/placeobituary
sharing time with his family she was a 1956 graduate of Above all, Harriet was School in Wilmington, Ohio, and went on to be an English
sisters, Karen Ferris, and Emily
and friends. Morningside High School always friendly, helpful and major at Indiana University, where she graduated with high
Preston and her husband
and a 1960 graduate of kind. She had a great sense honors. While there, she created a six-episode music and arts
Larry. Carl was a devoted David Herrick is survived
the University of Southern of humor that she passed show called Once Upon a Time, in which she aimed to develop
father, brother, grandfather by his sister, Melanie Jane
California. Phyllis married on to her children and cultural awareness in children aged 8-14.
and great-grandfather who Herrick, his sister-in-law,
Jerold Steiner on August grandchildren. Harriet had
cherished his family and the or call Susan Renee Herrick, his Jeri went on to become one of the first female sports
30, 1959 in Los Angeles, and many close friendships, which
time they spent together. nephew, Daren Allen Herrick, reporters ever in the United States for a local Bloomington,
1-800-234-4444 they celebrated their 65th she developed and nurtured
his niece, Denise Christine Indiana, newspaper. She met her first husband, sportscaster
anniversary together in 2024. everywhere she went, includ-
Herrick Borchert and his Dick Enberg, and the pair moved to Los Angeles when Dick was
Phyllis’s career in education ing on the tennis court, bike
Carl’s passion for his Grandnephews/nieces, Kane, offered a teaching and coaching job at San Fernando Valley
demonstrated her lifelong rides, dog walks, and at her
craft led to a remarkable Isabella, Clayton, Madeline, State College (now Cal State Northridge), where Jeri got her
dedication to learning. She favorite place, the beach
career in the television and Donavon. Master’s in English, and where she utilized her storytelling
excelled in both elementary (often Malibu). Later in life,
industry. He earned wide- skills, directing and acting in regional productions at the
There will be a celebration education, including teach- Harriet and Steve spent much
spread recognition as a Northridge Playhouse.
of life on November 16th at ing at Overland Avenue of their time visiting Ventura,
gifted Lighting Designer
1:00 @ Boyko & Reardon Elementary School, and Carlsbad and Del Mar. She loved music and songs that told stories, making her
and Cinematographer, win-
Funeral Home, 15 Teloma Dr., university administration especially fond of musicals and folk songs. She played flute,
ning four Emmy Awards and
Ventura, Ca. 93003 at University of Southern piano and guitar, and hosted monthly “hootenannies” at
receiving six nominations
California. Her 43 years of Harriet is survived by hus- her home in Sherman Oaks, CA, where she also ran her own
throughout his illustrious
To place an obituary ad employment at USC included band Steve, brother Robert acting academy called the Kingswood Talent Group. Always
career. His work helped shape
please go online to: the President’s Award for Lehrer, son Jeffrey Snyder concerned with social justice and environmental issues, Jeri
the visual landscape of many
latimes.com/placeobituary Staff Achievement in 1995 (daughter-in-law Jeanese), joined many a protest march in the 1960s, pushing her young
iconic productions, and his
for service as a dedicated staff daughters Lauren Snyder son, Andrew, in a stroller.
creativity left an indelible
member and a loyal volun- (son-in-law Mark Salamy)
mark on the industry. Jeri and Dick had three children together: Jennifer Enberg,
teer. Phyllis is survived by her and Karen Soren, and seven
husband, Jerold; daughters Andrew Enberg and Alexander Enberg. Their marriage ended
grandchildren: Natalie, David,
Rochelle Steiner and Caryn in divorce in 1974.
Beyond his profes- Michael, Joseph, Timothy,
Herbert, along with her James, and William. We will In 1979, Jeri began a successful career writing for television,
sional achievements, Carl
husband Robert Herbert and miss Harriet greatly. scripting episodes for such shows as Little House on the
was known for his deep love
their three children Matthew, Prairie, The Incredible Hulk and two ABC Afterschool Specials.
of the arts and dedication to
Joshua, and Zachary.
his craft. He was also an avid Her work on the medical procedural drama, Quincy, M.E.,
supporter of various charities No public services will be
To place an obituary ad led to additional roles as story editor and eventually producer
and causes, including cancer held. Donations may be made
please go online to: on the series. She would continue in the dual roles of writer/
research. in Harriet’s memory to the Los
latimes.com/placeobituary Angeles Humane Society or
producer on such acclaimed shows as In the Heat of the Night,
or call Ms. Phillips Magnum, P.I. and Jake and the Fatman.
the charity of your choice.
Funeral services are to be In 1986, Jeri married television writer, director and producer
Ext. 77242
determined, and information David Moessinger, a marriage that lasted thirty-one years
will be provided once ar- until his death in 2018.
rangements have been made.
In lieu of flowers, memorial
Leslie Elaine Brown SHIFFMAN Doris H Chasin In 1990, a recommendation to the producers of Star Trek:
The Next Generation led to her co-writing the fourth-season
contributions can be made in December 9, 1936 - November 6, 2024 November 28, 1928 - November 1, 2024
episode “Suddenly Human.” To research for the assignment, she
Carl’s honor to the American The family of Leslie Shiffman mourns the loss of their Doris Horowitz Chasin (November 29, 1928 – November watched all seventy-nine episodes of the original series and
Cancer Society at donate. beloved mom and grandmother. Leslie was born in Fresno, 1, 2024) passed away at nearly 96 years old. She died in her five feature films. But her experience in writing for character,
cancer.org. California and raised by her parents, Albert and Marian Brown, sleep, in her own bed, in her apartment at Vivante on the emotion and relationships
in both Fresno and Los Angeles. Leslie is survived by her Coast, a senior community where she had been living for close
worked for what made Star Trek popular with fans. Her
four children, Susan, Steve (Lucy), David (Rachel) and Tom to 10 years. Doris is survived by her children, Gilbert Chasin,
Carl Gibson will be remem- script earned her an invitation to join the show’s production
(Alexandra), and her six grandsons, Andrew, Jake, Christian, Barbara Ginsburg-Wenkert (Harry Wenkert), grandchildren
bered for his artistic brilliance, staff. During her tenure, the show earned twenty-four Emmy
Kevin, Luke, and Elliot, all of whom gave her so much joy. Jolie Ginsburg (Brian Deninger), Kevin Ginsburg, Stefanie
his love for his family, and nominations and nine wins and garnered an enormous fan
Leslie is also survived by her brother, Doug (Jean) and their Ginsburg (Mike Blondin), great-grandsons, Chasin and Cole
his lasting impact on all who following. Her success in capturing the heart and soul of
children, Dan and Carol. Leslie was predeceased by her Deninger, nieces and nephews. Doris was born in Brooklyn,
knew him. Star Trek led to her being one of the creative forces behind
husband, Sydney. NY to Leon and Shirley Horowitz and was older sister to Rhoda
the show’s third spin-off series, Star Trek: Voyager. The show
Berke (z’l) and Sharon Isacoff (z’l). She attended New Utrecht
Leslie attended USC and was an active member in Alpha gave the Star Trek franchise its first female captain. “If there
High School and NYU, studying Journalism. She met her one
Fusaye Phi Epsilon sorority, to which she dedicated over 50 years of
volunteer service. Leslie held virtually every national leader-
and only, Milton Jack Chasin (z’l) in an Anthropology class at
is anything that I have brought to the series, I think it may be
a heightened awareness of ‘female sensibility’ and wanting
NYU. On April 26,1949, they married and immediately moved
HASHIMOTO ship position in the sorority, including serving two terms as
National President (1985-1989 and 1999-2003). As a result of
to Southern California, where they lived together for the
to develop the roles of our women [characters] a little more
May 28, 1923 - next 60 years. Doris was ambitious and focused, with much
her commitment to the sorority, Leslie twice received the high- motivation and encouragement from her husband, Milt. She In 2005, Jeri was presented with an Honorary Doctorate and
October 16, 2024 est honor that can be bestowed on a member. Leslie loved her earned a teaching credential, Master’s Degree, and a Doctorate the Distinguished Alumni Award from her alma mater, Indiana
Fu s aye H a s h i m o t o, sorority and the many lifelong friends she made through her in Education from UCLA, specializing in Anthropology and University, where she had arranged for all 178 scripts of Star
101-year-old resident of work with its members. Leslie’s love of sisterhood extended to African Studies. She spent time in Ghana to do her doctoral Trek: The Next Generation to be donated to the campus library.
Harbor City, passed away at her residence over the past five years at Fountainview in Playa research and her area of expertise was African education.
her residence on October Del Rey where she enjoyed countless meals and Mah Jongg Jeri and David retired to Sea Ranch, CA. Jeri became very
Her professional career lasted over 60 years and included
16. She was predeceased by games with other residents who became her dear friends. active with the Sea Ranch Thespians and the Gualala Arts
teaching elementary school, starting the Encore Program (for
her loving husband and son, Center, acting or directing in over twenty-five productions.
Leslie was an active volunteer in several other Jewish women returning to college) at Loyola-Marymount University,
Yoshio and Ted Hashimoto; She loved to quilt and was inspired to join a group called the
organizations, including holding leadership positions with teaching at various colleges and universities, becoming an
She is survived by her loving Pacific Peacemakers Quilt Guild, an organization that donates
the Long Beach Jewish Federation, Carmel Hadassah (in Academic Dean at Loyola-Marymount University, and being
son, David (Kim) Hashimoto; quilts to comfort the grieving.
which she served as President), and Temple Israel Long Beach. the Western Regional Director of the Institute of International
two daughters, Evelyn (Ron) Although Leslie was active throughout her life in many Jewish Education, helping foreign students find University placement. She was also active in the French club, book club and
Kita and Judy Dominguez; organizations, she did not pursue Judaism religiously until late Doris started the Great American Jews program at the JCC of gardening club. Amidst all this, she still found time to volunteer
She is also survived by grand- in life, proudly becoming a Bat Mitzvah in her 70s. Orange County in 2010, as a way of combating antisemitism at the local book store, and she was an Emeritus member
children, great-grandchildren, on campuses. She wanted to educate the public about all of DISCUS, a discussion group for intellectuals, where she
nieces, and nephews. Leslie was a fighter, albeit in a quiet, dignified way. For of the contributions that Jewish Americans brought to the presented numerous dissertations, including talks on Star
many years, she beat the odds against her multiple cancer world. She continued to give lectures to various groups Trek and Gene Roddenberry.
Funeral service will be held diagnoses, outliving her various prognoses while undergoing
on Friday, November 15, 11 well into her 80’s. Doris was a longstanding member and
many surgeries and treatments. With similar resolve, Leslie Jeri will be remembered by Star Trek fans as a creative force
a.m. at Bread of Life Church supporter of Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles and
raised her four children by herself, working several jobs who brought heart and hope to her stories of a future society
2780 Lomita Blvd, Torrance, Congregation Shir Ha Ma’alot in Irvine. She was a most caring
to provide for her family. Leslie’s most cherished job was and by young writers and actors as a generous mentor. She will
CA 90505 with Rev. Kim Kira mother, grandmother, and aunt, an academician, mentor,
the 20-plus years she spent working with internationally also be remembered as a giving spirit who worked to make
of Lighthouse Community philanthropist, and a phenomenal role model to many, She
renowned dress designer James Galanos. At Galanos, Leslie this world a more thoughtful, just, kind and inclusive place.
Church officiating. loved to travel worldwide, read, work crossword puzzles,
held several positions of increasing responsibility, the last of support the arts, and play Bridge, Rummikub and Black Jack. In addition to her husband David, Jeri was preceded in
www.fukuimortuary.com which was COO. Doris aged with dignity, grace, and a matter-of-fact attitude. death by her daughter Jennifer Enberg, who died of ovarian
(213)626-0441 Leslie was the best type of mom and grandmother. She She leaves behind a legacy of love, compassion, and altruism. cancer in 2015. She is survived by her sons Andrew Enberg
was always available but never meddlesome. She was fiercely Doris will be deeply missed by those who were touched by (his wife, Gina Smith) and Alex Enberg and siblings Jay Taylor,
loyal, supporting everyone in her family equally and always her kindness and generosity. Memorial contributions may be Lynn Suer andRobert Suer. In lieu of flowers, Jeri would have
To place an obituary ad with love. Although she will be dearly missed by her family made to the Jewish Community Center of Orange County, liked for donations to be made to either of her two favorite
please go online to: and those who knew her, Leslie will be happily remembered. Cultural Arts Department or Staff Fund - 1 Federation Way, charities, UNICEF and the Sierra Club.
latimes.com/placeobituary May her memory be a blessing to everyone who knew her. Irvine, CA 92603.

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B8 S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M

How Democrats lost the rancho libertarian vote

[Arellano, from B1] al kryptonite that a recently
wilderness yet again after released study by
Trump’s dominant win over researchers at Harvard and
Kamala Harris. Pundits are Georgetown found that
carving up poll data like a politicians who use “Latinx”
Thanksgiving ham — and turn off Latino voters in-
the cut that’s proving the stead of attracting them.
hardest for Democrats to And it’s not just eggheads
swallow is Latino men. saying that. Three years
An NBC News exit poll of ago, Democratic Rep.
voters in 10 states — includ- Ruben Gallego of Arizona
ing Arizona, Florida and banned “Latinx” from his
Texas, which have huge official communications. He
numbers of Latinos — argued in a social media
showed Trump capturing post that Latino politicians
55% of the Latino male vote. were using the term “to
It’s the first time the demo- appease white rich progres-
graphic has sided with a sives who think that is the
Republican in a presidential term we use. It is a vicious
election. circle of confirmation bias.”
In an exit poll by Edison Progressives blasted
Research, Latino male Gallego as insensitive. He’s
support for Trump skyrock- now in the lead to become
eted from 36% in 2020 to 54% the Copper State’s next U.S.
this year. Meanwhile, CNN senator, even as Trump is
tracked a 42% swing toward ahead of Harris in a state
the GOP candidate from Biden won in 2020.
2016 to 2024 — by far the I’m not defending Latino
most dramatic change of male Trump supporters. I
any group. think they’re putting too
More analysis will appear much faith in someone
in the coming weeks and who’s ultimately only about
months, but the idea that himself. But they are our
Trump won by bringing elders, our relatives, our
Latino men into his coali- friends. They voted the way
tion of the cruel is already a they did because they felt
talking point for the chatter- Alex Brandon Associated Press abandoned by Democrats,
ing class. This happened IN A FIRST, a majority of Latino men voted for a Republican for president. The Democratic Party shares in and the Trump campaign
despite Trump surrogates the blame after taking their votes for granted for decades and alienating them repeatedly in recent years. made a hard, successful
uttering anti-Latino jokes at push for them. These ran-
rallies and despite Trump’s coming in as fast and hot as is the Democratic Party, cho libertarians did what
promises to not only deport the Santa Ana winds: which took them for granted liberals said Latinos would
undocumented immigrants Machismo. Misogyny. Anti- for decades and has alien- do and conservatives long
but also to revoke birthright blackness. Self-hatred. ated them repeatedly dur- insisted was impossible:
citizenship — a privilege Straight-up stupidity. ing the Trump era. They assimilated.
more than a few rancho Aspirational whiteness. Democrats pushed Demonizing them will
libertarians are blessed We should criticize immigration reform and only harden their views.
with. Trump-loving Latino men ethnic solidarity as key Besides, where’s the disdain
CNN anchor Erin Bur- for their choice. But to pin planks in their Latino plat- among Harris supporters
nett described all of this on the return of Trump so form, even though surveys for white women, who have
Wednesday night as “an heavily on them excuses indicate that Latinos care sided with Trump in every
unprecedented shift in other guilty actors. more about economic issues election along with white
American politics.” Demo- Much is being made of and have become increas- men? Or for Arab Ameri-
cratic Sen. Chris Coons of the gender gap this year ingly hawkish on the border cans and others who
Delaware, speaking to the between Latina women — now that their families have shunned Harris because of
New York Times about the 60% supported Harris, established themselves in the Biden administration’s
Harris defeat, said: “There’s according to the CNN exit this country. The Demo- stance on Israel and Gaza?
a couple of groups in the poll — and Latino men, only cratic neglect of its tradi- Or for first-time voters,
United States, young men 38% of whom backed the Cindy Carcamo Los Angeles Times tional working-class base in moderates and all the other
and Latino voters, that just Democratic nominee. The JORGE RIVAS, who owns an eatery in Arizona, is favor of college-educated groups who were supposed
did not respond in a positive implication is that the wom- an immigrant and an ardent Trump supporter. and white-collar workers to go with Harris but didn’t?
way to our candidate and en fought the good fight to hasn’t helped, either. Nah, hating on Latino
our message and our save democracy, while the can presidential candidate. hombres who fell under the Then there was “Latinx,” men is easier. It’s been a
record.” pendejo men essentially Support for the Democratic Trump spell of a better an ungendered term pushed favorite sport of Americans
Screen grabs of the polls guaranteed its demise. candidate among Latinas economy and an end to by progressives and used in for centuries. We’ve been
I mentioned are filling my But that ignores an went from a 44-percentage- wokeness — it’s solipsistic the past by Harris and buffoons to them, criminals,
social media feeds, along overall shift in Latino sup- point advantage for Clinton señoritas as well. Biden. I have no issue with rapists — and now, traitors.
with an angry message: port for Trump. The Edison in 2016 to a 22-point advan- it, but nearly every nonpro- That last insult used to
Trump won, and it’s the exit poll indicated that 46% tage for Harris in CNN’s exit :: gressive straight Latino come from white suprema-
fault of Latino men. of Latinos supported poll — still sizable, but a male I know despises “Lat- cists. Now, liberals are
The explanations for this Trump, the highest number significant drop. The other big reason why inx.” throwing it around. That’s
new rightward lean are ever tracked for a Republi- So it’s not just hubristic Latino men went for Trump The term is such elector- progress, right?

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L AT I M E S . C O M S S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 B9

State plan Man held

to reduce in UC
maternal Berkeley
deaths is shooting
at issue incidents
[Deaths, from B1]
before they become preg-
nant. By Connor Sheets
In their Oct. 21 letter to
state Surgeon General Dr. Berkeley Police have ar-
Diana Ramos, the advocacy rested a 45-year-old San
groups said that the mater- Francisco man in connec-
nal health blueprint ac- tion with a recent series of
knowledged racial inequi- shooting incidents on the
ties in maternal mortality campus of UC Berkeley, offi-
rates, but didn’t “ground cials said.
these disparities in the evi- The man, whose name
dence showing systemic rac- was not released, was ar-
ism as the driving factor.” rested Friday morning at a
Asked for comment on private residence in San
the letter, the surgeon gener- Francisco on suspicion of
al’s office issued a statement multiple charges, including
saying it “is committed to assault on a person with a
working together with part- firearm and discharging a
ners across the state ... to im- firearm in a negligent man-
prove maternal health out- Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times ner.
comes, reduce maternal DANA SHERROD, executive director of California Coalition for Black Birth Justice, at its L.A. offices. Even The man was found with
mortality, and save the lives accounting for other factors, she said, “Black women still have worse outcomes” tied to maternal deaths. an arsenal of weaponry, in-
of California moms and cluding assault rifles, hand-
pregnant people.” other parts of the U.S., al- The groups said they sia, postpartum hemor- fornia is already facing “criti- guns and ammunition, ac-
Black women have suf- though maternal mortality knew of no research to back rhage and other major com- cal shortages in maternity cording to a Berkeley Police
fered a maternal mortality surged in recent years amid up “personal risk assess- plications than white wom- care” as labor and delivery Department media release.
rate more than three times the COVID-19 pandemic. ment” as a way to improve en, yet Black women who wards have closed, they Shortly after midnight on
that of white women in Cali- The state has been held up outcomes for birthing peo- had such complications pointed out. Oct. 26, police officers “re-
fornia, state data show. The as a model for its system of ple. Nor does the blueprint were two to three times more “It is already very difficult sponded to a series of gun-
U.S. Centers for Disease reviewing maternal deaths. clearly spell out the next likely to die of them than for many individuals to navi- fire incidents in the south
Control and Prevention has “If we keep on doing the steps or what will happen to white women with such con- gate the healthcare system campus area,” according to
faulted many factors, includ- same thing — just focusing the data, their letter argued. ditions. and to understand where to the Berkeley police state-
ing differences in health care on the healthcare team — Dana Sherrod, cofounder Even if “they’re a healthy go to receive the best care,” ment, which did not provide
and underlying chronic con- we’re going to get the same and executive director of the weight, they’re educated, Sherrod said, “and this po- any further detail about the
ditions as well as structural results,” Ramos said in Sep- California Coalition for they’re married — the things tentially further compli- nature or location of the inci-
racism and implicit bias. tember, explaining why the Black Birth Justice, said that are supposed to be pro- cates that.” dents, the shooter’s motiva-
Studies have shown dis- newly announced plan em- that “by omitting the men- tective — even when they do Coalition leaders are tion, or whether anyone was
parities exist even for Black phasized patients knowing tion of systemic racism, it is all of these things, we still are seeking a meeting with harmed.
women who are affluent, their risk level. “That’s why putting the blame back onto seeing poor outcomes,” Ramos and with First Part- Berkeley police said they
spurring maternal health re- we’re bringing in the pa- patients.” The only time the Sherrod said. ner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, identified the suspect
searchers to increasingly fo- tient.” phrase “systemic racism” The California plan also the wife of Gov. Gavin New- thanks to interviews with
cus on racial inequities in The Maternal Health appears in the blueprint is in calls for medical facilities to som, who joined Ramos in witnesses and a review of
healthcare, bias and Blueprint sets a goal of hav- reference to the findings of use an existing screening announcing the plan in Sep- surveillance video, along
discrimination experienced ing at least 50% of “repro- another state report. tool to gauge the risk levels of tember. with Shot Spotter and auto-
by patients, and the physical ductive age individuals” Sherrod said that even pregnant patients. Ramos’ office said in its mated license plate recogni-
effects of chronic stress from across the state complete a when accounting for other Ramos told The Times statement last month that tion technologies. The de-
enduring racism over time. questionnaire on their risk factors, “Black women still that such screening could since their initiative had partment did not immedi-
In an interview in Sep- of pregnancy complications have worse outcomes.” For help guide where patients go launched, “Dr. Diana Ramos ately respond to a request
tember, Ramos said Califor- by December 2026. instance, one analysis of ma- for births, ensuring that has met with several part- for comment.
nia had focused primarily on In the letter objecting to ternal deaths in California people at higher risk go to ners in the maternal health The UC Berkeley, San
“the healthcare setting” in the plan, the coalition of found that Black mothers the facilities that are best space and will continue to Francisco and East Bay Re-
its previous efforts to pre- groups said that calling for with the highest incomes equipped to support them. meet with others, including gional Parks police depart-
vent maternal deaths, help- people to fill out such a ques- had worse rates of preg- The coalition warned, members of the coalition, to ments, and the Berkeley and
ing it to achieve “the lowest tionnaire “gives the impres- nancy-related mortality however, that doing so could find opportunities to work San Francisco fire depart-
maternal mortality rate in sion of personal fault and/or than white mothers with the “further marginalize high- together.” ments, provided assistance,
the country.” that individual behavior is to lowest incomes. risk populations and divert A spokesperson for according to the Berkeley
As it stands, California blame, burdening the user A much earlier study resources from struggling Siebel Newsom said that her police statement.
has had a much lower rate of and discrediting the sys- found that Black women facilities while simulta- office was working to set up a The case remained under
deaths related to pregnancy, tem’s role in creating this didn’t have significantly neously overburdening meeting between her staff investigation Saturday
birth and its aftermath than crisis.” higher rates of preeclamp- higher-level facilities.” Cali- and the coalition. morning.

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B10 S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Another sunny day: Upper-level high pressure will hold again to promote dry, tranquil weather Sunday with Rain spreads east: Moisture will be drawn northeastward ahead of a
afternoon temperatures in many places a few degrees above average for the time of year. A weakening trough front bringing needed rain to western New York, western Pennsylvania,
to the southwest could send high clouds across the sky at times, but there will be more sun than clouds. A Ohio and Michigan. Rain will be heavy in West Virginia, southern Ohio
weakening front will move through late Monday night into Tuesday morning. and Kentucky, with soaking showers and storms to the south.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts
Today 76/50 77/49 69/49 62/27 81/54 Winnipeg
Partly sunny Partly sunny Partly sunny Partly sunny Hazy sunshine Seattle Montreal
Monday Mostly sunny 71/53 Mostly sunny 72/52 Partly sunny 66/53 Sunny 60/32 Sunny 82/53 56/49 50/43
Tuesday Sunny 72/51 Mostly sunny 75/48 Mostly sunny 70/51 Sunny; cool 51/29 Sunny 81/54 Billings Minneapolis Toronto
Wednesday Sunny 79/53 Sunny 78/53 Sunny 74/51 Warmer 64/32 Sunny 81/56 57/32 54/37 53/49
Thursday Clouds, sun 71/55 Clouds, sun 73/52 Clouds, sun 68/52 Clouds, sun 58/31 Sunny 82/57 61/50
Chicago New York
San Francisco 61/47 60/56
Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available 66/55
South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality 61/56
SANTA VENTURA CO. Santa Clarita Denver
BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 79/44 Hesperia 48/31 Kansas City
Santa Ojai 75/43 75/39 Los Angeles
Barbara 76/44 Simi Valley 76/50
Chatsworth SAN BERNARDINO CO. Atlanta
69/45 77/42 Burbank Monrovia
Ventura Camarillo 77/47 64/59
77/46 78/50
67/47 71/42 Yucca Valley El Paso
Pomona/ 71/42
UCLA 73/45
Westlake 72/48 L.A. Downtown Fairplex Ontario San Bernardino Houston
68/49 Woodland 76/50 79/47 81/48 84/62
Village 79/50 Chihuahua
Hills Whittier Miami
75/46 Chino 79/46
77/47 Monterrey 85/76
Santa Monica Hills 82/43 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO. 81/63
69/49 77/48 Fullerton 80/41
Surf and sea Torrance 77/47 U.S. cities
Inner waters: Wind light, becoming Long ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm SATURDAY’S EXTREMES AS OF 2 P.M. FOR THE 48 CONTIGUOUS STATES
northwest 5-10 knots in the after- Beach Newport Irvine 82/40 Springs High 89 in Punta Gorda, Fla. Low 2 in Manassa, Colo.
noon. Seas 2-3 feet. Swell west 2 74/48 75/46 81/54
feet at 5 seconds and south 2 feet at Beach
Mission Viejo
15 seconds. 67/49 Temecula Saturday* Today Saturday* Today
Laguna 75/47 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
Surf zone: The risk of strong rip 81/41
Beach San Albany 51 36 Tr 54 49 Pc Seattle 52 47 .07 56 49 R
currents is high at S.D. County, 67/49 Clemente Albuquerque 53 29 -- 54 34 Su Tampa 87 71 Tr 87 71 Pc
moderate at Orange and Ventura
70/48 SAN DIEGO CO. Anchorage 33 26 -- 35 26 Su Tucson 75 40 -- 81 51 Su
county beaches and low elsewhere. Aspen 35 26 .30 49 18 Su Tulsa 68 47 .25 69 45 Su
Atlanta 74 63 .01 64 59 Cy Washington, D.C. 60 51 -- 61 56 Sh
County Height Period Direction Temp Sun and moon 76/38 Austin 79 56 -- 85 55 Pc Wichita 60 42 .26 64 41 Su
Santa Barbara 1-2’ 5 sec W 61 Baltimore 59 47 -- 59 54 Sh
Today’s rise/set
Ventura 2-4’ 5 sec W 60 Escondido Ramona Boise 54 30 -- 54 41 Cy World
Los Angeles 1-3’ 6 sec W 61 Los Angeles Co. Orange Co. Ventura Co. 78/41 79/38 Boston 52 43 .01 58 53 Pc Acapulco 87 76 .06 87 75 Pc
Orange 2-4’ 15 sec S 62 Sun 6:21a/4:52p 6:20a/4:52p 6:26a/4:56p Bufalo 50 33 -- 55 51 R Amsterdam 46 38 .01 52 44 Cy
Moon 1:49p/12:17a 1:47p/12:16a 1:53p/12:21a Poway
San Diego 3-5’ 11 sec SSW 63 Burlington, Vt. 46 38 -- 54 46 Pc Athens 68 59 -- 64 50 Su
74/42 Charleston, S.C. 77 63 -- 78 68 Cy Bangkok 91 79 -- 92 77 Su
Charlotte 70 57 -- 61 56 Sh Barcelona 66 55 -- 69 53 Su
Tides San Diego Chicago 55 46 .07 61 47 W Berlin 55 37 -- 43 34 Pc
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. 71/48 Cincinnati 61 45 Tr 64 45 R Cabo San Lucas 82 56 -- 83 56 Su
Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 30 Dec. 8
Today 5:19a 4.6 Hi 10:51a 2.5 Lo Cleveland 56 41 -- 60 49 R Cairo 79 62 -- 75 62 Su
4:22p 4.6 Hi 11:03p 0.3 Lo Columbia, S.C. 74 63 -- 68 62 Cy Dubai 91 75 -- 93 77 Su
Mon. 5:43a 5.2 Hi 11:46a 1.5 Lo
Almanac Columbus 60 37 -- 62 46 R Dublin 54 50 .05 59 39 Cy
Saturday Downtown readings Dallas/Ft.Worth 72 50 .01 78 54 Su Havana 86 69 -- 87 73 Su
5:30p 4.7 Hi 11:41p 0.5 Lo Denver 38 32 .67 48 31 Su Ho Chi Minh City 91 77 .13 92 77 Ts
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura* Precipitation Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura* Detroit 56 37 -- 61 50 R Hong Kong 80 74 .16 83 75 R
UV index High/low 77/49 76/44 74/49 24-hour total (as of 2 p.m.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 El Paso 66 33 -- 71 42 Su Istanbul 63 52 -- 56 52 Cy
Minutes to burn for sensitive people Normal high/low 75/55 76/52 72/49 Season total (since Oct. 1) 0.00 0.01 0.08 Eugene 61 40 Tr 58 49 Sh Jerusalem 72 54 -- 70 55 Cy
High/low a year ago 79/51 81/47 77/56 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) Trace Trace 0.00 Fort Myers 87 72 -- 87 71 Pc Johannesburg 73 59 .19 73 58 Ts
Las Vegas, 45 Phoenix, 45
Record high/date 94/1956 97/2016 97/1956 Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 0.74 0.65 1.06 Hartford 56 37 Tr 60 51 Pc Kuala Lumpur 89 76 .48 87 76 R
Los Angeles, 45 San Francisco, 45 Record low/date 43/1886 43/2020 40/2020 Humidity (high/low) 79/17 62/28 39/15 Honolulu 86 73 .03 85 75 Sh Lima 71 62 -- 72 62 Pc
Houston 82 66 .03 84 62 Cy London 48 46 -- 55 46 Pc
California cities* Indianapolis 61 44 Tr 67 43 R Madrid 64 48 -- 66 46 Pc
Sat.* Today Mon. Sat.* Today Mon. Sat.* Today Mon. Jacksonville, Fla. 82 70 .33 82 67 Sh Mecca 96 71 -- 96 72 Hz
Kansas City 62 48 .75 62 42 Su Mexico City 79 50 -- 78 44 Pc
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Knoxville 73 53 -- 71 59 Ts Montreal 46 36 -- 50 43 Pc
Anaheim 76 46 -- 77 45 73 52 L.A. D’ntown/USC 77 50 -- 76 50 71 53 San Diego 75 48 -- 71 48 68 55 Las Vegas 68 45 -- 71 48 Pc Moscow 46 37 .08 41 29 Cy
Avalon/Catalina 70 59 -- 70 58 67 56 L.A. Int’l. Airport 71 50 -- 69 50 65 54 San Francisco 64 48 -- 66 55 63 49 Louisville 65 49 .03 68 49 R Mumbai 93 81 -- 96 73 Hz
Bakersfield 74 46 -- 74 47 74 49 Laguna Beach 68 50 -- 67 49 65 56 San Gabriel 77 51 -- 77 48 73 50 Medford 61 36 -- 61 46 Pc New Delhi 88 70 -- 86 67 Hz
Barstow 74 41 -- 74 45 77 46 Lancaster 73 30 -- 73 33 73 42 San Jose 73 46 -- 74 52 64 46 Memphis 66 59 .37 72 55 Ts Paris 59 48 .02 55 42 Cy
Big Bear Lake 59 23 -- 62 27 60 32 Long Beach 76 48 -- 74 48 72 53 San Luis Obispo 75 40 -- 73 43 65 48 Miami 85 77 .02 85 76 Ts Prague 46 28 -- 44 31 Hz
Bishop 66 30 -- 70 27 72 27 Mammoth Lakes 59 24 -- 58 26 51 17 Santa Ana 74 51 -- 73 50 71 54 Milwaukee 55 45 Tr 59 48 Cy Rome 68 55 .01 69 49 Pc
Burbank 76 47 -- 77 46 71 54 Mission Viejo 78 49 -- 75 47 70 52 Santa Barbara 68 46 -- 69 45 70 47 Minneapolis 53 39 .21 54 37 Sh Seoul 68 37 -- 68 44 Pc
Camarillo 73 44 -- 71 42 70 47 Monrovia 77 52 -- 78 50 72 50 Santa Clarita 79 43 -- 79 44 73 47 Nashville 64 50 .07 70 55 Ts Singapore 86 79 .27 89 78 Ts
Chatsworth 77 48 -- 77 47 71 51 Monterey 61 43 -- 65 47 62 47 Santa Monica Pier 71 49 -- 69 49 66 53 New Orleans 84 75 .03 81 71 R Taipei City 81 72 .06 78 71 R
Chino 81 41 -- 82 43 76 46 Mt. Wilson 64 44 -- 55 44 52 42 Santa Paula 76 47 -- 75 43 71 43 New York 54 43 -- 60 56 Pc Tokyo 63 50 .02 61 58 Sh
Compton 75 47 -- 75 48 71 53 Needles 74 47 -- 77 48 80 51 Santa Rosa 68 42 -- 70 52 60 40 Norfolk 61 58 Tr 71 64 Cy Vancouver 50 50 .62 56 50 Sh
Dana Point 69 51 -- 67 49 66 53 Newport Beach 69 48 -- 67 49 66 57 Simi Valley 77 44 -- 77 42 73 45 Oklahoma City 65 39 .09 68 44 Su Vienna 56 36 Tr 47 30 Pc
Death Valley 76 49 -- 79 56 83 60 Northridge 79 47 -- 78 47 73 54 Tahoe Valley 56 24 -- 57 28 48 15 Omaha 58 48 .13 57 40 Pc
Del Mar 71 48 -- 67 48 67 54 Oakland 68 46 -- 68 53 63 45 Temecula 79 41 -- 81 41 78 43 Orlando 84 72 .01 84 69 Pc Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Escondido 81 42 -- 78 41 74 46 Oceanside 80 38 -- 76 38 73 48 Thousand Oaks 75 46 -- 75 43 70 45 Philadelphia 57 43 -- 62 57 Cy foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz hazy Sh
Eureka 57 45 -- 64 50 58 45 Ojai 79 48 -- 76 44 72 45 Torrance 73 51 -- 69 51 66 56 Phoenix 76 48 -- 82 53 Su showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow; Sf
snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy; Tr
Fallbrook 79 42 -- 79 41 76 43 Ontario 79 50 -- 79 50 74 49 UCLA 71 48 -- 72 48 67 53 Pittsburgh 57 39 -- 57 49 R trace. Notes: National extremes exclude Alaska
Fresno 74 44 -- 74 46 71 47 Palm Springs 78 53 -- 81 54 82 53 Van Nuys 78 47 -- 79 48 73 54 Portland, Ore. 59 47 .01 57 51 R and Hawaii. * - data estimated.
Fullerton 76 47 -- 77 47 73 52 Pasadena 77 52 -- 76 50 71 49 Ventura 70 51 -- 67 47 66 51 Providence 52 41 Tr 58 51 Pc Saturday’s readings as of 2 p.m.
Hemet 78 40 -- 82 40 77 40 Paso Robles 76 32 -- 75 32 67 36 Whittier Hills 77 49 -- 77 48 73 51 Raleigh/Durham 67 50 -- 68 61 Cy
Hesperia 69 37 -- 74 44 72 37 Redding 68 38 -- 69 48 58 41 Woodland Hills 78 47 -- 77 47 72 53 Reno 67 28 -- 66 38 Pc
Huntington Beach 69 47 -- 67 48 65 54 Riverside 79 40 -- 80 41 76 42 Wrightwood 60 40 -- 63 44 62 39 Richmond 63 50 -- 66 59 Cy Forecasts by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2024
Idyllwild 64 42 -- 67 43 65 41 Sacramento 70 40 -- 71 49 62 42 Yorba Linda 78 45 -- 77 44 74 47 St. Louis 57 51 .33 67 44 Pc
Irvine 74 46 -- 75 46 71 54 San Bernardino 81 46 -- 81 48 75 45 Yosemite Valley 61 37 -- 67 35 58 27 Salt Lake City 55 32 Tr 60 40 Cy

2003 effort may be path

to saving MacArthur Park
[Lopez, from B1] It happened in 2003, park, and checked with
enforcement agencies and involving a police captain, a owners Norm Langer and
nonprofit saviors. civil rights attorney, a coun- Sandi Romero on neighbor-
Most recently, early in cilman, a deli owner and a hood developments, griev-
2022, the park reopened tamale maker, among oth- ances and strategies.
after a $1.5-million make- ers. And it all began after a “A lot of times I’d just go
over. brash East Coast trans- there and look out at the
Then-City Councilman plant named Bill Bratton park while I drank coffee or
Gil Cedillo called it “the became chief of the LAPD had a meeting with some-
frontyard and backyard of and couldn’t believe the body, and I’d relay back to
so many families” and state of MacArthur Park. the foot beats what I saw,”
proclaimed, “I am proud to Bratton grabbed a down- Beck said.
reopen MacArthur Park town L.A. captain named Romero, who hosted
Lakeside to make it clean, Charlie Beck, who would neighborhood meetings,
safe and secure.” succeed Bratton as chief in recruited local clergy to the
But in a recurrence of a 2009, and transferred him to cause and helped park
long-established cycle, in the Rampart Division in vendors threatened by gang
which the park is saved and Westlake — a division members, orchestrated Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times
then lost again, those im- rocked in the 1990s by one of weekend festivals that MACARTHUR PARK, once a source of municipal pride, is facing new levels of
provements didn’t hold. the biggest corruption included singers, dancers crime, gang activity, homelessness and drug use. Above, two men on a park bench.
Clean, safe and secure gave scandals in LAPD history. and puppet masters.
way to more homelessness, Beck asked Bratton if he “More families were Bratton on police reforms
crime and drug activity over had a particular agenda in beginning to use the park,” and monitored Beck’s ef-
the next year. mind, and the chief ’s re- Romero said. forts to clean up MacArthur
That was the case in the sponse was crystal clear: Gang members didn’t Park.
1980s, when Adolfo Nodal, “Clean up the f— park.” like what was happening, “You have to do the
who ran the Otis Art Insti- Beck had worked the she said, and occasionally whole megillah” when the
tute in Westlake, helped same neighborhood in the came by her cafe to make it crisis is as deep as it was,
organize public art projects, 1970s as a rookie, and be- known. Rice said, because no single
a town watch program and a came convinced years later “I just stood my ground strategy can be effective.
neighborhood council that as he rose through the ranks and said, ‘You guys need to You have to address “the
successfully lobbied the city that the LAPD needed to move your stuff somewhere entire ecosystem” of causes
for better lighting and other embrace a policing model else. This is going to be a and conditions.
services. centered on building com- family park again, and you And you have to keep at
“We populated the park munity partnerships. He can’t be here.’ ” it, especially in a city nota-
with families that wanted to walked the grounds at Mac- Ed Reyes, the City Coun- ble for its lack of follow-
be involved with positive Arthur Park, took notes, cil rep in Westlake at the through in addressing ma-
things,” says Nodal, whose and was convinced the park time, says nonprofit service jor problems and a neigh-
book “How the Arts Made A couldn’t be rescued “with groups such as Carecen and borhood largely made up Irfan Khan Los Angeles Times
Difference” documented the just muscle alone.” El Rescate were key in help- poor undocumented immi- CHARLIE BECK, who was then a police captain,
transformation. “The lighting was not ing address the underlying grants who struggle for was tasked with cleaning up the park in 2003.
But those gains were working,” Beck recalled. “All socioeconomic issues. He survival while trying to
erased by the rising crack the landscaping was gone. wanted to make sure not to avoid run-ins with law en- been taken by Councilmem- breathe in the air and have
epidemic that took root, The boathouse was a mess. simply push problems into forcement and gangs. ber Eunisses Hernandez some form of relief, and next
and once again, MacArthur The bandstand was new neighborhoods without Despite all the good work and others, but the suffering to them, you have people in
Park was lost to the people boarded up.” addressing root causes. that was done in 2003, Beck neighborhood needs a mas- a downward spiral — I
who needed it most. He reached out to the Reyes said his staff mem- eventually moved on, Rom- sive infusion of rehab serv- wanted him to see that,”
“No other place in Los recreation and parks de- bers and others “had to drill ero became ill and stepped ices, more medical interven- Reyes said.
Angeles thrummed with its partment, found a donor to down and go into depth,” away from the park project, tion, city and county col- I was thinking about that
subversive energy or la- pay for a surveillance cam- whether they were taking on and gradually, the troubles laboration and housing and idea during my stroll
bored under the weight of so era on a nearby building, neighborhood slumlords or returned. social services of every type, through the park, where a
much trauma,” Jesse Katz put up signs listing forbid- prevailing upon grand- Rice recently saw the along with the kind of law children’s playground has
wrote of MacArthur Park in den activities, stepped up mothers and parents to reel park and thought, “Oh, jeez, enforcement initiative been fenced off for months
his critically acclaimed book foot beats, cracked down on in sons who “were creating it looks even worse than launched by Beck in 2003. after being damaged in a
“The Rent Collectors,” the drug-dealing hot spots, all this havoc out there.” when we started out.” But But that doesn’t mean it fire.
which chronicles the neigh- recruited the U.S. Forest In less than a year, 35 lost she believes it can be res- can’t be done. It’s a sad scene that
borhood’s violent gang Service to trim trees, acres had been recovered cued again, with the right Reyes told me that when stands as a symbol of mu-
wars, shakedowns of ven- brought in gang interven- and turned back into a park. approach. he first met with Bratton in nicipal surrender.
dors, and the daily struggles tionists who joined in a Beck arranged for the lake “Anybody can lead it, but the park two decades ago, And it’s the place where
of a mostly Central Ameri- peace march around the to be stocked with fish and it takes a sustained effort,” he pointed out the drug Mayor Karen Bass, Coun-
can population that has park, and confiscated stolen invited neighborhood kids she said. dealers and people shooting cilmember Hernandez, and
lived for decades with both property, including shop- to a fishing derby. It might be harder today up, but also the families incoming LAPD Chief Jim
hope and despair. ping carts, and stored it in “The LAPD led a trans- than it was in 2003, given the throwing down blankets on McDonnell should meet,
But there is, in one of the the abandoned boathouse. formation of MacArthur fentanyl epidemic, which the lawn. learn from what’s worked in
many reclamation projects Beck began making Park from a crime bazaar has turned the park and its “This contrast, this the past, and craft a plan
of years past, a possible regular visits to Langer’s into a picnic site,” said Con- environs into an outdoor conflict, this clash of lives that works for today.
blueprint for how to lift up Deli and Mama’s Tamales, nie Rice, a civil rights attor- museum of overdose hor- where you have young work-
the park again. which had windows on the ney who partnered with rors. Some small steps have ing families just trying to [email protected]
L2 SU N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

Robert Hanashiro For The Times

Slow down to understand L.A.


H E M O R N I N G I M E E T Michael Schneider at a
quaint coffee shop in Glendale, it quickly becomes clear
that he walked here. His sneakers are the first clue —
worn, white Nike trainers smudged with dirt. It’s unchar-
acteristically warm out this morning and his sweat-
speckled forehead offers the second clue. His lean, exer-
cised frame cinches my suspicion. ¶ “I’ve probably
walked more than 10,000 steps already today,” he tells me proudly,
checking the health data on his phone to be sure — and it’s only 10:30
a.m. ¶ In a city built for cars, Schneider is committed to exploring the
city on foot, often heading out from his Adams Hill home at 11 p.m., in
the dark, to get his steps in after the day’s work is done. In fact, over the
last two decades, Schneider, 51, has traversed the length of Los Angeles
on foot 18 times, covering nearly 300 miles in all during those journeys.
But he didn’t do it alone.

Schneider is the founder of

the Great Los Angeles Walk, an
annual citywide event he
started in 2006 to mark his 10th
anniversary of moving to the
city from Chicago. What began
as a DIY, mobile celebration of
L.A. — with just his wife, a hand-
ful of friends and several dozen have ranged from stroller-
readers of his blog, Franklin bound babies to residents in
Avenue — has morphed into a their late 80s. Attendees arrive
local tradition, drawing up to alone or with a community Michael Schneider
500 participants every Novem- group. Since 2017, long-distance
ber on the Saturday before swimmer Diana Nyad has come Arts Center on Washington GREAT LOS ANGE-
Thanksgiving. Each walk spans with members of her EverWalk Boulevard and Magic Johnson LES WALK founder
the length of an iconic L.A. nonprofit, which encourages appeared in the window to cheer Michael Schneider in
boulevard, trekking about 14 to walking for health and human them on. Two years earlier, on Glendale, top, and with
16 miles and stopping along the connection. Walkers have trav- Pico Boulevard, a crane holding long-distance swim-
way to explore its sun-scorched eled from as far as Amsterdam a billboard toppled over and mer Diana Nyad at
sidewalks and faded public and Japan to join the festivities; chaos ensued. 2023’s walk.
murals, its high-end furniture one man journeys from Santa “Traffic stopped, police were
boutiques, cheap motels and Fe, N.M., every year to participa- everywhere, no one could get
historic churches, its food carts te — barefoot. He’s become part through,” Schneider recalls.
piled high with fresh fruit and its of the colorful fabric of the event. “But here we were, just walking
buzzing freeway overpasses — “I always run into him about on by.” Shrine Auditorium or the Ex-
from below. midway through the walk,” Schneider doesn’t make any position Park Rose Garden,
CODE to read our
The very first Great Walk, Schneider says. “He’s got his money off of the Great Walk; it’s where there’s typically a guest
full coverage of
inspired by journalist Kevin camera and he’s barefoot. free to participants and he speaker giving a pep talk. Rod-
L.A.’s walking
Roderick’s 2005 book, “Wilshire That’s just what he does.” doesn’t pay to advertise the erick and Nyad have taken the
Boulevard: Grand Concourse of The Great Walk has been event. In recent years, there megaphone, as have performer-
Los Angeles,” had participants covered by local blogs, television have been sponsors, including urban explorer Charles Phoenix
hoofing the entire 15-plus miles stations and newspapers, in- The Times, who might give him and journalist-historic preser-
of Wilshire, from downtown L.A. cluding The Times. But less has free ads, say, or pass out water in vationist Chris Nichols. And
to the ocean. The only market- been written about Schneider exchange for a mention on the there’s always an “afterparty” at
ing Schneider did for the event himself, who has amassed brat” kid growing up, moving blog. a venue near the finish line.
was a simple blog post announc- nearly 20 years’ worth of looky- with his family between the “But there’s no business This year’s walk will pay
ing the trek. About 40 people loo knowledge while strolling Philippines, Oklahoma and model,” Schneider says. “We’re homage to Schneider’s family.
attended. through the peaks and valleys of Hawaii, when he began obses- not an official organization. This He has one son at UCLA and a
“It was almost a lark,” says the city. sively accumulating informa- is just a grassroots group of nephew at USC. So the walk will
Schneider, the television editor Sitting at the coffee shop, tion about the television busi- people getting together to walk.” start downtown at the Los
at trade publication Variety. “I Schneider looks every bit the ness. Nineteen years of crisscross- Angeles Memorial Coliseum in
had no idea how many people suburban dad. He wears a trim “I was that kid, at 7, who ing L.A. on foot has given Exposition Park near USC’s
would show up.” salt-and-pepper goatee and a knew who Ted Turner was,” Schneider a rare, bird’s-eye- campus and end on UCLA’s
The second walk, which drew zip-up hoodie, and takes every Schneider says, chuckling. “I view of the city, from a boots-on- campus at the Bruin Statue.
100 people, took place on Pico opportunity to boast about his collected TV Guides from what- the-ground perspective. And Between those points, the 14.2-
Boulevard, inspired by Times two sons, 19 and 15, who have ever city we’d travel through on he’s had to alter the walk as the mile trek will traverse parts of
food critic Jonathan Gold, who joined the walk nearly every year vacation.” city around it has morphed. Vermont Avenue, Washington
famously ate his way down the of their lives. His eldest first After college at Northwest- “In recent years, obviously, Boulevard, Culver Boulevard,
street in his early 20s. Gold took part at age 1½ and his ern and a year working between there’s been a lot more Overland Avenue, Pico Boule-
emailed Schneider food-stop youngest at 3 months old. Chicago and Washington, D.C., homelessness on the streets, vard and Westwood Boulevard.
recommendations at the time. But Schneider’s normcore Schneider moved to L.A. in 1996 along with more trash,” he says. “It just so happens, in recent
The event has since tackled exterior belies an undercurrent with the TV trade publication “So I’ve been mindful of trying to years, that Saturday before
Santa Monica Boulevard, Bev- of intensity: There’s a particular, Electronic Media. In ’99, he choose streets where it’s less of Thanksgiving is the day of the
erly Boulevard, Melrose Avenue, obsessive mindset required to landed a job as a reporter at an issue.” USC-UCLA game,” Schneider
Sunset Boulevard and Holly- conceive of and execute such an Variety and met his wife, Maria. The city’s construction boom says. “I was like: OK, this is too
wood Boulevard, among many ambitious public expedition He wasn’t much of an exerciser, also has been particularly no- good. We have to do it.”
others. every year over two decades. but she liked to walk. Their early ticeable, he says. Where will the Great Walk
On top of being a terrific (The Great Walk even contin- dates were spent exploring the “Just the amount of change take place next year, for its
pre-holiday workout, the Great ued during the pandemic.) Not city on foot, including taking that we’ve seen in recent years milestone 20th anniversary?
Walk debunks the ever-persist- to mention chronicling those Los Angeles Conservancy walk- in development — that’s a pos- “Back to Wilshire,” Schnei-
ent beliefs that L.A. is not a journeys in detailed blog posts, ing tours downtown and hiking itive. More housing, more build- der says without pause. “It’s
walking city and that its phys- which are meticulously archived in Griffith Park. Schneider fell in ings. But it’s also sad when you gonna have to be the OG.”
ical sprawl impedes the ability online. It requires a passion for love with L.A. history and found walk by and that historic build- While the Great L.A. Walk
to build community. Scores of cities, urban history and, per- that walking its concrete ing, like the Ambassador may be associated with exercise,
individuals have met during the haps, cartography; an affinity stretches helped him feel more [Hotel], is no longer there — Schnieder repeatedly reminds
Great Walk, including West- for architecture and urban rooted in the city. that’s a negative,” he says. participants that the goal is to
wood residents Cat and Steve design; a love of community; “When I first came to L.A., Schneider kicks off each go slow.
Whalen, who ended up getting and a knack for numbers. Dur- I was like: Where is the core?” he Great Walk at a landmark, such “It’s about taking your time,”
married in 2023. They still do the ing our interview, Schneider says. “I didn’t understand why as Walt Disney Concert Hall, the he says. “Go into a store you’ve
walk every year. repeatedly referred to stats people didn’t know where to never seen, take the time to look
“I remember bonding over from his Noom weight-loss app, congregate. Now I get it. It’s all at a sculpture, stop at that
the architecture of this old his cornflower blue eyes glim- these different cores.” church. The key is to feel like
Public Storage facility,” Cat mering as he spoke of caloric Schneider also has collected you’ve learned more about Los
Whalen said of meeting her intake versus exercise expendi- handfuls of odd, serendipitous Angeles. I still learn things. I still
husband in 2016. “It’s an event ture in steps and miles. moments from the Great Walk. see things I’ve never seen be-
that combines our love of walk- In sum, he’s a collector. Of The event has passed weddings fore.”
ing and urban landscapes and miles and health stats, of vinyl in progress, film crews shooting, When our conversation ends,
architecture — and, of course, records, of books about L.A. — even buildings on fire. Once, in Schneider does what he’s al-
there’s the social component.” and of people. He first devel- 2009, the group streamed past ways done. He heads out the
Over the years, participants oped the habit as an “Air Force the Nate Holden Performing door and starts walking.
L AT I M E S . C O M S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 L3

Get your steps as you

make new friends
Moore lives in Hollywood,
Achilles International but she tries to schedule walks
Los Angeles of three miles or less all over,
Achilles International was including Descanso Gardens,
established in 1983 “to trans- the Santa Monica Pier, even the
form the lives of people with giant Ikea in Burbank. “You can
disabilities through athletic easily get 4,000 steps there,” she
programs and social connec- said. “It’s a great place to walk if
tion,” according to its website. it’s raining or really hot. You just
Today it has programs in 18 follow the arrows.”
countries, including the United At the end of a walk, the
States. Its L.A. chapter creates group tries to find a place to eat
opportunities for people with and do a little more socializing.
physical and mental disabilities Moore said she’d like to offer
to participate in running, walk- more frequent walks, and hopes
ing and other athletic events other members will suggest
with the help of nondisabled places to go. “We try to keep it
volunteers, or “guides.” fun and scenic, but the conver-
Athletes range from “people sation and making friends is as
with autism and no physical important as the walking,” she
disabilities to people who are LONG BEACH WALKING CLUB said. “We all need to be included
blind or amputees,” said Chris- and not left behind. I don’t like
tina Swanson, who was inspired Emerald Ouch that feeling, and I don’t think
to run the L.A. Marathon after anybody else does either.”
watching a blind woman guided l meetup.com/slow-walkers
by volunteers complete the race URBAN WALKING CLUBS IN L.A. COMBINE SCENIC EXERCISE -club
in 2019. Swanson became a
volunteer guide herself that WITH MEETING OTHERS — AT YOUR OWN PACE SoCal LGBTQ+ Explorers
year and in 2020 became the Los Angeleno Laura Murillo and a
Angeles chapter’s president. BY J E A N E T T E M A RA N TO S friend joined a walking group in
The L.A. chapter hosts Orange County in 2021, intent on
walks the first Sunday of every doing some exploring while
month at 10 a.m. at Dorothy meeting new people. They made
Green Park in Santa Monica several new friends, she said,

and is starting a second A L K I N G I S C O N S I D E R E D one of the healthiest ways to exercise, but let’s be hon- but every time they invited
monthly walk in the South Bay est: Unless you have a dog dragging you to the door or a friend pulling your arm, it’s easy them to visit them in East Holly-
area, with times and days TBA. to find reasons to stay on the couch. Especially in a place like L.A., where cars typically wood, “We couldn’t get anyone
The chapter had only a few take us from point A to point B. ¶ These 10 walking clubs won’t help you get a dog, but willing to make the drive to
athletes and guides when they can give you a compelling reason to get up and out. They’re as much about exercise L.A.,” she said, laughing. So in
Swanson first got involved, but as they are about socializing and exploring. ¶ Here in L.A. there are groups for almost March 2022, the two decided to
today about 50 people — ath- every interest and skill level, and almost all the clubs are free. Some, like the SoCal Stair start a walking group closer to
letes and guides — show up for Climbers, average a brisk 2.5 miles an hour as they explore L.A.’s myriad stair walks. Others, like the Slow home, dedicated to helping
walks every month, she said. Walkers Club, let the slowest participant set the pace, and sometimes help them finish a route. Achilles Inter- others in L.A.’s LGBTQ+ com-
(Swanson said several of her national Los Angeles provides guides to help people with disabilities get moving, while Long Beach Walking munity meet new people and
friends have signed up as Club aims to create safety in numbers. ¶ All the groups share a similar, overarching goal: to help people make make friends while exploring
guides since she got involved.) connections while moving. ¶ “It’s easier to get out when you’re in a setting of like-minded individuals,” said the Greater L.A. area.
After training and a back- Laura Murillo, founder of SoCal LGBTQ+ Explorers. “Our little catchphrase is: ‘Making friends as an adult is The SoCal LGBTQ+ Explor-
ground check, volunteer guides hard, exploring SoCal is easy!’” ers is open to all in the
are paired with athletes. Typi- LGBTQ+ community, includ-
cally, a walk involves warm-up ing allies. Most events center
stretches before people tackle around weekly or monthly
the three-mile trail starting at urban walks in Griffith Park and
Dorothy Green Park, although female. The goal: Encourage members are encouraged to Pasadena, with other activities
some athletes may walk longer people to start walking, have fun network and set up extra walks such as walks to pick up trash in
routes. What the guides do also and stop stressing. with others in the club. Avila did Fullerton’s Coyote Hills, kay-
varies: “Some blind athletes l hotgirlwalk.com all the work herself for the first aking trips, museum visits and
just need someone to be their nine months but now has nine dinner or lunch after certain
eyes and keep them from walk- Long Beach Walking Club “ambassadors” who help with walks. “It’s easier to meet peo-
ing off the path; others might Long Beach native Evelyn Avila organizing, and the club is ap- ple when you’re in a setting of
need two guides to make sure was looking for a safe way to plying for nonprofit status. like-minded individuals,”
they stay safe,” Swanson said. meet and make friends with “This is my passion, my hobby,” Murillo said. “It’s not a dating
Guides are encouraged to other women when she started she said. “Our members are thing; there’s no pressure. It’s
converse as much as possible take daily mindful the Long Beach Walking Club in glad to have this space just for just people getting together to
with their athletes and, if pos- walks focusing on April 2023. “I started my fitness women, because [spaces exclu- go for a walk and make friends
sible, train with them on other gratitude, goals and journey around the same time. sively for women] really don’t in the LGBTQ community.”
days at locations convenient to their self-worth, be- I didn’t know how to work out or exist. This club really helps me l meetup.com/socal-lgbtq
both. “A lot of our blind athletes cause those are the things that lift weights, so I just started help them.” -explorers
can’t drive, so it’s sometimes a really make you hot. walking,” she said. “I saw walk- l instagram.com/longbeach
big lift for them to get to Santa “When I walk, I think about ing clubs popping up every- walkingclub SoCal Stair Climbers
Monica or the South Bay,” she how grateful I am for the people where, and I thought Long Dan Gutierrez spent years
said. “If our volunteers can who love me, and how proud Beach would be amazing be- Slow Walkers Club biking and mountain hiking
meet with them someplace else, I am about what I’ve achieved cause it’s such a diverse envi- Lisa Moore likes to walk, despite until he found out about stair
it helps them out.” and all my new goals. ... And ronment.” The group now has “very bad knees,” but when she walks. His first, on the 265-step
l achillesinternational.org that’s how I get to how hot 18,000 followers on Instagram joined a few walking clubs, she Esther’s Steps in Silver Lake
I am,” Lind, 25, said laughing. and 2,000 “engaged” followers got tired of being left in the dust. (a.k.a. Landa Street Stairs),
The idea resonated with her who regularly sign up for events. “I just couldn’t keep up with the was a revelation. “I was in pretty
Culver City EverWalk sorority sisters, who urged her Avila, a 31-year-old social people on those walks. People good shape and kind of jogged
Walking Club to post it online. It met with media manager, lived down- would tear out and leave me up the first 92 steps, until I got
When, in 2016, long-distance enough interest (and sponsors) town at the time, so having behind, so I was just walking to the top and realized, ‘Oh no,
swimmer Diana Nyad and her worldwide that Lind quit her walking buddies provided some alone.” Moore started her own there’s more!’ That stairway
friend and coach Bonnie Stoll day job in September 2023, and safety in numbers too, she said. group in February with a name beat the crap out of me. But I
organized the first EverWalk now travels the country and the “I love walking to the beach and that made her intent very clear: also realized stairways are great
event — a 135-mile trek from world promoting healthy living the shoreline, but it’s not the the Slow Walkers Club. interval training.”
Santa Monica to San Diego over and self-worth through walking. safest option to walk alone.” More than 300 people have Since then, Gutierrez, a
seven days — Culver City resi- (Her pop-up walk in London on The club offers easy walks at signed up, but the monthly satellite systems engineer, has
dent Laura Petersen “signed up Oct. 19 drew 400 people.) least once a week, along with walks usually involve small made it his mission to catalog
and completed the walk (much She’s trademarked the name other activities, such as recent groups, “and the only rule is we every stairway in Greater L.A.,
to my surprise!),” she said in an Hot Girl Walk and has started classes about mental health and let the slowest person set the including those near his home
email. “That’s when I seriously groups that meet regularly in self-defense. There are also pace,” Moore said. “When we did in Long Beach. He has kept a
caught the walking bug!” And L.A., New York and Miami as social gatherings at local restau- the Silver Lake Reservoir walk, record of every walk he’s done
when Nyad and Stoll called on well as pop-up walks in other rants or parks and community one woman had very bad ankle since his first excursion on Dec.
volunteers to lead walks in their cities; one in Boston drew 800 service opportunities such as pain and there was one steep 14, 2013, when the group began.
communities, Petersen stepped people in July. There are no food drives and toy drives. Club hill, so we just basically helped The Stair Climbers is a free
up once again, starting the membership rules or fees; any- walks last about an hour, Avila her get up that hill. It was hard group that now features multi-
Culver City EverWalk Walking one is welcome to join the said, adding: “These are lei- for her, but she did it. That’s the ple walks every month. One of
Club in 2018. monthly Hot Girl Walk in L.A., surely, flat, paved walks that are kind of stuff I like doing, making his most popular is his Painted
Since then, except for about she said, although “Hot Girl more about socializing.” sure everybody is included to go Stairways Tour, which involves
a year during the COVID-19 Walkers” are predominantly Membership is free, and as far as they can go.” 14 painted stairways over 6.4
pandemic, she has led walks miles around the Silver Lake
once a month, following differ- area. The shorter excursions are
ent routes of about three miles. after-work walks of five to six
When she resumed the walks in miles on Tuesdays and Thurs-
2021, she decided to always start days led by Gutierrez in the
at Coombs Park in Culver City, Long Beach area, or Thursdays
usually the first Saturday of in Santa Monica’s Rustic Can-
every month from 9 to 10 a.m., yon, led by members Dave and
“to make it something people Kristy Moorman.
could count on.” Her co-leader Gutierrez also organizes
and husband, Peter, joins the longer walks of eight to 15 miles
walks each month to help en- on weekends, and at least once a
sure everyone is included. year offers the 305-mile, 808-
“We cater to all kinds of stairway L.A. Loop, which he
walkers, which is sometimes SCAN THIS QR breaks up into 15 segments over
tricky if we have some people CODE for more many weekends. On longer
walking faster or slower than friendly local walks, he insists that partici-
others,” Petersen wrote. “Pe- walking groups. pants take an hour break mid-
ter’s taller and faster, so he’s way to rest and eat a meal. He
usually up front, whereas HOT GIRL WALK designs stops to be near places
I usually stay with the slower that offer restaurant options, he
walkers, kind of like a mother Cole Nelson said. “That’s one of the virtues
hen, to make sure I can see all of urban walks — you don’t have
my chicks ahead of me.” SLOW WALKERS CLUB to carry all your food.”
Membership is free, and Gutierrez likes to keep his
while the focus of EverWalk is to walking “brisk,” averaging 2.5
get people moving, these walks miles a hour, but he also stops
are also a great way to make frequently to offer mini lessons
new friends. “It’s so much easier in history and architecture,
to chat with people you’ve just which is how he gives people a
met when you’re on the move, chance to catch their breath.
walking side by side,” she said. The motto of the club, after all,
“I love when we get to the end of is “Enjoyment, Exercise and
a walk and I hear people say, Exploration,” so Gutierrez has
‘The time just flew by!’ ” found a balance. “I’ve found if
l facebook.com/groups/ you walk faster and then rest, it
531658523913195 helps people become faster
walkers, so I’m kind of training
Hot Girl Walk them in a gentle, hidden way.”
Mia Lind was a 22-year-old l socalstairclimbers.com
communications major and
sorority president at USC try-
ing to combat stress and anxi-
ety when her motivational post
about “hot girl walks” went viral
on TikTok in January 2021. The
idea is that women should stop
obsessing about intense work-
outs to get skinny and instead
Slow Walkers Club
L AT I M E S . C O M S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 L5

Photographs by Deborah Vankin Los Angeles Times

Familiarity breeds content


E L L O , O L D F R I E N D. ” ¶ That’s the phrase that
popped into my head at the start of my favorite walk
recently. It was a warm October evening and the swaths
of black mustard weed on the trail had completely dried
up, leaving the towering stalks spindly and bare. Some
were more than 8 feet high. They lined the path as it
curved to the right, swaying and rustling in the breeze,
like an overeager welcoming committee. ¶ It had been several months
since I’d returned to this trail, which is highly unusual for me. This on the East Coast in the inner
5.4-mile trek in Griffith Park is a staple of my life in L.A. To date, I’ve city, where my closest natural
traversed it about 400 times, at nearly every time of day, in every sea- respite was a patch of grass
son, snaking my way up the hillside as it’s bathed in golden hour sun- beside a fire hydrant. How did
light, ensconced in early morning fog and even lit up under a full moon. I end up here, in what often feels
But recently I’d been traveling, and then healing a gym injury, and I like the Wild West, traveling on
hadn’t been able to make it for a while. ¶ Returning to the trail, with its this rustic dirt trail — and in a
soothing chorus of crickets, velvety laurel sumac shrubs and feathery hiking vest?! The contrast
wild grasses, something inside me loosened. between past and present feels
so pronounced in those times.
If you had told my 20-some- feet. I completely unfurl, my spaces to unleash unbridled joy DEBORAH VANKIN , And yet, I feel more at home
thing self that my happy place senses becoming more acute from new romance, exciting above, appreciates the here, on this trail, than almost
would come to be a quiet trail in with every quarter-mile. I play a career turns and those same magnificent views she anywhere else.
the urban-adjacent wilderness, little game isolating scents in family members’ health and gets on her 5.4-mile, Recently, I found myself
I wouldn’t have believed it. I’m a patches of wind, flaring my recovery. I’ve talked to myself on urban-adjacent Grif- exploring the trail in a new way:
city girl through and through. nostrils and parting my lips the trail, laughed out loud and fith Park trek. Walking in a hulking SUV. I’d called up
I grew up in Center City, Phila- slightly, as if wine tasting. I pass sung — poorly but proudly — in nature offers her Griffith Park ranger Sean
delphia, and spent my first few through fragrant California into those magnificent voids. numerous benefits. Kleckner with the desire to see
decades in Los Angeles covering sagebrush and wild fennel in The shifts in my internal land- my trail through the eyes of an
arts and culture, food and one spot, a blend of sweet pea, scape, mirrored in the cyclical expert. “Those, over there, are
nightlife — it was all gallery lilac and kicked-up dirt in an- qualities of the natural world, actually castor bean stalks,”
openings and red carpets, open other. I want to fall to the bring solace. At least until Kleckner said as we zoomed
bars and kitten heels through- ground and eat the trail in those I have to sit in L.A. traffic on the te’s View to Mount Hollywood — past. With every bit of trivia
out the early aughts. Now? My moments. way home! comes from my knowing it so I learned, the walk I thought
favorite fashion accessory is … a The trail’s narrow dirt corri- I’ve long been aware of the intimately. To know that after I knew well surprised me, like a
hiking headlamp. But we morph dors have held me through so science around the benefits of heavy January rains, inevitably longtime acquaintance shed-
in unexpected ways, like the many difficult times. Within walking in nature. It lowers there will be a deep, V-shaped ding their persona, revealing
natural landscape around us, their embrace, alone on the cortisol levels, reduces blood rut along the center of the trail- unexpected sides of themselves.
contracting and expanding, switchbacks overlooking the pressure and has been linked to head, like a voracious alien The late celebrity mountain
cracking in places, melting in city, it was safe to let go. I walked a decreased risk of chronic mouth; or that in late May the lion P-22 hung out on this trail
others and ultimately sprouting through that pronounced disease, studies show; it can mustard weed will be so wildly at night, Kleckner said. He was
with new life. heartbreak until the only thing regulate sleep-wake cycles, overgrown and bushy that it will captured on Ring doorbell video
I found my walk during the left that hurt were my feet. I’ve improving the quality of our completely swallow up the hunting for food in trash bins by
early days of the pandemic — a walked through periods of shut-eye; and, as our sensory trailhead sign, post and all; or the homes near the trailhead.
friend introduced us during a professional self-doubt and the and motor skills become acti- that for a brief window in late I thought back nervously to the
socially distanced get-together. uncertainty of aging parents vated in nature, it boosts our October-early November, two many night hikes I’d taken
I’d been into hiking, generally, undergoing surgeries. I walked mood and decreases negative pink silk floss trees will bloom there. The walk was edgier than
for a while but nothing extreme. until my emotional field of vi- thought cycles. the color of bubble gum just I’d thought.
During that period of isolation, sion was mercifully more nar- But walking the same path, below the Vista Del Valle look- Countless car commercials
however, when my workdays row: One more step, one more repeatedly, may punch up some out point. were filmed at the Vista Del
were shorter and my social life breath, that’s all I had to worry of those benefits, says my friend I once met a red-tailed hawk Valle lookout point, a helicopter
was on pause, I did the hike about. Florence Williams, a science while doing yoga atop a rocky landing pad about midway
three, four times a week after Shortly after both of my cats writer and author of “The Na- peak during my walk. I was in through my walk with sweeping
work, and twice most weekends died unexpectedly, I could ture Fix: Why Nature Makes Us full triangle pose with nothing views of the city. It was glamor-
— almost every week from late barely tolerate the stillness in Happier, Healthier, and More but blue sky in all directions and ous too.
2020 through the end of 2021. my apartment. One afternoon Creative.” the loud whooshing wind. My The slippery shale and de-
That’s about 300 times right the grief overwhelmed me. “If you’re walking the same feathered friend appeared right composed granite at the steep
there. It was a way to burn off I raced out the door and sped to terrain over and over again, in front of me, hovering at eye top of Hogback Trail make it the
stress during that difficult the trail — I couldn’t get there you’re taking away some of the level, wings spread. It looked site of more hiker rescues (often
period and, frankly, to fill the fast enough — and as soon as distractions of the novelty ef- into my eyes, then soared off. by helicopter) than almost any
hours I’d otherwise be spending I set foot on the path, under a fect, yet there’s still enough Once, coming down the other spot in the park, Kleckner
solo at home, on the heels of a canopy of Coast Live Oaks, my [beauty] to be comforting,” she hillside, I was stopped by a said. Apparently it also was
breakup. chest opened up and my breath- says. “Eventually you become family of coyotes slinking across dangerous.
Eventually, that difficult ing steadied. It was like a lifesav- more receptive to the subtle the trail. I waited with several I considered all of this as
time passed, restrictions eased, ing burst of oxygen. changes around you. Your prob- other hikers before progressing, I rounded the first switchback
dinner parties began populat- But the hilltops and open lems may feel smaller. It gives only to be stopped at the next recently for the umpteenth
ing my calendar, I started dat- canyons also have provided you perspective that there is switchback by an angry rattle- time. The scene was so familiar:
ing again. But even as my life this magical world outside of snake, mid-trail, tail in the air. the sour scent of the scrub
bounced back, I’ve returned to yourself.” Only weeks earlier I’d run into a brush and palms, the hillside
this trail again and again. There may be more exciting tarantula on the trail’s edge homes glowing at dusk, the old
I mostly do the hike alone — trails in L.A. with, say, the Holly- clutching a still-living insect in burn in my calves.
it’s become a sort of meditation wood sign or a waterfall at the its long furry arms — several And yet, this time the walk
practice, a way to return to my end. But the magic of my walk hikers were hovering over it, felt novel.
body and connect to the mo- — stretches of different trails, snapping photos with papa- We were, it turns out, still
ment. I don’t listen to music or patchworked together, leading razzi-like fervor. getting to know one another.
podcasts; I just zone out to the from Cadman Drive to Coolidge In those moments I feel so far “Hello, new friend,” I
crunching of gravel beneath my Trail to Hogback Trail to Dan- from home — my original home, thought. “It’s nice to meet you.”
L6 S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 WSCE L AT I M E S . C O M

11 essential
walks to visit
the best of L.A.

O S A N G E L E S I S K N OW N as a city where the car comes first, but
anyone who lives here knows that’s not the whole story. Though we might
not necessarily walk for transportation, we thread it into our lives regard-
less. We wake up in the dark of the early morning to get our steps in around
the Silver Lake Reservoir or Inglewood’s SoFi stadium. We meet friends for
late-afternoon strolls along the L.A. River or the Pacific Ocean. To feel like
tourists in our own town, we might amble down Hollywood Boulevard and
catch a movie at the iconic TCL Chinese Theater or join the livestreaming
throngs on the Venice Boardwalk. ¶ Our city is awash in culture and his-
tory, and there is no better way to experience it than by getting out of the car and onto the
streets. With our feet on the ground, we get to know a neighborhood not just as a GPS
point but as a living, breathing urban ecosystem with distinct sounds, smells and vibes —
a unique tile in the rich mosaic that is L.A. ¶ To help you on your way, I’ve assembled this
guide of 11 walks for the curious and open-minded L.A. explorer. Some will take you past
manicured lawns brimming with roses and bordered by white picket fences; on others, you
may pass a stately old home with a massive hole in its roof and debris in the front yard.
Both have a story to tell. No matter where you live, you cannot avoid the poverty of L.A.’s
large unhoused community, and on some of these walks, you’ll encounter that too.

Each of these journeys farmers market Thurs- backdrop. Even catching

is less than three miles. days from 3 to 7:30 p.m. a whiff of the area’s many
They are definitively and the annual Bob perfumes serves as a kind
walks, not hikes. Almost Baker Day marionette of olfactory adventure.
all of them will take you festival in April. Meander I walked down Rodeo to
along sidewalks or paths, around its gentle curving Wilshire Boulevard, then
and parking should not paths, walking over small turned around and
be a problem. (I fully wooden bridges and walked back up.
expect you will drive to taking in a scenic view of A few tips: The bath-
most of these destina- the downtown skyline, or rooms on the second floor
tions. This is L.A., after cross the street to get a of Two Rodeo Drive are
all). The inspiration for beer at Highland Park very nice (and also smell
many of these routes Brewery. When you’re great). If you’re hungry,
came from longtime done, you can either I can recommend the
locals overflowing with retrace your steps or take sandwich shop Lorenzo
neighborhood pride. the Gold Line to the California on Santa Moni-
They may not all be pic- Historic Broadway Sta- ca Boulevard for delicious
ture-perfect, but they are tion. You’ll be right back (although pricey) sand-
all interesting, and collec- where you started! wiches. And don’t even
tively they display the l 317 S. Broadway, Los bother looking for street
diversity and vigor of our Angeles parking: Most of the
endlessly sprawling city. Length: 1.9 miles one way many public lots are free
for the first two hours.
Stroll (and eat) Embrace your l 1300 Park Way, Beverly L.A. STATE Historic ties you’re hoping to spot,
Hills Park downtown, top; they walk this path year-
your way through inner tourist on Length: 1.4 miles round.
Venice canals, above
downtown L.A. Rodeo Drive left; SoFi Stadium’s Because this walk is a
This walk, which my No matter how long Immerse yourself 6-acre lake; Silver simple loop, I suggest
colleague and longtime you’ve lived in L.A., there Lake Reservoir, below. starting wherever you
downtown resident Todd will always be a handful of
in L.A. history on find parking, which is
Martens does often, takes neighborhoods that still Hollywood Boulevard often most plentiful along
you past a blur of historic make you feel like an There are many photoge- West Silver Lake Drive.
buildings into two unex- out-of-towner. For me, nic places to walk in Los (Another benefit of this throngs. Babies were
pectedly green parks and that’s Beverly Hills. But Angeles: Hollywood opened in 1927 and walk: You can’t get lost!) crying. Dogs were bark-
offers opportunities to there was something Boulevard is not one of hosted Marilyn Monroe’s It’s also worth taking a ing. Every store was
snack along the way. pleasant about travers- them. (In fact, a part of it first commercial shoot by look at the houses. I am blasting a different song.
The journey begins at ing the manicured side- has been deemed “one of the pool. Head back east especially partial to the It was cacophony, but it
the Broadway entrance of walks of one of L.A.’s the worst tourist traps in on the south side of Hol- Storybook cottages that was fun.
Grand Central Market, wealthiest enclaves. the world.”) But you’re lywood Boulevard past look ripped from the We started at the
where you can grab a bite Instead of trying to blend not here to buy a cheesy the 1926 El Capitan pages of “Grimm’s Fairy Windward Avenue en-
from one of many tasty in with the well-heeled shirt. No matter the Theatre (incredibly or- Tales,” but if Midcentury trance near the basket-
food vendors (Sticky Rice crowd, I chose to lean into fanfare, this stretch, nate), Hollywood Thea- Modern architecture is ball courts where the ’90s
is my go-to). After you’re my inner tourist and soak which takes you along tre (opened in 1913, now your thing, keep an eye cult classic “White Men
sated, head north on up the famous sights. part of Hollywood’s Walk home to the Guinness out for a row of sleek Can’t Jump” was filmed
Broadway toward 3rd The walk begins at the of Fame, remains an L.A. World Records Museum) Neutra homes by the and walked straight to
Street. Continue toward Beverly Hills Lily Pond on rite of passage for tourists and Egyptian Theatre, meadow. Nancy Meyers the massive concrete
2nd Street, passing some the corner of Santa Moni- and locals alike. opened in 1922, now fans might recognize one skate park on the beach
newly opened art gal- ca Boulevard and Canon As you make your owned by Netflix. of them as the residence before heading back to
leries on the left and the Drive. There will be a lot trek, keep a lookout for l 6227 Hollywood Blvd., of Jack Black’s character, the boardwalk and turn-
former L.A. Times build- of tourists taking photos remnants of glamorous Los Angeles Miles, in the 2006 film ing north toward Santa
ing on the right, until you in front of the famous neon signs and 1920s Length: 1.8 miles “The Holiday.” The most Monica. Neither of us was
find yourself at Gloria Beverly Hills sign here — architecture tucked famous is the VDL studio in the market for a paint-
Molina Grand Park. (My offer to take their picture around the souvenir Go on a hip Eastside and residence at 2300 ing or a sage stick, so we
family calls it “the pink and make some friends. shops and bus tour com- Silver Lake Blvd, open on mostly people-watched
park” because of the hot Next, cross Santa Monica panies that line the
jaunt at the Silver Saturdays for touring. instead: a woman in a
pink benches and tables.) Boulevard and turn left street. You’ll begin at the Lake Reservoir l 1850 W. Silver Lake wetsuit carrying a surf-
It has a terrific play- past the Wallis Annen- intersection of Hollywood Completed in 1907 to Drive, Los Angeles, board, Brazilian tourists
ground and a great view berg Center for the Per- Boulevard and Argyle serve a growing and silverlakereservoirs.org livestreaming the scene, a
of City Hall. forming Arts. The 1934 Avenue on the north side increasingly thirsty ur- Length: 2.2 miles weathered local who
If it’s a weekday, con- Italian Renaissance of the street. As you head ban population, the knew every boardwalk
sider visiting the observa- building once housed the west on Hollywood Boul- Silver Lake Reservoir Experience two vendor by name.
tion deck on City Hall’s Beverly Hills Post Office. evard, you’ll walk past the complex, which includes sides of Venice When we hit the “Wel-
27th floor. (It’s free, but Keep going toward the Hollywood Pantages the currently empty come to Santa Monica”
closed on weekends.) iconic Beverly Hills City Theatre, which opened in Ivanhoe Reservoir, has
from the boardwalk sign a little less than a
Otherwise continue on, Hall, which you will rec- 1930. (I recommend morphed into a town to the canals mile later, the vibe
turning right when you ognize from “Beverly sneaking a peek at the square of sorts for the The air smelled of mari- shifted. Quieter, more
hit West Temple Street Hills Cop.” It’s very pretty dazzlingly ornate ceiling thousands of hip resi- juana and maple syrup sporty, with an ultimate
and left when you hit and worth wandering above the outdoor ticket dents who jog, walk, when my husband and Frisbee tournament on
Main Street. You’ll walk around in for a while. lobby as you go by.) Con- birdwatch and lounge I got out of the car at the the sand and an outdoor
over the 101 Freeway — Next, take Rexford tinue along until you hit around its 2.2-mile pe- corner of Windward yoga class in the park. We
not the most beautiful Street south to South the corner of Cahuenga rimeter. Avenue and Main Street turned around and
scenery, but is anything Santa Monica Boulevard and Hollywood. On your The reservoir is pro- on a recent Sunday doubled back into the
more L.A.? — then keep and turn right. That right is the pink lime- tected by a chain-link morning. It was a fitting chaos. We could have
an eye out for the three- stately white building on stone façade of the Secu- fence, so you can’t get too start to our walk on the returned to our car when
story Pico House on your your left was designed by rity Pacific Bank build- close to the water, but world-famous Venice we hit Windward; in-
right. Completed in 1870, famed architect Paul ing, widely believed to be this walk still has its Boardwalk, where beach- stead, we continued
it’s one of the oldest Williams in 1939 as the where Raymond Chan- charms. The Silver Lake front restaurants, head south so we could walk by
buildings in downtown. home of the Music Corpo- dler’s fictional detective Meadow on the north- shops, bootleg T-shirt Venice’s Muscle Beach,
Across the street is LA ration of America (MCA). Philip Marlowe kept a eastern end of the com- stores, tattoo parlors and where I was promised by
Plaza de Cultura y Artes, Continue along South sixth-floor office. plex offers an idyllic green street artists vie for the a gym attendant that you
a hub of Latinx culture. Santa Monica (hello, Continue past Musso expanse of fresh grass, attention of the walking don’t need to be ripped to
Take the entrance to crazy midcentury gas and Frank Grill, a hang- lined with a thriving
Olvera Street on your station!) until you hit the out for past Hollywood native garden where you
right and walk through world-famous Rodeo giants and the oldest can sprawl with an iced
the historic Mexican- Drive and turn left. You restaurant in the neigh- coffee (from the nearby
themed marketplace know what to expect: borhood, dating back to LAMILL or Botanica or
that’s been a favorite with Saint Laurent, Hermès, 1919. (Its entrees are the many coffee trucks
tourists since the 1930s. Alexander McQueen, pricey but the martinis and carts that park on
You’ll pop out on the Giorgio Armani, etc. are strong and the service the path), celebrate a
corner of Alameda and Maybe you can’t afford top-notch.) I recommend birthday, do some yoga or
Cesar E. Chavez, where any of it, but you can still hurrying past Ovation simply people-watch.
you can try a taquito at watch all the aspiring Hollywood (formerly If you continue past
Cielito Lindo (founded in influencers and their known as Hollywood & the meadow, up a steep
1934), or cross the street photographers (boy- Highland), but the TCL hill on Armstrong Ave-
for a French dip sandwich friends, parents) using Chinese Theatre (origi- nue, you’ll be rewarded at
at Philippe the Original this path as a high-end nally Grauman’s Chinese the summit with a burst
(established in 1908). Theatre) always gives me of colorful orange and
Continue on Alameda a thrill. With its 90-foot- yellow nasturtium in
Street beneath the ele- tall pagoda and other spring. Make your way to
vated Chinatown Metro exotic accents, it’s a true Tesla Avenue and Silver
stop until you hit your L.A. landmark. Cross Lake Drive, and you may
final destination: Los Hollywood Boulevard at catch a glimpse of nesting
Angeles State Historic North Orange Drive, great blue herons on the
Park. Opened in 2017, it’s stopping briefly to ad- tops of eucalyptus trees
an unexpectedly bucolic mire the Hollywood from early January to
32-acre spot that hosts a Roosevelt hotel, which mid-March. If it’s celebri-
LAT I M E S . C O M WSCE S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 L7

THE VENICE Board- Branch Library on South

walk, from top left; Alvarado near Olympic
Hollywood Boule- Boulevard. Its brick
vard’s Walk of Stars; façade and arched porch
along the L.A. River might make you think it’s
bike path in Frogtown. ancient, but in fact it was
completed in 2004 and
designed to blend in with
the area’s historic archi-
tecture. Walk toward
thing called “Toad.” This Olympic Boulevard and
leads to a meticulously turn right, continuing
curated gift store in a until you come to South
shipping container where Bonnie Brae Street,
you’ll find jewelry, crys- where you’ll turn right
tals and Frogtown merch. again. I felt a palpable
From the bike path, sense of relief as I left the
turn right on Newell roar of Olympic Boule-
Street where La Colombe vard behind me to enter
Coffee Roasters’ modern the gracious tree-lined
cafe sits, then turn right neighborhood. Many
on Blake Street. You’ll houses here were built
soon come to the pink between 1890 and 1904 in
vegan bakery Just What the Victorian Queen
I Kneaded in a former Anne style. I was espe-
machinist shop. Next cially charmed by the
door is the atmospheric intricate Gothic details
Justine’s Wine Bar, a and turret on the Marley-
favorite gathering spot Stone House at 1036 S.
for local business owners. Bonnie Brae., built in
A few steps away, at the 1896. The L.A. Conser-
corner of Blake and Knox vancy calls it “a rare
Avenue, is Wax Paper, example of a Cha-
which makes excellent teauesque residence.”
sandwiches named for At the end of the block
NPR celebrities. you’ll turn right on 11th
Photographs by Deborah Netburn Los Angeles Times Keep going on Blake Street, left on Westlake
until you hit Coolidge; Avenue and left again on
turn right. You’ll pass Bonnie Brae. The homes
high-end vintage bou- here are smaller but no
tique Singulier and Hot less charming and de-
Spells Crystal Shop. tailed, although you may
You’ll have to double back occasionally see a house
along the bike path to with a giant hole in its
return to Lewis MacAd- roof. The front yards also
ams Riverfront Park, but run the gamut: Some are
by now you should have filled with rubble; others
had all the caffeine, food feature carefully tended
and alcohol you might rose gardens or new
need. All that’s left to do low-water landscaping.
is gaze at the flowing — Cross Pico Boulevard and
or, depending on the walk up the sweeping
season, trickling — river. curve of Alvarado Ter-
l 2944 Gleneden St., Los race. This land was sub
Angeles divided in 1902 by Doria
Length: 1.3 miles Deighton Jones, a Scot-
tish immigrant who
Travel back in time required each property
to a turn-of-the- buyer to spend at least
ite pop star or sports greenery throughout the $4,000 building their
team. But they also func- park. Follow the trail
century L.A. suburb homes (nearly $100,000
tion as nodes for a 2.5- around the lake, making in Pico-Union today, and a lot of money
mile route that’s popular sure to take a look at the South of Olympic Boule- for a home at the time).
among steps-conscious Mediterranean-climate vard and west of down- The result is a series of
work out in the open, just Street. Take a right on Inglewood residents. On plantings from around town is L.A.’s Pico-Union mansions in an array of
$10. At this point, we were Pier Avenue and walk any given morning, as the world. It’s a welcome neighborhood, one of the styles including Mission
near enough to the fa- until you reach Angel City early as 5 a.m., you can and unexpected piece of oldest residential areas in Revival, Tudor Revival
mous Venice canals that Books and Records, a spot locals traversing this green tranquility in this the city. Developed from and Shingle Style.
I felt I had to see them. We well-loved bookshop off path, which includes an massive entertainment the 1880s to the 1930s, it At the corner of Alva-
turned left on South the beaten path with a impressive man-made and sports complex. was once a wealthy sub- rado Terrace and Alva-
Venice Street, and three collection of rare and lake. But it’s a pleasant l 3993 Pincay Drive, urb where well-heeled rado Street you’ll pass a
blocks up, there they first-edition books along and interesting walk any Inglewood residents took street cars truly stunning round
were. Peaceful. Luxuri- with more mundane fare time of day, as long as Length: 2.4 miles that ran down Pico and brick church designed in
ous. And worlds away and, usually, a jazz there are no major events Washington boulevards. 1912 for First Church of
from the boardwalk. In a soundtrack. Continuing at either venue. (If there Amble along the L.A. As the city expanded Christ, Scientist and now
little over an hour, we’d north on Main Street are, stay far, far away.) westward, the neighbor- home to the Central
seen both the chaotic and you’ll see Holy Guaca- The first part of this
River on a bike path hood’s more affluent Spanish Seventh Day
the serene sides of Venice, mole just before Ashland stadium stroll takes you in Frogtown residents moved out and Adventist Church. (The
and we hadn’t even gone Avenue. This pint-sized around the Kia Forum, There may be no better immigrant populations gates were locked when I
three miles. restaurant is known for where the Lakers played way to spend a weekend from Mexico, Central passed by, but if you have
l 1313 Ocean Front Walk, its breakfast burritos, from its 1967opening until afternoon than ambling America and Korea an opportunity to go
Venice often praised for their 1999, when the team with a friend along Frog- moved in. Today, many of inside, take it.) Turn right
Length: 2.8 miles even egg distribution and moved to Staples Center. town’s verdant stretch of the grand old homes have on Alvarado Street and
crunchy bacon. I also can Now the 17,505-seat build- the L.A. River. This easy been divided into apart- continue wandering in
Do a little shopping recommend Sunny Blue ing is primarily used as a stroll offers a bit of shop- ments and some have the residential neighbor-
— and a little beach for omusubi (rice concert venue. Parking ping, several places to sip fallen into crumbling hood, turning right on
wrapped in seaweed) can be tricky, so I recom- coffee or cocktails and a disrepair. But there is still Westlake Avenue. Turn
walking — in Santa between Ashland and Hill mend looking for street picturesque bike path plenty of stunning archi- left on Pico and right
Monica’s Ocean Park Street for a fast, cheap spots around the inter- popular with walkers, tectural detail to be seen again on Alvarado until
Two blocks from the and filling lunch, but it section of South Osage runners, bicyclists, roller on a walk through this you arrive back at the
beach at the corner of has no seating, so pre- Avenue and East Kelso skaters and great blue diverse neighborhood. library. This neighbor-
Main Street and Rose pare to eat on the go. Street, one block from herons. The area also is This walking tour hood was new to me, and
Avenue, a 30-foot sculp- While walking down this South Prairie Avenue. the site of growing ten- begins at the Pico Union [See Walks, L8]
ture of a bearded clown in block, keep an eye out for Start your walk at the sion around gentrifica-
a ballerina costume Chinois, Wolfgang Puck’s corner of East Kelso and tion. If you visit, be mind-
looms incongruously over second L.A. restaurant, South Prairie Avenue. ful not to park in resi-
a CVS. Across the street which he opened in 1983 Head north on South dents’ driveways or oth-
is the gleaming red Fire- following the success of Prairie until you get to erwise be disrespectful.
house Restaurant and Spago. I was charmed by West Manchester Boule- Start at beautifully
Bar, which cinephiles the original ’80s decor vard and then turn right. landscaped Lewis Mac-
may recognize as the featuring tall peacock Across the street on your Adams Riverfront Park,
place where Keanu
Reeves grabs a coffee
before chasing the bus in
statues, shiny mosaic
surfaces and heavy use of
foam green. Also, check
left is the Inglewood Park
Cemetery, founded in
1905, where Ella Fitzger-
where parking is plenti-
ful. On a recent Sunday
morning, I saw friends
iconic L.A. film “Speed.”
This is an appropriate
starting point for a walk
out jAdis on the corner of
Main and Hill, a self-
described “mad scientist
ald, Ray Charles and
Betty Grable are buried.
Turn right on Kareem
picnicking, a dad and his
daughter practicing
baseball and three young
All Weather
through the Ocean Park
neighborhood of Santa
Monica, which is jam-
prop house” that supplies
precomputer-era scien-
tific and industrial props
Court and right again on
Pincay Drive to complete
the circle.
men in bright streetwear
setting up a video cam-
era. Asked what they
packed with restaurants, to L.A.’s film industry. It’s To enter the SoFi were up to, they grinned
cute independent shops, open only by appoint- Stadium complex, turn and said, “You know,
cafes and an exclusive ment, but you can enjoy left into the parking lot at making content.”
local community garden. its elaborate displays the corner of Pincay Walk through the park
Heading north on
Main Street, you’ll pass
by an array of small
through the window.
At the corner of Main
and Hollister Avenue is
Drive and South Prairie
Avenue. I followed the
line of planters between
toward the water and
turn right when you hit
the bike path. Almost
restaurants and store-
fronts, including the
beach-themed and al-
the verdant Santa Moni-
ca Community Garden, a
popular local landmark
Green Lot B and Brown
Lot C. Continue walking
until you get up to the
immediately you’ll see a
sandwich board on your
right advertising Tadaa.
ways lively Gnarwhal established in 1976. The stadium, where you’ll be Coffee x Happier Camper
Coffee Co. on Marine wait list is at least seven treated to a great view of Cafe, a cheerful outdoor
years long for one of the its metallic curves. Com- cafe with string lights and
75 coveted plots. When
you hit Pico Boulevard,
turn left toward the
pleted in 2022, it can hold
70,000 people for a game
(or a Taylor Swift con-
wooden cactus sculp-
tures located at the Hap-
pier Camper head-
beach. The pier is just a
short walk away to the
right. Or walk back to
cert). Continue around
the right of the building
until you come to Rivers
quarters. You can stop
here, but there’s an em-
barrassment of eating
where you started along
the beach, soaking up
Ocean Park’s other main
Lake, a 6-acre lake that’s
designed to capture up to
80% of the rainwater from
and drinking options
along this route.
Further down the
draw — that ocean view. a storm, which can then path you’ll come to Lin-
l 213 Rose Ave., Santa be used to irrigate the gua Franca, an elegant
Monica riverside cafe serving
Length: 2.6 miles New California cuisine.
For something more
Take a stadium- casual, try Spoke Bicycle
themed stroll (with Cafe, where you can rent
a lake!) around bikes and order sand-
wiches, salads or break-
SoFi and the Forum fast in a graffiti-filled
in Inglewood outdoor courtyard. On
Most Angelenos might Wednesday through
think of Kia Forum and Sunday, keep your eye 10654 W. Pico Bl. West Los Angeles
SoFi Stadium only as out for another sandwich
places to see their favor- board advertising some-
L8 S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

Deborah Netburn Los Angeles Times

[Walks, from L7] A STUDIO CITY

as I returned to my car I was walk visits residential Photographs by Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times
struck yet again by the differ- and shopping areas.
ent ways the city shifts and
remakes itself over time. Pico-
Union must have been exquis-
ite when it was first built. It’s
still very special today.
l 1030 S. Alvarado St., Los
history, including people of
Jewish, Russian, Armenian,
African American and Japa-
Walking and talking
Length: 1.3 miles

See where celebrities

nese descent. The area has
been majority Latino for dec-
ades, but remnants of those
other communities remain
fill this podcast’s air
embedded in the landscape.
live like the rest of us On this walk, you’ll pass L.A.’s COMEDIAN ALLAN MCLEOD HOSTS ‘WALKIN’ ABOUT,’ CELEBRATING
in Studio City oldest operating Japanese
Located near major studios restaurant and a synagogue ‘COMPLEX AND PROFOUND’ TRAVEL BY FOOT. BY RA E F H A R R I S O N
including CBS, NBC, Uni- that dates back to 1922, in
versal, Warner Bros. and Dis- addition to restaurants, book-
ney, Studio City is a San Fer- stores, gift shops, botanicas

nando Valley neighborhood and western wear boutiques T ’S H O T W H E N Allan ALLAN McLEOD
with high-end suburban vibes that cater to modern-day McLeod and I meet up for a takes a selfie with
and a great place for celebrity residents and visitors alike. walk in Old Pasadena, but podcast guest Betsy
spotting. Locals might line up Start your walk at the thankfully we’ve missed Sodaro at the disc golf
behind Gwen Stefani at the historic Plaza del Mariachi de the early September heat- course at Hahamongna
movie theater-turned-book- Los Angeles (a.k.a. Mariachi wave that blanketed L.A. Watershed Park. Be-
store, run into Mark McGrath Plaza), where mariachi musi- County with triple-digit temps. low, the two walk on a
of Sugar Ray at the gym or spy cians have gathered for dec- He’s no stranger to braving our bridge in the park.
Jeremy Renner at a local dive ades in search of gigs. The county’s persistent heat. Since
bar. At the very least, you can plaza’s central kiosk was he began making his podcast,
expect to see a few character donated by the Mexican state “Walkin’ About,” in April, his
actors sipping coffee at one of of Jalisco in 1998, and is the site recording studio is often out-
the many local cafes. The area of community festivals and doors. and reformatted it into “some- plays Desk Sergeant Felix.
also is home to a handful of open-air markets. (It’s also Even before he launched the thing that was a little broader, a McLeod has a dry, slightly
iconic L.A. sushi restaurants, popular with skateboarders.) series, walking was something little less site-specific.” deadpan sense of humor and a
an inviting shopping district Heading south on 1st McLeod was constantly think- The structure of the podcast gentle voice that can sometimes
and tree-lined streets so pic- Street, you’ll see the glimmer- ing and talking about. is simple: Each episode, get lost in ambient traffic noise.
ture-perfect they could double ing House of Trophies on your “I’m very annoying to friends McLeod meets up with a guest If this were an episode of “Walk-
as movie sets. This 1.6-mile right next to the vegan restau- and family,” he admits. “So I for a walk through a different in’ About,” we’d each have small
walk gives you a taste of it all. rant Un Solo Sol, whose fare decided to put that energy into part of Los Angeles. While on DJI lapel mics — a tiny micro-
Start at the corner of Ven- includes mushroom tacos and a podcast.” foot the pair chat about sub- phone that records audio re-
tura Boulevard and Radford banana date almond milk- Now in its second season, jects such as the history of the markably well — clipped to our
Avenue, grabbing a coffee shakes. Across the street, look each episode features McLeod area, what they’re seeing shirts.
from Blue Bottle if you need a for Espacio 1839, a gallery and and a guest exploring a differ- around them or the guest’s “It’s a newish microphone
caffeine fix (and to justify gift shop highlighting Mexican ent L.A. location by foot, some- personal relationship with technology that’s kind of amaz-
parking in this lot). This part and Mexican American art- thing he feels is both simple and walking. So far, McLeod has ing,” says McLeod. He wants
of Ventura is known as sushi ists. (Its selection of bright profound. strolled through Barnsdall Park each episode to feel as immer-
row because of its high con- leather tooled wallets is espe- Most people might take the with Ed Begley Jr., hiked the sive as possible, which means
centration of raw-fish restau- cially eye-catching.) act of putting one foot in front of Arroyo Seco with actor Dan including surrounding noise
rants. For a brief tour, walk out Continue to mosey down the other over and over again Stevens and traversed the like buses honking, a busker
of the parking lot and turn 1st Street and take in the for granted. But for McLeod, Bunker Hill Pedway with come- singing in an alleyway or a vol-
right on Ventura Boulevard neighborhood. I loved the walking enhances so many dian Jon Gabrus. If McLeod had unteer asking if we have time for
heading southeast toward old-school sign outside of La different aspects of life, crea- a dream guest for the podcast, gay rights.
Carpenter Avenue. There are Casa del Musico, which has tively, mentally and physically. it would be Rick Steves. (As this is his first podcast,
three essential spots on this been selling musical instru- “It’s great for problem-solv- “He’s one of America’s great- he admits it took some trial and
block. The first you’ll pass is ments and supplies since 1978, ing, for clearing your head,” he est ambassadors,” McLeod says error, and a lot of lost audio
Teru Sushi, which opened in and the bright mural outside said. “It also makes me feel like excitedly. segments, to get the recording-
1979, putting it at the forefront the 1st Street Pool Hall. Just I’m connecting with my com- We head across Central Park while-walking rhythm down. He
of the ’80s sushi craze. A few past Cummings Street, Bo- munity.” and up Fair Oaks Avenue credits his team of editors at
steps away, on the other side of tanica Olokun stocks an enor- Los Angeles as a whole is not toward the One Colorado Shop- HyperObject for helping in that
neighborhood watering hole mous array of spell candles as exactly built for pedestrians. ping Center, stopping in front of department.)
Laurel Tavern, you’ll see Ki- well as a cute selection of Our freeways and massive the iPic movie theater. Here, Our final stop is the corner of
wami by Katsu-Ya, master clothes, fake eyelashes and sprawl can sometimes act as a McLeod points up to a painted East Colorado Boulevard and
sushi chef Katsuya Uechi’s jewelry. On the same block is barrier to traveling by sidewalk. sign advertising the old Clunes Raymond Avenue, across the
second restaurant on Ventura Al and Bea’s Mexican Food, a But McLeod is convinced that Theatre, which was a vaudeville street from another Spanish
Boulevard. (He opened his local staple since 1966, known attitudes are slowly changing, venue in the early 1900s. It also Colonial-style building. McLeod
flagship Katsu-Ya a block for its deliciously dense burri- and that if you look hard hosted an early screening of the points out it’s one of the most
away on Colfax Avenue in tos (the “combination” with enough, there are communities 1915 controversial silent film haunted buildings in Pasadena.
1997.) Cross Ventura Boule- bean, cheese, shredded beef of people all over who are enthu- “Birth of a Nation,” which might Supposedly it’s built on top of
vard at Carpenter and head and green chile is a favorite). If siastic about creating a pedes- have led to the formation of the an old mission, which is never a
back the way you came. On you continue past North Ma- trian-friendly environment. Pasadena chapter of the good start.
your right you’ll pass the two- thews Street, you’ll come to And talking about it. NAACP. “It was originally a bank, and
Michelin-starred Asanebo, Otomisan Restaurant, the While our walk isn’t for the “There’s a tangential con- there are stories of people dying
which opened in 1991. oldest Japanese restaurant in podcast, I’m excited to get a nection there, but I don’t know in it — the bank manager’s
Cross Radford Avenue and L.A., with just three booths taste of what recording an the exact story,” McLeod cau- daughter was found dead in the
veer right onto Ventura Place, and three seats at the counter. episode of “Walkin’ About” tions. But it’s these kinds of vault, a big robbery that went
where there’s a farmers mar- The small building housed a might be like, having already facts and trivia that he likes to wrong, things like that.” Now it’s
ket on Sundays. Just past fine Japanese-owned grocery store powered through most of the 20 pepper into his walks. For him, an AT&T store; there’s an es-
food store Joan’s on Third, in the 1920s and was converted episodes available on walks of that’s part of the fun. cape room next door.
keep an eye out for Greenwood to a restaurant in 1956. my own. We start outside Copa A native of Alabama, By the end of our time to-
Shop, a colorful gift boutique To see more of the neigh- Vida Cafe on the corner of Ray- McLeod has lived in Los Ange- gether, it’s clear just how much
selling locally made pottery borhood, retrace your steps mond Avenue and Green les for about 20 years, arriving McLeod really does love walk-
and jewelry as well as a wide for two blocks and hang a right Street. Old Pasadena is as a fresh-eyed graduate of the ing. In the 50 minutes and
selection of candles, incense at Breed Street, passing the McLeod’s favorite area, given its University of Alabama in Tusca- roughly 1½ miles that we’ve
and plants. Pass the Alfred’s red brick Breed Street Shul on preserved history and the fact loosa. In college, he’d taken an spent together, I’ve learned
Coffee on your right, turn left your way to Cesar E. Chavez that it just feels like it’s meant to advanced production class led more about Pasadena than
on Laurel Canyon Boulevard Boulevard. Built in 1922, the be experienced on foot. by director Tom Cherones, who I have in the last 10 years of
and then right on Ventura synagogue dates to a time McLeod, 44, dressed in a would later become his mentor. living in L.A. And aside from my
Boulevard. It’s worth popping when Boyle Heights was home short-sleeve button-down shirt “Tom said to me, ‘You’re a desperate need for air condi-
into the Barnes & Noble in a to the largest concentration of and a pair of Hoka Bondi 7 writer, you should move to tioning, I almost lament my
former 1938 movie theater, Jewish people west of Chicago. shoes, spends most of our walk L.A.,’” recalls McLeod. “So need to get back in my car to
where you’ll encounter the Turning left on Cesar Chavez, pointing out factoids about that’s what I did. That’s all it head home.
original ticketing booth out- you’ll enter a bustling tho- buildings gleaned from re- took.” Would our conversation have
side and enlarged book covers roughfare passing Las Fotos search he’s done ahead of time. Today he considers himself made for good tape? For
in lieu of movie posters. To see Project, a nonprofit dedicated “I believe this is one of the more of an actor-writer: “Acting McLeod, the key to a successful
some of the residential neigh- to mentoring young women of first co-op buildings in Cali- is where I’ve had more success, episode of “Walkin’ About” is
borhood, continue down the color in photography, and the fornia,” he says, stopping in professionally.” After years of finding guests who enjoy walk-
block, turning left on Vantage nursery LatinX With Plants, front of the Moorish Colonial- doing improv comedy at Up- ing as much as he does.
Avenue past Uncle Paulie’s which hosts workshops and style Castle Green apartment right Citizens Brigade, McLeod “That’s the trick,” he says.
Deli and right on tree-lined has an excellent selection of building, which was once a has landed roles in shows like “The goal is to have people
Cantura Street where the greenery. The first Guisados long-term hotel for wealthy “You’re the Worst” and “Drunk talking about walking in differ-
front yards are filled with to open in L.A. is on the corner travelers who used Pasadena as History.” In the Hulu comedy ent ways. Because the subject
roses and white fences. Take a of North St. Louis Street. Also a winter escape. series “Interior Chinatown,” can be really complex and pro-
right on Laurel Grove Avenue note the El Norteno and de Across the street we pause at coming out in November, he found.”
and head back to where you Savy Store across St. Louis. the old Spanish-style train
started along Ventura Boule- One half of the storefront station where major train lines
vard, through another shop- specializes in western wear, like the Santa Fe used to unload
ping area with record and the other in Yu-Gi-Oh trading passengers, including wealthy
clothing stores as well as old- cards. Definitely don’t miss Castle Green guests. It’s now a
school Art’s Delicatessen with Other Books, an overstuffed Metro stop for the A Line head-
its checkerboard-tile store- but well-organized bookstore ing downtown. The main depot
front. It’s been here since 1957 that sells used and new books room is a restaurant cleverly
and it too offers no shortage of and an impressive selection of called the Luggage Room.
delicacies. comics and zines. McLeod came up with the
l 11962 Ventura Blvd., Studio To get back to Mariachi concept of “Walkin’ About” after
City Plaza, turn left on North Cum- meeting Harry Nelson, execu-
Length: 1.6 miles mings Street and right on 1st tive producer at Adam McKay’s
Street. You’ve been here production company, Hyper-
Explore L.A.’s rich before, but that’s OK. The Object Industries, at a party.
community’s authenticity McLeod was telling Nelson
cultural history on the and rich history makes about a passion project
streets of Boyle Heights every part of this walk he’d been working
Once known as the Ellis Island worthwhile, even the on, an audio tour
of the West Coast, Boyle parts you’ll do twice. guide of Old Pasa-
Heights has been home to a l 1831 1st St., Los dena. Nelson was
succession of ethnic and reli- Angeles intrigued. The two
gious groups over its long Length: 2 miles took the audio guide
L10 S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

messages with URLs to jobs what I wasn’t looking for.

that may or may not have been But the sentence went by
real. (I generally delete them fast, and he seemed genuinely
instead of finding out.) So why interested in perhaps working
would I trust a link from a ran- together. He even said during
dom guy I’d interacted with only dinner something like, “I’m
on my phone? feeling like we’ve got a collabo-
Instead, I searched his name rating-on-work vibe more than
and the headline of the article romance going here.”
and easily found what I was I agreed. But then, he said
looking for. He had been in that he was feeling a lot of at-
prison for selling drugs. The traction for me. It was nice to
article definitely sided with Mr. hear. The flattery was quickly
Hollywood and his business flattened. He divulged that he
partner. It said, in so many could be going back to prison
words, that they had been soon. He had another court date
wrongly accused of being “king- coming up.
pins” and did not deserve their As the date ended, he made
20-year sentences. Well, sure I would be OK getting
I thought, this won’t be a boring home on my own and asked me
dinner. I’d like to hear his story. to send him a specific script I’d
He set the date for the first written, which doubled as the
night he’d be back in L.A., and “Yes, I did get home safely” text.
I gave him a few restaurant I later looked up more informa-
Michelle Rohn For The Times ideas. He picked one close to me tion to see what I might have
in Santa Monica. That was nice. missed about him. Other than a
L . A . A F FA I R S I could walk there. couple of giant red flags, our
I learned that he found out dinner was a fun date — some-

Are you my Clyde? he was autistic in middle age but

always thought he was neurodi-
vergent, even if that term was
not yet in the zeitgeist. I found
thing I haven’t had in far too
long. Instead of being disap-
pointed, I felt more hopeful
about dating in general.
him to be charming. He pulled I sent him the script, and he
TURNS OUT MY DATE WAS AN OUTLAW. COULD I BE HIS BONNIE? my chair out for me and was the responded he’d read it soon.
right amount of interested. He I followed up a couple of weeks
BY S U SA N M A R Q U E was the perfect gentleman, later, and he said he was woe-
along with having a Hollywood fully behind. Unlike men I had
producer cool. Producing mov- gone out with, the ones who
ies was his passion; selling drugs strung me along knowing we
allegedly made him a lot of were not couple material, he
money to pursue it. simply never contacted me
F YO U H A D asked me to something on the side. I’m a and he looked kind. He loved his dinner. The again.

I go on a date with someone

who was barely out of
prison, my answer would
be an immediate no. I am
not someone with Bonnie and
Clyde syndrome, and I have
never initiated anything with a
health food-eating meditator
who is rather arty. I have not
made a fortune yet, and I want
to find a partner, not a par-
I’m not everyone’s style. Men
no longer look at me as a woman
When he sent a rose my way,
I thought, why not meet him?
We texted, then talked, so I was
fairly sure he was not catfishing
me — that’s so common now on
dating apps. He immediately
asked me to dinner. That was
conversation flowed. He
sneaked in “I’m not a good
person” so innocuously that the
old me would have overlooked it.
Current me heard it like a Re-
bound ringtone.
Prior to dinner, I would have
I didn’t feel rejected. I felt like
he gently slipped away after a
nice dinner. His approach
wasn’t criminal. It was closer to
heroic. I hope he finds a Bonnie
to his Clyde and lives a long and
happy life.
known ex-con. My dad used to to mold. They just see that different. Almost no one did thought that sentence was his The author has written live-
make fun of me for being some- I don’t drink, don’t smoke and that. Coffee, sure. A walk, may- wounded self, which needed love action scripts and animation.
one who sticks to rules — almost have aged out of being a pinup. be. Committing to an early and attention to heal. I was She lives in Los Angeles.
to a fault. I hated when he dou- I was intrigued by Mr. Holly- evening out felt good. It had raised by a sweet henpecked
ble parked or ignored posted wood. He was cute. He had a been a long time since anyone father, who would have said > L.A. Affairs chronicles the
signs. nice profile that depicted a had asked. I said yes. something disparaging about search for romantic love in all
Then I met Mr. Hollywood on clean-cut, slightly geeky guy. He Then he sent me something himself to get me to help him its glorious expressions in the
a dating app. was more computer tech than to read. with his computer or read tiny L.A. area, and we want to hear
As I get older, using dating Miami drug dealer. His profile “See if you still want to meet print. I used to rush in, taking on your true story. We pay $400 for
apps puts me in a smaller and showed that he relished the me after you read this,” he said. the helper role because it offered a published essay. Email
smaller mating pool. Most men outdoors, was a fit runner, en- I was a tad reticent to click a warmth and a modicum of love. [email protected]. You
my age or younger date younger joyed films and had homes in link. Potential scammers on That pattern never worked in can find past columns at
or are married and looking for two states. His kids liked him, LinkedIn have sent me private relationships and was exactly latimes.com/laaffairs.

H E E X P E C T E D to left In Hospitality amicably in
see some fans from her early 2023 and returned to her
pop-up days, but what independently run pop-ups and
Jiyoon Jang didn’t fore- pastry drops.
see were lines out the She launched a newsletter.
door, countless new faces and She poured energy into promot-
selling out every single day. ing her baking on social media.
After years of popping up All the while, her parents en-
with black sesame mochi bars, couraged Jang to find a space
tarts adorned with sugared and open her own storefront.
whole perilla leaves and some of “They’re very business-
the best cookies in the city, Jang minded people,” Jang said.
finally opened Modu, a cafe of “They were like, ‘Eventually
her own that expands on the you’re gonna have to open
sweets informed by her Korean something if you want to do a
American heritage with a full real business, and give it a
coffee and tea program that’s proper try.’ ”
just as inspired. Early in 2024 she began
But on Oct. 9, Modu’s open- looking for spaces and her par-
ing day, she quickly realized her ents became her investors. Her
popularity outpaced her staff — sister works the cafe’s front of
and production. The following house. The 1,700-square-foot
days proved a crash course in family affair is modern and
pivots. minimalist in its aesthetic: A
She opened with 200 Photographs by Stephanie Breijo Los Angeles Times wooden communal table runs
pastries, then immediately MODU’S Korean-influenced baked goods include black sesame mochi cake and misugaru cookies. down the center of the room,
realized she’d need to increase flanked by small tables, and at
production — and ramped up to the far end is the ordering
400 pastries for the weekend. counter and Jang’s pastry case,

“And still we’re selling out after where the day’s balanced and
a few hours,” Jang said. earthy and citrusy sweets wait.
Her first Saturday, a line Madeleines are glazed in tart
trailed out the front door and to yuzu frosting; hojicha muffins
the sidewalk from 8 a.m. until sprinkled with black sesame
mid-afternoon. “No one took a
break that day,” she said. “Sat-
urday was just survival.”
Jang and her team prep the
dough of the fluffy, multiday-
DRAW FANS TO MODU offer a satisfying chew. Kabocha
cakes, topped with rice water-
soaked ribbons of dehydrated
persimmon, supplement a
menu of Korean loose-leaf teas,
process milk buns with some JIYOON JANG’S KOREAN HERITAGE INFORMS HER NEW CAFE classic espresso offerings and
intended to remain hidden away house lattes designed by Jang.
as a freezer reserve, but even BY ST E P H A N I E B R E I J O She wanted the focus of Modu to
those are almost immediately be as much on coffee and tea as
used. On Sunday they imple- on her baked goods, and serves
mented a new rule — one that’s hotteok-inspired cream-top
also found at the nearby crois- coffees made with Korean black
sant bakery Fondry. At Modu, by excellent food with a mom sugar; ceremonial matcha with
guests now are limited to four who could cook well — especially koji milk; and espresso crowned
pastries per person. when it came to Korean cuisine with cream and dusted with
The demand for hojicha — but Jang said she never came dark cocoa.
mochi muffins and misugaru from “a pastry family,” and even In the coming months Jang
cookies and ssuk pound cake is today isn’t partial to sweets. She hopes to introduce a savory
a whirlwind for the baker and credits this as a large influence menu to Modu. The baker, who
her new shop, but her pastries on the balance of sweet-savory, was born in Korea but moved to
have always been popular — sweet-tart flavors she uses in the U.S. in early childhood,
even if her road to baking was her baked goods today. wants to extend her use of nos-
never planned. In early 2021 she moved to talgic Korean flavors by way of
Jang, a former competitive Los Angeles from the Palm avocado toast with Out of Thin
golfer who studied film, gradu- Springs area, where her parents Air’s gochujang bread, or Kore-
ated college in spring of 2020 operate restaurant Misaki an porridge with a range of
and, like so many who sought Sushi & Grill in La Quinta, and toppings.
reprieve from lockdown, tried gained her first exposure to “I just want [Modu] to be
baking sourdough bread for the working in professional bakeries familiar enough to people but at
first time. It consumed her. She at Clark Street. She dove into the same time be something
made her own starters and fell making croissants as well as that maybe they haven’t tried
down the rabbit hole of handling food photography for before,” Jang said. “I think
YouTube cooking tutorials; her the local chain’s social media JIYOON JANG says she isn’t partial to sweets, which influ- because I don’t have the tradi-
family gave her a stand mixer for accounts. ences the sweet-savory balance of flavors in her baked goods. tional pastry background, at
her birthday. The photo tags and credits first it felt like impostor syn-
“I’m glad I started with that on Clark Street’s posts began immediately sold out. pastries available for pickup as drome, but now I’m kind of like:
because it taught me so many funneling traffic and followers to A few months later In Hospi- well as in some of the city’s best Because my mind hasn’t been
things about baking: the proc- Jang’s own Instagram account tality, the local restaurant group coffee shops, which purchased molded to how this [pastry]
ess of it, how intricate every- — inspiring her to offer a pastry behind Chimmelier and Jilli, Mil baked goods wholesale. should be made, it helps me
thing is,” she said. “Just making drop under her own name, approached Jang about open- But Jang wanted to maintain create things that people don’t
cookie dough couldn’t really baked from the kitchen in her ing a bakery. She called it Mil, control over her product, and as expect.”
teach you. I had to use all of my 300-square-foot apartment. which translates to “flour,” and the wholesale accounts grew l Modu, 5805 York Blvd., Unit A,
senses to make sure that I got a Her first customers picked it ran for less than a year out of she wanted to focus on the Los Angeles; 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
good loaf.” up variety boxes that featured multiple locations in Korea- quality of the items — and on Wednesday to Friday and 8 a.m.
She was raised surrounded items now found at Modu, which town, her Korean American opening her own storefront. She to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
L AT I M E S . C O M S U N DAY , N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 4 H3

HOROSCOPE Things That Go 58 Paris runway spot

59 Routine
16 Lobster —
17 [Puts finger to nose]
61 Protozoan cell count
62 Spokesowl who celebrates
Strong coffee
Holiday Mathis 60 Like sesame seeds in 18 "My 21st Century Blues" app streaks 88 Some swabs
Aries (March 21-April 19): Bump in the Night furikake, typically
63 Not-so-powerful chess
25 Word in a ratio
63 Red carpet designer
64 Trap music city, briefly
Caterer's teapot
ABBA jukebox musical
Every group of people has its piece 28 Raised 65 Collision sound 95 Contents of un lac
own culture. It’s often im- Edited by Patti Varol 66 Common childhood fear, 30 Speed skater Ohno 67 Gas station shop 97 Fancy fetes
possible to learn it before en- examples of which may 33 Mole 68 Vagabond 99 Rush
tering, but with respect and By Chandi Deitmer jump out at you four 37 Daring, in a way 69 Wrapped South Asian 104 Videoconferencing app
times in this puzzle? 38 Hectic spots garment 105 Sputter out
curiosity, you’ll quickly find
74 Floors 39 "On the Basis of Sex" 70 Former Liberian 106 Puts money in
out the rules and customs. 75 "Well, isn't that fancy!" monogram president — Johnson 108 Accolades
Taurus (April 20-May 76 Blonde, brown, or red 40 Invalid Sirleaf 109 "— mackerel!"
20): Your heart carries a ACROSS drink 41 Online marketplace 71 Help for getting to the 110 Instrument similar to a
question that can only be an- 1 Dandy 77 Symbol on many a flag 42 Sound of slime hitting the pointe suona
swered by other hearts. 4 Taiwanese laptop brand 80 Comic Margaret ground 72 Poet Thomas Stearns — 111 Breakfast brand
8 Repeats a mantra, 83 Penicillin origin 43 Pupper 73 Hockey ruses 112 American-born Jordanian
Hearts have their own lan- 84 Singer Zayn 44 Extra helping hand 77 Trade royal
guage, so the answer may 86 Wonderland resident who 45 Pontificate 78 Drive-— window 113 Fizzy drink
14 Out of bed
seem rather abstract yet still 19 Big day for a startup, starts out as a chess piece 46 Leave for later 79 Taxi spots? 114 Pristine place
so powerfully understood. briefly 90 JV player's goal 47 Bus. card address 80 Corp. leader 116 Be generous
Gemini (May 21-June 21): 20 "— might say ... " 92 Gin flavorer 51 Refinement 81 Leader's spot 117 Monopoly payment
21 Zimbabwe's capital 93 Buccanee–r's cry 53 Comfort — 82 "— Murders in the 120 Ask for more puppy
You’re focused on how well
22 Maestro Zubin 94 Arrived nonchalantly 55 Put away Building" chow
your contribution serves the 96 Worth-y things
23 Printer tray abbr.
needs of others, but it’s too 24 Thought experiment 98 Evidence board need Tribune Content Agency © 2024
soon to tell. Obey your in- illustrating special 100 "Case of the Ex" R&B
stinct and trust that you relativity singer
can’t always see right away 26 Opponent 101 Big name in brut
27 Dish garnish 102 Diamond overlay?
what is or isn’t working. 103 Farm-centric org.
29 Plant also known as a
Cancer (June 22-July 22): strangler fig 107 Capital on the Svislach
While playing together can 31 Dijon darling 109 Sound judgment
build bonds, working to- 32 Crew team's workout 115 Big name in baking
gether builds them faster machines products
34 Italian hard cheese, 118 Newspaper sect.
and stronger. You’ll get to
briefly 119 Conway Twitty ballad
know people for who they covered by Blake Shelton
35 Humble poker hand
are under pressure and find 36 Candy with unique 121 Poem of tribute
out who you can trust. dispensers 122 Runs like a gazelle
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): 39 Caesar lettuce 123 Dig into an issue
Story matters to you. You 42 Like the Vatican's 124 Songwriter Sands
Bramante Staircase 125 Geologic span
want to understand the why 126 Basic question type
44 Ryan Gosling's role in
behind it all. Today you will. "The Fall Guy" 127 Kumquat color
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 48 Add new audio 128 Neptune's domain
What counts most is bring- 49 Skin opening 129 Retired jet
ing kindness to yourself and 50 Conductor's reference
52 Italian blue cheese DOWN
staying committed to giving 1 Polaroid need
your best, no matter the day. 54 Gobs
56 Shape sometimes made 2 Vision-ary?
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): by a comfy cat 3 One looking for on-deck
The rules aren’t great. They 57 Couture monogram loot
were made a long time ago 4 Queens neighborhood on
and they don’t vibe with the Last week’s solution: the East River
“Cold Shoulders” 5 Women who "don't cry,"
current situation. Still, there per a Brooks & Dunn
are timeless elements here, song
and the consequences for 6 Leader in Kuwait
breaking them remain. 7 Rapp of "Mean Girls"
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): 8 Momofuku founder
Just ask for what you want. 9 Chuckle syllable
You might not get it, but 10 Like a 6-Down
you’ll feel more at ease know- 11 — colada: tropical
ing you didn’t hold back. mocktail
Sagittarius (Nov. 22- 12 Disney movie set inside a
Dec. 21): Passion gets things computer
13 Hot
done. It can also be the un- 14 Fervent agreement
doing. The challenge is to di- 15 Nissan sedan
rect that energy with focus.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.
19): Even when winds batter
the mountain’s surface, its
core stays steady and resil-
ient. That’s your strength: ASKING ERIC POKER Chad Holloway
calm in chaos, unshaken by Dear Eric: I sing as a vol- attending church and spend One of the most viral mo- never folded, called with his
passing weather. unteer in a church choir. Be- my Sunday mornings ments of 2024 was that of king-high, Steiny ditched his
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. cause I can sight-sing, was watching the talking heads “The Hawk Tuah Girl,” flush draw, and Vegas Matt
18): A shared goal will be for- trained as a musician, and on TV. Any suggestions on a whose real name is Haliey called the additional 10,000.
tifying for the relationship. can sing alto, the music di- tactful and nonconfronta- Welch. The 22-year-old from The A♥ improved Vegas
Next: helping each other rector likes it when I come. tional way to tell her to not Tennessee has used her Matt to an unbeatable full
reach individual goals. A dy- For me, singing is “work” wear cologne? newfound fame to start house and he moved all in for
namic to avoid is when one not “fun,” but the music di- Sunday Sniffles Paws Across America, a pas- 105,000.
imposes a goal on the other. rector is very nice and the sion charity project that Howard once again
Pisces (Feb. 19-March choir members are very Dear Sunday: If her colog- aims to bring awareness, ad- called and just like that,
20): The obstacle in your way warm and kind people. ne’s notes of sandalwood vocacy and financial assist- Vegas Matt won a 730,000 pot
is very real, but it is also en- What I don’t enjoy is that and bergamot are obstruct- ance to animal charities after the meaningless 5♠
tirely in your mind. Once you one of the newer members ing your high notes, it’s a within the United States. was run out on the river.
break the circuitry of those wears very strong cologne whole choir problem. To help spread the word That hand ultimately
thoughts that keep you and I am allergic to it. If I for- Tell the music director on her charity, Welch was re- timer did the same with the helped propel him to victory
back, you’ll be free. get to take an allergy pill be- that, for health and perform- cently in Las Vegas to take Q♣J♥. Welch just called in the tournament for
Today’s birthday (Nov. fore church, I cough during ance reasons, you’ll be un- part in the Celebrity Poker holding the 6♥6♣ next to act, $20,000!
10): You get the sense you the entire service and sing able to continue volunteer- Tour Invitational IV, which Blac Chyna went all in for Alas, the hand also
really can be whoever you about one quarter of the ing if the strong scents aren’t offered up a $50,000 prize 25,000 with the 8♥4♥, and marked the end of Hawk
want to be! Fortune smiles notes. If I remember the pill, addressed. The director pool with $20,000 going to NBA All-Star Dwight How- Tuah and Blac Chyna in the
on you often. You’ll meet I don’t cough but can only should be able to find a har- the winner. Despite having ard called from the button Celebrity Poker Tour Invita-
your goals around honing sing about half the notes be- monious balance here. A di- never played a hand of poker with the K♥10♦. tional IV.
skills, cultivating successful cause her cologne still af- rect request that the choir before, Welch was one of 80 Steiny called from the big “It was pretty fun. I think
attitudes and shaping beau- fects my breathing. member not wear her colog- celebrities to compete. blind with the K♣3♣ and the I have a better understand-
tiful relationships. You’ll get If she (the cologne ne could pull you into inter- Welch held her own for other four players each put ing of it now,” Welch told
a win for your team. Domes- wearer) was a friend, I could personal drama. Whereas awhile, but made some mis- in an additional 5,000 to Drea Renee in a post-elimi-
tic life smooths out with a go up to her and say, “Lay off the director is able to frame takes along the way such as make it six-way action to a nation interview. “And I
cash infusion and better or- the scent, it’s making me it as something the group folding a flopped two pair af- flop of 7♣7♠9♣. Steiny was made some friends too.”
ganization. A loved one’s vic- sick.” But she is an acquaint- needs. ter getting distracted by ma- first to act and bet 40,000 Love her or hate her, the
tory spills into your own. Li- ance, and I don’t know her If the director can’t or gician Xavier Mortimer, who with his club flush draw and Hawk Tuah Girl is trying to
bra and Virgo adore you. well enough to be so blunt. won’t, there’s no need to tor- picked an inopportune time Vegas Matt popped it to make the best of her viral
Lucky numbers: 3, 33, 31, 18, 1. The choir director has ture yourself for work. Stay to show off a magic trick. 100,000 with trip sevens. moment and she did a good
put out a general email ask- home and enjoy your talking In what would be her final Action folded to Welch job at the CPT!
Mathis writes her column ing people to not use cologne heads. hand of the tournament, the and she used two hands to
for Creators Syndicate Inc. since others are allergic or blinds were 10,000/20,000 slide her stack of 110,000 in Holloway is a 2013 World
The horoscope should be sensitive. No result. If it was Email questions to when Vegas Matt limped the middle. Series of Poker bracelet
read for entertainment. up to me, I would simply stop [email protected]. holding the A♦7♦ and Mor- Howard, who seemingly winner.

Level: Impossible

Solution to last week's puzzle

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