The Daily Tar Heel For July 8, 2010
The Daily Tar Heel For July 8, 2010
The Daily Tar Heel For July 8, 2010
galloping about in a real-world
version of Harry Potter’s beloved South Road pedestrian bridge
sport of Quidditch. The proposed pedestrian bridge would extend across South Road, starting between the
Undergraduate Library and Student Stores and ending behind Fetzer Gym.
Too bad they can’t fly. The project would cost an estimated $8 million.
building bridges?
Water standards
university | page 3 come under fire
At the Summer Youth Students oppose construction Staff writer
Environmental groups across
Conservatory, a drama camp the state are raising a stink over
by colleen volz sludge.
put together by the ArtsCenter staff writer The Blue Ridge Environmental
Although UNC students have voiced opposition to Defense League in conjunction
in Carrboro and PlayMakers building a pedestrian bridge on campus since its pro- with N.C. Sen. Ellie Kinnaird,
Repertory Company, students posal one year ago, the Board of Trustees is still planning D-Orange, held a press conference
to consider all data with a careful eye. June 21 to discuss public health
put Dickens to music. In April, the capital projects committee of UNC stu- and the environment, and they are
dent government compiled a 41-page document that still waiting for answers.
reported the responses received in November from a Some groups argue sludge will
campuswide student poll about the bridge, but the Jones contaminate water unless the state
Administration hadn’t acted on the report, leaving it to holds it to stricter standards. They
her successor to present to the board. are calling for a moratorium on
The board will not discuss the report unless it is for- spreading the sludge in the state’s
mally brought forth by a member. critical watersheds, which they said
In the survey, nearly nine out of 10 students stated that is happening in Orange County.
the South Road bridge is not a worthwhile investment. Orange Water and Sewer
“It’s just a bridge, but people are up in arms about it,” Authority has a 2006 permit that
said Student Body Secretary Ian Lee, co-writer of the report dth/Stephen Mitchell allows the spreading of sludge,
and co-chairman of the capital projects committee. Students cross South Road in front of Student Stores on Tuesday. The or biosolids — the solid byprod-
Bob Winston III, chairman of the Board of Trustees, proposed pedestrian bridge would aim to make the crossing safer. uct that comes from treating dirty
said this was the first time students had created a survey water and sewage — in Orange,
Diversions | page 7
about any construction project at the University. Chatham and Alamance counties.
A majority of those surveyed voted that they believe South Road Pedestrian Bridge Some of the permitted sites are
the bridge would be a waste of funding, an unattractive within their respective county’s
Lovely Language addition to the heart of campus and an inappropriate way defined critical watershed area;
Chapel Hill’s indie pop band, to increase traffic flow on South Road. More than 1,300 Under- Student Union however, they are not within the
students responded to the survey. Despite such student graduate area the state defines as a critical
The Love Language, is set to disapproval, the board will still consider the plan. Student
“It’s hard for people who aren’t involved in a day- Library Stores The state deems treated sludge
release its second album July to-day basis to have a perspective about this thing,” safe to dump in areas cleared by
13. Libraries boasts a dreamy Winston said.
South Road state permits, but groups including
“If someone says I don’t think it looks pretty, I don’t the league argue that even treated
and polished new sound after like the look, that’s fine. Everyone has an opinion,” he biosolids — regulated for certain
the group was signed to said. chemicals — are harmful.
Estimates for the cost of the bridge range between $8 Sue Dayton, coordinator for the
Superchunk’s Merge Records. million and $9 million. The report states that the bridge League’s N.C. Healthy Communities
would likely take a decade to complete. Sta
diu Project, said sludge is harmful
“I don’t know if people in college know what construc- m because of some contaminants. tion costs for these kind of things,” Winston said. Dr
Fetzer Gym “The potential effects are very
The bridge would potentially span from the southwest scary,” Dayton said.
NO SMOKING The effects of biosolids on
A UNC poll shows more North See south bridge, Page 4
See sludge, Page 4
Carolinians than ever support a
Rebecca Putterman From staff and wire reports
Summer Editor
962-0750 91-year-old woman from Pennsylvania will be allowed to keep the corpses
[email protected]
of her husband and twin sister if she builds a mausoleum at her home.
Dean Drescher Police told Jean Stevens that the bodies would be re-interred if she
university EDITOR
962-0372 does not build a proper burial spot for them.
[email protected]
According to The Associated Press, Stevens said she keeps the bodies so that she
Kelly Poe can see and talk to her deceased loved ones.
962-4209 Stevens is also claustrophobic, and said that she can’t bear the idea of her loved
[email protected]
ones being buried in caskets in the ground.
Rebecca Putterman
STATE & NATIONAL EDITOR, 962-4103 Authorities began investigating the case in mid-June after finding the body of her hus-
[email protected] band on a couch in the garage and the body of her sister on a couch in a spare room.
Becca Brenner
arts and Copy Editor NOTED. The Associated Press reported that a QUOTED. After watching a live stream of a
962-4214 thief stopped his bicycle on a Southern California 602-pound New Jersey woman stuffing her face
[email protected]
street to grab a 16-year-old girl, rob her of the with food, one blogger wrote:
jonathan jones only dollar in her purse, and steal a kiss. “Lately I’ve been infatuated with the phys-
SPORTS Editor According to Santa Ana police, the man ics of my belly. . . (i)t moves with me … The
[email protected] took the girl’s purse, handed her back her wal- more attention I pay to it, the easier it becomes
let, and then demanded the single dollar in it to imagine sizes like 300, 400 (pounds). I like
Alyssa Griffith before kissing her and riding off. No one was to think I don’t romanticize it, but I can’t help DTH/Stephen Mitchell
Opinion EDITOR arrested. lusting over those sizes.”
962-0750 hris “Juggleboy” Fowler gives Ramir Connor a high-
[email protected]
five at Carrboro’s July Fourth Celebration on Sunday.
Stephen Mitchell
The event included a magic show, watermelon seed-
[email protected] spitting contest and live music. For a slideshow of Fourth of
porch and lawn. Mel Melton & Wicked July festivities visit
Kelly McHUGH today saturday
design editor Mojos perform.
[email protected]
Science Alive: Let’s Rock!: This is
the second of a series of new monthly
Time: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: The Carolina Inn Family Fun Day: A day of activities Police log
Seth Wright programs based on hands-on science that will appeal to all. Guided tours, n Someone used fireworks and n Someone took an ice cream
Online EDITOR education. Learn about rock types and Second Friday Art Walk: About children’s activities, artisan demon- a tree branch to cause $150 worth cone and chocolate chip cookie
962-0750 their cool characteristics. Everyone will two dozen art galleries and busi- of damage to a passing vehicle at without paying for them between
[email protected] strations, farmers market, shopping,
have a chance to make a mini volcano nesses stay open late for shopping, and dining. 12:21 a.m. Tuesday on Fordham 1:10 p.m. and 1:19 p.m. Monday
and watch it explode. Free with admis- and many offer live music and Time: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Boulevard near Sage Road, accord- from 1213 Martin Luther King
➤ The Daily Tar Heel reports any inac- sion and to members. refreshments. Map available at each ing to Chapel Hill police reports. Jr. Blvd., according to Chapel Hill
Location: Alexander Dickson House,
curate information published as soon Time: 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. stop. No cost. Hillsborough police reports.
as the error is discovered.
Location: Kidzu Children’s Museum Time: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. n An 18-year-old Chapel Hill The total stolen value is $4,
➤ Corrections for front-page errors will Location: Various locations, down- Guided Tours of North Carolina man was arrested on misdemeanor reports state.
be printed on the front page. Any other Locally Grown Rooftop Movies town Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Botanical Garden: The morning charges for possession of marijuana
incorrect information will be corrected and Music: Free outdoor concert and tour offers an informative, informal in brownies and speeding at 10:25 n Someone entered a house
on page 3. Errors committed on the movie. Come enjoy the Beer Garden 10 by 10 Festival: 10 plays, 10 view of the display gardens. Learn p.m. Monday at the intersection of through an unlocked back door
Opinion Page have corrections printed on the Plaza featuring local offerings minutes, 10 actors for $10. This about our natural habitat gardens, Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and stole more than $3,350 worth
on that page. Corrections also are noted from Carolina Brewery along with a international festival of new perennial borders, and carnivorous and Northfield Drive, according to of property between 4 a.m. and 5:17
in the online versions of our stories. selection of wine. Taste local fare from 10-minute plays brings the very plant collections. The afternoon tour Chapel Hill police reports. a.m. Monday at 7614 Amesbury
➤ Please contact Summer Editor Rebecca Chapel Hill restaurants. Tonight’s movie best of the 10-minute format to the is a behind-the-scenes look at the Nicholas Charles White was Drive, according to Chapel Hill
Putterman at DTHsummer2010@ is “Blood Done Sign My Name.” Triangle. new Education Center. cited and released, reports state. police reports. with issues about this policy. Time: 8 p.m. Time: 8 p.m. Time: 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The brownies were placed into Items stolen include two tele-
Location: Wallace Parking Plaza, Location: ArtsCenter, 300 E. Main Location: North Carolina Botanical evidence. visions worth $2,000, two $300
P.O. Box 3257, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 Chapel Hill St., Carrboro Garden, 100 Old Mason Farm Rd. game consoles, a $750 computer
Sarah Frier, Editor-in-Chief, 962-4086 n Someone stole two bicycles and a $1 piece of jewelry.
Advertising & Business, 962-1163 Friday Concert: The Heartless Bastards; To make a calendar submission, from a yard between 11:29 a.m.
News, Features, Sports, 962-0245
The Builders And The Butchers; Peter e-mail [email protected]. and 7:19 p.m. Monday at 2219 Old n Someone s tole a $600
One copy per person; additional copies may be
Fridays on the Front Porch: Wolf Crier. $12 in Advance, $14 Day Events will be published in the Oxford Road, according to Chapel Motorola Android phone
purchased at The Daily Tar Heel for $.25 each.
Please report suspicious activity at our End-of-the-work-week celebration of show. newspaper on either the day or the Hill police reports. between 9:20 a.m. and 9:26 a.m.
distribution racks by e-mailing [email protected]. that features live bluegrass music, a Time: 9 p.m. day before they take place. The bicycles were valued at Monday from 1744 Fordham
Southern picnic buffet, drink specials, Location: Cat’s Cradle, Carrboro Submissions must be sent in by $100 and $200, reports state. Blvd., according to Chapel Hill
© 2010 DTH Publishing Corp.
All rights reserved and comfortable seating on the front noon the preceding publication date. police reports.
s ty le s w im m ing pool
+ resort-
& d r y e r in e a ch unit
+ washer
p r iva te b e d rooms
The Daily Tar Heel Top News thursday, july 8, 2010 3
Tina Prevatte.
The Daily Tar Heel apologizes
for the error. Joins 11 other UNC-system schools new programs; physical therapy,
occupational therapy, nurse prac-
system really did not have a lot of
programs for health science, so we
tioner. We’re looking at growing formed a partnership basically where
party at
Campus BRIEFS by Rebecca Putterman from health care to sustainability.
“One of the priorities in that
down the road.” we said we’ll help you,” said the sys-
state & national editor According to the N.C. Health tem’s president, Richard Sparks.
UNC dean of students to W h e n A p p a l a c h i a n S t a t e strategic plan is to train health Professions Data System, there Although the UNC system already
leave for Purdue University University officially opened its professionals and actively address were only 374 registered nurses has 11 four-year nursing programs,
College of Health Sciences on July 1, the health and wellness needs in in the whole of Watauga County they are mostly concentrated in the
Melissa Exum, dean of students the school was fulfilling a vision not only the region but in North where Appalachian State is located. eastern half of the sate.
and associate vice chancellor of tauted by the UNC system long Carolina as well,” said Fred Whitt, Training health care professionals “All the evidence suggests we need
student affairs, has been hired at before the economic downturn dean of the newly founded college. locally will benefit both students and a lot more nurses in that region, cer-
Purdue University. limited the potential for growth. The college is still awaiting its the region’s health care system. tainly the hospitals would like to
Exum, who will serve as Purdue’s With its four-year Bachelor of home. Its programs, ranging from The Appalachian Regional have a more local source of nurses
new vice president for student
affairs, will oversee the dean of stu-
Science in Nursing degree accredited the four-year nursing degree to
last week, Appalachian State accept- speech pathology, are located in
Healthcare System has been work-
ing with the university, providing
being prepared there at a bacca-
laureate level,” said Alan Mabe, the
Sugarland, Top o’
dents, student health, recreational
sports and the Center for Career
ed 20 nursing students for its first eight buildings across campus.
class, launching a program that will “By pulling all these programs
internships and courting future
UNC-system senior vice president
for academic affairs.
offer cake, beer
Opportunities. benefit the state in the long run. together, (it) will certainly help us The system donated a piece of “Nursing seems to be a field
While at UNC, Exum created a In 2007, UNC-system President maximize our dollars and leverage
By Ali Rockett
land across from Watagua Medical where more people want to enter Staff writer
crisis response system and designed Erskine Bowles launched UNC our resources ansd give these pro- Center where the college will be built than we have spots for.”
and taught several courses. She was Just 10 days after celebrating its
Tomorrow, a strategy for how system grams a home,” Whitt said. as soon as state funding is available.
named assistant vice chancellor for own nation’s Independence Day,
schools could meet the state’s needs “And when the economy does “What we had noticed is that in Contact the State & National Toots & Magoo boutique and gal-
student affairs in 1998 and pro- in the next two decades, ranging turn around, we’ll be poised to add northwest North Carolina … the UNC Editor at [email protected]. lery will host a celebration of the
moted to associate vice chancellor
in 2005. Independence Day of its owners’
The appointment, which has to home away from home — France.
be approved by Purdue’s Board of “The idea is to bring a little bit
Trustees, is effective Aug. 2. of Parisian flare to Franklin Street,”
said Jennifer Ashdown, publicist
for the event.
School of Medicine, UNC July 14 marks the 221st com-
Hospitals name new leader memoration of the storming of the
Bastille prison, a pivotal moment
Anthony Lindsey, currently the at the beginning of the French
vice chair for clinical affairs and the Revolution.
director of medical student educa- “It was the beginning of the
tion for the department of psychi- end,” said Nicolas Raguin, of Lyon,
atry, has been named the School France, who has lived in Chapel
of Medicine’s executive associate Hill for the past year and plans to
dean for clinical affairs and UNC attend the event.
Hospitals’ chief of staff. “Bastille was a symbol of the
Lindsey was named an associate monarchy. And by taking it over, it
chief of staff in July 2009. He has was like the beginning of the end
been a professor of psychiatry since for the royalty and for the King.”
2001, and will transition into his Raguin described Bastille Day —
new roles in early August. called the 14th of July, or “le qua-
He will report to the School of torze juillet” in French — as the
Medicine’s new Executive Dean equivalent of the U.S. Fourth of
Marschall Runge and will lead July complete with fireworks and
the teaching physicians oversight parades honoring the military.
committee. Inspired by Marie Antoinette’s
famous line, “Let them eat cake,”
Public invited to celebrate Toots & Magoo has enlisted the help
former UNC leader’s birthday of Sugarland bakery next door.
dth/Stephen Mitchell Top of the Hill will provide the
William Friday, the UNC-system Khalid Williams (center) practices a solo during a rehearsal at the Summer Youth Conservatory on Friday. The conservatory, held at the alcohol for Monaco and Demi Peche
president from 1956 to 1986, will cel- Center for Dramatic Art, culminates with a performance of the musical “Drood,” based on a story by Charlse Dickens, at the end of July. — beer cocktails popular in Paris.
ebrate his 90th birthday Tuesday. “We’re just tying into that French
Marshall trails Republican
challenger Burr by 5 percent
UNC Quidditch team seeks to make Potter proud
Richard Burr begins the month
Group to apply for club sport status “I was never too
of July with a 5 percentage-point coordinated enough
lead over Elaine Marshall accord- by Carter McCall interested,” Cox said.
ing to a new poll from Raleigh- senior writer Most of the members found out to play soccer, but
The magic of sport is taken more about the team through the Chapel
based Public Policy Polling.
Burr’s leads 38 percent, Marshall seriously by some than others. Hill Quidditch group on Facebook I can run with a
has 33 percent and Libertarian
Michael Beitler has 10 percent.
Quidditch, an adaptation of
the wizard sport in author J.K.
and saw it as an opportunity to
connect with other fans. broom between my
Rowling’s worldwide phenomenon,
the Harry Potter series, has grown
“I don’t play sports, but I wanted
to find a sport I was passionate
SPORTS BRIEFS in popularity on college campuses. about and I feel passionate about Stephone White, unc alumnus
Tar Heels finish seventh in Now, a group of students are Quidditch,” junior Liz Wilson said.
Directors Cup, ahead of Duke trying to start a team at UNC. The game consists of seven play- to become a club sport next year,
While players lack the ability to ers on each team — as many as 14 eventually competing in matches
North Carolina took seventh in fly through the air, it doesn’t stop players have showed up for practice with other schools.
the Learfield Sports Directors Cup, them from keeping the sport true — with one neutral player desig- Cox said they have a long way
which was announced on July 1. to form, sprinting around the field nated as the Snitch. Each position to go before they begin competing.
The cup measures postseason on broomsticks and wearing capes. has a responsibility. Not all players have brooms, sub-
success of both men’s and women’s After starting at Middlebury Three chasers attempt to score stituting a PVC pipe or a Swiffer
teams. It marked the 15th time in College in Vermont in 2005, the sport the Quaffle, a deflated soccer ball, Duster instead.
the cup’s 17-year history that UNC has exploded to include 226 regis- through three raised hoops for 10 “I was never too coordinated
has placed in the top 10. tered teams with the Intercollegiate points. A keeper guards goals of enough to play soccer, but I can run
The Tar Heels were the third Quidditch Association, the governing varying heights. with a broom between my legs,” said
ACC team in the top 10, behind body of the sport. College teams now Beaters prowl the playing field recent graduate Stephone White.
Virginia at No. 3 and Florida have organized matches culminating and try to pick off unsuspecting A team name also needs to be
State at No. 5 and ahead of No. 10 with a Quidditch World Cup. opponents with dodgeballs, or selected. “Old Well Wizards” is a
Duke. Junior Laura Cox, captain of the Bludgers. top choice.
National championships in Chapel Hill Qudditch team, decided The chasers pursue the Snitch, They are always looking for new
women’s soccer and field hockey to start the team after starting one at an elusive golden ball with wings players, and Cox said she encourages
helped propel the Tar Heels to the UNC-Charlotte and transferring. in the wizarding world, or, in the anyone interested to come and play.
top 10. Seeking out other Potter fans adapted game, a cross county run- “It’s been growing. I’ve had people
UNC is the only school other or simply interested students, Cox ner who does his best to elude his e-mail me about coming to watch
than Stanford to win the cup, when hung flyers around campus and potential captors. games and when we are going to be
the Tar Heels took first place in Franklin Street advertising tryouts. Capturing the Snitch scores 150 playing other schools,” Cox said.
1994, the inaugural year. “It was more like a tryout to try points and ends the match. dth/Stephen Mitchell
out Quidditch. We wanted to get The team is hoping to hold Contact University Desk UNC senior Dave Matney (left) guards Stephone White from scoring
From staff and wire reports. people to come and see if they were two practices a week and apply at [email protected]. during a practice for the Chapel Hill Quidditch team Monday night.
4 thursday, july 8, 2010 News The Daily Tar Heel
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(taxes included)
Carrboroites Opposition to
want in on rail tax increase
already brewing
future transit Citizens will vote “I’m sure there was
Citizen group “I’m a big advocate on tax in 2011 similar resistance
seeks light rail for moving the rail when they
by Jonathan michels
west to Carrboro. It staff writer introduced the car.”
by Christine Rheem A tax increase that would bring
intern will be good in the light rail to the Triangle could also Bo Glenn, organizer for Durham-
Growing support from commu-
nity leaders has sparked discussion long term.” stop it in its tracks.
Citizens have until next year to
Orange Friends of Transit
to open Carrboro’s public transpor- vote to approve a half-cent sales tax In 2007, Mecklenburg County
tation system to development. Allan Rosen, Carrboro activist
increase to fund transit projects such voters approved a similar sales
These efforts are led by Connect the rail west to Carrboro,” said as light rail, but opposition is already tax increase that brought light rail
Carrboro, a coalition of citizens Connect Carrboro member Allan brewing against the measure. to Charlotte. TTA officials point
committed to bridging the trans- Rosen. “It will be good in the long “We will oppose anything that to Charlotte’s LYNX Blue Line
portation gap between Carrboro term and studying it now makes increases taxes of any kind,” said J. as a success story: fast, economi-
and the rest of the Triangle. the most sense.” Russell Capps, president of the Wake cal transportation that could be a
“Carrboro and west Chapel Hill Proponents of Connect Carrboro County Taxpayers Association. “They model for the Triangle.
are not seamlessly connected to the said there is no reason not to want tax everything already,” Capps said. Many other light rail transit plans
regional bus network and are not expanded public transit. For 12 years, Capps served for have fallen by the wayside because
featured prominently in the plans “I think, once you lay out the Wake County in the N.C. House transportation authorities failed to
proposed for light rail and bus reasons to support it, many folks of Representatives. He said he’s convince voters that the technology
rapid transit,” Connect Carrboro in Carrboro and Chapel Hill will never liked the idea of light rail in was worth paying extra money.
member Rickie White said. do so,” Haven said. the Triangle. “Yes, there’s a tremendous up-
The light rail and bus rapid transit Haven said benefits of a light rail “We have fought it and will con- front expense, but studies show it
are a few of the options put forth by a route to Carrboro include environ- tinue to fight it,” he said. “Light rail is more economical than putting
recent study of Alternatives Analysis. mental friendliness and a mitiga- is nothing in the world but trying down highways and all the expense
The light rail would resemble an tion of traffic buildup on Franklin to keep up with what other cities to owning and operating motor vehi-
above-ground metro system. Bus and Main streets and U.S. 15-501. are doing.” cles,” said Bo Glenn, an organizer for
rapid transit would provide an extra The creation and extension of Overhead electrical lines power Durham-Orange Friends of Transit.
lane for buses to improve efficiency. a light rail system into Carrboro light rail cars, which can reach “I’m sure there was similar resis-
This study is a crucial step in hinges on the question of cost. speeds up to 60 mph. tance when they introduced the car,
Triangle Transit’s Long Range “For those that are upset that there dtH/Amanda Nappi Light rail also averages $50 but something has to happen.”
Transportation Plan that evalu- are not currently plans for the light Residents board a Triangle Transit Authority bus going to downtown million to $60 million per mile in Graham said the TTA has learned
ates different public transit options rail line to extend into Carrboro, the Durham. A tax increase would allow the TTA to expand their services. capital expenses. from the mistakes of other regions
and their effects. Connect Carrboro reason is money,” said Lydia Lavelle, The Triangle Transit Authority’s that failed to successfully promote
members said being included in this a member of the Carrboro Board of
study is key to extending higher- Aldermen. “We cannot build every- Triangle light rail vision sweeping 25-year plan includes
light rail, commuter rail, bus rapid
sweeping transit plans to voters
wary of tax increases in an economic
order transit to Carrboro. thing we want at once.” A proposed light rail route would link Wake, transit and an expansion of existing recession.
“It is especially important that Connect Carrboro also wants Durham and Orange counties. The route bus service. In order to implement TTA has been holding public
Carrboro be in on the ground floor to discuss other ways to improve would be paid for by a sales tax increase the plans, the TTA requires local, forums since June to inform voters
of this process as the alternatives Carrboro’s transit experience. ORANGE state and federal funding. of transportation options, includ-
are being introduced,” member “We would still like to see a Passing the half-cent sales tax ing light rail.
Ben Haven said. “We believe the Triangle Transit bus line that increase is only the first part in a Linda Lyons, a Morrisville Town
beginning of the process will have extends directly into Carrboro or 40 DURHAM complicated process that eventually Council member, attended a public
Wake Forest
the greatest influence in shaping west Chapel Hill,” Haven said. ends in obtaining federal dollars. meeting Tuesday at the Cary Town
the discussion and the transit map Chapel Hill
The fate of Carrboro’s public Carrboro Durham “You have to have a robust local Hall to look at the options.
moving forward.” transportation rests on months of
revenue source,” said Damien “I think we do need to do some-
A significant change being dis- public hearings and studies. But Graham, government affairs man- thing about the congestion, because
cussed in the Alternatives Analysis Haven said he is still hopeful. 440
ager for Triangle Transit Authority. it’s really bad,” she said.
is the addition of the light rail “Time will tell,” he said. “The The federal funding process has When asked about the TTA’s light
Future I-540
system to the area. Currently, pro- more the public is involved in the Possible future rail
40 become crowded and increasingly rail proposal, she shook her head.
posed routes for a light rail do not process, the more likely we will get expansion Apex WAKE difficult to navigate, Graham said. “I’m not for that plan. I think
extend into Carrboro. This exclu- a Carrboro inclusion.” Potential enhanced “It’s getting more and more com- we’re being taxed enough.”
bus service
sion is a central issue that Connect Alternative analysis
0 2.5 5 miles plicated,” he said. “The pot has not
Carrboro is looking to change. Contact the City Editor study corridor grown, but the number of applica- Contact the State & National
“I’m a big advocate for moving at [email protected]. SOURCE: OURTRANSITFUTURE.COM 40 DTH/KELLY McHUGH tions have.” Editor at [email protected].
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6 thursday, july 8, 2010 News The Daily Tar Heel
Together they considered each Also hailing from across the follow the July 17 performance and
application, looking for hard-hit- Triangle are the series’ 10 actors. will also include wine and food, as
ting, witty and endearing scripts. Ranii noted that the short length well as the opportunity to meet with
The process was blind, as writ- and diversity of plays gives the actors, designers and directors.
UNC School of Dentistry is presently enrolling healthy subjects who: ers’ names weren’t revealed until actors a unique opportunity to mas-
all 10 plays were selected. ter dynamic and challenging roles. Contact the Arts Editor
are non-smokers between the ages of 18 and 35 Ranii spoke of the panel’s ability Local multi-instrumentalist at [email protected].
have pain and signs of inflammation (pericoronitis)
around a lower wisdom tooth (3rd molar)
Hill is all about density.”
Multi-family developments are
also touted as more environmen-
tally friendly.
“The main argument is single-
family developments take up a lot
more space and use more of nature’s
resources,” said Pete Andrews, a
UNC professor of environmental
The federal government placed a
100-foot boundary near the lake to
STILL LOOKING FOR HOUSING FOR NEXT FALL? help protect them from pollution —
YOU HAVEN’T STARTED LOOKING YET? but portions of the proposed devel-
opment are very close to that line.
WELL, SIGN A LEASE BY JULY 15TH AND GET $1,000 OFF “Any kind of development
increases runoff because it substi-
YOUR FIRST MONTH’S RENT AND $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE tutes absorbable ground for hard
“The more runoff you have, the
737, 739 and 741 Edwards Street: more oil, fertilizer and pesticides
4BR’s with 3.5 bathrooms and decks on each unit are $1800 June 28 - July 12 you have that can potentially go
into the water source.”
102/100 East Longview: this location will The council shot down Zinn’s
original plan in 2007 due to con-
4BR/5BR with patio/deck at $1,800 and $2,500 be closed for cerns about stormwater runoff and
Mill Creek: remodeling. We erosion.
“This is a very sensitive piece
2BR’s are $1,100-$1,200 will be available of land because of the stormwater
4BR’s are $2,000 for delivery only! issues. My big concern is that the
(includes: water and one parking pass per bedroom) stormwater be done right,” Rich
Stonecrop: Zinn redesigned the project
Only 4BR units remaining #1 in Customer Satisfaction! Accepts
UNC OneCard by pulling the buildings further
at $2,600
Summer Special
away from the lake, narrowing the
(includes: water, electric, basic cable and internet) HOURS
streets and tightening the sides of
Mon-Wed 10am-2am
the development.
The Retreat: Thurs-Sat 10am-3am
LARGE Papa John’s Pizza for consideration for a year, and Zinn
607-B W. Franklin St. only just finished the redesign.
*$1,000 OFF per unit, not per person
XLG 3 topping Order Pizza Online! than a decade where a project
has come back before the council,
Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt said in
10 $
She said she hopes the council
Sales, Rentals and Management
00 99 will approve the plan by spring.
For more information call 968-7226 + tax + tax
or go to Not valid with any other offer. Valid only at participating locations. Customer pays Not valid with any other offer. Valid only at participating locations. Customer pays Contact the City Editor at
all applicable sales tax. Additional toppings extra. Good for carry-out or delivery. all applicable sales tax. Additional toppings extra. Good for carry-out or delivery.
Limited delivery area. EXPIRES 7/31/10
Limited delivery area.
EXPIRES 7/31/10 [email protected].
The Daily Tar Heel Diversions thursday, july 8, 2010 7
Offers refreshing © 2009 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved. Town picks ‘Cotton’
change of tempo Level: 1 2 3 4 Chapel Hill adopts the
University’s summer reading pro-
gram. See pg. 4 for story.
by Linnie Greene Complete the grid
Diversions Editor so each row, column
In the first few measures of and 3-by-3 box (in
Light rail, weighty issue
“Wildwood,” the titular track off of bold borders) con- Proposal to raise taxes to support
Chatham County Line’s most recent tains every digit 1 light rail system faces opposition in
album, Dave Wilson declares, to 9. the Triangle. See pg. 5 for story.
“Don’t mistake me for a wild wood
Solution to
/A place to run and hide/… I’m not
last week’s puzzle
The power of 10
a place to hang your head/Run
Ten actors perform ten 10-minute
away from yourself.”
plays from around the world at the
It’s a candor that pervades the
ArtsCenter. See pg. 6 for story.
album in its entirety, and in a sum-
mer full of lo-fi pretension, Raleigh’s
Chatham County Line is as organic Cutting the Orange
and refreshing as a dash through a Orange County Schools face
sprinkler on a July afternoon. uncertainty without a final budget.
Wildwood is an ideal distillation See pg. 8 for story.
of the best Chatham County Line
has offered on past records.
There’s political commentary
50 %
in the form of “Ghost of Woody Courtesy of Yeproc Records
Guthrie,” which adapts the ‘60s folk MUSICreview ATTEND THE CD RELEASE
407 E. Main Street
troubadour’s messages to a modern
context. Insightful emotionalism
Chatham County Line Time: Doors open 8 p.m. Saturday OFF & SHOES (Across from Domino’s)
on tracks like “Alone in New York” Wildwood Location: Cat’s Cradle • YOUR VEHICLE’S MOST IMPORTANT SAFETY FEATURE - DON’T WAIT
renders heartbreak without revert- Folk Info: Valid on parts only when installed at Meineke. Discount applies to regular retail pricing. Most cars & light trucks. Valid at participating locations. Not valid with any other offers or warranty work. Must
present coupon at time of estimate. One offer per service per vehicle. No cash value.
ing to truisms.
But most importantly, there’s an classic folk sensibilities.
innate sense of songwriting know- and modern musical aesthetics, There’s enough innovation to
how — Dave Wilson and company and Wilson walks this narrow rope ensure that Wildwood is not a rep-
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
(C)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
have crafted a sturdy set of folk unflinchingly. etition of past successes — the band’s All rights reserved.
tunes that are instantly gripping “Crop Comes In,” with its immac- latest reinvents classic folk for a mod-
and lastingly memorable. ulate harmonies and charming ern audience to outstanding effect. Across 61 1999 recipient of the Mark 18 Like a bright future 44 How some hotdogging is
Where harmonies and melodic instrumentation, epitomizes the Wilson might not be a wild 1 Cry out loud Twain Prize for American 19 Clothing line? done
structures might initially seem sweeping scale and instant engage- wood, but Chatham County 5 Pain for a sitter Humor 24 Nick and Nora’s clue 46 “Raging Bull” boxer Jake
Line’s invigorating folk is a pleas- 8 Presumed evolutionary 65 Tenor Bocelli sniffer 48 Top dogs
obvious, a look beneath each song’s ment the group can establish in a 49 “__ move on!”
link 66 NASA thumbs-up 25 Manx murmur
accessible veneer reveals intricacy seemingly unadorned folk tune. ant escape from a highly stylized 14 Bee’s grandnephew 67 New Mexico ski resort 27 Busboy’s aid 50 Young deer
and complexity that extends these The track that follows, “Porcelain summer. 15 Brazilian-themed Vegas 68 Puts back to zero 28 Cowardly Lion player 51 Tea cart treat
songs’ shelf life. Doll,” is an equally telling statement casino, with “The” 69 “Golly” 29 Evidence of Sills’ skills 52 Watches over
16 Like the sea 70 A.D. part 30 Nabisco cracker 54 Close to closed
Sure, there are a few choruses about the power the group wields Contact the Diversions Editor 56 Stocking problem
17 City near the base of Pikes 31 Mazda two-seater
that any listener can memorize after over its craft — where other songs at [email protected].
Peak Down 35 Eve’s second 58 Teach not to rely on, with
a couple of repeats, but Chatham mount to epic, extended harmonies 20 Increase by 1 Lauderdale neighbor 36 Fervor “from”
21 Floral greeting 59 Wrinkle remover
County Line doesn’t prize simplicity and repetitions, this delicate track 2 Like two peas 37 Discontinues 60 North-of-the-border gas
at the cost of profundity. It’s a wire- is brief and austere, an exposition 22 Trial in __ 39 Nursery bed 62 Hanoi holiday
thin line between classic folk tropes of Wilson’s glass-clear voice and 23 Letters that get things 3 Untamed 40 Soft or hard attachment 63 Job’s lot?
moving 4 Workout wear 41 “Stronger than dirt!” 64 ’50s presidential moniker
26 One with a brush 5 401(k) alternative, briefly cleanser
28 National Economic 6 Central
Counsel director 7 It may be Olympic-size
32 Saharan 8 Seek ambitiously
Eclipse Tanning
Eclipse Tanning Salon
Salon 33 Prefix with state or sect
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8 thursday, july 8, 2010 City The Daily Tar Heel
Orange schools prep for cuts full of pie on the fourth of july
by Alicia banks ing an effect on the student,” she mean preserving jobs.”
staff writer said. Coffey said there are a lot of dif-
With a new school year County schools have been ferent needs the school board must
approaching and no final budget, using a program, called Raising meet.
Orange County Schools Board of Achievement and Closing the “It will be difficult for me to
Education members, teachers and Gap, to tackle the problem of low pinpoint one thing for (the board
parents have high hopes for the academic success for minority stu- members) to focus on,” she said.
upcoming year. dents by increasing the number of Medenblik also wants to focus on
Orange County Schools have minority students taking advanced school renovations. The county is
been working around the restraints classes and hiring a wider diversity on a 10-year capital plan, and with
of doing “more with less,” a com- of teachers. reduced funding, school safety haz-
mon phrase highlighting budget Teresa Bunner, vice president ards are a high priority for repairs.
and teacher cuts during the past of the Parent Teacher Student She said Orange High School
academic school years. Association at Gravelly Hill Middle has some “rickety” bleachers and
On top of budget cuts, the board School in Efland, finds gather- Cedar Ridge High School is faced
faces issues this year ranging from ing parent participation within with land erosion.
the county’s own achievement gap the school system a challenge, “If you don’t take care of it now,
to school renovations. especially at the high school level, it will turn into much more con-
Although cuts have been an issue, because kids are more vocal about cerning issues,” Medenblik said.
Orange County Schools board mem- independence. Despite economic shortfalls,
ber Anne Medenblik, who recently The county will also face redis- Bunner takes comfort in the prog-
kept her seat in an election runoff, tricting, which was approved in the ress Gravelly Hill has made. DTH/Stephen Mitchell
advocates for better teachers and early spring. “We have campus beautification
technology. “Having the least impact on projects and cleanup,” Bunner said.
arielle Rath gasps for air during the pie-eating contest at Carrboro’s July Fourth
“I firmly believe in engaging classrooms is my biggest priority,” “We support the staff in whatever Celebration. Contestants in the 6- to 8- and 9- to 12-year-old divisions raced to eat
the community in the schools,” said Donna Coffey, vice chairwoman way we are able to.” a quarter slice of a pie, and contestants in the adult division attempted to eat an
Medenblik said. “I know, being a for the Board of Education. “I think
teacher, it doesn’t take very long to No. 1 would be on increasing the Contact the City Editor entire pie. Mya Guthrie and Christopher Robertson were the winners in the 6- to 8- and 9- to
know whether that teacher is hav- student-teacher ratio; it may even at [email protected]. 12-year-old divisions, respectively. Erik Fanning won in the adult contest.
Announcements For Rent For Rent For Rent Help Wanted Help Wanted Summer Jobs
mill house. Walk, bike, or bus to campus.
for rent 2 blocks from UNC campus and
ing! $8/hr. with Tar Heel Athletic Hospitality.
needed. Flexible hours and competitive
Summer deadlines are NOON Tuesday prior
to publication for classified ads. We publish
ALL REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL advertising in 3bR/1.5bA, private yard, W/D, central AC, uptown Chapel Hill. 5bR/3.5bA, large liv- All 2010 home football games. Apply online DEVELOpMENT pay. Fantastic new briar Chapel facility on
this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair some hardwood floors, garden space, stor- ing areas, 5 parking spaces, managed Email lstew- 15-501 minutes from campus. Certifications
every Thursday during the Summer School The NiMH Psychoactive Drug Screening
Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal age building, small deck. $1,200/mo, avail- [email protected] with questions or call required. Call 919-240-4958.
sessions. A university holiday is a DTH landscape. Available August 1. $3,000/mo. Program (PDSP) seeks applications for the
to advertise “any preference, limitation, or able now. Please call Leif, 919-542-5420. 919-843-3058
holiday too (i.e. this affects deadlines). We 919-360-0993. position of “PDSP computer programmer”
discrimination based on race, color, religion,
to help develop a new information system
reserve the right to reject, edit, or reclassify
any ad. Acceptance of ad copy or prepayment
sex, handicap, familial status, or national
origin, or an intention to make any such
this 2bR/1bA duplex. Hardwood floors, pets
for beautiful home. Close to UNC campus. No
you interested in assisting people with
(iS). The PDSP administrative and scientific Wheels for Sale
does not imply agreement to publish an ad. team will use this web based iS to adminis-
preference, limitation, or discrimination.” negotiable with fee. $720/mo. Email Fran pets. Call 489-3632 or 423-6172 for further developmental disabilities in yard work
You may stop your ad at any time, but NO ter the program and deliver results to users.
This newspaper will not knowingly accept Holland Properties at herbholland@intrex. information. and landscaping. M-F 8am-4pm. $10.20/ 2000 NiSSAN SENTRA SE. $3,250. 90K miles
REFUNDS or credits for stopped ads will be This is a temp, full-timeposition for the PDSP
any advertising which is in violation of the net or call 919-968-4545, M-F 9am-Noon. hr plus benefits! Minimum requirements 2.0 liter, 5 speed manual, AbS, front and
provided. No advertising for housing or em- MiLL CREEK TOWNHOUSE, 2bR/2bA. Half ( For full descrip-
law. Our readers are hereby informed that include previous lawn work experience side airbags, 30+ MPG, power locks and
ployment, in accordance with federal law, mile from campus on MLK blvd. Full kitchen. tion see
all dwellings advertised in this newspaper and knowledge of repairs for landscaping windows, tilt and cruise. 16” alloy wheels,
can state a preference based on sex, race, bEST DEAL iN TOWN. AWESOME, Carpeted. Water, parking included. $1,080/ Send resumes: [email protected]. ADA/EOE
are available on an equal opportunity basis equipment. Apply online at! 6 speaker with CD. Tires and brakes good
creed, color, religion, national origin, handi- spacious 6bR/5bA townhouse on mo. 919-929-6072. employer.
in accordance with the law. To complain of 919-942-7391. shape. New front struts and end links. Single
cap, marital status. discrimination, call the U. S. Department of four free buslines. Large bedrooms, owner. No major accidents. Paint blemishes,
hardwood floors, outside wooden QUiET, RURAL 2bR TOWNHOME DUPLEx
Housing and Urban Development housing
discrimination hotline: 1-800-669-9777. deck, W/D, dishwasher, all appli- in North Chatham County. 2bR/1.5bA. Fire-
SOFTWARE SALES ACCOUNT MANAG- Lost & Found minor dings. Some rust. 919-699-4222.
campus, parking. Send resume with GPA to room, dining room, W/D, dishwasher, back-
[email protected]. yard, fireplace, hardwood floors. Available FAbULOUS HOUSE FOR RENT: Chapel Hill WALk OR BIkE be available to work a minimum of 4 shifts
per week including at least 2 weekend shifts
8/1, 12 month lease, $2,200/mo. No pets, no schools. Pool, dog run, 4bR/2bA. Wooded,
smoking. 919-414-9863. quiet. $2,200/mo. Call 919-260-0446 or TO CAMpUS per month. Evening shifts are M-Th 6-9pm.
AfTERSCHOOL SITTER 919-358-6068. Located at 504 Church Street, this 3bR/2bA Weekend shifts are: Saturdays 9:30am-
For 3 great kids (11, 11, 8) in Durham near 4bR/3bA iN CARRbORO. On busline. W/D, house is close in and easy walking to campus 1:30pm (1st and 3rd Saturdays of each
Duke. M-F 3:15-6:15pm starting 8/23. Non- blinds, yard service, hardwood floors, park- FOR RENT: 3bR/2bA HOME on 1 acre in or a quick bike ride. All appliances are includ- month) and Sundays 2-6pm and 6-9pm. Lim-
smokers only, references and excellent driv- ing, deck. $1,860/mo. Great for students! northern Chatham County. Large yard ed with this house, W/D, refrigerator, range ited weekday shifts are available between If July 8th is Your Birthday...
ing record required. Good pay for right can- Available August 1st. Erica, 919-619-4703 or maintained entirely by owner. Outdoor stor- dishwasher and microwave. Plenty of park- the hours of 9am and 4pm M-Th. $10.61/ Working from a solid base of research and logic,
didate. [email protected]. Susi, 919-619-4702. age building. Screened porch. Less than 10 ing. Available August 1, 2010 for a 1 year hr starting. For more information, call our
minutes to park and ride with service to job Line at 919-962-2458 or fax resume to
you combine good judgment with hard work
Serious inquiries only. lease. Rent is $1,500/mo. 919-201-9477.
4bR/4bA UNiVERSiTY CONDOS. This ground UNC. Less than 1 mile to Perry Harrison K-8. 919-966-2221. The University of North Caro- to accomplish many of your goals more quickly
level unit is across from pool. New carpet, WALK OR biKE TO CAMPUS FROM this
Pets OK. $900/mo. 1 year lease. Available lina is an EOE. than you thought possible. You have abundant
QUESTIONS living room and kitchen are furnished. On
busline. $1,400/mo. Fran Holland Properties:
August 1. [email protected].
2bR/1bA house located at 13 Davie Circle.
Hardwood floors, W/D, pets negotiable
energy for work and for romance. You’ll
About Classifieds? [email protected].
with fee, $1,050/mo. Email Fran Holland
Properties at [email protected] or call
EGG DONORS NEEDED. UNC Health overcome a huge challenge this year.
Care seeking healthy, non-smoking
Call 962-0252 SAVE A TREE, RECYCLE ME! available now for upcoming school year
at 101-b Cheek Street. $525/mo. Con-
919-968-4545, M-F 9am-Noon. females 20-32 to become egg do- To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
WALK TO CAMPUS. 2bR/1bA apartments nors. $2,500 compensation for
tact Fran Holland Properties via email: COMPLETED cycle. All visits and pro- Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
with W/D, dishwasher, central air and heat.
Announcements Announcements [email protected].
Available August for $800/mo. 933-8143. cedures to be done local to campus.
For written information, please call
Today is an 8 - Take time today to gather
information for creative plans. That way,
Today is a 5 - Provide your family with an
umbrella composed of imagination, nur-
gRADUATE STUDENT 919-966-1150 ext. 5 and leave your you don’t have to stop forward progress turing, hard work and luck. Don’t obsess
Very nice new 1bR cottage in beauti-
WALk TO UNC $475/MO, current mailing address. to check facts. over things that may never happen.
ful quiet setting. Hardwood, granite, Large, furnished efficiency apartment in
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
tile, laundry, green built. $550/mo. private home. Utilities, WiFi, cable, W/D,
Today is a 7 - behind-the-scenes con- Today is a 6 - Multiple avenues open for
[email protected], 954-937-3637. parking included. No pets or smoking. Grad
students preferred. immediate availability.
RESEARCH TECHNICIAN versations give you plenty of food for creative communication. Group members
GREAT LOCATiON! House for rent 2 blocks Marcy, 518-281-4981. interested in how a fast paced basic re- thought. Later you realize the slippery focus on practical details. Keep your eye
from campus and Franklin Street. 2bR, up to search laboratory operates? The laboratory details, impacts and ramifications. on the big picture.
4 occupants, $1,300/mo. Lease runs August WOODCROFT HOUSE FOR RENT: 3bR/2.5bA of Dr. bryan Roth in UNC’s Department of
on TTA busline to UNC, $1,200/mo. back Gemini (May 21-June 21) Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
thru May. AC, dishwasher, W/D hookups, Pharmacology is seeking a motivated gradu- Today is an 8 - begin on an optimistic
deck, W/D, fireplace and hardwood floors. ate in a scientific field (biology, chemistry, Today is a 6 - if you find yourself fretting
private yard, parking. Call 824-7981 or email note. Step-by-step logic allows you to
Contact [email protected]. biochemistry, etc.) as a PDSP research about household matters, talk it over
[email protected]. judge progress as you go. Avoid immer-
technician. This is a temporary, full-time with your partner, designate a spending
limit and get supplies. sion in details for best perspective.
HOUSE fOR RENT position for the PDSP (
This Highland beauty, situated in a quiet Help Wanted edu/), could become permanent. For full
description see
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Today is a 7 - Expect organizational
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Today is an 8 - Someone outside your
cul de sac, provides 3bR, 2 full baths, 2 car rothlab/ send resumes: [email protected]. group injects urgent questions into the
chaos, like dropping your binder with
garage, central AC and heating, beautifully ENTRYLEVEL 3RD SHiFT POSiTiON: Assist ADA/EOE employer. mix. A seeming problem turns into oppor-
papers flying. You scramble to gather
landscaped, patio cover and complimented people with Autism and other developmental
them. by day’s end it’s back in place. tunity when you discuss the details.
with an in ground pool for the summer days disabilities. 3rd shift positions (10pm-8am)
and nights. Appliances: dishwasher, dispos- available for various nights, $10.10/hr. Gain ATTENTiON MEDiCAL MAjORS: Second Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
al, microwave, range and oven, refrigerator, valuable experience and help make a dif- summer session and fall part-time Today is a 7 - You understand the Today is an 8 - Money’s not necessarily
W/D hookups. Exterior features: patio, pool. ference! Apply online at! jobs. Positions available for people circumstances surrounding your work. the root of all evil, but certainly provides
Contact me at [email protected] for 919-942-7391. thinking about or majoring in 1 of the Others are amazed that you can step many complaints today. A letter or email
more information. medical fields such as nursing, pre- back, see what’s up and redirect provides an interesting solution.
WANT TO EARN SOME ExTRA MONEY? Help med, physical therapy, occupational efforts. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
HOUSE FOR RENT: 2bR/1bA cottage on people with Autism and other developmental therapy or one of the other medical
Church Street within easy walk to campus. disabilities gain independence. Great if you disciplines but not a requirement. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is an 8 - Glamour and elegance
Remodeled kitchen and bath, hardwood are interested in psychology, sociology, social Can train, no experience needed. Ex- Today is a 7 - Today you obsess over color your plans today. Add sophistication
floors, W/D hook ups, $1,000/mo. For more work, nursing, or human services. $10.10/ cellent opportunity to gain hands on financial issues. Any delay causes fric- to any written or other creative work.
information contact Tony Hall, owner, bro- hr! Evenings, weekends, 3rd shift and early experience. Pays $12-$14/hr. Call for tion between you and an older person. Leave final decisions for later.
ker. [email protected] or morning shifts available. Learn more and more information. 919-932-1314. break through resistance, and just do it. (c) 2010 TRibUNE MEDiA SERViCES, iNC.
919-740-9611. apply online:
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a crawl of Celebration
Camps develop future athletes
by Jonathan Jones absolutely uses the camps as a
sports editor vehicle for recruitment.
While the North Carolina ath- “We hope that some of the top
letes are enjoying another sum- players that we haven’t seen will
mer without practice or games, the come in so we can look at them,”
UNC coaches are staying sharp by Dorrance said. “One year, seven of
hosting their own camps and clin- 11 starters on one North Carolina
ics both on and off campus. championship team were former
Seventeen UNC head coaches campers.”
host their own camps that bring The five-day, four-night College-
in kids from the elementary school Bound Players’ Academy camp for
age to potential Division-I ath- women’s soccer will be held in late
letes about to graduate from high July for girls ages 12 to 18. The
school. camp is set up to provide players
Coaches not only work on funda- “with the skills necessary to become
mentals and other nuances of their a highly sought-after collegiate-
individual sports, but also preach level soccer player,” according to
the importance of character. the website.
“Obviously we want to teach Currently, Dorrance and his staff
the kids and help develop them are at Guilford College hosting their
as lacrosse players,” UNC men’s second five-day team camp in July.
lacrosse coach Joe Breschi said. “What we’re trying to do is share
“Initially I think that’s why they with them the choices they have to
come to camp. make if they want to become elite,”
“We in the recruiting process Dorrance said. “They have to select
look for character kids. The mes- to compete, select to have self-
sage is pretty clear: the lacrosse discipline and select to believe in
aspect is why you’re here, the other themselves — the three most crit-
things are academics and being a cal platforms for any sport.
good person.” “We tell stories of these great
Breschi, who just finished the players that played here and their
first team camp and has two more platforms of athletic greatness.”
camps this summer, said he doesn’t Other camps on campus
use the clinics as a recruitment tool, include the Roy Williams Carolina
dth/Stephen Mitchell
but he is always on the lookout. Basketball Camp, which had two The Tar Heel Lacrosse Camp kicked off Friday with the team camp, bring-
“We’re able to attract kids from sessions in mid-June. ing athletes from across the country to Chapel Hill to learn fundamentals.
all over the country,” Breschi said. Butch Davis and his staff held
“There could be a diamond in the football camps for a week in June, Division-I baseball. techniques that we want the camp-
rough somewhere where a young having three linemen camps and Since the NCAA does not allow ers to perform,” Dorrance said.
man could jump up at a young age other specialists camps. sports to practice right now, some “To demonstrate and play in
and catch our attention.” The Tar Heel baseball staff athletes help with the camps hosted front of 300 to 500 campers is a
UNC women’s soccer coach hosts seven camps in total, includ- by their coaches. Dorrance said he wonderful, positive pressure.
Anson Dorrance could not say ing two prospect skills camps that believes the camp participants are
the same. The owner of 20 NCAA showcase current high school- part of a great training platform. Contact the Sports Editor
national titles, Dorrance said he ers who have potential to play “They’re demonstrating the at [email protected].
DTH/Stephen Mitchell
race Fender (foreground) and Molly Fender cheer
for their daughter, Sally, in the baby-crawling
competion that was held at Carrboro’s July Fourth
Celebration on Sunday. “We were hoping for a miracle.
She’s never actually crawled before,” Trace Fender said. 919-967-9053
300 E. Main Street • Carrboro
And The Butchers and Peter Wolf Crier**
The BEST live music ~ 18 & over admitted
Not valid on previous purchases. Cannot be combined with other promotional offers. While supplies last. Now thru 7-11-2010.
10 thursday, july 8, 2010 Opinion The Daily Tar Heel
EDITORIAL CARTOON By Don Wright, Palm Beach Post QUOTE OF THE Week:
“People buy Kleenex in the winter.
I buy Kleenex 365 days a year.”
Myra Dotson, Bingham Township resident, on
Ahna hendrix
adverse health effects she attributes to sludge
Ahna Hendrix is a senior majoring in
E-mail: [email protected]
Motorists and cyclists after the UNC Board of Trustees
of big oil The Rules of the Road edito- islation cut in-state funding for
rial published on July 1 served as out-of-state scholarship student-
a gentle reminder to the student athletes at all 16 UNC-system
hits small
and casual bike rider, however, it universities, with UNC bearing
does not delve deeply enough into the brunt of these cuts” landed
the reality of cycling in the area. at the door of the Rams Club
It is true that North Carolina (“Rams Club faces state budget
law considers a bicycle the same cuts,” June 30).
as a motorized vehicle with the While it is impossible to save
same rights and responsibilities the noble trees at the east end of
hile driving down the to the road, and it behooves the the stadium surrounding Kenan
road the other day, I cyclist to ride predictably with Field house, it was at least hoped
doors and darkness permeated maintain control of the bike.) funding campus landscaping.
ut-of-state UNC ath- tions were saved this year. students who show promise in
the inside. However, motorists too often A Historic Timber
letes and K-12 teach- North Carolina’s priority leadership, academics and extra- Commission that could manage
That’s when it hit me. In neglect their responsibilities to
the wake of dark, gushing oil,
ers could unfairly pay should be to teachers at the curricular activities — all insti- share the road and needlessly the disposal and distribution of
dying animals and livelihoods the price of the state budget primary level, rather than tutions of the Carolina Way. endanger cyclists who are well timber from significant trees that
destroyed: Are we supposed announced last week. scholarship programs that can But fundamental learning within their rights to the road. are vanishing from the historic
to buy oil from the company The state cut funding for out- find funding elsewhere. begins below the university level. All too often this is simply the campus — at an alarming rate
responsible for a travesty, or do of-state scholarship athletes. The N.C. General Assembly The state budget should focus result of the car-centric culture in recent years — is an idea that
we support our local businesses? Sources of scholarship fund- considered cuts to both the on ensuring the best education combined with too many mod- always dies when it falls down
Such a moral question does ing, including UNC’s Rams Morehead-Cain and athletic possible to K-12 students. ern distractions and drivers who to the staff level where someone
not have a clear-cut answer. Club, will now have to cover out- scholarships simultaneously. When teachers are losing their simply are unaware that state law could actually take responsibility
I come from of-state tuition costs rather than The Morehead-Cain finan- jobs and salaries, it is unfair to stipulates that motorists must for something more than hauling
Lifestyle a family that provide two feet of clearance for off these trees to the wood pile.
COLUMNIST has always the in-state rates they were pre- ciers, however, lobbied hard, and allow Morehead-Cain Scholars
a cyclist at all times and that a How much money could be
viously afforded. Yet out-of-state while the Rams Club and other to pay in-state tuition but deny raised for athletic scholarships if
owned their own businesses and cyclist is entitled to the entire
recipients of the Morehead-Cain athletic booster clubs will be the privilege to athletes. this timber were marketed prop-
sought to promote others, but travel lane.
seeing pictures of oil-drenched Scholarship will continue to be footing a larger bill, Morehead- A lower quality K-12 educa- Thus far, 18 states have erly? I am certain the Council of
animals makes that choice espe- covered for in-state tuition. Cain recipients will retain in- tion with larger class sizes and increased this buffer to three State would grant the board a
cially difficult. Affording breaks for scholar- state tuition. less individualized attention feet and in Europe the standard waver for such fundraising with
I decided to try to contact ship programs looks unseemly Both of these scholarships will diminish the pool of quali- is now five feet. Although most “state property” rather than allow
local owners to understand what against the backdrop of a budget are great examples of UNC fied applicants to the UNC sys- cyclists do stay to the right as it to be discarded and handed
they are dealing with in this that does not make up for 3,700 extending its educational tem, compromising the state’s much as possible, there can be over to the building contractors
situation. positions left unfilled in 2010 — boundaries nationwide. commitment to access to high- hazards on the shoulder that are as is the current practice.
Out of the 10 BP gas stations only 1,600 K-12 teaching posi- The scholarships support er education. not readily apparent to the motor- Since the boosters will now
in Chapel Hill, two are shut ist such as debris, storm grates or have to pony up more money
down, and the others barely broken pavement that the cyclist to fund out-of-state athletes,
it would seem that those trees,
that it was locally owned. lthough the hunger Hagan would consider spon- Taxpayers have already do understand that cycling for F. Marion Redd ’67
Most businesses signed con- strike may be over for soring the bill. invested in undocumented stu- many is a choice for those who Hillsborough
tracts with BP stating they would three undocumented Yet Hagan all but ignored dents’ elementary and second- wish to reduce their reliance on
only use BP gasoline for the fossil fuels and stay in shape.
immigrant women, U.S. Sen. their request by stating that she ary education. Kvetching board
duration of the contract. For cyclists taking to the road,
My own searching through Kay Hagan, D-N.C., cannot is only interested in the DREAM By receiving a college edu- please set a good example. Ride
continue to ignore their pleas Act as a part of comprehensive cation and residency, undocu- kvetch:
the Internet made the case even with traffic, use hand signals when
more interesting. Arguments for the DREAM Act. immigration reform. mented students would be able appropriate, make eye contact v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
for each side are strong. Many The Development, Relief The DREAM Act, first intro- to acquire better-paying jobs with motorists so they will know Relationships are hard. Especially
people argue BP will not be and Education for Alien duced in Congress in 2001, and pay more taxes — return- your intentions, and you will know when you’re the third party.
affected by a ban, while others Minors Act — or DREAM Act would allow undocumented ing taxpayers’ investments. that they see you. Wear bright col-
ors and make use of lights.
Dear offended pedestrian: Right
disagree. — is a bipartisan act that gives immigrant students who came As Baby Boomers retire,
All we ask of motorists is a few
of way can only be given, not
Some are wondering whether 65,000 undocumented high to the U.S. before the age of 16 new legal immigrants are pro-
feet and a little patience.
demanded. You have rules of
their gas dollars are going to school graduates the chance to to gain residency in exchange jected to provide $407 billion the road to follow, too.
aid the cleanup of the spill and earn their residency. for at least two years of military to Social Security during the
whether or not that would be a Keith Longiotti We are taking another huge
To garner attention for the service or college. next 50 years. budget cut, yet we’ve started
good thing. UNC-CH Wilson Library
Under these circumstances,
act, Viridiana Martinez, UNC Even though some say the With the large undocu- North Carolina Collection the second major addition to
deciding can be difficult. graduate Rosario Lopez and DREAM Act rewards those mented immigrant popula- Kenan stadium in two years.
Not only was I baffled by the Loida Silva fasted for two who break the law, it actually tion in North Carolina, don’t Market fallen timber for Something is wrong here...
responses from these gas stations, weeks at a campsite set up in benefits many Americans as let Hagan forget about the
downtown Raleigh beginning well as students, a fact that DREAM Act. Write or call her athletic scholarships Squirrel that threw yourself in
but their anger made it even hard- front of my bike: Do you have a
er for me to stay objective. June 14. President Obama recognized office to express to demand TO THE EDITOR: death wish?!
As I contemplated their The three activists hoped in a speech last week. that it be put up for a vote. How ironic that a month
rude responses, I realized their It’s funny. I feel like I’m being
underlying issue could be fear. cheated on when I know I’m
Fear of losing a business, fear of the other girl.
➤ Students: Include your year,
level, a group recently protested orth Carolina hunters like these are responsible for hunting population celebrates major and phone number.
in Durham.
But before we jump on the
will sport bright orange many of the risks to the human both the animal itself and the ➤ Faculty/staff: Include your
department and phone num-
The Daily Tar Heel
as they venture into the population. very idea of hunting season.
bandwagon and agree on our ber.
frustration with BP, let’s take a woods to hunt deer. CLAWS works to educate CLAWS offers a reasonable Established 1893,
➤ Edit: The DTH edits for space,
step back and ask ourselves who To save life and limb, it pays the public on such risks while solution for people to follow. clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. 118 years
we are really hurting. to be educated on how to both rescuing wild animals endan- Everyone, regardless of their Limit letters to 250 words. of editorial freedom
Let’s make sure we aren’t just reduce the chances of hazard- gered throughout the county. stance on hunting, can and SUBMISSION:
finding a scapegoat to take out ous encounters and preserve The organization is involved should take advantage of the ➤ Drop-off: at our office at Suite Rebecca Putterman
our anger on. Don’t just go along the wildlife in our area. with rehabilitating several spe- opportunity CLAWS is offer- 2409 in the Student Union. summer EDITOR
with what other people are doing Local nonprofit organization cies of wildlife, including 47 deer ing all of Orange County with ➤ E-mail: to [email protected] [email protected]
or saying if you don’t know your CLAWS is striking a balance at their Orange County facility. their rehabilitation program ➤ Send: to P.O. Box 3257, Chapel alyssa griffith
facts. Hill, N.C., 27515. OPINION EDITOR
between hunters and wildlife CLAWS founder Kindra and their workshops. [email protected]
As you read this column, oil preservation. Mammone shares her strong On July 17, CLAWS will bring
continues to gush in the Gulf of The sport of deer hunting mission to educate and protect birds of prey to A Southern
Mexico. White beaches and col-
orful wildlife is being ruined.
is one of the oldest and most animals with a balanced support Season at University Mall to The Daily Tar Heel
But we are not any better than respected Southern traditions. of the hunting community. engage and educate the public PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS STAFF
the problem or the company at Rising deer populations in Mammone justly believes about local wildlife. Business and Advertising: Kevin McGibney and Seth Wright, repre- Advertising Production: Penny
fault if we don’t take the time to many states have bolstered the that hunters hold not only the Just as Mammone and her Schwartz, director/general manager;
Megan McGinity, advertising director;
Display Advertising: Chelsea Crites
Persons, manager; Beth O'Brien, ad
production coordinator.
truly understand the impact. sport, encouraging the time- responsibility to know the nature husband, Vincent, grew their Lisa Reichle, business manager. and Meaghan Steingraber, account Newsroom Adviser: Erica Perel
Customer Service: Matthew executives.
Regardless of the stance you honored “thrill of the kill” of the animals they hunt, but shared passion into this flourish-
take, whether you drive by BP or mentality. the awareness to stay away from ing organization, residents of all University: Caroline Corrigan, Ryan Wallace Design: Atembe Fonge, Jeff Sullivan
stop and fill up, make sure you’ve However, wildlife experts urban areas when hunting. ages can help build a community Lee, Carter McCall, Yunzhu Zhang, Katia Arts: Thankful Cromartie, Chrissy Graphics: Fitch Carrere, Lennon
Martinez, Mickler, Ali Rockett, Dodson
sorted through the facts first. believe that human activities The idea of an educated in tune with its wild neighbors. City: Mark Abadi, Alicia Banks, Diversions: Linnie Greene Editorial Production: Stacy Wynn,
Megan Carroll, David Luther, Hillary Sports: Christina Farlow, Kelly manager
Rose Owens, Christine Rheem, Annie Parsons, Aaron Taube, Megan Walsh, Printing: Triangle Web Printing Co.
Clark, Mary Jacobs, Caitlin McGinnis. Will Wilmer. Distribution: Stacy Wynn
State & National: Andrew Gaither, Opinion: Rachel Bennett, Sonya
Jonathan Michels. Chudgar, Ahna Hendrix, Kammie
Weekly QuickHits
Copy: Miranda Murray, Landon Daniels, Abe Johns
The Daily Tar Heel is published by the DTH Publishing Corp., a nonprofit North
Carolina corporation, Monday through Friday, according to the University cal-
endar. Callers with questions about billing or display advertising should call
962-1163 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Questions about classified ads should call
962-0252. Editorial questions should be directed to 962-0245.
Lindsay Lohan Summer Heat U.S. Justice Dept. Studying Less
Office: Suite 2409 Carolina Union
This “mean girl” is getting The East Coast roasted as The department filed a law- College students study 10 Campus Mail Address: CB# 5210, Carolina Union
ISN #10709436
what was coming temperatures suit challenging hours fewer than U.S. Mail Address: P.O. Box 3257,
to her. Lohan was soared past 100 the constitutional- their 1961 counter- Chapel Hill, NC 27515-3257
sentenced to 90 from Virginia to ity of the new law parts. This decrease
days in jail for vio- Massachusettes. addressing ille- is not attibuted to EDITOR’S NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily reflect the opinions
lating terms of her So much for deny- gal immigrants in Facebook, but rath- of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials are the opinions solely of The Daily Tar Heel
editorial board. It consists of editorial board members, the opinion editor and the summer
probation. ing global warming. Arizona. er a desire to simply do less. editor. The 2010 summer editor will only vote in case of a tie.