Starkville Dispatch Eedition 9-22-20

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DON’T FORGET TO VOTE Mississippi House and Senate special elections are today, polls open until 7 p.m.

Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | September 22, 2020

SOCSD to eliminate hybrid learning model Oct. 5

District cites struggling students, strain hoped for, SHS Principal How-
ard Savage said.
larger percentage of virtual
students than previously antic-
on teachers as reasons for change “They would be doing great
work on the two days they were
ipated. Balancing virtual and
traditional learning with so
BY TESS VRBIN instruction and virtual-only. here, but there were times they few students using the hybrid
[email protected] A Monday announcement were lagging behind the other option was not viable for teach-
from Superintendent Eddie three days,” he said. ers, who had to prepare three
Nearly 300 students in Peasant said students in the Students who are doing well different types of lesson plans,
grades 8-12 in the Starkville-Ok- hybrid learning model must in hybrid learning can choose Peasant said.
tibbeha Consolidated School switch to entirely online or tra- Savage Peasant between traditional and virtual, “We were not able to dedicate
District signed up for a “hybrid” ditional learning after the hy- High School have been learning but those who are struggling a group of teachers to teach only
learning environment for the brid model proved ineffective online three days a week and are strongly encouraged to those students, so it was a strain
semester due to the ongoing for both students and teachers. attending classes in person the choose traditional, Savage said. on the teachers to have an addi-
COVID-19 pandemic. But be- Two hundred-fifteen stu- other two days. Those students In July, SOCSD moved its tional option and to effectively
ginning Oct. 5, they will have dents at Starkville High School have not been learning and pro- start date from Aug. 6 to Aug. educate them,” Peasant said.
to choose between traditional and 80 at Armstrong Junior gressing at the rate the district 24 to prepare teachers for the See SOCSD, 3A

Starkville CHS committee hopes to register 125

will get $414K eligible students for November election
from MEMA
for COVID-19
Funds will reimburse
city for PPE, paid leave,
other costs
[email protected]

Starkville will re-

ceive at least $414,000
in federal relief funds
from the Mississippi
Emergency Manage-
ment Agency to re-
imburse the city for
costs related to the Hardin
COVID-19 pandemic,
City Clerk Lesa Hardin said.
A Friday press release from
MEMA listed Starkville as one of
five cities, in addition to 12 coun-
ties, that the agency has approved

Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff

Columbus High School senior Jacob “Jake” Bandock, left, and junior ZIon Johnson were a part of a student committee work-

TVA designation will ing to register eligible CHS students for the Nov. 3 election. There are 125 CHS students of voting age for this year’s election
and the goal is to have all of those students registered to vote before the Oct. 5 deadline. Jake, Zion and fellow committee
member Avani Poindexter will deliver the student voter registration forms to the circuit clerk’s office today, which is National
make region stick Voter Registration Day.

out to industries, Students to deliver registrations to circuit clerk’s office today “I still think
it’s important

investors BY SLIM SMITH

[email protected]
niors, are getting their first
taste of politics at CHS where
if not all, of the students who
are old enough to vote regis-
for all students
to be knowl-
edgeable about
they have spent the last three tered before we go to the cir-
Golden Triangle is Jake Bandock has been weeks working on a cam- cuit clerk’s office.” what the elec-
something of a political junk- paign to register their fellow Oct. 5 is the last day to tion means,”
first multi-county area ie since sev- students who are of voting register to vote for the gener- said Poindex-
dubbed Rural Certified enth grade. INSIDE age to vote in the Nov. 3 elec- al election. ter, who turns
The Co- n OUR VIEW: tion. CHS Assistant Princi- 18 on Dec. 9. “I may not be
lumbus High First things able to vote, but there are
Community School senior first: Register
to vote.
Today, which is designat-
ed as National Voter Regis-
pal Freda Dismukes, who
worked with the student com- a lot of students who can. I
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN plans to at- Page 4A tration Day, Bandock, along mittee that led the campaign, want to do everything I can
[email protected] tend Wiscon- with senior Avani Poindex- said there are 125 CHS stu- to make sure they know how
sin- Stevens ter and junior Zion Johnson, dents who will have turned to make their voices heard.”
Tennessee Valley Authority has Point next fall to study po- will deliver the registration 18 by the Nov. 3 election. In 2018, CHS held a vot-
designated the Golden Triangle re- litical science before attend- forms they have collected to That group includes Ban- er-registration event that co-
gion a Rural Certified Community, ing law school with an eye the Lowndes County Circuit dock, who will turn 18 on incided with then-Mississip-
recognizing its preparedness for toward politics as a possible Clerk’s Office. Oct. 16, roughly two weeks pi Secretary of State Delbert
industrial development and invest- career. “We’re in the home before the election, but does Hosemann’s tour of school to
ment. Bandock, along with a stretch,” Bandock said. not include committee mem- promote voter registration.
See DESIGNATION, 6A handful of other CHS se- “We’re hoping to get most, bers Poindexter or Johnson. See CHS, 3A


1 What does the Latin phrase “mea Thursday MEETINGS
culpa” translate to in English? Today: OCH Re-
■ Downtown Art Walk: Main
2 What country is the poinsettia plant gional Medical
native to — Mexico, United States or Street Columbus and the
Netherlands? Columbus Arts Council present Center Board of
3 What three vegetables make up an art walk downtown from Trustees meet-
mirepoix? 5:30-7:30 p.m. Artists in par- ing, 4 p.m.
Robert Makafski 4 What four states meet at four cor- ticipating stores and outdoors
ners monuments? Oct. 2:
Second grade, Annunciation will show original work. Masks
5 Name two of the first three loca- required; decorate yours for
Starkville Board

74 Low 62
tions of MTV’s “The Real World”? of Aldermen
the face mask contest. 662-
High Answers, 6B 328-6305, 662-328-2787. work session,
Partly sunny, chance p.m. rain
10 a.m., City
Full forecast on
page 3A. Saturday Hall
■ Art in the Park: The Oct. 5: Oktib-
Starkville Area Arts Council beha County
INSIDE presents this creative event
Board of Super-
Classifieds 6B Health 6A for kids 9-noon at J.L. King Me-
morial Park, 400 N. Long St., visors meeting,
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A
Crossword 3B Opinions 4A Starkville. Free art boxes for Mississippi University for Women Chancery Court-
Dear Abby 4B children in Oktibbeha County. student Amelia Stalter likes to surf. house, 9 a.m.


2A TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 The Dispatch •

Ginsburg’s death puts Roe v.

Wade on the ballot in November
‘It is at least conceivable Trump interviews Barrett while
for the first time that
we have a majority that
weighing a high court nominee
would overturn Roe, and
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump met with Judge Amy
the battle would return Coney Barrett at the White House as the conservative jurist emerged
as a favorite to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme
to the states’ Court, the start of a monumental Senate confirmation fight over objec-
Andrew Bath, executive vice tions from Democrats it’s too close to the November election.
president of the Thomas More Trump said Monday he expects to announce his choice by week’s
Society, a conservative public end, before the burial next week of Ginsburg, the court’s liberal icon,
interest law firm at Arlington National Cemetery. Democrats but few Republicans argue
that her replacement should be decided by the winner on Nov. 3.
BY DAVID CRARY The president told reporters he would interview other candidates
AP National Writer
and might meet with Judge Barbara Lagoa when he travels to Florida
later this week. Conversations in the White House and Senate Majori-
It’s been a throwaway line in
ty Leader Mitch McConnell’s office have been increasingly focused on
presidential campaigns for years:
Barrett and Lagoa, according to a person granted anonymity to discuss
Roe v. Wade is on the ballot.
the private deliberations.
This time it is very real.
Barrett has long been favored by conservatives, and those familiar
The death of Justice Ruth Bader
Ginsburg so close to a presidential with the process said interest inside the White House seemed to be
election and the vacancy it creates waning for Lagoa amid concerns by some that she did not have a proven
on the Supreme Court, coupled record as a conservative jurist. Lagoa has been pushed by some aides
with President Donald Trump’s po- who tout her political advantages of being Hispanic and hailing from the
litical imperative to energize social key political battleground state of Florida.
conservatives in key states, urgent- Barrett, 48, a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit,
ly provided a new frame for Trump’s was a strong contender for the seat that eventually went to Brett Ka-
case for a second term. And it has vanaugh in 2018. At the time, Trump told confidants he was “saving”
animated supporters of abortion Barrett for Ginsburg’s seat.
rights at least as much.
If Trump is able to install his said Andrew Bath, executive vice tions if it wants to reexamine Roe.
nominee in that seat, both sides president of the Thomas More So- Planned Parenthood’s president,
agree there’s a better chance than ciety, a conservative public interest Alexis McGill Johnson, says there
ever that Roe v. Wade — the 1973 law firm. are 17 cases involving state-level
decision established a nationwide It remains uncertain if the Sen- abortion restrictions that are pend-
right to abortion — could be over- ate will hold a confirmation vote ing in federal courts “only one step
turned or gutted. before the Nov. 3 election, and how away from the Supreme Court.”
“We have been apprehensive for it would respond if Trump lost to Julie Burkhart, who operates
years, but this is more worrisome Democrat Joe Biden before the abortion clinics in Oklahoma City
— this is a seismic shift,” said Jen- vacancy is filled. But Trump has and in Wichita, Kansas, already
nifer Dalven, director of the Amer- urged the Senate to move quickly, has a sense of the consequences
ican Civil Liberties Union’s Repro- and Senate Majority Leader Mitch of a Roe v. Wade reversal, based on
ductive Freedom Project. McConnell, R-Ky., said there will be events this year in the early months
During his 2016 campaign, a vote on Trump’s nominee. of the coronavirus pandemic.
Trump, who had previously ex- If a Trump nominee is confirmed The governors of Texas and
pressed unqualified support for and a reconfigured high court did some other Republican-led states
abortion rights, won over skeptical eventually overturn Roe, the likely issued executive orders banning
anti-abortion leaders with multiple outcome would be a patchwork of most abortions on grounds they
pledges to combat abortion, in- laws in various states. Some states were non-essential medical pro-
cluding choosing Supreme Court would protect abortion access, oth- cedures. Before those bans were
justices open to dismantling Roe ers would enact near-total bans, quashed, many Texas women jour-
v. Wade. Now, with Trump hoping and many would struggle over what neyed to out-of-state abortion clin-
to fill a vacancy for the third time new limits they might impose. ics, including Burkhart’s Wichita
and give the nine-member court six Planned Parenthood, the nation’s clinic where the patient load qua-
conservative justices, that pledge largest abortion provider, says that drupled at one stage.
has new import. if Roe were dismantled, sweeping “It gave a peek into what a post-
“It is at least conceivable for the bans could be imposed in 20 states Roe world would look like, which
first time that we have a majority that are home to an estimated 25 was not a pretty sight,” Burkhart
that would overturn Roe, and the million women of reproductive age. said. “It was devastating and heart-
battle would return to the states,” The high court has plenty of op- breaking.”

Who’s a hypocrite? GOP, Democrats

debate past comments on court
Senate Majority Leader: Republicans took to the Senate floor
Monday to remind Mc-
being hypocritical. What
Republicans did in 2016
blocking Obama’s 2016 nominee Connell of his own words
hours after the February
— blocking a nominee of
the opposing party — was
was ‘precisely what Democrats had 2016 death of conser-
vative Justice Antonin
“precisely what Demo-
crats had indicated they
indicated they would do themselves’ Scalia. “The American would do themselves’’
people,’’ McConnell said when they were in the ma-
BY MAT THEW DALY receive a vote on the Sen- then, “should have a voice jority, McConnell said in
The Associated Press ate floor “this year,” but in the selection of their his own floor speech Mon-
has been careful not to next Supreme Court jus-
WASHINGTON — day. He and other Repub-
say exactly when that will tice.’’ The vacancy cre-
The “H” word — hypocri- licans cited a 1992 speech
happen. ated by Scalia’s death
sy — is suddenly in vogue Democrats accuse the by then-Sen. Joe Biden
should not be filled until
at the Capitol as lawmak- Kentucky Republican the election of a new pres- — now the Democratic
ers debate how quickly of blatant hypocrisy af- ident, he added. nominee for president —
to fill a vacancy on the ter McConnell refused “No amount of sophist- indicating that a vacancy
Supreme Court following to consider President ry can change what Mc- occurring in an election
the death of liberal Justice Barack Obama’s Supreme Connell said then, and it year should not be filled.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Court nominee, Judge applies even more so now Biden, Schumer and
Senate Majority Lead- Merrick Garland, eight — so much closer we are other Democrats flip-
er Mitch McConnell has months before the 2016 to an election,’’ Schumer flopped in 2016, in Mc-
vowed that President election. said Monday. Connell’s telling, because
Donald Trump’s as-yet Senate Democratic But McConnell said they urged the Senate to
unnamed nominee will leader Chuck Schumer it is Democrats who are act on Obama’s nominee.

Report: Order to shorten count wasn’t made by Census Bureau

BY MIKE SCHNEIDER of September, but it said was contingent on Con- sure from the Commerce
The Associated Press bureau officials confirm it gress extending the dead- Department to speed up
was not made by them. line for the Census Bureau operations, legislation
ORLANDO, Fla. — The accelerated sched- turning in figures used to in Congress to extend
The decision to shorten
ule “increases the risks to determine how many con- the deadlines stalled and
by a month the 2020 head
the accuracy of the 2020 gressional seats each state President Donald Trump
count of every U.S. resi-
Census,” the Inspector gets from Dec. 31 to the issued a directive trying to
dent was not made by the
General report said. “This end of next April, accord- exclude people in the coun-
U.S. Census Bureau, and
some agency officials sus- was the consensus view of ing to the report. try illegally from the num-
pect it was made by the the senior Bureau officials “This shift would allow bers used in redrawing
White House or the De- we interviewed.” the Bureau to follow the congressional districts,
partment of Commerce, Because of the pandem- planned operations it had according to the Inspector
according to a report from ic, the Census Bureau got spent a decade develop- General.
the bureau’s watchdog support last spring from ing,” the Inspector Gener- At least two Census Bu-
agency. the Department of Com- al’s report said. reau officials interviewed
The report by the Of- merce, which oversees At some point in July, by the Office of Inspector
fice of Inspector General the agency, to push back though, support for the ex- General believe the pres-
did not identify who made its deadline from winding tensions from the Trump ident’s order changed the
the decision to shorten down the head count from administration and Con- administration’s support
the 2020 census from the the end of July to the end gress were called into for extending the dead-
end of October to the end of October. The extra time doubt. There was pres- lines, the report said.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 3A

Gunn: Mississippi legislators to return by early October

Lawmakers to examine how the state is spending coronavirus relief Stennis Institute of Government
and the Capitol press corps.
“We cut all across the board
... just because of the downturn
money it received from the federal government He said Mississippi tax col-
lections have been running well
in the economy and being very
frugal with our budgeting,”
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS Speaker Philip Gunn said Mon- the pandemic, although some ahead of expectations during Gunn said.
The Associated Press day. applicants have said they are the budget year that began July Working on a state budget
Gunn said the House and still waiting for a response from 1. Figures released by the Leg- takes months, and agencies
JACKSON — islative Budget Office show that
Senate will evaluate “what has the state. have already submitted spend-
Mississippi legis- sales tax collections are well
been spent, what has not been Gunn said he was planning ing requests for the year that
lators will proba- ahead of where they were for
bly return to the spent and do we need to shift to speak to Mississippi De- begins next July 1. On Thurs-
July and August of last year.
Capitol before some of those dollars around.” velopment Authority officials day, Gunn and other members
Mississippi legislators cut
Oct. 5 to examine Like other states, Mississip- about whether the Legislature the budgets of most state agen- of the Joint Legislative Budget
how the state is pi received federal money for needs to put more money to- cies and programs by 3 percent Committee will hold public
spending corona- a variety of programs. Missis- ward helping small businesses. to 5 percent going into the cur- hearings, and leaders of a few
Gunn sippi allocated $300 million to Gunn spoke Monday during
virus relief mon- rent year because of economic big agencies will make presen-
ey it received from the federal aid small businesses that had an online forum sponsored by uncertainty caused by the pan- tations and answer questions
government, Republican House to close temporarily because of Mississippi State University’s demic. about their requests.

4 special elections will fill Mississippi legislative seats

Polls are open until 7 p.m. today Murphy Jr., businessman
Bart Williams and educa-
The candidates are
attorney Jason Barrett,
ing since 2000. Chism
had a stroke in 2017 and
resigned July 1 to become
director of the American
BY EMILY a four-year term that ends tor Joyce Meek Yates. nurse practitioner Beth said he had not enjoyed Civil Liberties Union of
WAGSTER PET TUS in January 2024. Brown, dental hygienist legislative service as Mississippi. Dortch had
The Associated Press Senate District 39 and former New Hebron much since then. served in the House since
Mayor Cindy S. Bryan, The district is in Clay, 2016.
JACKSON — Four Senate District 15 Republican Sen. Sally
Doty of Brookhaven re- law enforcement officer Lowndes and Oktibbeha The district is in Hinds
nonpartisan special elec- Republican Sen. Gary Mike Campbell, pool ser- counties. County.
Jackson of French Camp signed in mid-July after
tions are being held to fill the governor nominat- vice owner Josh Davis, The candidates are The candidates are
vacant seats in the Missis- resigned June 30 because Navy veteran Ben John- pool service owner David Gregory L. Divinity, who
ed her to be director of
sippi Legislature. of health concerns. Jack- son, firefighter Michael M. Chism, who is Gary attended a Baptist theo-
the state Public Utilities
Polls are open 7 a.m.-7 son had served since Staff, a group that ana- Smith, auto dealership Chism’s cousin; moti- logical seminary; former
p.m. Tuesday. If runoffs 2004. lyzes proposals and pro- general manager Pren- vational speaker Vicky teacher Robert C. ‘Bob’
are needed, they will be The district is in Choc- vides advice to the three tiss Smith and Bank of Rose; and former Lown- Lee Jr.; real estate broker
Oct. 13. taw, Montgomery, Oktib- elected members of the Brookhaven chairman des County School Dis- Fabian Nelson; minis-
Candidates in Missis- beha and Webster coun- Public Service Commis- Bill Sones. trict Superintendent Lynn ter and real estate agent
sippi special elections run ties. sion. Doty had served in Wright. Kathryn Orey Perry;
without party labels, but The candidates are Ok- the Senate since 2012. House District 37 Jackson City Councilman
they often tell voters their tibbeha County Supervi- The district is in Co- Republican Rep. Gary House District 66 De’Keither A. Stamps;
political affiliation. Win- sor Bricklee Miller, auto piah, Lawrence, Lincoln Chism of Columbus re- Democratic Rep. Jar- and Utica City Council-
ners will serve the rest of dealership owner Levon and Walthall counties. signed June 30 after serv- vis Dortch of Raymond man Calvin B. Williams.

Continued from Page 1A
The one-day event about how the registration were going to protests “It depends on who you Bandock said the regis-
picked up a few registra- process works. and become more aware,” talk to, but social justice tration drive isn’t the end
tions. “We talked to them Chapman said. “You also is the one thing you hear of the student committee’s
This time, CHS Princi- about how important vot- had the state flag issue over and over again,” Ban- work.
pal Craig Chapman said, ing was,” Harris said. “The with Kylin Hill, one of our dock said. “This is just the first
the campaign is better or- students took it from there. former students, being Poindexter said regis- phase,” he said. “Next,
ganized and students are They’ve done an awesome out front in that situation. tering to vote is only the we’ll be talking about
more motivated than in job.” I think a lot of students beginning. things where they go to
2018. Champman Harris Chapman said unlike know what’s going on and “When you vote, you are vote, what they need to
“We started this about two years ago, CHS stu- understand voting is one giving someone the power vote and, more important-
three weeks ago when know if we will get all 125 dents are energized about way to make their voices of your voice,” she said. “If ly, talking about all the
we formed a student com- students to register, but it the election. heard.” we aren’t knowledgeable things they’ll see on the
mittee and worked with will be close to that num- “Over the summer, with Bandock said those so- about what the candidates ballot. It’s more than just
(Lowndes County NAACP ber.” the George Floyd killing, cial justice issues are the stand for, voting is point- who is president or sena-
Director) Lavonne Latham Harris said the NAACP and right here in Colum- key issue among the fellow less. We have to know they tor. There are a lot of is-
Harris to get organized,” provided voter registration bus with the Ricky Ball students he has helped are going to represent us sues everyone needs to be
Chapman said. “I don’t forms and information situation, a lot of students register to vote. and our voices.” informed about.”

Continued from Page 1A
Savage updated par- trict spokeswoman Nicole vices for all students with the “B schedule” attend Tuesdays, Wednesdays “rigorous
ents on the change via a Thomas said that could $1.6 million in state grant on Thursdays and Fri- and Fridays. instruc-
Zoom conference Monday happen as early as this funding and $600,000 of days. Wednesdays are for CMSD Superintendent tion.”
afternoon, and he said week, a quarter of the way its own money, and Peas- campus disinfection and Cherie Labat said the “It took
they understood the rea- through the semester. ant said those devices teacher training. hybrid and virtual learn- some in-
sons for it. Additionally, students should be available in Oc- Hybrid learners at ing plans aligned with tense plan-
SOCSD originally who are not “progressing tober or November. SOCSD, on the other parents’ responses to a ning to ac-
planned to allow students at a rate of mastery of con- hand, all attend school survey conducted over commodate
in grades K-5 to change tent” in an entirely virtual CMSD continues in person on Mondays the summer with the goal the needs
and Thursdays — along of keeping students and of our students, but we
learning models after learning environment will hybrid model with traditional students teachers safe, and so far felt like it was in the best
nine weeks of the semes- be encouraged to switch Columbus Municipal
ter in October and 6-12 to traditional learning at School District imple- attending all five days — students are doing well interest of students and
after the semester ends in the nine-week mark, ac- mented hybrid learning and learn from home on academically thanks to teachers,” Labat said.
December. cording to the website. districtwide and allowed
The online announce- One reason students an entirely virtual option
ment states that the might not be succeed- but did not implement
district is considering ing in virtual or hybrid traditional learning. Stu-
granting some parents’ learning might be a lack dents on the “A schedule”
requests to switch from of access to reliable tech- attend school physically
virtual to traditional nology, Peasant said. The on Mondays and Tues-
learning sooner, and dis- district will purchase de- days, and students on

Tropical Storm Beta stalls along

Texas coast, brings floods
Storm expected to Early Tuesday, Beta was 10 miles
east-southeast of Victoria, Texas, with
eventually move over maximum winds of 40 mph, the U.S. Na-
tional Hurricane Center said. The storm
Louisiana, Arkansas and was moving toward the northwest near 3
mph and is expected to stall inland over
Mississippi later in the week Texas through Wednesday.
“We currently have both storm surge
The Associated Press
and rainfall going on right now,” said
National Weather Service meteorologist
HOUSTON — Tropical Storm Beta Amaryllis Cotto in Galveston, Texas. SOLUNAR TABLE
stalled out Tuesday along the Texas Cotto said 6-12 inches of rain has fall- The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tue. Wed.
coast, flooding streets in Houston and en in the area, with isolated amounts of Major 5:15a 6:14a

Galveston hours after making landfall up to 18 inches. Dangerous flash flood- Minor
amid an unusually busy hurricane sea- ing is expected through Wednesday, Minor 10:40p 11:29p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department

son. Cotto said. of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The storm made landfall late Monday Beta was the ninth named storm that
just north of Port O’Connor, Texas, and
has the distinction of being the first time
a storm named for a Greek letter made
made landfall in the continental U.S.
this year. That tied a record set in 1916,
according to Colorado State University
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
hurricane researcher Phil Klotzbach.
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
landfall in the continental United States. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Forecasters ran out of traditional storm Beta was expected to linger over Tex- Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
names last week, forcing the use of the as then eventually move over Louisiana, The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Greek alphabet for only the second time Arkansas and Mississippi later in the Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip: [email protected]
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
since the 1950s. week, bringing the risk of flash flooding.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


First things first:

Register to vote
s the Nov, 3 election approaches,
there is no shortage of opinions
among Mississippians.
Who should be our next President
(Trump or Biden)? Who should be our next
U.S. Senator (Cindy Hyde-Smith or Mike
Espy)? Should we adopt a new design for a
state flag to replace the old flag the Legisla-
ture discarded this summer? Should we pass
an amendment to the state constitution to
make medical marijuana legal? Should our
future governors be determined by popular
vote alone or hang on to a relic of a Jim Crow
rule designed to diminish the Black vote?
Chances are, if you were to pose any of
these questions to the people you meet in
the course of our day, everyone would have a
pretty firm opinion.
What you might also find is that there
are many Mississippians who have forfeited
the ability to act on those opinions, either
because they have failed to register to vote or
fail to go to the polls to cast their ballots.
Our history is filled with stories about
people who cherished the right to vote and
fought, figuratively and sometimes literally,
to secure that right. At one point, only white
male property owners who were 21 years
old or older held the right to participate in
the form of self-government that formed the
basis of our society.
Over the long arc of history, Blacks,
women and young people waged long, but
ultimately successful campaigns to secure

Last best chance to capture Supreme Court

those rights.
That Americans should be so neglectful of
those hard-earned rights is an insult to their

memory and sacrifice.
Registering to vote and then going to the resident Donald authored the abominable fill both the Ginsburg seat and that
polls should not be considered simply a right, Trump and Senate decision. of Justice Stephen Breyer, 82, and
but an obligation of every American. It’s a Majority Leader Gerald Ford’s lone hold the court for years.
foundational underpinning of civic responsi- Mitch McConnell are nominee, Justice John Consider the issues that the new
bility. on the cusp of making Paul Stevens, went left nominee will decide.
We will continue to urge people to register history. as soon as he went up. The cause of right to life. Affir-
to vote and go to the polls to cast their ballots With Trump having While Ronald Reagan mative action. Religious freedom.
or vote by absentee ballot. named two justices to nominated Antonin Immigration. Gun rights. All could
First things first, though. the U.S. Supreme Court, Scalia, his other choices, be lost if the opportunity to fill
The deadline to register to vote in the Neil Gorsuch and Brett Sandra Day O’Connor the Ginsburg seat is forfeited by
Nov. 3 election is quickly approaching. Any- Kavanaugh, they have and Anthony Kennedy, Republican defectors. The 50-year
one who wishes to vote must register by Oct. an opening to elevate a became “swing votes.” struggle to recapture the Supreme
third justice to fill the Patrick Buchanan George H. W. Bush Court would be over.
5. Mississippi does not permit online voter
registration, so you either have to register at seat of Ruth Bader Gins- picked David Souter and Are there Republicans who
the circuit clerk’s office, participate in one of burg, thereby securing
the constitutionalism of
When FDR, Clarence Thomas, with
the latter’s constitution-
would really walk away from this
last, best chance to secure the
many voter registration drives or register by
mail. the court for a genera-
after his land- alism canceled out by
the former’s liberalism.
court, simply because the process
offends their sense of proper proce-
For those who have previously registered
to vote, it’s never a bad idea to check in with Trump and McCon- slide reelec- But today, the hour dure?
the circuit clerk’s office prior to the election nell need only persuade of Trump’s triumph may This may be a hard vote for
to confirm your status as a registered voter. 50 of the 53 Senate Re- tion, sought to be at hand, and the stark Murkowski, Collins and a few other
Once you have registered, you’ll be noti- publicans to vote to con- panic on the left testifies Republicans. But to vote down a
fied of your polling location. Make plans to firm the nominee Trump pack the court to it. qualified conservative nominee, on
says he will send up at Mobs are forming the eve of a presidential election,
vote once you have registered.
If you have an opinion on any of the mat- week’s end, following by increasing outside McConnell’s would amount to a crippling blow to
the days of mourning for home in Kentucky. For- their party and to their reputations
ters that will be settled on Nov. 3, this is the
only means you really have of making that Ginsburg. the number mer Attorney General within that party.
Two Republican sen- Eric Holder threatens It is said there is not time enough
opinion matter.
Register, then vote. ators, however, Susan of justices that if Republicans con- to get the vote done responsibly.
Collins of Maine and firm a justice this year, a Nonsense. Gerald Ford’s choice
Lisa Murkowski of Alas- in 1937, the Democratic Senate will of John Paul Stevens went through
ka, have said that they
will not vote to confirm
result was a cancel out its victory by
“packing” the courts.
in 19 days. Only 49 days lapsed be-
tween the nomination of Ginsburg

a justice nominated this
close to a presidential
national recoil Rep. Joe Kennedy III
says that if McConnell
and her confirmation.
Of the nominees to the Supreme
Today is Tuesday, Sept. 22, the 266th day of
Yet, if Trump appoints
and a political prevails in 2020, “We
pack the court in 2021.”
Court, those who have been brutal-
ized worst in the last 50 years were
2020. There are 100 days left in the year. a qualified female jurist,
as he has pledged to do,
rout that cost Radicals are threatening
to take to the streets and
all Republican appointees: Clement
Haynsworth in 1970, Robert Bork in
Today’s Highlight in History: and she passes muster him 72 House burn the country down 1987, Clarence Thomas in 1991 and
On Sept. 22, 1862, President Abraham in the Judiciary Com- if a Trump nominee is Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.
Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation mittee, would four GOP seats in 1938. elevated. No Democratic nominee has
Proclamation, declaring all slaves in rebel senators really collude Let them try. been savaged like these four federal
states should be free as of January 1, 1863. with Chuck Schumer’s Democratic When FDR, after his landslide court judges. And for Biden to
Caucus to kill that Republican nom- reelection, sought to pack the condone a relentless partisan attack
On this date: inee and risk having President Joe court by increasing the number of on a qualified female judge would
In 1761, Britain’s King George III and his Biden fill the seat? justices in 1937, the result was a na- seem to be risking the women’s
wife, Charlotte, were crowned in Westminster A Senate vote to reject a Republi- tional recoil and a political rout that vote in 2020.
Abbey. can nominee, in which Republican cost him 72 House seats in 1938. Assume that Amy Coney Bar-
In 1776, during the Revolutionary War, senators cast the decisive votes, Republican senators have to bite rett, Catholic jurist and mother of
Capt. Nathan Hale, 21, was hanged as a spy by would demoralize and divide the the bullet on this one and vote on seven, is nominated. Would fellow
the British in New York. party on election eve and betray a whomever Trump nominates before Catholic Joe Biden demand that
In 1949, the Soviet Union exploded its cause for which some have fought this session of Congress ends. his Democratic colleagues reject
first atomic bomb. for 50 years. It is hard to conceive of And, in this battle, there is no Barrett because she might be a vote
In 1961, the Interstate Commerce a greater act of political treason. room for conscientious objectors. against Roe v. Wade, which Joe now
Commission issued rules prohibiting racial Many Republican presidents Even “Never Trumpers” and enthusiastically champions?
discrimination on interstate buses. made strides toward recapturing Republicans for Biden have to take Patrick J. Buchanan, a nationally
In 1964, the musical “Fiddler on the the court after the radical ram- a stand. For if they play a role in syndicated columnist, was a senior
Roof,” starring Zero Mostel, opened on Broad- page of the Earl Warren era. None killing Trump’s nominee, and Biden advisor to presidents Richard Nixon,
way, beginning a run of 3,242 performances. achieved it. Three of Richard Nix- wins in November, they will have Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan.
The secret agent series “The Man from on’s four picks went south on Roe v. helped to turn the Supreme Court His website is
U.N.C.L.E.,” starring Robert Vaughn and Wade, and Justice Harry Blackmun over to leftist Democrats who will blog.
David McCallum, premiered on NBC-TV.
In 1975, Sara Jane Moore attempted to
shoot President Gerald R. Ford outside a San
Francisco hotel, but missed.
In 1980, the Persian Gulf conflict be- Debbie Foster Zack Plair Marvin Kyles
tween Iran and Iraq erupted into full-scale
Peter Imes Mary Ann Hardy Ben Portnoy Marquisto Miller
war. Eddie Johnson Slim Smith Bobby Williams
In 1989, the Irish Republican Army Courtney Laury Jan Swoope
bombed the Royal Marines School of Music in
Claudi Arrington Tess Vrbin PRODUCTION
Deal, Kent, England, killing 11 band mem- CIRCULATION William Hudson
Kelly Ervin Michael Floyd Yue Stella Yu
bers. Songwriter Irving Berlin died in New Melissa Johnson Jamie Morrison
Deanna Robinson-Pugh Anne Murphy
York City at age 101. Beth Proffitt
In 1995, an AWACS plane carrying U.S.
Mary Jane Runnels Christina Boyd
and Canadian military personnel crashed Luther Shields NEWS
Isabelle Altman Joseph Ellis
on takeoff from Elmendorf Air Force Base Jackie Taylor Jeffrey Gore
Theo Derosa
near Anchorage, Alaska, killing all 24 people Matt Garner Katrina Guyton
aboard. BUSINESS OFFICE Garrick Hodge Doris Hill
SOURCE: The Associated Press Lindsey Beck Quaylon Jones
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 5A

Ginsburg’s death exposes fragility of health law protection

A week after the presidential election, A week after the pres-
idential election, the Su-
With Ginsburg on the
court, there seemed to be
Yet it is not at all clear
what the court will do.
expansion, health insur-
ance subsidies and other
the Supreme Court is scheduled to preme Court is scheduled
to hear arguments on an
little chance the lawsuit
championed by conserva-
A narrow ruling might
leave most of the law in-
core elements. In that
case Ginsburg’s death
hear arguments on an effort to strike effort backed by Presi-
dent Donald Trump to
tive-led states could suc-
ceed, given that she and
tact, sparing protections might not turn out to be
for people with preexist- a crucial difference in the
down the Affordable Care Act strike down the Afford- four other justices had ing conditions, Medicaid court’s consideration.
able Care Act, or ACA, in twice previously voted to

Willene Harper
BY RICARDO the Obama-era health law its entirety. Former Pres- uphold important parts of
ALONSO-ZALDIVAR that protects Americans ident Barack Obama’s the health law. But that
The Associated Press from insurance discrim- landmark law bars insur- 5-4 majority is gone fol-
ination is more fragile ers from turning away lowing Ginsburg’s death Willene Henry Harper, 96, passed away, on
WASHINGTON — following the death of people with health prob- last Friday from complica- September 19, 2020, at Dugan Memorial Home,
With COVID-19 the new- Justice Ruth Bader Gins- lems, or charging them tions of metastatic cancer in West Point.
est preexisting condition, burg. more. of the pancreas. Mrs. Willene was born August 22, 1924, in
Mathiston, in Choctaw County, the daughter
of the late Hearon Otis and Sylbia Jones Henry.
She was a member of Calvary Baptist Church.
She was a Payroll Clerk at Knickerbocker

CDC changes, then retracts, web posting on how virus spreads Manufacturing in West Point for 20 years. She
was a Graduate of Vaughan Beauty College in
Aberdeen. Mrs. Willene married Lewis Camp
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS before going through a full In interviews, CDC of- officials said little about
Harper on December 26, 1945, in West Point and
editing and approval pro- ficials have acknowledged aerosolized particles. So
NEW YORK — The top cess, said Dr. Jay Butler, the growing evidence that the when the CDC quietly post-
he passed away May 15, 1983.
U.S. public health agen- CDC’s deputy director for virus can sometimes be ed an update Friday that In addition to her parents and husband,
cy stirred confusion by infectious diseases. transmitted on even small- discussed the particles in she was preceded in death by two sisters: Otis
posting — and then tak- The post suggested that er, aerosolized particles or more detail, the agency’s Darsey and Mary McClain; and five brothers,
ing down — an apparent the agency believes the vi- droplets that spread over position appeared to have Tim, Glenn, Robert, O.J. and Burl Henry.
change in its position on rus can hang in the air and a wider area. Certain case changed. Funeral services will be Tuesday, September
how easily the coronavirus spread over an extended clusters have been tied to 22, 2020, at 2:00 PM from the graveside with the
can spread from person to distance. But the agency events in which the virus Dr. James Towery officiating. Burial will follow
person through the air. continues to believe larger appeared to have spread in Greenwood Cemetery West Point, MS. Calvert
But officials at the Cen- and heavier droplets that through the air in, for ex- Funeral Home of West Point is in charge of
ters for Disease Control and come from coughing or ample, a choir practice. But arrangements.
Prevention say their posi- sneezing are the primary such incidents did not ap- Survivors include two sisters, Maudie Young
tion has not really changed means of transmission, But- pear to be common. (Gailon) of West Point and Anniece Breland of
and that the post last week ler said. Public health experts Mathiston; and several nieces, nephews and
on the agency’s website was Most CDC guidance urge people to wear masks, friends.
an error that has been tak- about social distancing is which can stop or reduce Pallbearers will be Danny McClain, David
en down. built around that idea, say- contact with both larger McClain, Joe Henry, Jeff Henry, Dale Henry,
It was “an honest mis- ing that about 6 feet is a safe droplets and aerosolized Robert Allen Darsey, Ricky Breland and Eric
take” that happened when buffer between people who particles. Ford.
a draft update was posted are not wearing masks. But for months, agency Memorials may be made to Calvary Baptist
Church, 460 McCord Street, West Point, MS
39773 or to Alzheimers Association Mississippi
Sarah Allen Chapter, 1900 Dunbarton Drive, Suite H, Jackson,
Graveside Services:
Tuesday, Sept. 22 • 2 PM MS 39216.
AREA OBITUARIES Memorial Gardens
College St. Location
Friends may leave an online condolence at
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Springs Baptist Church with Walker Manufac-
Obituaries with basic informa-
Cemetery. Dowdle Fu- turing.
Incomplete Paid Obituary - Calvert Funeral Home
neral Home of Millport In addition to his College St. Location
tion including visitation and
is in charge of arrange- parents, he was preced-

James Stubblefield
service times, are provided
free of charge. Extended ments. ed in death by three
obituaries with a photograph, She was preceded in brothers and one sister.
detailed biographical informa- death by her parents, He is survived by
tion and other details families Morris Alvin and Mil- his daughter, Sharon Funeral services for Mr.
may wish to include, are avail- dred Papazan Shelton. Huguley of Winfield, Al- James Mitchell “Mitch”
able for a fee. Obituaries must abama; two grandchil- Stubblefield, age 68, will be
be submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s Donnie Parker dren; four great-grand- held at 3:00 pm, Wednesday,
body has been donated to COLUMBUS —Don- children; and one September 23, 2020, at the
science. If the deceased’s nie Parker, 48, died step-grandchild. Open Door Fellowship Church,
body was donated to science, Sept. 21, 2020, at North Springhill, LA, with Rev. Tim
the family must provide official
Mississippi Medical Everett officiating. Interment
proof of death. Please submit will follow in Springhill
all obituaries on the form pro-
Center of Tupelo.
vided by The Commercial Dis- Arrangements are Cemetery under the direction
patch. Free notices must be incomplete and will be of Bailey Funeral Home, Springhill, LA.
submitted to the newspaper announced by Memori- Visitation will be held Wednesday, September
no later than 3 p.m. the day al Gunter Peel Funeral 23, 2020, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm at the Open Door
prior for publication Tuesday Home and Crematory Fellowship Church, Springhill, LA.
through Friday; no later than 4
College Street location. Mr. Stubblefield was born on December 24,
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday 1951, in Columbus, MS, and passed away on
edition; and no later than 7:30 Sunday, September 20, 2020, in Dallas, TX. He
a.m. for the Monday edition.
Incomplete notices must be re-
William Turman was raised by his mother and step-father, Mary
SULLIGENT, Ala. — M. Moore Hallman and Maurice Hallman. He
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m.
for the Monday through Friday
William Alred Turman, was a member of Open Door Fellowship Church,
84, died Sept. 20, 2020,

Teddy Lewis
editions. Paid notices must be President of Wild Goose Outreach Ministry and
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion at Generations of Ver- was retired from Carter Credit Union after ten
the next day Monday through non. years of service. He was also the chaplain of the
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 The family will have Springhill Police Department.
p.m. for Sunday and Monday a private memorial Teddy H. Lewis, 86, of
He was a graduate of William Carey
publication. For more informa- service at a later date. Nokomis, FL and formerly
University in Hattiesburg and was a proud U.
tion, call 662-328-2471.
Chandler Funeral Columbus, MS, passed away
S. Air Force veteran serving from 1970 to 1974.
Home of Vernon is Saturday, September 19, 2020,
Mitch was in the telecom industry, management
Mary Shelton in charge of arrange- at Venice Regional Bayfront
and education, for 30 years, which took him to
REFORM, Ala. — ments. Hospital in Venice, FL after a
Texas, South Louisiana and Colorado. He came
Mary Frances Shelton, Mr. Turman was brief illness.
to Springhill in 2006 as manager of the North
72, died Sept. 20, 2020, born July 12, 1936, in A family graveside service
Webster LA Industrial District and then to Carter
at DCH Regional Medi- will be held at a later date
Lamar County, Ala- Federal Credit Union as Facilities Manager. But
with Lowndes Funeral Home,
cal Center. bama, to the late Troy his passion, wherever he lived, was sharing
Columbus, MS in charge of the
Private graveside and Columbiana Tur- Jesus, especially with the marginalized. He
services were at 2 man. He was formerly founded Wild Goose Outreach in 2008 with some
The son of the late Lunie and Elma Lewis, he
p.m. Monday, in Arbor employed as a lineman like-minded believers and loved teaching and
was born in Putnam County, IN on December
ministering there.
22, 1933, where he grew up and graduated from
He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Deborah
Eminence High School. Teddy was a retired
Lollar Stubblefield of Springhill, LA; son,
Major and member of the 901st Refueling Wing in
Andrew R. Stubblefield of Dallas, TX; daughter,
the United States Air Force. He was also a retired
Mary Caitlin (Grant Lowry) Macleod of Tulsa,
Does the coronavirus spread carrier with the United States Postal Service. He
moved to Nokomis, Fl after the passing of his
OK; three brothers, Thomas A (Shawn) Hallman
easily among children? wife of 43 years, Ava Nell, to be near his brother,
of Columbus, MS, Carl Al (Gina) Stubblefield of
Lexington, TN and Danny (Carolyn) Stubblefield
Freddie. Teddy enjoyed working on and selling
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS infected children in Utah of Corinth, MS; two sisters, Betty D (Leonard)
cars, home improvement projects, traveling,
day care centers and day Wiley of Marshall, TX and Brenda (Aaron) Carr
Does the coronavirus
playing cards, and spending time with his loved
camps spread the virus to of Orange Park, FL; and a grandson expected
spread easily among chil- ones.
family members, including in December, Rodney Grey Lowry. Also, many
dren? In addition to his parents, Mr. Lewis is
siblings. That suggested nieces and nephews whom he loved dearly.
It appears the virus can very young children with
preceded in death by his wife, Ava Nell; and
Mr. Stubblefield was preceded in death by
spread among children no symptoms or very mild brother, Freddie Lewis.
his father, Carl Woodrow Stubblefield; his step-
and teens, but how easily ones can spread infection, Mr. Lewis is survived by his son, Kerry
father, Maurice Hallman; and his mother, Mary
may vary by age. Research but that the rate of spread (Luann) Lewis of Columbus, MS; loving
M. Moore Hallman.
is still underway, but chil- was low. companion, Barbara Kawamoto and Snickers of
Pallbearers will be Bob Sword, Barry Nehls,
dren under age 10 seem A large study from Sun City Center, FL; grandsons, Jeffrey Lewis
Grover Ranz, Garrett Ranz, Billy Strachan, Joey
to be less likely than old- South Korea suggested of Columbus, MS and David Lewis of Denver,
Litton, Casey Watson, Charles Slack, Will Lynd
er kids to transmit the vi- that kids aged 10 and up CL; step-grandaughters, Lucy (Pash) Crabble;
and Joel Wynne.
rus to other children and may spread the virus more step-grandson, Cole Little both of Columbus,
Honorary pallbearers will be Joe Arnold,
adults. easily to family members MS; nephew, Dale (Lora) Lewis; niece, Marsha
Delton Edwards, Roderick Thomas, John
Children generally don’t than younger kids, and Harrison; and many great-nieces and nephews
appear to get sick or expe- Robinson, Lou Laverdiere, along with the
might even spread it as eas- all of Avon, IN.
rience symptoms as often ily as adults. Members of Wild Goose Ministries, the men’s
Honorary pallbearers will be Gary Jacobs,
as adults when they’re Spread among children Sunday School class of Open Door Fellowship,
Tom Dilworth, Randy James, Ronnie Chain,
infected. Some evidence was also suspected in an and the Springhill Police Department.
Barney Conn, Sonny Cole and the residents of
suggests that may be par- outbreak at a Georgia sum- Memorials may be made to Wild Goose
Kings Gate Club in Nokomis, FL.
ticularly true for younger mer camp. Outreach Ministry, P. O. Box 683, Springhill, LA
In lieu of flower, memorials may be made to
kids. That might help ex- With other respiratory 71075, a ministry which includes HISET, an adult
the Columbus Lowndes Humane Society, 50
plain why they appear less viruses, “young children education program that has seen many graduates
Airline Rd, Columbus, MS 39702, or St. Jude’s
likely to spread the virus are the germ factories. In go on to pursue higher education.
Children’s Research Hospital, P.O. Box 1000
— they’re less likely to be this case, it’s different and Sign our online guest book at www.
Dept. 42, Memphis, TN 38105.
coughing and sneezing. we don’t really know why,’’
Some of the latest ev- said Dr. Sean O’Leary of Compliments of
idence comes from a re- the American Academy of Lowndes Funeral Home Paid Obituary - Baily Funeral Home
cent report that showed Pediatrics.
6A TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Eat fresh berries instead of dried ones: Berries are very healthy and packed with nutrients, fiber and antioxidants.
Most varieties can be purchased fresh, frozen or dried. Although all types are relatively healthy, the dried varieties are a
much more concentrated source of calories and sugar, since all the water has been removed. A 3.5-ounce (100-gram)
serving of fresh or frozen berries contains 32—35 calories, while 3.5 ounces of dried strawberries contain a whopping 396
calories. The dried varieties are also often covered with sugar, further increasing the sugar content.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Fall allergies or COVID-19? ing to early your level of Once you overcome your fear sity is safe for your condition.
afternoon). chronic pain (“I of physical activity, walk thera- (Are you listening, LeBron?)
The start of fall brings
■ When am never going py can ease osteoarthritis pain To help you get back in the
pumpkin spice lattes, fresh
you do go out, to feel better!”) significantly. The Arthritis game, the European Society
apples and allergies. The most
say thanks to doesn’t pro- Foundation also recommends of Cardiology has issued new
common causes of the sneez-
your pandemic duce an enjoy- aerobics (low impact), strength guidelines on exercise for
ing, sniffling, headachy, red-
mask ... it can able outcome. building and range-of-motion/ people with heart disease and
eyed misery are ragweed and
reduce pollen It torpedoes flexibility and aquatic exercis- heart-threatening obesity and
other weeds, trees, and mold
exposure while your physical es. Check out these physical diabetes.
and mildew from wet, fallen
you decrease and mental activity programs approved by 1. Generally, exercise so
the chance health. the Centers for Disease Con- your heart and breathing rates
However, with the presence Research- increase, but you can talk com-
of spreading trol and Prevention for people
of COVID-19, you may find Drs. Oz and Roizen ers from Penn fortably. Aim for 150 minutes a
COVID-19. with arthritis:
yourself worrying that your State looked at week. Our tip: Increase intensi-
■ Use a neti arthritis/interventions/physi-
symptoms are virus-related data provided ty by no more than 10 percent
pot — scru- cal-activity.html.
instead of allergies. That’s by 143 older folks with knee os- weekly.
pulously cleaned — twice a
understandable. Many symp- teoarthritis and found that on 2. If you have obesity, high
toms, such as a sore throat,
day to clear your sinuses and
the days those folks reported
Heart disease doesn’t blood pressure or diabetes, add
reduce irritation. You may also
shortness of breath, fatigue
use over-the-counter antihista- that pain was causing them to have to bench you strength-building exercises
and loss of taste and smell can have an exaggerated feeling of When professional athletes three times a week to a regular
mines and other medications.
seem similar. But there are helplessness or hopelessness, come back from an injury, they routine of moderate/vigorous
Ask your doctor what’s best.
important differences. they were also afraid of moving may think they’re as good as aerobics.
■ Get a COVID test. If you
Coronavirus symptoms are around and became sedentary. new, but impatience can back- 3. “The chance of exercise
don’t typically suffer from
often accompanied by fever — That, ironically, just worsens fire. Take LeBron James. He triggering a cardiac arrest or
allergies and you have new
that’s not an allergy symptom. was sidelined with a strained
symptoms, getting tested is the the pain and makes it harder to heart attack is extremely low,”
Gastrointestinal distress and get the exercise that’s needed groin on Christmas Day 2018 says sports cardiologist Dr.
smart (and socially responsi-
achy muscles are also not sig- to feel better. as the Lakers played Golden Sanjay Sharma, chairman of
ble) thing to do.
nals of seasonal allergies. Itchy Studies have found 31 State. Although he came back the guidelines task force. But
eyes, nose, throat and ears? percent and 33 percent of folks strong a month later, he was if exercise causes palpitations,
Sneezing? They’re generally Don’t let pain get the with chronic pain catastrophize reinjured in a Christmas 2019 unusual shortness of breath or
signs of an allergic reaction, better of you about it. So, if you’re stopped contest. Then in April of 2020, chest discomfort, take it easy
especially if you get these Everyone loves a good in your tracks by pain — or James sat out another game — and see your doctor (ASAP).
symptoms annually. disaster, apparently. The top 10 by fear that it will strike — it’s again for a sore groin. Now, that’s a game-winning
But, if you’re nervous about grossing disaster films (from time to dial down your worry- Fortunately, most injuries strategy!
how you’re feeling: No. 1 “Titanic,” which took in ing and step up your stepping. don’t sideline super-athletes or Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of
■ Make an appointment well over $2 billion, to No. 10 Talk therapy can lead to everyday folks permanently. “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike
with an allergist. A scratch test “Twister” with $494 million) walk therapy. Cognitive behav- You can even start or continue Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness
will identify most allergens, if have grossed a combined total ioral therapy, which helps you exercising if you have heart Officer and Chair of Wellness
they’re what’s bothering you. somewhere north of $8 billion. change your thinking patterns, disease — it can reduce your Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
■ If you have allergies, While scary fictional ca- is the experts’ first choice for risk of premature death. You To live your healthiest, tune
avoid being outdoors during tastrophes can entertain and helping people who contend just want to plan your routine into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
peak pollen hours (mid-morn- amuse, catastrophizing about with catastrophizing pain. with your doctor so the inten-

Relief funds
Continued from Page 1A
for reimbursement from Starkville is eligible for for city employees during oppor t uni - with COVID issues is dif- $265,000 if those munic-
Mississippi’s share of re- a maximum of $559,000 March and April, addi- ty to be re- ficult, and this has been ipalities were to apply for
lief funds via the federal based on the city’s popula- tional camera equipment sponsive to a great help to keep us in reimbursement. The ap-
Coronavirus Aid, Relief tion, according to MEMA for the city to conduct the needs what I perceive to be a saf- plication deadline is Oct.
and Economic Security documents Hardin pro- virtual job interviews, of the virtu- er environment,” Spruill 15, and the deadline for
(CARES) Act approved by vided to The Dispatch. upgraded software for al aspect of said. obligation of funds is Nov.
Congress in March. She said the city has sent citizens to sign rental keeping us According to the
MEMA received $70 four applications for re- agreements or make cred- all safe” and MEMA documents, the
Columbus has applied
million in CARES Act imbursement and has not it card payments online a l l e v i a t e s Spruill towns of Maben and Stur-
funds in August from the yet received the promised and deep-cleaning some some of the gis are eligible for more for reimbursement, city
state Legislature and has $414,000. city buildings like fire sta- financial strain that the than $10,000 and $5,900, spokesperson Joe Dillon
obligated more than $6.1 The city’s reimbursed tions, Hardin said. pandemic caused the city respectively, Columbus said, and West Point will
million to counties and cit- costs include protective Mayor Lynn Spruill via a $1.1 million drop in is eligible for more than send its application this
ies as of Thursday, accord- face coverings and gloves, said the reimbursement sales tax revenue. $553,000 and West Point week, Mayor Robbie Rob-
ing to the press release. paid administrative leave gives the city “a strong “Being able to cope is eligible for nearly inson said.

Continued from Page 1A
The Golden Triangle entice industries to come site selector and industry feedback on the presenta- selves in a
is the first multi-county to the Golden Triangle, considering the area for tion. unique way,
region to receive the des- she said. development, except for SDG Vice President develop ro-
ignation, according to a “Programs like these the entire region rath- Jeannette Goldsmith said bust and
Golden Triangle Develop- from TVA help us gather er than one or two sites. the designation encour- broadly de-
ment LINK press release important critiques for It included information ages rural communities fined eco-
issued Friday. A total of our community, make im- on everything from the to find creative ways to nomic de-
nine organizations have provements and market region’s demographic market themselves to in- velop ment
Whitaker Higgins Goldsmith
received the designation successfully to potential analysis to the LINK’s dustries. strategies,
in the three years since ommends whether the investment from employ- marketing efforts and fu- “Creativity and innova- and market to a more tar-
TVA started the pro- sites are ready for devel- ers,” LINK CEO Joe Max ture planning and devel- tion are among our coun- geted audience.”
gram. opment. Higgins said in the press opment goals. try’s greatest resources Whitaker also said that
LINK Chief Operating “They’re the type of release. “It was a very in-depth and companies are seek- economically the region
Officer Macaulay Whita- company we work with Whitaker said in or- coverage of both the re- ing locations that can is doing better than ex-
ker said the TVA works when we’re recruiting der to receive the desig- gion’s assets and our ap- provide access to those pected at the beginning
with Strategic Develop- investment for the area,” nation the LINK had to proach to recruitment,” resources,” she said in of COVID-19 pandemic,
ment Group, an orga- she said. prepare a presentation she said. the press release. “Rural with several prospective
nization which looks at To receive a designa- for SDG similar to what SDG representatives communities must work industries looking at sites
industrial sites and rec- tion from them will help they would prepare for a could then give the LINK smarter to define them- in the Golden Triangle.


[email protected]

depth chart might cast
some doubt, but K.J.
Costello is expected to be
the starting quarterback
when Mississippi State
opens its season against
defending national cham-
pion and No. 6-ranked
LSU in Baton Rouge Sat-
Though MSU’s first
official depth chart of the
year released Monday
noted the No. 1 quarter-
back was Costello “OR”
freshman Will Rogers,
head coach Mike Leach
noted Costello should
likely be the starter — fol-
lowing a pattern that even
saw him keep an “or”
ahead of Gardner Min-
shew II’s name heading
into the 2018 Alamo Bowl
and days after he finished
fifth in Heisman Trophy
voting during his time at
Washington State.
“Will’s been doing a
great job, but I expect K.J.
to start,” Leach said in his
first Monday press con-
ference of the year.
Leach’s essential cor-
onation of Costello as
MSU’s Week One start-
ing signal caller follows
months of much expect- Photo courtesy of Mississippi State Athletics
ed speculation that he’d Mike Leach is expected to roll with quarterback K.J. Costello as his starting quarterback against LSU on Saturday.
end up as QB1 come LSU season in Starkville. ers. Through fall camp’s through marketing vid- roll them in. So Osirus at “X,” though it remains
week. “Leach really does early days, the former eos, though one would is right in the thick of it. unclear whether Heath
Committing to MSU in give the keys to the quar- top-100 recruit sounded have to examine the clips I mean, it could say ‘or,’ will endure any kind of
February and arriving on terback in the system,” more athletic than talent- like the Zapruder film to but I do think Shavers has suspension due to his
campus June 1, Costello Costello said last week. ed in talking to coaches draw much from them. practiced more consis- offseason arrest. Leach
has cemented himself as “Which has been some- and teammates. Yet now That said, should he tently lately.” previously noted punish-
a leader despite his short thing I’ve been really im- heading into MSU’s first have found a command of Beyond Shavers, ment was being dealt with
time on campus. He and internally.
pressed with and inspired official game week, Shav- an offense he’s only been Leach noted Mitchell and
Rogers spent the majority
and also know that that ers finds his name atop a part of for mere months, as many as eight receiv-
of the summer teaching
the air raid offense to the
comes with a lot of re- the receiver depth chart. there’s reason to believe ers are expected to see Secondary will be
rest of the roster during sponsibility.” Edging out senior Shavers can stretch the time Saturday. Among young, inexperienced
player’s only workouts. Osirus Mitchell, MSU’s field athletically in a way them, senior JaVonta For what the receiving
Now entering a year in Tyrell Shavers edges leading receiver a season MSU desperately lacked Payton and junior Austin corps boasts in depth,
ago, Shavers’ listing as a season ago and will be Williams earned start- Zach Arnett’s defense is
which the Bulldogs face out Osirus Mitchell the No. 1 “Z” receiver is necessitated in Leach’s ing spots of their own at desperately depleted in
a 10-game, Southeastern
Conference-only slate,
at Z, eight receivers as much a lesson in per- system. the “H” and “Y” receiver experience.
Costello will be tasked expected to play sistence as it is simply “I do think Shavers has spots, respectively. Copi- Of the 23 players list-
with guiding Leach’s The summer has names on a sheet of pa- been more consistent late- ah-Lincoln standout Ma- ed on MSU’s two-deep
high-flying offense in the proved a learning pro- per. Throughout camp, ly,” Leach said. “But you lik Heath and Starkville defensive depth chart,
one-time Washington cess for Alabama trans- flashes of the Dallas-area know, we’re gonna play native Cameron Gardner 12 of the players are un-
State coach’s inaugural fer receiver Tyrell Shav- product’s talent leaked with eight receivers and are listed as co-starters See MSU, 3B

Raiders open Las Vegas stadium with 34-24 win vs Saints

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jalen Richard by stopping
the Saints and then scor-
LAS VEGAS — Derek ing on the ensuing drive
Carr and the Las Vegas on a 20-yard run by Rich-
Raiders delivered a per- ard.
formance worthy of their After being gashed on
fancy new home. the ground early, the Raid-
Too bad none of their ers did a good job against
fans were able to see it in Brees, who struggled
person. without his injured No. 1
Carr threw three receiver Michael Thomas.
touchdown passes and Brees went 26 for 38 for
the Raiders gave their 312 yards with one touch-
new fans in Las Vegas down and a key intercep-
plenty to celebrate even tion at the end of the first
if they weren’t allowed in half that set up a field goal
the stadium by beating for the Raiders.
the New Orleans Saints “If there’s one thing
34-24 on Monday night. I wish I could take back
The new $2 billion sta- from the game it would be
dium in the desert held that,” Brees said. “Other-
its first event following wise, we had a lot of metal
the Raiders’ move from errors. I felt like we were
Oakland without any fans not playing as fast and just
because of the COVID-19 as sure and confident.”
pandemic. After the Saints cut
“Hopefully our fans, the deficit to 31-24 on Al-
even though they couldn’t vin Kamara’s second TD
be here tonight, hopefully run, the Raiders took ad-
Kirby Lee/USA TODAY Sports
see something they like,” New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees (9) throws a pass against the Las Vegas Raiders during the first quarter vantage of a pass interfer-
coach Jon Gruden said. of a NFL game Monday at Allegiant Stadium. ence call against Janoris
“We can’t wait to get them Jenkins and then iced the
back in this place. It’s opened the season with the passes for 103 yards some tonight,” Gruden controlled the clock and game with a 54-yard field
such a great place to see two straight wins for the as Carr’s most trusted op- said. “He made some kept Drew Brees and the goal by Daniel Carlson.
a game.” fourth time in the past 25 tion. some plays today that very Saints off the field. Las “We got to do a better
That was one of the seasons. Carr engineered four few guys that I’ve coached Vegas converted 10 of 17 job coaching,” coach Sean
few things that didn’t Carr was in complete straight scoring drives in could make. I tip my hat to third downs and also went Payton said. “I don’t think
go right for the Raiders control for most of the the second and third quar- him.” for it successfully twice on it’s going to be a real pleas-
(2-0), who overcame an night, completing 28 of 38 ters to turn a 10-0 deficit Picking apart the New fourth down. ant film to watch — for
early 10-point deficit passes for 282 yards. Dar- into a 24-17 lead. Orleans defense with The Raiders even sur- some of our star players as
to the Saints (1-1) and ren Waller caught 12 of “Derek Carr was awe- short passes, the Raiders vived a fumbled pitch by well.”
2B TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 The Dispatch •

Column: NASCAR’s dizzying silly season will change landscape

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Aric Almirola renewed rently eyeing Justin Ha- From kids to pros, we cover the field.
at Stewart-Haas Racing,
What could happen ley, who won the 2019 July Dispatch Sports.
Every indication is
CHARLOT TE, N.C. Reddick took the option that Hendrick is the only race at Daytona for Spire, Follow us online
— There were two early at RCR, William Byron and LaJoie. Spire knows
warning signs that NA- logical place for Larson,
was extended at Hendrick though the team has not some top drivers may slip
SCAR was heading into and Ross Chastain got the to its level and it also has
its most unpredictable said if he is a contender
seat at Chip Ganassi Rac- for Johnson’s No. 48. That the ability to field more
“silly season” in decades. ing vacated when Kyle than two cars next year.
Former series cham- could be because Larson
Larson was fired in April instead could land the No. Former driver Justin
pion Brad Keselowski ac- for using a racial slur. Marks has also been chas-
cepted a one-year exten- 88 with Bowman moving
That No. 42 had been to the No. 48. ing a charter because he’s
sion with Team Penske considered a top available Hamlin on Monday betting on an overhauled
and rookie Tyler Reddick ride and Ganassi awarded night ended months of business model in NA-
renewed with Richard it to an eighth-generation speculation by announc- SCAR when it introduces
Childress Racing with watermelon farmer with ing he’s partnering with a new car in 2022. The
barely a glance at other five combined victories at
options. Jordan on a one-car team pandemic delayed the
NASCAR’s lower levels. that will prepare the “Next Gen” car, which is
Those moves were a Chastain is something
wake-up call — the eco- three-time Daytona 500 expected to dramatically
of a unicorn in that he winner for his future. reduce costs and encour-
nomics that have changed doesn’t bring sponsorship
the landscape of NA- Hamlin and Jordan select- age new team ownership.
and doesn’t have a proven ed Wallace to drive and Spire bought into that
SCAR’s two lower series Cup record.
have finally reached the bought a charter from belief three years ago,
Wallace, who has an Germain Racing. Marks wants in on the ac-
Cup level. estimated $18 million in
The coronavirus pan- Stewart-Haas Racing tion and Hamlin also sees
sponsorship to bring with said it doesn’t expect to value in the upcoming
demic has accelerated him when he leaves Rich-
the inevitable: The driver change its four-car lineup model.
ard Petty Motorsports, and Clint Bowyer is the “Certainly, the finan-
market bubble, pushed
on Monday night said only driver still unsigned.
to its limit with multi- cial model hopefully will
he’d drive for a new team Briscoe, who has seven
million-dollar salaries get better in the next few
owned by Denny Hamlin Xfinity Series wins for
for nearly two decades, years for the team own-
and Charlotte Hornets SHR this season, wants a
is about to burst. A ma- ers,” Hamlin said before
owner Michael Jordan. promotion; it is not clear
jor reset has arrived and announcing the partner-
team owners have all the what he will do if Bowyer ship.
power. They can pick and Still available is extended for another There are at least a
choose between drivers Jones is being replaced year. dozen other drivers chas-
who bring sponsorship by Christopher Bell, and Cindric, the regu- ing Cup deals in a flooded
dollars (Bubba Wallace) former Xfinity Series lar-season Xfinity cham- market where even back-
or drivers who have won champion Daniel Suarez pion, is at the mercy of marker teams are appeal-
races (Erik Jones). said last week he is look- Team Penske. The organi- ing as gainful employ-
When the music stops, ing for his third team in zation could field a fourth ment. Drivers like Jones
the Cup Series lineup will three years. Corey LaJoie car for him, could stash
are at the mercy of how
look radically different. is leaving GoFas Racing; him in Matt DiBenedet-
other deals play out.
Left standing? It doesn’t Ty Dillon’s team owner, to’s seat at Wood Broth-
“How can you not wor-
look good for Jones, a Bob Germain, wants do ers Racing or leave him
ry a little bit?” Jones said.
one-time Kyle Busch pro- sell his charter; and Xfin- in Xfinity another year.
“There’s times where you
tege with a Truck Series ity Series drivers Chase But if Cindric is called up
to Wood Brothers, it’s go- lay in bed at night and you
title, two Cup playoff ap- Briscoe and Austin Cin-
ing to put DiBenedetto in think about what the op-
pearances and a Southern dric both want promo-
a tight spot. He wants to portunities are going to
500 victory. He is being tions.
return to that team next be and what you’re going
replaced at Joe Gibbs Rac- And don’t forget Lar-
year and the contractual to do next year and where
ing. son.
deadline is September for you’re going to be and
“It’s a tough environ- He was supposed to
ment. There’s definitely his option to be picked up. how you’re going to make
be the top free agent this
teams that are struggling year but was banished to Richard Petty Motor- it all work.
to find sponsorship and sprint cars after his firing sports said it plans to be “It’s hard to focus on
find money,” Jones said. five months ago. Larson on the grid next season the race team. You want
“There’s rides obvious- has won 35 races since, is with a replacement for to go out and focus on
ly open out there. I don’t awaiting the appropriate Wallace, and Suarez is that and you’re spending
bring anything but my time to apply for reinstate- a potential fit. It will be your whole week trying
butt, I guess, to put in the ment to NASCAR and, if difficult because Wallace to focus on meetings and
seat. It’s challenging.” sponsors agree to forgive was RPM’s sponsorship phone calls and meeting
him, he should get a job. draw. with new teams, prospec-
Signed for 2021 The top prize is a seat tive sponsors. So it’s cra-
Alex Bowman at Hen- at Hendrick Motorsports, Ready to pounce zy and it’s busy and it’s
hard to do your day job.”
drick Motorsports and which will replace sev- Waiting and watch-
Ryan Blaney at Penske en-time champion Jimmie ing is Spire Motorsports,
inked extensions before Johnson. It’s the job op- which bought another
the pandemic. Keselows- portunity of a lifetime and charter from Leavine
ki agreed to a smaller deal LaJoie made a run at it Family Racing and is
with Penske, a gamble back in January when he committed to fielding two
that his value will still be hand-delivered a letter to cars in 2021 in alliance
high and the market will Rick Hendrick at the Hall with both Hendrick and
have improved in 2022. of Fame ceremony. Ganassi. The team is cur-

Week 2 not for the weak as injuries hit NFL

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS guys like we like we did, Courtland Sutton (knee).
that’ll probably be for a More: quarterbacks
As careful as the NFL while, we need guys to get Tyrod Taylor, who didn’t
has been about preventing better.” start the Chargers’ game
an outbreak of the corona- Among the guys who against Kansas City af-
virus within the league, won’t be getting better any- ter sustaining a chest in-
one thing it can’t control time soon after a brutal day jury before kickoff; and
is a rash of major on-field is Giants star running back the Broncos’ Drew Lock
injuries. And that’s what it Saquon Barkley, who suf- (shoulder).
got Sunday. fered a severe injury to his Another deep breath:
Injuries often are the right knee. The 2018 Of- n The Jets also were
great equalizer in a col- fensive Rookie of the Year depleted against the Nin-
lision sport like football. went down hard on the ers. Already without RB
It’s particularly upending Chicago sideline after try- Le’Veon Bell and WR
when they come in bunch- ing to fend off Bears safety Jamison Crowder, they
es at the same position. Or Eddie Jackson on a 6-yard saw receivers Breshad
when it comes in bunches carry early in the second Perriman (ankle) and
everywhere on the roster. quarter. He dragged his Chris Hogan (ribs), cor-
San Francisco, which right leg behind him as he nerbacks Quincy Wilson
also saw quarterback Jim-
was helped back across the (concussion) and Arthur
my Garoppolo sidelined
field to the Giants sideline. Maulet (groin), and center
for the second half with a
“Obviously, you know, Connor McGovern fail to
right ankle problem, might
Saquon is one of the best make the finish.
have been hit the hardest
running backs in this n The Chiefs lost de-
— and didn’t have All-Pro
league, so nobody’s going fensive end Frank Clark
tight end George Kittle or
to be able to do what he (illness) and cornerback
standout cornerback Rich-
ard Sherman to begin with. does, what he’s done,” said Antonio Hamilton (groin).
Two starters on the defen- his backup, veteran Dion n Indianapolis lost
sive line damaged their Lewis. “We gotta do what top running back Marlon
knees: Nick Bosa, the 2019 we can do, be ourselves, Mack to an Achilles ten-
Defensive Rookie of the and do whatever the coach- don injury last week, and
Year, and Solomon Thom- es ask us to do and work safety Malik Hooker left
as. Neither situation looks hard every day.” against Minnesota with a
good. All-Pro running back similar issue. The Colts
Top running back Ra- Christian McCaffrey, per- also played without corner-
heem Mostert, who opened haps the most versatile back Rock Ya-Sin, who was
the game with an 80-yard offensive player in the sent to the hospital with a
touchdown run, hurt his league, departed Caroli- pregame stomach ailment.
knee, too, and his backup na’s loss to the Buccaneers Minnesota was minus
Tevin Coleman, left the win with a right ankle injury. running back Mike Boone
at the Jets. With San Fran- “It’s tough when you (concussion) and lineback-
cisco scheduled back at the don’t have your best play- er Anthony Barr (shoul-
Meadowlands next Sunday ers on the field,” quarter- der) at the end of the game.
against the Giants, coach back Teddy Bridgewater n Up front, Washing-
Kyle Shanahan could be in said. ton guard Brandon Scherff
scramble mode. Also missing — deep left early in Arizona with
“You have a little mixed breath — for portions of a knee injury. The Rams’
emotions when you lose games were wideouts Da- Joe Noteboom (calf), the
some guys like that,” said vante Adams of the Pack- Eagles’ Isaac Seumalo
49ers coach Kyle Sha- ers (hamstring); the Colts’ (knee), Packers center
nahan, who questioned Parris Campbell (carted Corey Linsley (hand) and
the quality of the turf at off with a leg injury); the Jaguars center Brandon
MetLife Stadium. “When Giants’ Sterling Shepard Linder (knee) also went
you do lose some good (toe); and the Broncos’ down with injuries.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 3B

Davis shows he has what it takes for biggest stage

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sure is going to be on us, going to pointed, frustrated, angry, we’ll use
be on me, especially the first year that motivation to come out and try
Anthony Davis caught the ball with everything that happened last to take Game 3.”
deep on the left side with the Lak- year, and then also playing along- Those comebacks weren’t
ers losing and time about to run out. side Bron,” Davis said. “I know he against teams as good as the Lak-
The shot Davis made to win gets criticized more than any bas- ers, who are 10-2 in the playoffs and
Game 2 of the Western Conference ketball player ever.” have won six straight. With James
finals was from nearly the same spot So Davis felt he let down his controlling the first half of Game 2
and situation as one he attempted superstar teammate on that shot before Davis took over in the sec-
in his team’s last game before the against Brooklyn, when James ond, they had the look of a champi-
NBA season was suspended. drove into the lane and passed to onship team.
He missed that one, sending the him near the sideline. Davis had a “When they’re both going at the
Lakers to a 104-102 loss to Brook- wry smile on his face after the shot same time,” Vogel said, “we’re near
lyn on March 10, and was bummed bounced off the rim, but it hid the impossible to stop.”
about it for a few days. disappointment he felt inside.
Not LeBron James, though. That “LeBron will tell you. I mean, the Back to work: Celtics, Heat start
moment just reinforced what he al-
ready believed about the All-Star
first probably like four days, I was
talking to him like, ‘Damn, I should
getting ready for Game 4
Getting angry worked wonders

forward the Lakers had acquired to have made that shot. I’ve got to for the Boston Celtics. Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
play alongside him. make that shot,’” Davis said. “He’s Their first win in these Eastern placing puzzle based on
“You’re not going to make them like, ‘You’re fine, you’re fine.’” Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 1 9 6 7 4 3 5 2 8
Conference finals just happened
all, but the belief to just take it and Davis had never made a buzz- to come two nights after Marcus ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 4 8 7 2 5 1 9 3 6

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

live with the results is what it’s all er-beating shot in the postseason Smart sparked a loud and emotion- based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 5 2 3 9 8 6 1 4 7
about,” James said. and had only one in his entire ca- al series of shouting matches inside grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 8 1 2 6 9 5 3 7 4
Davis has been making plenty so reer. Now he’s on a list of Lakers the Celtics’ locker room, all of that given
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 3 6 9 8 7 4 2 1 5
far in the deepest postseason run of that have done it in the playoffs, a starting only a few seconds after object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 7 5 4 3 1 2 8 6 9
his career. group that includes Hall of Famers the Miami Heat won to take a 2-0 contains the1same to 9 number
2 7 8 1 6 9 4 5 3
He has been the dominant play- such as Kobe Bryant, Jerry West lead in the series. the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty 9 3 5 4 2 7 6 8 1
er in this series, where the Lakers and Elgin Baylor, along with noted That lead is down to 2-1 now, that each row, each
level increases from
have a 2-0 lead with Game 3 sched- clutch postseason performers Der- column and each 6 4 1 5 3 8 7 9 2
the Celtics playing brilliantly in Monday
uled for Tuesday night. Davis fol- ek Fisher and Robert Horry. 3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 9/21

Game 3 and leading wire-to-wire to

lowed his 37 points in Game 1 with “Just because his teams haven’t the same number only once. The difficulty level
take a bunch of newfound momen-
31 more on Sunday, including the been good enough to reach this increases from Monday to Sunday.
tum into Game 4 of the series on
Lakers’ last 10. moment doesn’t mean that he’s not Wednesday night.
The No. 1 pick in the 2012 draft, that caliber of player,” Lakers coach “I’ve always been saying that be-
Davis had long been one of the Frank Vogel said. fore you see the rainbow, it has to
NBA’s best players by the time he Without Davis’ shot, the Nuggets storm,” Smart said Monday, speak-
got to Los Angeles last July. But it’s would have been celebrating anoth- ing about the post-Game 2 dustup
one thing to be performing quietly er comeback victory. They trailed for the first time publicly. “For us,
in New Orleans, where just winning by 16 points and had already erased that was a storm that we had to
a postseason round made it a good deficits of 15 or more against Utah go through. We found our happy
season. and the Clippers in the first two place.”
It’s another thing to be playing rounds, on their way to overcoming It’s now Miami’s turn to find a
with James, where not winning a 3-1 deficits in both. happy place — though an unhappy
championship makes it feel like a So even though they are down, place would seem more appropri-
lost season. they don’t feel out. ate. The Heat never led in Game 3,
“When I left, I just wanted to be “They had to rely on a great shot got themselves into a double-digit
able to compete for a championship, by a great player to beat us at the hole for the third consecutive game
and I know that moments like this buzzer,” coach Michael Malone in this series and fourth straight
comes with it. Especially being in said. “But as long as we’re putting overall, and because of a schedul-
L.A., the biggest market in basket- ourselves in position to win games, ing quirk now get to sit around and
ball,” Davis said after the 105-103 that’s all you can ask for. stew for three full off days before
victory on Sunday. “One thing I know about our getting a chance to atone for what
“I know the quote-unquote pres- group, even though we are disap- went wrong Saturday.

Column: Another grim chapter for Atlanta’s sports history

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS overmatched players, ty, it has become almost other Atlanta sports mo-
dimwitted coaches and impossible to execute ments.
ATLANTA — As the bumbling front offices. successfully since the There was Jim Ley-
ball spun slowly along Even when some- kicking team can’t get ritz homering against
the turf at Jerry’s World, thing seemingly went a running start or stack the Atlanta Braves to
the black-clad players right, like the Falcons most of its players on turn the tide in the 1996
backing away like it was earning their first divi- one side of the field. World Series. There was
a live grenade, Atlan- sion title in 1980, any But Dallas didn’t have the Falcons’ Eugene
ta’s grim sports history joy would inevitably any choice, so kicker Robinson getting arrest-
flooded the conscious- be snatched away, as it Greg Zuerlein placed ed the night before the
ness. was on a frigid January the ball on its side at the 1999 Super Bowl, not to
It was an unstoppable afternoon when, at age 35-yard yard line, not mention franchise quar-
wave of misery, disgust 17, I sat in the corner even bothering with a terback Michael Vick
and gagging at the most of the end zone at cook- tee, and sent it spinning getting sent to prison
inopportune times, all ie-cutter Atlanta-Fulton toward the Falcons play- for running a dogfight-
wrapped up in an almost County Stadium with ers lined up across from ing operation.
laughable inevitability. my parents and brother him. There was the city ACROSS
There was never any for an NFC divisional While the Cowboys losing not one but two 1 Enlist
doubt a Dallas player playoff game, watching were forbidden to fall on NHL teams because of 7 Iron or wood
would fall on the onside the Birds squander a the ball until it traveled financial woes. There 11 One way to
kick before the Falcons 24-10 lead to the Dallas at least 10 yards, the Fal- was the Falcons squan- shop
did. There was never Cowboys in the fourth cons could’ve covered it dering a 17-0 lead at 12 Flying: Prefix
any doubt the Cowboys quarter. any time they wanted. home in the 2013 NFC 13 Putting on
would complete a pass I thought of Danny They were certainly in championship game. the air
to get into field-goal White delivering the position to do that, as There was the top-seed- 15 Jeweler’s unit
range. There was never game-winning pass to five players hovered ed Atlanta Hawks 16 Dance bit
any doubt the game-win- Drew Pearson a little near the ball — at least getting swept in four 18 Spill the
ning kick would almost over 40 years ago as a three of them easily in straight games by the beans
perfectly split the up- new group of Falcons position to scoop it up — LeBron James and the
21 Colors
rights, handing a team somehow found a way well before the required Cleveland Cavaliers in
from Atlanta an almost
22 Ineffectual
to follow in the footsteps distance. the 2015 NBA Eastern
unfathomable defeat. of their ancestors, melt- But all of them acted Conference final.
24 Sleeve filler
That’s the way we roll ing down against a new as though they’d never There was the Geor- 25 General
in the A-T-L. group of Cowboys on seen a rulebook, mere- gia Bulldogs giving up a address
I’m not a native Atlan- Sunday. ly watching the ball long touchdown pass in 26 Inlet family 23 Iris setting
tan, but pretty much the The Falcons led 20 -0 until it reached the 45. overtime to lose the 2018 27 Apartment 5 Open, in a way 25 Tennis star
closest thing to it, hav- in the first quarter after By the time they finally national championship with a staircase 6 Still-life fruit Monica
ing been born about 80 Dallas fumbled the ball pounced. C.J. Goodwin game to Alabama (held 29 Igloo shape 7 Some livestock 28 Enticing
miles away and moving away three times. They had gotten there first, in Atlanta, of course). 30 Spot for laps 8 Maui souvenir 29 Make disap-
to the rapidly sprawl- were up 29-10 at half- giving the Cowboys a There was the Braves 31 Locale 9 Caterer’s pear
ing suburbs between time. After seemingly chance to pull out the getting bombarded with 32 Suit pieces dispenser 31 Burner setting
third and fourth grades. weathering a comeback victory. 10 first-inning runs in 34 Compacting, 10 Marsh 33 Wound
Growing up in the metro by the home team, they That they did. Dak the decisive Game 5 of in a way 14 Cavalry sword remnant
meant learning to deal were still up 39-24 with Prescott completed a last year’s NL Division 40 Vaccine type 16 Pancake 34 Road rescue
with sporting disap- less than 5 minutes 24-yard pass to CeeDee Series against the Car- 41 Broad street topper 35 Pitching stat
pointment from a very to go and 39-30 as the Lamb, setting up Ze- dinals to take their re- 42 Like paraffin 17 Musical 36 Not strict
early age, and accept- 2-minute warning went urlein for the 46 -yard cord-tying 10th straight 43 Tell speed 37 One — million
ing the realization that by. field goal as time ex- postseason loss. DOWN 19 Monk’s leader 38 Bolt partner
it would come over and The Cowboys scored pired to give Dallas a And, of course, 1 Write hastily 20 Hold respon- 39 “My word!”
over and over again. a touchdown to cut it 40 -39 victory. there’s the granddaddy 2 Count starter
For those rare shin-
to 39-37, then lined up “There’s nothing of them all: The Falcons 3 Suffering
ing moments — Hank for an onside kick. This you can say,” Falcons squandering a 28-3 lead
21 Pop
4 Girls in the 22 Mend
Aaron’s 715th homer play was always a bit of quarterback Matt Ryan late in the third quarter
stands above all else crapshoot, but under moaned. “This one of the 2017 Super Bowl
from my childhood — rule changes imple- stings and it sucks.” and losing in overtime
there was a seemingly mented before the 2018 He could’ve been to Tom Brady and the
endless succession of season to improve safe- speaking for so many New England Patriots.

Continued from Page 1B
derclassmen and five omore cornerback Es- “And then the other 2019 campaign No. 2 in
are freshman. With Ty- aias Furdge have both thing is they both can passing and averaged
ler Williams opting out been listed as starters have a nose for the ball. nearly 370 yards per
of the 2020 season over heading into Week One They’re both always game through the air at
COVID-19 concerns and despite not boasting a around the ball.” home. Should that trend
C.J. Morgan unavail- single start between While the person- continue with new start-
able at the moment after the pair. Behind them? nel has changed, it’s
ing quarterback and
undergoing offseason Freshmen Dylan Law- expected L SU will con-
surgery according to rence and Emmanuel tinue to air the ball out Mississippi native Myl-
Leach, the Bulldog sec- Forbes. despite the loss of assis- es Brennan under cen-
ondary is going to be “I’ve been really im- tant coach wonderkind ter, Craft, Furdge and
tested quickly. pressed with how hard Joe Brady and Heisman a wildly inexperienced
Junior strong safety they play,” Leach said Trophy winner Joe Bur- MSU defense should be
Londyn Craft and soph- of Craft and Furdge. row. L SU finished the tested quickly.
4B TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 The Dispatch •

Bullpen, defense preserves Braves 5-4 win over Marlins

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS third base wasn’t covered up play there by Dansby. Yankees. es from their bullpens. The Braves bounced
and kept right on running Just an athletic play all “This was a playoff at- Three Miami relievers right back against Rog-
ATLANTA — At the around second. around. That was fun.” mosphere,” said Miami combined for four hitless ers, who created a mess
start, it looked like a slug- Third baseman Austin Swanson celebrated by starter Trevor Rogers, innings after Rogers (1- for himself by walking
fest. Riley had gone after the pounding his glove into who bounced back from 2) left, while the Braves Ronald Acuña Jr. and
By the end, it came ball and wasn’t in posi- the dirt. Brian Anderson a rough start to keep the surrendered only one run Freeman to start the in-
down to defense. tion, but shortstop Dans- flied out to deep right to Marlins in the game. over the final six innings. ning. Travis d’Arnaud
The Braves ad-libbed by Swanson alertly took end the game, giving Mel- “There’s obviously no Tyler Matzek (4-3) brought home a run with
a brilliant double play off running for the bag. ancon his 11th save and fans, but this was a very, pitched two hitless in- an infield dribbler, Ozzie
to snuff out a potential First baseman Freddie putting the Braves in posi- very good ballgame. It’s nings for the win, and Albies ripped a run-scor-
Miami comeback in the Freeman hit the mov- tion to clinch the East title coming down to the wire.” Darren O’Day and Chris ing single to center and
ninth, moving Atlanta ing target with a perfect as soon as Tuesday. Riley’s two-run dou- Martin each worked a Riley doubled into the
a step closer to a third throw, and Swanson was “That was amazing,” ble capped a wild first scoreless frame. Will right-field corner to put
straight NL East title able to leap at Harrison manager Brian Snitker inning in which the Mar- Smith escaped a bas- the Braves ahead 4-3.
with a 5-4 victory over the and swipe him on the left said. “Just amazing.” lins scored three in the es-loaded jam in the Both pitchers settled
second-place Marlins on hip a split-second before Even with the loss that top half with a barrage of eighth after Shane Green down after that. Ynoa
Monday night. he got a hand to the bag dropped them four games singles — and the Braves surrendered a two-out faced the minimum over
With speedy on a headfirst slide. behind Atlanta with six to responded with four runs run. With a big assist the next two innings be-
pinch-runner Monte Har- “I saw the ball coming play, the Marlins are still in the bottom half. In all, from the defense, Melan- fore giving way to the bull-
rison at first, Matt Joyce right back at me really positioned to earn their the opening frame took con finished it off. pen. Rogers surrendered
hit a high chopper behind quickly. Freddie turned first playoff berth since 45 minutes and 74 pitches The Marlins got things another run on back-to-
the mound that was field- and launched it right over 2003. But they’ve got a to get through. rolling against Huascar back doubles to start the
ed by Braves closer Mark my head,” said Melancon, tough final week, with There were only two Ynoa with RBI singles second, but the rookie
Melancon. While he who dropped to one knee three more games in At- more runs the rest of from Jesus Aquilar, An- avoided further trouble
made the throw to retire to avoid getting struck. lanta and a weekend se- the way as both teams derson and Garrett Coo- by getting d’Arnaud to hit
Joyce, Harrison noticed “It was definitely a heads- ries against the New York got stellar performanc- per. into a double play.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: your husband ours. His adult children, his
I have been has already brother and his nieces all come
married for checked out of and go as they please. I have
14 years to a man this marriage-in- talked to my husband about
a lot of people name-only. Stop locking the front door, but he
in our town think being afraid of often forgets.
has no flaws. being labelled a His family members come
He helps a lot of villain and offer into our house and make a
people, and he your husband the mess or eat our food or sit out
is also a pastor, option of couples on our deck. Then they act like
but he ignores me counseling to see I need to accept it, as it’s their
and takes me for if the two of you family house. I could maybe
ZITS granted, person- can reconnect. understand if we had inherit-
ally, emotionally Take into consid- ed the house, but we pay the
and sexually. He’d eration that there mortgage on it.
rather watch may be more I’m out of patience. How do
TV until he falls involved than you I get my in-laws to once and for
asleep on the
Dear Abby are aware of (ED all see that this house is not
couch. problems, anoth- theirs but ours? — DESPERATE
He looks at pornography er woman). If your husband re- IN THE MIDWEST
online, and I catch him often. fuses, and you haven’t already DEAR DESPERATE: I as-
Even if he’s busy at work, he done so, confide what has been sume you have been hesitant
finds time for everybody but happening in two or three close to tell these in-laws that the
me. He always has excuses. female friends. They can then names on the deed to the
Since I married him, I have spread the word that there is house are yours and your
supported him and have gone more than one side to the sto- husband’s. If you haven’t said it
the extra mile in all aspects ry. Then talk to an attorney. plainly, the time to do it is now.
GARFIELD — his work, church activities. I DEAR ABBY: Two years ago, You don’t have to be nasty,
have waited on him and made my mother-in-law moved into but you do have to convey that
sure all his needs were met. a nursing home and was very you would like guests to call
Now I have reached the end of sad to be leaving the house before coming over to be sure
the line, and I want to leave. she had lived in for 50 years. it’s convenient. This is not too
But if I do, people who know My husband, devastated at much to ask.
him will make me the villain. the thought of someone else It goes without saying
Although we still live under owning his childhood home, (I sincerely hope) that they
one roof for financial reasons, convinced me to sell our house shouldn’t mess the place up or
now I separate myself from and buy the house from my help themselves to your food
him, look after him less and mother-in-law. We moved in and uninvited. Your husband should
sleep in another room with my began renovating it with the back you up on this. Because
dog. Please, Abby, give me intention that it would become he sometimes forgets to lock
your views. — DONE WITH IT our forever home. the door, that responsibility is
IN MAINE The problem is, everyone one you will have to assume.
CANDORVILLE DEAR DONE: It appears regards it as THEIR home, not You have my sympathy.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. TAURUS (April 20-May ahead? If you pull back just
22). It’s time to broaden your 20). Humor has its own rules. because you’re winning, you
scope and stay aware of a wider Large margins of error are given won’t ever know the extent of
array of options. You will be to those who produce large what’s possible. Let it ride out a
offered something unique and smiles. You love the people who little longer.
will be in just the position to run can make you laugh. They can LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You
with it. At the turn of the year, get away with so much more live and work in a group. You’d
ideas come together to paint a than others in your life. rather make them your friends
pleasing picture. Desire sets in, GEMINI (May 21-June 21). than have conflict in your day to
which is a creative force pulling You know that if you don’t like day. Your feelers are constantly
you toward new levels of vitality. what you’re getting, then you out, searching for ways to con-
BABY BLUES Aries and Gemini adore you. need to adjust what you’re nect, uplift and support.
Your lucky numbers are: 8, 3, giving. And yet, sometimes, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.
29, 38 and 14. it’s hard to see the correlation. 22). You’ll give your trust, and
ARIES (March 21-April Trusted outside parties who people will, in turn, behave in
19). Convenience is as good a will share honest insights are a trustworthy manner. There’s
reason to do a thing as any. You invaluable. something about you that
might even say that conve- CANCER (June 22-July 22). makes people want to live up to
nience is the finger of destiny It will come up, this question of your expectations of them.
pointing you in the luckiest when to stop. “Quit while you’re LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
direction imaginable today. ahead” is the maxim, but how Today, you’ll get into the flow
and be mightily productive.
Modesty prevents you from
telling everyone how well you’re
doing. Also, you want to be sure
you have the stamina to con-
BEETLE BAILEY tinue like this before they start
expecting it from you.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). You’ll do what’s easy for
you. It also happens to be kind
and thoughtful and necessary,
so don’t be surprised by the
wave of appreciation. Splash
that right back on the others.
Dec. 21). Stars warn against
rigidness and shallowness. Be
instead like the mighty oak,
built to stand strong, roots that
are deep anchors and thirsty
MALLARD FILLMORE straws, branches that bend and
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). To live in the moment is to
concentrate on what is in front
of you. If you don’t like the looks
of it, don’t worry. There are a
million different ways to see it.
Tilt your head.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Small children seem
tormented by minor slights. This
human instinct never really goes
away, though we mature to hide
and transmute those feelings.
FAMILY CIRCUS You’ll notice this is what’s going
on today.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Rituals of preparation
have a way of settling you
into a mindset and a purpose.
Without them, you would do
just fine. But with them, you are
focused... maybe even mighty.

On one’s guard
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 5B
undersigned upon the Estate of the indebtedness secured by

Raymond G. Lowe, Deceased, the aforesaid deed of trust, ap-
by the Chancery Court of pointed the undersigned M. Jay
Lowndes County, Mississippi
on the 10th day of September,
2020. This is to give notice to
Nichols as the Substituted
Trustee by instrument dated
September 4, 2020, and duly
all persons having claims
against said estate to probate
and register same with the
recorded in Book 2020 at Page
22523 in the office of the
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes County, Mississippi, prior to
County, Mississippi, within 90
(ninety) days from the date of
the posting and first publica-
tion of the Substituted
To place ads starting at only $12,
the first publication. A failure to
so probate and register said
Trustee’s Notice of Sale; and call 662-328-2424 or visit
claim will forever bar the same. WHEREAS, default having been
made in the terms and condi-
This the 10th day of Septem- tions of said deed of trust and THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 n 6B
ber, 2020. the entire debt secured thereby
having been declared to be due
Ralph Douglas Lowe and payable in accordance with
Executor of the Estate of Ray- the terms thereof, the Citizens
Legal Notices
mond G. Lowe, Deceased Legal Notices
National Bank of Meridian as General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: Other Mobile Homes for Rent

the legal holder of said in-
Prepared by: debtedness, has requested the RETAIL STORE needs entry RV/MOBILE HOME SITE
Jeffrey J. Turnage, Esq. undersigned Substituted Trust- level employee. Part time, BE NEAR IT ALL IN East or West Columbus or
(MSB#9447) ee to execute the trust and sell HISTORIC DOWNTOWN
flexible hours, ideal for loc- near CAFB, Caledonia
CALL US: 662-328-2424 Mitchell McNutt & Sams, PA
215 5th Street North
the property described herein
in accordance with the terms of al college student. Mail let- COLUMBUS. schools. 601−940−1397. ADS STARTING AT $12
P.O. Box 1366 said Deed of Trust with the ter of introduction to 2 SPACIOUS
Legal Notices Columbus, MS 39703-1366 sales proceeds to be applied Blind Box 676 c/o The CONDOMINIUMS NOW Campers & RVs
Telephone: 662-328-2316 to said indebtedness and all Commercial Dispatch
The following vehicle has been expenses incurred as a result P.0. Box 511 & 1BR 1 1/2 BA RENT
abandoned at Three Star Tire & Publish: 9/15, 9/22, of said default; and Columbus, MS 39703. FROM $1000−$1350
Auto, 1625 Gardner Blvd., 9/29/2020 PER MO. LEASE &
NOW, THEREFORE, the under-
Columbus, MS.
signed Substituted Trustee will
2009 TOYOTA CAMRY LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- on the 13th day of October,
2020, offer for sale at public WANTED: Full Time Industri- ENTRANCE, PRIV
VIN # 4T1BK46K39U073934 SIPPI al Journeyman Electrician PARKING, GRANITE
outcry to the highest bidder for Farms & Timberland
IF NOT CLAIMED THIS VEHICLE IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- cash and will sell within legal with experience in conduit COUNTER TOPS,
WILL BE PUT UP FOR PUBLIC TATE OF WILLIAM DAVID hours (being between the installing, pull wire, read BEAUTIFUL FLOORING,
SALE ON THE 9TH DAY OF OC- PLYLER, DECEASED hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 drawings, repair lights, SS APPLIANCES,
SALE. We are accepting 2007 45 Luxury Newmar
TOBER 2020 AT 10:00 A.M. AT p.m.) at the Easternmost front make terminations & trou- WASHER/DRYER,
door of the Lowndes County WATER AND SEWER sealed bids for the right to Essex Diesel Pusher 30K
THREE STAR TIRE AND AUTO, MARY ANN PLYLER, ADMINIS- bleshoot electrical prob- purchase 470 +/− acres of
1625 GARDNER BLVD., TRATRIX Courthouse in Columbus, Mis- lems. Foreman experience INCLUDED. miles. Sale price $34,500,
COLUMBUS, MS 39702. sissippi, the following de- 662−251−3367 prime Noxubee County Everything works properly
scribed property located in a plus. 401k, paid insur- farmland & mobile home
CAUSE NO.: 2020-0136-JNS ance, paid holidays offered. on it. TEXT 2283672671
PUBLISH: 9/15 & 9/22/2020 Lowndes County, Mississippi, located on Highway 388,
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION to-wit: Valid driver’s license re- Brooksville, MS up to & not
quired. Email resume to:
COLEMAN later than Friday, October
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Lot No. 18, Jamestown Es- [email protected] 9, 2020 10:00a.m. The
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- tates, an unrecorded subdivi- RENTALS parcels are 153−18−
SIPPI TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of sion located in the Northwest Maintenance Technician TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS 001.00, 40 acres & 153−
William David Plyler, deceased, Quarter of Section 9, Township needed for local manufac-
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- and Any Unknown Parties In In- 19 South, Range 17 West, turer. Electrical back- 1 BEDROOM
18−001.01, 431.60
acres. The bids will be
TATE OF CLARA WICKS terest Lowndes County, Mississippi,
SWALES, DECEASED and being more particularly de- ground w/ mechanical ex- 2 BEDROOMS opened at 10:00 a.m. at
All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of Jef- scribed as follows: perience preferred. Quali- the office of Ricky Walker, Lost & Found Items
CAUSE NO. 2020-0174-RPF frey Mark Plyler, deceased, and fied applicants should be 3 BEDROOMS Attorney−at−Law, 2962
Any Unknown Parties In In- Beginning at the Northwest familiar w/ hydraulics, Jefferson Street, Macon, DIAMOND PENDANT lost
corner of the Northeast Quarter LEASE,

© The Dispatch
GEORGE A. SWALES, PETITION- terest heavy machinery & PLC’s, MS. After all bids are 9/14 around 10:30a at
ER of the Northeast Quarter of
You have been made a defend- Section 8, Township 19 South,
have good problem solving
skills & be flexible to work
DEPOSIT opened, the top 3 bidders East Col. Post Office or
11a at MUW cafeteria.
will have the opportunity to
NOTICE TO CREDITORS ant in the Petition for Adjudica- Range 17 West; thence South
660.67 feet; thence South 87 extra hours or weekends as AND make a second bid. The Reward if found.
tion of Heirs-at-Law[Doc. No.
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 13] filed by the Administratrix, degrees 18 minutes East, needed. Email resume to CREDIT CHECK right to reject any & all bids Call 662−574−2292 or
COUNTY OF LOWNDES Mary Ann Plyler, on August 3, 683.49 feet to a point on the [email protected] is reserved. Accepted bid 662−327−1349.

2020, seeking to determine East right of way line of must be approved by
Letters Testamentary have the heirs-at-law of William Dav- Jamestown Public Road; Probate Court. Send all Travel & Entertainment
been granted and issued to the id Plyler, deceased, and Jef- thence South 87 degrees 18

bids to Ricky Walker,
minutes East, a distance of
undersigned upon the Estate of
Clara Wicks Swales, Deceased,
frey Mark Plyler, deceased.
Other than you, the only other 2,284.5 feet; thence South, a 2411 HWY 45 N Attorney−at−Law, P.O. Box PUBLIC CATFISH POND
427, Macon, MS 39341.
by the Chancery Court of interested parties in this ac- distance of 381.09 feet;
thence South 45 degrees 00
COLUMBUS, MS For more information call
@ 130 Hillcrest Drive.
Lowndes County, Mississippi, tion are Mary Ann Plyler, Willi- Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p
on the 1st day of September am Lester Plyler, Philip D. minutes West a distance of ADS STARTING AT $25 Commercial Property For Rent
Judy or Stan Miller, 662−386−8591
2020. This is to give notice to Plyler and William Alexander 714.0 feet to the initial point of 601−260−7712 or Call for pricing.
all persons having claims Neely. the property herein described; 662−418−8266.
thence South 45 degrees 00 Apts For Rent: North 8000 SQ ft. dock height
against said estate to probate
and register same with the You are summoned to appear minutes West, a distance of warehouse w/ office Lots & Acreage Pets
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes and represent your interests 452.05 feet; thence South 17 FOX RUN APARTMENTS space. $2000/month.
County, Mississippi, within against said Petition before the degrees 52 minutes West, a 1 & 2 BR near hospital. Call Bud Phillips 1.75 ACRE LOTS. Akc German Shepard
ninety (90) days from the first Honorable Joseph N. Studdard, distance of 15.0 feet to a point $595−$645 monthly. 662−549−2302 Puppies − Black and tan,
publication date of this Notice Chancellor of the 14th Chan- on the North boundary line of Military discount, pet area, Good/Bad Credit Options.
to Creditors. A failure to so pro- cery District at 9:00 a.m. on Richardson Road; thence North Houses For Rent: North Good credit as low as 20% very smart and great with
pet friendly, and furnished
bate and register said claim the 22nd day of October 2020, 78 degrees 27 minutes West corporate apts. down, $499/mo. Eaton kids, with papers and 1st
will forever bar the same. at the Lowndes County Court- along said North boundary line, shots, available Oct 1st,
a distance of 84.28 feet; 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL 508 19TH STREET NORTH: Land, 662−361−7711.
house in Columbus, Missis- 4BR/2BA, brick house,
non refundable deposit
This the 2nd day of September sippi, and in case of your fail- thence North 88 degrees 06 GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. required, $250! $500.
2020. ure to appear your interest in minutes West along said North ON SITE MAINTENANCE. central heat & air, single PICKENS COUNTY, AL 662−341−0862
this matter will not be con- boundary line, a distance of ON SITE MANAGEMENT. carport. Available now, 180 acres in Liberty
/s/ George A. Swales sidered. 225.0 feet; thence North 19 24−HOUR CAMERA $775/mth. Deposit, credit Community. Good hunting
GEORGE A. SWALES, Executor degrees 34 minutes East a dis- SURVEILLANCE. Benji & check, references. & road systems. $850/
PUBLISH: 9/8, 9/15 &
You are not required to file an
answer or other pleading, but
tance of 234.2 feet; thence
North 66 degrees 12 minutes
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. Call Long & Long,
acre. Other tracks Shop
available. Call 205−799−
9/22/2020 you may do so if you desire. East, a distance of 265.9 feet
to a point on the South right of
Apts For Rent: West
Houses For Rent: Starkville
9846 or 205−695−2248. Classifieds
Issued under my hand and the way line of a county road; For The
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF seal of said Court, this the thence North 74 degrees 08
Best Deals!
3BR/1BA house in the
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 17th day of September 2020. minutes East along said South

SIPPI right of way line, a distance of country. 20 mins from
CINDY EGGER GOODE, CHAN- 108.5 feet; thence North 58 MSU. No HUD. $500/mo +
IN RE: THE ESTATE OF JEAN CERY CLERK degrees 16 minutes East along dep. 662−549−0144.
said South right of way line, a
SIPPI distance of 108.5 feet; thence Apartments & Houses Houses For Rent: Other ADS STARTING AT $12 Five Questions:
South 47 degrees 54 minutes
ROBERT B. HENDERSON, AD- (SEAL) East, a distance of 159.6 feet
to the initial point of this de-
1 Bedrooms 3BR/2.5BA, CUSTOM−
Burial Plots
2 Bedroooms 1 “My fault”
MINISTRATOR BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander- BUILT−HOUSE ON 40
son, D.C. scription, and containing 3.35
ACRES. 10 minutes from
3 Bedrooms
CAUSE NO.: 2020-0179-RPF acres, more or less. 3 BURIAL PLOTS
CAFB, 5 minutes from West
PUBLISH: 9/22, 9/29 & Friendship Cemetery, South
Being the same property con- Point. Very private. CH/A.
2 Mexico
veyed to Ronny Joe Hatcher Furnished & Unfurnished Fenced backyard. Ceramic West corner. $1,500 total.
and Monty Boyd Hatcher, as tile throughout. Pets Call 662−574−5420.
1, 2, & 3 Baths
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI joint tenants with full rights of
survivorship and not as ten- $1,200/mo + $1,200 dep. Firewood / Fuel
Letters of Administration have SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE’S NO-
ants in common by deed from Lease, Deposit 864−634−4192 3 Carrots, celery
been granted and issued to the TICE OF SALE
Paul W. Kelso and wife, Jac-
queline Kelso, recorded & Credit Check FIREWOOD FOR SALE.
and onions
undersigned upon the estate of Mobile Homes for Rent Various lengths.
JEAN CAROL HENDERSON, de- WHEREAS, heretofore on the
December 14, 1987, in Deed 662−295−2274.
ceased, by the Chancery Court Book 868 at Page 390 in the
19th day of December, 2016, Office of the Chancery Clerk of 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope.
4 Arizona, Colo-
of Lowndes County, Missis- Tansley Mason Kagrise and
sippi, on the 3rd day of Lowndes County, Mississippi. $650 dep + $650/mo. No General Merchandise
James Gregory Kagrise ex- pets, quiet area. Leave full
rado, New Mexi-
September 2020. This is to ecuted and delivered unto Don Title to the property is believed Apts For Rent: Other
give notice to all persons hav- O. Rogers, III, Trustee, for the
name & message, For Sale: 15 picture frames
to be good, but I will sell only
co and Utah
ing claims against said estate use and benefit of the Citizens such title as is vested in me as 205−712−6697. $1 ea. Old Steamer Trunk
to Probate and Register same National Bank of Meridian, a $100. Cedar wardrobe
with the Chancery Clerk of Substituted Trustee.
construction deed of trust cov- RENT A CAMPER! $75. KS Flannel sheets,
Lowndes County, Mississippi, ering the real estate herein- CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! 2sets $25 ea. 16 Royal
DATED this the 17th day of
5 New York, Los
within ninety (90) days from after described, which said
this date. A failure to so Pro- September, 2020. Utilities & cable included, Swirl Fine China Plates
deed of trust is fully recorded from $145/wk − $535/mo $30. 10 Margarita glasses
Angeles and San
bate and Register said claim in Mortgage Book 2017 at
will forever bar the same. /s/ M. Jay Nichols Columbus & County School $20. 4 wine & 4 cham−
Page 660, re-recorded in Mort- M. JAY NICHOLS, Substituted
gage Book 2018 at Page locations. 662−242−7653 pagne glasses $10 ea set.
This the 3rd day of September Trustee or 205−442−2011. 662−570−1730
1608, all in the land records of
2020. Lowndes County, Mississippi; PUBLISH: 9/22, 9/29 &
and 10/6/20
Robert B. Henderson
al Bank of Meridian, being the
PUBLISH: 9/8, 9/15 &

present owner and holder of
9/22/2020 the indebtedness secured by
the aforesaid deed of trust, ap-
pointed the undersigned M. Jay
Curtis Cork Nichols as the Substituted
CALL US: 662-328-2424
Looking for goods
Notice of auction to sell on OC- Trustee by instrument dated
TOBER 12,2020 at 8:00 A.M. September 4, 2020, and duly
located at : A Plus Auto Repair recorded in Book 2020 at Page General Help Wanted
1080 Hwy 69 South , (662)-
or services?
22523 in the office of the
570-4326 on a 2008 Dodge Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
Charger Vin # County, Mississippi, prior to
2B3KA43G78H152856 for the Local residential contract-
the posting and first publica-
repairs owed to for repairs in tion of the Substituted or looking for laborers. Ex-
the amount of $3815.53 . You Trustee’s Notice of Sale; andperience preferred. Com-
have 30 DAYS from 09-15- petitive wages. Serious in-
2020 to pay A Plus Auto repair WHEREAS, default having been quiries only. Call 662-549-
bill. made in the terms and condi- 1278 for more information.
tions of said deed of trust and
Greg Moody the entire debt secured thereby
Notice of auction to sell on Oc- having been declared to be due
tober 12, 2020 at 8:00 A.M.
located at: A Plus Auto Repair,
and payable in accordance with Read local.
the terms thereof, the Citizens

Find it in the
1080 Hwy 69 South, (662) National Bank of Meridian as
570-4326 on a 1994 Chevro- the legal holder of said in-
let C1500 pickup, Vin# 1GT- debtedness, has requested the
DC14K0RZ540645 for the re- undersigned Substituted Trust-
pair bill owed to for repairs in ee to execute the trust and sell You’ll find the best deals
the amount of $4,000.52. the property described herein when you advertise

You have 30 DAYS from 09-15- in accordance with the terms of
2020 to pay A Plus Auto repair said Deed of Trust with the and shop here!
bill. sales proceeds to be applied
to said indebtedness and all
PUBLISH: 9/15, 9/22, & expenses incurred as a result
9/29/2020 of said default; and

NOW, THEREFORE, the under-
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF signed Substituted Trustee will
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- on the 13th day of October,
SIPPI 2020, offer for sale at public
outcry to the highest bidder for
IN RE: THE ESTATE OF RAY- cash and will sell within legal
MOND G. LOWE, DECEASED hours (being between the
Even if you
hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00don’t get out much
p.m.) at the Easternmost front
door of the Lowndes County
still Mis-
Courthouse in Columbus, “go shopping” in the
CAUSE NO. 2020-164-S Classifieds.
sissippi, the following de- You can find exactly Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Painting & Papering
scribed property located in
Lowndes County, you’ve been looking for.
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Find someone to mow the lawn Bucket truck & stump Ext/Int Painting.
COUNTY OF LOWNDES Lot No. 18, Jamestown Es- • removal. Free est. Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
Find someone
tates, an unrecorded subdivi- to clean the house Serving Columbus Repair. Pressure Washing.
Letters Testamentary have sion located in the Northwest • since 1987. Senior Free Estimates. Ask for
been granted and issued to the Quarter of Section 9, Township
undersigned upon the Estate of 19 South, RangeFind that special recliner citizen disc. Call Alvin @ specials! Larry Webber,
17 West, 242−0324/241−4447 662−242−4932.
Raymond G. Lowe, Deceased, Lowndes County, Mississippi, • "We’ll go out on a limb for
by the Chancery Court of Buy a computer
and being more particularly de- system
Lowndes County, Mississippi scribed as follows: •
on the 10th day of September, Buy a used car DAVID’S CARPET &
2020. This is to give notice to Beginning at the Northwest • WORK WANTED: Licensed Special Prices.
all persons having claims corner of the Northeast Quarter UPHOLSTERY & Bonded. Carpentry, minor
Buy that
against said estate to probate of the Northeast rare coin for your collection
Quarter of CLEANING
Interior & Exterior Painting.
electrical, minor plumbing, 662−435−6528
and register same with the Section 8, Township .19. .South,
and lots more Fall Special: 4 Rms $99 insulation, painting, demo−

The CommerCial
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes Range 17 West; thence South 1 Room − $50 lition, gutters cleaned, Tree Services
County, Mississippi, within 90 660.67 feet; thence South 87 2 Room − $70
(ninety) days from the date of degrees 18 minutes East,
pressure washing, land−

3 Rooms − $90 scaping, cleanup work. J&A TREE REMOVAL
the first publication. A failure to 683.49 feet to a point on the
so probate and register said Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars 662−242−3608. Work from a bucket truck.
East right of way line of
claim will forever bar the same. Jamestown Public Road; Call for more info! Insured/bonded.
662−722−1758 Lawn Care / Landscaping
thence South 87 degrees 18 Call Jimmy Prescott for free
This the 10th day of Septem- 516
minutes East, a distance of Main St. estimate, 662−386−6286.
ber, 2020. 2,284.5 feet;Columbus,
thence South, a MS 39701 JESSE & BEVERLY’S
distance of 381.09 feet; If you don’t advertise LAWN SERVICE
One call will bring
Ralph Douglas Lowe thence South 45 degrees 00 Mowing, cleanup,
Executor of the Estate of Ray- minutes West a distance of your business, landscaping, sodding, you results.
how are they gonna know?
mond G. Lowe, Deceased 714.0 feet to the initial point of
the property herein described;
& tree cutting. 662-328-2424
Prepared by: thence South 45 degrees 00
Jeffrey J. Turnage, Esq. minutes West, a distance of

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