Feed Improvement
Feed Improvement
Feed Improvement
After a sharp decline in the profitability of the country’s sugar industry, the
Government of Fiji launched the National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) for Sugar in 2006.
Sugar production is the backbone of Fiji’s agricultural sector. It is a major provider of
foreign exchange & jobs in rural areas. The EU projects support the 3 pillars of the NAS:
1. Strengthening the competitiveness of the sugar sector Improvement of Key Services to
Promoting economic diversification
Designing and implementing mitigation measures addressing the social
Agriculture and Livestock in Fiji
ITC is helping agri-food enterprises and their clusters of farmers in Fiji’s sugar belt
to access new markets for food products in retail, tourism and catering and to
increase the value of exports of agri-food and livestock products to the Pacific
region. Sales to these markets will encourage farmers to stay on the land by
complementing incomes earned from sugar cane.
Two projects have been funded by the European Union (EU) Accompanying
Measures for Sugar Protocol Countries (AMSP) Programme to support developing
the supply and marketing of Fijian crop and livestock products to win new
business: Improvement of Key Services to Agriculture (2012-2016) and
Improvement of Key Services to Livestock and Livestock Products (2013-
2016).Enterprises and farmers assisted by the projects should see higher year-
ITC’s projects are implemented in collaboration with the producers and round incomes as a result of more efficient market-led farming techniques, better
enterprises of Fiji’s agri-food sector, national agencies and services that support organisation of supply, access to support services, market information and
them. ITC works closely with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Sugar, finance.
Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade & Industry, Bio-Security
Authority, Fiji National University, the Sugar Research Institute of Fiji (SRIF), the Through the projects ITC helped establish and reinforce
Fiji Cane Producers Association (FCPA),Nature’s Way Cooperative, Research and the Fiji Crop and Livestock Council (FCLC) Secretariat.
Finance institutions, Telecommunications operators among others. FCLC represents farmers and agri-food processing
enterprises, advocates farmers’ issues to policy-makers,
ITC’s project office is situated in Lautoka and is co-located with the office of the provides farmers with market information, syndicates
Fiji Crop and Livestock Council (FCLC). advisory services and coordinates technical assistance
projects in agriculture.
For more information, contact:
International Trade Centre Fiji Office International Trade Centre The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) is implementing
Mr Wayne Lilo Mr Ian Sayers a complementary project under the EU’s AMSP Programme to
National Project Coordinator AI Head Product Sector Development strengthen research stations, improve nurseries, farming
12 Marine Parade Division of Market Development efficiency and compliance with good agricultural practices and
Lautoka, Fiji Geneva, Switzerland increase the availability of seed varieties for the produce that
+679 337 8514 +41 22 730 0260
customers want to buy.
[email protected] [email protected]
Reducing Poverty in Fiji’s Sugar Belt Project Activities – ITC:
ITC’s projects contribute to a reduction in rural poverty in the sugar belt by: o Strengthening Sector Organizations and Institutions: Supporting the
development of the Fiji Crop and Livestock Council (FCLC) secretariat and
o Establishing and reinforcing necessary support services in the sugar belt to
sub-sector associations to enable them to effectively advocate for, and
advise farmers, food processers, exporters and policy-makers;
provide services to, their members.
o Helping farmers and enterprises make better informed decisions;
o Demonstrating how value can be added and by building linkages to new o Increasing Access to Market Analysis and Trade Information: Building the
markets and technical resource partners; and capacity of FCLC and other Fijian partners to deliver trade and market
o Increasing incomes through the use of untapped resources or more efficient information through rural telecentres, online resources and mobile phone-
farming and working practices. based solutions.
o Introducing Mobile Phone applications: Introducing new SMS-based
ITC’s Market-led Development Approach applications to collect and disseminate agri information: “mAlerts” &
ITC’s two projects concentrate on market-led value chain development, from mPolling, for farmer support: “AgriTips”, market information: “mPrices”,
consumer to supplier, in conjunction with Fijian exporters and buyers in “mCollect”, “Fiji Makete”, registering new FCLC members: “mRegistration”.
destination markets. The focus of activities is on achieving an efficient and o Improving Food Safety and Quality: Establishing Food Safety Counsellors to
healthy food industry through better local specialisation, quality and provide advice on meeting food safety and quality requirements, such as Fiji
sustainability. food Act & HACCP, and work with enterprises to implement upgrading plans.
o Facilitating Access to Finance: Developing a Farm Management Manual to
Horticulture smallholders , crop farmers & agri
food enterprises achieve higher profitability improve farm income/expenditure forecasting and the drafting of realistic
and sales volumes financing proposals for banks. Establishing Financial Management
3. Market-focused enterprise-farm Counsellors to assist farmers and enterprises to be more businesslike.
cluster development
o Enhancing Value Chains: Helping agri-food enterprises and their clusters of
SPC, PHAMA, 2. Enterprise-farm cluster value producers, livestock and animal feed farmers, dairy and meat processers to
Other Agencies &
chain development Road Maps realise market opportunities and implement development road maps to
increase agri-food business and poor community farm incomes.
1. Essential support services established MoH MoA IKSA
FCLC: Farming issues, SRIF NWC
Development & Farming 2. Mapping, Profiling, Crops,
Applications ITC Methodologies,
business advice, Coordination
Specialists, Advice, /… Feed & Health Analysis,
Equipment, Inputs Market Orientation
Market Access & Food Safety Access to
Agri Information & Quality Finance BAF FNU
MoS MoTI 2014/15
IKSL focus