agro-enterprise development
The vast majority of the world’s poor live in rural areas and most of them rely on agriculture
for their livelihoods. Not only do they suffer from lack of resources and assets, they also are
affected by major changes in the agricultural sector brought about by globalization and market
integration. Within this context, agro-enterprise development emerges as a way forward for
rural people to improve their lives.
Since most of the entrepreneurial activities in rural areas Field programmes offer policy and strategic guidance as well as
are based on agricultural and natural resource products, capacity-building training programmes that use materials and
farm families can broaden their income opportunities guidelines prepared by FAO.
by diversifying into higher value on-farm and off-farm
enterprises. Building capacity
However, capturing the benefit of globalization FAO capacity-building activities, designed to enable farmers
and establishing agro-enterprise calls for a competitive, and rural entrepreneurs to compete in times of market
market-oriented production and service sector. This liberalization and globalization, focus on developing skills
requires diversifying production to include value-adding and competencies in aspects of business management. This
products and capital investment to modernize processing includes:
activities and train skilled managers. • helping small- and medium-scale agro-enterprises,
producer organizations and service providers develop
FAO supports rural entrepreneurship managerial, marketing, financial management and
Providing guidance entrepreneurial skills; and
Recognizing that commercialization of small-holder • reinforcing the capacity of service providers to help
agriculture has great potential to improve rural agro-enterprises link to markets, adopt technologies
livelihoods, FAO provides policy advice and technical and apply quality and safety assurance practices to meet
assistance related to market-oriented farming and market requirements.
small- and medium-scale agro-enterprise development.
The focus is on increasing the availability of low cost
food and agricultural products, addressing market access
A snapshot of technical assistance
constraints, and improving the profitability, efficiency
FAO has responded to a wide variety of requests for
and competitiveness of farms and agro-enterprises. In
technical assistance from governments interested
providing guidance at the national level, FAO works with
in building their agri-business sectors. Among the
governments to:
projects established:
• recognize and adjust to trends in farm
• assistance for establishment of an autonomous
agribusiness investment agency (Sudan);
• develop reliable farm-to-market and farm-agribusiness
linkages; • support to rehabilitation of the sugar industry
• provide the private sector essential marketing, finance, develop, adapt and lead effective commodity
business and input supply services; strategies and implementation plans (Africa,