Therma 2
Therma 2
Therma 2
into smoke box. Finally they discharge to atmosphere through a chimney. The ash formed is collected in Water tube boilers: Water circulates through the tubes and hot flue Gases flow around the tubes /Steam is
for impure and sedimentary water, as a small deposit of scale may cause the overheating and bursting of ash pit. The steam is collected through. Antipriming pipe on top of the shell. generated inside the tubes and collected In a cylindrical vessel known as boiler drum or Steam drum /The
the tube. Therefore, use of pure feed water is essential. /They require careful attention. The maintenance boiler drum may not be exposed to hot gases At all. Limitations: 1 Less suitable for impure water
costs are higher in water tube boiler compared to fire tube boiler. /Failure in feed water supply even for a Babcock and Wilcox boiler Working :Path of Flue gas: Hot flue gases follows a three pass path over the deposits/scale formation cause overheating and burning of tube.2 Maintenance costs are higher. 3 Failure
short period is liable to make the boiler overheated. /Merits : The boiler can be easily transported and water tube and is then discharged to atmosphere through the chimney. / Path of steam-water circulation: in feed water supply leads to overheating/damage of boiler
erected at its different parts can be separated. /Damage due to the bursting of water tube is less serious. Feed water is supplied into the drum by a feed water inlet pipe Water in the tubes near the uptake header
Therefore, water tube boilers are sometimes called safety boilers. /All parts of the water tube boiler are gets evaporated by heat transfer from higher temperature flue gases Mixture of hot water and steam rises Fire tube boilers :Hot gases pass through tubes which are Surrounded by/ immersed in water. /There may
easily accessible for cleaning, inspecting and repairing compared to fire tube boiler./The water tube boile through the uptake header to the steam water from the drum to the water tubes through the down-take header be single, double or a bank of tubes. Simple in construction /Small capacity applications paper, sugar and
furnace area can be easily altered to meet the fuel requirements./Its evaporative capacity is considerably /Superheated arrangement: Steam from the drum is passed to the super heater tubes via antipriming pipe. Chemical industries. Limitations: 1.Large water to steam ratio slow in reaching the operating pressure.2
larger, and the steam pressure range is also high 200 bar. The flue gases passing over the super heater tubes produce superheated steam which is supplied to the work Steam pressure is limited to about 20 bar due to large diameter shell and stress considerations. 3 Steam
generating device through a steam stop valve . generation capacity is limited to around 9000 kg/hr.4 Explosion is dangerous as water capacity is high. 5
The Rankine cycle or Rankine Vapour Cycle Is the process widely used by power plants such as coal- Slow rate of steam generation not suitable for steam power plants.
fired power plants or nuclear reactors. In this mechanism, a fuel is used to produce heat within a boiler, Benson boiler Construction and Working: /Benson Boiler consists of a furnace where fuel used is burned
converting water into steam which then expands through a turbine producing useful work. This process was to generate heat. /An air pre-heater is used to increase the burning efficiency of fuel /A multi-stage feed REGENERATION :The process of extracting the steam from the turbine after partial expansion or partial
developed in 1859 by Scottish engineer William J.M. Rankine. This is a thermodynamic cycle which water pump supplies feed water to boiler at high pressure /An economizer is used to heat feed water /Radiant work done. This steam is used to heat the feed water and the device in which it happens is called a feed
converts heat into mechanical energy which usually gets transformed into electricity by electrical evaporator heats feed water by the radiation from burnt fuel -partial evaporation /A convection evaporator water heater or a regenerator.
generation. - complete evaporation /A convection superheater is used to
generate steam at the desired temperature . /Major challenge is salt deposition in the transformation zone -
convective evaporator is flushed once in every 4000 working hours /During starting, the water is circulated
back to boiler feed line via starting valve. Once steam generation starts starting valve is close.
/Advantages:No steam drums - less weight and cost. /Can be installed in a comparatively smaller floor
area /The water circulation tubes have welded joints - no need for expansion joints /Quick starting as the
problem of thermal expansion is avoided /A constant desired temperature can be maintained at any pressure
/Insensitive to load fluctuations as there is no bubble formation - suitable for grid connected power
A binary cycle is a method for generating electrical power from geothermal resources and employs two
Process 1-2: Constant pressure heat addition in the boiler The water is heated at constant pressure pl in separate fluid cycles, hence binary cycle.
the boiler until the saturation temperature is reached, Saturated water is converted into saturated steam at
constant pressure. During 2-2 process steam is superheated in super heater, Heat supplied. Qs=h2-h1. Generally water is used a working fluid in vapour power cycle as it is found to be better than any other
Process 2-3: Isentropic expansion in the turbine :High pressure and high temperature superheated, dry fluid, but it is far from being the ideal one. The binary cycle is an attempt to overcome some of the
saturated or wet steam generated in the boiler at pl and T1 is supplied to the steam turbine This steam shortcomings of water and to approach the ideal working fluid by using two fluids. The most important
expands isentropically into steam turbine up to the condenser pressure. Steam turbine develops mechanical desirable characteristics of the working fluid suitable for vapour cycles are: A .A high critical temperature
work, W, due to expansion of steam Turbine work, W =h2-h3. /Process 3-4: Constant pressure heat and a safe maximum pressure. b. Low- triple point temperature c. Condenser pressure is not too low. d.high
rejection in the condenser: The exhaust steam from turbine enters into condenser, where it is condensed generation /Blow down losses are very less compared to natural circulation boiler. enthalpy of vaporization .e. High thermal conductivity .f. It must be readily available, inexpensive, inert
at constant pressure by circulating cooling water in the tubes. The best rejected by exhaust steam is Q Heat and non-toxic.
rejected. QR=h3-h4. /Process 4-1: Isentropic compression in the pump (Pumping Process) The Loeffler boiler Working The high pressure feed pump draws water through economiser and Delivers it
condensed water coming from condenser is pumped to boiler at boiler pressure with the help of Feed pump into the evaporator drum /About 65% of steam coming out of superheater is passed through Evaporator
To do so work ,Wp is supplied to feed pump. / Pump work, Wp=h1-h4. /T-S DIGARAM drum to evaporate feed water /Steam circulating pump draws saturated steam from the evaporator /Drum
and is passed through the radiant superheater and convective Superheater /About 35% of steam is supplied
A steam boiler is a pressurized vessel that transfers heat to water to produce steam for a variety of to high pressure stage of turbine. It Is passed through a reheater before supplying to the low pressure Stage
applications. 1)Power generation 2. Heating 3. Industrial processes. of turbine /Amount of steam generated in the evaporator drum is equal to the Steam tapped (65%) from the
super heater the nozzles which distribute superheated steam through water in the Evaporator drum are of
Cochran boiler: Cochran boiler is modification of simple vertical boiler where heating surface has bin
special design to avoid priming and noise.
increased by increasing numbers of fire. Tubes. /It is used for steam generation at low rate. /It is a fire tube
boiler. Characteristics of boiler: /A vertical, /Multi tubes, / fire tube, /internally fired,/ natural circulated Velox boiler Working /Flue gases further flow through the superheater And then runs a gas turbine prime
boiler. Working: The water is supplied to the boiler through feed check valve. The coal is introduced to mover of air Compressor /Feed water 10-20 times the weight of steam Generated is circulated to prevent
the grate trough the fire door. The hot gases produced from furnace enters combustion chamber through overheating of Tubes /The capacity is limited to 100 tonnes/hr because Of the work input required for air
flue pipe. This hot gases enters into horizontal fire tubes. Convection heat transfer take place from flue compressor Additional power requirement may be needed /Pressurised air for combustion reduce the need
gases passing inside the tubes to water surrounded the tubes. The flue gases coming from fire tubes enter For excess air and the draught /Compact unit with greater flexibility in design.
Heat Balance test :The performance of an engine, balance sheet. The balance. Usually studied by heat WANKEL ENGINE/Rotary Engine):
supplied & heat stillage Of If engine. It shows how much heat is polluted inside the engine thermal how the eccentric shaft, turning three times for every revolution of the rotor, in the Wankel engine, the four
heat is beans stylised. & reverse the infancy of engine, performance of cooking system, exhaust loss and strokes of a typical Onto cycle engine a arranged sequentially around an oval, unlike the reciprocating
engine condition etc. motion of a piston engine. In the basic single rotor Wankel engine, a single oval housing surrounds a three-
sided rotor (a Reules triangle) which turns and moves within the housing. The sides of the rotor seal against
SUPERCHARGER: A supercharger is an air compressor that increases the pressure or density of air the sides of the housing, and the corners of the rotor seal against the inner periphery of the housing, dividing
supplied to an internal combustion engine. This gives each intake cycle of the engine mom oxygen, letting it into the combustion chambers. As the rotor turns, its motion and the shape of the housing coming each
it burn more fuel and do more work, thus increasing power. Power for the supercharger can be provided side of the rotor to get closer and farther from the wall of the hosting, compressing and expanding
mechanically by means of a belt, gear, shaft, or chain connected to the engine's crankshaft. When power is reciprocating engine. /However, whereas a normal Four-
provided by a turbine powered by exhaust gas, a supercharger is known as a turbo supercharger typically stroke cycle engine produces one combustion stroke per cylinder for every two revolutions (that is, one half
referred to simply as a turbocharger or just turbo. Common usage restricts the term supercharger to power stroke per revolution per cylinder combustion chamber of each rotor in the-Wankel greases one
mechanically driven units. Objective of Super Charging :Mainly super charging is done to induct more combustion stroke per revolution.
amount of air into cylinder per unit time and hence to burn more amount of fuel to increase power output.
Following am the objectives of supercharging /To obtain better performance from the existing engine. /To Morse Test : Morse test is conducted to find out FP & IP of an engine. This Test can apply only to multi
compensate for loss of power due to high altitudes for air craft engines. /For a given weight and bulk of the cylinder engines . Test should run at Constant speed. Dynamometer is fitted at to load the engine.
engine, super-charging increases power output. /This is important in air craft, marine and automotive
engines where weight and space are considerate. Advantages /Power output of the engine can be increased
/More quantity of charge can be inflicted in to eagle cylinder /Better atomization of fuel is possible /Better
mixing of air and fuel can be obtained /Better scavenging of exhaust gases is DISADVANTAGE:
1.Detonation tendency increases in SI engines2. Heat loss due to turbulence and thermal stresses are more
3. The valve overlap period increases up to 60 of crank angle 4. Better lubrication is required 5. Better
cooling of piston and valves is required.
Turbocharger :Turbochargers are a type of superchargers. It effectively charges the incoming air, which
is the definition of supercharging. The turbo differs from a supercharger in that it derives its power from a
different source than previously described designs. The previous designs received power from the
driveshaft of the e Turbochargers derive their power from exhaust gases. /Turbochargers use the power of
the exhaust, much like a hydroelectric dam convene the into mechanical energy. A hydroelectric dam sends
water through a hydroelectric turbine. The turbine redirects the flow of the water into a circle which is
caught by fins/blades. The water turns these blades, which turns a driveshaft. When the water has released
most all of its energy to the fines, the water thon exits the turbine through a port at the centre./ Turbochargers
in cars act nearly the same way except the water is replaced with exhaust from the engine. The drive shaft,
in turn, powers a centrifugal supercharger. Turbochargers are very efficient, because they do not leech off
Comparison between Turbo charging and Mechanical Supercharging: Turbo charging: The energy
of exhaust gases is used to run super charger. /It needs a waste gate control./ It requires special exhaust
manifold. /In CI engine it reduces smoke. /Blade erosion takes place due to entry of dust particles. /Larger
pumping elements or nozzles are needed. This over loads cams. /Pressure ratio is high. Supercharging:
The mechanical energy of prime mover is used to run super charger. /It does not require a waste gate control.
/It does not require special exhaust manifolds /In CI engines it reduces knocking tendency. /No blade
erosion problem. /Fuel injection modification is not required and no cam over loading /Comparatively
pressure ratio is low.
STRATIFIED CHARGE ENGINE: /The principle of stratified charge applies to direct injection petrol
engines. /It involves concentrating spraying of the fuel close to the spark plug rather than throughout the
whole of the combustion chamber. /This method of operation delivers a reduction in fuel consumption that
can reach 40% when the engine in running at very low charge. / The principle of the stratified charge engine
is to deliver a mixture that is sufficiently rich for combustion in The immediate vicinity of the spark plug
and in the remainder of the cylinder, a very lean mixture that is so low in foal that it could not be used in a
traditional engine. On an engine with stratified charge, the delivered power is no longer controlled by the
quantity of admired air, but by the quantity of petrol injected, as with a diesel engine.