CST433 Security in Computing, December 2023

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B r000csT433122201

Seventh Semester B.Tech Degree Regular and Supplementary Examination

Course Code: CST433

Max. Marks: 100 Duration:3 Hours
Answer all questions, each carries 3 marks. Marks

l' attacks?
What is the difference between passive and active security (3)
2 Distinguish between Security Mechanisms and Security Services? (3)

3 Compare block and stream ciphers with example. (3)

4 Define Avalanche effect in DES? (3)

5 List the three applications of Public-Key Cryptosystems. (3)

6 What are the main properties of Elliptic Curves that make them useful for (3)
Cryptographic Applications.
7 List the requirements of Hash functions. (3)
8 State the need for Digital Signatures. (3)
9 List and briefly define three classes of Intruders (3)
l0 In general terms, how does a virus propagate? (3)
Answer any onefull questionfrom each modale, each carries 14 morks.
Module I

I I a) Differentiate between substitution and transposition ciphers with examples for (7)
each. r
b) Use the Play-fair cipher to decipher tF'message "MANAGE". The secret key is (7)
the word "BRAZIL".( The characters 'J and K ' should occupy same slot ).
12 a) Use Hill.cipher to encipher the message "secure world" with the following (7)

key: [! ?1. ,
ur" filler letter as 'a"l
b) Encrypt the message "this is an exercise" using each of the following ciphers (7)
given below. Ignore the space between words. Decrypt the message to get the
orilinal plaintext.

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i. Additive(Shift) cipher with key = 20

ii. Affine cipherwith key = 1lS, z0;
Module ll
13 a) Explain with figure the operations in a single round of DES algorithm (10)

b) Illustrate the working of Triple DES algorithm. (4)

t4 a) Briefly desuibe sub-key generation in AES Cipher? (10)

b) Compare Electronic Codebook (ECB) and Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) modes (4)

of block ciphers
. Module lll
l5 a) Users A and B use the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique with a common (7)
prime q:71 and a primitive root o=7
a. If user A has private key ,Xl:5 what is A's public key ?
b. If user B has private key,Xn=I2 what is B's public key ?
c. What is the shared secret key?
b) Perform encryption using RSA algorithm for message M=8, given prime (7)

numbers p:7, g=ll and public key e:17.

16 a) Explain the El-Gamal cryptosystem with an example (7)

b) Illustrate the steps in key exchange using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)? (7)

Module lV
17 a) With diagrams, briefly describe the working of SHA-512 algorithm. (10)

b) Explain Cipher based Message Authentication code (CMAC) (4)


l8 a) Explain El-Gamal Digital Signature Scheme with example. .


b) What are the properties a digital signatde should have? Explain the two (7)

categories of digital signatures.

Module V
l9 a) Describe the different intrusion detection techniques. (7)

b) What is Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack? How can it be prevented? (7)

20 a) What are the different password selection strategies? (7)

b) Briefly explain the four phases, a virus goes through in its lifetime. (7)


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