CH 06 Slides 4 Up
CH 06 Slides 4 Up
CH 06 Slides 4 Up
Gerald W. Recktenwald
Department of Mechanical Engineering These slides are a supplement to the book Numerical Methods with Matlab:
Portland State University Implementations and Applications, by Gerald W. Recktenwald,
c 2000–2006, Prentice-Hall,
c 2000–2006 Gerald W. Recktenwald.
Upper Saddle River, NJ. These slides are copyright
[email protected] The PDF version of these slides may be downloaded or stored or printed for noncommercial,
educational use. The repackaging or sale of these slides in any form, without written
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The latest version of this PDF file, along with other supplemental material for the book,
can be found at or
Topics covered in this chapter Computing the dimensions of a picnic table leg involves a root-finding problem.
Leg assembly Detail of one leg
• Preliminary considerations and bracketing.
• Fixed Point Iteration d1
b c a
• Bisection
• Newton’s Method
• The Secant Method d2 α
b θ α
• Hybrid Methods: the built in fzero function 2α
• Roots of Polynomials d2 d2
NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 2 NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 3
Example: Picnic Table Leg Roots of f (x) = 0
Dimensions of a the picnic table leg satisfy Any function of one variable can be put in the form f (x) = 0.
Given overall dimensions w and h, and the material dimension, b, what is the value of θ ? 1
cos(x) = x,
An analytical solution for θ = f (w, h, b) exists, but is not obvious. 0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
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Bracketing Bracketing Algorithm (1)
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A simple test for sign change: f (a) × f (b) < 0 ? A better test uses the built-in sign function
or in Matlab fa = ...
fb = ...
if if sign(fa)~=sign(fb)
fa = ... save bracket
fb = ... end
if fa*fb < 0
save bracket
See implementation in the brackPlot function
but this test is susceptible to underflow.
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The brackPlot Function Apply brackPlot Function to sin(x) (1)
-10 -5 0 5 10
myFun is the name of an m-file that evaluates f (x)
xmin, xmax define range of x axis to search
nx is the number of subintervals on [xmin,xmax] used to
check for sign changes of f (x). Default: nx= 20
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Apply brackPlot to a user-defined Function (1) Apply brackPlot to a user-defined Function (2)
To solve 1.5
f (x) = x − x − 2 = 0 >> Xb = brackPlot(’fx3’,0,5)
Xb = 1
we need an m-file function to evaluate f (x) for any scalar or vector of x values. 3.4211 3.6842
function f = fx3(x) -1.5
% fx3 Evaluates f(x) = x - x^(1/3) - 2
f = x - x.^(1/3) - 2; -2
0 1 2 3 4 5
Run brackPlot with fx3 as the input function
>> brackPlot(’fx3’,0,5)
ans =
3.4000 3.6000
NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 14 NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 15
Apply brackPlot to a user-defined Function (3) Root-Finding Algorithms
Instead of creating a separate m-file, we can use an in-line function object. We now proceed to develop the following root-finding algorithms:
These algorithms are applied after initial guesses at the root(s) are identified with
Note: When an inline function object is supplied to brackPlot, the name of the bracketing (or guesswork).
object is not surrounded in quotes:
NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 16 NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 17
Fixed point iteration is a simple method. It only works when the iteration function is An automatic root-finding procedure needs to monitor progress toward the root and stop
convergent. when current guess is close enough to the desired root.
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Fixed Point Iteration Example (1) Fixed Point Iteration Example (2)
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Given a bracketed root, halve the interval while continuing to bracket the root For the bracket interval [a, b] the midpoint is
xm = (a + b)
f (x1) 2
f (b1) A better formula, one that is less susceptible to round-off is
xm = a +
a x2 x1 b 2
f (a1)
NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 22 NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 23
Bisection Algorithm Bisection Example
NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 24 NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 25
„ «n
Let δn be the size of the bracketing interval at the nth stage of bisection. Then δn 1 δn
„ «
= =2 or n = log2
δ0 2 δ0
NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 26 NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 27
Convergence Criteria Convergence Criteria on x
An automatic root-finding procedure needs to monitor progress toward the root and stop f (x)
when current guess is close enough to the desired root. true root
˛ ˛
tolerance Absolute tolerance: ˛xk − xk−1˛ < δx
• Convergence checking will avoid searching to unnecessary accuracy. on f (x) x
˛ ˛
• Check whether successive approximations are close enough to be considered the same: ˛x − x
˛ k
k−1 ˛
tolerance Relative tolerance: ˛ ˛ < δ̂x
on x ˛ b−a ˛
|xk − xk−1| < δx
• Check whether f (x) is close enough zero. xk = current guess at the root
xk−1 = previous guess at the root
|f (xk )| < δf
NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 28 NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 29
f (x) If f ′(x) is small near the root, it is easy If f ′(x) is large near the root, it is
˛ ˛
true root Absolute tolerance: ˛f (xk )˛ < δf to satisfy a tolerance on f (x) for a large possible to satisfy a tolerance on ∆x
range of ∆x. A tolerance on ∆x is more when |f (x)| is still large. A tolerance
on f (x) Relative tolerance: conservative. on f (x) is more conservative.
n o
|f (xk )| < δ̂f max |f (a0)|, |f (b0)| f (x) f (x)
on x
NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 30 NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 31
Newton’s Method (1) Newton’s Method (2)
Substitute ∆x = xk+1 − xk and neglect second order terms to get
f (xk+1) ≈ f (xk ) + (xk+1 − xk ) f (xk )
x2 x3 x1 where ˛
f(x2) ′ df ˛˛
f (xk ) =
dx ˛xk
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NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 34 NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 35
Newton’s Method Example (1) Newton’s Method Example (2)
Solve: Conclusion
1/3 1/3
x−x −2=0 xk − xk −2
xk+1 = xk − • Newton’s method converges
First derivative is 1 − 13 xk much more quickly than
′ 1 −2/3
f (x) = 1 − x bisection
3 k xk f ′ (xk ) f (x)
The iteration formula is • Newton’s method requires an
xk − xk − 2 0 3 0.83975005 -0.44224957 analytical formula for f ′(x)
xk+1 = xk − −2/3 1 3.52664429 0.85612976 0.00450679
1 − 13 xk • The algorithm is simple as long
2 3.52138015 0.85598641 3.771 × 10−7 as f ′(x) is available.
3 3.52137971 0.85598640 2.664 × 10−15
• Iterations are not guaranteed to
4 3.52137971 0.85598640 0.0 stay inside an ordinal bracket.
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Since Given two guesses xk−1 and xk , the next guess at the root is where the line through
f '(x1) ≈ 0 f (xk−1) and f (xk ) crosses the x axis.
f (xk )
f(x1) xk+1 = xk −
f ′(xk )
the new guess, xk+1, will be far from
the old guess whenever f ′(xk ) ≈ 0
x2 a x1 b
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Secant Method (2) Secant Method (3)
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Divergence of Secant Method Summary of Basic Root-finding Methods
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fzero is a hybrid method that combines bisection, secant and reverse quadratic
interpolation Find the point where the x
axis intersects the sideways 15
Syntax: parabola passing through
three pairs of (x, f (x))
r = fzero(’fun’,x0)
values. 10
r = fzero(’fun’,x0,options)
r = fzero(’fun’,x0,options,arg1,arg2,...)
x0 can be a scalar or a two element vector
• If x0 is a scalar, fzero tries to create its own bracket.
• If x0 is a two element vector, fzero uses the vector as a bracket.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 46 NMM: Finding the Roots of f (x) = 0 page 47
fzero Function (2) fzero Function (3)
Optional parameters to control fzero are specified with the optimset function.
fzero chooses next root as
• Result of reverse quadratic interpolation (RQI) if that result is inside the current Tell fzero to display the results of each step:
bracket. >> options = optimset(’Display’,’iter’);
• Result of secant step if RQI fails, and if the result of secant method is in inside the >> x = fzero(’myFun’,x0,options)
current bracket.
• Result of bisection step if both RQI and secant method fail to produce guesses inside Tell fzero to use a relative tolerance of 5 × 10−9:
the current bracket. >> options = optimset(’TolX’,5e-9);
>> x = fzero(’myFun’,x0,options)
Tell fzero to suppress all printed output, and use a relative tolerance of 5 × 10−4:
>> options = optimset(’Display’,’off’,’TolX’,5e-4);
>> x = fzero(’myFun’,x0,options)
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y = f(x)
’off’ Suppress all print out
perturbations in the 1
’TolX’ tol Iterate until polynomial coefficients f1(x) f2(x) f3(x)
|∆x| < max [tol, tol ∗ a, tol ∗ b] (conditioning).
where ∆x = (b−a)/2, and [a, b] is the current bracket.
distinct repeated complex
real roots real roots roots
The default values of ’Display’ and ’TolX’ are equivalent to 0 2 4 6 8 10
x (arbitrary units)
options = optimset(’Display’,’iter’,’TolX’,eps)
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Algorithms for Finding Polynomial Roots roots Function (1)
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roots Examples