IET DAVV Be - Com - It-A - Apr - 2011

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IT ("




Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Min pass Marks: 35
(i) There are FIVE questions. Each question carries three parts. Attempt
any TWO parts in each qUE~stion.Assume suitable data wherever
required. ,
(ii) AI! parts of the question must be done at same place.
(iii) Answers are required to the point and must be brief.

0.1 (a)i Give a brief comparison between the different types of 5

cipher model.
ii Enlist the different types of modes in which cipher operate. 5
~ (b)i Differentiate between authentication and access control 5
with one example.
[I Explain various types of cryptanalytical attacks, based on 5
amount of information known to cryptanalyst.
(c)i What are the two types of security attacks possible? 5
Classify those two types of attacks.
ii Explain the cryptanalysis of mono-alphabetic cipher. 5
0.2 (a)i Explain the different points about the strength of DES 5
ii What is the significance of Feistel cipher structure? 5
(b)i Why do some block cipher modes of operation only use 5
encryption while others use both enQryption & decryption?
ii Explain the different evaluation criteha of AES. 5
(c)i Explain the process of AES Encryption and Decryption. 5
ii Explain the difference between confusion and diffusion in 5
context of symmetric block cipher.
0.3 (a)i Explain the difference between link and End-to-end 5
II Explain the different possible approaches to attack the 5
RSA algorithm.
(b)i Classify the approaches to distribute the public keys by 5
explaining them. . .
II Compare the mechanism of public key authority and 5
certificate authority for public key distribution.
(c)i Explain Man-in-the -middle attack on Diffie-Hellman key 5
exchange protocol.
ii What is meant by message authentication? Explain some 5
common cryptographic techniques for message
0.4 (a)i What is meant by meet-in-the-middle attack? Which kind of 5


attack will form the meet-in-the-middle attack if it is applied

on hash function? Explain.
II Explain a protocol that provide confidentiality & 5
authentication service for email & file storage application.
(b)i Explain the different means of authenticating user's 5
II How are replay attacks possible on authentication 5
protocols? Explain countermeasures for it.
(c)i Explain key generation process for DSA algorithm. 5
ii How is authentil;ation being implemented in Unix based 5
system? Explain.
Q.5 (a)i Who are intruders? Explain the different classes of 5
II Differentiate between the behavior of intruders and 5
authorized users with a diagram.
(b)i Enlist the different terminologies of malicious programs by 5
explaining at least one terminology.
II How 3-way handshake mechanisms of TCP become a 5
distributed DOS attack? Explain.
(c)i Write short note on circuit level gateway with a neat 5
II What is meant by access coritrol? Explain the different 5
requirements of it.
*"'~'"""'" ., "" "'""'~~~"''''''*****


. 4C0204

Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100

Min. Pass Marks: 35
Note: Attempt all questions. Write answer of any two parts from each question.

Q. l(a) (i) What are the limitations of wireless,mobile communication systems as (10)
compared to wired communication systems
(ii) What phenomena cause multi path propagation? Explain.

(b) (i) What are the three transmission ranges? Which range is suitable for two way (10)
(ii) What information is available in radiation pattern of an antenna? Explain with
. example.
r-< (c) What is spread spectrum? Explain FHSS spread spectrum technique. (10)

Q.2 (a) What is the principle of frequency re~se in the context of a cellular network? (10)
(b) Explain the architecture of GSM system showing the function of each component. (10)
(c) Consider a CDMA system with two users with code CA = (0,,0,1,1,1,1,0,0) (10)
CB = (0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0)
(i) Show the output at receiver if A and B both transmit bit O.
(ii) Show the output at receiver, if A transmits bit 0 and B transmits 1. How
receiver recovers data ofB?

Q.3 (a) How do (i) hidden and exposed terminal (b) near and far terminal adversely affect (10)
the wireless communication? How MACA protocol overcomes these problems?
(b) Show the 802.11 DSSS PHY format and explain the purpose of each field. (10)
(c) What are the three time intervals defined in distributed coordinated access (10)
r-- mechanism in IEEE 802.11? Define DFWMAC-DCF protocol.

Q.4 (a) What are the tasks performed by following components in mobile IP based (10)
(i) Foreign agent, (ii) Care of addres:s,
(iii) Home Agent and (iv) Correspondent Node
(b) Explain J2ME architecture. What are two 12ME configurations? (10)
(c) Define (i) 1-TCP (ii) Shoopillg TCP protocols. (10)
Q. 5(a) How are mobile databases used in message flow of mobile terminated call (10)
establishment process?
(b) ~xplain W AP architecture giving the details of each layer. (10)
(c) Explain the purpose of HLR,VLR and EIR mobile database systems used in (10)
cellular systems.

Duration: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100
Min Pass Marks: 35

Note: Every UNIT has one question having three parts (a), (b) and (c).
Attempt any two parts from every question. All question carry equal marks.

1 a. Define Machine Learning? What are the applications of machine 10
b(i). What is market basket analysis? How is it used? 05
(ii). How can say man is better than machine? 05
c(i). What is concept Learning?Also explaingeneralto specificorderingof 05
(ii). Write down the Candidate elimination-learning algorithm. 05
2a(i). What are the problems for decision tree learning? 05
(ii) Why prefer short hypotheses? 05
b(i). Which attribute is the best Classifier in the decision tree? Explain. 05
(ii) How many steps involves in rule post -pruning.. 05
c. Use the table of examDlesbel 10
Independent Attributes / Condition Dependent Attributes /
Attributes Decision Attributes
IName IIHair IIHeight IIWeight IILotion IIResult I

ISarah Ilbionde Ilaverage Illight IIno I!sunburned (positive) I

IDana Ilbionde Iitall Ilaverage Ilyes Iinone (negative) I

IAlex IIbrown IIshort Ilaverage Ilyes IInone I

IAnnie Ilbionde Ijshort Ilaverage Iino Iisunburned I

IEmily Ilred . Ilaverage Ilheavy. Iino IIsunburned I

Ibrown Iitall I!heavy Iino Iinone I

IJohn IIbrown lIaverage IIheavy Iino Iinone I

IKatie Ilbionde Iishort lilight lIyes Iinone I

Perform average entropy calculations on the complete data set for each
of the four attributes.


3 a. What is the mistake bound for the Find-S Algorithm? 10
b(i). What is the error of hypothesis? 05
(ii) Explain the PAC Learning? 05
c. Define Vapnik -Chervonenkis Dimension. And Illustrate Example. 10
4 a. What is Word sense Disambiguation? Write down the application of 10
b(i). What is Hidden markov model? Write down the application ofHMMs. 05
(ii) Write regular expression for the following language: The set of all 05
Lowercase alphabetic strings ending in a b.
c (i) What is the Support Vector Machine? 05
(ii) What is maximummarginclassifierin SVM? 05
5 a. What are the operators of Genetic Algorithm? 05
What is Michigan Approach?
b. How.many selection methods to select the best chromosomes? Explain 10
c. Define the following: 10
(i) Parameter of Genetic Algorithm
(ii) Permutation Encoding of Chromosome


IV B. E. Examination April'2011
Computer Engineering
4C0252: Enterprise Resource Planning
Duration: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 100
Minimum Pass Marks: 35

Note: Attempt all five questions.Answer any two parts of each question.Each questioncarries equal
marks. Make suitable assumptionsif necessary.

Q.l (a) Explain Process View of business and relate this with concept of ERP with suitable 10
(b) Explain how generic strategies suggested by Porter, to counter Five Forces,justifies the 10
need of ERP.
(c) Local road construction company needs to develop engineering specifications prior to 10
doing any pre-surfacing preparation. The company has been awarded the bid on four
projects. They have one engineer. It takes 4 hours per km to develop the engineering
specifications. The first project is 30 km long and must be started by March 15th to
complete on schedule. The second project is 20 km long and must be started by April Ist.
The third project is 5 km long and must be started by May 1st. The fourth project is
15 km long and must be started by May 23rd, It is now February 15th, The engineer
works a 40 hours week and is very experienced so he operates at 100% efficiency.
Assume one project can not be started until the previous project is completed. Does the
engineer have enough time to accomplish the specifications on time? Assume 80%
Also, explain importanceof Capacity RequirementPlanningin ERP.

Q.2 (a) How various technologies affect capabiJityof ERP system?Explain in short. 10
(b) What are the factors that influence Business Intelligence to be useful for ERP system? 10
Explain with example.
(c) Explain in detail tasks carried out in Phase-II of BusinessProcess Reengineering. 10

Q.3 (a) Explain project organizationphase of introductionand selectionprocess ofERP system. 10

(b) Explain how Data preparationplays importantrole in ERP system implementation? 10
(c) Explain various steps in choosing Custom-builtERP Solution using externalresources. 10

Q.4 (a) What is the use and importance of Financial Module in standard ERP system? Explain 10
also various sub-modulesof Financial Module.
(b) How pre-purchasingactivities are carried out in a standard Material Managementmodule? 10
How ERP system facilitates this?
(c) Explain functions carried out in standard Sales and Distribution Module of typical ERP 10

Q.5 (a) What is the future of and challengesto ERP market in India? Explain. 10
(b) Explain the features of SAP that helps organizationsto achieve operationalexcellence. 10
(c) WhyORACLE has most comprehensiveERP solution?Explain. 10
Duration: 3 hrs. Max Marks:l00
Min Pass Marks:35
Note:-AII questions are compulsory. Attempt any two parts from each question.
Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
Q.l(a) Write an inline DTD giving demonstration of ID and IDREF. 10
(b) Explain the reasons that one should use XML for data transfer? 10
(c) What are entities? What are there primary types? Give an example of each primary type. 10

Q.2(a) Explain the differences betWeen XML Schema and DTD? 10

(b) Give an example of each one of us (Relax NG):- 10
(a) Element pattern, attribute pattern and text pattern.
(b)Enumerated values (c)Co occurrence constraints
(c) Give an example of following declarations:-
(a)<sequence> (b)<choice> (c)<restriction> 10

Q.:) Consider the XML file below:-

<FirstName> Lara</FirstN ame>
<LastName> Farmer</LastN ame>
<DateOfBirth> 1944-12-12</DateOfBirth>
<FirstName>Patric~<lFirstN ame>
<LastName>Stepfoot<lLastN ame>
<DateOfBirth> 1955-11-11</DateOfBirth>
</Person> ,I
Write programs giving demonstration of following axis and following-sibling axis considering
context node as IEmployees/Person [1]/First Name. 10
(b) Consider the XML file below:-
r :<?xmlversion="1.0tl7>
<Title>Beginning XML, 3rd Edition</Title>
<Author>David Hunter<1Author>
<Author>Andrew Watt<1Author>
<Author>Jeff Rafter<1Author>
<Author>Kurt Cagle<1Author>
.. <Author>JohnDuckett<IAuthor>
<ChapteJ number=" 1IItitle="What is XMLT'>XML is a markup language, derived from
<Chapter number="21ttitle=ltWell-formed XML">To be well-formed an XML document
must satisfy several rules about its structure.</Chapter>
</B </Book> PTO 10
Write XSLT file that will transform the above XML file to the following display ofHTML:-- ,
Beginning XML, 3rd Edition
by David Hunter, Andrew Watt, Jeff Rafter, Kurt Cagle, and John Duckett.
Table of Contents
1: What is XML?
2:Well-formed XML
1. What is XML?
XML is a markup language, derived from SGML.
2. Well-formed XML
To be well-formed an XML document must satisfy several rules about its structure.
(c) Write a program in XSLT giving demonstration of <xsl: copy - of> tag. 10

Q.4(a) Consider the XML file below(Use DOM as the data retrieval technique):-
<Chapter number = "1"> This is Chapter 1<IChapter>
<Chapter number = "2"> This is Chapter 2 <IChapter>
<Chapter number = "3"> This is Chapter 3 </Chapter>
(a) Show the above XML in an ale11box.
(b) Add the following before the last <Chapter> element. ~
<Chapter> This is the new Chapter 3. </Chapter>
(c) Remove the number attribute oflast <Chapter> element and replace with a new number
attribute of value 4.
(d) Add a number attribute to the inserted new Chapter 3 with the value 3. 10
(b) Consider the XML file below:-
::::?xmlversion="1.0tl ?>
<car type="Engine">
<coJor>Blaek</color> <weight>512 tons</weight><length>60 feet</Iength>
pants> 3<1occupants>
<car type="Baggage">
<co10r>Green <Icolor><weight>80 tons</weight><length>40 feet</length>
:</train> 10",
Write a program using SAX to print the following:-
Running train reader. . . . . . . . . ..
Start of the train
The color of the Engine car is Black
The color of the Baggage car is Green
End of the train.
(e) What is an XML Document Object Model for? Explain all the properties of Node object? 10

Q.5(a) List and explain the steps of Java RMI by giving an example? 10
(b) Write short notes on :-
(i) UDDI (b) SOAP 10
(c) Write complete WSDL for the following service: AceountDetail getAecountDetail(String
accountID) where account details is a user defined complex type having following elements:-
(a) Account ID (b) Balance (c) Address (d) Last Transaction Date
(e) Account Type (checking or saving) (f) Name complex type: (salutation, first name, last
name). 10
Service should be deployed at location: .
fWy- MtA 7 .-2-D II 133
Information Retrieval & Extraction
Duration: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100
Min Pass Marks: 35

Note: Every UNIT has one question having three parts (a), (b) and (c).
Attempt any two parts from every question. All question carry equal marks.
Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
la(i). What are the Comparison between Databases and Information Retrieval? 05
(ii) Consider these documents: 05
----- Doc 1 : documents contain geospatial information
Doc2 : extraction and use of geospatial information
Doc3 : extraction geospatial references from documents
Draw the inverted index representation for this collection
b(i). What are the performance issues for Information retrieval? 05
(ii). Write the algorithm for the intersection of two postings lists. 05
c (i). Justify the following statements: 06
a. In a Boolean retrieval system, stemming never lowers precision.
b. In a Boolean retrieval system, stemming never lowers recall.
c. Stemming increases the size of the vocabulary.
d. Stemming should be invoked at indexing time but not while processing a
(ii). What are the stop words? And what is the normalization? 04
2a. What are the data structures that help the search for terms in the vocabulary in 10
an inverted index?
~ b(i). Write down the entries in the permuterm index dictionary that ,are generated by 05
the term mama.
(ii). If you wanted to search for s*ng in a permuterm wildcard index, what key(s) 05
would one do the lookup on?
c. Write down the edit distance algorithm between two strings.And compute the 10
edit distance between intention and execution.
3 a. What are the differences between Blocked sort based indexing and Single pass 10
in memory indexing?
b(i). Explain the Distributed indexing for index construction. 05
(ii). What is index compression? And in which compression technique can we 05
achieved better compression ratio.
c. Explain dictionary compression in details. 10

4 a. Consider the table of term frequencies for 3 documents denoted Doc 1, Doc2, 10
Doc3 in table below. Compute the tf-idfweights for the terms car, auto,
insurance, best, for each document, using the idfvalues in the table below.

idf Term frequency values(tf)

Docl Doc2 Doc3
Car 1.65 27 4 24
Auto 2.08 3 33 0
Insurance 1.62 0 33 29
best 1.5 14 0 17
b(i). An IR system returns 8 relevant documents, and 10 nonrelevant documents. 05
There are a total of20 relevant documents in the collection. What is the
precision of the system on this search, and what is its recall?
(ii) Define following terms: Relevance, Precision-Recall curve, Param~tric index. 05
cO). DeHne weighted zone scoring with an example? 05
(ii). What is Kappa and Marginal Statistic?
5a(i). When does relevance feedback work? . 05
(ii) What is Pseudo relevance feedback? 05
b. What are the Global methods for query reformulation? Explain each. 10
c. Write down the comparison between Text-centric and. data-centric XML 10



Duration: 3Hrs Max Marks: 100

Min Pass Marks: 35
Note: Attempt any five questions. Each question carries equal marks. Make
suitable assumptions if necessary.

Q. t (a) What are the propertiesof softwarethat make it a non-degradableentity? 5

(b) State why the effort required for testing a generic software product is 5
more than a customizedsoftwareproduct?
(c) What are the different stages of a softwareprocess? Cite the reasons for 5
followinga softwareprocess model for developmentof software?
(d) What are ethics? Justifywhy are they importantfor a softwareengineer? 5

Q.2 (a) Draw the various phases and workflows of the unified process model? 5
Define all the activitiesthat shall take place in the variousphases?
(b) What are the six best practices of the unified process? Explain each in 5
(c) Discuss the iterativekind of software development?Give two examples 5
of projects where it can be applied for the softwaredevelopment?
(d) What is the prototyping approach for softwaredevelopment?Discuss the 5
advantagesand disadvantages?

Q.3 (a) What is cost estimation for a software project? Give reasons as to why it 5
is important?
(b) What is people risk in a project? How is it minimized so that it does not 5
delay a project?
(c) What are the non-functionalttequirements? How can non-functional 5
requirementsbe categorized?
(d) How can changes in the requirements be managed? Setup a process 5
model for managingthe changes in the requirements?

Q.4 (a) What is a context diagram? Draw a context diagram for a patient 5
information system?
(b) What is the purpose of the state diagram? Draw a state diagram showing 5
the differentmodes of a washingmachine?
(c) Draw data flow diagram for issue and return of a book from the library, 5
also describe it in detail.
(d) Write the requirements for spell checking option of word processing 5
software. Draw a use case diagramfor the same.

Q.5 (a) Model a bank account with the help of classes and relationships. Also 5
explain the diagram in detail.
(b) Suggest appropriate objects for a policeman using a patrol car control 5
(c) What factorshave to be taken into account in the design of a menubased 5
interface for walk up systems like ATMs.
(d) Differentiatebetween verificationand validation? 5

Q.6 (a) Explain how testing process is different from static analysis? 5
(b) What kinds of errors are not discovered in the inspection process? 5
(c) What is white box testing? 5
(d) What is acceptance testing? Who is responsible for performing 5
acceptance testing

Q.7 (a) What are the different architectural styles? Elaborate on two styles? 10

(b) Why is control important in software design? Elaborate on two styles of 10


Information Technology

Duration: 3hrs. Max Marks: 100

Min Pass Marks: 35

Note: Attempt any 5 questions. All parts of a question must be solved in sequence. Each question contains 20 marks.
Make suitable assumption wherever necessary.

Q1(a) Define AI? List various application area of Artificial Intelligence. 10

(b) What are the seven problem characteristics that need to be considered to choose the most 10
appropriate method for a particular problem? Analyze the chess playing problem based on
seven problem characteristics.

Q2 (a) Write steepest Ascent Hill Climbing algorithm. Also discuss plateau, ridge and local maxima 10
problems. . ,.
(b) Define production systems. What are the various classes of production syste~s? Briefly 10
explain their properties.

Q3(a) Explain the different approaches of the knowledge representation. Distinguish between 10
inheritable knowledge and inferential knowledge.
(b) Give state space representation and set of production rules for water Jug problem. Provide step 10
wise solution for Water Jug problem using defined set of production rules.

Q4 (a) What is an expert system? Explain the expert system Mycin. 10
(b) Write short notes on: 10
(a) Frames
,- (b) Scripts

Q5 (a) -.Explain why depth first search is not preferred over breadth first search under certain 10
(b) Construct a script for going to a movie from the viewpoint of the movie goer. With four 10
scenes and sequences of events in the each scene.

Q6 (a) Explain with example Branch and bound technique to find the shortest path between source 10
and destination. Mention each step clearly.
(b) Write the type of action performed by each of the following primitive acts in CD 10
Q7 (a) Write a prolog program for the following sentences and query for the question "what course 10
would Tom like".
(1) Tom only likes hard courses.
(2) Management courses are easy.
(3) All courses in engineering department are hard.
(4) Computer engineering is an engineering department course.

(b) . What are the problems in natural language understanding? Give all steps involved in the 10
natural language processing.

Q8 Write short notes on any four. 20

(I) AND-OR Graph.
(2) Predicate Logic.
(3) Unification
(4) Heuristic Function
(5) Control Strategies.


C04204 Computer Engineering
Duration: 3hrs. Max Marks: 100
Min Pass Marks: 35
Note: Attempt any 5 questions. All parts of a question must be solved in sequence. Each question contains
20 marks. Make suitable assumption wherever necessary.

Ql (a) What is production system? What are the different characteristics of a production system? 5
(b) Using definition of AI. Justify how "chess playing is an AI problem". 5
(c) For each of the following types of problems, mention the problem characteristics and describe 10
a good heuristic function
(i) Water Jug (iii) Traveling salesman problem

(ii) Theorem proving.

Q2(a) Explain the different approaches of the knowledge representation. Distinguish between 10
inheritable knowledge and inferential knowledge.
(b) Write steepest Ascent Hill Climbing algorithm. Also discuss plateau, ridge and local maxima 10

Q3 (a) Consider the following sentences: 10

. John likes all kinds of food. il

. Apples are food.
. Chicken is food.
. Anything anyone eats and isn't killed by is food.
~ . Bill eats peanuts and is still alive.
. Sue eats everything Bill eats.
(1) Translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic.

(2) Convert the formulas of part (1) into clause form.

(3)Prove that John likes peanuts using resolution

(b) Explain with example Branch and bound technique to find the shortest path between source 10
and destination. Mention each step clearly.

Q4 (a) What is the suitability of semantic nets as a knowledge representation scheme? Give example 5
(b) What is frame? Compare this with conceptual dependency. 5

(c) Construct a script for going to a Restaurant. With three scenes and sequences of events in the 10
each scene.
Construct semantic net representation for the following: 5
Q5(a) Every dog has bitten a mail carrier.
(b) Develop a parse tree for the sentences' Mohan slept on the bench' using the following rules: 5
N~ Mohan/bench, V ~ Slept, DET ~ the, PROP~OD.

(c) Write the meaning of actions from the following set of primitive acts: 10

Q6(a) What are the problems in natural language understanding? Give all steps involved in the 10
natural language processing.
(b) What are the domains of Artificial intelligence? Explain. 10

Q7(a) Define rules in PROLOG. Explain conjunction and disjunction rules with examples. 5
(b) Given the relations 10

father(X, Y) X is the father ofY, mother(X, Y) X is the mother ofY, """'\

female(X) X is female, male(X ) X is male

define prolog relations for the following:

a. sibling
b. sister
c. grandson.
(c) What is an expert system? Describe the characteristic features of an expert system. 5

Q8 Write short notes on (any four) 20

(A) Problem characteristics.

(B) Matching
(C) Strong methods
(D) Resolution in predicate logic and propositional logic
(E) Problem Reduction method for search . ~
Duration: 3 hrs. Max Marks:l00
Min Pass Marks:35
Note: Attempt any five questions.
AU questions carry equal marks.
Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
Q.l(a) Explain the reasons that one should use XML for data transfer? 10
(b) What are the reasons that still support use of DTD? Describe the differences between XML and

Q.2(a) Explain the differences between XML Schema and DTD? 10

(b) Give an example of following dec1arations:- 10
(a)<sequence> (b)<choice>

Q.3(a) Consider the XML file below:-

~ <Employees>
<LastName>Farmer</LastN ame>
<DateOfBirth> 1944-12-12</DateOfBirth>
<FirstName> Patrick</FirstN ame>
<LastN ame>Stepfoot</LastN ame>
<DateOfBirth> 1955-11-11</DateOfBirth>
Write programs giving demonstration of following a~is and following-sibling axis considering
context node as /Employees/Person[l]/First Name. 10
(b) Consider the XML file below:-
:<?xml version="1.0" ?>
: <Book>
: <Title>Beginning XML, 3rd Edition</Title>
: <Authors>
<Author> David Hunter</ Author>
<Author>Andrew Watt</Author>
<Author>Jeff Rafter</ Author>
<Author>Kurt Cagle</Author>
<Author>John Duckett</Author>
</ Authors>
<Year> 2004</Year>
<Chapter number="1" title="What is XML?">XMLis a markup language,
derived from SGML.</Chapter>
<Chapter number="2" title="Well-formed XML">To be well-formed an XML
document must satisfy several rules about its structure.</Chapter>
. </Chapters>
I </Book>
Write XSLT file that will transform the above XML file to the following display ofHTML:-- 10
Beginning XML,3rd Edition PTO
by David Hunter, Andrew Watt, Jeff Rafter, Kurt Cagle, and John Duckett.
, Table of Contents
.1: What is XML?
2:Well-formed XML
1. What is XML?
. XML is a markup language, derived from SGML.

2. Well-formed XML
'To be well-formedan XML documentmust satisfyseveralrules about its structure.

Q.4(a) Consider the XML file below(Use DOM as the data retrieval technique):-
<Chapter number = "1"> This is Chapter 1 </Chapter>
<Chapter number = "2"> This is Chapter 2 </Chapter> .' , ". ..,' "",.,'

<Chapter number = "3''> This is Chapter 3 </Chapter>

(a) Show the above XML in an alert box.
(b) Add the following before the last <Chapter> element.
<Chapter> This is the new Chapter 3. </Chapter>
(c) Remove the number attribute of last <Chapter> element and replace with a new number """""
attribute of value 4.
(d) Add a number attribute to the inserted new Chapter 3 with the value 3. 10

(b) Consider the XML file below:-

<7xml version=I1.0" 7>
<car type=IEngine">
<color>Black</color> <weight>S12 tons</weight><length>60 feet</Iength>
< occu pa n ts > 3 < / occu pa n ts >
</>. . ,--".,"'''' , ' ..'..'...,.-'--'

~.<car type="Baggagen>
<color>Green</color> <weight>80 tons<fweight><length>40 feet</Iength>
< occu pa nts >0 </ occu pa nts >
:</train >
Write a program using SAX to print the following:- 10
Running train reader...........
Start of the train .---...

The color of the Engine car is Black

The color of the Baggage car is Green
End of the train.

Q.5(a) Explain the meaning and structure ofWSDL? 10

(b) Write short notes on :-
(i) UDDI (b) SOAP 10
.. . .. '" .

Q6 (a) What are entities? What are there primary types? Give an example of each primary type. 10
(b) Explain the concept ofID and IDREF with an example. 10

Q.7(a) Explain the concept ofXML namespaces with an example. 10

(b) Explainthe following tags with an example:-
(i) <restriction> (ii) <schema> 10
IV B. E. Examination April'2011
Computer Engineering / Information Technology
CO 4262 / IT 4462: Enterprise Resource Planning
Duration: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 100
Minimum Pass Marks: 35
Note: Attempt any five questions.Each questioncarries equal marks. Make suitableassumptionsif
Q.l (a) Explain Process View of business and relate this, with concept of ERP with suitable 10
(b) Explain how generic strategies suggestedby Porter, to counter Five Forces, justifies the 10
need of ERP.

Q. 2. -(a) "Howvarioustechnologies affect capabilityofERP system? Explain in short. 10

(b) What are the factors that influence Business Intelligence to be useful for ERP system? 10
Explain with example.

Q.3 (a) Explainproject organizationphase of introductionand selectionprocess of ERP system. 10

(b) Explainhow Data preparationplays importantrole in ERP system implementation? 10
,, ,
Q.4 (a) How pre-purchasingactivities are carried out in a standardMaterial Managementmodule? 10
How ERP system facilitates this?
(b) Explain functions carried out in standar~ Sales and Distribution Module of typical ERP 10

Q.5 (a) What is the future of and challengesto ERP market in India? Explain. 10
(b) Explainthe features of SAP that helps organizationsto achieveoperational excellence. 10

Q.6 (a) What are the commondimensionswhere ERP II differs from ERP? Explain. 10
(b) Explain following in short in context of MRP: Bill of Material, Lead Time, Economic 10
Order Quantity,and Period Order Quantity.

Q.7 (a) How does EAI act as glue in integratingthe ,4ifferentERP components?Explain. 10
(b) Explain the functionality and use of ManufacturingModule of a standardERP system. 10

Q.8 (a) How ERP has evolved from MRP to ERP-II? Explain and compare capability 10
(b) Local road construction company needs to develop engineering specifications prior to 10
doing any pre-surfacing preparation. The company has been awarded the bid on four
projects. They have one engineer. It takes 4 hours per kIn to develop the engineering
specifications. The first project is 30 km long and must be started by March 15th to
complete on schedule. The second project i~20 km long and must be started by April 1st.
The third project is 5 krn long and must be started by May 1st. The fourth project is
15 km long and must be started by May 23rd. It is now February 15th. The engineer
works a 40 hours week and is very experienced so he operates at 100% efficiency.
Assume one project can not be started until the previous project is completed. Does the
engineer have enough time to accomplish the specifications on time? Assume 80%
Also, explain importance of CapacityRequirementPlanning in ERP.

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