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Problem 10-56 (40 minute%)

Date: Today

To: Pre%ident, %outhern Pla%tic% Corporation

From: I. M. %tudent

%ubject: Performance of Baton Rouge Plant

1. The Baton Rouge Plant'% performance for the period January through June i%
%ummarized a% follow%:

a. Production proce%%ing and productivity:

The plant'% cycle time (or throughput time) ha% improved over the period
from 19 hour% to 16 hour% (average of 17.8 hour%). Thi% indicate% that
the efficiency of the actual proce%%ing of product% ha% improved. Con%i
%tent with thi% ob%ervation i% the reduction in %etup time from 69 to 61
hour% (average of 64.5). However, the plant'% manufacturing cycle
efficiency ha% declined through the period, indicating that too much time i
% being %pent on in%pection time, waiting time, and move time, relative to
actual proce%%ing time. Overtime hour% have increa%ed, po%%ibly due
to higher demand late in the period. Power con%umption ha% remained

b. Product quality and cu%tomer acceptance:

The plant'% quality control program appear% to be paying off. The number
of defective unit% in fini%hed good% declined dramatically, and no
product% were returned. Thi% i% the re%ult of the plant'% in%pector%
more effectively identifying defective unit% while %till in proce%%. Effort
%hould be devoted in the future to the reduction of the in-proce%%
defective rate.

c. Delivery performance:

Delivery performance i% good, but could be improved. All order% were

filled, but only an average of 95 percent of the order% were filled on time in
May and June. Thi% might reflect increa%ed demand, a% evidenced by the
increa%e in overtime hour%.

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