Ie Delhi 21 11 2024

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Looking forward to Maharashtra sees highest turnout in AQI REMAINS SEVERE

de-escalation, focus on
cooperation: Rajnath
30 yrs: victory sign, say both alliances Delhimovesto
to China counterpart
SHUBHAJIT ROY bersinMaharashtra’sbattleofthe
alliances Wednesday where the

turnout, according to data avail-
IN ANOTHER indication of India ableat11.45pm,crossed65.1per
and China moving swiftly to re- cent — the first time since 1995
pair ties following troop disen- when the state witnessed a
gagement at two friction points turnout of 71.69 per cent.
along the Line of Actual Control
in eastern Ladakh, Defence
The turnout was way above
the 61.39 per cent recorded in
GRAP revised, makes it mandatory
Minister Rajnath Singh and his Defence Minister Rajnath Maharashtra during the Lok for schools to shut offline classes

Chinese counterpart Dong Jun Singh with China’s Dong Jun Sabhaelectionsthisyear,andthe
met in Laos capital Vientiane in Vientiane, Laos. PTI 61.4 per cent in the 2019 At a poll booth in Ghatkopar West Wednesday. The 10 seats

Wednesday where Singh said Assembly elections. in Mumbai city saw 52% turnout while Mumbai suburban’s EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Will also
“we need to focus on coopera- In Jharkhand, where the 26 seats recorded 56% until 11.30 pm. Sankhadeep Banerjee DECISION NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 reduce
tion rather than conflict”. building between the two sides JMM-led alliance is battling the 2024 ● traffic
Meeting Dong on the side- through de-escalation” — an es- BJP-led NDA bloc, the turnout WITH THE Air Quality Index
lines of the 11th ASEAN Defence timated50,000to60,000troops was 68.45 per cent. WHAT THE POLLSTERS PREDICT VOTER TURNOUT (AQI) remaining “severe” on
Ministers’ Meeting-Plus, Singh havebeendeployedoneachside The rise in voter turnout in Wednesday, the Delhi govern- VEHICULAR EMISSION,
“emphasisedandlookedforward of the LAC in eastern Ladakh. Maharashtra is being attributed Maharashtra (288) Jharkhand (81) Maharashtra ment announced work from as per several studies, is
to greater trust and confidence CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 to the fierce campaign under- Pollster Mahayuti MVA Others BJP+ JMM-INC Others 2019 2024 home for 50 per cent of its staff, among the biggest con-
takenbytherulingMahayutiand JVC 150-167 107-125 13-14 40-44 30-40 1
61.4% 65.1% and also asked the private sector tributors to Delhi’s toxic
Opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi Jharkhand(Phase2) to take similar measures. air. The aim behind the

Biren intent not good, (MVA), and could become a key

factor in a close contest. During
MyIndia - - - 17-27 49-59 0-2
The Delhi government an-
nounced that all its departments
50 per cent work from
home move is to control
theLokSabhaelections,thethree and MCD offices will work at 50 vehicular emission by
that’s why crisis: MLAs
Matrize 150-170 110-130 8-10 42-47 25-30 1-4 Turnout until 11.45 pm; Source: EC
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 per cent capacity while the re- reducing vehicular
maining staff will work from movement and traffic

who skipped NDA meet 5 cops suspended over Gahlot counters AAP: Did
stage of the Graded Response
Action Plan (GRAP) are lifted.

I-Day flag hoisting after

Addressingapressconference companiestoarrangeshuttlebus
complaints of stopping Meeting was
CM exercise
after a meeting with industry
fice timings.

voters in western UP
FOUR OF the legislators who
skipped Monday’s meeting of
to build own
image: Four
Madam Kejriwal’s nod Minister Gopal Rai said: “Private
On Tuesday, the Gurgaon ad-
ministration had issued an advi-
sory urging private firms to fol-
NDA MLAs called in Imphal by ing from home.” The Delhi gov- low50percentwork-from-home
Manipur Chief Minister N Biren MAULSHREE SETH GAYATHRI MANI P3 ernment also advised private CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Singhhavequestionedtheintent CMshouldhavecalledameeting LUCKNOW, NOVEMBER 20 NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20
behindit,dismissingitasan“im- with the Unified Command, in-
age-building exercise” at a time cludingtheDGP,SecurityAdvisor, FIVE UTTAR Pradesh policemen DAYS AFTER leaving the Aam EXPRESS NETWORK
thatthestategovernmentisbat- the CRPF and Assam Rifles IGs, were placed under suspension Aadmi Party (AAP) and joining
tling a crisis of confidence. and the Chief Secretary. What is Wednesday by the Election theBJP,Delhi’sformerHomeand THE EXPRESS
Pointing out that the stated
a meeting of MLAs supposed to
achieve in this?”
Commission following com-
plaints that they were prevent- A video grab of a policeman
Transport Minister Kailash
Gahlot said on Wednesday that
view the developing law and or- The resolution passed at the ing voters from casting votes in pointing a revolver during he agreed to hoist the national KAILASH GAHLOT CHIDAMBARAM IN PARTNERSHIP, PUSH
dersituationinthestate”,asenior meetinghad“nothingtodowith Meerapur in Muzaffarnagar, the bypoll in Meerapur, UP flag on Independence Day — in FORMER AAP MINISTER, NOW WITH BJP AIRCEL-MAXIS CASE TRADE PACT PAGE 8


● Rajnath meets China counterpart
The Defence Ministers of the the world, would have positive

say interests of some Delhi Govt switches to 50% work from home twocountries met two days after
External Affairs Minister S
implications for global peace and

getting prioritised policy until further orders.

der GRAP, making its guidelines
regarding shutting schools more
per the 4 pm bulletin of the
Central Pollution Control Board
son. A drop in temperature aids
the buildup of pollutants. The
terpart Wang Yi met on the side-
linesof theG20SummitinRiode
remain neighbours, he men-
tioned that ‘we need to focus on

ments of the Delhi government, stringent. (CPCB)onWednesday.Itwas494 maximum temperature was a Janeiro where they were accom- cooperationratherthanconflict’.”
including healthcare, sanitation, Earlier, when restrictions like on Monday and 460 on Tuesday. notch below normal at 26.8 de- panyingPrimeMinisterNarendra “Singh called for reflecting on

publictransport,fireservices,law a ban on BS III petrol and BS IV AsofWednesdaymorning,12 grees Celsius. Modi and President Xi Jinping. thelessonslearntfromtheunfor-
enforcement, power supply, wa- diesel private vehicles were in- of the 37 air quality monitoring The Westerlies (cold winds) Jaishankar and Wang dis- tunateborderclashesof2020,tak-
Share the ter treatment and emergency re- voked under GRAP-III, the Delhi stations in Delhi reported an AQI and mainly clear skies prevailing cussed the “next steps in India- ing measures to prevent recur-
● fund burden sponse operations, will continue governmentandthestategovern- of450orabove.Themostpolluted over the week have helped the China relations” including “re- rence of such events and
to operate at full capacity to en- mentsfortheNCRcities(Gurgaon, place was Wazirpur, with an AQI dropinmercurylevels.Theyhave sumption of the Kailash safeguard peace and tranquillity
DEVELOPING COUNTRIES surepublicservicesremainunaf- Faridabad,GhaziabadandNoida) of 468, followed by Ashok Vihar, also aided the transport of stub- MansarovarYatrapilgrimage,data along the India-China border. He
have been demanding fected. Nearly 80 departments could take a call on switching to with an AQI of 467, as of 10 am. bleburningparticulatematterto- sharingontrans-borderrivers,di- emphasised and looked forward
EXPRESSATCOP29 that the $100 billion fig- anddifferentagencieswithinthe online mode for primary classes. An AQI between 0 and 50 is wards Delhi. The contribution of rect flights between India and to greater trust and confidence
ure be replaced with at Delhi government, including the Now, this shift has been made considered ‘good’, 51-100 ‘satis- stubble burning to Delhi’s pollu- China and media exchanges”. building between the two sides
least $1.3 trillion every Municipal Corporation of Delhi, mandatory. Similarly, the switch factory’,101-200‘moderate’,201- tion on Tuesday was 22.1%. They also agreed on meetings throughde-escalation.Bothsides
AMITABH SINHA year. Acknowledging the employ about 1.4 lakh people. to online mode for senior classes 300 ‘poor’, 301-400 ‘very poor’, StrictrestrictionsunderGRAP- soon of Special Representatives agreed to work together towards
BAKU, NOVEMBER 20 need for mobilising finan- AccordingtotheDelhigovern- hasbeenmademandatoryunder 401-450 ‘severe’, and above 450 IV were put into effect by CAQM andof theForeignSecretary-Vice a roadmap for rebuilding mutual
cial resources in trillions ment’sStatisticalHandbook2023, the revised GRAP-IV restrictions. ‘severe plus’. on Monday, following which the Minister mechanism. trust and understanding,” the
AS THE stalemate over climate of dollars every year, the therewereover47,000privateen- Moreover, municipal bodies According to the Indian Supreme Court directed that the A month ago, India and China statement said.
finance negotiations continues developed countries are terprises in Delhi in 2018. The and public offices must also fol- InstituteofTropicalMeteorology, curbswouldremaininforceuntil reached an agreement on pa- Last week, The Indian Express
at COP29 in Azerbaijan’s Baku, a also pushing to expand handbook says that data has not low staggered work timings in air quality will remain in the “se- furtherorders.Theseincludeban- trolling arrangements in the reported from Beijing that senior
group of developing countries the contributor base, ask- been maintained since then. these cities. vere” category until Friday. ning certain construction work, Depsang Plains and Demchok, Chineseofficialssaidthatthetwo
Wednesday expressed “con- ing rich developing coun- The Commission for Air Delhi has been reeling under OnWednesday,theminimum prohibiting the entry of BS III two friction points along the LAC sides were discussing a slew of
cern” and complained that their tries, including China, to QualityManagementinNCRand severeandsevere-plusairquality temperatureintheCapitalfellbe- petrol and BS IV diesel vehicles ineasternLadakh.Theannounce- measures to bring ties back to
needs were not being given at- also share the burden of Adjoining Areas (CAQM), mean- forthepastfivedays.The24-hour low normal, to 11.2 degrees into the city, and shutting physi- ment of the agreement set the “normal” — as it was before the
tentionwhiletheinterestsof the mobilising resources. while, amended restrictions un- average AQI was 419 (severe), as Celsius, for the first time this sea- cal classes in schools. stageforameetingbetweenModi military standoff began in April-
developed countries were being and Xi on the sidelines of the May 2020 along the LAC.
sought to be protected. BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia. Thetwosideshavecompleted
Vulnerable nations are seek-
ing $1.3 trillion for climate fi-
“$200 billion? Is it a joke?” he
said. “We are unable to fathom
● Biren intent not good, that is why crisis: MLAs who skipped NDA meet OnWednesday,followingthe
meeting between Singh and
the process of disengagement in
nance, including building out how this much is being consid- law and order”, the senior BJP what was the purpose of this?” Of this, one contained the they were not present. Dong, the Ministry of Defence, in and Indian troops have resumed
theirownclean-energysystems. ered to step up ambition of cli- MLAadded.“Theonlyfocusneeds The Speaker, Th Satyabrata namesofsevenMLAswhotheno- One of these MLAs said: astatement,said,“RakshaMantri patrolling. It’s the first of a three-
SpeakingonbehalfoftheLike mate action in developing coun- tobeonbringingbackpeace,and Singh, incidentally was among tification said had informed “WhenIreceivedthenotification highlightedthefactthatamicable stepprocess:disengagement,de-
Minded Developing Countries tries. We cannot accept this,” he this had nothing to do with that.” those who did not attend the through “formal application” or regarding the meeting on relations between India and escalation and de-induction of
(LMDCs), a group that also in- said. Adonia Ayebare of Uganda, The resolution sought “mass meeting,thoughhereportedlyin- on “medical grounds” that they November17,Iverballyconveyed China, the two largest nations in troops.
cludes India and China, Bolivian thechairpersonof theG77group operationsagainstKukimilitants formed about it in advance. would not be able to attend the that I will be there. However, be-
negotiator Diego Pacheco com- of developing countries, said it responsiblefor”theNovember11 Yet another BJP MLA who meeting. This list had three BJP causeofpersonalproblems,Iwas
cussions and the negotiating
should be clear to everyone that
women and children from
stayed away questioned the idea
MLAs, including the Manipur
Speaker, plus a legislator each of
not able to attend.” The MLA
could not say how his signature
● Gahlot counters AAP
process. doing charity by mobilising cli- Jiribam.ItalsourgedtheCentreto who were not present at the theNagaPeople’sFront(NPF)and figuredinthelistofthosepresent. the absence of then CM Arvind AAP's primary membership and
“Inthisweek,negotiationson mate finance. “reviewtheimpositionofAFSPA” meeting,andspecifyingwhohad the JD(U), and two MLAs belong- A source close to the Chief Kejriwal — only after “Madam his ministerial berth on Sunday,
adaptation have been totally “It is the legal obligation of in six police stations areas of the donesoafterinformingandthose ing to the National People’s Party Minister’sOfficedownplayedthis, Kejriwal” gave her permission. saying “political ambitions have
deadlocked,nonegotiationshave developed countries to provide valley,addingthatifthedemands who had not. “His (Biren Singh’s) (NPP). Earlier this week, the NPP pointing out that the MLAs had In an interview to The Indian overtaken our (AAP’s) commit-
beenconvenedonJustTransition, finance to the developing coun- were “not implemented within position is insecure, and this announced withdrawal of sup- notcontested“theuseoftheirsig- Express,Gahlotsaidhehadinitially ment towards people”.
and there are steadily receding tries,” he said. thespecifiedperiod,theNDAleg- showsit.Sharingthemeetingres- port to the BJP government in natures”.Thesourceadded:“Even “said no” despite Lt Governor Inhisresignationletter,Gahlot
hopes of getting an ambitious The Bolivian negotiator said islators will decide the future olutionisonething.Buttowhom Manipur. if,say,theChief Secretaryisoutof Vinai Kumar Saxena picking him had also mentioned the contro-
NCQG (New Cumulative Quant- the developed country parties course of action in consultation is he explaining that who came, The other list was of 11 MLAs station, a scanned copy of his sig- tohoisttheflag.“Ihadalreadysaid versy over the renovation of
itativeGoalonclimatefinance).It weretryingtoshifttheirownre- with the people”. who was absent, who took leave, who reportedly skipped the nature is used with his consent.” notohoistingtheflag...Iaccepted ‘Sheesh Mahal’, the residence of
is only about mitigation, mitiga- sponsibilityontothedeveloping AnotherBJPMLAwhodidnot as if we are schoolchildren.” meetingwithoutanyreason,and Monday’s meeting was seen only when Madam Kejriwal KejriwalwhenhewasCM.Asked
tion and more mitigation. This is countries,whichwasinviolation attendthemeetinghitoutatBiren He also questioned the claim to whom the government claims as a show of strength by Biren (Sunita Kejriwal) approved... I about this, he told The Indian
theonlythingthatisbeingtreated of the Paris Agreement and not Singh,saying:“Hisintentionisnot thatnoticeshadbeenissuedtothe it has issued notices. They are all Singh, a day after the NPP said it spoke to her and told her about Express: “He (Kejriwal) is not just
with a lot of care. It is clear the in- acceptable. “We are not here to good.That’swhythecrisisiscon- legislators who remained absent MLAs belonging to the Meitei- was withdrawing support to his this… and said ‘you talk to Sir anyotherCMandtheAAPwasnot
terestsof somearegettingpriori- renegotiatetheParisAgreement. tinuing. It can only be solved withoutinforming,sayinghehad dominated valley areas of government over “failure” to re- (ArvindKejriwal)aboutthis'...She formed like any other party... Jo
tised, and quite unfortunate that ThediscussionsonNCQGcannot through conversation between not received the same. “The Manipur, including nine legisla- solvetheManipurcrisis.Counting said there is no problem, if he (L- taakat unki WagonR mai chalne
the foremost need of developing be used to change the Paris bothsides.”TheMLAadded:“We claim… is some kind of threat to tors of the BJP (one of them min- the NPP, 45 NDA MLAs were ex- G) has picked you, then you maithi,aurjounkitaakatunkisim-
countries on adaptation is not Agreement. That is a super red have attended many such meet- dissidentswithinwhohavebeen ister Yumnam Khemchand), one pected to attend – 30 of the BJP, should do it... She said there was plicity thi, wahi toh laakhon crore
even being considered,” Pacheco line for us,” he said. ings called by the CM since the saying we need a Chief Minister Independent and one from the five of the NPF, one of the JD(U), nodifferencebetweenmeandher logonkokheechkarlaayisaathmai
said Wednesday. None of the developed coun- start of the conflict… We are of Manipur, not of Meiteis.” NPP. two Independents backing the (Atishi),” he said. (the strength of him moving
With time running down as trieshaveofferedanyfigureforthe called, sit together, photos are Soon after the meeting con- The four who spoke to The NDA and seven NPP MLAs. On August15,Kejriwalwasin around in his WagonR, his sim-
the conference is scheduled to quantumoffinancethatwouldbe taken,signaturesarecollectedand cluded Monday, a handout was Indian Express and who said they TheBJPhassevenmoreMLAs, jail in connection with the Delhi plicity was what drew lakhs and
end Friday and after two days of mobilised in the post-2025 pe- thephotosaretakento Delhi. But releasedcontainingtheresolution had not received any notices be- buttheyareKuki-Zomisandhave excise policy case. He had con- croresofpeople)...Butwhatweare
ministerial consultations, the riod.The$200-$300billionfigure, we are never asked for proposals passed at the meeting as well as long to this list of 11. not been coming for meetings veyed that current CM and then seeing today in the papers, is it
Bolivian negotiator called re- reportedinasectionofmedia,has or suggestions. That is why we the names and signatures of 26 Therearealsoquestionsabout with Biren Singh. While just 26 minister Atishi should hoist the matching with that? Kejriwal is
ports that the European Union been widely circulated here. The didn’tattend.IftheSpeakerasthe MLAs—notincludingBirenSingh whether 26 MLAs attended the turnedup,countingtheeightwho nationalflaginhisabsence.TheL- not an aam aadmi anymore.”
was preparing to propose about main task before COP29 is to fi- Leader of the House calls a meet- — who purportedly attended the meeting,asclaimedbythelistput reportedly gave reasons to stay G, however, had nominated Asked to name his closest
$200-$300 billion as the NCQG nalise a finance agreement that ing of the legislators, we will go. meeting.Twoadditionallistscon- out with their names and signa- away,theBirenSinghgovernment Gahlot,citinghisroleastheDelhi friend in the AAP, Gahlot said:
amount “unacceptable” to the willscaleupfinancialflowstoen- Just the previous day, a Cabinet tainedthenamesof18MLAswho tures.Theofficesof atleasttwoof hasamajorityinthe60-member Home Minister. “Arvind Kejriwal... everyone
developing country groups. able greater climate action. meetinghadbeenheld.Afterthat, were not present at the meeting. the26toldTheIndianExpressthat Assembly. Gahlot resigned from the knows, it is not a secret.”

Sambhal on edge after ‘hurried’ survey ● 5 cops suspended over complaints of stopping voters in western UP
Sisamau in Kanpur and Muzaffarnagar and one in to “collect videos of allsuch peo- fake voting, which should be

of Shahi Jama Masjid on court’s order Moradabadduringthebypollsfor

nine Assembly seats in the state.
Moradabad. Instructions have
been given that IDs of all voters
will be checked, but only by
ple preventing them from vot-
ing. Find out the names and des-
ignations of the police and
Reacting to the survey of the ruling BJP of misusing govern- polling officers inside the polling administration people involved wayinwhichtheelectionisbeing
AMIT SHARMA Jama Masjid, Samajwadi party ment machinery to prevent SP station. Police officials deployed in creating obstructions”. He influenced by hooligans is before
MEERUT, NOVEMBER 20 MP from Sambhal Zia-Ur- supporters,especially“burqa-clad outside the polling station for se- warnedthatsuchofficialswould us… wearing burqa… indulging
Rehman Birk said: “The out- women”, from casting votes. The curity and law and order will not be taken to court and “they will in fake voting. They (SP) are de-
SAMBHAL DISTRICT in Uttar siders have tried to disturb the BJPhitback,sayingtheburqawas check any ID. In case any such in- lose their jobs, PF, pension and manding that police should not
Pradesh was on edge communal harmony of the dis- being used for “fake voting”. cident is found or any complaint respect”. check them, but it is required for
Wednesday, a day after officials trictbymovingapetitionof such SPchiefAkhileshYadavposted comes, then action will be taken The BJP wrote to the Election a transparent election.
carried out a survey of the Shahi a nature in the court. The avideoofapoliceofficer pointing against them. The Election Commission alleging that many Goondaism,anarchy,fakeidentity
JamaMasjidinChandausiwithin Supreme Court has already said arevolver,allegedlyatvotersinthe Commission has taken these “outsiders” living in “madarsas and fake voting have become the
hours of a local court ordering it. that as per the Worship Act of MeerapurAssemblyconstituency complaints seriously.” and masjids” were indulging in trademarkofthoseinredcaps(re-
A local temple priest had 1991, all religious places that of Muzaffarnagar. He claimed it Earlier, Akhilesh Yadav said, “fake voting” in Sisamau, ferring to the SP).”
moved an application at a local The 16th-century Shahi Jama Masjid in Sambhal. File wereinexistencein1947willre- was that of the Station House “TheBJPismisusingtheadminis- Meerapur and Kundarki. ThenineUPseatswerebypolls
court on Tuesday 1.30 pm, seek- mainattheirplaces.JamaMasjid Officer of the Kakrauli police sta- tration,fearingitsdefeat.Itisput- Regarding the seats of were held are Meerapur in
ingasurveyof themosque.Inhis in Sambhal is a historical place tion in Meerapur and demanded ting pressure on the administra- Meerapur in Muzaffarnagar and Muzaffarnagar, Kundarki in
application,RishiRajGiri,thema- managing committee of the ments if a second survey is con- whereMuslimshavebeenoffer- the immediate suspension of the tion to prevent Samajwadi Party Kundarki in Moradabad, which Moradabad, Ghaziabad, Khair
hant of Kalka Devi temple in Jama Masjid, the petitioner, and ducted at the site before ing prayers for the last several officer for “threatening voters”. voters from casting their votes.” have a sizeable minority popula- (SC),KarhalinMainpuri,Sisamau
Chandausi,claimedthatatemple local officials reached the November29,thenextdateofthe centuries. We have the right to Earlier in the day, there was He told voters that if they are tion, the state BJP wrote to the in Kanpur, Phulpur in Prayagraj,
existed at the site of the mosque mosque to carry out the survey. hearinginthecase,”saidPensiya. movetheHighCourtif wedonot stone pelting in the Meerapur stopped once, they should try a Election Commission saying Katehari in Ambedkarnagar and
earlier and alleged that Muslim As words spread, hundreds “We are in touch with local get a satisfactory order from the constituency. second and third time until they “polling officers are allowing Majhawan in Mirzapur district –
rulers demolished it to build the of people belonging to the Muslim leaders and clerics, and local court.” UP Chief Election Officer areallowedtovote.Hereminded women in veils to vote without sitting members of these seats
Shahi Jama Masjid in 1526. Muslimcommunityreachedthe they have all agreed that com- The lawyer for the Jama Navdeep Rinwa said, “Five police them that police cannot check cross-checking their identity be- barring Sisamau were elected to
After hearing the arguments mosque. Apprehending trouble, munal harmony of the district Masjid, Zafar Ali, said the survey officials have been suspended – their IDs. cause of which many men, dis- the Lok Sabha, so they vacated
for the next three hours, the the place was soon fortified into will not be disturbed. I have di- wasconductedveryhurriedlyde- two in Kanpur, two in He also asked his supporters guised in burqa, are indulging in their Assembly seats.
court of Civil Judge (Senior ahigh-security zonewithalarge rected that those found spread- spite the fact that the court or-
Division) Aditya Singh directed presence of police personnel. ing rumorsthrough social media deredsubmissionofthereportby
Advocate Commissioner
Ramesh Chand Raghav to carry
platforms or in any way will face
legal action,” the DM added.
● Maharashtra vote highest in 30 yrs registered54.49percentvoting.
Incidents of violence also
vided on the outcome in
out an initial survey of the Superintendentof PoliceKrishna “Elaborate arrangements Court, if need so,” said Ali. partiesintheMahayuti—BJP,Shiv emergeasthelargestpartyinthe marred polling. In Nashik’s Jharkhand,where41isthemajor-
mosquesitetoseeif atempleex- Kumar were seen asking Muslim havebeenmade toensurepeace Meanwhile, Giri, the mahant Sena and NCP — polled an aggre- state. The formation of a Maha Nandgaon Assembly, there was a ity number in the House of 81
isted there and sought the sur- clericstourgepeopletostaycalm in the district. A large number of of Kalki Devi Temple, claimed gateof42.71percentvotes,while Vikas Aghadi government in the tense faceoff between Shiv Sena seats.
vey report by November 29. and peaceful. “The initial survey policemen have been deployed that he has evidence to show thethreekeypartnersintheMaha state is certain,” Patole said. MLA and candidate Suhas Kande Some predicted the return of
By 6.15 pm Tuesday, the ad- was conducted at Shahi Jama around the mosque to prevent that Harihar temple was demol- Vikas Aghadi — Congress, Shiv Provisionalnumbersreleased and independent candidate theJMM-Congressalliancewhile
vocatecommissionerandateam Masjid per the court directives. the possibility of any trouble,” ished to build Jama Masjid in Sena UBT and NCP SP — together by the Election Commission of Sameer Bhujbal. In Beed’s Parli others pointed to a NDA victory.
comprising members of the We are ready with our arrange- said police chief Kumar. 1526. polled 43.91 per cent votes. India (ECI) show that rural voters Assemblyseat,workersoftheNCP Times Now reported seven polls,
The jump in voter turnout by came out in large numbers com- (SP) and the NCP came to blows. out of which six showed the
atleast3.5percentcouldemerge pared to the urban voters. The Therewerealsocomplaintsabout Mahayutiallianceleadingorwin-
Order to shut 18 ‘unprofitable’ as a major factor in deciding who
wins the election. As against 8.85
registered in Kolhapur district of
malfunctioningof CCTVcameras
at several polling stations and re-
ning Maharashtra.
Pradeep Gupta of Axis My
hotels: HPTDC to file plea in HC croreregisteredvotersin2019,the
number of registered voters is up
western Maharashtra where it
was 76.25 per cent. Mumbai city
ports of intimidation and force
used by some workers in the
India said he would release the
Maharashtra exit poll on
check these hotels minutely. I by 9.5 per cent to 9.69 crore. So a recordedthelowestvoterturnout Ghatnandur area. Some EVMs November 21, the same date
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE personally visited some of these higher voter turnout on an in- of 52.07 per cent. were damaged, and voting at when CVoter is also planning to
SHIMLA, NOVEMBER 20 and the hotels have a lot of po- creasedvotebaseissettobecome For a constituency, Karvir three polling stations was halted release its exit poll findings.
tential,” he said. akeyfactorintheresults tobean- AssemblyseatinKolhapurdistrict for over an hour. Exit polls had gone wrong in
THEHIMACHALPradeshTourism The order, issued by Justice nounced Saturday. recorded the highest voting per- Thetotalnumberofelectorsin theLokSabhaelectionsandmore
Development Corporation Ajay Mohan Goel on Tuesday, Claiming that the increased centageof84.79percent.Thecon- Maharashtra is around 9.7 crore, recentlyintheHaryanaAssembly
(HPTDC)onWednesdaydecided cameduringthehearingofapeti- turnout would help the ruling testinKarvirisbetweenCongress of which 5 crore are male, 4.69 polls. Last month, Chief Election
to file a review petition in the tionconcerningthenon-payment Mahayuti, Deputy Chief Minister candidate Rahul Patil, son of late crore female and 6,101 others. Commissioner Rajiv Kumar, on
Himachal Pradesh High Court offinancialbenefitstoretiredem- Devendra Fadnavis said, MLA P N Patil, against Shinde According to ECI data, 4,136 can- being asked about exit polls dur-
against its order to close 18 gov- ployees of the corporation. “Wheneverthereisanincreasein Sena’s Chandradip Narke. South didates are in the fray for the ing a press conference, said the
ernment-run hotels. The court instructed the turnout, the BJP gains politically. Mumbai’s Colaba constituency Assemblypolls,ofwhich3,771are matter was out of the purview of
Referring to government-run HPTDC MD to comply with the It is evident that the polling per- witnessed the lowest voter male candidates, 363 female and the poll panel, but those respon-
hotelsoperatingatalossas“white closure orders by November 25, centage in Assembly elections turnout at 44.49 per cent. Rahul two others. Of the total 100,186 sible should introspect and self-
elephants”, the HC had on setting the next hearing date for haveincreasedascomparedtothe NarvekarofBJPiscontestingthere pollingstations,42,604areurban regulate.
Tuesday directed HPTDC to close December 3. The court noted last elections. This will help both against Hira Dewasi of Congress. while 57,582 are rural. “A big distortion is being cre-
18 of its 56 hotels immediately. thathotelswithlessthan50%oc- the BJP and Mahayuti.” In the high-profile Baramati Meanwhile, exit polls carried ated due to exit polls and the ex-
HPTDC MD Rajiv Kumar on We- cupancy were a “burden on the But state Congress chief Nana Assemblyseat,whereDeputyCM by TV channels after voting in pectations they set… There are
dnesdaysaidthatthesehotelsare state”andcriticisedthecorpora- Patole said the MVA looked set to AjitPawaristakingonhisnephew Maharashtra and Jharkhand — bodies which govern this… The
heritageof thestategovernment. tion for failing to utilise its prop- wintheelection.“IntheAssembly andNCP(SP)candidateYugendra somechannelsTheIndianExpress time has come for these associa-
“We will file a review petition in erties profitably. elections, there is significant en- Pawar, the turnout was 71.03 per spoke to said they had not com- tions... which govern to do some
the matter in the high court.” Meanwhile, a senior HPTDC thusiasm among the people, and cent,morethanthe68.82percent missioned the polls — gave the self-regulation,” he said, adding
State revenue minister Jagat officersaid,“...Touristsnowadays the self-respecting citizens of in 2019. CM Eknath Shinde’s ruling Mahayuti in Maharashtra thatthesamplesizeandmethods
SinghNegiaddedthatthatsome have a lot of options. We can’t Maharashtra will elect a govern- Kopri-Pachpakhadi registered anedgeinthecontestagainstthe of the exit polls are not known,
of these hotels are located in consider just the less occupancy ment that prioritises the state’s 59.85 per cent as per provisional Maha Vikas Aghadi. In the 288- and there is a build-up of expec-
prime locations. “Those are our to determine the significance of welfare. Considering the public’s data until 11.45 pm. Deputy CM seatHouse,thealliancewhichcan tation from the close of polls till
heritage and there is a need to these government-run hotels.” response,theCongresspartywill Fadnavis’sNagpurSouthWestseat manage145willformthegovern- the time of counting.
crushed to
death under ‘Kejriwal not an aam aadmi anymore’
garbage AfterresigningfromAAPandjoin-
professions and businesses...

KAILASH GAHLOT speaks to AreyousayingBJPplayssuch

truck, driver GAYATHRI MANI about the chal-
kindof politics?
No. I am not saying they do it
arrested withtheLieutenantGovernor,and
why he thinks AAP national con-
or not... I am just saying... in any
vener Arvind Kejriwal has ofpressuresandchallenges...Itde-
changed as a person. pends on you, how you take it.
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 WhydidyouleaveAAP? YouhavecriticisedBJPearlier
AsImentionedinmyresigna- asanAAPleader.Howareyou
A 46-YEAR-OLD woman was tion letter, I left AAP were due to goingtofacethepeoplenow?
crushed to death under the my disillusionment with the Ididnotstealanything...So,we
wheels of a garbage truck, after party's core values, its failure to will face the people boldly... Now,
thelatterhitthetwo-wheelershe fulfill the promises it made to the I am in BJP, I will work hard to
was travelling on, Wednesday, people,andlackofactiontakento make the party strong and form
police said, adding that the truck addressthosepromises.AsIhave BJP government in Delhi... that is
driver has been arrested. been saying, the principles and the goal now. Whichever party
Police said Haridevi was
heading towards Nangloi with
values for which we joined the
party have begun to get eroded. BJP leader Kailash Gahlot in New Delhi on Wednesday. Praveen Khanna
estyandloyalty...Thisiswhatour Teenager beaten to death
her husband Shyam Charan
(49), when the incident took
place on the Ring Road stretch,
These issues gradually built up
ment came to say goodbye. usedbyBJPto againstRaj Gahlot or L-G Sahab... It was
dharma says.

in Anand Vihar after row
near the World Trade Centre in describetheCM's Niwas.Why? Kejriwal'svision.Dealwouldhave yourticketforupcomingDelhi gotintoanaltercationwithaboy.
Narouji Nagar. WhyBJP? officialresidence. BecauseIdon't been struck if I pushed BJP's pollsduetoanti-incumbency? HIMANSHU HARSH “As the matter escalated, the
TheSafdarjungEnclavepolice There is nothing to say... My Whatwrongshave believe in that agenda as a minister of AAP. Allthesethingskeephappen- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 accused picked up a wooden
station received a PCR call about public life is like an open book... beendoneinthe kind of politics. I ing... There were several whose stickandallegedlystruckthevic-
theaccidentaround3.15pm.“On there is nothing to hide... One can renovationand
THE EXPRESS believe in con- Thingsalsoseemedtochange margin was lower than me... It is A15-YEAR-OLDboywaskilledin tim several times on the head
reaching the spot, a woman, rid-
ing pillion on a bike, was found
ask, 'why did you join AAP first
constructionof the
house? INTERVIEW structive politics.
We are here to
very hypothetical... such a stage
Anand Vihar Tuesday, allegedly
after being attacked by another
from behind,” the DCP said.
The victim fell to the ground
injured. Her husband, who was things like what is happening in 'Sheesh Mahal' is work for the peo- NationalFlagonAugust15. It's unpredictable and no one teenager with a wooden stick. and the attacker fled the scene,
drivingthetwo-wheeler,wasun- thecountry,whichpartyiswork- used by everyone now... Nobody pleorholdpressconferencesday No,theCM(Kejriwal,whowas knowswhowillbegivenaticket... Deputy Commissioner of the cousin told police, adding
hurt. The woman was rushed to ingintherightdirection...Youstart calls it the former CM's residence and night... A minister or CM is theninjail)gavehisconsent...Ihad Police (Shahdara) Prashant that the victim was rushed to
AIIMSbysub-inspectorVishalin feelingitandthenyoutakeacall... or 6, Flag Staff Road bungalow... holdingthreepressconferencesa already said 'no' to hoisting the AsaBJPleader,whyhasthe Gautam said they recorded the Hedgewar Hospital.
a PCR van, where she was de- ArvindKejriwalhasadifferentper- day. Where is the time for flag... I accepted only when partystruggledinDelhi? statement of the victim’s cousin, Police said the doctors
clared dead on arrival,” DCP Whendidyoulastmeet sonalityIthink...Heisnotlikeany governance? Madam (Sunita) Kejriwal ap- The upcoming polls are going also a minor, who was with him declaredthe15-year-olddeadon
(Southwest) Surender Kejriwal?Didyoutellhim otherCMandAAPwasnotformed proved... I told her, 'you talk to sir to be good for BJP... Time will tell. at the time. arrival.
Chaudhary said. aboutyourdecisionbefore likeanyotherparty...Thesearethe YouandL-Gwereseen about this'... She said, 'there is no Peoplevoteforthepartytheylike... Accordingtothechild,he,the “An investigation is under-
The driver of the garbage youquit? core values I am talking about... Jo togetheratevents...Ithasbeen problem, if he (L-G) has picked victim and a friend were walk- way and efforts are being made
truck, which was from the Heisaveryintelligentman,he taakatunkiWagonRkechalnemai saidinAAPthatyouhadadeal you, then you should do it'... She WillyoubeBJP’sCMfaceor ing to a temple “to eat at a bhan- to nab the suspect,” said DCP
Subhash Nagar Depot, fled the knowseverything.It'snotimpor- thiaurjounkitaakatunkisimplicity andhewasyourpointperson? said there is no difference be- contest fromNajafgarh? dara” around 1 pm when they Gautam.
scene, police said. “The driver, tant to meet, you just have to talk thi, wahin toh laakhon crore logon What kind of a deal... The tween me and her (Atishi, who It’suptotheparty...Also,Idon't
later identified as Jaan and discuss... I have conveyed ko keech kar laayi saath mai (The speech I gave at Independence was chosen by Kejriwal to hoist thinkBJPannouncesanyCMface...
Mohammad, 34, a resident of everything through my letter... force that his driving a WagonR Day,whomdidIpraise,whomdid the flag)...
Sultanpuri, has been arrested,” Even if I had had a verbal conver- andthatof his simplicityhadwas Isayisamodernfreedomfighter? Who was your closest friend
DCP Chaudhary said. sation with him, the reasons (for whathadbroughtlakhsandcrores L-G or Arvind Kejriwal? Whom AAPsaidyouresignedasyou in the AAP?
The truck hit the bike from quitting) would have been same. of people together with him). But didIcallthefatherof moderned- wereunderpressurefromCBI Arvind Kejriwal, everyone
behind, leading to the deceased what we are seeing today in the ucation? L-G? No, but Manish andED?Whatcasesareyou knows,it'snotasecret.Ihavegood
coming under the truck, police Youhighlightedthreethings– newspapers, is it matching with Sisodia. My entire speech was werefacing? regardsforhimeventoday...Idon't
said. SheeshMahal,Yamuna that... So, Kejriwal is not an aam dedicated to Arvind Kejriwal... I don't know what cases are believe in that kind of politics
The couple, who lives in cleaningandAAPmoving aadmianymore. Evenif IhadadealwiththeL- pending against me... you should where you say bad things about
Gandhi Camp, has five children awayfromitscorevalue.These G, whose work I was doing? ask them. them because you left the party...
-- two daughters and three sons. thingsarenotnew.People Howwasyourequationwith Whose policies and visions was I I am not that kind of person... I
Speaking to the media, haveresignedearlierciting CMAtishi?Wereyoualso taking forward? L-G or Arvind DoesBJPputpressureon never cursed anyone in the party
Charan said, “If the truck driver similarreasons.Whynow? consideredfortheCMpost? Kejriwal?... politiciansusingEDandCBI? in the last 10 years.
had stopped at the right time, Suchabigdecisionisnottaken Bahut badhiya hai... I have no Premiumbuspolicywasvery I think these are very subjec-
she (his wife) wouldbe standing overnight. It takes time and a lot idea (if I was considered). close to Arvind Kejriwal's heart tivethings...Maybeyoucantoler- Inthelastfiveyears,Delhihas
among us.” of courage... You joined the party since 2015. The first notification atethis muchpressure.But if you notseenanymajorworkor
Police have registered an FIR sincetheAnnaAndolandays...So, Whileyourcolleagueslike wasquashedontheorderofthen ask a weak person to lift a 100-kg policyimplementation?Why?
undersections281(rashdriving) it is not like you just woke up one AtishiandSaurabhBharadwaj L-G. Then there was tussle with weight and run, he might col- You should ask the person
and 106 (culpable homicide) of day and decided. wereholdingpress thebureaucratstotakeitforward... lapse...Butastrongwrestlermight who presented the Budget.
Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita at the conferencesagainstL-G,you But I took the policy forward... It run...So,whypoliticsalone...pres- FULL INTERVIEW ON
Safdurjung police station. SheeshMahalarewordsoften neversaidanythingopenly was not the vision of Kailash sure is there everywhere... in all

Severe Very Poor Severe Severe
434 355 406 412 morning.Mainlyclearsky.
AQI AQI AQI AQI Smog/shallowfoglikelyatnight
0 PM 2.5 500 0 PM 10 500 0 PM 2.5 500 0 PM 2.5 500
At 7 pm MAX: 26 MIN: 11
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe 1.8°C belownormal 1.3°C below normal

OF RS 42.69 CRORE, DELHI HAS ONLY UTILISED 32% OF FUNDS Stop online sale of
Clean air fund spending low in Delhi, govt crackers: Delhi Police
to e-commerce sites
points to absence of key municipal panel
40% of funds, Ghaziabad has

NINE DAYS after the Supreme

of firecracker sale and delivery.
■ Sensitise their delivery
channel partners that no con-
signments containing firecrack-

Status of NCAP in Delhi-NCR cities

utilised 80%. (see box). However, court reprimanded the Delhi ers are to be accepted, trans-
it still has to reduce PM 10 levels Police for not overseeing the ef- ported, or delivered within the
by 57%. Noida recorded the least fective implementation of fire- NCT of Delhi.
DEATH BY NCAP fund utilisation at 11%. cracker ban in Delhi, the Crime “E-commerceand socialme-
BREATH Delhiusedfundsfordustmit- DELHI Branch Monday wrote to social dia platforms have been asked
igationbutmachineprocurement media and e-commerce plat- for a written confirmation re-
has not been completed yet. Source apportionment formsseekinganimmediatestop gardingcomplianceof thedirec-
study completed?

“Out of the Rs 42.69 crore al- to online sale of firecrackers. tions,” Special Commissioner of
SOPHIYA MATHEW located to Delhi under NCAP, Rs Policesaidanemailinthisre- Police (Crime Branch) Devesh
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 13.54 crore has been utilised by PM10 SOURCES gard was sent to social media Chandra Srivastava said.
the MCD and NDMC, reflecting Road dust, and e-commerce platforms that OnOctober14,theDelhigov-
DELHI RECORDED its worst air an overall utilisation rate of construction, 30.6 % offer online sale of firecrackers ernment had issued an order
qualityinfiveyearsonMonday— 31.72%. This lower percentage is resuspended within the National Capital banning the manufacture, sale,
an AQI of 494 — on par with the primarily due to delays in form- road dust: Territory (NCT) of Delhi. storage and bursting of all cate-
city’s worst polluted day in 2019. ing a standing committee in the Transport 6.42% They were asked to comply gories of firecrackers in the NCT
The same year, the Environment MCD. Once established, this Coal and flyash 37% with four set of directions: of Delhi from October 14, 2024,
Ministry launched the National committee is expected to accel- ■ Not list firecrackers and to to January 1, 2025.
Biomass and 14.5%
Clean Air Programme (NCAP) erate fund utilisation for various disable the service for cus- On November 11, the
waste burning
which aimed to cut particulate planned activities such as end- tomers. Supreme Court had pulled up
matter pollution (PM 10) by 40%
from the base year 2017 or to
to-endpavementof roads,green-
ing of traffic corridors, projects, 32% Funds utilised ■ To activate location-based
restrictions to prevent any sale
the Delhi Police for failing to im-
plement the cracker ban com-
meet the National Ambient Air and dust-control measures etc. `13.56 crore utilised out of and/or delivery of firecrackers. pletely in Delhi, calling its efforts
Quality Standards. underNCAP,”saidtheDelhigov- `42.69 crore released ■ Publish a notice informing a mere “eyewash”.
The initial deadline to meet ernment in its response.
Does it have a clean
the target was 2024, which was The 19 cities identified by
air action plan?

then revised to 2025-26. NCAP are non-attainment cities,
With air quality consistently selected after failing to meet na- An anti-smog gun in action in Delhi. Praveen Khanna
inthe‘severe’or‘severeplus’range tional air quality standards con- MEASURES TAKEN/
over the past five days, the per- secutively forfive yearsbetween IN PROGRESS
formanceof Delhi-NCRcities un-
2011 and 2015. Out of these,
eight cities — including Noida
■ Water sprinklers/ IMPROVEMENT IN PM10 Delhi 194
NCAPfundexpenditure,however, and Faridabad — are yet to com-
anti-smog guns: 28 CONCENTRATIONS 172
shows that Delhi is in the bottom plete source apportionment PROCUREMENT IN ■2023-24(µg/m3)CurrentYear Noida 25%
five among 19 cities — 68% of its studies to assess the contribu- averagePM10concentration
Rs42.69crorefundslieunutilised. tionof variouspollutionsources. ■ Mechanical road Ghaziabad 163
■2017-18(µg/m3)BaseYear 43%
AccordingtotheDelhigovern- However,utilisingthefundat sweepers:14 averagePM10concentration 285
ment,thisisduetodelaysinform- higher levels does not mean ma- ■ Pothole repair 174
■ImprovementinPM10 Faridabad 24%
ing a standing committee in the joremissionsources—industrial machines: 2 concentrationsw.r.tbaseyear 229
MCD— thefinancialbackboneof andvehicularpollution—remain
thecivicbodywhichapprovesall controlled. Among the concerns
proposals over Rs 5 crore.
A recent submission by the
pointed out by a Centre for
Science and Environment (CSE)
NOIDA Brick kilns 0% GHAZIABAD 89% Funds utilised On October 14, the Delhi government had issued an order
banning all categories of firecrackers till January 1. Archive
Power plant 0% `136.71 crore utilised out of
Centre to the National Green report this year was that PM 10- Source apportionment Source apportionment
Tribunal showed that Delhi has basedperformance-linkedfund- study completed?
✘ Unauthorized industries 0% study completed?
✔ `153.42 crore
barelyreachedthehalfwaymark ing has locked in more resources (in progress) Open area 0% Does it have a clean
while NCR cities of Faridabad fordustcontrolwhilemajorcom- Hot mix plants 0% PM10 SOURCES air action plan?
and Noida too lag in meeting the bustion resources like industries PM10 SOURCES
Mixed combustion 23.6%
targets. Unlike these cities, andvehicularpollutiongetcom- Construction, 6.6% Does it have a clean

MEASURES TAKEN/ violations related to construction
which have utilised less than paratively less funds. Demolition air action plan? Resuspended Dust I 24.4% and demolition activities Total Fine
Resuspended Dust II 24.8% imposed
Hotels, restaurants
MSW burning
11% Funds utilised Secondaryformation 11.9%
■ End-to-end paving of
roads, greening corridors
■ M3M Golf Hills in Sector
79 fined ` 50 lakh
Plant fined `65lakh
`3.4 crore utilised out of
Road dust 62.2% `30.89 crore Vehicular 6.9% ■ Regular collection, ■ Ultratech RMC Plant in ` 1 lakh
segregation and scientific Naurangpur village fined ■ Emaar Palm Hills in
Domestic 1.9% MEASURES TAKEN/ Copper smelter 4.7%
disposal of waste ` 5 lakh Sector 77 fined ` 1 lakh
Industries 1% Brick processing 3.5%
IN PROGRESS ■ Immediate lifting of ■ SBJ RMC plant in Sector ■ Ashiana County Group
Industrial DG sets 0.1% Mixed metal 0.9% solid waste from desilting 79 fined ` 2 lakh fined ` 50,000
■ 4 Mechanical Road
Hospitals 0% Sweepers processing and municipal drains
Vehicular 25.6% `2 lakh: Vipul Lavanya Society in Sector 81 fined for
Delhi’s AQI on Wednesday was 419. Praveen Khanna ■ 10 water sprinklers Source: Environment Ministry
violation related to sewage treatment plant

Fixing air crisis: Stop burning waste, repair broken ‘Sending families back to protect
roads, say MPs, MLAs from city’s pollution hotspots them’: Japanese, Korean expats
in Gurgaon flag pollution woes
HIMANSHU HARSH Anand Dust is the “The problem needs urgent
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 Jahangirpuri Vihar records biggestculprit. AISWARYA RAJ attention because every year,
Narela 447 the worst AQI Ideally, every GURGAON, NOVEMBER 20 peopleare sufferingbutthe gov-
THEDELHIgovernmenthadiden- 424 year after year. year, all dust ernmenthasnotdoneanything,”
tified 13 pollution hotspots in its Wazirpur Most of the pollution hot- “THIS TIME especially, it doesn’t he added.
Winter Action Plan and created Bawana Rohini 447 pollution is re- spots should look good, does it?” says Kenji Hailing from Tokyo, Miyao
specific action points to reduce 442 429 Ashok Vihar ported from be identified Hirose (57), the head chef of a hasbeenworkinginGurgaonfor
AQIintheseareas.Overtheyears, 434 theISBT—bothbecauseof illegal by September and water sprin- restaurant in Gurgaon’s South six years. The pollution in NCR
littlehaschangedandtheseareas Punjabi Bagh buses from both Delhi and UP klersmust be deployed. Thelack Point Mall on Wednesday. The has made it to conversations
still remain among the most pol- Mundka and the mini-city of illegal en- of adequate public transporta- Japanese national was referring back home. “They (my family)
421 Vivek Vihar
lutedinthecity.TheIndianExpress 431 croachments along the ISBT tion,especiallylast-mileconnec- to the hazardous air quality lev- areworriedaboutme.Theyhave
asks lawmakers — both MPs and causing congestion. Why are il- tivity, is a major problem. The els in the Millennium City and Kenji Hirose, head chef of a decided not to come here be-
R K Puram Anand Vihar
MLAs who represent these areas legal private buses allowed to Delhigovernmentnotonlyneeds neighbouring Delhi. restaurant in Gurgaon’s cause of this bad reputation.”
408 428
—about steps that need to be enterthecityfromtheborderon to ensure proper arrangements The average AQI of Delhi South Point Mall. Express The owner of the clinic,
taken and that they are taking. that side? regarding this but also ensure stood at 419 at 4 am while at Abhishek Kapoor, said the foot-
Dwarka Okhla
timely release of funds for proj- Gurgaon it was at 374. “... The fall at the mall has gone down
NORTHWEST DELHI ects such as Delhi Metro and the Indian government must act came to the city 10 from over the last week. “Expatriates
Hotspots: Mundka, Badli, (*identified by Delhi govt) AAP MLA, OKHLA Regional Rapid Transit System. swiftly to eliminate sources of Hokkaido,onthenorthernisland havebeenleavingfortheirhome
Narela, Rohini, Bawana (AQI values as of 10 pm, Wednesday) (Source: Sameer app, CPCB) We need pollution,” said Hirose. of Japan, after stumbling upon a countries due to pollution. Most
coordination Hotspot: Wazirpur Likethechef,severalJapanese jobhewashuntingforhisdaugh- of themworkincompaniessuch
YOGENDER CHANDOLIA between and Korean nationals in the city ter.Henowliveswithhisdaugh- as Honda and Maruti Suzuki in
BJP MP, NORTHWEST DELHI AAP MLA, NARELA against construction activities, states and the RAJESH GUPTA are concerned about the bad air terwhoworksataGurgaoncom- the case of the Japanese and
The main Reasons for storage of malba (construction Centre to deal AAP MLA, WAZIRPUR affectingthem,theirfamiliesand pany, and his wife. Though the Hyundai for Koreans.”
issue in North- pollution here waste) at building sites, burning withpollution. Ashok their businesses. A visit to one of familyhasraisedconcernsabout “... There is no end in sight for
west Delhi is are construc- of waste, and stopping diesel ve- Delhi’s pollu- Vihar is one of the malls along Golf Course Road pollution, they don’t plan on go- this. The Punjab government
broken roads. tion material hicles, which pass through the tion is also a function of weather the greenest — teeming with Korean restau- ing back soon. “We are using an blames Haryana, Haryana
PWD used lying unat- areadespiteaprohibitionontheir conditions. With wind speed re- areas of Delhi, rants,cafes, toJapaneseclinics— air purifier at home,” he said. blamesDelhiandtheyblamethe
brick residue tendedandfac- entry into the city, at border maining calm, pollutants accu- butsincepollu- shows the stark reality of the di- Hirosealsobroughtupanoft- Centre. Now, the government is
to fill potholes tory units bur- points. mulate. In that way, very little is tionmeasuring aspora struggling to stay afloat. heardtopicaboutthesolutionto demanding artificial rain to re-
on thepretextof repairing them. ning industrial waste secretly at inourhands—butonethingthat apparatus is at Customers are fewer while con- theissue.“AirinTokyowasbada duce the AQI levels, but that is
When vehicles pass over them, night... Effluents from burning EAST DELHI has to be controlled is stubble a Metro station, the reading cerned expatriates are willing to long time ago. India can learn not the way to go,” he said.
they cause dust pollution. These waste from Kundli, an industrial Hotspots: Anand Vihar, Okhla burning. comes higher than the actual relocatetheirfamiliesamidsthaz- fromChinamaybe.Theyalsosuf- The owner of Korean restau-
roads need to be repaired prop- area near my constituency in level.Sincethestartofmytenure, ardous air quality levels. fered from air pollution, but it rant Gung the Palace, Kim Jin
erly to address the issue. Haryana, are also carried into the HARSH MALHOTRA NORTHEAST DELHI I’ve focused on tree plantation in As per official records, there seems not to be the case any- Bum (42), who came to India as
air. There needs to be effective BJP MP, EAST DELHI Hotspot: Jahangirpuri myarea...Wearecarryingoutsur- are more than 8,000 Japanese more,” he said, comparing the a student in 2005, said he was
DHARAMPAL LAKRA monitoringandpatrollingofsuch The biggest veillanceof theareawithdrones, nationals registered in Gurgaon AQI of Tokyo and Gurgaon shocked when schools were
AAP MLA, MUNDKA locations to stop this. issue is broken MANOJ TIWARI monitoring if someone ignites and over 3,000 Koreans. Tuesday night. While Tokyo’s closed for his two children.
Just like its roads and dust BJP MP, NORTHEAST DELHI any fire. Furthermore, I have re- InDelhi-NCR,restrictionshave was 32, Gurgaon’s was 494. “We have never faced such a
water, which it VIJENDER GUPTA from such Diesel ve- questedguardsofdifferentRWAs kickedinoverthepastfewweeks At Healing Ray Clinic in the situation in Seoul and it came as
gets from BJP MLA, ROHINI roads. hicles entering to not light a fire during duty, as the air steadily deteriorated. In city, Japanese translator Kodai a shock. Many Koreans are send-
Haryana or UP, While dust Footpaths ad- the city at bor- telling them to ask for heaters the latest such curbs, Delhi Miyao(32)said hesuffered from ing their families back so they
the air in Delhi isthemainrea- jacent to these der points from me when it gets cold. Minister Gopal Rai announced viral fever before Diwali, which don’t get exposed to the pollu-
too is not it's son for pollu- roadshaveconstructionwastely- keep idling for that50%ofthestategovernment’s soon transitioned into an tion.Icannotgobackasmybusi-
own. Stubble tioninRohini,a ing in the open, which needs to hours and en- ■ Shahdara AAP MLA and employees would be working episode of pneumonia. nessishere,”hesaid,addingthat
burning,whichcontributestoair vast sub-city be disposed of by MCD. The cen- forcement Delhi Assembly Speaker Ram fromhome.Healsoaskedprivate “I took intravenous drops for the government and citizens
pollution, occurs in Haryana and with open tral verges of roads need to be teams fail to stop them. Lack of NiwasGoel,R K PuramAAPMLA sectorofficestorunathalf capac- five days at the clinic. Even our should work together with strict
Punjab against which the Delhi spaces,itisalso greened. How will one smog public transport infrastructure Pramila Tokas, Badli AAP MLA ity. The Gurgaon administration clients have been complaining regulations.
government’shandsaretied.Itis a border area through which tower in Central Delhi have any in the area forces people to de- Ajesh Yadav and New Delhi BJP issuedanadvisoryseeking50%of aboutdiseasesduetopollutionfor The owner of a popular
herethattheCentreneedstostep heavy goods carriers that should impact? There should be two pendonpersonalvehicleswhich MP Bansuri Swaraj could not be privateofficestoshiftworkonline afewyearsnow.Oneofthemwho Korean restaurant in Gurgaon,
inandprovideincentivestofarm- be taking other routes pass. such towers in each of the 250 are stuck in gridlocks for hours. reached for comment. and to stagger timings. works at an MNC here sent his on condition of anonymity, said
ers to stop them from stubble Stubble burning in Haryana and municipal wards; instead of just ■ Dwarka AAP MLA Vinay familybacktoTokyolastyearafter he has been living in NCR for 20
burning. Punjabisaseasonalissue,butpol- around 20 water sprinklers for WEST DELHI Mishra refused comment, while
‘Never faced such a his child was diagnosed with years. “It is the same thing every
lution is high year-round... There the whole of Delhi, there should Hotspots: Punjabi Bagh, Burari AAP MLA Sanjeev Jha did situation back home’ chronic asthma. Many are flying year.After winter, people will ig-
SHARAD CHAUHAN needs to be strict enforcement be two per ward. Dwarka not respond to queries. Itwas10yearsagothatHirose outofIndiaduringthesemonths.” nore the issue again,” he said.

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ICL Fincorp Limited (“our Company” or “the Company” or “the Issuer”) was originally incorporated as ‘Jawahar Finance Limited’ at Chennai, a public limited company
under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, pursuant to a certificate of incorporation dated December 9, 1991, issued by RoC. The name of our Company was
changed to ‘Irinjalakuda Credits & Leasing Company Limited’ pursuant to a fresh certificate of incorporation dated April 26, 2004 issued by the RoC. Later, the name of
our Company was changed to ‘ICL Fincorp Limited’ pursuant to a fresh certificate of incorporation dated May 8, 2016 issued by the RoC. Our Company holds a
certificate of registration dated June 09, 2016 bearing registration number B-07.00437 issued by the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) to carry on the activities of a
non-banking financial company without accepting public deposits under Section 45 IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. For further details about our Company,
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
CIRCLE SASTRA ARRAH, 2ND FLOOR, HOTEL REGAL, NEAR RAMANA MAIDAN, ARRAH, BHOJPUR, BIHAR-802301, see “History and Certain Other Corporate Matters” on page 99 of the Prospectus.
PHONE NO. 7004519963, EMAIL:[email protected] Registered Office: Plot No: C308, Door No: 66/40, 4th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai– 600 083, Tamil Nadu, India; Tel: +91 44 4208 2381, 2958 0014;
Corporate Office: ICL Fincorp Limited, Main Road, Irinjalakuda, Thrissur – 680121, Kerala, India; Tel: +91 480 2670400, 2828071, 2831305;
E-Auction Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable Assets under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement Corporate Identification Number: U65191TN1991PLC021815; PAN: AAACJ1806C; E-mail: [email protected]; Website:;
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer: Visakh T.V.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: +91 480- 2670400, 2828071, 2831305;
of Security Interest Act, 2002 read with proviso to Rule 8 (6) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002.
Chief Financial Officer: Madhavankutty Thekkedath; Email: [email protected]; Tel: +91 480- 2670400, 2828071, 2831305;
Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower (s) and Guarantor (s) that the below described immovable property
mortgaged/charged to the Secured Creditor, the Symbolic Possession of which has been taken by the Authorised Officer of the Bank/ Secured PUBLIC ISSUE OF UP TO 10,00,000 SECURED, REDEEMABLE, NON-CONVERTIBLE DEBENTURES (NCDs) OF FACE VALUE OF ₹1,000 EACH
Creditor, will be sold on “As is where is”, “As is what is”, and “Whatever there is” on 26/12/2024, for recovery of Rs. 40,96,173.24 due to the
NISHA, W/O- UNUS ANSARI (Guarantor). The reserve price will be Rs. 30,85,500.00 & Rs. 27,31,500.00 and the earnest money deposit will be This notice is with reference to the public issue of up to 10,00,000 secured, redeemable, non-convertible debentures of face value of ₹1,000 each, (“NCDs”) at par, for
Rs. 3,08,550.00 & Rs. 2,73,150.00 respectively. an amount up to ₹7,50,000 thousand (“Base Issue Size”) with an option to retain oversubscription of up to ₹2,50,000 thousand aggregating up to ₹10,00,000
Other details of E-Auction
thousand (the “Issue”) by ICL Fincorp Limited (“Company”) in accordance with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue and Listing of Non-Convertible
S. Name of the Description of the Immovable (a) Date of demand (a) Reserve Price Date/ Details of the Securities) Regulations, 2021, as amended (the “SEBI NCS Regulations”), the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, as amended from time to
N. branch; Name Properties Notice u/s 13 (2) of (b) EMD Time of E- encumbrances time, and rules made thereunder the SEBI Circular no. SEBI/HO/DDHS/PoD1/P/CIR/2024/54 dated May 22, 2024, as amended (“SEBI Master Circular”). The
of the account; SARFAESI Act 2002 (c) Last date of EMD Auction known to Company has filed prospectus dated November 5, 2024 (“Prospectus”) with the Registrar of Companies, Tamil Nadu at Chennai (“RoC”), Securities and Exchange
Name & addresses (b.1) O/S amount as on Bid (d) Bid the secured
Board of India (“SEBI”) and BSE Limited (“BSE”) (the “Stock Exchange”).
of the Borrower/ date of 13 (2) notice Increase Amt. creditors.
Guarantors (b.2) O/S amount as on
account 31.10.2024
(c) Possession date u/s
13(4) of SARFAESI *The Issue shall remain open for subscription on Working Days from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Indian Standard Time), during the period indicated above, except that
Act 2002.
the Issue may close on such earlier date or extended date as may be decided by the Board of Directors of our Company or the Debenture Issue Committee, subject to
01 DUMRAON All that Part and Parcel of (a) 17.10.2022 1. (a) Rs. 30,85,500.00 26/12/2024, Not Known relevant approvals (subject to a minimum period of two working days and a maximum period of ten working days from the date of opening of this Issue).
(015200): M/S Immovable Property situated at: (b.1) Rs. 32,38,965.60 + (b) Rs. 3,08,550.00 11:00 AM to
NEW WELCOME 1. Mauza:- Dumraon, Thana as on 16.10.2022 + further (c) 25/12/2024 04:00 PM In the event of an early closure or extension of the Issue, our Company shall ensure that notice of such early closure or extension is given to the prospective investors
IRON STORE, No 168, Khata No 326, int. & other charges. (d) Rs 1,00,000/- through an advertisement in an English national daily newspaper and a regional daily newspaper in Tamil Nadu where the registered office is located, with wide
PROP. MAHMUD Anchal- Dumraon, PO +PS- (b.2) Rs. 40,96,173.24 as 2. (a) Rs. 27,31,500.00 circulation on or before such earlier date or extended date of closure. Application Forms for the Issue will be accepted only from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Indian
ALAM, S/O- Dumraon, Dist-Buxar, Bihar, on 31.10.2024. (b) Rs. 2,73,150.00
ABDUL HALEM 1A. Khesra No 997,998,999, (c) 31.01.2023 (c) 25/12/2024 Standard Time) or such extended time as may be permitted by the Stock Exchange, on Working Days during the Issue Period. On the Issue Closing Date, Application
ANSARI. Area: 4.53125 Decimal, (d) Rs 1,00,000/- Forms will be accepted only between 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and uploaded until 5:00 p.m. (Indian Standard Time) or such extended time as may be permitted by the
A/C NO: Boundaries: N- Bharath Sonar, Stock Exchange.
0152008700004340 S-Jagdish Tripathi & others,
(BORROWER) E-Ram Kumar Bhar and others,
M/S New Welcome W-Md naushad sakina Khatun & Allotment on “first come first serve basis”
Prop. Mahmud 1B. Khesra No 998, Area:
Alam, S/O- Abdul 1.09 Decimal, Boundaries: ADDENDUM TO THE PROSPECTUS DATED NOVEMBER 5, 2024 (“ADDENDUM”)
Halem Ansari, N- Rasta, S- Jagdish tripathi, With reference to the Prospectus please note that due to Wednesday, November 20, 2024, being declared a public holiday in Mumbai, Maharashtra, as informed by BSE vide its notice dated
R/O- Goushala E- Ram Kumar Bhar, W- Gopal November 13, 2024, bearing reference number 20241113-31, the Issue Closing Date is extended by one day to Tuesday, November 26, 2024, and all references to the Issue Closing Date will
Road, Ward No Tiwari & others. Registered now be Tuesday, November 26, 2024, instead of Monday, November 25, 2024. As a result of this change in the Issue Closing Date, all references to the Deemed Date of Allotment being
8, Dumraon, Po Mortgage Deed No- 3949 November 29, 2024, wherever appearing in the Prospectus, shall now be December 2, 2024.
+ Ps + Anchal dated 10.06.2020. Mortgagor:- Further, the chapter “Material Developments” on page 122 of the Prospectus shall include the following information:
- Dumraon, Mahmud Alam, S/O Abdul The Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held at the Corporate Office of the Company at ICL Fincorp Limited, Main Road, Irinjalakuda, Thrissur, Kerala, India – 680121, on November
Dist- Buxar, Bihar- Halem Ansari 14, 2024, has considered and approved the unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2024 (“Financial Results”). The Financial Results have
been submitted to BSE Limited and are available on the website of BSE Limited at
802119. 2. Mauza:- Dumraon, Thana
A copy of this Addendum is being filed with RoC in accordance with Section 26 and Section 31 of the Companies Act, 2013. The above changes should be read in conjunction with the Prospectus.
(GUARANTOR) No 168, Old Khata No- 28,
The information in this Addendum supplements the Prospectus and updates the information in the Prospectus and the Abridged Prospectus, as applicable. All references to the Prospectus shall
Mamuan Nisha, New Khata No-27, Old Khesra
also include this Addendum. All capitalized terms used in this Addendum shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning ascribed to them in the Prospectus. The Addendum is
W/O- Unus Ansari, no- 114, New Khesra No-
available on the websites of SEBI, Lead Manager, Stock Exchange and the Company that is;; and respectively.
R/O- Goushala 819, Anchal- Dumraon, Po
Road, Ward No + PS-Dumraon, Dist-Buxar. In accordance with the provision of and requirement under Section 30 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Regulation 30(1) of the SEBI NCS Regulations, the
8, Dumraon, Po Area- 01 Katha 13 dhur (5.16 Company has published statutory advertisement dated November 7, 2024 on their website at on November 8, 2024 which contains the disclosures
+ Ps + Anchal Decimal). Sale Deed No-2342
- Dumraon, dated 18.03.2017. Mortgagor- as per Schedule V of the SEBI NCS Regulations (“Statutory Advertisement”). The Company has further published the Addendum forming part of the Statutory
Dist- Buxar, Bihar- Mamuan Nisha, alias Munni Advertisement on their website on November 21, 2024. The Statutory Advertisement comprising the Addendum can be viewed through the QR code
802119. Khatun, W/O Ununs Ansari. and web link given below:
Boundaries: N-Hare Ram
Chaudhary, S-Ramesh Dubey, Web link:
E-Vijay Sahu & others, W-Rasta.
Litigations known to the secured creditors in respect to SARFAESI Action:- NIL
The sale shall be subject to the Terms & Conditions prescribed in the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules
2002 and to the following further conditions.
1. The properties are being sold on “AS IS WHERE IS BASIS” and “AS IS WHAT IS BASIS” and
2. The particulars of Secured Assets specified in the Schedule hereinabove have been stated to the best of
the information of the Authorised Officer, but the Authorised Officer shall not be answerable for any error,
misstatement or omission in this proclamation.
3. The Sale will be done by the undersigned through e-auction platform provided at the Website https://
Scan QR Code for visiting on 26.12.2024 from 11:00 AM to 04:00 PM. 4. The particulars of Secured Assets specified in the Schedule hereinabove have been stated to the best of (please scan this QR code to view the detailed Addendum)
the information of the Authorised Officer, but the Authorised Officer shall not be answerable for any error,
misstatement or omission in this proclamation. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the same meaning as assigned to such terms in the Prospectus.
For detailed term and conditions of the sale, please refer & All the potential investors are advised to please provide attention to the above mentioned update and take an informed decision accordingly.
(Sh. Sunil Kumar Sinha, Chief Manager) SD/-
AUTHORISED OFFICER Place : Chennai K.G. Anilkumar
Date : 14/11/2024 SECURED CREDITOR
Date : 20/11/2024 (Chairman & Managing Director) DIN: 00766739
Place : Arrah M-7004519963

Atishi launches Delhi solar portal

Walkar case accused cites
Bishnoi threat, gets court ROOFTOP SOLAR PANELS FOR CONSUMERS Riot-hitsoughtRs153cras
nod to appear via video link 750 MW: Target
capacity in 3 years
Monthly generation based
THROUGH THE PORTAL relief,panelokayedRs21cr,
yettogetmoney,HC told
300 MW incentives (GBI) can provide ■ Apply for net meter
SAKSHICHAND Installed additional income for every online
NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER20 capacity unit of electricity generated.
■ Apply to avail Delhi
Money from solar power
government capital
AAFTAB POONAWALA, who was units generated in excess of
subsidy and GBI
arrested in 2022 for allegedly
killing his live-in partner
40 MW usage will be deposited in
consumer's bank account benefits The court was hearing 20 petitions filed by the victims
installed on March 14, when
Shraddha Walkar in Delhi, on policy was announced every month. ■ Track status application tion amount totaling Rs 153 The court posted the matter
Wednesday moved an applica- Aaftab Poonawala, SOHINI GHOSH crore (1,53,69,18,232.45) before for further consideration on
tion before the Saket court, re- Shraddha Walkar NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 the Commission, it has recom- January 7.
questingthathebeallowedtoap- GBI 5 YEARS AFTER INSTALLATION mended disbursal of only about The riots, which broke out in
pear for court hearings through VICTIMS OF the 2020 riots Rs 21 crore (Rs 21,71,39,125.86) February 2020 following
videoconferencingduetoalleged sage has been communicated to RESIDENTIAL Group housing societies ■ Capital subsidy for sought Rs 153 crore as compen- against the claimed amount. protests related to the
threatfromtheLawrenceBishnoi the Delhi Police," a senior officer and residential welfare residential customers at the sation from the North East Delhi Apart from the Commission, CitizenshipAmendmentActand
Up to 3 kW 3 to 10 kW
gang. The request was granted said. associations rate of Rs 2,000 per kW, up Riots Claims Commission (NE- the GNCTD in March 2020 also National Register of Citizens, left
and he was produced in court Sources said that Gautam has `3 `2 `2 per kWh: Up to 500 kW to a maximum of Rs 10,000 DRCC), but the latter has recom- announced its own scheme for 53 dead and over 700 injured.
through video conferencing on told the police that Shubham per kWh per kWh (at 10 kW/house) per consumer mended disbursal of only about providing aid to the victims. In May 2020, the HC ap-
Wednesday. Lonkar, a member of the Rs 21 crore. Moreover, this The Delhi government’s pointed Justice Sunil Gaur (retd)
He moved the application Lawrence Bishnoi gang, had amount has not yet been re- counsel submitted before the as Claims Commissioner to esti-
days after Shivkumar Gautam, discussedkillingPoonawalawith lar calculator to estimate solar leased -- more than four years court that though the sub-divi- mate the damage caused as well
one of the associates of jailed him. However, the plan was not EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE power generation capacity at a since the riots took place. sional magistrate’s office as to investigate the liability of
gangster Lawrence Bishnoi — ar- successful owing to the height- NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER20 specific rooftop, savings to be This was submitted when analysed the data in the publicpropertydamagedduring
rested for the murder of NCP ened security around Poonawala made, list of vendors and rate of the Delhi High Court briefly took Commission’s report, it finds it the riots in Northeast Delhi. In
leader Baba Siddique in Mumbai at Tihar Jail, sources added. DELHI CHIEF Minister Atishi on solar plants, she said. up a batch of 20 petitions, filed difficult to give its comments on December 2023, Justice (retd)
— reportedly told the Mumbai Earlier this month, the Tihar Wednesday launched the Delhi Also, applications for net me- bythoseaffectedbytheviolence, the NEDRCC’s recommenda- Asha Menon was appointed as
Policethatthegangwasplanning administration reportedly in- Solar Portal as a single-window tering and subsidy could be sub- on Wednesday. tions in the absence of an the Claims Commissioner.
to eliminate Poonawala. creased Poonawala's security af- application and tracking site for CM Atishi at the launch on mitted through the portal and The petitioners’ counsel sub- estimateof thesumalreadypaid Notably, a July 25, 2023, or-
The Lawrence Bishnoi gang terreportsemergedof thethreat. the installation of rooftop solar Wednesday. Praveen Khanna consumerswillnotberequiredto mittedbeforethecourtof Justice by the government to the der of the HC had recorded that
has claimed responsibility for Two night guards were deployed panels in the city. visit any office, Atishi added. Sanjeev Narula that as per the victims. “serious concerns regarding the
Siddique murder on October 22. to keep a check on him. UnderDelhi’ssolarpowerpol- Domestic power consumers, Commission’sreportreceivedon Justice Narula then directed manner of functioning of the
Sources said Poonawala Poonawalaisaccusedofkilling icy, launched in March, con- helpachievethetargetof750MW who will generate extra solar July 15 this year, it had assessed the SDM offices to coordinate Commission have been raised”.
moved the application through Walkar and chopping her body sumerscaninstallsolarpanelson rooftop solar power generation. power beyond their need, will be and recommended compensa- with the NEDRCC to seek neces- “Concerns have also been raised
theTiharJailadministration."The into multiple pieces on the night rooftopsandusethepowergener- The portal will provide all in- paidageneration-basedincentive tion for approximately 1,731 sary information to link the that claimants/victims have not
jailadministrationmovedtheap- of May 18 inside their house at ated to offset electricity bills. formationrequiredforinstallation by the government at the rate of claimants. While victim- records, adding that the exercise beenpaidtheex-gratiacompen-
plicationonhisbehalfandames- ChattarpurPahadiinSouthDelhi. Atishisaidthenewportalwill ofrooftoppanels.Itwillhaveaso- Rs 3/unit, the CM said. claimants claimed a compensa- becompletedwithintwoweeks. sation,” it added.

19-year-old stabs
man to death, injures
another over bullying
the Maurya Enclave police station
HIMANSHU HARSH received a call reporting the ad-
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 mission of two injured persons.
On reaching the hospital, the
A 19-YEAR-OLD manwasarrested police found that while Manish
on Tuesday for allegedly stabbing had succumbed to multiple stab
amantodeathandcriticallyinjur- wounds to his abdomen, the 18-
inganotherinafitof rageoverpur- year-old had been stabbed on
ported bullying in Pitampura’s the back.
Maurya Enclave. Based on the statement of the
The police said the accused, a injured, the accused was booked
residentofPitampura,wasarrested under sections 103-1 (murder)
for the murder of one Manish and and 109 (attempt to murder) of
causing injuries to an 18-year-old. the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita.
The murder weapon, a knife, has “Duringquestioning,headmit-
been recovered, the police added. ted to the crime, alleging that the
Abhishek Dhania, Deputy altercation began when Manish
Commissioner of Police (North bullied him. Unable to tolerate the
West), said on Wednesday that on humiliation,hegotaknifefromhis
November19, the policerushedto home and attacked both victims,”
Bhagwan Mahavir Hospital after said the DCP.

‘Pollution is there every

year, can’t remain cooped
up’: Fitness enthusiasts
unfazed by air crisis

Visitors at Lodhi Garden on Wednesday. Amit Mehra

a businessman.
UPASIKA SINGHAL “Whether there’s rain or heat,
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 I’ve never failed to do my morning
routine. We have a group of about
GROUPSOFpeoplewerescattered 50peoplewhojoinus...Onlyafew
across the rolling lawns of Lodhi have stopped coming due to the
Garden. Some did their stretches, pollution.That,too,isonlybecause
while others performed almost their children forbade them from
perfectly synchronised yoga rou- going out. Otherwise, they would
tines. Joggers made their way be here with us,” he added.
alongthepavedpaths,theirbreath Some of the elderly joggers
visible in the cold air. maintainedthatpollution wasnot
Delhi’s Air Quality Index (AQI) a very serious matter.
remained in the ‘severe’ category In Sundar Nursery, a group of
on Wednesday, but in Lodhi elderly men sat sipping tea after
Garden and Sundar Nursery, jog- their morning walk had con-
gers and walkers remained un- cluded. “These news channels
fazed by the pollution and contin- makeahugeissue outof itandcall
ued their daily routines. Delhi a gas chamber... I don’t feel
Shivani (41), an interior de- anything when I walk. My breath-
signeronherfirstroundof jogging, ing is fine, and my eyes don’t burn.
said,“It’smuchbettertoday.Ithink I cough a little but that’s just be-
Lodhiisstillbetteroff thantherest cause of my age,” said Narender
of Delhi because of the tree cover. Singh (62), a retiree.
Otherwise, it gets really hard to MaheshBansal(60),achartered
breathe outside.” accountant, agreed. “Sometimes I
Netar Kumar (31), a profes- feel a little itch in my throat but it’s
sional cook, had finished a round notasbadaseveryoneseemstobe-
of calisthenics with his friends. lieve. I’ve done this routine since
“Oh, yes, my eyes burn a lot when 1984. So, maybe, I’m more used to
I go out. But working out is part of the pollution than the others.”
my routine... This pollution hap- The security guards at both
pens every year but I can’t remain parks agreed that the number of
cooped up in my room ,” he said. joggers and walkers had not re-
The common refrain among duced since the air worsened in
these fitness enthusiasts is that Delhi. “They come here... like
workingoutispartof theirroutine clockwork.Peoplestarttricklingin
andtheycouldnotstopdoingitno around 6 am. The crowd reduces
matter what. only after it gets dark in the
“I’vebeencominghereforover evening,”saidRakeshYadav,agar-
40years,”saidKishoreKumar(69), dener and caretaker at Lodhi.

1994 case against

IN-SPACe looking at private players in ground segments
lites. Offering ground station as a consideringtheISROpremisesor needs to be set up spread across boarding satellite operators as Thedocumentalsostatesthat

Kerala MLA for

ANONNA DUTT service (GSaaS) such as satellite sites,sinceitleadstoseveralben- differentgeographies,buildingin even that sector is in nascent the industry will need transfer of
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 control, telemetry and tracking, efits,includingreducingtheneed redundancies or a system that in stages, and high costs of several technologies from ISRO, while
space data reception, and space foraccommodatingmultiplesta- the event or a problem ensures components needed. governmentsupportisneededfor
AFTERSATELLITESandlaunchve- situationalawarenessonpay-per- tions at the same site, cost bene- thatoperationsareuninterrupted, Afterconsultationwithstake- access to testing facilities, espe-

tampering evidence hicles, the Indian National Space

Promotion and Authorisation
Centre (IN-SPACe) — the central
use basis, the sector has been en-
visioned to grow 30% by 2033 —
from $0.14 billion to $2.5 billion,
fits, resource optimisation, en-
hanced service coverage, and
can become expensive. Also, up-
dating technology can also be
draining on the finances.
holders, IN-SPACe has identified
areas that it needs to work on.
cially for large antennas for deep
agencyforregulatingandpromot- accordingtothedocument. Thisis ument states. However, GSaaS is in its nas- ulatory processes, especially for and networking opportunities
ANANTHAKRISHNAN G Antony Raju ing the private space sector — is in line with the government’s vi- Offering ground stations as a cent stage and there are several filings with the International with potential customers, in-
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 is with looking at ways for entry of pri- siontoincreaseIndia’sshareinthe service(GSaaS)hasseveralbene- challenges that private players Telecommunication Union (ITU) vestors, and partners.
the ruling vate players in ground segments, global commercial space market fits. Setting up and maintaining face: Unclear regulations for set- for spectrum allocation. A single In July 2024, the Hyderabad-
THE SUPREME Court LDF accordingtoaconsultationdocu- from 2% to 8% by 2033. groundstationscanbeexorbitant, tingitupwithinthecountryatthe window mechanism for all ap- based spacetech startup Dhurva
Wednesday revived a criminal ment prepared by it. “... a view emerged that shar- and each station provides cover- moment,thecapitalrequired,get- provals is also needed, stream- Spacebecameoneof thefirstpri-
case against Kerala MLA and for- Groundstationsareessentially ingofthegroundstationsbymul- age over a limited area in the low ting licence and spectrum, high linedprocessesandtimelines.The vate players in the country to get
mer state transport minister plaint under the relevant provi- ground-basedantennasthathelp tiple service providers or consor- earth orbit. ratesforreceptionofearthobser- industrywillalsoneedawaiverof approval from IN-SPACe to pro-
Antony Raju for allegedly tam- sions of the CrPC. incommunicatingwiththesatel- tiumshouldbeencouraged,while A network of ground stations vation data, challenges in on- licence fee for receiving data. vide ground station as a service.
pering with evidence in a 1990 Two appeals were filed
drugcase.Rajuhadbeenpractis- against this before the
ing as a lawyer at the time and Supreme Court — one by a
hadappearedfortheaccused,an third person challenging the
Australian national. acquittal and the other by
A bench of Justices C T Rajuagainstthehighcourtdi-
Ravikumar and Sanjay Karol di- rection. Raju questioned the
rected that the trial be com- locusof theappellant,butthe
pleted in a year given that the Supreme Court Wednesday
proceedings stem from a case rejected his objections.
that is over two decades old. On the question of
The bench directed that the whether the High Court
accused shall appear before the rightlyheldthattheproceed-
trial court on December 20, ing in question would be hit
2024,oronthenextworkingday by the bar under CrPC, the
of the court concerned. Supreme Court said, “We are
Raju, an MLA from the of the view that the high
Janadhipathya Kerala Congress, courtcommittedanerrorand
is part of the state’s ruling Left there is no bar.” It added that
Democratic Front. there was no error in the high
In 1990, the police had ar- court ordering steps to be
rested the Australian national in taken on the complaint.
a Narcotic Drugs and “Applyingthe aboveprin-
PsychotropicSubstances(NDPS) ciples to the case in hand
Act case after drugs were seized where the alleged forgery of
from his underwear. The evidence in a criminal inves-
Australiancitizenwassentenced tigation has resulted in ac-
to 10 years of rigorous imprison- quittal in an NDPS case and
ment by the trial court. thereafter FIR has been regis-
TheKeralaHighCourtacquit- tered, the HC has rightly con-
ted him as the innerwear was sidered this to be an excep-
notof hissize.However,theHigh tional circumstance where
Court was of the view that tam- the accused persons should
pering with evidence may be a not be protected from facing

possibility. Subsequently, a vigi- the processes of law.

lance inquiry followed and Raju Therefore…it cannot be said
and a court employee were ar- that the HC ordering fresh
raigned as accused in an FIR reg- steps to be taken against the
istered in 1994. upper end was bad in law,”
Raju challenged this before the Supreme Court said.
the high court, which quashed “In view of the above, im-
the FIR on the grounds that cog- pugned (HC) order is set
nisance cannot betakenonapo- aside.Theordertakingcogni-
lice chargesheet in a case relat- sance…and all other pro-
ingtothefabricationof evidence ceedings pursuant to the
in a court proceeding. same are restored to the files
The High Court, however, of the judicial first class mag-
asked its registry to take appro- istrate, concerned,” the
priate action to pursue the com- Supreme Court added.




India, Australia agree on tie-up in PM to visit Guyana
clean energy, push for trade pact in 56 years, signs 10
pacts to expand ties
Will continue to support peace, stability in Indo-Pacific region together: PM
building of Guyana’s military
Security Cooperation in 2025, to EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE through scholarships and train-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE reflect ambition in both coun- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 ing. “Close cooperation in the
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 tries’elevated defenceandsecu- fieldof defenceisasymbolof our
rity partnership and strategic INDIA AND Guyana on deep mutual trust. I am happy
INDIA AND Australia agreed on convergence”. Wednesday sealed 10 agree- that this year India has supplied
an ambitious renewable energy Modi said both India and mentstostrengthencooperation two Dornier aircraft to Guyana.”
partnership and looked forward Australia are also unanimous on in hydrocarbons, digital pay- Agreeing to expand coopera-
to working towards a compre- the need for reform in global in- mentsystems,pharmaceuticals, tionintheagriculturesector,Modi
HITTING IT RIGHT hensive economic cooperation
stitutions. Modi said Albanese
has accepted his invitation for
and defence after bilateral talks
between Prime Minister
said: “With the millet seeds pro-
vided by India last year, we were
WHEN MoS Education Jayant Chaudhary and Olympics gold and his Australian counterpart the Quad summit to be held in Narendra Modi and Guyanese able to contribute to increasing
medallist Abhinav Bindra interacted with athletes from Anthony Albanese met on the India next year. “I am confident President Mohamed Irfaan Ali. the food security of Guyana...”
KendriyaVidyalayasandNavodayaVidyalayasonWednesday, sidelines of the G20 leaders’ that in the times to come, the Modi said Guyana will play India also agreed to set up a Jan
Chaudhary himself had a few questions for Bindra after the Summit in Brazil. partnership between India and an important role in India's en- Ausadhi Kendra in Guyana.
students had their turn. Saying that Bindra is a champion in Strengthening ties in areas of PM Narendra Modi with his Australian counterpart Australia will touch new heights ergy security and a blueprint for The two leaders also deliber-
every field and is “so eloquent that he could come into poli- defence and security, mobility, Anthony Albanese in Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday. PTI and will become a force for the long-term partnership in the atedonregionalandglobalissues.
tics”,Chaudharyaskedhimwhatothersportsheplayed.Citing science and technology and ed- global good,” he said. sector will be prepared. “The President Ali said Modi's visit to
MikeTyson’sreturntotheringat58,ChaudharyaskedBindra, ucation figured prominently According to the joint state- visit of an Indian Prime Minister Guyana represents a significant
42,if hemightreturntothesport.Bindrarespondedwitha“no during the second India- In his media statement after Modi said work will be done ment, the two leaders observed toGuyanaafter56yearsisanim- milestoneinenhancingcoopera-
chance” to the second question, and to the first, he said he Australia annual conclave held the Summit talks with Albanese, for a mutually beneficial CECA that ‘Make in India’ and ‘Future portant milestone in our rela- tionbetweenthetwonations.He
hated sports (physical exertion) as a child and was introduced late Tuesday. The two leaders Modisaidbothsideswillworkon and that Albanese committed to Made in Australia’ have comple- tions. I have had a deep personal called Prime Minister Modi a
to shooting where he didn’t have to move around much. also looked forward to a long- new possibilities of cooperation protecttheinterestsof theIndian mentarity and collaborative po- bond with Guyana,” he said “championamongleaders”forhis
term vision of defence and secu- inareaslikedefenceindustry,crit- community in Australia, espe- tential and could help create while recalling his visit to the impactful leadership and contri-
ritycollaborationtoenhancecol- ical minerals, renewable energy, cially Indian students. After the new jobs, unlock economic South American country about bution to the developing world.
IN SUPPORT lective strength, contribute to
both countries’ security, and
ship building, space and sports.
With both sides keen to build
implementation of ECTA, our
mutual trade has increased by
growth and secure our future
prosperity in a changing world.
24 years back.
The PM arrived last night
“Thank you very much... It is
our greatest honour to have you
WITH PRIME Minister Narendra Modi endorsing Sabarmati makeanimportantcontribution onthemomentumcreatedbythe 40%in thelasttwo years,hesaid. “The leaders called for from Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro, here,”Alisaidduringajointpress
Report, it took no time for the entire BJP to show support to to regional peace and security, EconomicCooperationandTrade Modi also emphasised the greater two-way investments where he attended the G20 statement with Modi. He lauded
the movie, starring Vikrant Massey. On Tuesday, BJP national according to a joint statement. Agreement (ECTA), which was needtoresolveconflictsandten- reflective of the Comprehensive summit.Oneof theMoUswillal- Modi's governance style, noting
president and Union Health Minister watched a show organ- The two PMs welcomed the signedin2022,thetwoPMswel- sionsthroughdialogueanddiplo- Strategic Partnership and in- low the deployment of India's its relevance and adoption in
ised by BJP’s Delhi unit, along with BJP national media head launch of the Renewable Energy comed further work towards an macy. “We have been and will structedofficialstoexploreways UPI(UnifiedPaymentsInterface) Guyana and other nations.
and Lok Sabha MP Anil Baluni, party general secretary Arun Partnership (REP) which would “ambitious, balanced and mutu- continuetosupportpeace,stabil- to realise greater synergies be- digital payments system in “You have shown the light to
Singh, Delhi unit chief Virendra Sachdeva. Nadda has even provide the framework for prac- ally beneficial” Comprehensive ity and prosperity in the Indo- tweentheeconomiesof boththe Guyana. “We will continue to the developing world, and you
given a call for every party worker and others to watch the tical cooperation in priority ar- Economic Cooperation Pacific region together,” he said. countries,” it said. Modi and makeeffortstoincreaseourmu- have created development met-
film which, he said, is based on “true story of what happened eas such as solar energy, green Agreement (CECA) to realise the The joint statement said that Albanese reiterated their com- tualtradeandeconomiccooper- rics and a framework that many
in Godhra” in 2002. On Wednesday morning, Union Minister hydrogen, energy storage, in- full potential of the bilateral eco- they expressed intent to “renew mitment to support an open, in- ation,” Modi said. areadoptingintheirowncountry.
Hardeep Puri organised a special screening at PVR vestments in related projects nomicrelationship,thejointstate- and strengthen the Joint clusive, stable, peaceful and ModisaidIndiawillcontinue And much of it is relevant to us
Chanakyapuri for those who missed out. and allied areas, it said. ment said. Declaration on Defence and prosperous Indo-Pacific. to contribute to the capacity here in Guyana,” he said.

Day after I&B circular A 2018 bitcoin fraud rocks Maharashtra polls;
linked staff salaries Sule, Patole complain to Election Commission
to training module, SUSHANT KULKARNI
a PIL in this case as many in-
ment,viaemail,againstPatiland Chief of Defence Staff

protests and a tweak & ALOK DESHPANDE

me now,” Patil said.
Reiterating Patil’s charges at
Mehta. However, officials said
they had not received her com-
General Anil Chauhan in
New Delhi, Wednesday. PTI

cials working in the concerned EVEN AS the Maharashtra BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi said: Maharashtra Congress gen-
units or divisions.” This one had
no mention of withholding
Assembly elections came to a
close Wednesday, a new war of
“An accused dealer contacted a
former police officer who had
eral secretary and advocate Ravi
Jadhav said they had submitted
After the first memorandum
words has begun over alleged
misappropriation of bitcoins
been jailed earlier due to some
allegations and told him that he
a complaint, on behalf of Patole,
to the cyber cell in Mumbai but
dispute result of
a note linking employee salaries
to the completion of a training
was issued on Monday, the
Association of Akashvani and
case to fund poll campaigns. NCP(SP) leader Supriya Sule; Maharashtra Congress chief
some transactions of bitcoin in
no FIR was registered. A senior
Mumbai Police officer said they
differing maps,
module, the Union Information
and Broadcasting Ministry has
Doordarshan Engineering
Employees, in a letter to Sanjay
The charges against NCP(SP)
leader Supriya Sule and
Nana Patole. cash. The police officer declined
his request. But the dealer tried
had not received any complaint.
Meanwhile, Sule’s estranged
can’t say which
made a modification removing
Jaju, Secretary, Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting,
Maharashtra Congress chief
NanaPatolewerelevelledbyfor- was roped in for forensic audit sent to me by Gaurav Mehta, it
to convince him that a few ‘big
people’ were involved in this
Ajit Pawar alleged: “From the
is wrong: CDS
thebackdropof protestsbyasec- wrotethatearlierordersforiGOT merIPSofficerRavindranathPatil and Patil was the lead investiga- seems that the misappropriated matter and he allegedly took the toneintheaudioclips,Icaniden-
tion of employees, who high- training were not circulated to onTuesday,andamplifiedbyBJP tor. But in March 2022, Patil was bitcoins were sold, and the names of Nana Patole and tifythevoices.Oneof themismy DEEPTIMAN TIWARY
lighted that salaries cannot be employeesanda“majorityof our MP Sudhanshu Trivedi at a late arrestedbythePunepoliceforal- money was pumped into the Supriya Sule. When the former sister, and the other is someoneI NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20
withheldwithoutalawfulreason. employees are not aware of such night press conference in Delhi legedly misappropriating bit- Maharashtra elections via the policeofficerdidn’tshowanyin- have worked with extensively.
Themodule,iGOT(Integrated mandatory instructions”. on the eve of polling. coins during the 2018 investiga- hawala route,” Patil told The terest,thedealersenthimtheau- The voice (in the audio clip) is CHIEF OF Defence Staff General
Government Online Training), is The employee association BothSuleandPatolehavede- tion. He was released on bail in Indian Express. Gupta did not re- dio clips. As per the claims of the theirs... An inquiry will be con- AnilChauhanonWednesdaysug-
meant to make civil servants “fu- said, “Salary is a property within nied the allegations, and filed May 2023. spond to calls or text messages dealer, there is mention of the ducted, and the truth will gested that the India-China bor-
ture-ready”. themeaningofArticle300Aofthe complaintswiththeEC.Patilsaid Patilhasnowclaimedthaton seeking his comment. need for money for the elections emerge.” der dispute was a result of differ-
In an office memorandum Constitution of India. Salary of an he has written to the EC and November 17, he was ap- “I have written to the EC that in those audio clips... Now, we But Ajit Pawar's nephew ing understanding of maps and
datedNovember18,theministry employee, therefore, cannot be soughtaprobeinthematter.The proachedbyGauravMehta,who based on the voice notes I have want to ask the Congress... Are YugendraPawar,whoiscontest- “wecannotreallysaywhichiscor-
asked all its accounts officers to withheld except for cogent rea- allegations pertain to an investi- was an expert witness in the and on documentary evidence youinvolvedinthebitcointrans- ing as the NCP (SP) candidate rect and which is wrong”.
“clearthesalarybillsofonlythose sons. Therefore, in the absence of gation carried out by the Pune 2022 case against him. “Mehta about a certain cryptocurrency action...whoarethe‘bigpeople’.” against him in Baramati, said: Chauhan was speaking at an
officials who have been certi- any lawful justification, the gov- policedepartment’scybercrime told me that a hardware bitcoin hardware wallet, it seems that The BJP also released audio “Thevoiceisnothers(Sule’s).I’ve event at the India International
fied… regarding their training of ernment cannot stop your cellintoamulti-crorecryptocur- wallet seized in the case was thesaidwalletwasmisappropri- clipsof thepurportedvoicenotes notheardtheaudioclip.I’vebeen Centre(IIC).Respondingtoaques-
mandatory iGOT courses”. “In salary… We request your good rencyponzischemein2018.The swapped in 2018. He said that ated and used to fund both the of Sule and Patole. very busy as this is my first elec- tiononthecurrentsituationalong
othercases,wherecertificatesare self to kindly reconsider the or- accusedwereallegedtohavede- based on the instructions of Lok Sabha elections and State Denyingthecharges,Sulesaid tion. But I don’t think she would theLACandhowIndia’smaphad
not provided, salary bills may be der… and take necessary correc- frauded people across the coun- Amitabh Gupta (who was Pune Assembly elections this year. I on X: “Familiar tactics of spread- do something like this.” been shrinking since 1947 with
keptonholdtillfurtherorders,”it tive measures.” trybypromisinghighreturnson Police Commissioner between havesaidthatsincehigh-ranking ing false information to manipu- Inarelateddevelopment,the respect to China, he said, “On the
stated. Another office memoran- When contacted, a ministry cryptocurrency investments. September 2020 and December officialsandseniorpoliticiansare late the righteous voters are be- Enforcement Directorate, which question that since 1947, India
dum dated November 19, how- official said, “There was a mis- A2004-batchIPSofficer,Patil 2022),hewassellingthebitcoins involved, the gravity of the mat- ingresortedto,anightbeforethe is also probing the 2018 cryp- finds its map shrinking and
ever,statedthatparagraph2inthe communication. The objective left service on medical grounds in Dubai and elsewhere and giv- ter should be considered and a pollingday.Wehavefiledacrim- tocurrencyfraudcase,conducted shrinking(withrespecttoChina),
originalNovember18memoran- was to get an update on who are in 2010, and started working for ing the money to Supriya Sule detailed probe should be con- inalcomplainttothe Hon’ble ECI searches at Gaurav Mehta's if we were on the other side… if
dum should be read as: “A status the officers who haven’t on- global accounting major KPMG and Nana Patole for the Lok ducted. I have said that I will be & the cyber crime department houseinRaipur,Chhattisgarh,on we were China in 1950 and had a
report may be provided … in re- boarded on the IGot platform. asacybersecurityexpert.In2018, Sabhaelections(earlierthisyear) available to give any evidence if against the fake allegations ....” Wednesday.Mehtahasalsobeen lookattheirmaptheywouldalso
gardtocompletionofonboarding Salaries cannot be stopped like when Pune police investigated and State Assembly elections. needed. I am also approaching Sule told The Indian Express summoned by the CBI as part of have found that their map is
on the iGOT platform for all offi- this.” thebitcoinponzischeme,KPMG Based on voice notes and details the High Court and will be filing that she had submitted a com- its probe into the case. shrinking, partly because of us…
they claim the state of Arunachal
‘Inappropriate’: Manipur Congress leaders can’t really say which is correct
and which is wrong.”

Delhi HC stays proceedings in Chauhandeliveredalectureat

write to Kharge on Chidambaram’s X post the IIC on ‘Future Wars and the
Indian Armed Forces’. The event

trial court against Chidambaram Demand action against Congress leader for post seeking ‘regional autonomy’
Wednesday, the court of Justice retary and J&K Governor N N
SOHINI GHOSH ManojKumarOhrisaidthatitwill only if they have genuine re- language and sentiments that opinions. “This is purely his own Vohra.Onaquestionrelatedtothe
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 passadetailedorder.Courtposted SUKRITA BARUAH gional autonomy. It is more are highly inappropriate during view and immediatelywhenwe preparedness of China and
the matter to January 22. GUWAHATI, NOVEMBER 20 statesmanship: for the Hon’ble this hour of heightened tension, saw his tweet… we informed Pakistanforfuturewars,Chauhan
THE DELHI High Court Chidambaram has sought to PM to give up his obstinacy, visit public grief, and public sensitiv- Mallikarjun Kharge ji and he im- said, “Any professional Army
Wednesdaystayedthetrialcourt quashaNovember27,2021order AFTER SENIOR Congress leader Manipur, and speak to the peo- ity in Manipur. Congress party mediately called all senior lead- would be preparing for future
proceedings against Congress passed by a special court under P Chidambaram’s social media ple of Manipur with humility always stands for the unity and ers. I also personally spoke to warfare. Theatre command and
Rajya Sabha member P the Prevention of Corruption Act. post in favour of regional auton- and learn first-hand their griev- territorialintegrityof thestateof Kharge ji that this may be his restructuring and all… the
ChidambaramintheAircel-Maxis P Chidambaram The trial court, in the order, had omy for Manipur's different eth- ances and aspirations.” Manipur. We request AICC for (Chidambaram’s) personal view Chinesediditnineyearsago.Even
case lodged by the Enforcement taken cognisance of the offence nic communities within the In a letter written to Kharge, prompt appropriate action but there will be a lot of misun- if they were not, we have to as-
Directorate(ED),followingapeti- underPMLAprovisionsinrelation state, Manipur Congress leaders 10ManipurCongressleaders,in- against Shri P Chidambaram for derstanding in the state of sumetheyarepreparingforfuture
tion moved by the former Union Aircel-Maxis deal beyond his ca- toprosecutioncomplaintsfiledby have written to All India cluding current MLAs, former his post today and direct him to Manipur… Immediately Kharge warfare.” ChauhansaidAgnipath
finance minister. pacity,benefittingcertainpersons, the ED on June 13, 2018 and Congress Committee president ministers, and former Manipur deleteitimmediately,"statesthe ji spoke to him… immediately was a “good scheme” even as he
Thepetitionchallengesa2021 and received kickbacks in return. October25,2018.Chidamabaram Mallikarjun Kharge seeking ac- Congress presidents, asked that letter. he deleted it… We have already suggestedsomechangescouldbe
trialcourtordertakingcognisance According to the ED, has argued that at the time of the tion against him. Chidambaram be directed to Before Chidambaram informed AICC for appropriate brought in.
oftheED’schargesheetinthecase Chidambaram illegally granted trial court’s order taking cogni- In a now deleted post on X, delete the post, which aligns in deleted his post, Manipur actionandIwillspeaktohimnot During his conversation with
even though the agency did not Foreign Investment Promotion sance of money laundering Chidambaram had stated that part with Kuki-Zo groups’ de- CongressChief KMeghachandra to create such a type of state- Chauhan,Vohragavetheexample
obtain sanction for prosecution. Board (FIPB) approval sought by charges,theEDhadtakennosanc- deploying 5000 more CAPF per- mand for separate autonomy for had commented under it: mentforManipur,”OkramIbobu of Manipur and asked who was
Chidambaram is facing M/s Global Communications tion under the Code of Criminal sonnel “is not the answer”. He their territories. “Please delete it. Manipur is in Singh said. responsible for ensuring peace —
charges under the Prevention of ServicesHoldingsLtd(GCSHL)for Procedure Section 197(1) (sanc- wrote that instead: “It is more In the letter, they stated that turmoilsituation.Itisverysensi- ManipurChief MinisterBiren the MHA or the Armed forces.
MoneyLaunderingAct(PMLA)in $800millioninvestment(approx tiontoprosecuteapublicservant). wisdom: acknowledging that they had convened a meeting to tive.” Singh had also lashed out at “Has the Army asked if they are
the Aircel-Maxis case. Rs 3,565.91 crore) in connection Contesting Chidambaram’s Mr Biren Singh, the chief minis- discuss the matter. On Tuesday, Congress leader Chidambaram, alleging that the beingaskedtobethemilitaryaide
TheCBIandtheEDhadalleged with the Aircel-Maxis deal. The submission, ED’s counsel Zoheb ter, is the cause of the crisis and "In the meeting, we unani- and former Manipur CM Okram seeds of the conflict were laid by to civil authority, what are the
that the Congress leader, during agency said this could have been Hossaintoldthecourt:“Approval removing him immediately. It is mously condemned the content Ibobu Singh had also distanced Chidambaram by entering a terms? What are the objectives?
histenureasfinanceministerdur- granted only by the Cabinet maybepartofofficialdutybutre- more understanding: that the of Shri P Chidambaram's recent the state unit from Suspension of Operation agree- Things may go wrong in a major
ing the United Progressive Committee on Economic Affairs. ceiving Rs 1.6 crore (as kickback) Meitei,theKuki-ZoandtheNaga post on X concerning the Chidambaram’s statement and ment with the Zomi way unless there are systems in
Alliance(UPA)rule,approvedthe Issuing notice to the ED is not part of official duty.” can live together in one State Manipurcrisis.Thepostcontains said these were his personal Revolutionary Army in 2008. place,” Vohra said.
Inauguration of
125th Birth Anniversary celebration of

Release of the Commemorative Stamp & Coin

Chief Guest
Smt Droupadi Murmu
Hon’ble President of India

Program highlights
Book release
Digital exhibition
CBC 09101/13/0013/2425

Cultural program

21st November 2024 I 11:30 am

Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi
August Presence
Sh Dharmendra Pradhan Sh Gajendra Singh Shekhawat Sh Mohan Charan Majhi
Minister of Education Union Minister of Culture and Tourism Chief Minister of Odisha

Watch the live telecast on DD News


Bypolls in 4 states: 50-70% turnout VOTES IN, WAIT BEGINS

SP candidate Sumbul Rana
TURNOUT IN BYPOLLS alleged that police were harass-
ing voters in the name of check-
ing their identification cards.
A VOTER turnout ranging from KERALA UTTAR PRADESH RLD candidate Mithlesh Pal
50 to 70% was recorded in the Palakkad: 69.80% Meerapur: 57.12% claimed that she was informed
bypolls to 15 Assembly seats about people from outside the
PUNJAB Majhawan: 50.42%
across UP, Punjab, Kerala and constituency being called in for
Uttarakhand Wednesday amid Khair: 46.36% “bogus voting”.
Gidderbaha: 81.90%
stray incidents of violence and Phulpur: 43.45% “These people have been ac-
Dera Baba Nanak: 64.01%
complaints of irregularities Kundarki: 57.72% commodated in Madrasas and
against police officials and mis- Barnala: 56.34% schools,” she alleged.
Karhal: 54.07%
use of government machinery. Chabbewal: 53.38% Pal also claimed that bogus
Polling was held in Katehari, Katehari: 56.89% voting was being done by
Karhal, Meerapur, Ghaziabad, UTTARAKHAND Ghaziabad: 33.3% “women in burqa”.
Majhawan, Sisamau, Khair, Kedarnath: 57.64% Sishamau: 49.13% In Uttarakhand, a voter
Phulpur and Kundarki seats in turnoutof57.64%wasrecordedin
Uttar Pradesh, Gidderbaha, Dera MAHARASHTRA — Nanded (Lok Sabha): 62.89% theKedarnathbypoll.InPunjab,a
BabaNanak,Chabbewal(SC)and Source: EC Voter Turnout App; figures as of 11.30 pm voterturnoutof63%wasrecorded
BarnalaconstituenciesinPunjab, in the bypolls to four Assembly Union Minister Nitin
Palakkad in Kerala and segments. (see box) Gadkari casts his vote in
Kedarnath seat in Uttarakhand. Ghaziabad was 33.30%, Katehari Rinwa said five police personnel A minor clash took place be- Nagpur on Wednesday. ANI
Whilethepolling percentage 56.69%, Khair 46.36%, Kundarki on poll duty have been sus- tweentheAAPandCongresssup-
in Kerala was 70.51, it was 63 in 57.72%,Karhal54.07%,Majhawan pended taking note of com- portersatDeraPathanavillagein NCP-SP chief Sharad Pawar
Punjab, 57.64 in Uttarakhand 50.42%,Meerapur57.12%,Phulpur plaints — two each in Kanpur the Dera Baba Nanak segment. and Supriya Sule after
and49.3inUttarPradesh.The fi- 43.45% and Sisamau 49.13%. and Muzaffarnagar and one in Workersofbothpartieswerealso voting in Pune on
nal figures are likely to change. The SP claimed that in some Moradabad.Anincidentof stone engaged in heated arguments. Wednesday. Arul Horizon
Acting on complaints by SP placesthepolicepersonnelwere pelting was reported in Kakroli Heavy police force was deputed
chief Akhilesh Yadav against po- checking the IDs of people and village during voting for the atthesitetodiffusethesituation.
lice officers checking voter cards deterring them from voting. The Meerapur Assembly bypoll fol- AAP nominee Gurdeep
and Aadhaar IDs, the EC ordered BJP also sought the intervention lowing a confrontation between Singh Randhawa, who also
suspensionof fivepoliceperson- of EC for checking identity of two groups. reached the spot, rejected
nel in UP violating its guidelines burqa-wearing women voters, SSP Abhishek Singh said po- Randhawa's allegations as base-
on checking of voters and stop- claiming their IDs did not match lice promptly reached the spot less. In Kerala, polling in the
ping them from casting votes. with their faces. and dispersed the crowd using Palakkad Assembly by-election
The voter turnout in Uttar Pradesh CEO Navdeep “mild force”. saw a turnout of 69.80%.

Congress’s Praniti Shinde backs Jharkhand: EC

replaces presiding
independent in Solapur South officer after BJP
MP complains Chief Minister Eknath Sena UBT chief Uddhav
Sena-UBT’s Amar Patil is facing BJP’s Subhash Deshmukh Deoghar: Jharkhand BJP MP Shinde exercises his Thackeray along with his
Nishikant Dubey Wednesday franchise in Thane, family members after
member Kadadi, who then en- him multiple times and saidhefiledacomplaintwiththe Wednesday. Deepak joshi voting in Bandra East on
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA tered the fray as an independent Congress leader Anandrao EC against a presiding officer for Wednesday. Pradip Das
SOLAPUR, NOVEMBER 20 candidate. Devkate, too, had represented allegedly“favouringarulingparty
Praniti Shinde pointed out the seat in the assembly for sev- candidate” in Madhupur seat.
CONGRESS LEADER Praniti that the Solapur South seat has eral years. “I filed a complaint with the Maharashtra Deputy CM
Shinde on Wednesday declared given a chief minister to “Just because the Shiv Sena Election Commission against the Devendra Fadnavis and his
hersupporttoindependentcan- Maharashtra, a reference to her (UBT) had won the seat once, it presidingofficeratboothnumber family members after
didate Dharmaraj Kadadi in father and Congress stalwart was wrong on their part to claim 111 in Madhupur, Deoghar dis- casting their votes in
Maharashtra’sSolapur South as- Sushilkumar Shinde. it,” he said. trict,forfavouringJMMcandidate Nagpur, Wednesday. PTI
sembly seat, which was con- “There are friendly fights in BJP’s Subhash Deshmukh is and Minister Hafizul Hassan,”
tested by her party’s ally Shiv many constituencies (among the sitting MLA from the con- Dubey said. An official statement
Sena (UBT). Maha Vikas Aghadi allies) and stituency,whereShivSena(UBT) fromDeogharadministrationsaid
Speaking to reporters after this (Solapur South) is one of candidate Amar Patil was in the thattheofficer,RamanandKumar
casting her voting here in south- them,” she said and quipped “Jo fray. Paswan,atboothnumber111had
western Maharashtra, she said Jeeta Wohi Sikandar” (The one TheOppositionMVAconsists beenreplaced.DeputyCEONeha
coalitionnormwasfollowedand who wins is the king). of theCongress,ShivSena (UBT), ArorasaidanFIRhasbeenlodged
the Congress did not give ‘AB’ Her father and former Union led by former chief minister against the officer. A probe has
form(adocumentthatmentions minister Sushilkumar Shinde Uddhav Thackeray, and NCP beeninitiated,DeogharSPAmbar
theofficialpartycandidate)toits said Solapur South had elected (Sharadchandra Pawar). Lakra said. PTI
Maharashtra Congress chief
Nana Patole casts his vote in
Bhandara district on
Wednesday. PTI

Maharashtra former CM
Prithviraj Chavan, wife Maharashtra Deputy Chief
Satvasheela and daughter Minister Ajit Pawar and his
show their inked fingers at wife Sunetra Pawar vote in
in Satara’s Karad. PTI Pune. Arul Horizon

Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2025 to be curated

by artist Nikhil Chopra, his team: Pinarayi
spectaculareventthatfostersthe old Chopra noted that he was been announced in the Kochi
VANDANA KALRA spirit of art, community and dia- “honoured” and “humbled”. Biennale Foundation (KBF).
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 logue,” said Vijayan. India’s first biennale of inter- While former Chief Secretary to
Welcoming Chopra, KMB national contemporary art, the theGovernmentofKeralaVVenu
TOBEheldfromDecember2025 president Bose Krishnamachari event that had its inaugural edi- has been appointed as the chair-
to March 2026, the sixth edition said, “Known for his evocative tion in December 2012. person of the KBF, former United
of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale and immersive work, Nikhil’s Postponed a day before it was to NationsofficialThomasVarghese
(KMB) will be curated by artist collaboration with the KBF will open its fifth edition in 2022,the isnowtheCEOof thefoundation.
Nikhil Chopra and his team HH undoubtedlybringinafreshand sixtheditionof thebiennalewas Based in Goa, Chopra’s art
Art Spaces. The announcement dynamic perspective to the bi- initially scheduled to be held in practiceinterweavesvariedmedi-
wasmadebyKeralaCM Pinarayi ennale,deliveringanexperience, December 2024. ums,fromperformativetopaint-
Vijayan in Thiruvananthapuram andpromisestoresonate deeply Accordingtoareleaseissued, ing,photography,drawingandin-
on Wednesday. with the visitors, both from in2025-26theeventwillfeature stallations, among others. The
“KMB2025ispoisedtobeone Kerala and around the world.” 60 artists and artistic practices postgraduate in fine arts from
of the most memorable editions Introducinghisartpracticeat from India and across the world. OhioStateUniversityintheUShas
oftheKochi-MuzirisBiennale.Let the conference through an au- In recent months, several or- exhibitedatprestigiousmuseums
us join together to celebrate this dio-visualpresentation,50-year- ganisational changes have also andgalleriesworldover,andpar-
ticipated in events such as Perf-
orma (New York), Venice Bien-
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significance of KMB, MP Shashi
Tharoor, who joined virtually,
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esjB&250005 esjB&250005 esjB&250005 prestigious platform for Indian
E-mail id :[email protected] E-mail id :[email protected] E-mail id :[email protected] artists to showcase their work
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AdminBlock, Confidential Building & R.K. Laboratories Physics, Chemistr y & Treatment Plant (S.T.P.) (600 KLD) in C.C.S.
Hostels Etc. at C.C.S. University Campus. Agriculture Botany Department at C.C.S. University Campus. Meerut (U.P.) ds fuekZ.k
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Talks on for Kerala IFFI-2024 OPENS IN GOA

hosting Messi-led World polarised, let our stories talk: Shekhar Kapur
Argentina for two
Sarathkumar, Pranitha Subhash being aired on Doordarshan, ap-
ALAKA SAHANI & and Chidananda S Naik (winner peared on the stage.
PAVNEET SINGH CHADHA of the Cinéfondation 1st Prize at Welcomingthedelegatesand

exhibition matches
PANAJI, NOVEMBER 20 the2024CannesFilmFestivalfor guests,Sawantsaid,“Forthepast
his film ‘Sunflowers Were the 20years(2004to2024),
“IN THIS polarised world, within First Ones to Know...’) were ho- come a special event in our cal-
nations, within communities, noured. The ceremony also paid endar. Former Union Defence
moment for the hysteric fans. the only way we talk to each a tribute to Raj Kapoor, Minister and former Goa chief
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE “There were nearly a lakh when other is by telling each other our Mohammed Rafi, Tapan Sinha, minister Manohar Parrikar
KOTTAYAM, NOVEMBER 20 Maradona visited the State here. stories.Storiesarehowwerelate. and Akkineni Nageswara — the broughtIFFItoGoa.IFFIhasgiven
IfMessiturnsupitcouldbemore. Storiesarehowweperceiveeach centenary year of these icons is Goa a global platform and cre-
THEFACEthatadornsathousand I can’t imagine the chaos. As you other. That’s what has to go on beingcelebratedbyIFFIthisyear. ated infrastructure in the state.”
billboards in Kerala could finally wouldknow,heisthemostpop- and we have to go on holding Speaking about the focus on Earlier, Prithul Kumar, Joint
makearealappearancenextyear ularsportsmanintheState.Heis film festivals,” said filmmaker creatingcontentviaavideomes- Secretary of Ministry of
in the State. Argentina’s football everywhere,”hesays.“Definitely, Shekhar Kapur, Festival Director sage, Union Information and Information and Broadcasting
team, and potentially their talis- it would lift the state’s profile in of the 55th International Film Broadcasting Minister Ashwini and Managing Director, NFDC,
man Lionel Messi, could feature the sporting world,” he says. Festival of India (IFFI), Goa, at its Vaishnav said: “We in India at had said that 6,500 delegates
in two exhibition games against Some15,000kilometresfrom opening ceremony. this point of time are very much have been registered this year
anAsianopponent. KeralaSports hishometownRosario,Messien- Calling Indians “the greatest Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant with actor Nagarjuna, filmmaker Shekhar Kapur and focused on developing the con- marking an increase of 25 per
Minister V Abdurahiman con- joys riveting fanfare in Kerala. content makers” and “the great- others at the 55th International Film Festival of India-2024 in Goa, Wednesday. PTI tent creators’ economy... where cent over last year. To make the
firmed the news Wednesday af- Before the last World Cup, a 30- est content consumers” in the peoplearecomingupwithinno- festival more accessible to the
ter he, his delegation and mem- feetcutoutwasraisedoverariver world, the director of ‘Masoom’ vativecontent,showcasingsome filmlovers,6morescreensand45
bers of the All Kerala Gold and in Kozhikode. Thousands flew to and ‘Mr India’ said: “So, [at] this dance performances, a series of acquaint the young generation Rama and Krishna. of the rich heritage, cuisines and percentmorescreeningtheatres
Silver Merchants Association, Qatar to watch him hoist the festival,Ibegeveryonetocelebrate announcementsaboutupcoming about Mahatma Gandhi’s role in Later, actors Ishaan Khattar culture of India. We believe that will be made available this year.
held talks with the delegates of World Cup, twice as many en- not just the filmmakers but our projectsandfacilities;andseveral India’s freedom struggle. and Manushi Chillar headlined with the addition of technology InthiseditionofIFFI,Australiawill
the Argentina Football rolled as volunteers at the event audiences too...War here, war prominentpersonalitiesofIndian The festival, interestingly, twohigh-octanedanceperform- and the development of a cre- betheCountryofFocus,showcas-
Association in Madrid last week. in the hope to see in him flesh. there.Howwillthisstop?Theonly cinema were honoured. Of the opened with the watering of a ances. Such extravaganza, that ators’ ecosystem, India can play ing a dedicated film package and
Addressing a press confer- During the World Cup or COPA way this will stop is if we get to- many announcements made, saplingbyCMPramodSawant,Sri has become de rigueur of IFFI a major role in the way the cre- fosteringcollaborationwithIndia
ence in Thiruvananthapuram, America tournament time, the getherandtelleachotheroursto- there were two about upcoming SriRaviShankar,Kapurandother openingceremony,ensuredthat ators’ economy is shaping up.” through a memorandum of un-
theministersaid:“Wehadexcel- flagsofArgentinaflutterfromthe ries and understand each other.” feature films — ‘Truce Against All dignitaries as a celebration of Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Keepingupwiththeevolving derstanding (MoU) between
lentdiscussionsonhostinganex- terracesofhousesandthesmiling If Indian cinema is a melting Odds’and‘Gandhi:APerspective’. ‘GreenGoa’.Thiswasfollowedby Indoor Stadium, with a capacity entertainment,PrasarBharatian- Screen Australia and NFDC. The
hibition match in the state. As a face of Messi gleams from flexes pot of cultures and themes, the ThefirstonetalksaboutSriSriRavi ‘BharatVandana’,whichfeatured of 4,000,wasalmostpackedwith nounced the launch of its digital festivalalsopickedAustralianfilm
follow-up,anAFAdelegationwill at nearly every bend of the road. opening was determinedly a re- Shankar’s role in bringing peace dancers performing to a medley filmpersonalitiesandfilmlovers. platform — Waves. The cast and ‘Better Man’, by Michael Gracey
visitthestatewithintwomonths. Tenthousandsofjerseys,fromthe flection of that. During the cere- in war-torn areas and is made as of devotional songs, including ‘Ik At the opening of IFFI, sched- crew of Fauzi 2, which is a new which offers a captivating
Allthefinancialassistanceforor- originaltofake,aresoldandworn mony,manyaspectsof theenter- partofIndian-Columbiaaudio-vi- Omkar’, MS Subbulakshmi’s uled to take place till November versionof the 1989-series‘Fauzi’ glimpseintothelifeof theBritish
ganisingthishigh-profilefootball with love and pride; the debates tainment industry were sual agreement while the latter, ‘Vishnu Sahasranamam’, apart 28, prominent personalities like which made Shah Rukh Khan a popstarRobbieWilliamstoopen
event will be provided by the of who is the greatest—whether celebrated through multiple directedbySubhashGhai,aimsto frominvocationofShiva,Ganpati, actor Jaideep Ahlawat, R national crush and is currently the festival.
merchants of the state.” It’s esti- it’s Messi or his Portuguese rival
mated that the event would cost CristianoRonaldoswirldeepinto
around `35 crore. any football night. Some of them
The venue—most likely have escalated into violence too.
Kochi’s Jawaharlal Nehru Aware of the fan following, La
Stadium—and dates, would be Liga and AFA X handles used to
formalised only after the visit of photo-shop Messi in Kerala’s tra-
AFA delegates. Boby ditional attire of kasavu mundu.
Chemmanur, a member of the Last year, the Ambassador of
association who also collabo- Argentina gifted CM Pinarayi
rated with the late Diego Vijayananationalteamjerseyfor
Maradona, said Messi’s arrival the state's support of Messi and
could be a dream-come-true Argentina in the World Cup.

Journalist working as
Rapido rider dies in
Chennai BMW crash
O Pratheep
O PRATHEEP Kumar, a video Kumar
journalist who doubled as a
Rapido bike taxi rider to support
himself, was killed late Tuesday free time to meet his financial
night when his motorcycle was obligations, saidoneof thevideo
struck allegedly by a speeding journalists who knew him in
BMW on the Maduravoyal- person.
Tambaramelevatedbypassroad. The BMW driver allegedly
The accident took place abandoned the vehicle after the
when the luxury vehicle al- crash, leaving it at the accident
legedly hit Kumar’s motorcycle site. Preliminary investigations
with such force that his body suggest the car’s automatic sen-
was thrown nearly 100 metres sor system may have forced the
from the site of impact. vehicle to stop following the col-
Kumar, who lived near the lision, forcing the driver to leave
Pondy Bazaar area in Chennai, it there.
worked for a Telugu news chan- It was commuters who spot-
nel and was recently attached to ted the damaged bike and the
a Telugu YouTube channel, ac- abandoned car nearby, and
cording to police officials. alerted authorities, setting off a
His ID cards were also found search that led to the discovery
at the scene. Despite his career of Kumar’s body. Police sources
in journalism, Kumar took up said they are yet to catch the
work as a bike taxi rider in his BMW driver.

How can urbanisation

boost skills and
create employment?


idence suggests that Indians are
Jobs. Rural India and the farm
economy can neither create the of UP’s youth? Where are the
millions of jobs that Indian need gaps in creating new job oppor-
nor provide the kind of incomes tunitiesandhowcantheprocess
thatIndiansaspiretoearn.Cities, be improved?
on the other hand, can become These willbe somekey ques-
bustling centres of not just job tions discussed in the sixth edi-
creation but also skill develop- tion of The Indian Express’s
ment. Yet, as things stand, many THINC: CITIES seminar series,
cities are struggling to provide presented by Omidyar Network
employment opportunities for India, to be held in Lucknow on
India’s youth. Thursday.
Lucknow is the capital city of The seminar will feature a
Uttar Pradesh, the state which keynoteaddressbyAmritAbhijat,
not only has one of the biggest Principal Secretary, Urban
economies within India but also Development Department,
one where the government is Government of Uttar Pradesh. It
working towards the ambitious will be followed by a panel dis-
target of becoming a trillion dol- cussion that will feature Bornali
lar economy. Bhandari (Professor, National
Such a goal will require Uttar Council of Applied Economic
Pradesh to more than treble its Research), Geeta Thatra
stateGDPoverthenextfiveyears. (AssociateDirector,Researchand
Cities such as Lucknow will Training, Work Fair and Free),
play a crucial role if such a trans- Paramjeet Chawla (Program
formation has to come about. Manager and Urban Economist,
But what is Lucknow doing to WRI India) and Smita Agarwal
prepare itself for this change? (Chairperson CII Uttar Pradesh).
How are other cities in UP going The seminar will be moder-
to play their part? Is enough be- ated by Udit Misra, Associate
ing done for improving the skills Editor, The Indian Express.



Music is spiritual.
The music business is not.

A new wind in Colombo

Progressive turn in Sri Lankan politics will be tested
by new government’s negotiation of economic crisis

DON’T LOSE MOMENT Andrew Fidel Fernando

When decisions on subsidy and procurement are delayed or out PARLIAMENT STAFF IN Sri Lanka who had of anti-Rajapaksa rage in the midst of a har- These polls have reshaped the genre,
been hoping for days off this week have had rowing economic crisis, braided into the however briefly.
of sync with market realities, both farmers and consumers suffer

their leave cancelled. There are dozens of se- movement was a range of other progressive EarlysignsfromtheNPParethattheparty
N GOVERNANCE, AS in other things, timing is crucial. Take the paddy crop stubble curity clearances to be arranged, desks to be critiques. That political elites had worked in understands it is merely the beneficiary of a
burning, which has shown a sharp spike since the second week of this month. assigned, a workshop on parliamentary pro- lockstep with the wealthy, to enrich both politicalconsciousnessthatcentresaccount-
ceduretobeorganised,aninformationdeskto groups at the expense of regular people was ability. “The people have given us this huge
Between November 8 and November 19, the number of farm fires, at 15,475, were
be staffed, and no hours to waste. It is an all- oneallegation.Thatsowingracialdiscordhad win because they’ve believed in us,”
more than the 13,238 from September 15 to November 7. And these are the offi- hands-on-deck situation. been a long-time strategy to divide and rule spokespersonTilvinSilvatoldjournalists.“But
cially reported events in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and When your country chooses to elect 160- ethnic groups that otherwise shared a com- if we don’t hold on to the weight of that re-
Delhi. Researchers have suggested the possibility of farmers shifting their burning to the odd first-timers in a 225-member house, mon economic plight was another. Other sponsibility and we fail, then there is no one
lateafternoonperiod,whentheNASAsatellitesdon’tactivelymonitortheregion.Whether these are the breaks. For the first time, a visu- questions bubbled: Why did Sri Lanka have else to come to the rescue.”
or not such “timing” of fires — to avoid satellite overpasses, thereby escaping detection ally-impairedpersonwilltakeoathasalegis- so few women in parliament, though it Sri Lanka remains in the midst of an eco-
lator.Parliamentstaff,usedtoproducingma- boastedof havinghadthefirstelectedfemale nomiccrisis.Childmalnutritionhasworsened
terials in Sinhala, Tamil and English, will now headofstateintheworld?Whywastheclergy over the past few years, while the new gov-
During October, only 8.4 million tonnes (mt) of rice equivalent was bought, as against have to make these available through audio. so influential? ernment and the IMF work out the details of
10.6 mt and 11.4 mt in the same month of 2023 and 2022 respectively These are extraordinary times in Sri It was easy to dismiss these ideas as mere the country’s path back from debt defaults,
The above slow pace of purchases was due to inadequate storage space, with much of Lanka. While the proportional electoral sys- progressive fantasies at odds with Sri Lanka’s and the bankruptcy it declared in 2022. Sri
the rice from last year's procured crop remaining in Punjab and Haryana. That rice not be- tem has been in place since 1977, no single politicalculture.Buttherearenowhardelec- Lanka has voted for an alternate vision, but if
ing moved out in time meant warehouses there having little capacity to accommodate party hade secured two-thirds of the seats toral results. Many of the most virulent IMF-imposedausteritycontinuestosuppress
fresh grain arriving from October. It led to un-lifted paddy in the mandis, in turn, prompt- in the 225-member house. The National Sinhalese-Buddhist nationalists shrank even economic freedom in the homes of regular
People’sPower(NPP),acentre-leftoutfitthat from contesting in the parliamentary elec- people, where does the country turn next?
ing farmers to slow down harvesting of their already-ripened crop in the fields. But the
has existed only since 2019 and had only tions, a mix of internal polling and a general The ethno-nationalists who have held sway
more the procurement got extended, the narrower was the window to sow the next three MPs in the last parliament, now has reading of the roomleading them tothe con- for a century, have not been vanquished—
wheat crop, ideally by mid-November. With lesser time left between paddy harvesting 159 — roughly 70 per cent of the legislature. clusion that people would vote for their re- merelydrivenback.Inthenorthandeast,cit-
and wheat sowing, farmers have probably taken greater recourse to stubble burning to Even the Rajapaksas, in their headiest years, moval. Many who did contest, lost. izens will also rightly expect land long-held
clear their fields. Delayed paddy procurement may have, then, aggravated the damage to soonafterMahindaRajapaksa’sgovernment Thisnewparliamenthasthegreatestpro- bythemilitarytobereturnedtothem,andfor
air quality in north India, including the national capital, this time round. ended the 26-year civil war, had fallen short portion of women it has ever had (still paltry, expanded language rights to be the starting
of this mandate. at less than 15 per cent, but double the num- point of NPP’s rule.
The cost of not taking a timely decision is also being felt in di-ammonium phosphate
Backthen,theRajapaksasalsohadontheir ber in the last parliament). And NPP has out- Steps toward a nation less riven by ethnic
(DAP),acrucialphosphorus-containingfertiliserappliedatthetimeof sowing.Lowerim- sidethepowerfulSinhala-Buddhistnational- performed the Tamil nationalist parties even divisionsareonlytentativeandyet,forthemo-
ports of boththe finished fertiliserandrawmaterial/intermediates used in domestic pro- ists who, for decades, had essentially argued Sri Lanka has voted for an inmostminority-dominantregions,winning ment, ethno-religious critique against the
duction have left companies with not enough material to sell. With supply not matching that while Tamils had Tamil Nadu and more seats in the Jaffna, Vanni, and state and the socio-economic critique have
alternate vision, but if IMF-
the higher demand from farmers on the back of a good monsoon, it has resulted in short- Muslims had the Arab world, this was the Trincomalee districts than any other party. dovetailed. This is an island that, in the late
SinhaleseBuddhists’onlyhomeland,andthat imposed austerity continues Partly,thisisdowntothetraditionalTamilpar- 1980s,hadsimultaneouslyhadTamilnation-
ages and reports of sales at above the government-directed maximum retail price (MRP).
The government has not just fixed the MRP very low, but also not provided a high enough
minorities should live on sufferance. to suppress economic ties’ waning influence while Sri Lanka’s eco- alists fighting for a separate state in the north
subsidy/concession to make it viable for companies to import and market the fertiliser.
The NPP freshers now flooding into par- freedom in the homes of nomic crisis depleted household purchasing and east, while socialists attempted violent
liament, meanwhile, defy collective descrip- powerinregionsthatwerealreadyamongthe revolution in the southern provinces.
Fertilisers, like rice and wheat, are victims of excess policy intervention. Farmers produce regular people, where does
tionbytheold,racially-chargedmetrics.There poorest. It also results from Tamils’ willing- It’s long been argued that equality of eco-
the latter not for the market, but government agencies. They buy urea and DAP at govern- are dyed-in-the-wool Sinhalese leftists, a the country turn next? The ness to give NPP a chance, though it has done nomic opportunity is key to producing social
ment-fixedMRPs.Whendecisionsonsubsidyandprocurementaredelayedoroutof sync Tamil trade unionist and a school principal ethno-nationalists who have little to improve their lives yet. In that, they changeinSriLanka.Butpreviousliberalproj-
with market realities, the ultimate sufferer is the farmer and the general public. from the northern city of Jaffna, two women held sway for a century, have andthesouthernpopulacethathasturnedto ects have largely refused to make economic
from the Malaiyaha Tamil community, a NPP en masse, are alike. rights a component of their calls for justice.
young Muslim MP hailing from the largely-
not been vanquished — This vote is an experiment in remaking A protest movement largely born of, and
Sinhalese deep south — all set to be led in the merely driven back. In the the nation, just as it is a repudiation of estab- propelled by, the middle and lower-middle

TIGHTENING THE NORM housebyPrimeMinisterHariniAmarasuriya,

from Colombo. This, in a nation that had
north and east, citizens will
also rightly expect land long-
held by the military to be
lishment politics. Perhaps devolving power
to minority provinces can co-exist with bet-
ter living standards across the mostly-
classes has created conditions necessary for
what appears to be a more progressive, and
pluralistic, government to sweep into office.
Sebi pushes for stricter guidelines for SME IPOs to protect largely been beset by elite and family rule Sinhalese south. Perhaps a party largely If these are gains, economic wellbeing in
since independence. returned to them, and for aligned with the south, but which seeks to homes across the island is critical to consoli-
investor interests. It's a step in the right direction expanded language rights to

That the political consciousness that replace corrupt elites, can improve quality of dating them.
HELASTFEWyearshaveseenadramaticsurgeinstockpricesof smallandmid brought this mass change proliferated in be the starting point of life for minorities too. Over the past few
2022’scolossalprotests,isalmostinescapable. months, there has been far less of the usual Fernando is a Colombo-based
Thoughtheprotestshadprimarilybeenborn NPP’s rule. electoralrhetoricthatdemonisesminorities. journalist and writer
companied by concerns not only of irrational investor exuberance, but also of
by market participants as well as the stock market regulator. The Sebi chairperson has, for
instance, talked about the possibility of price manipulation in initial public offering (IPOs)


and trading of SMEs. Sebi has also cautioned investors about some promoters creating an
allows them to offload their shares at higher prices. On Tuesday, the stock market regula-
tor went a step ahead and issued a consultation paper proposing several changes to the
guidelines for listing small and medium enterprises. This is a step in the right direction.
The measures outlined are directed at both investors and promoters. For instance, the
Trump's return marks an inflection point in the feminist movement in the US
theentrybarrierforinvestors,andleadtoonly“informedinvestorswhohavetherisktak- Angellica Aribam
ing appetite” applying for allotment. Sebi has also suggested increasing the number of
minimum investors to 200 from 50. This would ensure a bigger investor base and greater THE ELECTION OF Donald Trump as US pres- thelawasthreeof theSupremeCourtjustices temic.Theyhadalsofamouslyprotestedatthe
liquidity.Theregulatorhasalsoproposedthatthelock-inontheminimumpromotercon- ident has unleashed a wave of despair whowerepartofthemajorityjudgmentwere Miss America 1968 pageant against the ob-
tribution be increased to five years, and that the holdings in excess of the minimum con- amongstmostAmericanwomen.Intheafter- his appointees. He even claimed to be the jectification of women. Such acts of openly
tribution be released in a phased manner. This could ensure that promoters have “skin in mathof theresults,the4Bmovement,which “most pro-life president in history”. He and callingoutsexismandrapecultureledtomore
the game”. It has also been put forth that if the purpose of the SME issue is to repay loans originated in South Korea a couple of years his running mate continuously degraded people recognising how pervasive it was.
ago, became one of the most searched topics childlesswomenandreferredtothemas“psy- On this foundation, they won various le-
of promoters or related parties then those should not be allowed, and that a monitoring
online. It is a radical feminist movement chotic”and“catladies”.Aftertheelection,pro- galandlegislativevictoriesincludingtheEqual
agencybeappointedtoensurethatfundsareutilisedinthemannerstatedif theissuesize whereinwomendenouncemenandthesys- Trump social media influencers trended a Pay Act of 1963, Title IX which gave educa-
is more than Rs 20 crore. This could guard against the risk of siphoning of funds. tems of oppression in heterosexual relation- misogynist campaign called “Your body, my tional equality to women, and Roe v Wade
In recent years, there has been a steady increase in small and medium sized compa- ships by adopting “Four Nos” — no dating, no choice” which normalises rape and forced which granted abortion rights. They also
nies tapping the markets. Data shows that the number of companies listed at NSE has sex, no marriage, no childbearing. Many pregnancy. Undoubtedly, the slogan was an worked to outlaw sexual harassment at the
risen from 31 in 2021-22 to 138 in 2023-24 and from 33 to 58 at BSE. So far this year, Americanwomentooktosocialmediatoan- antithesisofthefeministslogan“Mybody,my workplace, opened rape crisis centres, raised
nouncethattheyareadoptingit.Itisaradical choice”.Theunderlyingideaistostripwomen awareness about gender and sexuality, etc.
Rs 5,700crore hasbeen raised through159 SME IPOs. The proposals put forth by the stock
approach, but perhaps one whose time has of their agency. I believe that the 4B movement is an in-
market regulator — which follow recent measures to tighten the norms around deriva- come, given the fight for bodily autonomy The attack on the bodily autonomy of flectionpointinthecurrentfourth-wavefem-
tives trading — are designed to bring greater scrutiny of these SME IPOs, protect the in- American women have been undergoing. American women is being carried out on all inist discourse. In America, the movement is
terests of ordinary investors, and ensure the integrity of markets. When the US Supreme Court overturned fronts—legal,physical,psychological,anddig- not just about resisting deeply-rooted sys-
Roe v Wade in 2022, taking away the consti- The attack on the bodily ital.Thereareeeriesimilaritieswiththebattles temic inequalities — traditional gender roles
tutional right to abortion, it undid more than autonomy of American that second-wave feminists had to fight. It is andthedisproportionateburdenof domestic
50 years of activism. The battles that second- no surprise that the radical feminism of the responsibilities — but also about women re-

women is being carried out
wavefeministsfoughtandwonarenowtobe current 4B movement is in consonance with claiming agency over their bodies. It is a war
foughtalloveragain.AccordingtoaNewYork on all fronts — legal, the second-wavers. cry. Hopefully, it’ll create awareness and help
Times report, as of November this year, 21 physical, psychological, and When we trace the journey of feminism, redefine the contours of heterosexual rela-
His reading of Subbulakshmi's music enriches the tradition states have banned abortion or restricted the digital. There are eerie the second wave can be considered the most tionships by moving away from patriarchal
procedureearlierinthepregnancythanwhat similarities with the battles crucialinexpandingfeministprinciples.While norms. Quite probably, future generations
she belongs to, comes from a place of affection and respect

wasgranted in Roe v Wade. Idaho,Tennessee, the first-wavers got women’s suffrage, it was may look back and thank the 4B feminists for
N AN ODD decision taken by the Madras High Court on November 19, Carnatic vo- and Alabama have made it a crime to assist that second-wave feminists the second-wavers who challenged gender pushing the boundary, as we do to the femi-
calist TM Krishna will be awarded the prestigious Sangita Kalanidhi, but not in MS anyone to get an abortion. In several Texas had to fight. It is no surprise norms and questioned the systemic oppres- nists who came before us.
Subbulakshmi’s name. The decision comes after V Srinivasan, Subbulakshmi’s counties, it is criminal to travel on their roads that the radical feminism of sion of women. Their slogan, “personal is po-
to access abortion. litical”, made people aware that subjects The writer is a political activist and the lead
grandson, opposed the conferment of the award as, according to him, Krishna had the current 4B movement is
Against this backdrop, abortion rights whichwereconsideredpersonal—sexualha- author of the book The Fifteen: The Lives and
made scandalous remarks about his grandmother. WhileJustice GJayachandran's verdict wereacentralthemeinthispresidentialelec- in consonance with the rassment, relationships, abortion rights, and Times of the Women in India’s
blocks the award in Subbulakshmi’s name, because it would violate Subbulakshmi’s will tion.Trumptookcreditfortheoverturningof second-wavers. domestic labour — were political and sys- Constituent Assembly
according to which she did not want any memorial, foundation or statue in her name, it
also says that Krishna’s opinion “whether good, bad or ugly will not disqualify him from
getting the title Sangita Kalanidhi”.
itdependonSrinivasan’sdiscretion?Wouldotherawardsandfellowshipsinhernamecon- NOVEMBER 21, 1984, FORTY YEARS AGO
tinue? If the court wants the singer’s will and wishes to be respected, shouldn’t it then also
consider taking down Subbulakshmi’s famed bronze statue installed at RTC Cross Road FAIZ AHMED FAIZ DEAD tureof thethreatfromPakistan.Hetoldthem The attack was launched with a truckload of
JunctioninTirumalaTirupati?TakingawaySubbulakshmi’snamefromtheSangitaKalanidhi at their bi-annual conference that there was explosivesdrivenintoatwo-storeypolicesta-
just because it’s being given to Krishna is as distasteful as taking down the statue. FAIZ AHMED FAIZ, a literary giant who be- a danger that the weapons Pakistan was ac- tion by separatist guerillas. As army convoys
came a legend in Urdu poetry, died in Lahore quiring ostensibly for use in Afghanistan rushed to the scene, several land mines blew
Just as Krishna has questioned the rich musical tradition of Carnatic music, exploring
followingacardiacarrest.Hewas73.Faizhad might be redirected againstIndia. US reports up on the road, impeding their travel.
the margins, speaking of equality and shaking the status quo, he has critically analysed a severe attack of asthma, an ailment he had about Pakistan’s developing nuclear device
the life and times of Subbulakshmi and tried to interpret her musical choices. While ex-
amining her Devadasi roots, Krishna has asked whether MS would have been accepted
been suffering for years, and was rushed to
Lahore hospital. In his lifetime, Faizhad pub-
were also discussed as Mr Gandhi said that
it was “again a matter of great concern to
and embraced if she hadn’t “Brahminised” herself. He tracked changes in her music — lished eightcollectionsof poems.In 1962, he our country.” THE ELUSIVE AGREEMENT on electoral ad-
from immortalising Meera to ending up in the spiritual realm “only to be summoned was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize, the first justments for 85 seats in Uttar Pradesh con-
whenever we want to reaffirm our faith in the religious, sanctified, spiritual and ritualis- Asian poet to receive the honour.
SEPARATISTS KILL 40 tinues to block an overall Opposition bid to
field common candidates against the
tic.” He wondered what the music could have been if some choices were not imposed
on her. This vivid analysis is not only the right of the expert, it could have also inaugu- PM ON PAKISTAN Tamil separatist guerrillas blew up a police
station in a “Lebanon-style” truck bomb at-
Congress-I in next month’s Lok Sabha elec-
rated a great intellectual debate. It is not slander. In fact, it comes from a place of deep re- PRIME MINISTER RAJIV Gandhi warned the tack in northern Sri Lanka, killing at least 40 Rama Rao and P Upendra expected to meet
spect and emotional attachment to an artiste. Indian Air Force commanders about the na- policemen,informedsourcessaidinColombo. representatives of the BJP, Janata and DMKP.


“Large protests and sit-ins are part and parcel of Pakistan’s political process, and the
PTI’s announcement of a march on Islamabad is nothing out of the ordinary if
past precedents are considered.” — DAWN,PAKISTAN

State of partylessness Free market

Kerala’s Palakkad by-poll showcased how, with major parties working
towards their redundancy, candidates float more freely than the vote
needs free speech
SEBI proposal to regulate digital platforms,
control finfluencers’ content, expands its powers
unduly, restricts price discovery
each speculator’s credibility is then built
on her previous guesses. Pre-empting
public speculation will deprive people of
the benefit of the “good” speculators and
E P Unny the opportunity to form an opinion. The
existence of many views is key to an effi-
ASTHISPOLLseasonends,thecountry’swest cient price discovery process.
coasthasshed anyresidualsemblanceof the Thatsaid,speechinthesecuritiesmarket
left coast. No voter was even trying to look isalreadyregulated.Fraudulent,manipula-
left or right in Maharashtra where multiple
Bhargavi Zaveri Shah tiveordeceptivespeechinconnectionwith
parties were doing denatured politics. securities is prohibited under the SEBI Act,
FurthersouthonthecoastlineinKeralaitwas SEBI recently published a proposal to reg- withthepossibilityof criminalprosecution.
still possible to tell the left from the right till ulatedigitalplatformssuchasYouTubeand In 2003, SEBI enacted regulations that
the other day. WhatsApp that allow the dissemination of define some conduct as fraudulent, unfair
All distinctions vanished a couple of securities-related information. SEBI-regu- or misleading. In particular, disseminating
weeks ago right in the middle of the cam- lated financial intermediaries may then misleading or false “information or advice”
paign. Till then the most attention-grabbing “associate” only with “finfluencers” who through digital media, which is likely to in-
contest in the state was Priyanka Gandhi’s share information on such platforms. fluence investor decisions, is deemed to be
one-sided fight in Wayanad Lok Sabha con- Digital platforms seeking SEBI’s recogni- a manipulative, fraudulent or unfair trade
stituency vacated by her brother Rahul. Two tion must implement measures such as practice.Overtheyears,thelistof suchcon-
other by-polls to the state assembly in taking down, blocking and preventing the tent deemed manipulative, fraudulent and
Chelakkara and Palakkad were supposed to sharingof securities-relatedcontentposted unfairpracticeshasexpanded,andthestan-
run on expected lines. It was the same old on these platforms, blacklisting entities dardofproofhasloweredfrom“knowingly”
drill of fighting eachotherfor the CPI(M) and identified by SEBI and regular reporting to “carelessly” indulging in such speech. As
Congress-led coalitions with an eye on the requirements to SEBI. a result, in many cases, neither knowledge,
BJP-led NDA, a bigger player in Palakkad. As provocative as media reports of fin- intention nor the level of care matter for a
In Kerala, which has since the 1970s en- fluencers misleading investors may be, the speech to qualify as fraudulent, manipula-
joyed a broadly bipolar coalition politics, impulse to regulate speech must meet a tive, deceptive or unfair. Most importantly,
Palakkadtownanditssuburbshavestoodout highthreshold.Freespeechisafundamen- theseregulationsapplytoanybody,notjust
asthemosttriangularisedelectoralspace.The tal right, and the power of the state, espe- SEBI-regulated entities.
RSS has long been a factor here and the BJP a ciallyunelectedregulators,toimpose“rea- Fromthemid-2000s,SEBIfurthertight-
significant vote catcher, often enough to tilt sonable restrictions” on it must not be ened the controls on securities market-re-
thepolls.Inthelastassemblyelection,theBJP exercised lightly. lated speech by mandating that those who
ran a maximised campaign fielding SEBI’s proposal warrants reconsidera- wishtoadviseoropineonsecuritiesbereg-
Metroman E Sreedharan from here. It took tion for three main reasons. First, the regu- istered as investment advisors or research
the vastly resourceful and popular Shafi lation of speech can undermine the virtu- analystswithSEBI.Allclient-facingpersons
Parambil of Congress to manage a narrow ousprocessof pricediscoveryfacilitatedby associated with investment advisors and
win, pushing the Left to the third position. the securities market. Second, it entails a research analysts must pass qualifying ex-
This time the CPI(M) was expected to do disproportionate expansion of SEBI’spow- ams and meet other eligibility criteria.
somethingoutof theboxtoavengetheslight ers, without demonstrating that its exist- Given their wide applicability, these regu-
but it sprang an underwhelming surprise. It ing powers are insufficient to deal with lationswouldsquarelyrequirefinfluencers
decided notto field itsown candidateinare- mis-selling. Third, the proposal warrants to register themselves with SEBI. Violation
gion that was once a safe zone for any can- parliamentary oversight. of these regulations entails civil and crim-
didate including parachuting stalwarts like A key public good that a securities mar- inal consequences and non-monetary
AK Gopalan, EK Nayanar and VS ket produces is a price discovery process. sanctions by SEBI. It recently used these
Achuthanandan.Theplacehaslongceasedto Thepricediscoveredthroughtradinginthe powers to penalise unregistered finflu-
be a Left bastion but the party still counts, publicmarketsbenefitseveryone,whether encers, and even settled some of these
enough to run its own candidate. Instead, it or not they participate in the trading cases with hefty amounts.
chose to back Dr P Sarin, a freshly minted process. This price signal is a product of all Given SEBI’s existing powers to pun-
Congress deserter who walked across just in C R Sasikumar kinds of views in the market — optimistic, ish unregistered finfluencers, the motiva-
time to file papers as an independent. pessimistic and even neutral. Controlling tion to also regulate digital platforms on
A medical graduate who left the Indian information dissemination undermines which finfluencers share information is
Audit&Accountsservicetojoinpolitics,Sarin yet to find broad acceptance within. In the var. For someone who constantly under- this price discovery process. unclear. Finally, SEBI proposes to issue a
wasamongthetwoyoungstarspresentedon famously factionalised state party, he is lined his core RSS values, the mid-campaign For example, when Hindenberg pub- “circular” to regulate finfluencers’ speech
behalf of theProfessionalCongressbyShashi seen as part of a new strident youth wing move couldn’t have looked just opportune. lishedareportaboutAdanigroupfirms’se- on digital platforms. There are several
Tharoor in 2021 at a town hall meeting in in a hurry to replace the old guard. He did air his pent-up grievances against curitiesbeingovervalued,theAdanipromot- problems with this unilateral expansion
neighbouringOttapalam.Sarinwasthenthe Ironically, the BJP seemed to have produced the candidate and the state unit head. This ers published their reasons for why the of jurisdiction.
assembly candidate and the other new face the same outcome by doing exactly the op- was understandable. The BJP in Kerala is far report was misleading, and analysts (many The SEBI Act empowers SEBI to regulate
introduced with much fanfare as a key tech posite. The party couldn’t have found a from faction-mukt. among them, finfluencers) came up with securities market intermediaries, such as
resource was Anil Antony, AK Antony’s son. more locally connected candidate. C Sandeep had to do more. He needed a their own opinions of what was true. Using brokers,mutualfunds,investmentadvisors,
Anil has since joined the BJP and now it was Krishna Kumar is a familiar face with a long tougher ideological closure. Here he was thisinformation,manypeoplechosetosell, stockexchanges,andsoon.Theprimaryreg-
Sarin’sturntoswitch--withinthesecularIN- public record in the municipality at the end helped in no mean measure by the no less their counterparties chose to buy and oth- ulatorfordigitalplatformsisMeitYunderthe
DIA bloc, if it is any comfort. of which he has even less inner party ac- ideological Left, which showed a hasty urge ers chose to hold the securities of Adani Information Technology Act, which specifi-
The Left party, with a formidable legacy ceptance than his Congress rival.
The three major parties were in welcoming the sinner if the sin was de- firms. Importantly, people made their own callyregulatesincludingmisinformationon
in these parts, ran a high-voltage campaign The three major parties were projecting projecting candidates not to nounced. The somersault suddenly looked decisions based on the views they believed these platforms. An expansion of SEBI’s ju-
for a candidate contesting not even under candidates not to necessarily win but to pass necessarily win but to pass legit. But the thankful acrobat chose Rahul to be accurate. If their decisions prove to be risdiction to an entity that is not a securities
the party symbol. The good doctor had to the buck in case of defeat, cut losses and run. the buck in case of defeat, cut Gandhi’s “mohabbat ki dukan”. He walked wrong, they will correct their biases, and if market intermediary ought to be approved
settle for the apolitical stethoscope, how- With the winnable BJP at work, what the in and belonged without as much as a jet lag. they prove correct, this will increase their by Parliament. SEBI cannot give itself new
ever befitting. The hammer, sickle and star other two dread most is the third position. losses and run. With the Almost instantly, he was paraded in the trust in the source of their information. powers except through parliamentary law.
wasn’t there on the EVMs and this could ThisNumberThreeTraumadrovetheircam- winnable BJP at work, what Congress campaign as a prize catch. Imagine a situation where the regulator re- It is important to avoid potential jurisdic-
matter in a close contest. Old-time loyalists paign more than any urge to win. All sides the other two dread most is How would voters react if Himanta strictedanyside,theshort-sellers,theAdani tional conflicts with MeitY. Finally, from a
would have groped for the readily recognis- seemed to follow the same event manage- the third position. This Biswa Sarma suddenly started talking like promotersortheanalysts,fromdisseminat- principal-agent perspective, the expansion
able thumbnail. More glaringly, the classic ment template. There was saturation pub- Jairam Ramesh? What math prompted the ing their views, apprehensive that they of an unelected regulatory agency’s powers
Communist birthmark was notably absent licity. You couldn’t swing the camera in the Number Three Trauma drove Congress party to risk the considerable mightbemisleading.If thisrestrictedinfor- must be subject to legislative oversight.
on poll posters. You had to look for the sym- town to find a frame without a candidate on their campaign more than any Muslim vote in this constituency? This vote mation did turn out to be accurate, only a Circulars do not undergo such oversight.
bol in the red flags and festoons that sur- ahoarding,billboardorposter.Oftenallthree urge to win. All sides seemed is always cast tactically against the BJP and few people would benefit from it. Given that the regulator published its
round the poster. What went missing from faces crowded into your frame. All three floats between Congress and CPI(M). With Not all speech in this marketplace will proposalasaconsultationpaper,itseemsto
to follow the same event
the wall poster was not just the symbol but looking equally young and photoshopped candidates floating more freely than the fit in the black-and-white zone of true and continuetobelieveinthevirtuesofthemar-
the party itself and in this highly politicised and smiling uniformly toothy smiles from management template. There vote, best to wait for the result on 23rd. false. The veracity of every statement may ketplace of ideas. This is a silver lining in an
state, this could mark the end of much that every neighbourhood. was saturation publicity. You Meanwhile, one thing is clear. Kerala has not be known at the time of making it, and otherwisepotentialjurisdictionaloverreach.
is familiar. The sameness was getting tiresome couldn’t swing the camera in busted some of the distance to may or may not be discovered over time.
The rivals, Congress and BJP, who were when the season’s second sensational Maharashtra. Its major parties are working In the cacophony of this marketplace, The writer is an independent researcher
flaunting their symbols, were doing so with crossover happened to perk up the cam-
the town to find a frame towards their redundancy.
no greater conviction. Congress picked a paign. Sandeep Varier, a prominent BJP face without a candidate on a
non-local candidate, Rahul Mamkootathil, on TV channels, quit the party and the pari- hoarding, billboard or poster. [email protected]


Let cricket bridge the divide RISE ABOVE POLITICS

THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Apathy
in the air’ (IE, November 20). On
November 18, Delhi witnessed an aver-
not as bad as other areas in Delhi. Last
month, parking fees were doubled in
Lutyens Delhi to ensure more people
won’t use their cars in the area. Six min-
There is no reason why India shouldn’t travel to Pakistan for Champions Trophy age AQI of 488, with some areas report- million for the new Parliament building
ing over 1,000. A week ago, stubble in 2018-2019. All this was purchased
burning in Punjab could have been a withthepublic’smoney,whileifthegen-
Rashid Latif prominent source, but the culprits of eral public wants to buy an air purifier,
the latest spikes are household sources theyhavetopayRs10-15,000including
AS PER THE International Cricket Council travel to Pakistan, why did it award Pakistan and Lahore. I have heard comments that the ICC is and road dust. Despite the creation of 18 per cent GST. Clean air, which is a hu-
(ICC) guidelines, all teams are required to the hosting rights for the Champions The ICC is the only entity benefiting indirectly controlled by the BCCI. I don’t be- the Commission for Air Quality manright,iseithernotavailableinDelhi
participate in ICC events hosted by any Trophy? Pakistan now has the upper hand from this divide, profiting from India and lieve in this notion. It’s actually the broad- Management (CAQM), which is ex- or is available at a price.
member nation. This is not new. Pakistan because it has travelled twice recently for Pakistan matches in the UK, Australia, and casters who dictate terms. They want to pected to coordinate a response involv- Madhuri, Delhi
recently travelled to India for the 2016 T20 ICC events, while the BCCI is in a difficult now the US, claiming that it's to grow the cash in on the hype, which is why India and ing not just Delhi but also adjoining
World Cup and, more recently, for the 2023
ODI World Cup. Last year, the then Pakistan
position. If security were a concern, then
the ICC should make that determination. If
sport’s popularity. But what about the fans
in India and Pakistan who can’t afford to
Pakistan are placed in the same group in
every ICC event.
states, there’s no attempt by the Union
or Delhi government to ease public dis-
Cricket Board (PCB) chief Najam Sethi con- other nations consider the security ade- travel abroad? Don’t they deserve to watch The PCB should make a strong case that tress. Shockingly, both central environ- THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘SADly
sulted the Pakistan government, and when quate, then I don’t see India's problem. This these matches in their home cities? they will also boycott ICC events hosted in ment Ministers are away, coordinating speaking’ (IE, November 20). Sukhbir
the ICC cleared the security situation, the appears to be politically motivated. India-Pakistan cricket is like a theatre. I India if India refuses to travel to Pakistan. electionworkinMaharashtraand,iron- Singh Badal’s resignation may pave the
team was given the green light to play in My main concern is the divide this sce- can only appeal to the Indian cricket board India is set to host at least three or four ICC ically,addressingCoP29inBaku.Forthe way for a new leader to take the reins,
the ODI World Cup. The big question isn’t nario is creating between the younger gen- to allow India to come and play. There may events (both men’s and women’s) in the governments to be seen as serious in bringing fresh perspectives and ideas.
why India is refusing to come to Pakistan erations. It is already significant. Tensions always be political tensions between our next seven years. These are significant tackling the air crisis, they must regu- Sincehewasdeclaredguiltyof religious
but on what grounds is it unwilling to play between the two countries have always countries, and it affects both sides, but events, and Pakistan should use this lever- larly communicate their intent and rise misconduct,itwasnotjudiciousforhim
in Pakistan. I feel the PCB’s questioning of existed, but India and Pakistan have played please, let cricket be something that can age to ensure that if India doesn’t travel to above politics. to continue anyway. Voices against him
the Board of Control for Cricket in India bilateral cricket in the past. I remember the bridge the divide. If you look back, when- Pakistan, it would likewise boycott events Sanjay Chopra, Mohali have been growing within the party for
(BCCI) is completely valid. 1978-79 series when India came to ever there was a bilateral series between in India. many years, and the SAD's electoral
This is not a bilateral tournament. If
India doesn’t come, it should face conse-
Pakistan. Sunil Gavaskar scored brilliant
centuries in both innings and despite his
the two nations, leaders in New Delhi and
Islamabad would come together at the
Backdoor diplomacy may be a final op-
tion, but for now, the ball is in the ICC’s
CLEAN AIR PRIVILEGE graph has been declining since 2017. It
now stands at a crossroads, fighting for
quences. I can’t speak on behalf of the PCB, extraordinary effort, India lost the Karachi time. Be it Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Nawaz court. There is no reason why India should- THISREFERSTOtheeditorial,‘Apathyin survival. Thepresidentialelection could
but I believe that moving forward, the ICC Test by eight wickets, losing the series 2-0. Sharif, or Manmohan Singh, they didn’t in- n’t travel to Pakistan. But if the team does- theair’(IE,November20).Insomeareas decidewhetherthepartycouldreinvent
should refrain from awarding Pakistan host- In that series, the legendary Kapil Dev terfere with cricket, seeing it as an oppor- n’t, as I mentioned earlier, the ICC should of Delhi, the Air Quality Index (AQI) has itself or decline further. The SAD should
ing rights if this is the outcome. The PCB made his debut in Faisalabad. The current tunity to unite people. Now, electoral pol- no longer award hosting rights to Pakistan. crossed 1700. In Lutyens Delhi, this fig- use this transition to regain ground.
should also take a firm stand if India refuses generation on both sides of the border itics has taken centre stage in both ure has gone up to 400 which is bad but Sankar Paul, Nadia
to play in the Champions Trophy. My issue would relish seeing Virat Kohli and Babar countries, and anti-India or anti-Pakistan The writer is a former Pakistan cricket
is with the ICC. If India was never going to Azam playing Test cricket in Delhi sentiments have turned into votes. captain. He played 37 Tests and 166 ODIs

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fnukad 18-12-2024 dks vijkUg 16%30 cts
lh- ,.M lh- ,.M Mh- ,l- ;wfuV&07] m-ç-
ty fuxe] esjB esa fufonk [kksyh tk;sxhA
b&Zfufonk çi= dk eYw; :- 10000+GST (18%)
vfrfjä ns; gksxkA
fufonk ls lEcfU/kr foLr`r fooj.k foHkkx dh
os c lkbV ,oa bZ &
çksD;ksjesUV iksVZy
ij miyC/k gS A leLr 'kq f ) i=
(Corrigendum) https://
VEER SURENDRA SAI UNIVERSITY OF ij gh viyksM fd;s tk;sxs] budk i`Fkd ls
TECHNOLOGY, BURLA dksbZ çdk'ku ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fufonknkrkvksa
Po.-Burla Engineering College, Dist.-Sambalpur, dks lykg nh tkrh gS fd os mä osclkbZV dk
Odisha, 768018 le;≤ ij voyksdu djrs jgsaA
VSSUT/C.Maint./ Dated:............
TENDER CALL NOTICE dk;kZy; ifj;kstuk çcU/kd] ;wfuV&7]
Sealed Tenders are invited from Registered and Authorized Labour dULVªD'ku ,.M fMtkbu lfoZlst
Contractor/ Agency for "Housekeeping And Sanitation" Contract mRrj iz(m0ns'iz0k ljdkj
ty fuxe (uxjh;)
dk miØe)
For 7 Nos. of Boys' Hall of Residence & 5 Nos. of Girls' Hall of dk-irk%&,&65] Cykd&,] osnO;kliqjh]
Residence of Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla. esjB&250005
The documents containing the details and submission format can be E-mail id :[email protected]
downloaded from the website (under the Tender fufonk lwpuk la- % 3909@e-Tender
e-Tender /76
fnukad % 19-11-2024
section). Firms are required to submit the bids in the prescribed
format of the University as given in the document for further bZ&fufonk lwpuk
processing of the proposal. The authority reserves the right to cancel mÙkj çn'sk ty fuxe] dh vkjs ls v/kkgsLrk{kjh
this invitation or invite a fresh Tender with or without assigning any }kjk Construction of Chain Link, Open
Shed & Store Room in Agriculture Field at
reason thereof. C.C.S. University Campus, Meerut (U.P.) ds
Sd/- fuekZ.k vuqekfur ykxr :- 114-43 yk[k
OIPR 11056/11/0017/2425 Registrar ¼GST jfgr ,oa yscj lsl lfgr½ gsrq lh-,.M
Mh-,l- esa ;Fkksfpr esa Hkou dk;Z gsrq
iathd`r Bsdsnkjksa ls fnukad 18-12-2024 ds
vijkUg 15%00 cts rd bZ&fufonk,a vkeaf=r
dh tkrh gSaA mä dk;Z gsrq bZ&fufonk çi=
fnukad 20-11-2024 ls fnukad 18-12-2024
ds e/; mÙkj çn'sk ljdkj dh e-procurement
osclkbV ls
MkmuyksM fd;s tk ldrs gS rFkk bZ&fufonk
fnukad 18-12-2024 dks vijkUg 16%30 cts
lh-,.M Mh-,l- ;wfuV&07] m-ç- ty fuxe]
esjB esa fufonk [kksyh tk;sxhA bZ&fufonk çi=
dk ewY; :- 10000+GST (18%) vfrfjä
ns; gksxkA
fufonk ls lEcfU/kr foLr`r fooj.k foHkkx dh
os c lkbV ,oa bZ &
çksD;ksjesUV iksVZy
ij miyC/k gS A leLr 'kq f ) i=
(Corrigendum) https://
ij gh viyksM fd;s tk;sxs] budk i`Fkd ls
dksbZ çdk'ku ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fufonknkrkvksa
dks lykg nh tkrh gS fd os mä osclkbZV dk
le;≤ ij voyksdu djrs jgsaA

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Near Veterinary Hospital Badshah Bagh, Gokaran Nath Road, Lucknow-216007
L.No. 7790 Date., 2024
Subject: Application are invited for the post of CHIEF EXECUTIVE
In partial modification to this notice of The Director, Animal Husbandary Department by L.
No.7141/Est.1/EK-Ka(5)1(90) 2024, Dated 21.10.2024 inviting application for the post of CHIEF
EXECUTIVE OFFICER in U.P.L.D.B., Age and Period Of Appointment of the notice may be read age-
Candidate should not be more than 62 years of age as on Date 29.11.2024.
Initial appointment will be for 2 years which may be extended 01 year or untill the age of 65 years depending
on the performance.
2- Last date of Submission the form extended to 29.11.2024 upto 6:00 P.M. and Rest of the contents of the
notic dated 21.10.2024 will remain unchanged.
UPID-222754 Dt. 20/11/2024 Chairman, U. P. L. D. B., Lucknow
SALUTE THE SOLDIER Office of the Superintending Engineer Water Resources
CT HARENDRA KR NATH No./Acctt./2024-25/5413 Date:- 12.11.2024
01.07.1941 - 21.11.1990 NOTICE INVITING BID No. 03/2024-25
Bordermen Salute and proudly remember NIB No.
today their brave comrade, who made Bids for the following works are invited from interested bidders up toupto 6:00 PM Date: 09.12.2024
supreme sacrifice while fighting militants S. Name of Work Approx. Cost of Work
No. (Rs in lacs)
in Chanpora, Srinagar (J&K).
1 2 3
1 Construction of Link Channel to Divert water from Matrikundia 339.60
dam to Dindoli Feeder tehsil rashmi District Chittorgarh
BORDER SECURITY FORCE Other Particulars of the bid may visited on the procurement portal,
CT TH. BISHWAJIT SINGH and Water Resources Departmental website:
UBN No. Sd/-
01.03.1983 - 21.11.2005 (Soji Singh Pratihar)
Bordermen Salute and proudly remember Superintending Engineer
today their brave comrade, who made DIPR/11344 Water Resources Circle Bhilwara
supreme sacrifice while fighting militants
15.07.1967 - 21.11.2005
Bordermen Salute and proudly remember
today their brave comrade, who made
supreme sacrifice while fighting militants
in C K Bari (Tripura).


2001/24 (ADM)
02.06.1984 - 21.11.2005
Bordermen Salute and proudly remember
today their brave comrade, who made dUVfZ¿f VffJf ´fbd»fÀf ¸fb£¹ff»f¹f JAIPUR VIDYUT VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED
supreme sacrifice while fighting militants ¸f²¹f´fiQZVf ·fû´ff»f Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur 302005,
Office of the Superintending Engineer (IT), 3rd Floor, Data Centre Building,
in C K Bari (Tripura). Ii ¸ffÔI - dUVff/ÀMûS/2024-25(544), dQ³ffÔI - 19/11/2024
Old Power House, Ram Mandir,, Jaipur-302006, email: [email protected], 0141-2200972
d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff IYf Vfbd²Q ´fÂf
The E-Tender is invited for “Supply of Hardware/Software, Manpower, Integration
CENTRAL RESERVE POLICE FORCE dUVfZ¿f VffJf ´fbd»fÀf ¸fb£¹ff»f¹f I e d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff Ii ¸ffÔI SB/Store/2024- 25 (499), Bhopal, Dated Services and Operationalization of Customer Relationship Center For Jaipur Discom”
22-10-2024 õfSf Fiber Optical Surveillance System & 3 Other Items IZ Ii ¹f WZ°fb BÊ-
21 November 2003 against TN-104 (UBN No. VVN2425SLOB00678). All the details regarding tender is
d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff þfSe I e ¦fBÊ W`Ü C´fSûö Af¸fÔdÂf°f d³fdUQf IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ Ii ¹f dI ¹fZ þf³fZ Uf»fZ C´fI S¯f IZ Àf¸f¹f-
Shaheed On 18 November 2003, troops a v a i l a b l e o n w e b s i t e h t t p s : / / e n e r g y. r a j a s t h a n . g o v. i n / j v v n l ,
ÀffS¯fe ¸fZÔ "AfÔdVfIY ÀfÔVfû²f³f" IZ ÀfÔ¶fÔ²f ¸fZÔ "Vfbdð ´fÂf" (Corrigendum/Addendum) þfSe dI ¹ff ¦f¹ff
Constable of 80 Battalion of CRPF and In future,
W` þû website ´fS °f±ff dU·ff¦f I e UZ¶fÀffBÊM
corrigendum/ extension, if any, shall be published only on above websites.
Brij Kishore launched an operation against ´fS C´f»f¶²f W`Ü
WXÀ°ff./- JPR-2910 (2024)
Sharma Maoists at Zeramtari Nala, PS Raj.Samwad/C/24/8053 SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (IT)
ÀfWXf¹fIY ´fbd»fÀf ¸fWXfd³fSXeÃfIY,
80-BN Koelibeda, district Kanker. In d½fVfZ¿f VffJf (Àff), ¸f.´fi. ·fû´ff»f For Electricity Complaints T
oll Free
Free No. 1800 180 6507
01-07-1978 To a fierce encounter, the troopers QcSX·ff¿f IiaY.-0755-2443654
21-11-2003 advanced under heavy fire, G-19228/24 Email: [email protected] dUVfZ¿f VffJf ´fbd»fÀf ¸fb£¹ff»f¹f
neutralizing two Maoists and IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f ÀfÔ¹fböY ÀfÔ¨ff»fIY EUÔ A²feÃfIY ¸f²¹f´fiQZVf ·fû´ff»f
recovering two weapons. Leading the assault, Constable Brij
Kishore Sharma sustained severe injuries but continued to fight
VfWXeQ ¸fWXZ³Qi IY¸ffÊ À¸fÈd°f d¨fdIY°Àff»f¹f dOX¸fSXf´ff»f, Ii ¸ffÔI - dUVff/ÀMûS/2024-25(542),
d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff IYf Vfbd²Q ´fÂf
dQ³ffÔI - 19/11/2024

valiantly, playing a key role in the operation's success. He þ¦fQ»f´fbSX (Corrigendum)

succumbed to his injuries on 21 November, making the ultimate Ii ¸ffÔI /d³fdUQf/Ii ¹f/01 þ¦fQ»f´fbS , dQ³ffÔI : 18/11/2024 dUVfZ¿f VffJf ´fbd»fÀf ¸fb£¹ff»f¹f I e d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff Ii ¸ffÔI SB/Store/2024- 25 (505), Bhopal, Dated
sacrifice. His bravery remains a lasting inspiration for all. 29-10-2024 õfSf Vehicle Mounted Baggage Scanner IZ Ii ¹f WZ°fb BÊ-d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff þfSe I e ¦fBÊ
//d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff// W`Ü C´fSûö Af¸fÔdÂf°f d³fdUQf IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ Ii ¹f dI ¹fZ þf³fZ Uf»fZ C´fI S¯f IZ Àf¸f¹f-ÀffS¯fe ¸fZÔ "AfÔdVfIY ÀfÔVfû²f³f"
IZ ÀfÔ¶fÔ²f ¸fZÔ "Vfbdð ´fÂf" (Corrigendum/Addendum) þfSe dI ¹ff ¦f¹ff
VfWeQ ¸fWZ³Qi I ¸ffÊ À¸fÈd°f d¨fdI °Àff»f¹f dO¸fSf´ff»f, þ¦fQ»f´fbS , dþ»ff W` þû website ´fS °f±ff dU·ff¦f I e UZ¶fÀffBÊM ´fS C´f»f¶²f W`Ü
¶fÀ°fS (L.¦f.) IZ d»fE U¿fÊ 2024-25 ¸fZÔ d³f¸ff°ffÊ I ¸´f³fe °f±ff C³fIZ WXÀ°ff./-
ÀfWXf¹fIY ´fbd»fÀf ¸fWXfd³fSXeÃfIY,
Ad²fIÈ °f dUIi Z°ffAûÔ ÀfZ QUfBʹfûÔ IZ Ii ¹f WZ°fb ¸fbW S¶fÔQ d³fdUQf¹fZÔ Af¸fÔdÂf°f d½fVfZ¿f VffJf (Àff), ¸f.´fi. ·fû´ff»f
I e þf°fe W`Ü d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf A²fûWÀ°ffÃfSI °ffÊ IZ I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ¸fZÔ AfUZQ³f ´fÂf QcSX·ff¿f IiaY.-0755-2443654
G 19229/24 Email: [email protected]
´fiÀ°fb°f I S, ÷ ´fE 1000/- (EI WþfS ¸ffÂf) ³f¦fQ ·fb¦f°ff³f I S dQ³ffÔI
06/12/2024 IZ Vff¸f 5 ¶fþZ °fI I f¹ffÊ»f¹fe³f dQUÀf ¸fZÔ ´fif~ dI ¹fZ þf
ÀfI °fZ W`ÔÜ
1. d³fdUQf d¶fIi e I e AÔd°f¸f d°fd±f - 06/12/2024 Vff¸f 5 ¶fþZ °fI
2. d³fdUQf þ¸ff I S³fZ I e AÔd°f¸f d°fd±f - 17/12/2024 Qû´fWS 2 ¶fþZ °fI
3. d³fdUQf Jû»f³fZ I e d°fd±f - 17/12/2024 Àf¸f¹f Vff¸f 4 ¶fþZ
ÀfÔ¹fböY ÀfÔ¨ff»fIY EUÔ A²feÃfIY
VfWXeQ ¸fWXZ³Qi IY¸ffÊ À¸fÈd°f d¨fdIY°Àff»f¹f
RO No. 2425038814-4 þ¦fQ»f´fbSX, dOX¸fSXf´ff»f

IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹fa°ff, ªf»f ÀfaÀff²f³f ½fÈ°f CXQ¹f´fbSX

ªf»f ÀfaÀff²f³f ´fdSXÀfSX, AfIYfVf½ff¯fe IZY Àff¸f³fZ, ¨fZMXIY ÀfIÊY»f, CXQ¹f´fbSX
RYû³f. ³fa. 02942418166 BÊX-¸fZ»[email protected]
IiY¸ffaIY:-AA/»fZ£ff/RYf./2023-24/7364 dQ³ffaIY:- 12.11.2024Y
BXÀf IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f IZY ´fÂffaIY AA/»fZ£ff/RYf./2023-24/7209 dQ³ffaIY:- 06.11.2024 õXfSXf BÊX-d³fd½fQf Àfc¨f³ff 02/2024-25
ªffSXe IYe ¦fBÊX ±fe, dªfÀf¸fZÔ d³f¸fjf³fbÀffSX ÀfaVffZ²f³f dIY¹ff ªff°ff W`XÜ
IaiY¸f Earlier in Published bid Ammended as below
Àfa£¹ffYY 3. (b) Specific Construction experience 3.(b) Specific Construction experience
1 (I) One similar nature completed work costing (i) One similar nature completed work
not less than 80% of bid value I. e. Rs.3.18 costing not less than 35% of bid value I. e.
Crore and quantities as per following table at Rs.139.29 lacs and quantities as per
3(II) (c). following table at 3(II) (c).
2 (I) Two similar nature completed work each (ii) Two similar nature completed work
costing not less than 50% of bid value I. e. Rs. each costing not less than 40% of bid value
1.99 Crore and quantities for each work as per I. e. Rs. 159 Lacs and quantities for each
following table at 3(II) (c) work as per following table at 3(II) (c)
3 (II) Three similar nature completed work each (iii) Three similar nature completed work
costing not less than 40% of bid value I. e. Rs. each costing not less than 50% of bid value
1.59 Crore and quantities for each work as per I. e. Rs. 198.99 Lac and quantitles for each
following table at 3(II) (c). work as per following table at 3(II) (c).
4 Date for downloading/Uploading of tender Date for downloading/Uploading of tender
Document:- Document:-
Date-02-12-2024 Date-09-12-2024
5 Date of Opening of Technical Bid:- Date of Opening of Technical Bid:-
Date 03-12-2024 Date 10-12-2024

A³¹f Vf°fZË ¹f±ff½f°f SXWZX¦feÜX

A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff,
ªf»f ÀfaÀff²f³f ½fÈ°f,
DIPR/C/11363/2024 CXQ¹f´fbSX

I,Mirza Mabood Beg S/o,Abdul I, Kabir R/o, 6b, Friends Colony, I Ashwini D/o Sh.Vijay Thakre,

Hafiz,R/o,Flat-No.50, Second- Jharsa Road, Near Sector 15, R/o H.NO-54, Katra Prabhu
Floor,Sector-7, Jasola-Vihar, Gurugram, 122001 will be Dayal, Near Indra Market,Subji
New Delhi-110025,have known as Kabir Narang S/o Shri Mandi Main Bazar, Malka Ganj
changed my minor daughter’s Umesh Chandra for all S.O, North Delhi, Delhi-110007
name Arisha Mirza Baig to purpose. have changed my name to
PERSONAL Arisha Mirza. D.O.B.-23.09.2010. 0070935903-1 Ashwini Thakrey for all GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF RAILWAY RESEARCH
It is for general information that I, Jai Parkash Mehta S/o Ram
I,Anil Kumar Bhardwaj,s/o Ram I,Manoj S/o Jaggan Lal,R/o Narain Mehta R/o 266, Pocket- 0040759820-1 Manak Nagar, Lucknow-11.
Kumar Bhardwaj r/o,F- H.No.430/532, D Block,Rajendra A/3, Sector-8, Rohini, Delhi- I,Vineet Gupta S/O,Shri M.P. Notice for inviting E-Tender
4/131,sector-16, Rohini P.O Park, Gurugram,(Haryana)- 110085 have changed my name Gupta R/O 289,Bharat For and on behalf of president of Union of India, the Jt. Director/Civil RDSO, Lucknow invites open E- tender
sector-7,North West Delhi- 122001,have changed my name to Jai Parkash S/o Ram Narain Apartment,Sector-
110085,declare that name of to Manoj Kumar.
(online) for the following work:
0070935923-1 13,Rohini,Delhi-110085,have
mine has been wrongly written changed,my minor daughter S. Open tender No. & Approx. Cost of tender Earnest Completion Date of
as Anil Kumar in my service I, JANGBHADUR SINGH son of name from Navya to Navya No. Name of work Cost document Money period closing/
book.The actual name of mine I,Kanika D/o Kiran Chand, R/o,F- Shri Pritam Singh Patyal Gupta. (Rs) (Rs) (Rs.) opening
is Anil kumar Bhardwaj, which No.27,B-3,First-Floor,DDA & resident of H.No. B-1266 Gali
0040759910-3 1. Tender Notice No WKS-1429-DC dated
may be amended accordingly. Janta-Flat, Paschim-Vihar,New No.3 B-Block Baba Colony
Delhi-110063,have changed my Burari Delhi 110084 have
20.11.2024 Operation and maintenance of 36
0040759908-10 I, Vikas Mahor S/o Yadram R/o
name to Kanika Bheniwal. changed my name from House No F-1/371 Sunder Nagri
Fire suppression system in Admin. 5937510.20 0.00 118800.00 (Thirty Six) 16.12.2024
I,PRIYANKA W/O PRANAV JANGBHADUR SINGH to Delhi-110093 have changed my Building, Annexe-I & II Building of Months
Petals,Sector-89,Gurgaon, I,Inderjeet kaur Bhasin S/O- for all purpose 2. Tender Notice No WKS-1394A-DC dated
Haryana-122505,have changed Baljeet Singh,,
0040759828-1 20.11.2024 Improvement of type-III quarters 06
my name to PRIYANKA Chitra Vihar, Nirman Vihar, I,hitherto known as AMBIKA PUBLIC NOTICE
Block no. C-15 to C- 25, C-30 to C-35, C-53, 16474154.60 0.00 232400.00 (Six) 16.12.2024
NANDA,daughter of,Shri
changed my name to Inderjeet GARG R/O B-2/99,THIRD- Debesh Prasad Nanda and Smt
Be it known that my client SH. HANSRAJ C-59, C-60 to C-68 & C-70 (Total 108 units Months
kaur,permanently. FLOOR,DOON PUBLIC SCHOOL Rati Mittal Nanda,residing at, R/o H.No. C-104, Durga Enclave Punjab of quarters) balance work.
I,Taran Singh Sembhy,S/o PASCHIM VIHAR,DELHI- House.No.5, Munirka
khore, Delhi-110081 has executed a GPA,
0040759909-3 ATS, Affidavit, Receipt, Possession Letter Details of above E-tenders are available on website. ( Tenderers can submit their bids
Harinder Singh,R/o,WZ-585- 110063.HAVE CHANGED MY Marg,near Gurudwara, Vasant And Will on dated 05/10/2024 and registered
A/1, Shiv-Nagar,Street- I,Deeshu S/o Yogesh NAME TO ITIKA GARG FOR ALL Vihar-I,South-West,Delhi- at dairy Notary register, In respect of both upto 15.00 hrs of dt. 16.12.2024. The above E-tender will be opened on same day at 15.00 hrs. in the office
Properties Plot No. C-109, Land Measuring
No.21,Delhi-110058,that my- Kumar,H.No.231,Gali.No.3,Bloc PURPOSES. 110057,have already changed Area 100 Sq. yds., out of Kh. No. 1062, Durga of the Jt. Director/Civil, RDSO, Manak Nagar, Lucknow.
father’s name is k-D Swaroop Nager, Badli, my name to AISHWARIYA Enclave, Punjab Khore Extn. Delhi-110081 Sd/-
0040759908-6 And Plot No. C-109, Land Measuring Area 50
wrongly-mentioned in my PO;samai Pur, DIST:North west NANDA,for all intents and Sq. yds., out of Kh. No. 1062, Durga Enclave Jt. Director/Civil,
Passport-No.K1113043 as Delhi-110042,changed my I, Harjit Singh Bawa S/o Sardar purposes. Punjab khore Extn., Delhi-110081, In favour RDSO, Lucknow,
Harinder Singh Sembhy name to Dishu Walia. Singh R/o WZ-141A, Gali No-6, of Smt. Pravesh W/o SH. Kuldeep Singh R/o
No. 25/2024/Civil For and on behalf of the President of Union of India
0040759896-10 H.No - B-29, Nirmal Vihar, Najafgarh, New
instead-of Harinder Singh. 0040759908-4 Varinder Nagar Jail Road, New Delhi-110041, because of full Payment not
Delhi-110058 have changed my receiving of both properties of Rs. 7,00,000/-
0040759911-1 And Rs. 4,00,000/-, So my Client wants to
I,DEVENDRA MANIKLAL name to Harjit Singh
I,TEJAL RAMANLAL KANTHARIA PARMAR S/O MANIK LAL LOST & FOUND Cancel/ revoke the above said mentioned both
properties GPA, ATS, Affidavit, Receipt,
W/O DEVENDRA PARMAR R/O PARMAR R/O 75D,BLOCK- Possession Letter And Will of above said both
I Bela Khattar Chauhan D/o properties, If any person have any objection
75D,BLOCK-AD,SHALIMAR AD,SHALIMAR BAGH,DELHI- I, Chakardhar Sharma S/o B R claim etc. connect within 07 days. Otherwise
Sh.Narender Mohan Khattar
BAGH,DELHI-110088.HAVE 110088.HAVE CHANGED MY Sharma R/o 213, DDA Janta Flat, the objection claim shall be treated as null and
R/o 9-A, Upper Ground Floor, Void.
CHANGED MY NAME TO TEJAL NAME TO DEVENDRA PARMAR. Khirki Village, Delhi-110017 Neeraj Aggarwal
Sanjay Nagar, Gulabi Bagh,
DEVENDRA PARMAR. 0040759908-7 have changed my name to (Advocate)
Delhi-110007 have lost my Enroll. No. D/4434/2014.
Chakardhar Prasad
0040759908-8 Original Sale Deed of Flat
I,Brijesh Kumar Bankoti,
0070935921-1 No.1802, Ist floor, B-Block,
I,TANUDEEP KAUR AHUJA,D/O, s/o,Laxman Singh Bankoti,
KULDEEP SINGH KHURANA, r/o,JH4 1002,Classic I, Apar R/o, 6b, Friends Colony, Arunima Palace, Sector-4, Plot
R/O,903.TOWER-4 TATA Residency,Rajnagar-Extension Jharsa Road, Near Sector No.4/GH-4, Vasundhara,
PRIMANTI SOCIETY SECTOR- NH-58,Rajnagar Extension- 15,Gurugram 122001 will be Ghaziabad, U.P. Finders may
72,GURGAON HARYANA - Ghaziabad,uttar-pradesh- known as Apar Narang s/o Shri contact at above address.
122001,HAVE CHANGED MY 2010017,declare that the name Umesh Chandra for all 0040759820-5
NAME TO TANUDEEP KAUR. of mine has been written as purpose.
Brijesh Bankoti in my minor 0070935902-1
son Harshit Bankoti aged,14-
I, Akanksha D/o Ramesh Chand
I,Shri.Kishan,S/o Sh.Paras years in his birth-certificate.
Ram,R/, Sector- Brijesh Kumar Bankoti and R/o D-27/167,Amar Colony,East
17,Faridabad, Sector-16A, Brijesh Kumar are same person Gokalpur,Delhi-110094,have PUBLIC NOTICE
Faridabad, Haryana- changed my name to Akansha My clientess Mr. Dinesh Kumar Gaur S/o Lt.
121002,have changed my name for all future purposes. Sh. Bhagwati Prasad Gaur, and Mrs. Anita
Gaur W/o Mr. Dinesh Kumar Gaur both R/o
from Shri. Kishan to Shri. I,Baljeet Singh Bhasin S/O 0040759909-7 WP-162C, Maurya Enclave, Pitampura,
Kishan Sharma,for all records Mahendra Singh, Delhi-110034 has disowned and debarred his

and purposs.,Chitra I, Aarti Devi W/o Lallan R/o B-40 son namely Mr. Ankur Gaur and his wife
Mrs. Meenakshi Sharma both R/o A-659,
Vihar,Nirman Vihar, New Delhi- Baba Farid Puri, Delhi- 110008, Flat No.203, Behind G.D. Goyanka School,
110092,have changed my name That my name has been Sarita Vihar Khadar, Delhi-110076, from
their movable and immovable properties and
I,SHEELA VIG,W/O LATE SHRI to Baljeet Singh permanently. mentioned as Arti in my severed their all kinds of relations with them
KHARATI LAL,residing at,H.NO- daughter Shanaya, School from today and they have no responsibilities
0040759909-2 for the acts done by aforesaid persons and if
7/6,DISPENSARY ROAD, Record. That the Arti & Aarti any person deals or make relation with them
dehradun, UTTARAKHAND- I,Avijit Chowdhury S/o Devi both names belongs to the shall do so at his own risk and costs. My
248001,have changed my name Chandrajit Chowdhury,H.No.- same person. clientess shall not be liable for their any
act in future’’.
to SHEELA DEVI,for all,future 2,Gali No.-2, Shyam Kunj, 0040759833-1 Sd/-
purpose. Nayagaon,Bhondsi (168), B.S. TIWARI
Gurgaon (Haryana),have I, AYUB, S/o Nawab, R/o K-II-
0040759896-6 CH. NO. 664, WESTERN WING,
changed my name to Abhijit 717/A, Sangam Vihar, New TIS HAZARI COURTS,
I,SAADAULLAH KHAN S/O Chowdhury. Delhi-110062,have changed my DELHI-110054


1887,KATRA QAZI,HAMDARD future purposes.
MARG,SIRKIWALAN,DELHI- I,Ashwani Kumar,S/o Lt.Ramji 0040759896-5 My Client Man Mohan Katnaur, Son of Late
110006.have changed my name Lal, R/o C-39, J.J.Colony,Hastsal Shri Ravi Raj Katnaur, is here by making this
notice. That vide Ministry of Home Affairs,
to SAADULLAH KHAN,for all Road,Uttam Nagar,West Delhi- I Srinivas Rao S/o Pallela office memorandum No. 60/274/48-Ests dated
future purpose. 110059,have changed my name Lakshman Murty R/o 18-10, 3/11/1968. henceforth Late Sh Ruldu Ram be
known as late Sh Ravi Raj Katnaur. (Late Sh.
to Ashwani Kumar Kundra. Plot No-15, Kandarpa Colony, Ruldu Ram and Late Sh. Ravi Raj Katnaur,
Ward Block No-18, Near Fire both names refer to the same individual.). Mr.
0040759908-3 Ravi Raj Katnaur expired on 21.04.2005. This
I,Ritu W/o Harcharan Singh R/o- Office, Chodavaram, notice is being issued to clarify and confirm
the identity of Late Shri Ravi Raj Katnaur alias
39, 2nd-Floor Shakti,Vihar I,Anil Kumar,S/O Moola Visakhapatnam, Andhra Late Sh. Ruldu Ram as per the afore
Pitampura Delhi-110034,have Ram,R/O,Staff QTR.No.7 Sri Pradesh-531036, have changed mentioned official record.
changed my name to Armeet Venkateswara-College Dhaula my name to Pallela Srinivas Mohit Tiwari
Kaur Gujral Kuan,New Delhi-110021, Rao Advocate
Changed My Son’s Name,From 0070935952-1
Chamber No. 394-395,
0040759896-1 Civil Wings, Tis Hazari Court,
Priyansu to Priyanshu Kumar New Delhi
I,Ravi Jain,S/o-Nanak Chand Batham. I Shanti W/o K Ganesan S-44/34
Jain, R/o C-9,Block-C Mahendru Shiva Camp, Vasant Vihar,
Enclave Model Town-II Dr. South West Delhi, Delhi-110057,
Mukharjee Nagar Delhi- I,Parmjeet Singh S/o Avtar Singh have changed my name to
110009,changed my name to R/o,Plot-No.72, Near Chand Santha.
Ravi Kumar Jain. Nagar, Ravi-Nagar, New Delhi- 0070935947-1
110018,have changed my name
to Paramjeet Singh. I Sangeeta Sharma W/o
I,Ravi Jain,S/o Nanak Chand Dayanand R/o-304, 2nd Floor,
Jain,R/o C-9,Block-C, Mahendru Hardik Tower,Ghijor Phase-
Enclave Model Town-II Dr. I,Ajeet Verma S/o Anurag 2,Sector- 53, Noida, Distt.-
Mukharjee Nagar,Delhi- Verma,R/o Krishna Hospital, Gautam Buddha Nagar,
110009,changed my name to MBD Road Kashipur,Udham U.P.,have changed my name
Ravi Kumar Jain. Singh Nagar Uttarakhand- from Sangeeta Sharma to
244713,Have Changed My Sangeeta Devi for all future
Name To Varaha Verma. purposes.
I,Rakesh Kumar S/o Vinod
0040759908-9 0070935928-1
Kumar Bhardwaj,R/o 199-
A,DDA Flats Paschim Vihar I,Abida Begum,W/o Mohd I Ramesh Fatehchand Jain S/o
Extension Delhi have changed Wasim Khan, R/o House Fatehchandji R/o 201, Arihant
my name to Rakesh. No.57/106, Street No.1,Gaffar Apartment, Subramaniyam
Manzil,Jamia Nagar, Temple Road, V V Puram,
Okhla,New Delhi-110025,have Bangalore, Karnataka-560004,
I,Rakesh Kumar Gupta S/o Tilak changed my name to Abida have changed my name to
Raj Gupta,R/o C-6B/177, Khan. Ramesh F Jain
Janakpuri,New Delhi-
0040759896-4 0070935956-1
110058,have changed my-name
to Rakesh Gupta. I,Abdul Majeed,S/0 Abdul I Pallavi Jain alias Pallavi Kalra
Quyaoom,R/o,D-647,Jahangir D/o Praveen Jain W/o Kunal
Puri N.S Mandi,New Delhi Kalra R/o Flat No.213,
I,Rajinder jain alias Rajender 110033,Have changed my name Neelkanth Apartment, Sector-
General public is hereby informed that my
jain S/o Jambu Prasad R/o to Abdul Majeed Ansari,for all 13, Rohini, Delhi-110085 have client Mr. Gyanesh Kumar Maheshwari
1/7431,Shivaji Park,Shahdara purposes changed my name to Pallavi S/o Shri Naresh Kumar Maheshwari R/o
Delhi-110032,have changed my 74 part, old Tejab Mill, Gali No.2, Bhola
0040759924-4 Kalra for all purposes. Nath Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi-110032
name to Rajender Kumar Jain. intend to purchase entire property No. K-9,
I, Vinita Satyendra Kumar area measuring 160 Sq. Yds. out of Khasra
0040759909-1 No.56/16, Village Khureji Khas alongwith
Dwivedi W/o. Satyendra Kumar I Neerja Sehgal W/o Sh.Deepak its whole of the structure with roof/terrace
I,Radhika Alias Radhika Dwivedi R/o. 48, D-Block, Bank Sehgal R/o Flat No.12, Second rights, situated at Village Khureji Khas in
Devi,W/o-Dina Nath Yadav, R/o- Niwas CGHS, Plot No.22, Road Floor, Pocket -III, LIG Flats, abadi of K-Block, Mangal Bazar, Lakshmi
Nagar now known as Laxmi Nagar,
H.No.67, Gali.No.2,West Kanti- No.202, Near Dwarka paschim puri Madipur,New Delhi-110092. Any person or persons
Nagar,Delhi-110051, declare International School, Sector-4, Delhi-110063 have changed my having any right, title or interest way way
that Radhika and Radhika Devi NSIT Dwarka, Delhi have name to Neeru Sehgal for all of inheritance or claim against the said
property should send their claim in writing
is one and the same-person. changed my name to Vinita purposes to the undersigned alongwith the
0040759924-3 Satyendra Dwivedi 0040759820-2
documentation duly evidence in support of
the said claim thereof within 07 days of
I,RENU CHAUDHARY,W/O 0040759827-1 publication of the said notice, failing
I Mamatha Girish W/o K R Girish which claims it shall be deemed to have
BRIJESH KUMAR SINGH, R/O, I, VIVEK KUMAR SONI S/O MR. R/o 389 Gowri Nilaya C Vibaga, been waived.
FLAT.No.2,ASTER-3, VATIKA GYAN PRAKASH VERMA R/O 0- Opp Surya Kalyana Manthapa, Sd/-
CITY, SOUTH CITY-2,SECTOR-49, 31, DELTA-3, GREATER NOIDA, Thyagaraja Colony, Enrol. No. D/1657/07
GURGAON-122018, HARYANA, GAUTAM BUDH NAGAR UP- Gauribidanur, Chikkaballapur, OFF. AT G-111, KARKARDOOMA
I Kavita Devi D/o-Balbir Singh
I,Om Bir Singh S/o Kundan R/o-C-4/8, Sector-15, Rohini,
KUMAR VERMA for all future
Singh,R/o N-346, First Delhi-110089 have changed my
Purposes 0070935951-1
Floor,Mayfield Garden, Sector- name to Kavita for all
51,Gurgaon(Haryana),have I, Satyendra Kumar Bajballah purposes.
changed my name to Ombir Dwivedi S/o. Raj Ballabh 0040759829-1
Singh Nirban. Dubey Dwivedi R/o. 48, D-
I Kamla Devi W/o Sh.Sultan
0040759908-1 Block, Bank Niwas CGHS, Plot Singh Khatri R/o 63, Mall
No.22, Road No.202, Near Apartment, Mall Road, Delhi-
Dwarka International School, 110054 have changed my name
TOWER-06, ATS ADVANTAGE, Sector-4, NSIT Dwarka, Delhi after marriage to Kamla Khatri
AHINSA KHAND- have changed my name to for all purposes.
1,INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, Satyendra Kumar Dwivedi 0040759820-3
UTTAR PRADESH-201014 have
0040759826-1 I Hrishikesh Kumar Singh S/o
changed my name to OJASWI
Umesh Ojha R/o Mahmadpur
KAUSHIK. 0040759896-3 I, Lorena Mercedes Jarama Kaji, Khabra, Sadar,
I,OM KUNWER RATHORE Fernandez W/o Mr.Saurabh Muzaffarpur, Bihar-842001,
dependent mother of Sharma R/o 38, Ward no. 12, have changed my name to PUBLIC NOTICE
NARENDRA SINGH Near Shankar Hospital, Hrishikesh Kumar Ojha General Public is hereby Informed that
my clients Sh. Surender Kumar S/o Sh.
RATHORE,R/o-31,RISHABH- Parvateey Mohalla, 0070935950-1 Ishwar Dutt & Smt. Sunita Davi W/o.
COLONY,ABHSHEK- Sh. Surender Kumar both R/o.. WZ-480,
Haldwani, Nainital-263139
NAGAR,MASUDA-ROAD,SHIV I Devatha Govindaraj Satish S/o Near Shiv Mandir, Tihar Village, West
Uttrakhand have changed my D A Govinda Raj R/o Sri Durga Delhi-110018 have disowned & debarred
their son Prateek and his wife Sarika
PASS,BEAWAR(RAJASTHAN)- name from Lorena Mercedes Arjun Apartments, 142/28,4th from their all movable and immovable
305901,have changed my name Jarama Fernandez De Cross ,4th Floor (T R-2), Near properties on dt. 18.09.2014 in Jansatta
& Indian Express News Papers. Now MY
from OM KUNWER RATHORE to Sharma to Lorena Mercedes Teachers Collage, 7th Main, clients son and his wife became obedient
OM KANWAR RATHORE,vide Jarama Fernandez for all 2nd Block , Jayanagar, and having good behavior with my clients.
affidavit no. 920744 dated future purposes in future and Bangalore, Karnataka-560011, Hence debarred/disowned notice will be
null n void.
24/10/2024,before public both are one and same have changed my name to D G
notary Beawar area. Satish
person 0040759830-1 SR-II B, Service Industry Building District
Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058
0040759818-1 0070935954-1



`77,900 `84.42 $72.64 `93,000
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market, gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) per barrel as of November 19

*SENSEX: 77,578.38 ▲ 239.37 (0.31%) NIFTY: 23,518.50 ▲ 64.70 (0.28%) NIKKEI: 38,352.34 ▲ 62.09 HANG SENG: 19,705.01 ▲ 41.34 FTSE: 8,099.58 ▲ 0.56 DAX: 19,103.22 ▲ 42.91
*Equity, currency, commodities markets were closed on wednesday for Maharashtra Assembly polls; International market data till 1900 IST


Trump-Musk bromance
‘Nosignificantdownsiderisk’togrowth could shape the future
despitelikelyslowdowninSeptquarter of digital data flows,
including for India
of Rs 10 lakh crore. This year, the US-China impact
AANCHALMAGAZINE ‘LIKELYTOUNDERSHOOTCAPEXBUDGETESTIMATE’ paceofcapexhasbeenslowinthe Seth also commented on the
NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER20 backdrop of Lok Sabha elections. recentchangeofleadershipinthe
As per the latest official data, the US, with the new presidency go-
INDIA’S ECONOMIC growth rate Centre’scapexduringSeptember ing to Donald Trump, saying that
Secretaryalsosaidthatthe data,theCentre’scapex
governmentislikelytound- duringSeptemberwasRs
was Rs 1.14 lakh crore, down 2.4 Indiawillhavetoworkaroundthe RAVIDUTTAMISHRA
September quarter from the pre- percentfromtheyear-agoperiod. outcomeand“maximiseopportu- NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER20
ershootbudgetestimateof 1.14lakhcrore,down
vious two quarters as well as the Cumulatively during April- nities”.HealsosaidthatIndiawill
Rs11.11lakhcrforcapital 2.4percentfromtheyear-
previous year, but there is no sig- September, the first half of the fi- havetokeepaclosewatchonhow TESLA CEO Elon Musk’s growing
expenditureforFY25 agoperiod
nificant downside risk to the 6.5- nancialyear,capexwasdown15.4 theChineseeconomybehavesgo- influence over the White House,
7 per cent growth projection for per cent year-on-year to Rs 4.15 ing ahead and if their demand following his backing of Donald
the ongoing financial year 2024- month of October, they tell a dif- ernment’s capex may see some lakh crore. To achieve the FY25 does not increase as in the past, it Trump’s re-election bid, is ex-
25, Economic Affairs Secretary ferent number. That does not in- “undershooting” as against the budgettargetofRs11.11lakhcrore, couldposeachallengeforIndia. pected to usher in a new era of
AjaySethsaidonWednesday.Seth dicate that we have any signifi- FY25 budget estimate of Rs 11.11 capexwillhavetogrowby52per “Thelargesteconomyhascho- deregulationforBigTechcompa-
alsostatedthatthegovernmentis cant possibility of any downside lakh crore. “This year capex was cent in H2 FY25. senitsleader(Trump),anditisfor nies in the United States. Among
likely to undershoot the budget risk from the 6.5-7 per cent budgetedatRs11.11lakhcroreand us to work around and see that other changes, this could see the
estimate of Rs 11.11 lakh crore for growth which has been esti- there may be some undershoot- Inflation how do we maximise opportuni- Trump administration rolling
capital expenditure for FY25. mated at the beginning of the ing,butIdoexpecttherewillbea Seth noted that food prices ties for us. As far as geopolitics is backJoeBiden-eraantitrustlitiga-
“We started the year with es- year,” Seth said at the curtain significantincreaseoverlastyear. havebeena“problemarea”asfar concerned, it is not an easy place, tionagainsttechgiantsandpush-
timatesintheEconomicSurveyof raisereventoftheAnnualGeneral Whilesomesectorsareabitslow, asinflationisconcerned,attribut- but more than what happens — ing for policies favourable to Big
6.5-7 per cent (real GDP) growth Meeting of industry body but on the other hand, few other ing it largely to extreme continu- thestance,economicissuesoreco- Tech, particularly ensuring the
and I see that we are still very FederationofIndianChambersof sectors, there are additional de- ingrainfallthathascontinuedun- nomic policies being adopted by free flow of data across borders US President-elect Donald Trump along with SpaceX CEO
muchinthat zone.Idon’tseeany Commerce and Industry (Ficci). mandscomingup.Evenlastyear, usuallylongerthisyear.“But,other the largest economy, what hap- throughUSleverageattheWorld and co-lead of the ‘Department of Government Efficiency’,
significantdownsideriskcoming The Indian economy had itwasbudgetedfor10(lakhcrore than the food prices, inflation is pens in other economies, espe- Trade Organization (WTO). Elon Musk at the launch of test flight of SpaceX Starship in
to that. What I see is that several grown by 6.7 per cent year-over- rupees), expenditure was about not a challenge,” he said. The sec- ciallywheretherearewarsorwar- Policy experts suggest a sec- Texas on November 19. Reuters
ofyouhavebeentalkingaboutan year in April-June this financial 95percent.Iseeeventhisyearwe retary, however, refused to com- likesituations.Also,fortheChinese ond Trump administration could
apparent slowdown. Yes, the year, the slowest in five quarters. should be around the same per- mentoninterestrates,sayingthat economy, going forward how it reverse Biden’sapproach,return-
numbersinthesecondquarterdo GDP growth was recorded at 7.8 centage,” Seth said. it is a monetary policy action. behaves. Those would be the ingtothe2019stanceof advocat- data flows are among the most A 2018 UNCTAD report,
show that some of the products per cent in the January-March A similar level of 95 per cent Retail inflation rate surged to larger questions for us to watch ing for the WTO e-commerce contentioustopicsattheWTO,es- ‘Power,Platforms, andFreeTrade
or some of the services may not quarter, marking the full-year utilisation rate as previous fiscal, a 14-month high of 6.21 per cent aroundortobeawarethatwhatit rulesthatpromotefreecross-bor- pecially with the rise of Artificial Delusion’,highlightedtheimpor-
be at the same level where they growth for financial year 2023-24 as stated by Seth, implies capex in October with a sharp rise in is going to be. There’s a concern der data flows while prohibiting Intelligence (AI). Effective AI sys- tance of data for innovation. It
were about a year back or even at8.2percent. could turn out to be around Rs prices of food items, especially thatChinahasissuesonmanufac- data localisation mandates by tems—seenasthecornerstoneof noted that control over data cre-
two quarters earlier”. 55,555crorelessthanthebudget fruits, vegetables, meat and fish, turing capacities, and if their de- WTO member countries. While theFourthIndustrialRevolution— ates “market power and barriers
“But thereafter, if you look at Government capex estimateofRs11.11lakhcrorethis and oils and fats. Food inflation mand is not increasing to the ex- this may benefit tech firms like requirediversedatasetsfrommul- to entry for new players”.
someotherindicators,especially, Without putting an exact financialyear.InFY24,theCentre’s alsoshotuptoadouble-digitlevel tent it has been in the past, there Tesla, it could create tensions be- tiplecountries.Thishassparkeda Thiswasechoedina2022–23
Iamlookingatthatintermsofthe numbertoit,theEconomicAffairs capex was Rs 9.48 lakh crore as of 10.87 per cent in October, a 15- willbechallengesforallcountries, tween developed countries like fierce race for data among Silicon Standing Committee on Finance
e-waybillsorthee-invoicesinthe Secretaryalsonotedthatthegov- againsttheinitialbudgetestimate month high. includingIndia,”hesaid. theUSandEUanddevelopingna- Valleyfirms,includingTesla. report, which criticised Big Tech’s
tions such as India and South ElonMusk’snegotiationswith anti-competitivepractices.Itnoted
Africa who are aiming to develop China to advance self-driving ve- Google Play’s dominance as the
Nokia bags their own digital sector, promote hiclesunderscoretheimportance primary app source on Android

India-UKFTA ‘Private consumption back, ‘multi-billion’

local champions, and reduce re-
liance on foreign American Big
following extensive lobbying,
Musk secured Chinese approval
devices, its mandatory use of its
in-app purchases, and its unfair
talks:Bothseek payments sector. for cross-border data sharing, promotion of Google Pay. The re-

New Delhi: India and the UK
driving domestic demand’ dollar deal
from Airtel
been creating policy space to reg-
ulate Big Tech. For instance, in
2023, US Trade
boosting Tesla’s stock. This data
wascrucialfor developing Tesla’s
self-driving technology. Notably,
Musk visited China for
port stated, “Manipulation of fea-
fic to new apps, undermining
wouldseektobridgethedif- ENSECONOMICBUREAU RepresentativeKatherine thisnegotiation,skipping competitiononthemerits.”
ferencesforexpeditiouscon- MUMBAI,NOVEMBER20 To deploy 4G, Tai abandoned long- a planned meeting with UNCTAD also pointed to the
clusion of the proposed free
trade agreement as Britain THE SLOWDOWN witnessed in
5G equipment standingUSdemandsfor
digital trade rules pro-
Modi ahead of India’s
benefits of data localisation, in-
cluding encouraging foreign in-
has announced resuming the second quarter of the current hibiting data localisation general elections. vestment in domestic digital in-
the negotiations early next financialyear(2024-25)isbehind ENSECONOMICBUREAU at the WTO. This aligned Abhijit Das, an inter- frastructure, enabling
year, an official statement usasprivateconsumptionisagain NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER20 withIndia’sambitiontodevelopa national trade expert and former enforcementofnationallaws,and
said on Wednesday. “We driving the domestic demand, a $1 trillion internet economy by head of WTO Studies, said that safeguarding privacy and cyber
welcome the announce- Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) arti- FINLAND-BASED telecom gear 2030, driven by a surge in online China has altered its stance on sovereignty. Countries like
ment by the UK to relaunch cle said. makerNokiaon Wednesdaysaid usage. However, Musk and other dataflowsasitseekstobuildaro- VietnamandthePhilippineshave
the India-UK free trade talks The country’s economy is ex- ithaswona“multi-year,multi-bil- Silicon Valley companies, includ- bust AI ecosystem. “If AI is devel- implemented such measures to
inthenewyear,”theComm- hibiting resilience, underpinned File lion” extension deal by Bharti ing Facebook, Mastercard, Visa, oped solely using Chinese data, it promote local capabilities and
erce Ministry said. PTI by festival-related consumption, Airteltodeploy4Gand5Gequip- American Express, PayPal, willhavelimitedutility.Therefore, protect infant industries.
and a recovering agriculture sec- spends to revive demand. arerisingacrossthecountrywith ment across key Indian citiesand Amazon, and Microsoft, are ex- China seeks access to data from
India’s Data Advantage
Septquarter tor, the ‘State of the Economy’ ar-
ticle published in the RBI’s
“Rural India is emerging as a
gold mine for e-commerce com-
the urban population surging
fourfold – by 2025, half of India’s
states. As per the contract, Nokia
will deploy equipment such as
pected to receive government
other countries,” he explained.
China participates in the “Thereissignificantdataasym-
growthlikelyto November bulletin said. It, how-
ever, emphasised that there was
panies in this festival season; this
is expected to gather further mo-
population is expected to live in
cities, boosting urban demand.
Nokia will also help Airtel mod-
tion in Washington in pushing
India to lower its barriers on data
WTO’s Joint Statement Initiative
(JSI) on E-Commerce, a plurilat-
metry between early commer-
cially successful movers and oth-
slipto6.5%:Icra a need to bring inflation down in
mentum with the sharp increase
in kharif output and optimism
“All that is needed is get infla-
tion down so that India recon-
ernise its existing 4G network
with multiband radios and base-
flow. During Trump’s first term,
tablish global rules for electronic
ers,” said Abhijit Das. Sharing
New Delhi: Domestic rating tialgrowth.“Privateconsumption around rabi production embold- nects with its potential,” the arti- bandequipment,whichcansup- tionwereamajorsourceoffriction commerce. The JSI tackles issues Indian and American Big Tech
agency Icra on Wednesday is back to being the driver of do- ening a record foodgrains target clesaid.InOctober,theconsumer port5G.AirtelwillalsouseNokia’s between India and the US. While such as free cross-border data firms,heargued,wouldnotreduce
said India’s real GDP growth mestic demand, although with for 2024-25,” the article said. price index (CPI) accelerated to a MantaRayNetworkManagement Indiaresistedalteringitsstanceon flows and restrictions on data lo- this disparity. However, exclusive
for the September quarter is mixedfortunes.Festivalspending Direct-to-consumer (D2C) 14-month high of 6.21 per cent, fornetworkmonitoringandman- data localisation under any pluri- calisation. Over 80 WTO mem- sharing with Indian firms could
likely to decline to 6.5 per has lighted up real activity in the brandsarescramblingforfundsto compared to 5.5 per cent in agement that uses artificial intel- lateral agreements at the WTO, it bers, including the US, the EU, helpleveltheplayingfield,hesaid.
cent due to heavy rains and third quarter,” it said expand their presence and in- September. ligence (AI)-based tools covering also tightened its norms, notably China,andJapan,areparticipants. DasnotedthatIndiahasasig-
weaker corporate perform- Thearticlehasbeenprepared crease sales through quick-com- TheOctoberCPIinflationread- digitaldeployment,optimisation in April 2018, when the Reserve Despiteitshistoricalfocusondig- nificant advantage due to its vast
ance. The agency, however, by the RBI’s Deputy Governor merce (q-com) platforms — an ingturnedouttobeastickershock and technical support. BankofIndia(RBI)mandatedthat ital sovereignty, China joined the userbaseanddatapotential.“The
maintained its FY25 growth Michael Patra and other central ecosystem valued at over $5 bil- after the wake-up call of Nokia has collaborated with paymentsystemproviderssuchas JSItobolsteritsleadershipinAIand successof anydigitalproductde-
estimate at 7 per cent on ex- bank officials. The RBI said the lionandprojectedtoreach$30bil- September’sspike,reinforcingthe Airtel for over two decades, pro- Mastercard and Visa store pay- e-commerce. However, India has pends on its user base — essen-
pectationsofapickupineco- views published in the article are lion by 2029-30. Retailers are re- RBI’s warnings on complacency viding2G,3G,4G,and5Gnetwork ment data for Indian residents opposed the JSI, choosing to re- tiallythedataitcanleverage.India
nomic activity in the second oftheauthorsandnotoftheinsti- porting a pick-up in sales growth due to sub-target outcomes for equipment. withinIndia.Despitetheseefforts, main outside the initiative and its can replicate global digital prod-
half of the fiscal. PTI tution. Footfalls in malls may be relative to the second quarter. E- July and August, the article said. India has become a crucial India’s draft e-commerce policy, rulemaking process. India’s do- uctsand, with itsdataadvantage,
low but e-commerce is burgeon- two wheelers sparkled this “Whatisworryingisthatapart market for telecom gear makers whichincludesstronglocalisation mestice-commercepolicy,drafted become a powerful player in the
EPFOnet ing with a variety of marketing
strategies and brand recall initia-
premiumisation that has gained
from the sharp surge in the mo-
like Nokia and Ericsson amid a
weakening of demand from the
digital sector. However, robust
memberaddition tivestocatchtheattentionofgen-
in the luxury car segment.
tion has edged up,” it said.
US, as New Delhi looks to cut
Chinese equipment from its tele- The Data Gold Rush Importance of Data
not require regulation, India can-
up9.33%inSept nies have been stepping up ad Thearticlesaidthatnewcities com infrastructure. Regulations on cross-border Regulation for India not afford to neglect it,” he said.

New Delhi: EPFO logged 9.33

per cent growth in net mem-
18.81 lakh compared to the
Setback for Byju’s as Chief of Staff at
Zomato: CEO Average home prices in top
roll data released on
Wednesday. Employees’
NCLT stays Aakash wants candidate
seven cities rise 23% to `1.23 cr
to pay `20 lakh
Provident Fund Organisation
(EPFO) enrolled around 9.47
lakh new members in
bid to amend AoA in first year ENSECONOMICBUREAU
September 2024, represent- billion to Byju’s had raised objec- MUMBAI,NOVEMBER20 ticketsizeinthisperiod,”Purisaid.
inganincreaseof6.22percent ENSECONOMIC BUREAU tionstotheextraordinarygeneral New Delhi: In a job vacancy post- “In H1 of FY24, the average ticket
over September 2023, the BENGALURU, NOVEMBER 20 meeting (EGM) convened on ing for his Chief of Staff, Zomato WITHDEMANDforluxuryhomes Cities Avg. Ticket Size Avg. Ticket size sizeofsoldunitswasRs1.47crore.
LabourMinistrysaid. PTI Wednesday by Aakash to amend MDandCEODeepinderGoyalhas after the pandemic escalating, H1FY24 H1FY25 Theregionsaw76,410unitsworth
THE NATIONAL Company Law its AoA. Glas Trust had said that asked prospective candidates to there have been record new Bangalore `0.84 cr `1.21 Cr Rs 1,12,356 crore sold in H1 of
Aviationminister Tribunal (NCLT) on Wednesday
restrained Aakash Educational
the EGM may affect Byju’s insol-
vency process. It has questioned
pay Rs 20 lakh for the first year,
which in turn will be donated to
launches and sales of costlier
homes across the top 7 cities.
Hyderabad `0.84 cr `1.15 Cr
FY24, while first half of this fiscal
holdsreview Servicesfrompassingaresolution
to amend its articles of associa-
The average ticket size of
homes sold in these cities was Rs
`0.72 cr
`0.66 cr
`0.95 Cr
`0.85 Cr
1,14,529 crore sold.”
meeting tion(AoA)tilltheinsolvencymat-
ter of its parent firm Think and
low Raveendran to represent the
company on Aakash’s board.
50 lakh to a charity of the candi-
date’s choice.
1.23 crore in the first half (H1) of
Kolkata `0.53 cr `0.61 Cr nessed the second highest jump
in average ticket size among the
New Delhi: Civil Aviation Learn, which runs Byju’s, is dis- ApartfromGlasTrust,private In a post on X, Goyal said, responding period of FY24, a rise NCR `0.93 cr `1.45 Cr top 7 cities — it rose from Rs 84
MinisterKRammohanNaidu posed of. equity firm Blackstone, a minor- “There is no salary for this role for of 23 per cent, according to MMR `1.47 cr `1.47 Cr lakhinthefirsthalf of lastyearto
on Wednesday helda review This effectively means that ity shareholder in Aakash, had the first year. You will have to, in Anarock data. TOTAL `1 CR `1.23 CR RS 1.21 crore in H1 of FY25.
meeting with various stake- Aakashwillhavetowaitformak- also filed a plea opposing the fact pay Rs 20 lakh for this oppor- “Over2,27,400unitsworthRs Nearly 31,440 units worth RS
Source: Anarock
holders on fog preparedness inganychangesinitsgovernance EGM. The EGM, allegedly aimed tunity.100percentofthis‘fee’will 2,79,309 crore were sold across 26,274croreweresoldinthecity
and asked airlines to proac- structure in favour of Manipal to enhance the rights of Manipal bepaidintheformofdonationdi- thetop7citiesbetweenApriland in H1 FY24.
tively inform passengers Group,whichhasemergedasthe Education, which owns 40 per rectly to Feeding India (if you are Septemberof2024.Contrastingly, The first half of FY25 saw
about flight delays as well as largestshareholderintheeduca- centofAakash,whiledilutingthe offeredtherole,andyouacceptit).” thecorrespondingperiodofFY24 nearly same number of units
ensure check-in counters are tional firm. rights of Byju’s and other minor- Second year onwards, Goyal said, saw 2,35,200 units worth Rs (31,381)sold,buttheirtotalvalue
fullystaffedtohelpminimise Wednesday’sinterimorderby ity shareholders. “Wewillstartpayingyoutheusual 2,35,800 crore sold,” said Anuj was higher at Rs 37,863 crore.
traveldisruptions.“Theprepa- the NCLT was passed on the peti- The lenders have accused salary(definitelymorethanRs50 Puri, chairman, Anarock Group. In Hyderabad, the first half
rations for managing visibil- tionof Byju’slenderswhohadal- Byju’sofmisusingitsassets,alleg- lakh) but something we will only Despite a 3 per cent drop in over- sawtheaverageticketsizeof sold
ity-related challenges this leged that its management, in- ing that the EGM sought to strip talk about at the start of Year 2).” all unit sales, the total sales value unitsatRs84lakh—thisincreased
winteraremovingintheright cludingfounderByjuRaveendran, shareholders of their rights Headded,“Thinkofthisasalearn- outstripped that of a year ago by erage ticket size growth — from inH1of FY25,32,120unitsworth by 37 per cent to Rs 1.15 crore in
direction with good progress wereseekingtoreducetheedtech through amendments to ingprogramme,foryoubothper- 18 per cent, clearly underscoring around Rs 93 lakh in the first half Rs 46,611 crore were sold. H1 of FY25. And, 29,940 units
made in resolving the bottle- firm’s stake in Aakash to benefit Aakash’s AoA. The alleged move sonally and professionally — the unrelenting demand for lux- ofFY24tooverRs1.45croreinthe Whilethevalueofsoldinven- worth Rs 25,059 crore were sold
necks,”thecivilaviationmin- Manipal Education. was being seen as an attempt to whetherornotyousucceedatthis ury homes.” first half of FY25. Further, 32,315 tory increased by 55 per cent in in Hyderabad last year while
istrysaidinarelease. PTI GlasTrust,whichrepresentsa reduce Byju’s control over its role.Andwewantlearnersforthis A deep-dive revealsthat at 56 units worth Rs 30,154 crore were this period, the total number of 27,820unitsworthRs31,993crore
group of US entities that lent $1.2 highly valuable asset. FE role,notresumebuilders”. PTI percent,NCRsawthehighestav- sold in the region in H1 of FY24; units sold declined by 1 per cent. were sold this fiscal.


The word “manifest”, which has evolved with its use by celebrities to mean imagining an achievement
in the belief that doing so will make it more likely to happen, was on Wednesday revealed as the Word
of the Year by Cambridge Dictionary. The dictionary noted the word had jumped from use in the self-
help community and on social media to being widely used across mainstream media and beyond. AP

WORLD Putin’s spy chief warns West against direct
conflict with Russia after Biden policy shift
Kyiv’s ‘plan for
MOSCOW, NOVEMBER 20 resilience’
Former Hong Kong PRESIDENT VLADIMIR Putin's ON TUESDAY, Zelenskyy
publisher Jimmy Lai spy chief warned the West on presented what he called
Wednesday that it risked disas- a “resilience plan” to dig

trousconsequencesif theUnited
States and its European allies
in against the relentless
Russian onslaught. The
totakeaction stokeadirectmilitaryconfronta- plan outlines new ap- Pakhtunkhwacheckpostthwarted
tion with Russia over Ukraine. proaches to army man-
againstHong Moscowhascriticisedadeci-
agement including a new
system of handling mili- PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
Security forces and law en-
Kong:JimmyLai use U.S. missiles to strike into tary contracts and boost- PESHAWAR NOVEMBER 20 determined to eliminate the
Russia,andonTuesdayPutinlow- ing production of long- menace of terrorism.
Hong Kong: Former Hong ered the threshold for a nuclear range drones and TWELVE SECURITY personnel The country as a whole, but
Kong publisher Jimmy Lai strike in response to a broader missiles. Ukraine ur- and six terrorists were killed as particularly the Balochistan and
denied in his landmark range of conventional attacks. gently needs to tackle its asuicidebomberrammedanex- KhyberPakhtunkhwaprovinces,
trialonWednesdayhehad Sergei Naryshkin, the head of manpower difficulties on plosive laden vehicle into a joint hasseenasharpuptickin terror-
asked then US Vice Russia's Foreign Intelligence the front, but it can use check post in Pakistan’s north- ism-related incidents over the
President Mike Pence and Service (SVR), said Russia would the long-range missiles to western Khyber Pakhtunkhwa past year.
then Secretary of State punishanyNATOstatesthathelp slow the tempo province, the army said on According to a think tank
Mike Pompeo to take ac- Ukraine strike deep into Russia of Russia’s recent ad- Wednesday. Centre for Research and Security
tion against the city and with long-range Western Ukrainian forces use searchlights to spot drones over Kyiv on Wednesday. Reuters vances, experts told AP. The terrorists attempted to Studies (CRSS), the third quarter
Chinaduringtheterritory's weapons.“Attemptsbyindividual attack a joint check post in gen- of the ongoing year witnessed a
2019 anti-government NATO allies to participate in pro- eral area MaliKhel in Bannu dis- 90 per cent surge in violence in
tified about his meetings
viding for possible long-range
strikes with Western weapons
deep into Russian territory will
surprise and rejected “more of
the same irresponsible rhetoric
from Russia”. Naryshkin said
US closes down embassy in Kyiv trict late on Tuesday night but
their attempt to enter the post
was effectively thwarted by
Pakistan, local media had re-
ported earlier.
The attack comes a day after
with former US officials
and gave details about his
not go unpunished,” he told the
magazine National Defence.
Western elites were starting to
becomemoreawareof "theseri-
due to threat of Russian air attack troops, the Inter-Services Public
Relations (ISPR), Army's media
the country's civil and military
overseas political connec- UkrainefiredavolleyofBritish ousness of Russia's intentions." Airraidsirensbrieflysounded wing, said. a“comprehensivemilitaryoper-
tions. Lai said he asked StormShadowcruisemissilesinto He said the West should un- REUTERS inKyivintheafternoon,astheair The suicide blast led to col- ation” againstterrorist organisa-
Pence to voice his support RussiaWednesday,thelatestnew derstand “the need for greater KYIV, NOVEMBER 20 force told people to seek shelter lapse of portion of perimeter tions in Balochistan in a move
for Hong Kong, but not for Westernweaponithasbeenper- restraintintheiractionssoasnot becauseofamissilethreat.Senior wall and damaged the adjoin- aimed at stemming the tide of
the US to take any action, mittedtouseonRussiantargetsa to get involved in a direct mili- THE UNITED States shut its em- officialstoldUkrainiansnottoig- ing infrastructure, resulting in militancy in the province that
saying, “It's beyond me.” dayafteritfiredUSATACMSmis- tary conflict with our country, bassy in Kyiv on Wednesday nore the alert. the death of “12 brave sons of had seen several deadly attacks
Lai also met Pompeo and siles.Thestrikeswerereportedby which could lead to disastrous morningdueto“specificinforma- “Out of an abundance of cau- soil” including 10 soldiers of the in recent months.
discussed the situation in Russian war correspondents on consequences for them.” tion of a potential significant air tion, the embassy will be closed, security forces and two soldiers “The decision was taken by
HongKongwithhim,not- Telegramandconfirmedbyanof- Biden,whogavetheapproval attack” amid jitters in the capital US embassy in Kyiv. File and embassy employees are be- of the Frontier Constabulary, the Federal Apex Committee – a
ingitwasasimilarconver- ficial on condition of anonymity. for strikes deep into Russia with overpossibleRussianretaliationa ing instructed to shelter in the ISPR said. high-powered civil and military
sation to the one he had Washingtondidnotimmedi- American weapons, has also ap- day after a big Ukrainian strike. place,” the US Department of In the ensuing fire exchange, forum on counterterrorism.
with Pence, he said. AP ately address those assertions provedtheprovisionof anti-per- The Italian and Greek em- warning, while the French em- State Consular Affairs said in a six of them were killed too, it Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif
but said Tuesday the update to sonnel land mines, a US official bassies said they had also closed bassy remained open but urged statement on the embassy’s added. chaired the meeting, which was
Russia’s nuclear doctrine was no told Reuters. their doors after the unusual US its citizens to be cautious. website. The injured persons have attended by the federal minis-
been shifted to a local hospital. ters, chief ministers, Army Chief
IRAQ Sanitisation operation was Gen Syed Asim Munir and sen-
Nepal’s ruling
alliance divided
US envoy to travel to Israel in US vetoes UNSC
resolution on
being conducted and a curfew
was imposed in the area.
paper The Express Tribune said.

40yearsbegins over BRI terms bid to seal Hezbollah ceasefire Gaza ceasefire
Pak ex-PM Imran
Baghdad: Iraq began its ahead of PM United Nations: The United
first nationwide popula-
tion census in decades
on Wednesday, a step
Oli’s China visit REUTERS
manding an immediate cease-
fire in the war in Gaza on
gets bail in state
aimed at modernising
data collection and plan-
ning in a country long Nepal Prime
US ENVOY Amos Hochstein said
he will travel to Israel on
Wednesday to try to secure a
Wednesday saying that it is not
linked to an immediate release
of hostages taken captive by
gifts case: Report
impacted by conflict and Minsiter KP ceasefire ending the war with Hamas in Israel in October 2023.
political divisions. The Sharma Oli Lebanon'sHezbollahgroupafter The UN Security Council Will approach authorities for release
act of counting the pop- declaring additional progress in voted 14-1 in favour of the reso-
ulation is also con- talks in Beirut. lution sponsored by the 10 once official order is out, says lawyer
tentious. The census is Hochstein,whoarrived aday elected members on the 15-
expected to have pro- YUBARAJ GHIMIRE earlier in Beirut, said he saw a member council, but it was not
found implications for KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 20 "real opportunity" to end the adopted because of the US veto. REUTERS
Iraq's resource distribu- conflict after the Lebanese gov- The resolution that was put ISLAMABAD, NOVEMBER 20
tion, budget allocations NEPAL’S RULING coalition led by ernment and Hezbollah agreed A Lebanese army post hit by an Israeli strike in Sarafand, to a vote “demands an immedi-
and development plan- Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli to a US ceasefire proposal, al- southern Lebanon, on Wednesday. Reuters ate, unconditional and perma- ACOURTinPakistangrantedbail
ning. Minority groups hascomeundermajorstresswith though with some comments. nent cease-fire to be respected to jailed former prime minister
fear that a documented thebiggestpartnerinthealliance, “The meeting today built on by all parties, and further reiter- Imran Khan in a case relating to
decline in their numbers Nepali Congress, taking a firm themeetingyesterday,andmade conflict that has inflicted mas- its north due to rocket attacks by ates its demand for the immedi- the illegal sale of state gifts, his
will bring decreased po- stance that the PM should not additional progress,” Hochstein sive devastation in Lebanon Hezbollah, which opened fire in ate and unconditional release of party said on Wednesday.
litical influence. AP sign the Belt and Road Initiative said after his second meeting sinceIsraelwentontheoffensive support of Hamas at the start of all hostages.” The resolution had Khan, 71, has been in prison
projects with loan component with Parliament Speaker Nabih against Hezbollah in September, the Gaza war in October 2023. been sponsored by the 10 sinceAugust2023,butitwasnot Former PM and wife were
INDONESIA during his scheduled trip to backed Hezbollah to negotiate. mounting airstrikes across wide “We are going to work with elected members on the 15- immediately clear if the embat- sentenced to 14 years. File
Beijing beginning December 2. “So I will travel from here in a parts of the country and sending the incoming administration. member council. The Security tledpoliticianwouldbereleased
‘Canreachnet Top NC leaders have report- couple hours to Israel to try to in troops. We're already going to be dis- Council in June had adopted its given that he faces a number of
zeroemissions edly told Oli that he should sign
the BRI execution framework
bring this to a close if we can,”
Hochstein said.
Israel says its aim is to secure
the return home of tens of thou-
be fully aware of what we're do-
first resolution on a cease-fire
other charges too, including in-
citing violence against the state.
motivated to keep him in jail.
before2050’ treaty only if the projects include The diplomacy aims to end a sands of people evacuated from ing,” Hochstein said. tween Israel and Hamas. AP “If the official order is re- The case in which he was
cent per cent grants, something ceived today, his family and sup- granted bail on Wednesday by
Jakarta: Indonesia is opti- that China is not interested in. porters will approach the au- the Islamabad High Court is
mistic it can reach net In a high-level meeting CONCERNS OVER RISING COST OF LIVING thorities for his release,” one of known as the Toshakhana, or
zero emissions before Tuesday attended by Oli, his key his party's lawyers, Salman state treasury case.
2050, a decade earlier
than previously targeted,
advisor Bishnu Rimal, Nepali
Congress chief Sher Bahadur France’s Le Pen threatens to topple coalition govt Safdar, told journalists. Safdar
added that, as far as he knew,
It has multiple versions and
President Prabowo Deuba and his wife and Foreign Khan had been granted bail or gationsthatKhanandhiswifeil-
Subianto told a G20 fo- Minister Arzu Rana Deuba, Oli barred from running in the 2027 vote. That would inevitably trig- acquitted in all the cases he legally procured and then sold
rum, Prabowo also said failed to secure NC endorsement REUTERS National presidential election which ger a no-confidence vote that the faced. gifts worth over 140 million ru-
Indonesia planned to re- to sign the BRI framework treaty. PARIS, NOVEMBER 20 Rally leader many believe she could win. RN and the left could use to bring However, Information pees ($501,000) in state posses-
tire all coal and fossil- OlihadassuredBeijingtogivefor- Marine “We will not accept that the down the government. MinisterAttaullahTarar,amem- sion, which he received during
fuel-fired power plants malshapetotheagreementNepal FRENCH FAR-RIGHT leader Le Pen purchasing power of the French Le Pen also said on ber of the ruling Pakistan his 2018-22 premiership.
within the next 15 years, and China signed in 2017. Marine Le Pen on Wednesday beonceagainhit.Thisisaredline WednesdaytheRNwouldvotefor Muslim League-Nawaz party, Khan and his wife, Bushra
versus an earlier target of The Indian Express has learnt threatened to seek to topple and if this red line is crossed, we far-leftLFIparty'sproposaltodrop told Geo TV Khan lacked bail in Bibi,werebothhandeda14-year
2056, according to a thatOli,inthemeeting,indicated Prime Minister Michel Barnier's back, with prosecutors seeking will vote no-confidence,” Le Pen President Emmanuel Macron's cases in which he is charged sentence on those charges, fol-
statement released it would be difficult for him to fragilecoalitiongovernmentifher an obligatory five-year ban from toldRTLradio.Facedwithastarkly pension reform. Left-wing law- with planning riots by his sup- lowing a three-year sentence
Wednesday. Indonesia back out on the assurance he has National Rally (RN) party's cost- public office for her alleged role divided parliament, Barnier has makers in the lower house have porters in the wake of his arrest handedtohiminlate2023inan-
will build 75 gigawatts of given to China, implying he may of-livingconcernswerenotincor- in embezzling EU funds. She de- suggestedusingatoughmeasure said they would trigger a vote of in May last year. other version of the same case.
renewable power plants have to overrule the NC demand, porated into the 2025 budget. nies the allegations. If judges - invoking article 49.3 of the con- no-confidenceagainstthegovern- Khandeniesanywrongdoing, Their sentences have been
by 2039. REUTERS whichwilllikelyleadtoapolitical Le Pen's warning shot comes convict Le Pen and uphold the stitution - to ram the budget bill ment. To survive, Barnier needs andallegesallthecasesregistered suspendedinappealsatthehigh
fallout at home. asshefacesamajorpotentialset- sought sentence, she would be throughthelegislaturewithouta the RN to abstain from the vote. againsthimsincehewasremoved court.


Repeatedly imprisoned at home, a dissident’s final act of protest stuns Iran

he recounted the horrors he had the government did not release reached by phone, said he was several Iranian-focused human releasetheprisonersby7p.m.the
FARNAZ FASSIHI experienced in interviews and four political prisoners by the “too distraught to speak.” rights organizations. following day.
& LEILY NIKOUNAZAR videos posted on his social me- evening. He was 42. KianooshSanjaristartedblog- Omid Memarian, an Iranian On Wednesday evening, he
NOVEMBER 20 dia accounts. Newsof hisdeathhasshaken gingandattendingprotestswhen expert on human rights, said posted a bird’s-eye view photo of
“The Islamic Republic ruined Iranians, with many saying it he was in high school. He was ar- Sanjari had decided to return to thestreetbelowashestoodonthe
THE IRANIAN government first the days of my youth, as it did to was the long years of govern- restedatage17,placedinanadult Irantohelptakecareofhismother edge of the commercial building.
arrested him when he was a millions of others,” Sanjari, a ment-inflicted trauma that ulti- prison and held in solitary con- when she became sick in 2016. Thenheexpressedhishopeforan
teenagerprotestingacrackdown journalist and human rights ac- mately led to his end. finement.HeescapedIranin2007 He thought that the threats Iran in which people were no
on student activists. He re- tivist,oncesaid.“Daysthatcould “I would like to say that the afterservingatwo-yearsentence against him had eased with the longer jailed for their beliefs.
mained undeterred. have been filled with passion, Islamic Republic is directly re- in Evin prison on charges of passageof timeandthathecould A video circulating on social
For two decades, the regime happiness and sweetness were sponsible for Kianoosh’s death,” “threatening national security.” find stability back home. mediashowedabodywrappedin
repeatedly threw him into jail spentinprison,doingirreversible one longtime friend and fellow HearrivedintheUnitedStates The opposite happened. white cloth on the side of a road
and detained him in psychiatric damage to my body and soul.” activist, Kourosh Sehati, said in in2008bywayofNorwayandre- Last Tuesday, Sanjari an- drenched in rain. In the commo-
institutions, but the more Iran Last Wednesday, he plum- an interview from London. “He ceived political asylum. nounced that he had to make a tion of flashing red ambulance
tried to silence him, the more metedfromacommercialbuild- wanted the regime gone; he From 2008 to 2016, he difficult decision about life and lights, emergency crews and
outspoken Kianoosh Sanjari be- ing in central Tehran, hours after wanted the release of the politi- worked as a journalist for the death.Then heissuedhisultima- passers-by, someone asked who
came. A tall, lanky man known declaring that he would take his cal prisoners.” Kianoosh Sanjari at a demonstration in Washington. File Voice of America Persian news tumtothegovernment,sayinghe it was. “Kianoosh,” replied an
forhisdarksuitsand stripedties, own life as a final act of protest if Sanjari’s brother Majid, service and as a researcher for wouldtakehisownlifeifitdidnot emergency worker. NYT


If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to [email protected]

What to know about indoor air quality and purification

pollutant of concernwhichislinkedto respi- tration is needed. good. While stratospheric ozone protects us
ratory diseases, cardiovascular conditions, For homes without centralized filtration from UV radiation, ground-level “bad ozone”
and neurological disorders. systems, particularly in regions like North canworsenindoorairqualitybyproducingad-
EXPERT In most of North India and cities across
the country, PM2.5 levels exceed the World
India where outdoor air is consistently poor,
investing in an air purifier is almost always
In cars, using the air conditioner in recir-
EXPLAINS HealthOrganization’ssafelimitsalmostyear-
round, making indoor air quality manage-
Even when the air appears clear, relying
culation mode with windows closed helps
minimize the intake of outdoor air, creating
Shahzad Gani ment essential for those who can afford it.
The first step is to limit the entry of out-
on visibility or media reports as indicators of
pollution can be misleading. Checking data
a safer environment inside the vehicle.
However, this also highlights an ironic real-
doorpollutants.Keepingwindowsanddoors from nearby air quality monitors provides a ity: AC cars emit pollutants while shielding
closedpreventspollutedairfromseepingin- more accurate picture, and reinforces the their occupants from the very air they con-
THE MORE privileged among us spend most side, while sealing gaps around windows, need for indoor air quality management. tribute to polluting.
of the day indoors— in homes, offices, gyms, doors, and vents reduces air leaks.
andair-conditionedvehicles— Using an air purifier, espe- What to know about purifiers Ethical issues in air purification
where air quality can be con- cially in spaces like bedrooms An air purifier is essentially a fan paired While air purifiers and similar measures
trolled. Outdoor exposure is wheresignificanttimeisspent, with a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) can reduce health risks for those who can af-
typically limited to commutes is key to reducing exposure. filter,designedtotrapfineparticulatematter ford them, these solutions are inherently in-
or errands, during which a Limiting the volume of air the A smog tower in Delhi’s Anand Vihar in 2021. Enclosed spaces are crucial to clean like PM2.5. Many modern purifiers come equitable. This selective insulation can also
properlyfittedN95maskisthe purifier needs to clean — by the air; outdoor purifiers cannot meaningfully reduce pollution levels. Archive with sensors that automatically adjust fan diminish the urgency to push for systemic
only reliable way to reduce ex- D EATH Y B closing doors to other rooms — speed based on air quality, improving effi- changes, which ultimately perpetuates the
posure to harmful pollutants. B REATH further enhances efficiency. ciency. For those on a budget, a DIY purifier problem.
But for the vast majority of The need for enclosed affect air quality. portionately affected. can be made using a HEPA filter and a fan. Measures to mitigate exposure are tem-
Indians, outdoor air is unavoidable. Street spaces highlights the oxymoronic nature of Cooking, especially with solid fuels, re- Burningincense or candlesfurtherwors- HEPA filters are critical for trapping porary and individualistic, addressing the
vendors, delivery workers, labourers, and “outdoorairpurifiers”(smogtowers),which leases fine particulate matter, carbon ens indoor air quality by releasing fine parti- PM2.5,whileactivatedcarbonfilters,though symptoms rather than the root causes of air
those living in unsealed homes face pro- cannot meaningfully reduce pollution due monoxide,andotherharmfulgases.Kitchens cles and volatile organic compounds. notessentialforparticulatematteralone,are pollution. Worse, they risk exacerbating ex-
longed exposure to pollution. tothevirtuallyinfinitevolumeof outdoorair. frequently have the highest levels of air pol- useful for capturing gaseous pollutants. isting inequalities. The solution lies ulti-
They lack the resources to create cleaner Even indoor purification has limitations lution in a home — and even in households Measuring air pollution AkeymetricistheCleanAirDeliveryRate mately in improving outdoor air quality — a
air bubbles for themselves, and thus bear a for those living in unsealed homes, where with modern stoves, poor ventilation can Many buildings, workplaces, and gyms (CADR), which indicates how quickly a puri- topic on which much ink, including by this
disproportionatelyhigherburdenofpollution. outdoor pollutants infiltrate easily. lead to a build-up of harmful pollutants. claim to have air filtration systems, but these fier can filter air in a given space. Higher author, has already been spilled.
The burden of this indoor air pollution is claims are often unverifiable without inde- CADR ratings are particularly important for
Improving indoor air quality Indoor sources of pollution gendered—entrenchedpatriarchyensuresit pendent monitoring. Using low-cost air larger rooms. Aerosol scientist Shahzad Gani is an
Improving indoor air quality starts with While outdoor air pollution dominates is women who typically spend more time in quality sensors to measure PM2.5 levels in- It is essential to avoid purifiers that gener- Assistant Professor at the Centre for
managing exposure to PM2.5, the primary discussions,indoorsourcesalsosignificantly the kitchen, and who are, therefore, dispro- doors can help assess whether additional fil- ate ozone, as they can do more harm than Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi


NEWLYUPDATEDBYPUTIN? India’s undertrial prisoners
proved changes to Russia’s nuclear
planes, missiles and drones. Ukraine has
staged frequent air attacks, mostly with
What does Section 479 of the BNSS, which provides relaxed bail standards for first-time offenders, state?
weapons policy, and Moscow has urged drones but now also with US missiles, to What has the Supreme Court said on the matter? What is the status of undertrial prisoners in India?
the West to study them closely. degradeRussia’sabilitytostrikeUkrainian
troops, cities and energy infrastructure.
What happened? nicated the Centre’s agreement to this meas-
Putin signed a decree on Tuesday up-
What are the other key changes?
Much of the language is unchanged
WHAT THE DATA SHOW ure before the order was passed.
The court ordered all state governments
lished in 2020. The document, like the from 2020, but there are a number of al- and Union Territories to file affidavits within
weapons as a means of deterring its en-
the threshold for Russian nuclear use.
UNION Home Minister Amit Shah on
Tuesdaysaidthatundertrialswhohavespent 5,73,220 4,34,302 3 OUT OF 4 twomonthsdetailing“thenumberof under-
trials who would be entitled to extension of
emies and sets out the scenarios under Russia is officially placing close ally more than a third of the maximum pre- Total prisoners Undertrials prisoners ( 75.8%) the benefit of Section 479 of the BNSS, the
which it would consider using them. Belarusunderitsnuclearumbrella.Russia scribed sentence for the crime they are ac- were undertrials number of applications moved before the
now says it may use nuclear weapons in cused of committing should be released be- concerned Courts for their release and the
Why did Russia announce it now? theeventof aconventionalattackagainst fore Constitution Day (November 26). 19.3% of undertrialswereMuslim,4.7% number of undertrials actually released by

Putin had spoken publicly about the itself or Belarus that “creates a critical Highlighting the new relaxed provisions Sikh,morethanthecommunities’ the date of filing of the affidavits”.
key points of the new doctrine on threat to their sovereignty or territorial on bail for first-time offenders in the respectivesharesinpopulation(14.2% The court also ordered jail superintend-
September 25.Tuesday’s decreecameon integrity”. Previously, Russia had said it Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023 and1.7%in2011Census) entstosendreportswiththis datasothatthe
of undertrial inmates were
the same day that Ukraine fired US-sup- might meet a conventional attack with (BNSS), Shah said: “Samvidhaan Din se pehle, 20.9% of undertrial inmates were SCs, states and UTs could collect them for their fi-
from six states — Uttar Pradesh,
plied ATACMS missiles intoRussiafor the nuclear weapons “when the very exis- yeh desh ke jailon mein ek bhi kaidi aisa na ho 9.3% were STs. Their shares in nal affidavit.
(21.7%), Bihar (13.2%),
first time in the war. tence of the state is placed under threat”. jisne apni ek tihayee sazaa kaat li hai aur abhi population are 16.6% and 8.6% Notably,Section479alreadyplacesaduty
Maharashtra (7.6%), Madhya
But some security analysts played Russia says its nuclear deterrent is usko nyay nahi mila hai. (Before Constitution respectively (2011 Census) on the superintendent of the jail to send an
Pradesh (6.2%), Punjab (5.6%),
down the timing, saying it was under- aimednotonlyatothernuclearstatesbut Day, we want to make sure there isn’t a sin- application to the court for releasing a per-
and West Bengal (5.4%)
standable that the state bureaucracy had also at other countries that allow their gleprisonerinthejailsof Indiawhohasspent 14.6% of undertrials had spent for 1-2 son on bail under this section once the rele-
takenweekstodraftandpublishthedoc- land, water or airspace to be used to pre- one third of his sentence in prison and still years, 7.8% 2-3 years, 6% 3-5 years, and vant time period — either half or one-third
ument following Putin’s instructions. pare or conduct aggression against it. hasn’t received justice.)”
What does Section 479 of the BNSS, 65.2% 2.6% more than five years of the maximum sentence — has elapsed.
However, on October 22, a new Bench
How does the new doctrine apply to What other threats could prompt which provides relaxed bail standards for of undertrials were either comprisingJusticesHrishikeshRoyandSVN
the Ukraine war?
It states that any aggression against
Russia to go nuclear?
The document lists several new risks
first-time offenders, state? What has the
Supreme Court said on the matter? And
illiterate (26.2%), or had
received education till at most
40.7% increase in the
number of
undertrials in India since 2017, when
Bhatti noted that only 19 out of the 36 states
Russia by a non-nuclear state that is car- andscenarioswhichcouldpromptRussia what is the state of undertrials in India? Class X (39.2%) tailing the steps taken to implement the
riedoutwiththeparticipationorsupport to consider a nuclear response. These in- their population stood at 3,08,718 court’s August order.
of a nuclear state will be considered a clude creation of new military coalitions, Section 479 of the BNSS Source: NCRB; data till December 31, 2022 On November 19, the SC once again or-
joint attack. or expansion of existing ones, that move Section 479 of the BNSS lays down the dered all jail superintendents to identify all
It lists additional scenarios under enemy military infrastructure closer to “Maximum period for which [an] undertrial undertrialprisoners,especiallywomen,who
whichMoscowwouldconsideranuclear Russia’sborders,andplanningorcarrying prisoner can be detained”. been convicted of any offence in the past) he court,highlightingissuessuchasovercrowd- would be entitled to bail under Section 479
response,includingif ithadreliableinfor- out large-scale military exercises near It states that a prisoner who is not ac- shall be released on bond by the Court, if he ing in prisons, unnatural deaths of prisoners, of theBNSSsothatcourtscanconsidergrant-
mation about the launch of a massive Russia’s borders, etc. cused of offences punishable with death or has undergone detention for the period ex- and the inadequacy of trained prison staff. ing bail in these cases.
cross-border air attack on Russia using REUTERS life imprisonment shall be released on bail if tendinguptoone-thirdof themaximumpe- Since2013,thecourthasbeenhearingissues
she has “undergone detention for a period riod of imprisonment specified for such of- relating to prisons in this case. India’s undertrial prisoners
extending up to one-half of the maximum fence under that law”. Senior Advocate and amicus curiae According to the National Crime Records
periodof imprisonmentspecifiedforthatof- The provision, however, clarifies that an (‘friend of the court’ appointed by the Bench Bureau’s report Prison Statistics India 2022
fence under that law”. accused “shall not be released on bail by the to assist the court) Gaurav Agrawal submit- (publishedinDecember2023),ofthe5,73,220
This same standard was provided under Court” if there are pending investigations or ted on August 13 that Section 479 of the peopleincarceratedinIndianprisons,4,34,302
thepreviouslyapplicableSection436Aof the trials into more than one offence or in “mul- BNSS “needs to be implemented at the ear- are undertrials against whom cases are still
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC). tiple cases” relating to the same person. liest and it will help in addressing over- pending. That amounts to nearly 75.8% of all
But the BNSS has also relaxed the stan- crowding in prisons”. prisoners in India.
dard further in cases concerning “first-time Top court’s interpretation Noting that the new provision was “more Of the 23,772 women in prisons, 18,146
offenders”—requiringsuchaccusedpersons In August, a Bench of Justices Hima Kohli beneficial”, the court on August 23 ordered (76.33%) are undertrials, the report notes.
to be released on bail after they have spent and Sandeep Mehta held hearings on the is- that Section 479 would apply “retrospec- Thereportdoesnotrecordhowmanyun-
one-thirdof themaximumpossiblesentence suesfacedbyundertrialprisonersinthecase tively” to cases that were registered against dertrial prisoners were first-time offenders.
in prison. In re: Inhuman conditions in 1382 prisons. first-time offenders even before the BNSS As of December 31, 2022, around 8.6% of all
It states, “Provided that where such per- The case began as a PIL after former Chief came into effect on July 1, 2024. Additional undertrial prisoners had been in prison for
son is a first-time offender (who has never Justice of India R C Lahoti sent a letter to the Solicitor General Aishwarya Bhati commu- more than three years.

Story, history of exposition of sacred relics of St Francis Xavier in Goa

whereitwashousedintheChurchof StPaul When did this tradition begin? teenth exposition. We are expecting over
PAVNEET SINGH CHADHA for several months. The saint’s body was Although the decennial tradition is rel- eight million people to visit this time.
PANAJI, NOVEMBER 20 shipped to Goain1554, and kept at St Paul’s atively new, the relics of St Francis Xavier Thoughitishardtoestimateanumber,dur-
College in Old Goa — the first building con- havelongbeen“exposed”tothepublic.The ingthepreviousexpositionin2014,over5.5
THE DECENNIAL exposition of the sacred structed by Jesuits in Goa. The body was body of the saint has been looked upon as a million people visited.”
relicsof SaintFrancisXavier,thepatronsaint later transferred to Casa Professa near the miracle among the faithful, given that it
of Goa, will begin on Thursday, and go on Basilica of Bom Jesus in Old Goa by 1613, showed minimal signs of decay. What special arrangements have been
till January 5 next year. and placed in the Basilica in 1624. It is believed that the body was “ex- made for the exposition?
Pilgrims, especially from the Catholic posed” for veneration by the public on his The church authorities said the casket
community,andtouristswillconvergeinGoa What happens during the exposition? death anniversary in 1554. After the saint containingtherelicswillbecarriedinaspe-
over the next 45 days to pay The four-century-old sil- wascanonised in 1622,thetraditiongained cially designed electric carriage, instead of
homage to the saint, whose ver-glass casket holding the furtherprominence.Thebodywaslaterput being carried on the shoulders of groups of
mortal remains will be put on EXPLAINED relics of Saint Francis Xavier in a coffin due to fear of deterioration of the people, as has been the norm in previous
public display for veneration.
TRADITION will be lowered from its rest-
ing place in the mausoleumat
relics and to avoid untoward incidents.
In 1782, rumours circulated that the
For the first time, an 80-member brass
Who was St Francis Xavier? the Basilica in a private cere- body of the saint was not in Goa, and had band will be a part of the procession cere-
The Spanish Jesuit missionary St Francis mony. On Thursday, the relics will be car- been replaced by another body. To dispel mony, to showcase the state’s culture and
Xavier, referred to as “Goencho Saib” (Lord ried in a ceremonial procession from the these rumours, a public exposition took tradition.
of Goa), arrived in Goa — then a Portuguese Basilica to Se Cathedral, around 300 metres place. Subsequently, in the latter half of the Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on
colony — in 1542. His primary mission, as away, where they will be kept for devotees The relics of St Francis Xavier during a previous exposition. Government of Goa 18th century, the relics were exposed at ir- Tuesday said, “We have set up a unique pil-
ordered by King John III, was to restore to venerate. regularintervalsonspecialoccasions,which grim village. The village has been set up for
Christianity among the Portuguese settlers. Fr Henry Falcao, convener of the cametobeknownasthesolemnexposition. the poor to provide them free accommoda-
The saint died in 1552 on Shangchuan Exposition Committee of the Archdiocese, relic and a sign of divine intervention... His “For Catholics, the exposition is about This became a more regular event after tion.Aspecialadministrativeofficeandsec-
island off China’s coast. He was first buried said,“Theexpositionisvenerationoftheholy body did not see corruption despite being renewal of our personal life and social life, Goa was liberated from Portuguese rule in retariat has been set up to manage the
on the island. The following year, his body relics of St Francis Xavier. It has been a tradi- buriedseveraltimes,andeachtimethebody it’s an event of strengthen our faith 1961, and has been held once every decade event…Fortransportation,specialbuseswill
was exhumed and transported to Malacca, tion in Goa for many years. It is a miraculous was exhumed, it did not see corruption.” in God,” he said. since 1964. Fr Falcao said, “This is the eigh- beruntoferrypilgrimsfromthemaincities.”

CROSSWORD 5527 OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis


ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)

The Moon adopts a Even if a particular
friendly position, venture falls apart
offering some at the seams, you
respite from the must realise that in
generally hysterical nature of the astrological universe
the times. Try to see the larger everything is for the best. Be
picture: perhaps there is ready to let go of the past for, if
something you can do to your planetary alignments
resurrect an overseas mean anything, it’s that you’re
connection or safeguard ready to start building a bright
the legal position. future.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
At least your So much depends
financial situation on your ability to
seems to be secure. press ahead without
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson Indeed, the prospect co-operation. You
of increased prosperity, on are used to being thrown back
however small a scale, may on your own resources and
stand as a beacon of light you are well able to deal with
amidst these generally anything that life may throw at
unstable and possibly ill- you. You will soon see the
tempered times. People often upside of something.
ACROSS Down get irritable when they sense
1 A rule which is flexible (4,7) 2 In the bay wrecked ship that change is on the way. SAGITTARIUS(Nov24-Dec22)
9 We get involved with hairy sunk deep (5) An emotional tie or
bats (7) 3 Leave without a thing (4) GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) attachment may
Try to see how other now be viewed in a
10 Liberal politician gets in 4 One follows one team (6) people are feeling. completely
the beer (5) 5 Renowned solicitor to open What’s needed is different light, yet the way you
11 Charge for a plant (4) proceedings (5,3) not only sympathy see things now may have no
12 Cassette broken may set a 6 One way to recover some but empathy - the ability to more real validity than did
precedent (4,4) silver? (7) tune into other people’s your former opinions. All are
14 Beetle could be sailor’s 7 It doesn’t take long to emotions with compassion but different faces of the same
car (6) provide a deficiency (5,6) and understanding. Your wonderful, multi-faceted
romantic stars are pretty picture.
16 In this one endures some 8 Free time for a convict (7,4) strong, by the way, so proceed
restraint (6) 13 A mammoth beast MARVIN by Tom Armstrong with confidence. CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
18 Absolutely certain it’s a disposed to stand and moo (8) Challenging aspects
photographic term (8) 15 Store army leader learns CANCER (June 22 - July 23) to your special
19 Kept perfectly cool (4) about (7) Because Mars is still planets are not
in such a difficult making it easy for
22 Given material 17 A place to meet on the alignment with a you to keep enterprises going.
backing? (5) way (6) number of planets, Why not stop struggling and
23 Certainly bound to 20 Agitate a liquid people are prepared to fight take some time off? You have
change (2,5) container (5) their corner to the bitter end. so much to learn from mixing
24 Scottish family needs it 21 I’d turn in at the Yet what they are defending is with new friends.
made secret (11) entrance (4) nothing but an illusion. Still, if
it means something to them, AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19)
then that’s their prerogative. Forget about
Solutions Crossword5526Across:1Obelus,4Abutment,9Esprit,10Ateerage,12 conventional
Hood,28Leavened,29Mosaic,30Semolina,31DecreeDown: 1Operetta,2 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) answers to current
Espousal,3Unit,5Bottle-opener,6Tree,7Enamel,8Differ,11Puttinggreen,15 Meetings are liable dilemmas, whether
Estop,16Happy,18Dinosaur,19Dandruff,21Psalms,22Salaam,26Veal,27Note to be stormy, so if your concerns are of a
important issues are professional or a personal
at stake you may feel nature. Now it is time to
it is best to wait for a final implement the radical
verdict. There is nothing to be solutions which are your
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel3s gained from forcing the pace. particular stock-in-trade.

Instructions Let events unfold in their own Just because other people
Given below are four jumbled words. Solve the jumbles to make proper words and move TosolveaSudokupuzzle, good time and you’ll be pleased are tied to convention, that
them to the respective squares below. Select the letters in the shaded squares and with the results. doesn’t mean that you
should be as well.

jumble them to get the answer for the given quip. mustappearineachofthe VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23)
___ __ __. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them nineverticalcolumns,in You’reinastrong PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
- John Updike (6,4,4)
eachoftheninehorizontal position.Yetyou Hopefully you are
LMEEE BICSTU rowsandineachofthe maybeunableto finding that the
nineboxes. resistbeing present situation is
embroiled in aseries of strange interesting without
andoftenunhelpfulsituations. being in any way upsetting.
WAORR SEUDMM DifficultyLevel Maintainyoursense of humour With your deep understanding
andkeepsmiling throughout! of the nature of reality you are
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; Aprofessional opportunity better fitted than most people
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; comes yourwayasaresultof a to dealing with challenging or
them - John Updike 5s=VeryHard; colleague’sgoodwill. obstructive conditions.
Answer: Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have 6s=Genius

Government of Odisha
e-mail [email protected], [email protected]
e-procurement Notice for Bid Identification No. SEPH-DIVISION, CTC-17 of 2024-25
1. Name of the work :- 2 Nos of P.H. work
2. Estimated cost :- Rs. 355.69 Lakhs to
Rs. 459.48 Lakhs
3. Period of completion :- 6 months.
4. Date & time of availability of bid :- 25.11.2024 from 11.00 A.M to
document in the portal 11.12.2024 upto 5.00 P.M
5. Last date & time of seeking :- 30.11.2024 upto 5.00 P.M
6. Last date/time of receipt of :- 11.12.2024 upto 5.00 P.M
bids in the portal
7. Date & time of opening of bids :- 12.12.2024 at 11.00 A.M
8. Name and address of the officer :- The Superintending Engineer,
inviting bid P.H.Division, Cuttack-753004,
Odisha. Ph. (0671) 2441063,
email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Further details can be seen from e-procurement portal

I/C Superintending Engineer
OIPR-13225/11/0015/2425 P.H. Division, Cuttack


See Section 82 Cr. P.C.
Where as complaint has been made before me that accused Chahat
S/o Vickey @ Kale, R/o- H. No. 9626, Gali No. 12, Multani Dhanda,
Paharganj, Delhi have committed (or suspected to have committed)
the offence in case registered vide FIR No. 1025/2023 U/s 25/54/59
Arms Act P.S. Sadar Bazar, Delhi and it has been returned to a
warrant of arrest there upon issued that the said accused Chahat can
not be found and whereas it has been shown to my satisfaction that
the said Chahat has absconded (or is concealing himself to avoid the
service of the said warrant).
Proclamation is hereby made that the said accused Chahat of case
FIR No. 1025/2023 U/s 25/54/59 Arms Act P.S. Sadar Bazar, Delhi
is required to appear before this court (or before me) to answer the
complaint on or before the day of 21.12.2024.
By Order
Sh. Gaurav Goyal
Judicial Magistrate, First Class-06
Central District, Room No. 247,
DP/15367/N/2024 (Court Matter) Tis Hazari Court, Delhi

Left-arm seam bowler Yash Dayal has been added to
India's reserve pacers' list after Khaleel Ahmed had to be
sent back home due to an unspecified niggle. Dayal, who
was added in the Test squad during the Bangladesh
series, was in South Africa for the T20I series but didn't
play a single match. PTI

The Border Gavaskar Trophy will be the making and unmaking of giants as the duo of Sharma-Kohli & Australia’s pace trio of
Cummins-Hazlewood-Starc look to extend their legacy, while a rookie like Jurel could get a tilt at being a star. Big occasions don’t get bigger than this.

Aus tour is great

opportunity for
Rohit’s litmus Tests
Captain must fix the team’s flaws as well as his personal form in series that could define his career and captaincy
says Morkel

Number of innings
Rohit Sharma has gone
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 hundred. His last
century was a 103
GOING INTO against England in Dharamsala in
the first Test in March. He had also scored 131 in Rajkot
Perthonemajor in the same series.
for the Indian
team is lack of SRIRAM VEERA need to change our style a little. That's it.”
experience in PERTH, NOVEMBER 20 There is a genuine top-order vulnerabil-
the batting or- ity, now. This is the first Australian tour for
der against a ROHIT SHARMA was sitting alone in the the inform Yashasvi Jaiswal. Shubman Gill
formidable Australian quartet who Wankhede dressing room after India were isn’t there for the first Test and barring
scalped1430wicketstogether.Skipper whitewashed3-0bytheNewZealanders.His Rishabh Pant, India’s main batsman, no one
RohitSharmawhoisamongtheexpe- team-mates had left. The Kiwis were quietly else is in a good space. Not Kohli, not KL
riencedbattersisabouttomisstheTest celebrating in their dressing room, their oc- Rahul. Dhruv Jurel probably is the batsman
andShubmanGillwhoscoredastylish casionalhoopsof joydriftingacross. Thesta- who has shown he has the game to play on
91 in the famous Gabba win in the last dium staff talkabout how Rohitjust couldn’t those tracks but he hasn’t faced the interna-
tour too is doubtful because of an in- get up and leave the arena. Not long ago, tional Test quality of Australia yet.
jury. When asked if there is any pres- many of them had seen him at Wankhede,
sure on the batting unit “I think you drenched in public adulation after the T20 Ideal approach
know the pressure is one thing but World Cup triumph. Circle of life, perhaps. Whatapproachisideal,then,forRohit?To
there are a lot of unknowns for a Rohit isn’t in Perth and Jasprit Bumrah tryscoresomequickrunsorseeifhecanshow
young squad,” said Indian bowling willleadinthefirstTest.Theirpre-seriescov- his team that the fire can be put out through
coach Morne Morkel on Wednesday erage has been fixated, understandably, on patience, grit, and then once the Kookaburra
addressing a press conference. Virat Kohli. Rohit, the captain and a star, has ball eases up, attack. For the latter, he has to
Morkel would also say that this been reduced largely to a ghostly presence. beinabsolutelygoodspaceasitneedshimto
tour to Australia is a “fantastic carrot But he has had far more pressing concerns mix all dimensions of his batting.
to dangle” for many Indian players. “I of late: from parenthood to on-field The clincher is he needs to have confi-
think for any cricketer when you headaches in recent times. dence in the rest of the team that they are
come to Australia. This is where you EversinceMSDhoni’sretirementinTests, ready mentally, temperamentally and skill-
make a name for yourself on one of after below-par overseas performances, wise.Thattheyaren’tadisparatebunchwho
the bigger stages of playing world India haven’t quite been at this state before are just focussed on their own self, but have
cricket.Ithinkthatis thedriving force any overseas tour. Even Dhoni, though his the character to extend themselves, look be-
for some of the young guys to come teams weren’t expected torakeup winsout- yond themselves to forge as a unit.
up here play good solid cricket score side, wasn’t ever under the sort of fire that A team that doesn’t need to be told not to
500-600 runs in a serious stake and Rohit finds himself in now. ‘meander around in the garden’, a team that
then put themselves on the stage." ThelosstoNewZealandjoltedthesystem. doesn’tneedtobetoldtowearhelmetorab-
An out-of-form Virat Kohli is the Now,priortothetourof Australia,itwon’tbe domen guard while fielding at close-in posi-
only player in that top order with a surprise if there is a sinking feeling of anxi- tions, a team that doesn’t need to be told to
much experience to speak of. He ety, or at least tremendous uncertainty, in switch positions automatically when a left-
played 13 Tests Down Under scoring him. Added to it, the injuries to key players handedbatsmencomesonstrike,andattack
1352 runs at an average of 54.08. leaves India, and him, rather vulnerable. For T20 World Cup-winning skipper Rohit Sharma, things have gone downhill in Test cricket. Sportzpics/BCCI as a group.
There are two aspects to Rohit at this This is important, just like he showed
stage - the batsman and the leader, and both themtheidealwayinwhite-ballcricketwith
have overlapped in recent times, one overtly He had to teach them how to approach bat- Helookedaroundhishotelroomforabat, his own example, he has to guide them in
BGT SHORTS affecting the other. ting. He had to counsel them on how not to couldn’t find it as the kit was in the team bus red-ball batting. Whatever criticism one can
Perhaps, it’s wise to delve into his most get carried away with a little bit of success. I fully take the responsibility for and said: “I could have shown you my exact land on him, it cannot be said he doesn’t care
Nosnakecracks popular meme to see what kind of chal-
lenges he faces in a young inexperienced
He had to speak to them about the dangers
that await at the first stumble.
that (0-3 loss to NZ) as a captain
and as a leader as well. I have not
batting-grip change but what I can’t show
youisthe amount of pain in mywrists intry-
or he isn’t deeply conscientious. He is some-
one who is aware of the legacy of Indian
expected:Curator team. That ‘garden mey ghoomne waale log’
comment about the lack of intensity and
Less than a year ago, Shubman Gill was
almostdroppedinthemiddleof theEngland
been at the best of my abilities ing to do it. It took a long time and I had to
drastically change my old grip in order to
cricket, does fret genuinely about the tem-
perament and life-goals of youngsters.
Withthefocusrevolvingaroundamen- cricketing intelligence in his team went vi- series.Lessthanayearago,RishabhPantwas
right from the start of the series. tighten up, to be more compact. Not for any However, this tour will come down to
acingPerthpitchattheOptusStadium ral as a positive bookmark to his earthy/desi still in recovery. Mohammad Siraj couldn’t And yeah, with the bat as well, I’ve issues for lbw — that needed a footwork how Rohit the batsman bats — he doesn’t
for the first Test against India on style of leadership. But beneath the jocular- find his game in India. not been good enough. change — but to tackle the balls in the off- need the monastic abstinence that was re-
Monday,headcuratorIsaacMcDonald ity, in hindsight, especially as India won that The statewas also forced on Rohit’s man- stump channel. How to keep leaving or keep quired in challenging conditions of England
said that he does not expect the pitch series against England, its very existence re- agementteamasplayerswhohavesomeex- ROHIT SHARMA playing the line so that any ball seaming or with the constantly moving ball, but proba-
to produce excessive bounce or cracks veals a lot about the youngsters in the team. perienceindomesticcricketlikeShreyasIyer, AT THE END OF NEWZEALAND SERIES swinging away can go past the outside edge. bly a more sensible start before he allows his
“Yeah, it’s definitely not traditional This is a team of young men largely Rajat Patidar, Srikar Bharat, Mukesh Kumar I had to retune my muscle memory there - attacking urges their rightful space. It would
Perth Test prep. Yesterday we pretty emerging from IPL or age-group tourna- couldn’tquitefindtheirTestgame.Thoselike concerns. That approach suited those for- and it caused a lot of pain. But nothing is im- also come down to how he leads this team
muchlostthewholedayofprepwithit ments, without the hard lessons learnt in Ishan Kishan had their own issues. Only the mats; India had to be dragged out of self-im- possible once you feel the need to do it and on the field, especially if India get off to a bad
being under cover. So we kind of saw first-class cricket for any meaningful length novices remained. A couple have developed posed shackles. The white-ball team had apply yourself mentally to it.” start in the first couple of Tests.
the forecast early on and we started of time. Barring Sarfaraz Khan. They haven’t leadership ambitions too. lacked the sense of urgency that was direly He returns to Australia, a place where he
prepalittlebitearlierthanwenormally toiled hard through seasons, raked their Some of hispredecessorscould plan how needed and it was up to an ageing Rohit to Question of approach has seen selectorial disappointment in 2012,
would,”McDonaldtoldmediaaheadof heads throughcampaigns, intimatewiththe to implement their ideology or philosophy show the youngsters the way. ItwillbeinterestingtoseeinAustraliaif he mixed feelings in 2014, happiness of a series
the series opener beginning on Friday. artof buildinganinningsorbuildingspellsby ontheteam.Rohithashadtoalterhistowhat The current Test team lacks a different revertstothe2021mouldorkeepsattacking win in 2018, and a witness to unadulterated
The pitch is likely to retain moisture altering their tempo according to the de- he thinks this team of young men need. sensibility:of grit,patience,adaptability,and as hehas donein recenttimes.The onething joy in 2021, sitting on the stairs outside the
come match day, effectively ruling out mands of thesessions. Mostof them haveei- Hereis whereRohit the Test batsmanhas intensity on field. he has consistently said recently is how the dressing room at Brisbane when Pant’s off
the possibility of major deterioration ther spent bashing the ball in T20s or work- slipped. It’s one thing for him to don his all- Here the solution was Rohit’s own 2021 batsmen need to find way to get runs, keep drive clinched a memorable series win.
overthecourseoffivedays.“There’llbe ing hard at the nets on their individual skills out attacking role in white-ball cricket that Test batting in England where he utterly scoring. "Youhavetolooktogetrunsalsoand How will this tour end for him? Alone at
somedeterioration,grasswillstandup of batting or bowling. This isn’t a complaint, admirably and inspirationally lifted an en- transformed his urges to become one of the that's how you try and put the bowlers un- the SCG dressing room, wondering whether
duringthegameandofferthatvariable just an observation about modern-day tire team out of a philosophical swamp of best compactly classical Test openers in derpressure,"hesaidaftertheserieslossbe- he should call time on his international ca-
bouncebutintermsofbigsnakeWACA cricket. Captaincy came to Rohit at this stage outdatedness in those formats. He decided world cricket. It hadn’t come easy. Once in foreadding:“Wearesad.Itisimportanttobe reer or revel in the joy of an inspirational
cracks, unfortunately I don’t think the in his life and Indian cricket in general. tosettheaggressivetemplatetoleadthemto an interaction with this newspaper, weeks sad. But, it does not mean that you have to turnaround in fortunes and looking forward
weather is going to get us there.” ENS He has had to teach them cricketing ba- the promised dry land of run-feasts so that prior to the 2023 ODI World Cup, the talk changeyourentiresystem.Oursystemisthat to the Test tour of England in June with great
sicsof howtoattackasapackof menonfield. his bowlers can then all-out attack without veered to that transformation. we are playing cricket in one way. We just confidence?


On bounce-friendly Perth is a Washington-Ashwin gamble worth it?

ers in Perth, Australia has stuck to their fa- handed batters. It ranks above Ashwin, for threewicketsatanineffectiveaverageof 145.
LALITH KALIDAS mous three and Lyon to do the damage. And instance, whose average speed over the last Meanwhile, spin, powered largely by
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 20 quite surprisingly, it is the wily Lyon that two BGT series is 87 kph. Lyon, has had a superior record on the flaky
trumps everybody else on the charts, lead- Whilehe concedes heis heavily “spin-bi- Perth strips in the third and fourth innings,
SIX SUMMERS since hosting its inaugural ing with 27 scalps in four outings. ased”, Sriram doesnotbelieve Indiawill veer accountingfor18wickets.The52.1strikerate
Test during the 2018-19 Border Gavaskar FormerAustraliaassistantcoachandspin away from the usual at Perth, sticking to one isalmostcomparabletopace(47.1)inthelast
Trophy, Perth’s Optus Stadium will open a specialist Sridharan Sriram hails Lyon’s un- spinner at best. two innings.
feisty edition of the India-Australia contest matched craftiness as the essential differ- “My choice would be Ashwin, for his ex- Going by the trend, India could pick their
this Friday. Synonymous with speed, Perth ence between him and his spin contempo- perience and ability to adapt to various con- threemostwell-roundedseamersandsupport
hasforeverbeendippedinconventions,with raries on Australian shores. ditions. He can give you both an attacking Ashwinwiththein-formSundar,whoexudes
visiting sides offloading their spin shares for Bowling on the traditionally bounce- and defensive option. In similar qualities to maximise
paceandmorepaceintheXI.Indiawilllikely friendly decks, Lyon, who turned 37 on places like Perth, the crease is overspin. The left-hander will
play another Test obeying the dispositions, Wednesday, has racked up 259 of his 530 vitalingettingtheballtodrift, alsobolsterIndia’slower-order
akin to 2018 when they went in with a seam wickets in Australia – a near-unimaginable drop and turn. That's some- batting over Nitish, who has
quartet of Jasprit Bumrah, Ishant Sharma, feat for a finger-spinner. Of bowlers involved thing Ash has used well,” endured a lean red-ball run in
Mohammed Shami, and Umesh Yadav. in the 67-match timeline Lyon has taken to Sriram reasons. recentmonths.
India’s pace department is running thin get there, the next-best spinner stands at a Australia have batted first Sriramwascrucialinhelp-
on experience, but all-rounder Nitish Kumar modest 39 wickets in 10 games in Ashwin. in allfourpreviouscontestsat ing Sundar reunite with his
Reddy is gearing up for a debut as the fourth Perth and have won each of naturalstrengthrecentlyand
seamer with R Ashwin playing as the lone The overspin trick them with 100-plus run mar- it culminated with a tremen-
spinner, as reported by The Indian Express. Lyon has acquired a natural penchant for gins.WhenIndiawentinwith dous display against New
The only setback of reiterating the four- landing the ball with a relatively upright Off-spinner Washington Sundar took 16 wickets in two Test matches in the home no specialist tweakers in Zealandathome–16wickets
seamer call is that it has barely fettered the seam, generating the art and singularity of series against New Zealand, which India lost 0-3. Sportzpics/BCCI 2018, Lyon walked away with Washi’s always at14.12.“Washi’salwaysbeen
Aussies on the pacy strips, holding across all overspin to its best degree. “Overspin means eight wickets in a 146-run been the one the one who’s got that extra
games at the four-Test-old venue. the seam angle points more towards a leg win. India even turned to who’s got that bounce. That’s his main
Winless at Optus, it is perhaps prudent slip than a deep square leg. So the seam MOST WICKETS AT OPTUS STADIUM WICKET-TAKING*
Hanuma Vihari's part-time
extra bounce. strength from a tall release.
for visiting teams to tap into what Australia stands up a lot more which means the ball spin for crucial wickets in the He’s always deceived batters
Player Inns Ovs Wkts BBI Ave SR That’s his main
has successfully imparted on the ground.
That would primarily require a crafty off-
drops a lot more. And because of the drop,
there’s a lot more natural bounce and the N Lyon 8 187.3 27 6/128 18 41.66
89 kph Ave speed firstinningsinthepresenceof
a vaunted pace attack. strength from a
the pitch and bounced that
spinnerwhocanemulateNathanLyon'swiz- wicket in Perth aids that kind of seam pres- M Starc 8 152 23 5/52 19 39.65 96.1 kph Fastest Similarly,Pakistan’sfourth tall release.” littlebit extra,”says Sriram as
ardry, in addition to the unrelenting pres- entation,” Sriram explains. seamer conceded 130 runs in Sundar has marked a re-
ence of a pace trio like Mitchell Starc, Pat “He enjoys the bounce in Perth,” Sriram
P Cummins 7 115 12 3/34 20.16 57.50 83.1 kph Slowest 24 overs for a solitary wicket SRIDHARAN turned to overspin.
Cummins, and Josh Hazlewood. says. But there’s more to Lyon’s work. J Hazlewood 7 105.4 11 3/13 23.36 57.63 * In Aus; Source: Cricket-21 last year in a 360-run defeat. SRIRAM , An unusually moist air
ItistemptingthentoglanceatIndia'sleft- “The speed at which he bowls is in the West Indies went in with five FORMER INDIA CRICKETER adds to the unpredictability
field alternative for the series opener, with high 80s (kphs). It’s a rare combination quicks in 2022 before a cata- of the drop-in pitch in the
off-spinnerWashingtonSundarplayingover where somebody can bowl at that speed after pitching whereas at Perth the ball adds Cricket-21 data reveals that Lyon has av- strophic bowling effort marked a heavy loss. Western Australian city this week. As the
Nitish, alongside Ashwin, and operating in with that seam presentation. That’s what paceafterlanding.SoLyonreallyhurriesonto eraged speeds of 89 kph on wicket-taking Overall, visiting fourth and fifth seamers Nitish experiment bears a hackneyed Perth
Lyon’s mould. makes Nathan Lyon special. On most other the bat with the extra bounce, making it a deliveries in Australia since 2021, with nom- have bowled 125 overs in eight innings trope, India will also be desperate to see a
Whilemostsidesoptforatleastfourpac- surfaces, the ball will lose a little bit of pace muchtougher proposition,” Sriramremarks. inal variation in pace for the right or left- againstAustraliaattheOptus,pickinguponly pace-bowlingall-roundersucceedinwhites.

High-flying India retain crown Farewell, Rafa: ‘Warrior’ who

evolved into a gentle giant
Deepika scores winner in WACT final against China, coach Harendra Singh says just a job well begun
added. NOVEMBER 20
VINAYAKK The coach – delighted at win-
MOHANARANGAN ning a tournament on his home IT IS frivolous to use imagery of
NOVEMBER20 soil in Bihar – reiterated that the war to describe elite sport. The
Asian Champions Trophy is just idea that multi-millionaire ath-
FROM THE build-up to the the starting point of this journey letes who knock around a ball for
Women's Asian Champions towards LA 2028, and that the a few hours have anything to do
TrophyinRajgirandrightthrough World Cup and Asian Games withthetragedyofthebattlefield,
thetournamentaswell,allthefo- comingupin2026istheacidtest. especially in today’s times, is a
cus around India had been on Looking ahead, Harendra said ridiculous stretch.
goal-scoring. Do they have what thathewillworkwithacoregroup Yet, over the 20-odd years
it takes to convert chances from of 40players.Thatkeepsthedoor Rafael Nadal has spent atop the
open play? Can they finally solve openforplentyofseniorplayers– tennisworld,thatcomparisonhas
theirPenaltyCornertroubles?But VandanaKatariya,NikkiPradhan, become so commonplace that
on the night they won their sec- Sonika,andMonikatonameafew whileusingittoday,onerisksslip- Rafael Nadal lost 6-4, 6-4, to Botic van de Zandschulp. Reuters
ondstraighttitlebybeatingChina – who didn't feature in this tour- ping into cliche.
1-0,let'sbeginbyfocussingonthe nament. But the performances Veteran tennis writer
defence. from youngsters like Sunelita Christopher Clarey is working on The titles, numbers, NUMBER PLATE
With 12 minutes to go in the Toppo, Vaishnavi Phalke and a book on Nadal titled ‘The
first half, and the score still 0-0, Beauty Dungdung will mean the Warrior.’ Maria Sharapova de-
they’re there. People
ChinawonaPenaltyCornerfrom veterans will have their task cut scribed him as the ‘ultimate probably know that. The
whichTanJinzhuangmanagedto out to win their place in the main fighter.’ In his famous New York way I’d like to be
find some space to take a shot on squad going forward. If it fosters Timesessay,titled‘Federerasare- remembered more is like
goal. After diving in anticipation healthy internal competition, the ligious experience’, David Foster a good person from a Numberof weeksNadal
ofthefirstshot,India'sgoalkeeper initialsignsaregoodforIndia. Wallace called Nadal “mesomor- remainedinthetop-10of
small village in Mallorca.” ATPrankings.Nadalwas
Bichu Devi quickly got up and At the start of a fresh cycle under coach Harendra Singh, India found solutions to different Coming into the tournament, phic” and “totally martian”: a
readiedherselfforTan'sshot–this problems over seven matches and emerged with a 100% win record. Hockey India Harendra was in a tricky spot. It “man’s man.” RAFAEL NADAL just18—andyettowina
is something ’keepers train hard wasatitleIndiahadwoninRanchi Wallace delved deeper into GrandSlamtitle—whenhe
for. The shot on goal was seem- last year, but that didn't matter why Nadal was categorised so; fight,werealsoamanifestationof firstmovedintothetop10.
ingly well-struck and headed to- other mixed night, but produced the tournament for India. At the good start, which gives us confi- much as they then missed out at howmenfinditeasytousethebi- his fears, of not being able to play Heremainedtherefor912
wards the back of the net when a decisive moment early in the start of a fresh cycle under head denceandtellsuswhereweneed the Olympic qualifiers. For the naries of the “symbology of war” and win for as long as he desired, consecutiveweeks,until
Bichudivedtoherrightlikeafoot- thirdquarter.IndiawonaPenalty coachHarendraSingh,theyfound to work more." 2024edition,thetwoAsianteams to profess their love for sport, or andacertaindesperation,tohold March19,2023,aspanof
ball 'keeper and managed to get Corner right out of the gate from solutions to different problems "People are talking about who made it to Paris – Japan and anything, before himself raving on to his peak level of perform- nearly18fullyears.
her stick to it in the nick of time. halftime, but after a botched trap thrown at them over seven penaltycorners,thisisaprocess.A eventualsilvermedallistsChina– about how Nadal “beat the ab- anceandsuccessforaslongashe

Now, had China scored first, from the injection, Deepika was matches, and emerged with a 21-year-old girl (Deepika), when brought highly inexperienced solutesh*t”outofAndreAgassiat possibly could. Number of
the complexion of the final could found in space inside the circle 100% win record. India finished shehadtodeliver,shedidittoday. squads. So, if India did win the ti- Wimbledonin2006anddescrib- The physical resilience was a Grand Slams
have been different and they andshehitapowerfulreversehit the tournament with 29 goals, Shemighthavemissedafew,but tle again, it would have been just ing the preview to the final be- product of his own fragility. The Rafa has won,
mightwellhaveshutshoptofrus- that beat the Chinese defence. concedingjusttwoandmaintain- in the process that we are in, she delivering what was least ex- tweenFedererandNadalas“king central, most impactful injury of second among men to
trate India. But on the rare occa- She'd miss a Penalty Stroke later ing a clean sheet in six matches. and the whole team played at- pectedof them.Buthadtheylost, vs regicide.” Nadal’s career was the diagnosis Novak Djokovic’s 24.
sion that Indian defence was (that she did so well to win in the "The team's results were not tacking hockey with good defen- it would have been seen as an- Atanyrate,fromhisfirstarrival of his chronic foot issue, which
testedinRajgir,theyfoundsome- first place) but finished as the goodinrecenttimes,soIthinkthis sive structure. What more can I other setback. on to the tour as a clay specialist flared up before he even won his
one to step up. The all-important leadinggoal-scorer(11)andplayer islikeatonic,"Harendrasaidafter ask for? But it should not be that In that context, as Harendra tohislastmomentsatthisweek’s firstMajor.Inaway,hehasalways self admitted it was not the right
winninggoalthencamefromthe of the tournament. the match. "But we need to keep westartcelebratingsomuchthat said,hisjobhasonlybegun.Butit Davis Cup, Nadal has carried that played in pain because it is the decision to allow him to play sin-
stickofDeepika,whoenduredan- That perhaps was the story of our feet on the ground, this is a we forget the path we are on," he has begun well. stereotype: small-town Iberian only way he has known how. gles.Hewasaffordedthatonelast
simpletonwithanever-say-dieat- The famous relentless fighter, tussle on his own for a fitting
titude and warrior-like game. who won the French Open in farewell, but it proved detrimen-
FIDE WORLD CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP: STARTS NOVEMBER 25 The 38-year-old 22-time 2022bytakingpain-numbingin- talforhisteam,intotalcontradic-

A colourful history of the Kings of the past

Majorwinnerofficiallycalledtime jectionsforhisfoot,is,ashereveals tiontothe‘win-at-all-costs’ethos
onhiscareerearlyonWednesday. inhisautobiography,afraidof the that has seemingly defined his
Inthemostroutinefashion,Nadal dark, and of dogs. legacy. Nadal is not merely a
wasdefeated by Dutchman Botic Forallthebravadoandhyper- power-baseline,ball-bashingclay
van de Zandschulp 6-4, 6-4 in his masculinitythatheallegedlyelic- courter – he had generational
world champion for 27 years, his ersthantheadversary’s.Talplayed taking his spot. Karpov is best Davis Cup opener before Spain its on the court, Nadal is infa- shotmakingtalent;fewhavebeen
AMITKAMATH styleofplaywasfluid,becausehe withtheattitudeofsomeonewho knownforhisfiveworldchampi- lostthetietotheNetherlands2-1, mously timid in front of a able to replicate the purity of his
MUMBAI,NOVEMBER20 believed in playing the man op- was convinced he had twice as onship battles against Kasparov. bringing his career to a full stop. microphone or at public appear- ball-striking and the angles he
posite him, not the positions on many pieces than his opponent. The latter had described their Inreality,Nadal’scareeratthe ances, to the point that it has be- found on the court, any court. In
WHENYOUhearthewordsworld the board. His piece sacrifices were leg- styles as ‘fire and ice’. Kasparov, top echelons of men’s tennis comesomethingofajokeforten- the same way, he is not merely a
chesschampion,thefamiliarfaces The next two— Jose Raul endary. “Tal doesn't move his who became the youngestworld ended quite some time ago. The nis insiders. Even more so when bullfighting warrior.
of Magnus Carlsen, Viswanathan Capablanca and Alexander pieces by hand. He uses a magic champion at the age of 22, pre- twoandahalfyearssincehewon he has been made to speak in Perhapsashehasdesperately
Anand, Garry Kasparov or Bobby Alekhine — were chalk and wand,” gushed Viacheslav ferred clubbing his opponent on his last major, at the French Open English–Nadalseeminglyhasno tried to hang on in his thirties, as
Fischer will flash by. Carlsen was cheese.Oncetheduowasinvited Ragozin,Botvinnik’strainer.Some thehead.“Kasparovisaknockout in 2022, have seen him attempt designs to be a multilingual resi- thebulgingbicepsandlongmane
themaverickwhorosetounimag- to watch a live performance in a accusedTalof tryingtohypnotise kindofplayer.Hewassostrongin various injury comebacks that dent of the world; tennis has al- have made way for wrinkles and
ined heights; Anand the nice guy theatre. Capablanca’s eyes, as the them by staring into their eyes theopeningandplayedsoaggres- never materialised. waysbeenthething,histhing.No arecedinghairline,thesofterside
who stretched the Russian hege- storygoes,weregluedtothecho- Mikhail Tal (right) was during games. sively and with such power that In charting his legacy, an ac- wonderhehasbeendesperateto of his personality, his fallibility,
mony and so on. rus. Alekhine, apparently, never nicknamed the Magician of Conversely, Petrosian’s pieces his opponents often crumbled,” knowledgementmustbemadeof drawthisoutforaslongashecan. has emerged. In expressing his
But the line of world champi- looked away from his pocket Riga, with some even seemed to move in slow motion. Carlsen once said. the contradictions within the It is these contradictions that doubts and fears, he has shown
onsbeginswithWilhelmSteinitz. chessset. WhenAlekhinelosthis accusing him of trying to Hegained advantageoneinchata Vladimir Kramnik, the man same stereotypes that have cre- wereinplayasNadalsignedoffto an ocean of courage; just not in
Hewascrownedtheworld’sbest titletotheDutchmanMaxEuwe, hypnotise them. Fide via X time.Thebestcomplimentforhis who came after Karpov and ated his legend. The many attrib- his adoring home audience in thewaythatisstereotypicallyas-
playerin1886,afterhereinvented herelinquishedalcohol,boughta defensivestylecamefromFischer, Kasparov, was a protege to utesthathaveenduredhimtothe Malaga on Wednesday. The 38- sociated with him.
hisdevil-may-careattackingstyle cowandputhimselfonaregimen whoremarkedthatPetrosianhad Kasparov, who assisted him public – grit and determination, year-old is among the greatest In this golden generation of
of youth.Heinfluencedagenera- of fresh milk. Euwe was a math ing and coach blowing cigarette the ability to smell and eliminate against Anand in the 1995 World courage and resilience, humility athletes that Spain has ever pro- tennis,Nadalwillneithergodown
tion of players, because he wrote teacherwithaPhD.Hisreignwas smokeinhisface. danger 20 moves before it arose. Championship. Five years later, and modesty – are not as single- duced, and has reiterated that he as its most universally admired,
extensively about his theories. short-lived,asAlekhine,powered Despite his meticulous prep, Boris Spassky displaced him. the duo faced off and the protege minded as they seem. wishes to end his career on the nor most successful. Federer and
“Steinitz for me is the guy who byallegedbovineintervention,re- he was vanquished first by the Spassky was a universal player, emergedmaster.Kramnikearned ThefamedhumilitythatNadal court on his own terms. But it is Djokovic, respectively, have
wrote down the constitution,” claimed the title. imaginative Vasily Smyslov, then who moulded his style according the moniker ‘Vlad, The Impaler’. showedwasatruemanifestation this fact that made him a beaten him to that. But with his
Anand once told Only death ended Alekhine’s by Mikhail Tal, nicknamed the tohisopponent.Comparedtothe Thesedays,Kramnikspendstime ofhisownself-belief.Nadalknew sideshow, even a liability, at his unique blend of kindness and
Emanuel Lasker, who suc- reign. But it opened the door for Magician of Riga, and later by Soviet predecessors, Spassky be- playing detective on the internet, hecouldextractmorefromhistal- own farewell. bravado, and humility and pas-
ceeded him, approached the Soviet supremacy. The patriarch Tigran Petrosian. came a household name because trying to fish out grandmasters ent and achieve even greater Beforethe startof thetourna- sion,hehasendearedhimselfinto
game like science. His close circle was Mikhail Botvinnik, an engi- Ever the dazzler, Tal’s knights he battled Fischer for the World who he believes are cheating. heights than his already celestial ment,heassertedthatthiswould the hearts of people in his own
included Albert Einstein. His me- neer who prepared like generals seemed to move with a light- Championshipandlost. It is to this elusive and eccen- success. True confidence is also notbehisretirementparty,hewas way. His absence will weigh just
thodicalandpragmaticapproach before wars. Stories abound on footed menace and his queen Fischer wasn’t dethroned. He tric club that 18-year-old Gukesh born out of doubt. theretodoajobforhisteam.After asheavilyonthissportasitweighs
saw him overwhelm Steinitz. A how he trained with music blar- seemed to have additional pow- abdicatedit,withAnatolyKarpov is looking to join. The bravery, and obsessive hisdefeatonWednesday,hehim- on him.

Sindhu, Lakshya, SatChi

win on perfect day for
India at China Masters
NOVEMBER20 Satwiksairaj
Rankireddy / Chirag
BUSANANOngbamrungphan Shetty beat Lee Jhe-
must be sick of the sight of PV Huei / Yang Po-Hsuan
Sindhu. At the China Masters 12-21, 21-19, 21-18;
Super750onTuesday,theThai Malvika Bansod beat
shuttler threw her arms up in Line Hojmark
airwithwhatcouldbebestde- Kjaersfeldt 20-22, 23-
scribedasabemusedsmile.As 21, 21-16;
shesentasimpleforehandtap Treesa Jolly / Gayatri
into the net, the round of 32 Gopichand beat Hu
match ended 21-17, 21-19 in Ling Fang / Jheng Yu
favour of Sindhu. And the Chieh 21-15, 21-14
Head record against Busanan
to an incredible 20-1. registeredwinstoenterRound
This20thdefeatcouldhave of 16.
easily been a win as Busanan Since leading by a game –
had a handy lead in both the andthensome–againstViktor
games. In the opener, she was Axelseninthesemifinalsofthe
up 14-10 but Sindhu stormed Paris 2024 Olympic Games,
back by winning 9 straight things haven't gone Lakshya's
pointsandeventuallyclosedit way. Against the man he lost
out21-17.InGame2,theworld the Paris bronze too, Lakshya
No 11 from Thailand led 10-6 endedamini barrenrunashe
and 13-9. Sindhu once again beatLeeZiiJiain an21-14,13-
went on a mini run of four 21,21-13inanentertaining57-
straight points from 15-17 minute clash.
down to continue her domi- “Feels good to win a
nance. It kickstarted what match after a really long
provedtobequiteafinedayfor time," Lakshya said. “Paris
Indian shuttlers with a 100% 2024 was a tough tourna-
win rate on the day. Lakshya ment. In a way, it gave me a
Sen, Malvika Bansod, Treesa lot of positives as well. I think
Jolly-Gayatri Gopichand and having comethat close,it still
Satwiksairaj-ChiragShetty(on hurts a bit. I feel it's still going
theircomebackfromParis)all to hurt for some time."

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