IE Lucknow 23-10-2024
IE Lucknow 23-10-2024
IE Lucknow 23-10-2024
to implement other on buffer zones After tunnel attack,
plan: Beijing
Plea hearing in
HC today, SC
NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 22 Army chief
J&K cracks down
on Lashkar module
IN FIRST remarks on the agree- Upendra
asks UP govt to ment between New Delhi and
Beijing over restoration of pa-
stay demolition
‘recruiting’ locals
trolling rights along the Line of
Actual Control, Army chief mal management” of the LAC.
in Bahraich General Upendra Dwivedi has
underlined the need for the
Speaking on the sidelines of
the Colonel Pyara Lal Memorial
Chinese President Xi Jinping Indian Army and the Chinese Lecture organised by the United multaneous raids at different lo-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE in Kazan Tuesday. Reuters PLAtofirst“restoretrust”ineach Service Institution of India in BASHAARAT MASOOD cations in seven districts of the
NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 22 other by “not creeping” into the New Delhi, General Dwivedi SRINAGAR, OCTOBER 22 Valley after inputs about the re-
buffer zones, “go back to the sta- said: “We want to go back to the cruitmentmodule,saidtoberun
THEUTTARPradeshgovernment SHUBHAJIT ROY tus quo of April 2020” — before status quo of April 2020. TWO DAYS after seven persons byaPakistan-basedLashkarcom-
onTuesdayassuredtheSupreme NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 22 the Chinese incursions in east- Thereafter, we will be looking at were killed in a terror attack at a mander named Baba Hamas.
Court that it would not act ern Ladakh led to the military disengagement, de-escalation, key tunnel construction site in “On the basis of information
against alleged encroachments HOURS AFTER China, without standoff — and then look at “dis- normal management of the Line Gagangir, the Counter and inputs/evidence developed
in Bahraich — where demolition mentioning the agreement on engagement,de-escalation,nor- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 IntelligenceKashmir(CIK),aunit bytheCIK,itwasfoundthatBaba
notices were issued days after patrolling along the Line of of the Jammu and Kashmir Hamas,aterroristhandlerof LeT,
onepersonwaskilledincommu- Actual Control, confirmed it had Police’s Criminal Investigation is going to float a new terrorist
nal clashes — until Wednesday.
“reached a solution” and would
“work with India” to “effectively Govt looks at options as Department, Tuesday said it has
busted a militant recruitment
organisation by the name of
Tehreek Labaik Ya Muslim, an
Jyotiraditya Scindia, TMC MP Kalyan smashes bottle at House DAYS AFTER JAISHANKAR VISIT TO PAK
Union Minister, guest committee meeting on waqf Bill, suspended Kartarpur Corridor:
at Express Adda today Chairperson India, Pak renew pact Waqf (Amendment) Bill after he
smashed a glass bottle during a
registration of Waqf properties.
Minister to be the Express Adda Kartarpur Sahib Corridor for an-
In a first, more farm fires in UP than
guest after Prime Minister other five years. The pact was
Narendra Modi formed his The effect due to lapse on October 24. It said the “extension of the
it has on
Haryana in a month; Punjab still at top
Cabinet in June this year for the “It has been agreed between validity of this agreement will
NDA third term. With India aim- India and Pakistan through ensure uninterrupted operation
ing to become the third largest
● Capital air diplomatic channels to extend of the Corridor for use by the pil-
economy, he has his task cut out 15andOctober21thisyear,Uttar their high numbers during the the validity of the agreement on grims from India to visit the holy
given the critical role that tele- MALLICA JOSHI Pradesh recorded 723 farm fires paddy harvest season. STUBBLE BURNING is a SriKartarpurSahibCorridorfora gurdwara in Pakistan”.
com plays as a growth enabler. NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 22 as compared to 655 in Haryana. The area under paddy culti- key source of Delhi’s air further period of five years... The In view of the continued re-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Punjabremainedatthetopof the vation, however, is higher in pollution in the agreement, signed on October quests of pilgrims regarding the
FOR THE first time since 2020, list with 1,510 cases. UttarPradeshthaninPunjaband October-early 24, 2019 to facilitate the visit of removalof US$20servicecharge
when farm fires began to be Overthelastfewyears,thefo- Haryana together. December period, typi- pilgrims from India toGurdwara levied by Pakistan per pilgrim
tracked centrally, Uttar Pradesh cusonimplementingguidelines According to experts, the cally accounting for 20- Darbar Sahib Kartarpur, per visit, India has once again
has seen more paddy stubble tocurbfarmfires—includingim- peak stubble burning season is 25 per cent of the pollu- Narowal, Pakistan through the urged Pakistan to not levy any
burningincidentsthanHaryana. posing fines, using specialised expected to start by the end of tion, and at times going Kartarpur Sahib Corridor, was fee on the pilgrims, it said.
AccordingtotheICAR-Indian machineryandincentivisingthe next week, and will coincide up to 40 per cent, as per valid for a period of five years,” The 4 km-long Kartarpur
Agricultural Research Institute saleof paddystubble—hasbeen with Diwali. government data. the Ministry of External Affairs Corridor provides visa-free
(IARI) data, between September on Punjab and Haryana due to CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 (MEA) said in a statement. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
scription of bags in register no. what transpired at the meeting as it is a Sahab said he will speak for one hour, logical conditions for dispersal
19, andtookouttheentirestore violation of parliamentary rules. and I let him. No chairman has held de- of pollutants are unfavourable.
room material/ case properties. Followingtheincident,Banerjeewas liberations like this. I sit here from However, according to the
Then, two more plastic bags of suspended for a day — whenever the morningtoevening.Thisisthefirsttime Ministry of Earth Sciences' deci-
the case were found buried... in next meeting takes place — after the they are levelling allegations to hide sion support system on air qual-
the store room, which will now panel took up a motion moved by BJP their crimes. I don’t stop anyone from ity management, the contribu-
beproducedbeforethecourt...,” MP Nishikant Dubey. speaking. We have regular meetings. tionof stubbleburningtoDelhi's 2020 2024 2020 2024 2020 2024
hestated. “This concerns Parliament. We have Has any member alleged that AQI is only around 3.2% at pres-
Onthenextdateofhearing made (Lok Sabha Speaker) Om Birla Jagdambika Pal doesn’t let them speak. ent. But a spike is expected, with
Top 5 districts in Uttar Pradesh
on August 18, the IO produced awareabouttheincident.Becauseitwas There are parliamentarians from the the forecast stating that by
two more plastic bags recov- such a big incident. We had to adjourn minority groups there. I care for their Thursday, the contribution of Aligarh Sambhal Mathura Barabanki Sitapur
eredfromthemalkhana(room the meeting for the first time. Because sentiments as well. If any member says stubble burning will rise to
where seized properties are the way the incident happened and the I don’t let them speak, I will resign from around 15%. In the past, farm
138 85 62 59 42
stored in the police station). bottle was broken... everyone was the chairmanship.” fires have been responsible for *September 15 to October 21
However, Kamboj’s counsel shocked. There were two witnesses The 31-member committee — up to 40% of the pollutants in Source: Consortium for Research on Agroecosystem Monitoring
advocateRakeshMalhotrasaid from Odisha, including a former Judge taskedbytheLokSabhatoscrutinisethe Delhi’s air. and Modeling from Space (CREAMS) Laboratory, ICAR
case properties produced on and a senior IAS officer. What message Bill to amend the law governing Waqf A senior scientist at IARI ex-
August5and18weredifferent. has been sent to the country? Their boards — has witnessed stormy scenes plained that UP has two paddy-
He argued that instead of the party (TMC) should also consider what since the first meeting on August 22. burningwindows.“Thefirstone, environmental research group ing from agricultural practices
three retained samples, there kindof behaviouristhis?Whereisthere OnTuesday,itwasscheduledtohear mostlyfordistrictsinandaround Climate Trends showed a clear such as crop residue burning, in-
werenowfivesamples,twoof place for violence in a parliamentary the views of Justice in Reality, Cuttack, western UP, starts in September declining trend in Punjab and troduce significant quantities of
which had “discrepancies in democracy,” Pal told reporters. Panchasakha Bani Prachar Mandali and coincides with the trends in Haryana between 2019 and particulate matter (PM 2.5 and
their make”. Asked about Banerjee’s allegationof Cuttack, and five IUML MPs. Punjab and Haryana. The next 2023 across the Kharif and Rabi PM10) in the atmosphere, the
OnSeptember9,notingthe bias,Palsaid:“If theChairman’sattitude Last Monday, several Opposition windowiswhendistrictsineast- seasons. study said. “These pollutants,
responseoftheSHOandtheIO, is biased, then there is a process. They MPs had walked out of the panel’s ern UP start burning their stub- Data compiled by the re- combined with the prevailing
the court summoned the SHO havewrittenagainstmetotheSpeaker.” meeting after a former office-bearer of ble. The figures for the state at search group showed that farm wind patterns, travel to Delhi,
to explain the production of On October 15, Opposition mem- the Karnataka State Minorities present mostly show numbers fires decreased from 95,048 in leading to a sharp increase in
wrong case property and dis- bers had written to Birla alleging that Commission and BJP leader made a from the areas near Delhi and 2020 to 52,722 in 2023 in AQI. On days without fire inci-
crepancies in number of re- the “proceedings of the committee comment on Congress president Haryana,” the scientist said. Punjab, and from 14,122 in 2019 dents, Delhi's AQI averages 175,
tained plastic bags. were conducted in a biased and parti- Mallikarjun Kharge, reportedly over al- Meanwhile, an analysis of to 7,959 in 2023 in Haryana. which falls in the moderate cat-
san manner by the Chairperson, lotment of Waqf land. paddy stubble burning data by Farm fires, primarily result- egory,” the study said.
NOIDA, OCTOBER 22 Vandita Mishra
National Opinion Editor
The Indian Express
THE MUZAFFARNAGAR Police have arrested 19
men, including three associated with the All India
Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM), for their
alleged involvement in stone-pelting and vandal- Rishi Raj Union Minister of Communications &
ism in connection with protests that broke out Executive Editor
againstasocialmediapostonSaturdayatBudhana Financial Express Development of North Eastern Region
in Muzaffarnagar, police said on Tuesday.
A large number of people came out in Budhana
town in Muzaffarnagar on Saturday night follow-
ing speculation over the release of a man, who be- Associate Partners
longs to a different community and was arrested
social media post.
dalism have been identified” said Senior Coffee Partner Entertainment Partner Beverage Partner Hospitality Partner
Superintendent of Police, Muzzaffarnagar,
Abhishek Singh.
Meanwhile, AIMIM state chief Shaukat Ali de-
nied the claims made by the police. He claimed,
“People were peacefully protesting.”
Classifieds others—hismother,sister,andhouse
ing crane rammed into them while
Society in Sector 100. The woman’s
husband Pramod Pandey is a Noida-
dren and Pinky. The incident took
they were crossing the road near of Hazipur in Noida, hails from place while they were returning
Noida’sSector100Tuesdayafternoon, Madhubani in Bihar. home.Pinkyisincriticalconditionand THE CALCUTTA High Court on Tuesday
I, Simhalu Pedireddi, legally said police. The boy was crushed to AvinashSingh,aresidentoftheso- undergoing treatment at a private ordered an interim stay on the decision
father of No. 15578344A, Rank- death in front of his mother. A pur- cietywhosawtheaccident,said:“On hospital in Noida,” said the ACP. of the RG Kar Medical College authori-
Hav, Name-Seshu Pedireddi,
Unit-114 AER, C/o 56-APO,
portedvideothathasgoneviralonso- Tuesday around 1 pm, Anita, her Thecranedriverwasnabbedbylo- ties to suspend 51 medical students
presently R/o Village-S cial media shows the mother weep- househelp,andthetwochildrenwere calsandhandedovertopolice.“Based and doctors over alleged “threat cul-
Rayavaram, PO- S Rayavaram, ing, holding her son in her arms. returning home when the crane on a complaint filed by the victim’s ture” at the
Teh.- S Rayavaram, P/S- S The child has been identified as rammed into them in front of the so- familymembers,acasewasregistered hospital.
Rayavaram, Distt.- Pratisthit Pandey. said police. The ciety.” “Residentscontactedseniorpo- against the driver. A single-judge vacation bench of
Vishakhapatanam, Andhra
Justice Kaushik Chanda observed that
Pradesh-531060 have changed
my Date of Birth 15-09-1960 to the resolution passed by a special col-
01-01-1952 vide Affidavit No. lege council will not be effective, unless
IN-UP32442491534576W dated
22-10-2024 0060120617-3 SALUTE THE SOLDIER A»´fIYf»fe³f BÊX-d³fd½fQf Àfc¨f³ff Àfa£¹ff
26/2728/ ECTC/2024-25
a decision is taken by the state govern-
ment on the matter in accordance with
I,have changed my daughter’s 23 OCT the law.
A²fûWXÀ°ffÃfSXe õXfSXf d³f¸³fd»fd£f°f IYf¹fÊ WZX°fb
name from Hania Mansoori to MAJOR SAJJAN SINGH GAHLAWAT, SC Some of the suspended doctors had
Haniya Hashim for all purpose
´fȱfIY d³fd½fQf Qû ·ff¦fûÔ (´ffMÊX-I MZXd¢³fIY»f approached the High Court claiming
Mohammad Hashim S/o-late
All ranks of TRAVANCORE TERRORS pay d¶fOX E½f¸fÐ ´ffMÊX-II RYfBX³fZÔdVf¹f»f) ¸fZÔ that the suspension order was passed The venue of the junior doctors’ hunger strike inKolkata being vacated on
Dildar Hussain R/o-444/110, Ali-
Colony, Barafkhana, homage to Major SS Gahlawat, SC who Af¸fadÂf°f IYe ªff°fe W`XÜ 26 IYf¹fÊ IYf ³ff¸f without giving them a chance to pres- Tuesday. Express
Thakurganj, Chowk,Lucknow made the supreme sacrifice while fighting ent their side before the inquiry com-
terrorists in Surankote (J&K) on this day :- 400 IZ .½fe. C´fIZ ³Qi QWe ¨füI e C³³ff½f ´fS mittee. The petitioners also contended
in 1997. We salute his brave deeds on the dÀ±f°f ¦fZÀM WfD Àf IZ S£f-S£ff½f I f I f¹fÊÜ that the council members lacked the suspend doctors unilaterally? Did he other criminal activity. If they are not
I, Varahalu Pedireddi, legally
mother of No. 15578344A,
27th Anniversary of his martyrdom. You IYf¹fÊ IYe A³fb¸ffd³f°f »ff¦f°f: ÷ . 2.33 »ff£f authority to suspend or expel them. feel the need to inform the state gov- suspended, the educational culture of
Rank-Hav, Name-Seshu
will always remain a source of inspiration for all of us. The matter also came up when the ernment of the matter? Is this also not the RG Kar medical college can't be re-
Pedireddi, Unit-114 AER, C/o Commanding Officer & All Ranks IYf¹ffʽfd²f:- 06 ¸ffW, 27 IYf¹fÊ IYf ³ff¸f: junior doctors met Chief Minister a kind of ‘threat culture'? No one should vived," he said.
56-APO, presently R/o Village- 9 MADRAS (TRAVANCORE) 132 IZ .½fe. C´fIZ ³Qi, W` QS¦fPÞ ¶ffSf¶faI e ´fS Mamata Banerjee who expressed dis- be suspended without proper investi- The PTI reported that the medical
S Rayavaram, PO- S CENTRAL RESERVE POLICE FORCE pleasure over the decision. The CM gation. No one should act according to college authorities said the order of
Rayavaram, Teh.- S
33 IZ .½fe. kk¶fZll (dS»ff¹f³Àf ¶ff¹fû E³fªfeÊ
23 October 1982 questioned how the R.G Kar authorities his or her whims," the Chief Minister suspension of the 57 medics/students
Rayavaram, P/S- S Rayavaram, Shaheed Shri. Shaheed L/Nk W` QS¦fPÞ ) IZ d³f¸ffʯf WZ °fb ªff³f´fQe¹f I f¹fÊÜ unilaterally said. is a mere recommendation and that the
Andhra Pradesh-531060 have
G. P. Punj, Dinesh Kumar IYf¹fÊ IYe A³fb¸ffd³f°f »ff¦f°f: ÷ . 6.68 »ff£f suspended these doctors without tak- On this, a representative of junior council has forwarded the same to the
Assistant Awasthi
changed my Date of Birth from Commandant 38-BN IYf¹ffʽfd²f:- 01 ¸ffW, 28 IYf¹fÊ IYf ³ff¸f:- ing the Health Department in confi- doctors called all of them criminals. state government for taking further ac-
23/04/1965 to 01/01/9161 vide dence. “They indulged in sexual molestation, tion.
Affidavit No. IN-
38-BN 01-07-1945 To 400 IZ .½fe. ªfe.AfBÊ .EÀf. C´fIZ ³Qi ·fü£fSe,
11-09-1940 To 23-10-1982 “How could the Principal of R.G. Kar extortion, issuing threats and every —PTI INPUTS
UP32443737921526W dated 22- ¶fÀ°fe ´fS Ãfd°f¦fiÀ°f ÀfbS Ãff Qe½ffS I f d³f¸ffʯf
10-2024 0060120617-1
I f¹fÊÜ IYf¹fÊ IYe A³fb¸ffd³f°f »ff¦f°f: ÷ . 20.84
‘Feeling helpless now’: RG Kar Rape & murder
Shaheed The 38 Battalion of CRPF was
I, Sunita Limbu W/o
CT/WM deployed in the early '80s to »ff£f IYf¹ffʽfd²f:- 01 ¸ffW 15 dQ³f, C¢°f
No.9425850W, Rank-Naik,
Ajab Ali
Dipen Limbu R/o Pubong curb these insurgent activities. d³fd½fQf I e Technical Bid E½f¸fÐ A³¹f Vf°fZË
victim’s parents write to Shah, seek meeting
busty, PO-Takdah Cantt Rangli On 23 October 1982, while en
Rangliat, Distt-Darjeeling, WB-
12-11-1949 To
route from battalion head- °f±ff ¸ffÂff ¶feªfI B°¹ffdQ I f d½fÀ°fÈ°f d½f½fS¯f
734222 have changed my name 23-10-1982
from Sunita Limbu to Sunita
quarters to a company location, ´fS QZ£ff ªff ÀfI °ff W`
troops led by Shri G.P. Punj, The email stated, “Wish you a very “I would be truly grateful for the op-
Rai, also changed my date of
Assistant commandant were ambushed. Despite a valiant fight-
E½f¸fÐ ÀffBM ´fS EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE happy and healthy birthday and hope portunity to speak with you and gain
birth from 07/01/1988 to
19/11/1988, vide affidavit back, Shri G.P. Punj, Assistant commandant, L/Nk Dinesh QZ£ff E½f¸fÐ ´fif´°f dI ¹ff ªff ÀfI °ff W` Ü d³fd½fQf KOLKATA, OCTOBER 22 this letter finds you in good health… I your insights on the issue, as I believe
dated 21-10-2024 at Lucknow. Kumar Awasthi, and Washerman Ajab Ali made the ultimate dQ³ffaI 06.11.2024 I û QfZ´fWS 14:00 ¶fªfZ am writing to respectfully request an your experience and guidance would
0040755257-1 sacrifice, laying down their lives in the line of duty. THE PARENTS of the junior doctor who appointment with you at your conven- be invaluable.”
°fI ÀffBM ´fS Of»ff/A´f»fûO dI ¹ff ªff ÀfI °ff was raped and murdered in West ience or at any other location as you The parents of the victim have
I, Sonagra Vasharambhai 23 October 1999 W` °f±ff dQ³ffaI 08.11.2024 I û 15:00 ¶fªfZ
Nanajibhai, legally father of Bengal’s R G Kar Medical College and may suggest (sic).” been part of the state-wide protests
Shaheed SI Shaheed
Àff½fʪfd³fI ø ´f ÀfZ d³fd½fQf¹fZÔ £fû»fe ªff¹fZ¦feÜ Hospital wrote to Union Home “After that heinous unforeseen in- after the body was discovered on
Army No. 15227801F, Rank-Hav,
Suraj Singh HC/RO
Name-Sonagara Jayesh
kkSXfáÑX dWX°f ¸fZÔ d¶fªf»fe ¶f¨ffEll WXÀ°ff./- Minister Amit Shah, seeking time for cident happened to our daughter, we August 9 at R G Kar Medical College.
120-BN Kamal Singh
Vashrambhai, Unit-269 Med an appointment. In an email sent to have been going through tremendous In statements to the media earlier,
(SP) Regiment, C/o 56-APO, 04-07-1949
30-08-1973 To
A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff d½fôb°f ªff³f´fQ ´ffSmX¿f¯f Shah’s office Tuesday morning, the vic- mental pressure and feeling helpless the victim’s parents had pointed fin-
presently R/o Village-
Jamnagar, PO-Udhyognagar,
To 23-10-1999 ¸f¯OX»f, CX.´fi. EÀf.E»f.OXe.Àfe. ´fdSXÀfSX, tim’s father said they are facing now. Sir, I along with my wife want to gers at the administration and police
23-10-1999 “tremendous mental pressure”, and meet with you to discuss a few things for allegedly trying to “hush” up the
Teh.-Jamnagar, P/S- d½f·fcd°f £f¯OX, ¦fû¸f°fe ³f¦fSX, »f£f³fDY,
Udhyognagar, Distt.- Shaheed Shaheed seek Shah’s “insights”, “guidance and regarding the situation and pray for incident as suicide and “hurriedly
Jamnagar, Gujarat-361004 HC/RO CT/Dvr
Àfa£¹ff 3742-d½f.ªff.´ff.¸fa.(»f.)/d³fd½fQf help”. your guidance and help,” it continued, cremating the body”.
have changed my name from Namadeo Ram Naresh dQ³ffaIY: 22.10.2024
01-06-1968 To
20-04-1969 To
23-10-1999 OFFICE OF THE CANTONMENT ‘Digital arrest’
vide Affidavit No. IN-
UP19554688153384W dated 11-
10-2024 0060120616-1
23-10-1999 BOARD, KANPUR
64, Subhas Chandra Bose Marg, fraud case:
During the General Elections, 120 Battalion of CRPF was
I, Nagamani Tenakala, legally deployed in Tamenlong district, where insurgent groups had
Cantt Kanpur-208004
UP woman
wedded spouse of No. called for an election boycott. Despite these threats, the
15578344A, Rank-Hav, Name-
Seshu Pedireddi, Unit-114 AER,
troopers ensured peaceful polling. Frustrated by their failure
Online tender through two bid system are invited from experienced firms through the Government
e-procurement The details of tender is as under
S NIT No. Name of work and location Last Date of Estimated cost
loses Rs 2.9 lakh
to disrupt the elections, insurgents attacked a CRPF vehicle
C/o 56-APO, presently R/o providing communication coverage on 23 October 1999. In No Uploading of tender (Rs.)
Village-S Rayavaram, PO- S Tender Sonbhadra: A woman was put
this cowardly assault, Shaheed SI Suraj Singh, Shaheed HC/RO 1 CBK/Engg/ White/color washing, distempering 08-11-2024 25,00,000/- under 'digital arrest' here by cy-
Rayavaram, Teh.- S
Rayavaram, P/S- S Rayavaram, Namadeo Kashid, Shaheed HC/RO Kamal Singh, and Shaheed k-1397/1 including minor repair of plaster, ber criminals for 48 hours and
Ct/Dvr Ram Naresh heroically repelled the attackers but tragically replacement of damage window
Distt.-Vishakhapatanam, coerced into paying over Rs 2.9
glasses etc. at Cantt. Fund buildings,
Andhra Pradesh-531060 have succumbed to their injuries. Boundary walls etc. in Cantt Area. lakh, prompting the police to
NAGAMANI TENAKALA to 23 October 2005
2 CBK/Engg/ Providing of Laying 08-11-2024 15,00,000/- lodge an FIR, officials said on
K-1397/2 Thermoplastic Strip on Cantt Fund
NAGAMANI PEDIREDDI vide Road. Tuesday. Additional SP Kalu
Shaheed SI On 23 October 2005, troops
Affidavit No. IN- of 67 Battalion of CRPF were 3 CBK/Engg/ White/Color Washing, 08-11-2024 25,00,000/- SinghsaidShristiMishra,alocal
UP32446737111803W dated 22-
Mithai Lal
deployed in the Amira Kadal 1397/3 Distempering of Tiles Footpath resident,informedthepoliceon
10-2024 0060120617-2 67-BN Side, Park Iron Railing, Culverts, October 18 that she received a
26-11-1957 area of Srinagar to prevent Road Signs and Road Barriers,
I, Baljit Kaur M/o JC 510504K Sub militant activity. Amidst a Electric Iron Poles etc. call on October 9 from an un-
BALWANT SINGH R/o Vill- To IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f CX´f U³f ÀfÔSXÃfIY EUÔ CX´f ÃfZÂf d³fQZVfIY (´fi±f¸f) SX¯f±f¸·füSX ¶ff§f
crowded scene, a militant 4 CBK/Engg/ Repair/Maintenance/Provision of 08-11-2024 1,00,00,000/- known number. She was asked
Chand Nawan, Tehsil Bagha 23-10-2005 ´fdSX¹fûþ³ff ÀfUfBÊ ¸ff²fû´fbSX
fired at a picket using a K-1397/4 Sewerline with Manhole in Cantt Ii ¸ffÔI ER () ÀMûS / CUÀfÔ/´fi±f¸f / 2024-25/7604 dQ³ffÔI : 10/10/24 to press 9 on the keypad after
Purana Distt- Moga, Punjab Area Kanpur.
have changed my name from silencer-fitted pistol and fled A»´fIYf»fe³f BÊ-d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff 20/2024-25 whichhercallwastransferred.
Baljeet Kaur to Baljit Kaur vide into the crowd. Unable to return fire due to civilian presence, The detail may be obtain from and I f¹ffÊ»f¹f C´f U³f ÀfÔS ÃfI EUÔ C´f ÃfZÂf d³fQZVfI (´fi±f¸f) S¯f±f¸·füS ¶ff§f ´fdS¹fûþ³ff, ÀfUfBÊ ¸ff²fû´fbS I e AûS ÀfZ Sfª¹f Mishra was told that a per-
affidavit No. IN- the troops launched a search but the attacker escaped. In the L.No.CBK/Engg/k-1397, Dated: 20.10.2024 (Stephen PD) IDES, CEO, Kanpur Canit EUÔ IZ ³Qi ÀfSI fS IZ SfþI e¹f/AðÊVffÀfI e¹f / ÀUf¹fØfVffÀfe d³fI f¹fûÔ ¸fZÔ ÀfÃf¸f ßfZ¯fe ¸fZÔ d³f¸ffʯf I f¹fûÊÔ WZ°fb ´fÔþeIÈ °f sonhasbeenarrestedinaRs38-
PB71367170319276W dated attack, Shaheed SI Mithai Lal sustained critical injuries and ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ ÀfZ A·f¹ffS¯¹f ÃfZÂf (S¯f±f¸·füS ¶ff§f ´fdS¹fûþ³ff, ´fi±f¸f ÀfUfBÊ ¸ff²fû´fbS ) IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f dUd·f³³f À±ff³fûÔ ´fS lakhfraudcommittedusingher
18/10/2024 before Punjab later succumbed to them, attaining martyrdom. Model Boundary Wall of 1.80 Mtr high and 7.00 k.m. length d³f¸ffʯf I f¹fÊ (A³fb¸ffd³f°f »ff¦f°f
IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f ´fdSX¹fûþ³ff ´fi¶f³²fIY, ¹fcd³fMX-26 280.00 »ffJ ø .) WZ°fb U¿fÊ 2024-25 BÊ-MZ¯OdSÔ¦f IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ BÊ-d³fdUQf¹fZÔ dQ³ffÔI 11.10.2024 ´fif°f: 10:00 ¶fþZ phonenumber,theASPsaid.The
court. 0060120612-2
BORDER SECURITY FORCE IY³ÀfMÑ¢Vf³f E¯OX dOXþfB³f ÀfdUÊÀfZþ ÀfZ dQ³ffÔI 28.10.2024 I û Àff¹fÔ 6:00 ¶fþZ °fI Af¸fÔdÂf°f I e þf°fe caller, as per the complainant,
I, Army-N0-3001680A Rank HAV CT VISHWAS KUMAR CXØfSX ´fiQZVf þ»f d³f¦f¸f (³f¦fSXe¹f), W`ÔÜ dþ³WZÔ dQ³ffÔI 29.10.2024 I û d³f¹f¸ff³fbÀffS Jû»ff þfUZ¦ffÜ ¶fû»fe I e A³¹f Vf°fZÊ/QÀ°ffUZþ Sfª¹f »fûI C´ff´f³f then told her that 10 per cent of
SATYENDRA SINGH, R.R.C. 04.06.1987 - 23.10.2014 (CX0´fi0 ÀfSXIYfSX IYf CX´fIiY¸f) ´fûMÊ»f "" EUÔ "" QZJe U OfC³f»fûO I e þf thedefraudedamountwastrans-
Fatehgarh, Presently Residing Bordermen Salute and proudly remember ÀfI °fe W`ÔÜ
at R/o Vill- BASALIYA, PO-
IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f :- 3/14. dUVff»f J¯OX, ¦fû¸f°fe ³f¦fSX, »fJ³fDY ferredtoheraccount.Thewoman
today their brave comrade, who made ´fi²ff³f IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f :- MXe.Àfe.-38-Ue. dU·fcd°f J¯OX, ¦fû¸f°fe ³f¦fSX, »fJ³fDY-226002 NIB No.- FOR2425A0908 WXÀ°ff/-
SHAJANPUR, Distt –HARDOI wastoldshewasunder'digitalar-
supreme sacrifice while fighting militants in Visit us at: e-mail: [email protected] UBN No.- FOR2425 WSOB01158 CX´f U³f ÀfÔSXÃfIY EUÔ CX´f ÃfZÂf
(U.P.), I have changed my Son
BOP M K Para (East Tripura) d³fQZVfIY (´fi±f¸f) ¶ff§f ´fdSX¹fûþ³ff rest'tilltheprobeison. PTI
name from PARBHAT SINGH To d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff ÀfÔq : 874/ªfe-10/72 dQ³ffÔIY: 17.10.2024 DIPR/10258 SX¯f±f¸·füSX ÀfUfBÊ ¸ff²fû´fbSX
PRABHAT SINGH vide Affidavit Ad°f A»´fIYf»fe³f BÊ-d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff
dated 27.05.2024, before BORDER SECURITY FORCE
Notary of Govt. Uttarakhand HC SUSHIL KUMAR, PMG A²¹fÃf, CØfS ´fiQZVf þ»f d³f¦f¸f I e AûS ÀfZ A²fûWÀ°ffÃfSe õfSf SfþI e¹f Wû¸¹fû´f`d±fI d¨fdI °Àff»f¹f ³fBÊ ÀfOÞ I GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA
0060120612-1 15.06.1969 - 23.10.2016 ¶ffSf¶fÔI e I f d³f¸ffʯf I f¹fÊ A³fb¸ffd³f°f »ff¦f°f ø 0 21.09 »ffJ (þeqEÀfqMeq SdW°f EUÔ »fZ¶fS ÀfZÀf ÀfdW°f) OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER
I, Anjana Mishra, legally Bordermen Salute and proudly remember WÔ°fb ÀfeqE¯O OeqEÀfq ¸fZÔ ¹f±fûd¨f°f ßfZ¯fe ¸fZÔ ·fU³f I f¹fÊ WZ°fb ´fÔþeIÈ °f NZIZ QfSûÔ ÀfZ dQ³ffÔI 24.10.2024 þe B-09 WESTERN N.H.CIRCLE, SAMBALPUR
wedded spouse of Name- today their brave comrade, who made A´fSf³W 16:00 ¶fþZ °fI BÊ-d³fdUQfEÔ Af¸fd³Âf°f I e þf°fe W`Ü Cö I f¹fÊ WZ°fb BÊ-d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf dQ³ffÔI E-mail :[email protected]
Manoj Kumar Pandey, supreme sacrifice in counterpart firing in 18.10.2024 ÀfZ dQ³ffÔI 24.10.2024 IZ ¸f²¹f CØffS ´fiQZVf ÀfSI fS I e e-procurement UZ¶fÀffBM
e-Procurement Notice
presently R/o Village-Birahin Jammu area (J&K). ÀfZ OfC³f»fûO dI ¹fZ þf ÀfI °fZ W` °f±ff BÊ-d³fdUQf dQ³ffÔI 25.10.2024 I û
Pur, PO-Tejpur, Teh.- A´fSf³W 14:00 ¶fþZ I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ´fdS¹fûþ³ff ´fi¶f³ffI , ¹fcd³fM-26, ÀfeqE¯O OeqEÀfq Cq´fiq þ»f d³f¦f¸f
No. 3400 Dated. 19.10.2024
Ghatampur, Distt.-Kanpur, (³f¦fSe¹f), »fJ³fD ¸fZÔ d³fdUQf Jû»fe þf¹fZ¦feÜ BÊ-d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf I f ¸fc»¹f ø 0 5000.00 + GST (18%)
Uttar Pradesh-209206 have The Chief Construction Engineer, Western N.H.Circle, Sambalpur on behalf of Governor of Odisha invites
Ad°fdSö QZ¹f Wû¦ffÜ Percentage Rate bids in Double Cover System for the construction of Road/Drain works as detailed in the table
changed my name from
d³fdUQf ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f dUÀ°fÈ°f dUUS¯f dU·ff¦f I e ¶fZUÀffBM EUÔ ´fiû¢¹fû¸fZ³M dÀfMe»f below, from the class of eligible contractors as mentioned in column-5 (five) registered with the State Governments
ANJANA MISHRA to ANJNA & Contractors
DEVI (DOB-20-09-1986) vide ´fS C´f»f¶²f W`Ü Àf¸fÀ°f Vfbdð ´fÂf (Corrigendum) ´fS We A´f»fûO dI ¹fZ þfg¹f¦fZ, B³fI f ´fȱfI ÀfZ I ûBÊ ´fiI fVf³f ³fWeÔ dI ¹ff Sl. Name of Approx. Period Class of Bid Security Cost of tender Last date
Affidavit No. IN- No the value of of Contractor through online document (Non & time of
UP32440842200896W dated 22- þf¹fZ¦ffÜ d³fdUQfQf°ffAûÔ I û Àf»ffW Qe þf°fe W` dI ¹fZ Cö UZ¶fÀffBÊM I f Àf¸f¹f-Àf¸f¹f ´fS AU»fûI ³f I S°fZ Work work excl. Comp- transfer ( on line refundable) online
10-2024 0060120617-4 SWZÔÜ WXÀ°ff./- GST (Rs in letion mode) (In INR) (On-line) receipt of
Crores) (In INR) Bids
Rakesh Kumar S/O Kanhaiya Ray ´fdSX¹fûþ³ff ´fi¶f³²fIY
R/O 95 Narkeldanga Main Road 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Kolkata 700054 have Changed my 1 Construction of 3.16 3 “A” or Rs.3,16,000 Rs.10,000/- 17:00 Hrs.
Name to Rakesh Kumar Yadav for IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff, ÀffUÊþd³fIY d³f¸ffʯf dU·ff¦f, UÈØf-²fü»f´fbSX R.C.C. Drain along (Three) equivalent of
NH-57 from Km Months 14.11.2024
all future purposes 0130045983-1 IY¸ffÔIY: 1674-86 dQ³ffÔIY: 17.10.2024
45/750 to km 47/590
d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff ÀfÔ£¹ff: 02/2024-25 (BHS ) for the year
SfþÀ±ff³f IZ Sfª¹f´ff»f ¸fWûQ¹f I e AûS ÀfZ dþ»ff ²fü»f´fbS ¸fZÔ U¿ffÊ ÀfZ Ãfd°f¦fiÀ°f dUd·f³³f ÀfOI ûÔ EUÔ ´fbd»f¹ffAûÔ I f À±ffBÊ 2024- 25
ARMY NO 15439553M HAV
´fb³fø ðfS I f¹fÊ (Qû¿f d³fUfS¯f AUd²f 5 U¿fÊ ÀfdW°f) C´f¹fbö ßfZ¯fe ¸fZÔ ÀffUÊþd³fI d³f¸ffʯf dU·ff¦f ¸fZÔ ´fÔþeIÈ °f ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ EUÔ
SHINU V V, RESIDENT OF Sfª¹f ÀfSI fS/IZ ³Qie¹f ÀfSI fS IZ Ad²fIÈ °f ÀfÔ¦fN³fûÔ / IZ ³Qie¹f »fûI d³f¸ffʯf dU·ff¦f / OfI EUÔ QcS ÀfÔ¨ffS dU·ff¦f / SZ»fUZ B°¹ffdQ Details of Bid documents will be available in the website from 10:00 Hrs. of
VALIYAVALAPPIL 30.10.2024 to 17:00 Hrs. of 14.11.2024. Sd/- Manas Ranjan Sethy)
¸fZÔ ´fÔþeIÈ °f ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ, þû dI SfþÀ±ff³f ÀfSI fS IZ dUd·f³³f ÀfÃf¸f ßfZ¯fe IZ ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ IZ Àf¸fI Ãf Wû, ÀfZ d³f²ffÊdS°f ´fi´fÂf ¸fZÔ BÊ-
HOUSE,KOTTATHUMCHAL,VILL ´fiû¢¹fcS ¸fZÔM ´fidIi ¹ff WZ°fb Afg³f »ffBʳf d³fdUQf Af¸fÔdÂf°f I e þf°fe W`ÔÜ Chief Construction Engineer,
OIPR-34180/11/0001/2425 Western N.H.Circle Sambalpur
d³fdUQf ÀfZ ÀfÔ¶fÔd²f°f Àf¸fÀ°f dUUS¯f ¶fZUÀffBÊM" EUÔ " ´fS
PARIYARAM MEDICAL QZJf þf ÀfI °ff W`ÔÜ B¨LbI ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ I û A´f³fZ dOdþM»f WÀ°ffÃfS IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ ¶fZUÀffBÊM
PWD 2425A2276 PWD2425WSOB08466
PWD 2425A2276 PWD2425WSOB08467
DATED-21.10.2024 BEFORE RJ-13-03/SDRF/2024-25/
PWD 2425A2276 PWD2425WSOB08468
LUCKNOW. 0060120602-1 RJ-13-04/SDRF/2024-25/
Under Dn. Dholpur
PWD 2425A2276 PWD2425WSOB08469
PWD 2425A2276 PWD2425WSOB08470
LOST & FOUND Under Dn. Bari
Under Dn. Bari
PWD 2425A2276 PWD2425WSOB08471
This is to be informed that
original registry papers of the RJ-13-07/SDRF/2024-25/
Under Dn. Bari
PWD 2425A2276 PWD2425WSOB08472
land bearing Gata No 249
Document No. 3493/2 and RJ-13-08/SDRF/2024-25/
Under Dn. Rajakhera
PWD 2425A2276 PWD2425WSOB08473
4412/2 have lost somewhere
and could not be recovered. If PWD 2425A2276 PWD2425WSOB08474
Under Dn. Rajakhera
anyone find please inform.
Raghvendra Pratap Singh s/o Under Dn. Rajakhera
PWD 2425A2276 PWD2425WSOB08475
Amar Singh r/o Rajapur Girant,
Visheshwarganj-Bahraich WXÀ°ff./-
0060120615-1 A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff
DIPR/C/10248/2024 Àff.d³f.d½f. ½fÈØf ²fü»f´fbSX
ModitoPutin:IndiabacksearlypeaceinUkraine live & let live: SC in
Ties, West Asia conflict figure in talks as UP Madrasa Act case
PM meets Iranian President Pezeshkian ANANTHAKRISHNANG
empowers the madrasa board to
give degrees like Kamil, Fazil etc.,
sions of The University Grants
SHUBHAJIT ROY STATING THAT “secularism Commission Act of 1956, which
NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 22 means live and let live”, the says that only universities within
Supreme Court on Tuesday said the meaning of the UGC statute
AT A time when West Asia is wit- that regulating madrasa educa- can award such degrees.
Russian submarine Ufa in Kochi on Tuesday. ANI nessing tension between Israel tion was in national interest and On Tuesday, Rohatgi said as
and Iran and there are fears of an therefore,throwingouttheentire per the UGC Act, only those de-
escalationintoafull-fledgedcon- Uttar Pradesh Board of Madrasa greeswhicharespecifiedbynoti-
with President Putin. The bond flict between the two countries, Education Act, 2004 as unconsti- ficationintheofficialgazettecan-
SHUBHAJIT ROY betweenIndiaandRussiaisdeep- Prime Minister Narendra Modi tutional “is to throw the baby out notbeawarded.Headdedthatthe
NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 22 rooted.Ourtalksfocussedonhow met Iranian President Masoud with the bathwater”. degrees being awarded by the
toaddevenmorevigourtoourbi- Pezeshkianforthefirsttimesince “As a state, you have wide madrasasdonotfigureinanysuch
UNDERLINING THAT New Delhi lateralpartnershipacrossdiverse he was elected. powers under the Act under notification and therefore there
“fullysupports”theearlyreturnof sectors,” Modi said in a post. TheIranianPresidentempha- Section 20 (of the Act) to ensure was no bar in giving them.
peace and stability in the region, Putin is gathering more than sised the need for peace in West thatthebasicqualityofeducation The UGC, however, informed
Prime Minister Narendra Modi 20leadersinKazaninwhatisbe- Asia and the role that India could ismaintainedeveninmadrasas… thebenchsubsequentlythatthere
told Russian President Vladimir ing viewed as a “show play in de-escalating the conflict In fact, that power has been ex- was indeed a notification dated
Putin Tuesday that the Russia- of strength” after more than two givenitsgoodrelationswithallthe pressly conferred on you by the July 5, 2014 listing degrees like
Ukraine conflict should be and a half years of war parties, officials said. statute,ifyoufindthatthequality Fazil and Kamil.
resolved in a peaceful with Ukraine, and Western PrimeMinisterModicongrat- of educationisnotwhatthestate Takingnote,theCJIsaid,“Once
mannerandIndiaisreadytopro- sanctions.Russiaisseekingtocon- ulated President Pezeshkian on as a matter of public policy ex- there is a notification, then it falls
videallpossiblecooperationforit. vince BRICS countries to build an his recent victory and reaffirmed pects of all students who are un- within the bar imposed by the
This is their second bilateral alternative platform for interna- India’s commitment to deepen- Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Iran President Masoud Pezeshkian in Kazan, Russia, dergoing education…,” the CJI UGC Act.”
meeting since the July 8-9 sum- tional payments that would be ing the age-old bilateral ties with Tuesday. Pezeshkian accepted Modi’s invitation to visit India at an early date. PTI said as a three-judge bench Nataraj agreed that madrasas
mitinMoscow.Hesaidhissecond immune to Western sanctions. Iran. He also welcomed Iran into presidedbyhimreserveditsjudg- havebeenexemptedfromtheap-
visit to Russia in the last three Putinsaid,“Russian-Indianre- the BRICS family and invited the mentonpetitionschallengingthe plication of the Right to
monthsreflected“closecoordina- lationsarecharacterisedbyaspe- President to visit India at an early Ebrahim Raisiin in a helicopter lating the conflict given its good and economic linkages with AllahabadHighCourtorderwhich Education (RTE) Act, and added,
tion and deep friendship” be- cial privileged strategic partner- date. President Pezeshkian ac- crash in May. relations with all the parties in- Central Asia,” the Ministry of struck down the Act as unconsti- “however, the underlying prin-
tween the two countries. ship and continue to develop ceptedtheinvitation,theMEAsaid. Thetwoleadershada“fruitful volved,theForeignSecretarysaid. External Affairs (MEA) said in a tutional. ciple under Article 21, which
“We are in constant touch on actively.Interactionbetweenleg- Thetwoleadersalsodiscussed discussion,” Foreign Secretary “The discussion focused on statement. Hesaid,“Thestatedoeshavea has been recognised as a funda-
the issue of ongoing conflict be- islative bodies is strengthening. waystostrengthencooperationin Vikram Misri said in Kazan. keyareasofcooperation,particu- MisrisaidAfghanistanalsofig- vital interest even in ensuring mental right, which has been
tween Russia and Ukraine. As I Trade is also in good shape. The keyareas,includingChabaharPort “Both the leaders also dis- larly the Chabahar Port and the ured in the discussion between standardsinplacesofreligiousin- interpreted by this court – the
saidearlier,webelievethatprob- next meeting of the intergovern- andtheInternationalNorth-South cussedthesituationinWestAsia. International North-South thetwoleaders.“Bothofthemun- struction.Youinterpretitthatway. need to promote quality educa-
lems should be resolved in a mentalcommissionisscheduled Transport Corridor (INSTC). Prime Minister Modi expressed Transport Corridor (INSTC) derscored the importance of But to throw out the Act is to tion” should be given effect to.
peaceful manner,” Modi said. for November 12 in New Delhi.” “Hadaverygoodmeetingwith hisdeepconcernovertheescalat- which are crucial for enhancing maintainingpeaceandstabilityin throwthebabyoutwiththebath- The CJI said “independent of
The PM also referred to his Foreign Secretary Vikram the President of Iran, Mr. Masoud ing conflict and reiterated India’s regional connectivity and eco- the region along with continuing water.” the RTE Act, the Madrasa Act it-
summit talks with Putin in Misri said the PM’s Moscow visit Pezeshkian. We reviewed the full call for the protection of civilians nomic partnership,” Misri said. humanitarian assistance to the The UP government, mean- self confers a power on the state
Moscow.“Ourannualsummitre- aswellashistriptoUkraine,about range of relations between our and the prevention of harm to “Noting that the signing of people of Afghanistan,” he said. while, told the bench, also com- government to issue direc-
sulted in strengthening coopera- whichNSAAjitDovallaterbriefed countries.Wealsodiscussedways civilians.Heemphasisedtheneed the long-term contract of Pezeshkian acknowledged prising Justices J B Pardiwala and tions... And the state govern-
tion in every field,” he said. He Putin,signified“India’sattemptto todeepentiesinfuturisticsectors,” fordialogueanddiplomacytode- Chabahar Port is an important India's role in Iran’s accession to Manoj Misra, that it stood by the ment can yet exercise that au-
congratulated Putin on Russia’s continue to remain in touch with Modi wrote on X. escalate the tensions,” Misri said. milestone in bilateral relations, the Shanghai Cooperation constitutionalityof2004Act.The thority to effectuate the right
successful presidency of BRICS keyactors..andgaugethepossibil- Thiswastheirfirstmeetingaf- PresidentPezeshkianempha- the two leaders reaffirmed its Organisation and BRICS. “They AllahabadHChadsaidthattheAct under Article 21”.
and said many countries want to ityof pathtoendtheconflict,and terPezeshkianbecamepresident sised the need for peace and har- significance for reconstruction agreed to continue their cooper- violated the principle of secular- Appearing for an intervenor,
join the grouping now. also perhaps look for alternative inJulyinsnapelectionsfollowing mony in the region and the role and redevelopment of ation in various international fo- ism. senior advocate Guru
“Had an excellent meeting approaches…” the death of then president that India could play in de-esca- Afghanistanandenhancingtrade rums,” Misri said. “Itisourlegislationwhichhas Krishnakumar said the Madrasa
been struck down by the High Act is unconstitutional “for the
Court… The only aspect that simple reason that the Act sin-
Office-bearers, community Specially abled with 60 per cent disability needed to be examined was
lated part 3 of the Constitution
gles out religious instructions
provided by one particular
community and gives state
leaders likely in BJP list to to get Rs 5000 monthly, says Delhi govt (dealing with fundamental
rights). For that purpose, the en-
recognition for such education”.
The CJI said, “Whether you
In ST-reserved seats in Maharashtra, Jharkhand,
LSloss,rebel Congress and allies have been gaining ground
threatseeBJP Numbers show BJP and its allies have been losing ground in tribal areas since 2014, including the recent Lok Sabha polls
BOTH MAHARASHTRA and and the Sena one. However, in more than half the population. 33.5% vote share.
Party 2014 2014 2019 2019
Jharkhand that go to polls next that year’s Assembly polls, the In the 2019 Lok Sabha elec- This time, the JMM-led al-
won share % won share %
month have a sizable tribal pop- BJP’s tally fell to eight ST seats tions, the BJP won three tribal liance is again looking to repeat
ulation that will play a crucial (from 11 in 2014) while the Sena BJP 11 27.92 8 26.92 seats like five years earlier, while its performance in the tribal
role in determining who won three. The NCP won six Congress 5 21.9 4 18.11 the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha seats, with the arrest of Chief
emerges on top. While 25 of tribal seats and its ally Congress NCP 4 18.65 6 15.71 (JMM) and the Congress won MinisterHemantSorenallowing
Takingamorecautiousapproach,party Maharashtra’s 288 Assembly bagged four. Smaller parties and
Shiv Sena 3 13.49 3 12.55
one each. In the it to play the sym-
seats are reserved for the Independents won the remain- Assembly polls pathy card ahead
hasfieldeditstried-and-testedleaders Scheduled Tribes (STs), more ing four constituencies. Others 2 - 4 - held months later, of the Lok Sabha
than a third of Jharkhand’s 81 In terms of vote shares in the the JMM- polls.TheJMMand
Assembly seats – 28 – are re- tribal seats, the BJP fell margin- JHARKHAND TRIBAL SEATS Congress-RJD al- the Congress won
served for Adivasis. ally from 27.92% in 2014 to JMM 13 30.23 19 34.16 liance came to all five ST-reserved
In the recent Lok Sabha elec- 26.92% while the Congress fell Congress 0 9.78 6 8.81 power after the NUMBER parliamentary
of which the BJP is a part and the
from 21.9% to 18.11%. The NCP
andtheShivSenatoodroppedto BJP 11 30.11 2 33.5
JMM dominated
the ST-reserved
SPEAK seats, while the
BJP-led NDA al-
National Democratic Alliance 15.71%(from18.65%) and12.55% AJSU 2 2.82 0 5.47 seats, winning 19 liance won the
(NDA) in Jharkhand lost ground (from 13.49%), respectively. JVM 0 4.91 1 5.43 of the 28. It was followed by the state’sremainingnineLokSabha
in the tribal constituencies, pos- The state underwent a major Congress that won six, the BJP seats. In the ST-reserved Lok
Others 2 - 0 -
ing a big hurdle to surmount in political realignment after this as whose tally fell from 11 to two, Sabha seats, the JMM led in 10
the Assembly elections. theMahaVikasAghadi(MVA)and Note: In Jharkhand, BJP increased its vote share from 2014 to 2019 andtheJharkhandVikasMorcha Assemblysegments,theCongress
the Mahayuti alliance emerged, despite dropping nine seats as it contested all ST seats independently, (JVM) in one. The BJP that con- in 13, and the BJP in five.
Maharashtra with three parties each in both finishing as the runner-up in 24. Source: Election Commission tested these elections on its own Adopting political rhetoric to
At 1.05 crore, STs account for camps. In this year’s Lok Sabha wastherunner-upin24STseats. polarisetheelectorate,theBJPhas
nearly 10% of Maharashtra’s polls, the BJP suffered a major re- The JMM’s marked improve- raisedtheissueofallegedoutsider
population as per the 2011 versal in the tribal seats, falling to Independentledinonesegment. of Jharkhand’s population ac- ment in tribal seats came on the influxintotribalareas,withUnion
Census. There are at least 1 lakh just one, while the Congress TheMVAwilllikelydrawcon- cording to the 2011 Census, backof thepartynotonlyretain- AgricultureMinisterShivrajSingh
tribals in 21 of the state’s 36 dis- picked up two seats and the fidence from this performance number at least a lakh in 21 of ing 12 seats it had won in 2014 ChouhanpromisingaBJPgovern-
tricts. The largest tribal commu- Nationalist Congress Party while the ruling Mahayuti bloc the state’s 24 districts, illustrat- but also managing to flip six ment would implement the
nities are the Bhils, Gonds, Kolis, (SharadchandraPawar)wonone. thatislookingtoregainitsground ing their electoral importance. seats that the BJP had won five NationalRegisterofCitizens(NRC)
Statechief ChandrashekharBawankule(left)andDeputyCM andVarliswhotogethernumber Breaking these results down amongAdivasishasaproblemon The most populous communi- years earlier. The JMM also if voted to power. The party has
DevendraFadnavisatapartymeetearlierthismonth. Facebook almost 65 lakh, besides just un- to the Assembly-segment level itshandsastheDhangarcommu- ties are the Santhals, who alone flipped one seat from the All alsomadeseveralotherattempts
der 5 lakh people from three shows that while the BJP led in nityhasreviveditsdemandforST number 27.55 lakh, followed by Jharkhand Students’ Union toreachouttothetribalcommu-
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal nine ST-reserved segments, the status,triggeringoppositionfrom Oraons (17.17 lakh) and the (AJSU). The Congress flipped nity, from commemorating
hissonSandeepwhowasdenied Groups (PVTGs). MVA constituents led in 16 (the other tribal communities. Mundas (12.29 lakh). three seats from the BJP, one AdivasiiconssuchasBirsaMunda
SHUBHANGI KHAPRE a ticket from Belapur in the same Intotal,thereare38Assembly Congress in nine, the Shiv Sena The other prominent ST from the AJSU, and two from to launching the Rs 24,000-crore
MUMBAI, OCTOBER 22 district has joined the NCP seats where STs account for at (UddhavBalasahebThackeray)in Jharkhand communities are the Hos, smaller parties. The BJP retained PM PVTG Development Mission
(Sharadchandra Pawar) and is least 20% of the population. four, and the NCP (SP) in two. An Tribals, who account for 26% Kharwars, Lohras, and Bhumjis. one seat from 2014 and flipped in Jharkhand last year.
AFTER THE BJP’s decision to drop likelytogettheOppositionparty’s
half a dozen sitting MPs in ticket from the seat. The BJP has
Sabha elections — it won nine of
fielded sitting MLA Manda
Mhatre from Belapur.
the 28 seats it contested — the
party has adopted a more cau-
tious approach in the Assembly
While some BJP leaders
pointed to a “one family, one
ticket” norm, others in the party
With five names, call for seven
announced on Sunday, the party
ready fielded brothers from the
same family: Ashish Shelar
seats more, SP presses cases
retained 80 of its MLAs. (Bandra West) and Vinod Shelar Nagar and Bhiwandi East are pri- vided NCP won in 2019, adding
“The party decided against (Malad West). “In any election, LALMANI VERMA orities given the SP has sitting that anti-incumbency would
making any drastic changes as there are always three to four NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 22 MLAs in both. While Azmi is the favour the SP, particularly given
seen in Gujarat and Haryana, promisingaspirantsforeverycon- three-termMLAfromMankhurd the seat is adjacent to its “strong-
wherealmosthalftheMLAswere stituency. Ultimately, we have to SAMAJWADI PARTY (SP) chief ShivajiNagar,theSP’sRaisShaikh hold” in Mankhurd Shivaji Nagar.
dropped. Only in certain seats select just one candidate. Those AkhileshYadav,duringhistourto hadwonBhiwandiEastin2019by Though the SP had not con-
where the winnability factor of left out are bound to get upset,” poll-bound Maharashtra, an- 1,314votes.ThoughtheSPhadnot tested Versova in 2019, the party
sitting MLAs is completely ruled saidaBJPleader,addingtheparty nouncedcandidatesforfiveofthe contestedBhiwandiWestin2019 has demanded the seat citing its
out, will it go for fresh faces,” said would try and get the rebels to 12 seats he has demanded from and2014,itisdemandingtheseat large Muslim and Christian pop-
aseniorstateBJPleader.Inthere- withdraw before October 31, the the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA). since it had won it in 2009. ulations. The BJP won Versova in
cent Haryana polls, the BJP re- nominationwithdrawaldeadline. The SP’s Maharashtra presi- The party also wants the the last two polls. The SP has also
tained only 23 of its 40 MLAs. Even in seats such as dent, Abu Asim Azmi, on Sunday Muslim-dominated Malegaon demanded Raver and Amravati,
ABJPinsidersaidthepartydid Shrigonda, Phulambri, and met NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar CentralandDhuleCity,heldbythe heldbytheCongress,andKarnaja,
notwanttorockitsownboatand Chinchwad, where the party andexplainedthereasons,includ- AIMIM. The SP claims to have held by the BJP, claiming their
get bogged down with fire-fight- changedcandidates,itdidsowith ing winnability and local equa- moreinfluencethantheAIMIMin large minority populations and
ing, given that the Opposition is the consensus of the outgoing tions, behind its decision to an- theseseatsandbelievesitcanwin anti-incumbencywouldfavourit.
stronger in Maharashtra com- MLAs. In Shrigonda, the party re- nounce candidates in Dhule City, them with the MVA’s support. The SP’s move to declare can-
pared to a state such as Gujarat. placed sitting MLA Babanrao Mankhurd Shivaji Nagar, Among the other 12 seats on didates before the MVA appears
“Wedon’twanttopromoterebels, PanchputewithhiswifePratibha Bhiwandi East, Bhiwandi West the SP’s list is Byculla, where the to be a pressure tactic to get a
Independents,” said a BJP state whileinPhulambri,thepartyhas and Malegaon Central. Though sittingMLAisfromtheMahayuti’s shareinthealliance.AnSPleader
Cabinet minister. fieldedArundhatitaiChavanafter the SP is staking its claim on 12 Shiv Sena. The SP has demanded saidthepartyhasobservedinthe
“The sole criteria for giving Haribhau Bagade was moved to seats, it contested only four of theseatcitingitsstrongpresence past that the Congress- and NCP-
ticket is winnability,” state BJP Rajasthan as Governor. In these seats in 2019, winning two onthegroundandtheseat’slarge led alliances had begun negotia-
president Chandrashekhar Chinchwad, the party replaced Election Commission officials and Mumbai Police conduct inspections of vehicles ahead of and securing a 10.77% vote share. minority population. The party tions with SP at the last minute,
Bawankule said after the list was MLAAshwiniLaxmanJagtapwith the Maharashtra Assembly elections, at Grant Road, in Mumbai on Tuesday. Ganesh Shirsekar Amongthe12seatstheSPhas has made similar claims in onlytobacktrackandleavetheSP
released.“Thepartytakesthede- her brother-in-law Shankar demanded, Mankhurd Shivaji AnushaktiNagar,whichtheundi- in the lurch without candidates.
cision collectively.” Jagtap, while in Kalyan East,
Inthe2019Assemblypolls,the Ganpat Gaikwad who is in jail for
BJP contested 164 seats and won
105 seats while the undivided
opening fire at a Sena leader in a
Two killed
in Jabalpur
‘This govt no longer has attitude of its last term…
We trust it but are ready for most extreme steps’
DAP shortage
factory blast CLIMATE ACTIVIST SONAM I also hope there will be dis- sitive if it does not take notice of ple respond to how they act and dampens rabi
crop prospects
WANGCHUK, who has camped cussions on restoring democracy anissue,whichinvolvesnational may now become more respon-
inDelhidemandingLadakhtobe in Ladakh. As statehood will be security, even now. You do not sible. In a democracy, people can
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE included under the Sixth soon restored in J&K, Ladakh also handle a border area, flanked by make or break a government. In
BHOPAL, OCTOBER 22 Scheduleof theConstitutionand deserves it. At least a legislature two hostile nations, in this way. Ladakh, they lost a seat. We
a legislature for the UT, broke his shouldbeestablished.Forthepast never wanted to damage them.
A MASSIVE explosion on 15-day fast on Tuesday after the sixyears(sinceArticle370wasab- Union Home Minister Amit WewerehappythatLadakhwas
TuesdayattheOrdnanceFactory, Union Ministry of Home Affairs rogated), Ladakh youth have no Shah is learnt to have rejected madeaUTbutunfortunatelyare
Khamaria (OFK) in Jabalpur has (MHA) called him for a meeting jobs while the UT is being run on the demand for inclusion in now having to tread this path. HARISH DAMODARAN
left two employees dead and at over his demands on December district manpower and currently the Sixth Schedule... NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 22
least 10 people injured. Two of 3. He speaks to DEEPTIMAN has a dysfunctional government. That was another govern- If you were thankful, why the Crucial
the injured are said to be in crit- TIWARY. Excerpts: Half of the Rs 6,000 crore grant ment which had that attitude. protests? A SHORTAGE of di-ammonium ● fertiliser
ical condition.
Thefactorymanagementhas You broke your fast following
that comes in, goes back. THE EXPRESS We want to believe this one is
different. If not, we are ready to
UT is like a body, a corpse,
while democracy is its life. We
phosphate (DAP), a key fertiliser
required at the time of sowing, A GOOD MONSOON, help-
launched an investigation into
the blast, which took place in
assurances from the MHA
over resumption of talks.
What gives you hope,
especially when all previous
INTERVIEW take the most extreme steps. always thought the UT would
come with a democratic set-up
is undermining crop production
prospects for the current rabi
ing recharge groundwater
aquifers and fill reservoirs,
Building No 200 of the factory’s What do you hope for in the attempts have failed… What would those be? like a legislature. Similarly, the season. holds out hope for a
F-6section.AshokRohani,thelo- negotiations? Thoughthereisnoassurance WANGCHUK We leave it to your imagina- Sixth Schedule is a form of This,evenashighprices,plus bumper rabi crop and an
cal legislator from the Wehopetheywilldiscussin- from the government, our trust CLIMATE ACTIVIST tion. democracy at the grassroots a good monsoon (7.6 per cent easing of food inflation.
Cantonment area, visited the in- cluding the UT in the Sixth is still there. This time talks are level for the indigenous tribes. above-average rainfall for the But a shortage of DAP re-
jured at the Khamaria hospital. Schedule (of the Constitution), happening after a mass move- Why do you think this The government had promised country as a whole during June- ported across many states
It is believed that a malfunc- providing Constitutional safe- ment in a sensitive border area (from Ladakh to Delhi) showed government is different?Are this to us many times. It was in September)andmajorreservoirs could spoil the party. This
tioninthehydraulicsystemtrig- guards to (Ladakh’s) indigenous and they (the Centre) are able to how seriously people are taking you referring to the reduced their (the BJP’s) manifesto... being filled to over 87 per cent of fertiliser, the second most
gered the blast, officials said, culture, environment, land, for- see the deep engagement of the the issue. The government will mandate for PM Modi? FULLINTERVIEW aggregate storage capacity consumed after urea, is re-
adding that investigations are est and customs. general public. The padyatra come across as very very insen- Yes.Theyhaveseenthatpeo- (against below 73 per cent this quired for the crops’ root
ongoing to determine the cause time last year), have enthused establishment and early
of the explosion and whether farmers to plant more area. growth stage.
negligence played a role. TERROR PLOT CHARGES AGAINST ASSAM MLA Suspended RG “For wheat, at least one 50-
Kajol at Expresso: ‘Stardom dead’ ment in Jharkhand and called it Opposition MVA constituents —
“unilateral”,thepartyonTuesday NCP-SP, Shiv Sena UBT and
released a list of six candidates, Congress — in Maharashtra
of party’s state unit chief Nana
Patole. The development comes
after an altercation last week be-
tonne. That makes imports unvi-
decade career, Kajol said, saying that a consensus was achievedsomebreakthroughon tweenPatoleandShivSena(UBT)
“Stardom is dead and gone. Not
because there aren't stars... but
the advent of social media. It
reached within the alliance.
RJD leader Tejashwi
Yadav, who has been
Tuesday after a marathon meet-
ing held through the day.
Even as Congress leaders
held to discuss the seat-sharing
Valley tunnel camp
going beyond legacy actors,
Hindi cinema has embraced so-
cial media to such an extent that
(stardom) was... a forbidden
fruit. If you wanted to see it, you
could see it only on the big
camping in Ranchi, said
Tuesday: “The INDIA
bloc stands united and
till late night, Shiv Sena
(UBT) leaders who came
gressive behaviour” while Patole
claimed the Sena sought the
attackers likely came
superstars no longer have a hold
on the industry. “Stardom is
screen...Butif itissuddenlyavail-
able on your phone, at the press
of a button, it's like ‘familiarity
With a high-profile murder, shadow of 1990s looms over Mumbai investigation suggests militants
who targeted the employees are
likely to be infiltrators from
kin of Dr Shanawaz Dar, who
was among the killed. ANI
“stageone”,anIPSofficertoldThe Punjab. On June 6, 2022, a week Amid fears of Mumbai re- “The general principle is that the Pakistan who made their way to
MOHAMED THAVER Indian Express, “With Siddique’s Former afterthesinger’smurder,athreat turning to the “dark days of the policecreate an equal amount of the district from Bandipore. that the attackers were not lo-
MUMBAI, OCTOBER 22 murder, stage two — that of fear MLA Baba letter was found on a bench on past”, the police say having a fearinthemindsof thegangsters Seven employees, including a cals. There is a high likelihood
mongering—hasbeenactivated. Siddique Mumbai’s Bandstand Prome- proper strategy in place will en- by ensuring they act in a strong local doctor, of APCO Infratech that they were Pakistani terror-
FROM GANG members firing Bloodshed ensures that when was killed nade, where Salim Khan, script sure the Lawrence Bishnoi gang manner.” were killed on Sunday when ter- ists who infiltrated into the
warning shots outside actor others receive an extortion call, on Oct 12 writer and actor Salman’s father, doesn’t spread its wings. A retired officer says it all rorists opened fire on their camp Valley recently from the Gurez
SalmanKhan’sresidenceinApril they are scared enough to part usually sat after his morning According to former Mumbai comes down to the govern- at the strategic Z-Morh tunnel, sector,” the police source said. A
totheOctober12killingofformer with their money easily.” walk. The letter, which warned PoliceCommissionerSivanandan, ment’s approach. “If the govern- whichconnectsKangantownand high mountain range to the rear
MLA Baba Siddique — both al- Calling the late 1990s a “dark 1990s, told The Indian Express, that Salman too would meet bringing in stringent laws played ment is serious, the police have Sonamarg tourist resort on the of Kangan connects Gurez and
legedly carried out at the behest period”forMumbai,aformerIPS “Whatishappeningnowcannot “Moosewala’s fate”, was signed a major role in eliminating the the resources to stub out the Srinagar-Leh national highway. Bandipore. "The militants seem
of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi — said 101 businessmen were be compared to the 1990s. Back off with the initials “LB” and threat of the underworld. gang. With Mumbai Police not Policesourcessaidthatwhile to have escaped to the forests af-
the shadow of organised gangs gunnedin1998,whenorganised then,theunderworld,whichhad “GB”.Thepolicesaytheseinitials “MumbaiPolicehaveready-made being given access to Lawrence theydon'thaveanycredibleleads ter the attack,” said a source.
that once terrorised Mumbai crime in the city was at its peak. been building up over the past presumably stand for Lawrence laws,liketheMaharashtraControl Bishnoi,thoughheisbehindbars into the attack as of now, they As per the survivors, on
seemstobeloomingonthehori- These killings, he says, dipped to several decades, had hit a Bishnoi and his Canada-based ofOrganisedCrimeAct(MCOCA), (in Gujarat), this begs the ques- havepickedupsuspectsfromdif- Sunday evening, two men wear-
zon after over two decades. 46 in 1999, 23 in 2000 and 12 in crescendo. What is happening aide Goldy Brar. broughtinduringmytime,which tionsastohowbadlythegovern- ferent parts of the district. ing woolen shawls appeared at
“It is after a long time in the 2001, till a multi-pronged ap- now could be the beginning of The police believe that the it can use to neutralise these ele- mentwantsthesegangsweeded “Each police station in the the campsite of the Z-Morh tun-
city that such a killing by an or- proach by the police helped en- something similar. If this case Lawrence Bishnoi gang, which ments,” he says. Under MCOCA, out. It sends out the wrong mes- area has rounded up suspects. nelandopenedfireatmultiplelo-
ganised gang has taken place,” sure there was no gang-related (Siddique’smurder)iseffectively was mostly active in Punjab, detaineesfinditdifficulttogetbail sagewhenapersonwhoiscaus- They are being questioned to cations. While three of the de-
saysformerMumbaitopcopJulio murder from 2002 onwards. tackled—andtheMumbaipolice Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan and for several years, thus keeping ing law and order problems in seek any credible lead that could ceasedhailedfromBihar,oneeach
Ribeiro,addingthatthereappears However,theDawoodgangcon- are capable of doing that — this western Uttar Pradesh, is now them out of circulation for years. parts of the country is being help in a breakthrough,” a police hailed from Madhya Pradesh,
tobeanattemptonthepartofthe tinued to make extortion calls threatcanbenippedinthebud.” attemptingtofillthevacuumleft Other stringent laws that given some kind of patronage. source said. Police sources said PunjabandJammu.Alocaldoctor
Lawrence Bishnoi gang to create throughout this time. Lawrence Bishnoi, in jail behind since the Mumbai un- have helped the police take on The police will need the govern- that more detentions are likely. from central Kashmir's Budgam
fear, using which they can carry Former Mumbai Police since the past decade, has been derworld gangs, led by Dawood the underworld include the ment’s backing if they want to Police sources also said the was also among the dead.
out their extortion activities. Commissioner D Sivanandan, gaining notoriety since his gang Ibrahim, Chhota Rajan and Ravi Maharashtra Prevention of ensure the city does not see the attackers likely infiltrated into Thepoliceandsecurityforces
Calling the warning shots credited with taking on the allegedly killed Punjabi singer Pujari, among others, were neu- DangerousActivities(MPDA)Act. bloodbath it saw in the 1990s,” the Valley recently . "Our ques- are yet to issue a statement on
fired outside Salman’s house as Mumbai underworld in the Siddhu Moosewala in 2002 in tralised over the past 15 years. Former top cop Ribeiro says, the officer adds. tioning of the survivors suggest the attack.
RSS, a century later
With Hindutva the only game in town, it can now
declare its version of Hinduism as the official one
existence,therewillsurelybemultipleanaly- itywaspopularisedasthesymbolofcommon organisationsandsoon.Justasthemuch-doc-
OUR-AND-A-HALFYEARSafterChina’saggressionalongtheLineofActualControl ses of the organisation and its achievements. religiosity. Thus, Hinduness came to be iden- umentedreliefandsevaworkofHindutva,this
(LAC), and the military stand-off that followed, the first concrete step towards In view of its sudden ascendancy in the last tified with loyalty to this symbolism. intellectual preparation and the social out-
breakingthestalemateiswelcome.IndiaandChinaaresaidtohaveagreedtore- decade, the RSS is bound to appear larger- Hindutva is currently engaged in a more reachrepresentthebroadersocio-culturalas-
store each other’s patrolling rights in Depsang Plains and Demchok in Ladakh, than-life to both its opponents and support- complex project. It seeks to ensure that local sault that Hindutva aimed at.
ers. Therefore, it will be meaningful to note deities and traditions are “nationalised”. Today, when Hindutva is becoming the
two key achievements that may impact Rather than conceding the local flavour and only game in town, it is no wonder that film
been reported in other sectors along the LAC, including in Arunachal Pradesh. The current India’spubliclifeinthedecadestocome.One autonomy of many practices and deities, the stars and sportspersons, scientists and army
disengagement is, of course, just the beginning: It has to be followed by de-escalation and suspects that the RSS itself may not exactly effort is to weave them into a more sanitised personnelarequeuinguptojoinvariouspro-
de-induction, which will be a slow, meticulous process requiring constant monitoring. boast publiclyaboutthese achievementsbe- and straightforward narrative. This project Hindutvaoutfits.Butitismoresignificantthat
However,thecaveatsnotwithstanding,theforwardmovementwithBeijingissignificantfor cause, for the last hundred years, it has re- involves an unprecedented homogenisation theHindutvaprojectcontinuedtostrivetooc-
Delhi — both in terms of bilateral ties as well as India’s broader geopolitical options. mained taciturn about its actual goalposts of traditions and practices in a manner that cupy the entire social space through its seva
and achievements. Nevertheless, it will disconnects those traditions from their lo- and its “cultural” activities — in both, many
surely intensify efforts to consolidate these cal meanings and reference points, convert- “publicpersonalities”joinedlendingtheseac-
the last few years, and this must continue to be part of its template in dealing with China. gains. Therefore, students and observers of ing them into regional cogs and facilitating tivitiesacherubicface.Initsefforttowinover
In a broader sense, it also opens up diplomatic space for Delhi as it seeks to find a balance Indian society need to note these achieve- the construction of a new, all-India idea of thesocialspaceandemergestronginthe“war
between Russia and the West. And with the US presidential elections less than a fortnight ments and discuss their effects. the Hindu. of position”, Hindutva did not mind collect-
away, it also gives Delhi more cards to play with as it deals with the next White House oc- Thefirstachievementistotwistandtrans- Thesuccessof thisprojectmeansthatbe- ingcertificationsfromadversaries.Thatiswhy
cupant.AmeetingbetweenPrimeMinisterNarendraModiandChinesePresidentXiJinping form the meaning of Hinduism, the idea of ing Hindu will eventually have a non-local, storiesof GandhibeinginfluencedbytheRSS
Hindu religiosity and the practices adopted non-diverse and uniform meaning that will and Ambedkar being pro-Hindutva abound
onthesidelinesof theShanghaiCooperationOrganisationsummitinRussiacouldprovide
by Hindus. From its early days, the organisa- beeasytoconnecttothestigmatisationofany and instances such as Jayaprakash Narayan
the political imprimatur to the disengagement. The two leaders may also outline the con- tionhasalwaysbeeninaweof itsbêtenoire— divergence. This is no mean achievement. certifying the patriotism of the RSS are
toursof furtherpoliticalandeconomicengagement.DelhiandBeijingwereunabletomove monotheistic religions. So, efforts to imitate More than constructing an electoral bloc of flaunted.Gettingnon-RSSpersonstoaddress
forwardbecauseof theborderissue.Broadly,whileChinawantedtoplacetheborderissue them in shaping Hindu sensibilities have al- Hindus,thisachievementoftransformingthe RSSgatheringsisafamouspracticethatlured
anditsallegedincursionsonthebackburnerandfocusontradeandtheeconomy,Indiain- waysprovedattractivetoit.Atthesametime, flexible meaning of being Hindu into a regi- even an ex-president, supposed to be a life-
the early 20th-century European idea of na-
Hindutva is currently mented identity acquires significance for long Congressperson. Any national icon is
tionalism as a phenomenon based on the engaged in a more complex bridging regional Hinduisms to a pan-Hindu quickly appropriated — dead or alive — even
damental principle must be kept in mind in the days ahead.
complete oneness of a community has also project. It seeks to ensure conception of Hindutva. This is nothing less without that personality being directly con-
The fact is that the relationship with China, given the militarised nature of an aspect
dominated Hindutva thinking. Combining that local deities and than demoting a civilisation to the status of a nected to the RSS; because by association,
of the border dispute, has become mired in politics, hyperbole and maximalism. It needs, these two urges, Hindutva has sought to in- religion-based nation. Hindutva gains social acceptability.
instead,ahealthydoseof realism.Twoneighbouringstates,withlargeeconomiesandmil- tervene in the bewildering diversity of ideas
traditions are ‘nationalised’. The second achievement of Hindutva has Opponents of RSS may have historically
itary strength and different political systems, are bound to disagree — neither can wish and practices that are adopted by different Rather than conceding the been its clever capture of the entire social ridiculed these practices, but today, they
the other away. It is important that the relationship isn’t politicised, and that political groupsclaimingtobeHindus.Inordertobring local flavour and autonomy space. RSS was never confined to only the re- would do well to take into account the social
space is left open for engagement. At the same time, it is important not to confuse the homogeneitytothischaotic-lookingdiversity, of many practices and many ligious,theculturalorthepolitical.Ithasprac- capital that Hindutva gained from these.
Hindutva has offered two pathways. One is tically been everywhere. In each sphere of Now, the capture of the social sphere
disengagement at the LAC for a “resolution”. India has stood its ground and must con-
that of nationalism based on an identity that deities, the effort is to weave publiclife,Hindutvafloatedparallelorganisa- moves to another level. Sections of the social
tinue to do so. It is also important for Delhi to make it clear to Beijing that as a vibrant isnamedasHinduidentity.Inreality,thisiden- them into a more sanitised tions of its own. Simultaneously, it ensured a sphere that are opposed to Hindutva are be-
democracy, it needs to take the people along, especially the Opposition, Parliament and tityisoftenpredicatedontheideaoftheother and straightforward presenceforitssympathisersandsupporters. ingeasedout—allowingHindutvatobecome
India’s external partners. If India shows the same fortitude and patience it has thus far, it and deep suspicion of that other. The “other” narrative. This project WhiletheformerallowedHindutvatoevolve coterminous with the social sphere in its en-
stands a good chance of pushing its point home, without rancour, and build a better re- is most often identified in terms of followers into a social universe dedicated to the propa- tirety. For the RSS, the awkward relationship
ofChristianityandIslam.Inthissense,theidea involves an unprecedented gationofitsviews—auniversethatwouldre- with Narendra Modi notwithstanding, the
lationship with its neighbour.
of “we” acquires strength from exclusion homogenisation of place pre-existing social organisations when Modi period has offered a golden moment
rather than inclusion. traditions and practices in a opportune power equations would emerge, precisely at a time when Hindutva has al-
Overtime,besidesparochialandreligion- the presence of its supporters in all walks of readypenetratedthesocialsphere.Thisisbe-
manner that disconnects
AN UNCERTAIN OUTLOOK based nationalism, Hindutva has also sought
to redefine the meaning of being a Hindu.
those traditions from their
local meanings and reference
continue to penetrate the mainstream and
gain slow legitimacy.
cause, now, under state tutelage, Hindutva
candeclareitsversionof Hindureligionasthe
official version and can preside over the so-
as pan-Hindu. Since the Ram Janmabhoomi points, converting them into Thus, while it continued to have sympa- cialspherewherecompetingviewswillhave
Economic indicators point towards slower growth momentum. movement,aneffortwasundertakentoiden- thisers in the media, among Congress politi- no elbow room.
regional cogs and facilitating
This might tilt balance away from status quo on interest rates tifyaparticularideaofLordRamasthecoreof cians, judges and bureaucrats, RSS also made
beingHindu.Geographicallyandacrosssocial the construction of a new, sure that it would be ready with an alterna- The writer, based in Pune,
N RECENT WEEKS, commentary from the Reserve Bank of India has been opti-
hierarchies,LordRammayhavehaddifferent all-India idea of the Hindu. tivesocialspherethroughitsownmedia,think taught Political Science
mistic about the economic growth momentum in the country, underlining its re-
silience. For instance, in his comments on the October meeting of the Monetary
Policy Committee, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das, had said that the “fundamental
drivers — consumption and investment demand — are gaining momentum”. The cen-
OLD FRIENDS, BOOKENDS the agriculture and animal sectors. AMR can
setbackgainsmadeinthetreatmentof infec-
healthcare costs of up to
$1 trillion by 2050 and GDP
losses per year ranging from
tential to cause AMR. All countries will be
and waste management services in health-
has mapped existing surveillance pro-
In the age of virtual connections, the promise of old-school astheeliminationofTBormalariaonaccount care facilities and 90 per cent of them must sion also aims to plug gaps. The UN mandate
of the emergence of multiple drug-resistant US$ 1-3.4 trillion by 2030. meettheminimumrequirementsforWHO’s isanopportunitytorefineandreshapeIndia’s
real-life friendships — to never be adrift This translates to annual
strains. It also makes common procedures Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) pro- AMR activities.
AN YOU IMAGINE us years from today/ Sharing a park bench quietly?/ How such as surgeries or cancer chemotherapies costs being as large as those grammes. Other commitments include in-
riskier and more expensive. The drivers and vestmentstofacilitateequitableaccesstoand The writer is professor, Centre of Social
terribly strange to be 70!” sang Simon and Garfunkel in 1968, in ‘Old Friends’.
consequences of AMR are exacerbated by
of the 2008 global financial appropriateuseof antimicrobialsandreport- Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal
Thereis somethingto be saidfor the constancyof old friends,thosewho have poverty and inequality, affecting low- and crisis and could widen the ingsurveillancedataonantimicrobialuseand Nehru University, New Delhi and co-
seen the many versions of the person one has been and could potentially be. middle-incomecountriesdisproportionately. inequality between nations. AMRacrosssectors.Theagri-foodsectorisre- investigator, One Health Poultry Hub
Held one’s hair as one threw up in the loo after a wild night out, nursed one’s broken
heart, careful not to roll their eyes and say, “I told you so”. Friends who stood one step be-
hind like faithful shadows through marriage, childbirth, bereavements and milestones,
knowing the script of each others’ lives more intimately than families ever can, even as
youth slips into middle age into dotage. OCTOBER 23, 1984, FORTY YEARS AGO
What does it mean to be friends like these? Six friends walk into a pub. And they do
so every Thursday for 56 years to share a pint and their lives. In these years, their hair has PAK ARMS CONCERN peaceoftheregion,andcalledforurgentsteps
to save mankind from any nuclear holocaust.
Haryana,andSyedMirQasim,oneof thesen-
ior leaders of Bahuguna’s erstwhile
turned to the colour of winter. The conversations have veered from their love livesto their
flagging health, from soccer to pensions. In this age of virtual connections, the story of THEINDIANGOVERNMENTconveyeditscon- During the informal talks that President Zail DemocraticSocialistParty,willbethetwovice
cern to the United States over the report that Singh had with the Mauritian Governor- presidents of the party.
this six-decade-long friendship in the UK’s Yorkshire, reported by the BBC, speaks of the
Washingtonwaslikelytosupplynewsophis- GeneralSirSeewoosagurRamgoolam,thetwo
and family take precedence.
ticated weapons to Pakistan. India’s concern
countries reaffirmed their commitment to
non-alignment and peaceful coexistence.
Asinlife,soinfilmsandliterature,friendshipshavedriftedtocentrestagesparingly,the MKRasgotra’stalkswiththevisitingAssistant RESIDENTS OF DELHI Cantonment and
dramaoffortuitousmeetingsandlifelongconnectionsplayingsecondfiddletoromanticre- Secretary of State Richard Murphy.
CHARAN HEADS DMKP Narainavillagearethreatenedwithepidemic
millennialNormalPeople(2018),if there’sanythingthecomplicatedyetliberating,solidyet INDIA-MAURITIUS TALKS CHARAN SINGH FORMALLY became the
Presidentof thenewlyformedDalitMazdoor
in the area. Chief engineer of the Delhi Water
amorphous world of friendships have shown, it is this: That there is something to be said
INDIAANDMAURITIUSsharedtheircommon Kisan Party (DMKP) and appointed H N Swamy has sent an emergency telegram to
for the largehearted generosity of those who have your back, for the quiet reassurance of concern over the stockpiling of nuclear arms BahugunaasChairmanof theparty’selection theexecutiveofficeroftheDelhiCantonment
growing old together, discovering new eccentricities and feeling secure in the knowledge by the superpowers and increased military campaign Committee to be nominated later. Board asking him to arrange for alternative
of old ones. For friendship promises one thing — the assurance that you’ll never be adrift. activity in the Indian Ocean, threatening the Devi Lal, a former Janata Party leader from supply lines within seven days.
SC child marriage verdict is welcome. It shouldn’t lead to wrongful penalisation LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Audrey Dmello and Flavia Agnes PEACE NEEDS WORK litical understanding is not limited to
This refers to the editorial, ‘A fragile parties tend to treat Dalits, Adivasis and
ON OCTOBER 18, a Supreme Court Bench 1929. Before this, we had the Age of Consent ily and community are aligned, PCMA is sel- informed the court that she had consented peace’ (IE, October 22). The latest terror OBCs as a block, too. This has been
comprising Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud Act, of 1891. dom used. Young girls are unable to stand to the marriage. strikeinKashmir,timedtocoincidewith proventobeanineffectivestrategyelec-
and Justices J B Pardiwala and Manoj Misra Almost 150 years later, India has one in up to family and societal pressure and sup- A void marriage is when a child under the installation of a newly-elected gov- tion after election. And now, the
delivered an extensive judgment highlight- three of the world’s child brides. Of the port systems offered by the state are not ho- 18 years has been “taken” or “enticed” away ernment,wasmeanttocautionallstake- Supreme Court, by allowing sub-classi-
ing the alarming scale of child marriages in country’s 223 million child brides, 102 mil- listic or adequate. from their lawful guardian and married off. holders that terrorism in the Valley was fication of SCs, has made it clear that
India despite the enactment of the lion were married before turning 15. In Child marriages are not limited to those The marriage is treated like it never existed. far from over. It was a clear indication some SCs are more marginalised than
Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (PCMA) 2006, child marriages in India made up 47 carried out under parental pressure; they A voidable marriage on the other hand is that terrorists and their Pakistan-based others. The challenge is: How do these
18 years ago. Even though it took the Bench per cent of all marriages — almost half of all include marriages by minors against valid until the child approaches the court to handlers intend to intensify and sustain communities get their due?
seven years, the verdict has elaborate girls in India were married before the age parental wishes. “Should both these kinds “nullify the marriage up to two years after militancy while leaving ambers of dis- L R Murmu, New Delhi
guidelines for the effective implementa- of 18, as per the National Family Health of marriages be treated alike?” the Delhi attaining majority”.The states of Karnataka ruption and destabilisation burning in
tion of PCMA.
It starts by quoting Rukhmabai’s plea to
Survey. The prevalence has halved since the
enactment of the PCMA. In some states,
High Court had probed in Jitender Kumar
Sharma v State (2010). When minors exer-
(2016) and Haryana (2020), through state-
specific amendments, have made all child
challenge to the new administration.
the Bombay High Court in 1884, “Sir, I am however, it still exceeds 40 per cent, with cise their choice to marry against their par- marriages void ab initio (void from the be- Since law and order now come within THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘A terror at-
one of those unfortunate Hindu women, the highest rates found in West Bengal, ent’s wishes, the tables are turned and ginning). A National Coalition for the jurisdiction of the state’s Lieutenant tack,manysignals’(IE,October22).New
whose hard lot it is to suffer the unname- Bihar and Tripura (UNICEF report). The PCMA is promptly used against them to de- Advocating Adolescent Concerns study Governor,whoisalsooverseeingbroader Delhi has repeatedly made it clear that
able miseries entailed by the custom of problem is worse in rural India as compared clare their marriage void. highlighted the disruptive impact this has anti-terrorism operations, both author- talkscannotberesumedunlessPakistan
early marriage. This wicked practice has to urban areas, with 56 and 29 per cent Courts have given contradictory opin- had and the plight of child brides in ities should collaborate in launching a turnsofftheterrortap.Itisnocoincidence
destroyed the happiness of my life.” prevalence respectively. ions in such cases. In Yunus Khan v State of Karnataka: “What will be the legal status of multifaceted campaign to liberate that the attack took place in Ganderbal,
Rukhmabai refused to join her husband Poverty is the dominant cause of child Haryana (2014), a 16-year-old girl got mar- the girls, their children, their right to matri- Kashmir from the scourge of terror. the constituency of J&K’s new CM Omar
and declared that she would subject her- marriages. Families see it as a way to cope ried against her parents’ wishes. Her father monial property, etc? How will the law Kamal Laddha, Bengaluru Abdullah.Clearly,Pakistan-backedterror
self to the maximum penalty under the with growing economic hardship. Often, filed a case of kidnapping against her hus- tackle abandonment and destitution of girls groupsaresendingamessage—aftertar-
law, rather than live with her husband. The
matter was finally settled between the par-
younger siblings are married along with
the elder ones to save expenses.
band and a writ before the High Court seek-
ing her custody. The girl stated that she had
especially when husbands take advantage
of the void status to re-marry?”
A BIGGER PROBLEM geting the Jammu region in recent
months — that the remarkably peaceful
ties, and Rukhmabai went on to become Displacement breaks down social net- married out of her own free will, and the While the guidelines set out by the THISREFERSTOthearticle,‘Neithervic- pollsintheUTcouldnothavetakenplace
one of the first practising women doctors in works and protection systems, making courts held the marriage valid and not void. Supreme Court are commendable, one will tim nor villain’ (IE, October 22). The without the Pakistan military establish-
colonial India. young girls even more vulnerable. However, in the case of Amrinder Kaur and have to observe their implementation on the writerhascorrectlypointedoutthatop- ment’stacitagreement.OmarAbdullah's
Child marriage is an offence punishable The strong emphasis on the sexual pu- Others v State of Punjab (2015), when the ground. The fact that SC is cognisant of the position parties have fallen prey to the condemnationofthekillingsascowardly
with rigorous imprisonment — which may rity and virginity of brides ensures parents family of the 16-year-old girl opposed the impact that criminalisation has on girls, their RSS-BJP narrative of considering isapositivesign.Unlikeinthepastwhen
extend up to two years — or with a fine of up marry their daughters early. The fear that marriage as the boy was from a different families and communities and has empha- Muslimsaunifiedpoliticalblock—ano- mainstreampartyleadersmaintainedsi-
to Rs 1 lakh, or both, on whoever performs, young girls may be sexually abused, or caste, the Punjab and Haryana High Court sised that these guidelines prioritise preven- tion amplified, to some extent, by lence or blamed the Union government,
conducts, directs or abets child marriage. worse still, engage in consensual sexual ac- held the marriage void on the ground that tion before protection and protection before Muslim fundamentalists too. There are the country must now proactively pre-
Offences under the Act are cognisable and tivity, is daunting. There is also the deep- the girl was a minor and that the man had penalisation, is a welcome relief. differences and disparities within pare for a long battle against terrorism.
non-bailable. The marriage is voidable ex- rooted belief that a daughter’s marriage is a enticed and kidnapped her. In this case, it Muslimsociety.However,thislackofpo- S S Paul, Nadia
cept in certain cases. The PCMA of 2006 re- religious obligation that needs to be fulfilled was the couple who had approached the Dmello is director and Agnes
placed the Child Marriage Restraint Act of above all else. In these cases, since the fam- court to obtain police protection and the girl is founder, Majlis
Ukraine’s prosecutor general Andriy Kostin said Tuesday he had resigned, in the wake of a domestic scan-
dal where dozens of officials are alleged to have abused their position to receive disability status and avoid
military service. Kostin's office has recently been rocked by allegations against dozens of local officials.
Gaza shadow over polls, Trump seeks ALSO ON TABLE: ISRAEL PLAN AGAINST IRAN
conspiracies to voters
structiongiantOdebrecht, Donald Trump insists that namics were reversed when tweenIsraelandHamas,Blinken
which became synony- none of this would have hap- Harristoldreportersthatthe“first was making his 11th trip to the
mous with corruption pened on his watch and that he andmosttragicstory”of thecon- Middle East since the Gaza war At the site of an Israeli airstrike in a densely-populated
across Latin America, can make it all go away if elected. flict was the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. erupted - and the last before a neighborhood in southern Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday. AP
where it paid millions of Both of them are bidding for Trump, meanwhile, in recent REUTERS Republicans presidential election that could
dollarsinbribestogovern- the votes of Arab and Muslim days has participated in inter- PENNSYLVANIA, OCTOBER 22 vote early upend US policy.
ment officials and American voters and Jewish vot- views with Saudi-owned Al- Blinken was also looking for release of all hostages and end-
others.Authoritiesaccused ers,particularlyinextremelytight ArabiyaandLebaneseoutletMTV, FOR FOUR days billionaire Elon WITH FORMER President ways to defuse an escalating ing the conflict in Gaza in a way
Toledo of accepting $35 races in the battle- where he promised Musk toured Pennsylvania, put- Donald Trump's encour- spillover conflict between Israel that provides lasting security for FBIPROBESLEAKOF
million in bribes from
ground states of
Michigan and
tobringaboutpeace ting his money and fame into
andsaid“thingswill helping Republican Donald
agement, Republicans are
voting early again, flocking
and the Iran-backed militant
group Hezbollah in Lebanon,
Israelis and Palestinians alike,"
the US State Department said in
allowing the construction Pennsylvania. turn out very well” Trump's campaign to take back to the polls for in-person where overnight at least 18 peo- a statement. In a statement is- Washington: The FBI said
of a highway.Toledo has Harris over the in Lebanon. the White House in November. voting ahead of Election ple were killed, including four sued by his office, Netanyahu Tuesday that it is investigat-
denied the accusations weekend alter- In a post on his Musk made a string of false Day and helping break children, and 60 injured by an said Sinwar's elimination “may ingtheunauthorisedrelease
against him. His attorney, nately drew praise RACE FOR social media plat- claimsaboutelectionfraud,echo- records for ballots cast be- Israeli airstrike near Beirut's have a positive effect on the re- of classified documents on
RobertoSiu,toldreporters and criticism over form,hepredicteda ing those made by Trump. fore November in key main state hospital. turnof thehostages,theachieve- Israel's preparation for a po-
afterthehearingthatthey her comments THE WHITE Harris presidency Musk shocked a crowd of states. The GOP hopes this Blinkenfacedanuphillstrug- ment of all the goals of the war, tential retaliatory attack on
will appeal the sentence. about a pro- HOUSE would only make roughly1,500atanondenomina- will fix a mechanical gleonbothfronts.Hespelledout and the day after the war”. But Iran. White House national
Toledo, 78, was first ar- Palestinian pro- matters in the tionalchurchinthePennsylvania problem that some in the US hopes that the death of there was no mention of a pos- security spokesman John
restedin2019athishome tester. Some took Mideast worse. “If capitalof HarrisburgonSaturday party blame for costing it Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar — sible ceasefire. Kirby said Monday that the
inCalifornia. Hewasextra- Harris’remarkthattheprotester’s Kamala gets four more years, the when he announced he was giv- the 2020 presidential blamed for triggering a year of Hezbollah announced Biden administration is still
dited to Peru in 2022 after concerns were “real” to be an ex- Middle East will spend the next ingaway$1million.Thefirstwin- elections. devastating warfare by planning dozens of attacks against Israeli not certain if the classified
acourtofappealsdenieda pression of agreement with his four decades going up in flames, nerwasJohnDreher,whorushed the deadly militant assault from targets on Tuesday, including information was leaked or
challenge. AP description of Israel’s conduct as and your kids will be going off to to the stage in a signature red Gaza on Israeli territory on Oct. what it said were Israeli military hacked. The FBI confirmed
“genocide.”Thatdrewsharpcon- War, maybe even a Third World MAGA cap. On Sunday, Musk you know, I think they’re used in 7 last year — will provide a new sites near Haifa and Tel Aviv. theinvestigation for the first
demnation from Israel’s former War, something that will never awardedanother$1millioncheck Philadelphia and in Maricopa opportunity for peace. Beforethetalks,aseniorState time on Tuesday. Marked
ambassador to the US, Michael happen with President Donald J. to Kristine Fishell. County(Arizona),butnotinalotof "The Secretary underscored DepartmentofficialsaidBlinken top secret, the documents
UNITED STATES Oren. But Harris’ campaign said Trumpin charge,” Trumpposted. “There'salwaysasortofques- other places." the need to capitalise on Israel's wouldalsoaddressIsrael'santic- first appeared online Friday
Iranofficial that while the vice president was “For our Country’s sake, and for tionoflike,say,theDominionvot- Dominion clarifiedtheydon't
agreeingmoregenerallyaboutthe yourkids,VoteTrumpforPEACE!” ing machines. It is weird that the, operate in Philadelphia.
successful action to bring Yahya
Sinwar to justice by securing the
ipated retaliation for an October
1 ballistic missile attack by Iran.
on Telegram. AP
US murderplot
Ex-Abercrombie CEO Pakistan plans Son of Singapore
founder says he
New York: An official with artificial rain as
has been charged in a plot
Mike Jeffries indicted Lahore declared is now political
author on US soil, accord-
ing to a rewritten indict-
ment filed on Tuesday.
for sex trafficking world’s most
polluted city
refugee in UK
Ruhollah Bazghandi and PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
three other men were REUTERS Indictment SINGAPORE, OCTOBER 22
chargedintheupdatedin- FLORIDA, OCTOBER 22 says Jeffries PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
dictmentagainstthoseac- paid for LAHORE, OCTOBER 22 LEE HSIEN YANG, the youngest
cused of trying to kill MIKE JEFFRIES, the former chief dozens of son of the founder of modern
MasihAlinejad.Bazghandi executiveofAbercrombie&Fitch, men to meet PAKISTAN PUNJAB province on Singapore,thelateLeeKuanYew,
is not in custody. The has been indicted on sex traffick- him for sex Tuesday said it has planned arti- said on Tuesday that he is now a
Iranianoppositionactivist ing and prostitution involving ficialrainstomitigatetheimpact political
andjournalisthasbeenliv- dozens of men. of thesmogafterLahorefacedan refugee in the
ing in exile in New York Thechargeswereunveiledon Italy, Morocco, Saint Barthelemy alarming Air Quality Index (AQI) UK after seek-
City. Her identity is not in Tuesday,adecadeafterJeffriesleft and elsewhere, in the hope it of 394. It would be the second ing asylum
court papers, but she con- the retailer he built over 22 years would advance their careers. time that Lahore, the cultural protection
firmed to the AP that she into a popular clothing brand Relying on their “vast” finan- capitalof Pakistanandoneof the from the
was the intended target. knownforsexuallychargedmar- cial resources and Jeffries' power citiesto regularly faceworst pol- Britishgovern-
Alinejad fled Iran follow- keting. Jeffries, his partner atAbercrombie,JeffriesandSmith lution, would carry out cloud Protesters gather to demand the resignation of President Mohammed Shahabuddin after ment “as a last
ingthecountry’sdisputed Matthew Smith, and a third de- ran a business “dedicated to ful- seeding for artificial rain. his comments that he had no documents proving that former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resort”. “I re- Lee Hsien
2009presidentialelection. fendant James Jacobson, who al- fillingtheirsexualdesiresanden- Thefirsttimeitwasdonewas had resigned before fleeing the country, in Dhaka on Tuesday. AP main a Yang
Bazghandi is described in legedlyservedasarecruiter,were suringthattheirinternationalsex in December 2023 that cloud Singapore citi-
courtpapersasabrigadier each charged with one count of trafficking and prostitution busi- seedingwasdoneforcombating zen and hope
general who served as sextraffickingand15countsofin- ness was kept secret, thereby hazardous levels of smog and COMMENTS ON SHEIKH HASINA’S RESIGNATION PAPERS that someday it will become safe
variantfound China turns up heat on tants in the air and an AQI above
100 is consideredunhealthyand
have any documentary evidence
of Hasina resigning as PM before
under the banner of Shadhinota-
Shorbobhoumotto Rokkha
2022 "as a last resort".
Lee Hsien Yang and his sister
Indian weather and climate. Countries are currently meeting in Cali, Colombia, for the 16th Conference of Parties to the Convention on
ANJALI MARAR “Wehavecertainnewideas...Withina
BENGALURU, OCTOBER 22 controlled environment, wherein we can Biological Diversity, which aims to protect global biodiversity and restore natural ecosystems
THE GOVERNMENT’S Mission Mausam, vectiveconditions,andotherparameters, ant fish, some of which may be beneficial for
launched last month, aims to not just im- weplantomonitorandunderstandclouds medical, commercial, or scientific reasons.
proveweather forecasting but also ‘man- toarriveathigh-levelscientificfindingson This also fits in with COP16 discussions,
age’ certain weather events — including howmonsooncloudsbehave,”saidThara where the sharing of benefits from common
enhancing or suppressing phenomena Prabhakaran, senior IITM scientist and an genetic resources is expected to figure
such as rainfall, hail and fog. expert in cloud physics. prominently. Back in 2010, at COP10, coun-
Doing so would require India to im- Over the next 18-24 months, the tries had finalised an Access and Benefit
prove its cloud physics research. To that Indian team will focus on developing Sharing mechanism, also called the Nagoya
end,afirst-of-its-kindcloudchamberwill complex and highly advanced instru- Protocol, that lay down the general princi-
be established at the Indian Institute of mentation and probes that will be de- Amitabh Sinha ples of the rights and claims of countries on
Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune. ployed once the chamber is ready. The their bio-resources and rules for their com-
civil construction of the chamber will AHEAD OF the annual climate change meet- mercial utilisation.
What is a cloud chamber? happen in the coming months. ing, scheduled in Baku, Azerbaijan, this year At COP16, countries are negotiating the
A cloud chamber resembles a closed “We will need highly advanced in- from November 11, countries are currently sharing of benefits from the use of genetic
cylindrical or tubular drum, inside which strumentation backup, capable of mon- assembled in the Colombian city of Cali for informationof plantsandorganismsthathas
water vapour, aerosols, etc. are injected. itoring the minute properties of the con- the UN Biodiversity Conference that takes been made possible by advances in modern
Underdesiredhumidityandtemperature ditions under investigation. We will also place every two years. science. The genetic sequences, stored digi-
conditions, a cloud can develop inside have to perform seed particle injection The Convention on Biological Diversity tally,arecommerciallylucrative,andareused
tists to study the seed particles that form
into the chamber, which will offer us a
scenario tolookatdifferentenvironmen-
(CBD) came out of the same 1992 Rio Earth
Summit that gave rise to the UN Framework
EXTENT OF THE THREAT TO NATURAL ECOSYSTEMS bycorporationsformakingavarietyof items,
including high-yield crops, beauty products
cloud droplets or ice particles.
Many countries have basic cloud
tal conditions,” Prabhakaran added. Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
CBD aims to protect global biodiversity, re- 1 million hectares of forests are being lost
every year currently
or medicines.
COP16 is expected to deliver some deci-
chambers with limited functionalities to How can weather be ‘modified’? store natural ecosystems, and ensure that The number of species that are at risk sions on how these digital sequences can be
perform specific studies. With Mission
Mausam, India is building a cloud cham-
on cloud seeding, which helps generate
benefits from the world’s biological re-
sources are equitably distributed.
of extinction in the next few decades
1.44% used, who can use them, and what a fair and
equitable mechanism for sharing of profits
ber with convection properties, as is re-
quired to study Indian monsoon clouds.
rain. Under the Cloud Aerosol Interaction
and Precipitation Enhancement
This year’s meeting — the 16th
Conference of Parties to CBD, or COP16 — is 75 % only of the high seas is demarcated as
protected area. Almost all of this is
near Antarctica.
would be, particularly for the indigenous
populations who might have been the orig-
Understandingcloudphysicsinvolves Experiment(CAIPEEX)programme,trials the first after a landmark agreement on bio- of world’s land is significantly altered inal owners of the bioresource.
the study of cloud behaviour during nor- were done over a limited geographical diversity was finalised two years ago. This
mal and extreme conditions, intra-parti-
cle interactions inside a cloud, and the
area along the rain-shadow regions of
agreement, the Kunming-Montreal Global
Biodiversity Framework that was concluded
400 million 75-199 mt* Question of finance
Like in climate change negotiations, fi-
formation of rain droplets and ice parti- 2018.Suchregionswitnesslittlerainfall,as at COP15 in Montreal in 2022, lay down four hectares of forests were lost between Estimated volume of plastics in the nance is crucial in CBD discussions as well.
cles, among others. Establishing a con- they lie along the mountain side facing goals and 23 targets to be achieved collec- 1990 and 2020, and about 10 million world’s oceans *million tonnes One of the 23 goals of the Kunming-
vective cloud chamber can improve the away from moisture-laden winds. tively by 2030. Montreal Framework is to mobilise at least
understanding of cloud physics under Analysis of the experiments sug- These include the so-called 30 x 30 tar- EXTINCTIONRATEOFSPECIESISNOW100TO1,000TIMESFASTERTHANNORMAL $200 billion per year by the year 2030, from
conditions commonly affecting Indian gested that under suitable conditions, gets — a commitment to put at least 30% of all sources, for spending onbiodiversity con-
weather systems. This knowledge can be cloud seeding was an effective strategy the world’s lands and oceans, especially bio- tracks over the last three decades, their in- NBSAPs. Many more are likely to do so dur- servation. Out of this, developed countries
used for planning weather modification. for enhancing rainfall. Rainfall could be diversity rich areas, under conservation by terlinkages are becoming increasingly evi- ing COP16. mustprovideatleast$20billioneveryyearto
enhanced by up to 46%. However, it has 2030, and to initiate restoration work in at dent. This has resulted in a growing conver- The High Seas Treaty, also known as the developing countries to support their biodi-
How will scientists use the chamber? been widely recognised that cloud seed- least 30%of degradedlandormarineecosys- genceinthegoalsandoutcomesof thesetwo agreement on Biodiversity Beyond National versity-related work.
With the establishment of a convec- ing is not a silver bullet to address rain- tems by 2030. negotiations. JurisdictionsorBBNJ,whichwasfinalisedlast This money has to increase to at least $30
tive cloud chamber, scientists will have fall problems. The discussions under CBD, which have year as a separate international agreement billion every year by 2030. Ways and means
the flexibility to tailor physical and at- been extremely low-profile in comparison Momentum for 30 x 30 to maintain the ecological health of oceans, to mobilise these financial resources is one
mospheric parameters to suit environ- (Anjali Marar is a science communicator to climate change negotiations so far, are One of the main objectives of COP16 is to was a major step forward in meeting the 30 of the main items on the agenda at COP16.
mental requirements that influence at Raman Research Institute, Bangalore) slowly gaininginprominencebecauseof the expedite progress on the 30 x 30 targets x 30 targets. Countries are also supposed to ensure
growing realisation of the severity of the is- which are the most immediate. Under the One of the objectives of the High Seas that perverse incentives or subsidies that are
sue, and the implications of it being left un- Kunming-Montreal Framework, each coun- Treatyistodemarcateprotectedareasinbio- harmful for biodiversity are phased out,
addressed. try is supposed to prepare andsubmit action diversity-rich parts of the oceans — just like eliminated, or repurposed. These can be in-
your go-to institute for VAJIRAM & RAVI The climate crisis and the threat to biodi- plans to halt and reverse biodiversity loss national parks or wildlife reserves on land — centives that allow over-fishing, encourage
Institute for IAS Examination
versity are closely linked — both are caused within their jurisdiction. wherehumanactivitiescanberegulatedand deforestation, or subsidise the use of fossil
general studies preparation by indiscriminate extraction of natural re- These National Biodiversity Strategies restricted. fuels. Under the Kunming-Montreal
sources, over-consumption, and unsustain- and Action Plans, or NBSAPs, are similar to Framework, such measures should scale up
able human activities. The two crises also theNationally Determined Contributions, or Shared genetic resources to at least $500 billion by 2030.
"!"# feed off each other. Climate change has been NDCs, that countries have to submit under Another goal of the High Seas treaty is to CountriesatCOP16arealsoexpectedtodis-
expediting the loss of biodiversity, while the2015ParisAgreementonclimatechange, ensure that the benefits from exploitation of cussthepossibilityofsettingupabiodiversity
changes in land and oceans have been con- mentioning their time-bound goals and ac- geneticresourcesintheoceansoutsideof na- fund,newfinancemechanisms,andbiodiver-
tributing to global warming. tions being taken. tional boundaries of countries, are equitably sity credits on the lines of carbon credits.
&% &$&' %( &$&' &$&'
While climate change and biodiversity So far, only 32 countries out of the total distributedamongall.Oceanshostamassive LONGER VERSION ON
discussions have taken place on separate 196 parties to CBD, have submitted their variety of life forms from tiny microbes to gi-
Hosting the BRICS summit: why Kazan in Tatarstan matters in Putin’s Russia
theRussianpeople,thelargestSlavicethnic tal of the Republic of Tatarstan, the home- brought Tatarstan under Muscovite control
ARJUN SENGUPTA group, who speak Russian as their mother Finland land of the Tatar people, the second largest in1552. Themosquewasrebuilt with Saudi
NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 22 tongue. Since most ethnic Russians are ethnic group in the country after Russians. and UAE help in 2005.
Baltic Sea
Orthodox Christians, religion too has been RUSSIA The Tatars are a predominantly Muslim
PRIMEMINISTERNarendraModiisinRussia centraltotheimaginationof whoisRussian. Turkic ethnic group with their own lan- Tatars under Putin
for the 16th BRICS summit, which China’s But this definition does not capture the Moscow guage and distinct culture. President Putin has sought to play a bal-
President Xi Jinping and South Africa’s socio-cultural diversity of the world’s The population of Kazan is split roughly ancing game in his dealings with Russia’s
President Cyril Ramaphosa are also attend- largest country. Sprawled from Finland to Belarus KAZAN equally among ethnic Russians (48.6%) and ethnic minorities.
ing,besidesthehost,PresidentVladimirPutin. its west to Alaska to its east, Russia is a Poland ethnic Tatars (47.6%). This makes Kazan a He has tried hard to incorporate ethnic
The host city, Kazan, is among Russia’s transcontinental, multi-ethnic giant strad- Ukraine symbol of the kind of nation Russia is grad- minorities into the mainstream, reconcile
largest and wealthiest cities, dling Europe and Asia, and all ually evolving into: a blend of Europe and differences,andchampionedanationalism
deriving its prosperity from a
robust petrochemicals and
EXPLAINED but touching America.
More than 80 per cent of
Theskylineof Kazan,showing the
famousKulSharif Mosque. Reuters
Asia,ameltingpotof diverseethnicitiesand
that promotes the greatness of Russia, not
military industry, as well as a GLOBAL its population is ethnic Commentators have noted evidence of sionist sentiments with an iron hand, as his
fast-growing information Russian, but it also comprises Kazan’s diversity in the neighbourhood of approach towards the Chechens showed.
technology sector. In 2009, it was branded as many as 193 ethnic groups and 21 na- among Muslim ethnicities (2.3), and the ulation decline, Russia is expected to allow the city kremlin, the fortified complex that Putin’spersecutionofCrimeanTatarsfol-
Russia’s third capital after Moscow and the tionalrepublics, which are home tospecific share of Muslim ethnic minorities in more migration, with the bulk of new mi- liesattheheart of many Russian cities.Next lowing the 2014 annexation of Crimea, and
cultural capital St Petersburg. Kazan is also ethnicminorities.Theminoritygroupshave Russia's population could, in coming grants being Muslims belonging to Turkic totheofficialbuildingsstandstheOrthodox the devolution of powers and status from
one of the country’s cities of the future — in been historically sidelined and repressed decades, triple from the current 10%. and Asiatic ethnic groups. Annunciation Cathedral and the Kul Sharif the leader of Tatarstan in 2021 have been
the sense that it already anticipates some by the ethnic Russian majority. Besides becoming ethnically less Mosque — among the largest in Europe — sore points. Bringing the BRICS summit to
of thesignificantdemographicchangesthat But this could be about to change. The Russian and religiously more diverse, East & West city withitsdistinctivewhitetilesandturquoise Kazan has been seen as a conciliatory step.
are contributing to Russia’s evolving na- proportion of ethnic Russians and Slavs in Russia’s population will likely also be Kazan is especially relevant to this dis- dome and minarets. Moscow and Tatarstan spent more than
tional identity. the population has been declining, and this smaller. Official data published last month cussion on Russia’s demography. Located Originallybuiltintheearly16thcentury, 8billionrubles($80million)oncityrenova-
trend will likely accelerate. The birth rate showed the country recorded its lowest roughly 900 km to the east of Moscow at Kul Sharif was burnt down by Ivan the tion projects in the lead-up to “the largest
Russia and Russian among ethnic Russians (1.3 children per birth rate since 1999 in the first six months the confluence of the rivers Volga and Terrible during the Siege of Kazan, which foreign policy event ever held” in Russia,
The country Russia is the homeland of woman) is significantly lower than that of 2024, Reuters reported. To offset the pop- Kazanka, this city of 1.2 million is the capi- led to the fall of the Khanate of Kazan and Russian media have reported.
Gujarat-based journalist Langa now booked 24-year-old from remote ports—two within Saudi Arabia
and one to Doha.
threats have forced a few flight
diversions, strict post-landing
village cracks Odisha civils: According to sources, security checks and screenings.
SENSEX: 80,220.72 ▼ 930.55 (1.15%) NIFTY: 24,472.10 ▼ 309 (1.25%) NIKKEI: 38,411.96 ▼ 542.64 HANG SENG: 20,498.95 ▼ 20.49 FTSE: 8,271.72 ▼ 46.52 DAX: 19,425.41 ▼ 35.78
International market data till 1900 IST
The latest Adani move is set from BK Birla group. cr in December 2014 for an enterprise value of Cement Ltd at an equity systems,AirIndia’sChiefDigital& tions,Vistarahadmadeamarkfor
to intensify the competition be- Rs 5,000 crore in August value of Rs 8,100 crore from Technology Officer Satya itself as the premier full-service
tween the Adanis and the Aditya 2023. CK Birla group in Ramaswamy said Tuesday. carrier in India that offered a su-
Birla group for supremacy in the October 2024 “The significant effort is to
Focusareas perior product in a market domi-
■ Ambuja Cements forsystems
cement sector. UltraTech comprehensivelyaddressVistara natedbybudgetcarriers.Withthe
Cement of Aditya Birla group re- customers’ experience across all ● migration Tata group deciding to merge
cently acquired 32.72 per cent digital systems post merger,” Vistara into the group’s flagship
stake in India Cement for Rs Ramaswamy said in a select me- THE KEY focus areas for airline Air India—which the Tatas
3,945 crore from N Srinivasan dia briefing at the Air India head- systems migration—being acquiredfromthegovernmentin
and family. quarters in Gurugram. seen as the backbone of January 2022—there were con-
Both the groups were on an All customers who were the merger from a cus- cernsaboutVistara’sproductand
acquisition spree in the cement Ambuja’s acquisition,” said cent on the bourses on Tuesday. sharpen its focus on consumer sion from MPPGCL, Madhya booked on Vistara flights sched- tomer, operations, and service quality after the merger.
sector in the last three years. Karan Adani, Director of Ambuja “OCL’s assets are highly effi- centric, technology driven and Pradesh for setting up a uled for or after November 12— employee point of view— Under government control,
Ambuja will acquire 46.8 per Cements. cient, equipped with railway service-based businesses.” Grinding Unit within the prem- the prescribed date for the include reservation trans- Air India was under financial
cent shares of OCL from its cur- By acquiring OCL, Ambuja is sidings and well supported by OCL has 5.6 MTPA clinker ca- ises of Satpura Thermal Power merger—have been intimated fers, loyalty account trans- stress, and this reflected in its
rent promoters and certain pub- poised to reach 100 MTPA (mil- captive power plants, renewable pacity and 8.5 MTPA cement ca- Plant. Both these complement about the changes in bookings, fers, financial accounts productandservicequality,which
lic shareholders. The acquisition lion tonnes per annum) cement energy, WHRS and AFR facilities. pacity along with statutory the Adani Group’s existing ce- which have now been moved to integrity, aircraft and crew was seen as below the standards
will be fully funded through in- capacity in FY25. The acquisition OCL’s strategic locations, high- clearance to increase the clinker ment footprint, Ambuja Cement AirIndia.Ramaswamyaddedthat transfers, employee pay- expected from a full-service car-
ternal accruals. will help to expand Adani quality limestone reserves and capacity by another 6.0 MTPA said. nearly numerous systems have roll integration, airport rier.Whilethenow-privatisedair-
While UltraTech was also in Cement’s presence in core mar- requisite statutory approvals and cement capacity by another OCL has recently commis- beenintegratedandnearlyallwill systems integration, and line has undertaken a mammoth
talks to buy OCL, the Adanis fi- kets and improve its pan-India present an opportunity to in- 8.1 MTPA. In addition, OCL also sioned a WHRS in Chittapur IU be done by November 12. There flight schedule continuity, fleet modernisation and expan-
nally managed to clinch the market share by 2 per cent, the crease cement capacity in the has a limestone mining lease in and is in the final stage of com- areover140systemsthatneeded among others. sion plan, it still has a large num-
deal. “This timed acquisition Adani firm said. On the other near term to 16.6 MTPA,” Adani Chittorgarh for setting up an missioning 16 MW solar in tobemigratedfortheenlargedAir ber of legacy aircraft that are in a
marks another significant step hand, UltraTech’s cement capac- said. Integrated Unit (IU) with clinker Chittapur and 3.7 MW solar in India to operate seamlessly after passengers will be maintained rundown state.
forward in Ambuja Cements’ ac- ity is at 146 MTPA. CK Birla, Chairman of Orient of 4 MTPA and a split Grinding Jalgaon. “OCL’s existing dealers the merger. with no significant change to the The wheels for the merger
celerated growth journey, in- While Orient Cement shares Cement and the CK Birla Group, Unit (GU) of 6 MTPA in North will move to Adani Cement’s Additionally,themigrationin- product and crew, at least in the were set in motion in 2022 after
creasing cement capacity by 30 fell by 2.50 per cent, Ambuja said, “the CK Birla Group is con- India, it said. market network, creating formi- volves 3,385 Vistara suppliers, 70 initial months following the the TatagroupacquiredAirIndia.
MTPA within two years of Cements declined by 2.42 per tinuously reallocating capital to It has also secured a conces- dable synergies,” it said. aircraftthatoperateover320daily merger.AllexistingVistaraflights As a joint venture partner in
flights,over3,300crew,and86IT will continue to be operated us- Vistara, Singapore Airlines holds
contracts, among others. Nearly ing Vistara’s existing fleet of air- 49percentstakeintheairlineand
BRIEFLY ‘70 insurance players not enough for 1.4 6,500Vistaraemployeeshavealso
been migrated to Air India.
The key focus areas for sys-
craft and by the existing Vistara
will change to those of Air India.
willhave25.1 percentstakeinthe
enlarged Air India after the
setup`10,000cr bn population; more companies needed’ tems migration—being seen as
the backbone of the merger from
a customer, operations, and em-
ToenableVistara’s loyalflyers
tify Vistara flights while booking,
Apart from merging Air India
ing an insurance company. Now,
private equity players, institu-
tor has witnessed keen interest
from many global insurance
ployee point of view—include
reservation transfers, loyalty ac-
Air India has decided to use four-
digit flight numbers for Vistara
(formerly AirAsia India). That
Mumbai: Reliance MUMBAI, OCTOBER 22 tional investors, venture capital- companies and investors to en- counttransfers,financialaccounts flightsbeginningwith“2”,against merger took effect from October
InfrastructureLtd,partof the ists and family offices can be- ter the domestic insurance mar- integrity, aircraft and crew trans- AirIndia’sthree-digitflightnum- 1. Once the Air India-Vistara
Anil Ambani group, on INSURANCE REGULATORY and come investors or promoters of ket, he said. fers,employeepayrollintegration, bers. merger is complete, the Air India
Tuesdayannounced the set- Development Authority of India an insurance company, and can On listing, Panda said a large airport systems integration, and “For instance, UK 955 (UK is groupwillhaveafull-servicecar-
tingupof anintegratedproj- (IRDAI) Chairman Debasish also exit easily, he said. number of insurance players flightschedulecontinuity,among thecurrentairlineidentifiercode rier Air India and a low-cost air-
ect for the manufacturing of Panda on Tuesday said there is a The regulator is focussing on should strive to become public. others.Withthemergertakingef- forVistaraflights)willbecomeAI lineAirIndiaExpress.Theconsol-
explosives,ammunitionand needformoreinsurancecompa- speedyapprovalsof applications “Companiesafteraparticular fect on November 12, all Vistara 2955,helpingcustomersidentify idation is a critical part of Air
small arms in Maharashtra. niesinthecountry,astheexisting for floating an insurance com- age should get listed. We have aircraft and flights will be trans- them while booking,” Air India India’s transformation pro-
The company will invest playersarenotenoughtocaterto pany. “We have kept an internal beensoftlynudgingthemthataf- ferredtoandoperatedbyAirIndia. had said last week. gramme Vihaan.Ai, that seeks to
overRs10,000croreoverthe the 1.4 billion population. benchmark that between two terreachingaparticularleveland Even as Vistara will fly into the Air India also announced that build Air India into an airline of
next 10 years, it said.The Highlighting the importance DebasishPanda,IRDAI board meetings, we want the growth,theyshouldgoforlisting. sunset,theVistaraexperiencefor following the airlines’ merger, global repute.
company said it has been al- of public listing, Panda said the Chairman. File proposals to be cleared, which It will bring in more disclosure
lotted 1000 acres of land in regulator will engage with some would be a time gap of 90 days. and transparency, and will bring
Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited
Ratnagiri, Maharashtra to
develop Dhirubhai Ambani
value for investors and policy-
The regulator is also making ef-
forts to bring in more capital to
Evenif somebodysubmitsapro-
value for policyholders and in-
vestors,” he said. The Chairman
‘Increased (A Government of Rajasthan Enterprise), Corporate office-4, Meera Marg,
Udaipur (Raj)- 313001, Phone-0294-2428768,2428763-67,Fax-0294-2428768,2428739
Defence City. ENS holders.
the sector because insurance is a
capital-intensive segment. He
be willing to take a call,” Panda
said a few insurance companies
are already in the process of ap- retail presence NIT No. & Date
Description of Work
Date - 21.10.2024
in derivatives
e-Nit No. 08/2024-25 Corrigendum towards extension of due dates
RIL,WaltDisney ing at is how do we have more
number of players. Possibly, 70
said there was a need for more
capital to come from domestic
He said already new players
have entered into the insurance
the Securities and Exchange
up to 05.11.2024 & 06.11.2024 Tender for Supply of
HDPE Woven Open Mouth Type Inside Laminated
todivest7 players are not enough for a size
(population)of 1.4billion,”Panda
resources and foreign direct in-
sector, and there were a few
more in the pipeline. During re-
Boardof India(Sebi),toseekper-
missionforlistingof theirshares. a matter of Sacks to our SBU-PC, (RP), Jhamarkotra Mines. Approx
Qty. As per tender, Bid Security (in Rs.) 5,60,000/-, Tender
channels said while addressing the CII tor. The insurance regulator has cent roadshows held in Japan, FULLREPORTON Document Fees (in Rs.) 1180/-
Markets slip over 1% on continued selling by FPIs and FY2024, Sebi data shows.
ume of F&O globally, more than
such as China, especially after November and December. A ba- 50% of F&O volumes globally are
ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU the stimulus announcement by sis point is one hundredth of Hyundai Motor doneinIndia.“Thiscrownisworn
MUMBAI, OCTOBER 22 its government to boost its one percentage point. byIndia,andthisisacrownwedo
slowing economy, he said. “Along with sectoral stocks, makes weak not wish to wear,” Bhatia said
indices Sensex and Nifty tanked
“The rationale behind FPI
selling is the elevated valuations
mid and small-cap stocks too
bore the brunt (on Tuesday) as
market debut while speaking at the
Morningstar Investment
over 1 per cent each on Tuesday in India and the cheap valua- persistent buying had led to val- Mumbai: Hyundai Motor Conference.
on massive sell-off amid con- tions of Chinese stocks, which uations in several stocks getting India Ltd (HMIL) made a “F&Ocannotbeanationalpas-
cerns over continued outflows the FPIs have been buying ag- expensive and hence the lacklustre debut on time, we need to do serious in-
from foreign portfolio investors gressively since mid September. breather,” Tapse said. bourses, listing at a 1.5 per vestingandinvestorsshouldpar-
(FPIs) and weak corporate earn- This “sell India, Buy China” is The BSE Smallcap index de- centdiscounttotheIPOof- ticipate in wealth that is being
ings during the second quarter most likely to be a short-term clined 3.81 per cent and the BSE fer price of Rs 1,960 per created in the country through
of the current fiscal. tactical trade; but it can run for Midcap fell 2.52 per cent. share.ThescripclosedatRs pooledvehicleslikemutualfunds
The 30-share Sensex slid some more time, given India’s The market capitalisation, or 1,820.4 apiece, down 7.12 or directly,” he said. Sebi had re-
930.55 points, or 1.15 per cent, elevated valuations,” said V K the total value of all listed per cent on Tuesday. It cently released a set of six meas-
to close at 80,220.72. The Vijayakumar, Chief Investment shares, of the BSE-listed firms touched a low of Rs ures to strengthen the equity in-
broader Nifty dropped 309 FPIshaveoffloadedRs72,136 Strategist, Geojit Financial declined by 8.96 lakh crore to Rs 1,807.05 per share during dex derivatives, also known as
points, or 1.25 per cent, to finish croreso farinOctober. File Services. 444.45 lakh crore on Tuesday. theintradaytrades. equity futures & options (F&O),
at 24,472.1. Fund flows to Emerging Of the 30 Sensex companies, 29 HMIL’sIPOisthelargest framework. The norms include
On Tuesday, foreign portfo- been no respite from FIIs selling Markets (EM) have also been af- companies ended in red. shareofferinginthehistory raising the entry barrier by in-
lio investors sold Rs 3,978.61 in local equities in the current fected due to the recent sharp Among the NSE companies, of the Indian capital mar- creasingthecontractsizeandup-
crore worth of Indian equities, month so far, which has been rise in the US Bond yields which firms that declined the most in- ket.Thecompanyfixedthe front collection of option pre-
according to the BSE’s provi- creating uncertainty among the indicates that the US Federal cluded Bharat Electronics Ltd pricebandoftheIPOinthe mium.BhatiasaidSebiisplanning
sional data. So far in October ( domestic investors,” said Reserve may not go for an ag- (3.79 per cent), Mahindra & range of Rs 1,865 to Rs tocomeoutwithadiscussionpa-
till October 22), FPIs have of- Prashanth Tapse, Senior VP gressive rate cut, analysts said. Mahindra (3.63 per cent), Coal 1,960 per equity share of per in a bid to tighten the regula-
floaded Rs 72,136 crore, or (Research), Mehta Equities Ltd. After a 50 basis points (bps) India (3.36 per cent) Adani thefacevalueofRs10,valu- tory framework for IPOs of small
$8.593 billion, the National Also, foreign investors are cut in the interest rate by the US Enterprises (3.29 per cent) and ingthecompanyataround and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Securities Depository Ltd fleeing Indian equities to invest Federal Reserve in September, State Bank of India (2.97 per Rs1.5-1.6lakhcrore. ENS FULLREPORTON
(NSDL) data showed. “There has in relatively cheaper locations analysts expect 25 bps cuts in cent).
jumble them to get the answer for the given quip. mustappearineachofthe Workandroutine PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
One of the disadvantages of wine is that it makes a man mistake __ for ____. - Samuel nineverticalcolumns,in responsibilitiesare You're experiencing
Johnson (5,.,8)
eachoftheninehorizontal buildingup,soroll the weight of
SOPOR ELPDHU rowsandineachofthe yoursleevesupand material
nineboxes. getyourhandsdirty.A responsibilities
wonderfulemotionaloffer more deeply than before, but
comesyourway,butyoumay this could be a good thing. If
STRUT AEIGHW DifficultyLevel failtogetoff thestarting you worry about what might
block.Youmustvalueyour happen, it will motivate you to
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; traditionalVirgoanqualities— do something productive with
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; organisationalskilland your time. A little extra
for thoughts. - Samuel Johnson 5s=VeryHard; efficiency. pressure can be a good thing.
Answer: One of the disadvantages of wine is that it makes a man mistake words 6s=Genius
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Pune: Former skipper Kane Williamson will miss New Zealand's
second test against India starting in Pune on Thursday as he
continues his recovery from a groin strain, New Zealand Cricket
said on Tuesday. PTI
of medals India have won at the
CWG have come in wrestling,
hockey, badminton, archery,
shooting, table tennis and
Is CWG lite the future?
Future of team sports like cricket, hockey and rugby uncertain as Glasgow
Messi Mania
drives record
growth for MLS
squash. India have won a total
of 564 medals
2026 opts for fewer sports — 10 in all — as well as athletes and venues ASSOCIATED PRESS
Fourvenueswithinan Clashingwithmajor BOOSTED BY the Messi Effect, Major League
Soccer hit record attendance marks and saw
INDIA’S MEDAL-HEAVY POST-COLONIAL realities of the day, eco-
eight-mileradius WorldC’ships,Cups expanded sponsorship revenue this season.
With the conclu-
SPORTS CULLED nomic pragmatism and irrelevance of the THE ORGANISERS said they will use THE SHIFTING of the CWG from March sion of the regular
former Empire, effectively mean the freshly four venues within an eight-mile 2026 in Victoria, the hosts that pulled season, MLS on
SHOOTING proposed 10-sport Commonwealth Games radius in Glasgow to save on transport out, to July 23 to August 2 in Glasgow Tuesday reported a
All-time medals won: 135 will barely draw a nostalgic sigh. and security, among other things. keeping the weather in mind has led 5% increase in atten-
2022: Wasn’t included Glasgow has stepped in to salvage the The Scotstoun Stadium in the west to an overlap of events in a crowded dance over last year
2026 edition, after Australia refused the bur- end of Glasgow will host athletics. In summer window. With the football with a league-wide
den. And the bemused member nations, are 2014, the arena, which has a capacity World Cup set to take place from June totalof 11.45million.
frankly staring at a future where these of 12,500, hosted squash and table 11 to July 19, 2026, the organisers were That's a 14% increase
WRESTLING Games, if they survive the relevance debate, tennis. Scotland’s National Badminton forced to avoid those dates to avoid over 2022.
All time:114 look headed in the direction of becoming Centre is also located within the getting swallowed by the world’s Two matches exceeded 70,000 fans and
2022: 12 budgeted affairs, cutting down not only on Scotstoun campus biggest single-sport five matches exceeded 50,000. In an April
extravagance but also on some staples like premises. However, event. That, match at Arrowhead Stadium, there were
hockey, badminton, squash and TT. to keep a tight lid on however, led to a 72,610 on hand to watch Lionel Messi and
Thebigblowtothequadrennialcamenot the number of clash with the Inter Miami play Sporting Kansas City.
when Durban pulled out of hosting the 2022 athletes, these World and The average was a league-record 23,234
edition, though it was a sign of things to sports have not continental per match. Ten teams set or exceeded atten-
BADMINTON come. What struck CWG smack in the face found a place in the Championships of dance records and there were a record 213
All time: 31 was Victoria, Australia throwing their hands final list. other sports. The sellouts. Even if Messi's road matches were
2022: 6 up in the air just two years before the 2026 The Sir Chris Hoy men’s and women’s excluded, the average attendance figures
edition,pleadingtheirinabilitytohost.What Velodrome and hockey World Cup would still be an MLS best.
further drove in the reality was that neither Tollcross will will be held from MLS is expecting that close to 12 million
India, Canada nor Malaysia, with some sem- reportedly host August 15 to 30 in fans will attend this season's games through
TABLETENNIS blance of economic fortitude among the cycling and Belgium and the playoffs, which start this week.
All time: 28 Commonwealthnations,volunteeredtotake swimming, The Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome Netherlands. India There's no doubt the league's superstar
2022: 7 on the responsibility. respectively, while will host cycling at the 2026 will be host the attraction is Messi, the clear front-runner for
South Africa and New Zealand weren’t indoor sports will Glasgow CWG. Reuters badminton World the league's MVP award this season. The
even deliberated, and for the second time, be held at the Championships in eight-time Ballon d'Or winner has 20 goals
UKhasoptedtopickthetab,tokeepthefray- Scotland Exhibition 2026 that usually and 10 assists in just 19 matches this season.
ingfabricof theGamesfromcomingundone. and Conference Centre (SECC), the takes place in August. The cricketers — Inter Miami won the Supporters Shield
ARCHERY Future enthusiasm from the mildly well-off country’s largest exhibition venue. although India tend to send second- for having the best record in the regular sea-
All time: 8 countriesisnotinevidence,though2030will At the 2014 Games, the SECC string teams for these events — have a son with 74 points, one more than New
2022: Wasn’t be an accurate marker. As things stand, hosted weightlifting, boxing, judo, busy July and August as well, with England when it set the record in 2021.
included Glasgowwillhostaseverelypareddownver- wrestling, netball, and gymnastics. tours to England and Sri Lanka. And “He's definitely helped put us in front of
sion, with 4 venues in an 8 mile radius, ath- Given that the Scottish organisers then, there will be the Asian Games a global audience, and he's definitely piqued
letes put up in hotels, and a hugely restricted were firm on having just 10 sports, from September 19 to October 4 that the interest of sports fans in our country,"
HOCKEY number of participants. sports like wrestling did not make the also serves as an Olympic qualifier for said Chris McGowan, head of the club per-
All time: 6 Besides the racquet sports being jetti- final cut. some sports. ENS formance and optimization group at MLS.
2022:2 soned, the immediate disciplines getting “Ourclubshavedoneanunbelievablejob
culledaretheteamsportslikehockey,cricket of taking advantage of that and understand-
and rugby, and they will be left wondering if started on sports like Athletics, swimming, might look miserable, but if it can get started ing that players don't play forever. We have
they can ever return to the fold, given tight gymnastics and cycling in earnest, and use onthesesports,itwillhelpthecountryinthe the best ever playing in our league, so we got
budgets,andathlete-to-medalratiosconsid- the opportunity to scale up these pro- long run. to be on our toes to be able to take advantage
SQUASH ered in this cold calculation. Only netball grammes if it has any serious aspirations to of it.” But, while Messi is certainly a big part
All time: 5 CRICKET found favour, though Glasgow has done well hold the Olympics. Inspiration can be found ■Other sports that were a part of 2022 CWG of theleague'sgrowthafterhisarrivalatInter
2022: 2 All time: 1 to try to integrate the para-sports pro- in their BRICS buddy Brazil which raised its but are excluded from 2026 edition: Diving, Miami last year, McGowan cited other fac-
2022:1 gramme into the able-bodied one, with one Athletics, Gymnastics and Swimming pro- beach volleyball, mountain biking, road cy- tors as well, including the fan experience at
eye firmly on inclusion. filefromscratchafterbeingallottedthe2016 cling, rhythmic gymnastics, rugby 7s and the league's stadiums, spurred by enthusi-
For India, the mandate is clear - get Olympics. India's medal standing at 2026 triathlon. astic supporters' groups.
Illustration: Suvajit Dey
Neymar back
after a year out,
Dribble diplomacy brings hockey Flick feeling at home at Barca
back to Delhi as India face Germany ahead of Bayern showdown
helps Al-Hilal in
ASSOCIATED PRESS INDIAN HOCKEY, Germany, Dhyan Chand cominghisformerclubBayernMunichinthe
OCTOBER 22 — it is a combination that is a significant Champions League on Wednesday will be
part of the sport's history in the country. At specialbutthatheisfeelingrightathomeaf-
NEYMAR RETURNED to action after a year the venue named after the greatest ever to ter an outstanding start with the Catalan gi-
out through injury and helped Al-Hilal beat have played for India, Harmanpreet Singh ants.
Al Ain of the United Arab Emirates 5-4 in and Co will take on reigning World Flick, who had great success at Bayern,
the group stage of the AFC Champions Champions and Paris 2024 silver medal- winning the Champions League as part of a
League Elite. lists Germany in a two-match bilateral se- treble in 2020 before taking on the Germany
Neymar signed for the Saudi Arabia club ries. Major Dhyan Chand Stadium in New job the following year, has led Barca to the
in August 2023 but played only five times Delhi will witness the return of interna- top of LaLiga with nine wins from 10 games.
before tearing an anterior cruciate liga- tional hockey for the first time since 2014. Despite losing their European opener at
ment last October. While the Indian men's team last played Monaco, Barcelona bounced back with a
He came off the bench 369 days later for a match at this venue 3,930 days ago, only commanding 5-0 win against Young Boys.
the four-time Asian champion with 13 three members of the current squad – Flickwantshissidetogetastatementwin
minutes remaining at Al Ain. He almost Manpreet Singh, Mandeep Singh and Amit against Bayern to boost their confidence be-
scored immediately when his low shot Rohidas – were part of the playing group. fore they travel to the capital to face old ri-
from left of the area shaved the post. Interestingly, there is one more name in the vals Real Madrid in the Clasico on Saturday.
In a thrilling match between Al-Hilal Indian set up now who has the experience "Bayern is something special in my life,
and the defending champion, Renan Lodi of playing there: Head Coach Craig Fulton. it's an excellent club and I have many ac- Former Bayern and Germany coach
gave Al-Hilal the opener after 26 minutes. The South African made his interna- quaintances and relationships with players Hansi Flick has started remarkably well
Soufiane Rahimi, the tournament top tional debut at the Indira Gandhi Gold Cup and managers. It was a great time, that's my at Barcelona this season. Reuters
scorer last season, leveled soon after. in 1995, before going on to represent them memory. But now there is a new chapter, I
By the break, Sergej Milinkovic-Savic at the Olympics twice. For him to lead India amdelightedhereandveryhappy,"Flicktold
and Salem Al-Dawsari put Hilal 3-1 ahead. at the very venue 29 years later, marks a Indian hockey team during a practice session at the Major Dhyan Chand Stadium in a press conference on Tuesday. City are already without midfielders
Mateo Sanabria pulled a goal back just full circle moment. Hockey historian K New Delhi ahead of the series against Germany. Praveen Khanna "I have a very good feeling for being here. Rodri and Oscar Bobb due to long-term in-
after the hour but Al-Dawsari scored twice Arumugam actually got Fulton nostalgic The fans support us with so much passion juries but Guardiola said he would resist the
more to complete a hat trick, and Rahimi during the pre-event press conference, and it forces you to give your all. That's how temptation to call on De Bruyne until the
achieved the same feat to make it 5-4. when he showed him a printout of a team The series is seen as the curtain raiser A couple of issues — the we're going to continue, we want to be well Belgian was comfortable.
The win maintained Al-Hilal's perfect photograph that was taken back then. for the 18th Asia Pacific conference of prepared. I can get to know Bayern a little "Well, except for Rodri and Oscar, the
record in Asia after three games. Fulton then took photos of the image with German business. It is being held alongside scheduling and timing of the better but it will be a difficult game." other ones are in training and getting better,
Elsewhere, Saudi Arabia's Al-Ahli won Arumugam. the visit of the German chancellor Olaf matches — stood out about Flick, who was Bayern's manager when but guys like Kevin for example are not ex-
at Qatar's Al-Rayyan 2-1 thanks to goals "In South Africa's final match of the Scholz and vice-chancellor Robert Habeck. playing in Delhi. With the games they humiliated Barcelona 8-2 in the actly fit," the Spaniard told reporters.
from Gabri Veiga and Firas Al-Buraikan. tournament against Poland, Fulton scored With the governments also involved in the Champions League quarter-finals four years "It's not a new issue but he doesn't feel
Iraq's Al-Shorta drew with Uzbekistan's the first goal and was declared man of the organisation of this series, and key dele- to be played in the middle of the ago, dodged questions about that game and completely fine. Kevin is not 22 years old, he
Pakhtakor 0-0, and Qatar's Al-Sadd de- match in a 4-1 win. And for that, he was gates expected to attend at least the sec- week at 3 pm, it remains to be said the players should channel their energy has to be fit for his football. He doesn't feel
feated Iran's Persepolis 1-0. given a colour television set. It used to be a ond match, the pushback times have been in the present. comfortable that he can express his incred-
seen if enough fans could be
Al-Nassr and Cristiano Ronaldo are in luxury item back then," Arumugam re- kept in the afternoon on both days. Asked "The past is in the past and what we ible potential at his best.
action on Tuesday against Esteghlal of Iran. called, adding he wondered what Fulton about playing in the afternoon instead of compelled into attending, should focus on is the here and now. What "He is training better but he doesn't feel
The game was moved from Tehran to Dubai did with the TV set. prime time under the floodlights, Fulton – despite free tickets. happened in the past we cannot change, but good. He said he doesn't feel good. If you
due to the security situation in Iran. “It’s a special feeling to be back at this fittingly – was diplomatic in his response. we can change what happens tomorrow. I don't feel good, take your time."
iconic venue, where my international jour- "In terms of behind-the-scenes deci- want us to be well prepared and give our Guardiolahadamorepositiveoutlookon
ney began nearly three decades ago," sions for the timings, there must obviously the Olympics squad are present, but star best. We want to beat Bayern," Flick said. England midfielder Phil Foden, who last sea-
Fulton said. "To return here, but this time be a good reason for it. Because of the bi- goalscorer Gonzalo Peillat is not one of "It is important that we work hard and sonscored28goalsforclubandcountryinall
as the coach of the Indian national team, is lateral nature, governments are also in- them. But Fulton underlined that Germany achievewhatwearelookingfor.Thefanscan competitions and was named PFA Player of
truly remarkable." volved with deciding when these matches are not just the current World Cup winners rely on us to give our all. the Year but has had a stop-start campaign
For captain Harmanpreet, this will be take place," Fulton said. but also reigning junior World Champions "We don't always perform at 100% and this time around due to illness.
the first match in national colours at the "In terms of the heat, well, we have been so even a young squad will pose a stiff test. that's why we're trying to improve for the The 24-year-old was instrumental in
national stadium but it still holds a special in Bengaluru the last week for our camp India, too, are without some familiar names next game. It will be important to put pres- City's 2-1 Premier League victory at
place. "Back in 2013, I was part of the jun- and it rained pretty much the whole time, with vice-captain Hardik Singh, Jugraj sure on our opponents. We will try to make Wolverhampton Wanderers on Sunday, de-
ior camp held here, and I spent countless it was really wet. So we are actually quite Singh, and Uttam Singh all out injured. as few mistakes as possible," the 59-year-old livering the corner which led to John Stones'
hours training and honing my skills at this excited about the afternoon heat, to get In terms of the rivalry, India vs Germany German coach added. stoppage-time winner.
very stadium. It played an important role some sun. But it is a great opportunity to is as good as it gets in the modern context. "He feels much better. The minutes he
in my development as a player, so return- play a world class team in Delhi, it's been a At the Tokyo Olympics, India defeated De Bruyne to be eased back played last game, for example," Guardiola
ing here to play an international match long time for the national team. What an Germany to win a bronze ending a 41-year ManchesterCity'sKevindeBruyneneeds said.
feels like a special homecoming," he said. opposition, should be two great wait. At the Paris Olympics, Germany broke to be eased back into action after his lay-off "WithPhil,yourealiseimmediatelywhen
While every player who interacted with games."sandy India's hearts in the semifinals. withamuscleinjury,managerPepGuardiola he is happy and fit and mentally in the right
the media spoke about the excitement of Robert Habeck, Vice-Chancellor of The stakes won't be nearly as high over said,addingthatthemidfielder isadoubtfor moment. You realise he's getting better and
playing in Delhi, a couple of issues stood Germany, is scheduled to watch the second these two matches. But hockey will take Wednesday's Champions League match at better."
out: the scheduling and timing of the game between the two teams on Thursday. centerstage once more in the national cap- home to Sparta Prague. On Wednesday, City face Czech champi-
Neymar came off the bench for Al- matches. With the games to be played in As for the German squad, it's not the ital at the venue where the statue of the The 33-year-old De Bruyne was injured ons Sparta, who are level with them on four
Hilal on Tuesday 369 days after the middle of the week at 3 pm, it remains same team that won silver in Paris, but greatest ever to play the sport for India will againstInterMilanintheChampionsLeague points after beating RB Salzburg 3-0 in their
tearing his ACL. Reuters to be seen if enough fans could be com- India had played a similar group in the Pro welcome diplomats and, hopefully, more lastmonthandhasmissedtheEnglishcham- opener and drawing 1-1 with VfB
pelled into attending, despite free tickets. League earlier this year. Five members of than a few hundred fans. pions' last six fixtures. Stuttgart.
VOL. XXIII No. 137 Registration No. DL-26003/2001 R.N.I. No. UPENG/2001/5674. Printed and published by R. C. Malhotra on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited. Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, C-26, Amousi Industrial Area, Lucknow and
publishedat 1/8, Vivek Khand, Gomti Nagar, 9 Lucknow - 226010. Chairman of the Board: Viveck Goenka, Chief Editor: Raj Kamal Jha, Editor: Unni Rajen Shanker, Editor (Lucknow) : Rakesh Sinha* (*Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act) website: The Indian Express (P) Limited. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.The Indian Express®
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