VSP Software Development Kit
VSP Software Development Kit
VSP Software Development Kit
Virtual Serial Port Software Development Kit Programmers Guide and Reference
for Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT Constellation Data Systems, Inc.
Copyright 2001-2004 Constellation Data Systems, Inc (CDS). All rights reserved. Consult your software license agreement. Brand and product names are trademarks of their respective holders. Portions of this manual are Microsoft Corporation, and are used by permission of the MSDN.
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Table of Contents
1. Overview........................................................................................................4 1.1 Capabilities.................................................................................................4 1.2 Typical VSP Implementation ......................................................................4 1.3 Development Environment .........................................................................5 2. SDK Contents ................................................................................................5 3. SDK Documentation ......................................................................................7 4. Installation Instructions ..................................................................................7 5. VSP Applications Programming Interface......................................................8 6. VSP Reference Designs ..............................................................................10 6.1 Virtual to Virtual Serial Port Sample Reference Design (VB.NET) ...........10 6.1.1 External Data Flow and Construction ...................................................10 6.1.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction ....................................................11 6.1.3 Module / Function Software Description ...............................................11 6.1.4 Critical Function Descriptions ...............................................................12 6.1.5 Narrative from Entry Point ....................................................................12 6.2 Add Port Sample Reference Design (VB.NET) ........................................16 6.2.1 External Data Flow and Construction ...................................................16 6.2.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction ....................................................16 6.2.3 Module / Function Software Description ...............................................16 6.2.4 Critical Function Descriptions ...............................................................16 6.2.5 Narrative from Entry Point ....................................................................16 6.3 Delete Port Sample Reference Design (VB.NET) ....................................18 6.3.1 External Data Flow and Construction ...................................................18 6.3.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction ....................................................18 6.3.3 Module / Function Software Description ...............................................18 6.3.4 Critical Functions Description ...............................................................18 6.3.5 Narrative Description ............................................................................18 6.4 Enum Ports Sample Reference Design (VB.NET) ...................................20 6.4.1 External Data Flow and Construction ...................................................20 6.4.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction ....................................................20 6.4.3 Module / Function Software Description ...............................................20 6.4.4 Critical Functions Description ...............................................................20 6.4.5 Narrative Description ............................................................................20 6.5 Virtual to Virtual Serial Port Sample Reference Design (C/C++)..............22 6.5.1 External Data Flow and Construction ...................................................22 6.5.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction ....................................................23 6.5.3 Module / Function Software Description ...............................................24 6.5.4 Critical Function Descriptions ...............................................................24 6.5.5 Narrative from Entry Point ....................................................................24 6.6 Virtual to Physical Serial Port Reference Design (C/C++)........................27 6.6.1 Exterior Data Flow and Construction ....................................................27 6.6.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction ....................................................27
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6.6.3 Module/Function Software Description .................................................29 6.6.4 Critical Function Descriptions ...............................................................30 6.6.5 Narrative from Entry Point ....................................................................30 6.7 Physical to MultiVirtual Serial Port Sample Reference Design (C/C++) ...32 6.7.1 External Data Flow and Construction ...................................................32 6.7.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction ....................................................33 6.7.3 Module / Function Software Description ...............................................34 6.7.4 Critical Function Descriptions ...............................................................34 6.7.5 Narrative from Entry Point ....................................................................35 6.8 Add Port Sample Reference Design (C/C++)...........................................37 6.8.1 External Data Flow and Construction ...................................................37 6.8.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction ....................................................37 6.8.3 Module / Function Software Description ...............................................37 6.8.4 Critical Function Descriptions ...............................................................37 6.8.5 Narrative from Entry Point ....................................................................37 6.9 Delete Port Sample Reference Design (C/C++).......................................39 6.9.1 External Data Flow and Construction ...................................................39 6.9.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction ....................................................39 6.9.3 Module / Function Software Description ...............................................39 6.9.4 Critical Functions Description ...............................................................39 6.9.5 Narrative Description ............................................................................39 6.10 Enum Ports Sample Reference Design (C/C++) ......................................40 6.10.1 External Data Flow and Construction ...................................................40 6.10.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction ....................................................40 6.10.3 Module / Function Software Description ...............................................40 6.10.4 Critical Functions Description ...............................................................40 6.10.5 Narrative Description ............................................................................40 7. Selected WIN32 References........................................................................42 7.1 CreateThread ...........................................................................................42 7.2 DCB .........................................................................................................45 7.3 GetCommState ........................................................................................51 7.4 SetCommState.........................................................................................51 8. Notices.........................................................................................................53 9. Index of Acronyms and Abbreviations .........................................................54
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1. Overview
1.1 Capabilities
The Virtual Serial Port (VSP) Software Development Kit (SDK) is a product of Constellation Data Systems, Inc (CDS). The VSP is a development accelerator, which can cut months or years from a development project, which requires a virtualized serial or communications resource. While the VSP Core has many powerful pre-developed solutions, it is often necessary that solutions be customized. The process of developing customized VSP solutions is enabled by the VSP SDK. Using the VSP SDK a programmer is capable of developing the following types of software implementations: Hardware-less serial port interface emulation Easy capture of data from a serial port data. Easy generation of data into a serial port. High speed data transfers / transmissions. Multiplexing multiple data sources on a single serial port. Splitting data from a single source onto multiple serial ports. Serial device simulation Serial port data redirection Serial port device simulation Serial protocol development and implementation Support serial port manipulations in C/C++, Visual Basic, MFC and other popular programming paradigms. Multiple Virtual Serial Port instances (no theoretical limits) per system. and Almost any imagined serial port manipulation.
In short, the VSP SDK makes the serial port impossibilities, possible. Better yet, it allows the tasks to be implemented quickly and easily. You no longer have to be a serial port expert or device driver guru to develop sophisticated serial port system software!
2. SDK Contents
CDSs Virtual Serial Port SDK consists of the following major components. Component Reference Designs Contains Fully documented and working designs which allow data redirection from: Add Virtual Serial Port (VB.NET) Delete Virtual Serial Port (VB.NET) Virtual Serial Port to Physical Serial Port (VB.NET) Add/Create Virtual Serial Port (C/C++) Delete Virtual Serial Port (C/C++) Enumerate Virtual Serial Ports (C/C++) Virtual Serial Port to Physical Serial Port (C/C++) Virtual Serial Port to Virtual Serial Port (C/C++) Multiple Virtual Ports to Physical Serial Port (C/C++) The Applications Programming Interface which allow VSP applications access to the heart of the framework. Applications Programming Reference Programmers Guide and Reference, Software Development Kit Programmers Guide and Reference
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Reference Designs
DOC (Documents)
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3. SDK Documentation
The VSP SDK documentation set consists of the following components: Applications Programming Interface Programmers Guide and Reference (of the Virtual Serial Port) Software Development Kit Programmers Guide and Reference (of the Virtual Serial Port) -- this document.
The following document, while not formally part of the VSP SDK documentation set, is useful for understanding the VSP framework: Core Users Guide and Reference (of the Virtual Serial Port)
4. Installation Instructions
Simply unzip the provided ZIP file into a folder of your choice. Be sure to preserve subfolders during the unzip process.
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Arbitrary Windows Communications Applications, Such as HyperTerminal
TX Communications Data: Read ( ) of cVspApi Modem Control Lines (DTR,RTS) / Break: GetModemControlLines ( ) of cVspApi
RX Communications Data: Write( ) of cVspApi Modem Status Lines (DSR, CTS, RI, CD): SetModemStatusLines ( ) of cVspApi
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While Constellation Data Systems (CDS) provides a number of pre-built VSP Applications (called Reference Designs), programmers and engineers will often find it necessary to write their own VSP Applications. The Reference Designs, documentation and VSPAPI enable this process. The net effect is that your custom requirements are quickly and easily implemented. Software control of functions normally allocated to hardware is possible using the VSP Applications Programming Interface. These functions include: Software capture of transmit serial data using VSP API Read function. Software generation of receive serial data using VSP API Write function. Powerful control of data timing dynamics using VSP API SetTimeouts function. A variety of other data control, synchronization and versioning functions.
For more information on the VSP API, consult the Applications Programming Interface Programmers Guide and Reference Manual (of the Virtual Serial Port).
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Arbitrary Windows Application, Hyperterminal, for example Arbitrary Windows Application, Hyperterminal, for example
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6.1.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction The Internal construction of VirtualToVirtual.NET is that of a multi-thread application. The following data flow diagram illustrates the internal data flow of the VirtualToVirtual.NET reference design:
RX Data to "B"
RX Data to "A"
6.1.3 Module / Function Software Description The primary source module is VirtualToVirtual.vb, which consists of about 1465 lines of VB.NET code. VToVMod.vb is a secondary module consisting of around 250 lines of VB.NET code where global variables, bit masks, various VSP structures, and VspApi.dll member function declarations are made.
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6.1.4 Critical Function Descriptions The following functions are critical. Controlling Thread
ThreadAToB.ThreadProc ( )
ThreadBToA.ThreadProc ( )
MclToMsl ( )
VirtualToVirtual_Load ( )
cmdConnect_Click ( )
cmdDisconnect_Click ( )
cmdExit_Click ( )
Description Reads data from virtual serial port A and writes that data to virtual serial port B. Reads data from virtual serial port B and writes that data to virtual serial port A. Connects the Modem Control Lines (Mcl) of source virtual serial port to destination virtual serial port. Entry point; Constructs two virtual serial ports and does version verification. Opens handles to desired virtual serial ports and launches above threads. Closes connection between virtual serial ports and terminates threads. Exits application.
6.1.5 Narrative from Entry Point 1. From the main entry point VirtualToVirtual_Load (), two Virtual Serial Ports used by this reference design are constructed.
'********************************** ' Creates two Virtual Serial Ports. '********************************** Call cVspApiConstruct(hVspA) Call cVspApiConstruct(hVspB)
2. A version number comparison for the Underlying Device Driver (for each virtual port), DLL version comparison, and the version of VirtualToVirtual.NET is performed. It is strongly suggested that the underlying VSP device driver, the VSP API DLL, and the application software (reference design, utility, or custom VSP application all conform to the same version). The following code fragment typifies the operation of version number validation:
'******************************************* ' Gets and displays Dll Version information. '*******************************************
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Status = cVspApiDllVersion(hVspA, DllVersion) If (ERROR_SUCCESS <> Status) Then MsgBox("cVspApiDllVersion() failed - Status: " + Str$(Status), MsgBoxStyle.Critical + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "DLL Version Error") Exit Sub End If '********************************************** ' Gets and displays Driver Version information. '********************************************** Status = cVspApiDriverVersion(hVspA, DriverVersionA) If (ERROR_SUCCESS <> Status) Then MsgBox("cVspApiDriverVersion() failed - Status: " + Str$(Status), MsgBoxStyle.Critical + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "VSP PortA Driver Version Error") Exit Sub End If Status = cVspApiDriverVersion(hVspA, DriverVersionB) If (ERROR_SUCCESS <> Status) Then MsgBox("cVspApiDriverVersion() failed - Status: " + Str$(Status), MsgBoxStyle.Critical + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "VSP PortB Driver Version Error") Exit Sub End If '******************************** ' Validate the driver version(s). '******************************** dblDriverVersionA = DriverVersionA / 100 dblDriverVersionB = DriverVersionB / 100 dblDllVersion = DllVersion / 100 If ((DllVersion <> DriverVersionA) Or (DriverVersionA <> DriverVersionB)) Then MsgBox(" PortA Driver Version: " + dblDriverVersionA + _ " PortB Driver Version: " + dblDriverVersionB + _ " Utiltiy DLL Version: " + dblDllVersion, MsgBoxStyle.Information + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "Version Mismatch") End Else lblDriverVersion.Text = Str$(dblDriverVersionA) lblDllVersion.Text = Str$(dblDllVersion) End If
3. Upon execution of cmdConnect_Click () (executed by pressing Connect on form), the desired virtual serial ports named on the form are opened. If either port is not found, exit is performed. The following code fragment typifies the operation of preparing a virtual port:
'****************************** ' Try to open VSP "PortA" port. '****************************** Status = cVspApiOpen(hVspA, txtPortA.Text) If (ERROR_SUCCESS <> Status) Then
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MsgBox("cVspApiOpen() failed - Status: " + Str$(Status), MsgBoxStyle.Critical + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, txtPortA.Text + " Error") Exit Sub End If
4. Two threads are then created. The ThreadAToB thread, and the ThreadBToA thread. These threads are responsible for reading from a device and writing to another.
'**************** ' Create Threads. '**************** bRunThreadAtoB = True Static AtoB As New ThreadAtoB(EventArray, New EventCallback(AddressOf CallbackAtoB)) hThreadAtoB = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf AtoB.ThreadProc) hThreadAtoB.Start()
Internally, both these threads are very tight, and consist of strictly the read and writing operations. Consider the following code fragment from ThreadAToB.ThreadProc ():
While (bRunThreadAtoB) Status = cVspApiRead(hVspA, Buff, BytesToRead, BytesRead) If (ERROR_SUCCESS <> Status) Then MsgBox("cVspApiRead() failed - Status: " + Str$(Status), MsgBoxStyle.Critical + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "VSP PortA Error") bDoDataWrite = False End If EventArray(9) += BytesRead '************************************************ ' Write to VSP "PortB" port, and validate return. '************************************************ BytesWritten = 0 If (bDoDataWrite) Then Status = cVspApiWrite(hVspB, Buff, BytesRead, BytesWritten) If (ERROR_SUCCESS <> Status) Then MsgBox("cVspApiWrite() failed - Status: " + Str$(Status), MsgBoxStyle.Critical + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "VSP PortB Error") Exit While End If EventArray(10) += BytesWritten If (BytesRead <> BytesWritten) Then MsgBox("Read - " + BytesRead + " bytes; Wrote - " + BytesWritten + " bytes.", MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly + _ MsgBoxStyle.Information, "VSP PortA Error") End If End If
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5. The data movement is now accomplished by the threading. Termination is initiated by the operator pressing Disconnect or Exit on the form. Threads are then terminated, and the corresponding devices are closed.
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6.2.4 Critical Function Descriptions The following functions are critical. Controlling Thread
Addport_Load ( )
cmdAddport_Click ( )
cmdExit_Click ( )
Description Entry point; does version verification. Add/Creates desired virtual serial port. Exits application.
6.2.5 Narrative from Entry Point The following code fragment illustrates the techniques used:
'*************************** ' Try to add/create the VSP. '*************************** PortName = txtPort.Text Status = cVspApiAddSerialPort(hVsp, PortName.ToUpper) If (ERROR_SUCCESS = Status) Then MsgBox("Port " + txtPort.Text + " successfully added.", MsgBoxStyle.Information + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "Addport") Else
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MsgBox("cVspApiAddSerialPort() failed - Status: " + Str$(Status), MsgBoxStyle.Critical + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "ERROR - Addport") End If
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cmdDeleteport_Click ()
cmdExit_Click ()
Description Entry point; does version verification. Deletes desired virtual serial port. Exits application.
6.3.5 Narrative Description The following code fragment illustrates the techniques used:
'*********************** ' Try to delete the VSP. '*********************** PortName = txtPort.Text '********************************************************************* ' Checks to make sure that the requested port is not currently in use. '********************************************************************* Status = cVspApiGetOpenCount(hVsp, OpenCount) If ((ERROR_SUCCESS = Status) And (OpenCount <> 0)) Then MsgBox(txtPort.Text + " is currently in use.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "ERROR - Deleteport")
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txtPort.Focus() Exit Sub End If Status = cVspApiDeleteSerialPort(hVsp, PortName.ToUpper) If (ERROR_SUCCESS = Status) Then MsgBox("Port " + txtPort.Text + " successfully deleted.", MsgBoxStyle.Information + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "Deleteport") Else MsgBox("Make sure " + txtPort.Text + " is a Virtual Serial Port.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "ERROR - Port not deleted") End If
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cmdExit_Click ( )
Description Entry point. Does version verification and then enumerates all serial ports. Exits application.
6.4.5 Narrative Description The following code fragment illustrates the techniques used:
'************************************************ ' Try to open HKLM/HARDWARE/DEVICEMAP/SERIALCOMM. '************************************************ RegKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\SERIALCOMM") If (RegKey Is Nothing) Then MsgBox("Unable to open registry key HKLM/HARDWARE/", MsgBoxStyle.Critical + _ MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "Registry Error") End End If ******************************************************
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' Spin through all serial ports (virtual and physical). '****************************************************** For Each Name As String In RegKey.GetValueNames() PortName = RegKey.GetValue(Name) Status = cVspApiIsVirtualPort(hVsp, PortName, bIsVirtualPort) If (ERROR_SUCCESS = Status) Then If (bIsVirtualPort) Then '******************************************************* ' Found a Virtual Serial Port. ' Get port's open count and display on form accordingly. '******************************************************* Call cVspApiGetOpenCount(hVsp, PortName, OpenCount) lstEnumports.Items.Add("Virtual Port: " + PortName + " Open Count: " + OpenCount.ToString) Else '*********************************************************** ' Found a physical serial port. Display on form accordingly. '*********************************************************** lstEnumports.Items.Add("Physical Port: " + PortName) End If End If Next
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Arbitrary Windows Application, Hyperterminal, for example Arbitrary Windows Application, Hyperterminal, for example
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6.5.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction The Internal construction of VirtualToVirtual is that of a multi-thread application using standard WIN32 operations wherever possible. The following programming paradigms are used: Paradigm WIN32 VSP API Stdio Usage Thread creation and synchronization. Access to the Virtual Serial Port. Console operations using printf ( ), misc. string operations, etc.
The following data flow diagram illustrates the internal data flow of the VirtualToVirtual reference design:
RX Data to "B"
RX Data to "A"
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6.5.3 Module / Function Software Description The primary source module is VirtualToVirtual.cpp, which consists of about 400 lines of C/C++ code. 6.5.4 Critical Function Descriptions The following functions are critical. Controlling Thread
ThreadAToB ( )
ThreadBToA ( )
MclToMsl ( )
ProcessCommandLineSwitches ( )
main ( )
Description Reads data from virtual serial port A and writes that data to virtual serial port B. Reads data from virtual serial port B and writes that data to virtual serial port A. Connects the Modem Control Lines (Mcl) of source virtual serial port to destination virtual serial port. Whips through the command line parameters, and sets up global variables based on parameter settings. Entry point.
6.5.5 Narrative from Entry Point From the main ( ) entry point, the following operations are performed: 2. The virtual ports named on the command line are opened. If either port is not found, exit is performed. The following code fragment typifies the operation of preparing a virtual port:
ErrorCode = hVspA.Open (argv[1]); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ErrorCode) { printf("Error: Open () failed on Port:'%s' with code: %d\n", argv[1], ErrorCode); exit (0); }
3. A version number comparison for the Underlying Device Driver (for each virtual port), DLL version comparison, and the version of VirtualToVirtual is performed. It is strongly suggested that the underlying VSP device driver, the VSP API DLL, and the application software (reference design, utility, or custom VSP application all conform to the same version). The following code fragment typifies the operation of version number validation:
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Software Development Kit Virtual Serial Port int ErrorCode; ErrorCode = hVspA.DllVersion(&DllVersion); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ErrorCode) { printf("Error: DllVersion () failed code: %d\n", ErrorCode); exit (0); } . . . ULONG DriverVersionA, DriverVersionB; ErrorCode = hVspA.DriverVersion (&DriverVersionA); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ErrorCode) { printf("Error: DriverVersion (), port '%s' failed code: %d\n", argv[1], ErrorCode); hVspA.Close(); hVspB.Close(); exit (0); } . . . while ( (DriverVersionA != DllVersion ) || (DriverVersionA != VSP_VERSION) || (DriverVersionB != VSP_VERSION) )
Note that once the version number comparison is performed, the operator is given the opportunity to either continue (c keystroke), or to quit (q keystroke). 4. Both Virtual Serial Ports are installed with a set of read timeouts. The timeouts chosen cause ReadFile( ) operations to end after 100ms of no serial data traffic (following the received first byte), OR after 1000ms (1 second) the start of a ReadFile ( ) operation, whichever occurs first. Consider the following code fragment:
VspTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 100; VspTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000; ErrorCode = hVspA.SetTimeouts ( &VspTimeouts ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ErrorCode) { printf("Error: SetTimeouts () failed on Port:'%s' with code: %d\n", argv[1], ErrorCode); hVspA.Close (); hVspB.Close (); exit (0); } ErrorCode = hVspB.SetTimeouts ( &VspTimeouts ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ErrorCode) { printf("Error: SetTimeouts () failed on Port:'%s' with code: %d\n", argv[2], ErrorCode); hVspA.Close (); hVspB.Close (); exit (0); }
5. Two threads are then created -- from main ( ) -- The ThreadAToB thread, and the ThreadBToA thread. These threads are responsible for reading from a device and writing to another.
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Internally, both these threads are very tight, and consist of strictly the read and writing operations. Consider the following code fragment from ThreadAToB:
// // Spin while the thread handle value is valid. The main thread // can tear down this thread by invalidating the thread handle variable. // while (INVALID_THREAD_HANDLE != hThreadAToB) { int LastError; LastError = hVspA.Read ( Buff, sizeof(Buff), &dwBytesRead ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != LastError) { printf ("Error: hVspA.Read (), code %d\n", LastError); break; } if (0 == dwBytesRead) continue; // printf ("<RDA-%d>", dwBytesRead); LastError = hVspB.Write ( Buff, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != LastError) { printf ("Error: hVspB.Write (), code %d\n", LastError); break; }
if (dwBytesRead != dwBytesWritten) { printf ("Warning: %d bytes read from COM A, %d bytes were written to Com B.\n", dwBytesRead, dwBytesWritten); } } // while (INVALID_THREAD_HANDLE == hThreadAToB)
6. The data movement is now accomplished by the threading. Termination is initiated by the operator typing Q on the keyboard, which causes main ( ) to begin termination. Threads are then terminated, and the corresponding devices are closed.
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RS-232 Device (GPS Set, Printer, Modem, etc.) Arbitrary Windows Applications
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The Internal construction of VirtualToPhysical is that of a multi-thread application using standard WIN32 operations wherever possible. The following programming paradigms are used: Paradigm WIN32 WIN32 Communications API VSP API stdio Usage Thread creation and synchronization. Access to physical communications device. Access to the Virtual Serial Port. Console operations using printf ( ), misc. string operations, etc.
The following data flow diagram illustrates the internal data flow of the VirtualToPhysical reference design:
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TX Data
RX Data
6.6.3 Module/Function Software Description The primary source module is VirtualToPhysical.cpp, which consists of several hundred lines of C/C++ code.
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6.6.4 Critical Function Descriptions The following functions are critical. Controlling Thread
ThreadVirtualToPhysical ( )
ThreadPhysicalToVirtual ( )
OpenPhysicalPort ( )
ProcessCommandLineSwitches ()
main ( )
Description Reads data from the virtual serial port(s) and writes that data to the physical serial port. Reads data from the physical serial port and writes that data to the virtual serial port(s). Finds the physical port, gets a handle to the same, and builds a DCB with default settings. Whips through the command line parameters, and sets up global variables based on parameter settings. Entry point.
6.6.5 Narrative from Entry Point From the main ( ) entry point, the following operations are performed: 1. The physical port named on the command line is examined for the COM1 or COM2. Should another port be found, exit is performed. 2. The virtual device named on the command line is prepared for operation with the following operation (from the VSP API):
// // Get the Virtual serial device up and running... // ErrorCode = hVirtual.Open (argv[3]); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ErrorCode) { printf("\nError: Open () failed on Virtual Serial Port:'%s' with code: %d\n", argv[3], ErrorCode); printf("Suggestion: Verify that '%s' a Virtual Serial Port\n", argv[3]); exit (0); }
3. Driver and DLL version comparison is performed. It is strongly suggested that the underlying VSP device driver, the VSP API DLL, and the application software (reference design, utility, or custom VSP application all conform to the same version).
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4. The Virtual Port is installed with a set of read timeouts. The timeouts chosen cause ReadFile( ) operations to end after 100ms of no serial data traffic (following the received first byte), OR after 1000ms (1 second) the start of a ReadFile ( ) operation, whichever occurs first. Consider the following code fragment:
// // Give the driver "backdoor" timeouts which make sense. // VSP_TIMEOUTS VirtualTimeouts = {0}; // // // // // // //
A ReadIntervalTImeout value of MAXDWORD, combined with zero values for both the ReadTotalTimeoutConstant and ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier members, specifies that the read operation is to return immediately with the characters that have already been received, even if no characters have been received.
VirtualTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 100; VirtualTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000; ErrorCode = hVirtual.SetTimeouts ( &VirtualTimeouts ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ErrorCode) { printf("\nError: Virtual SetTimeouts () failed on Port:'%s' with code: %d\n", argv[3], ErrorCode); hVirtual.Close (); exit (0);
5 The Physical Serial Port is prepared for operation using the following WIN32 functions: CreateFile ( ), SetCommTimeOuts ( ), GetCommState ( ), DCB Structure, and SetCommState ( ). For more information, consult Section 7; Selected WIN32 References. Please note that the physical port access is done using OVERLAPPED operations. The OVERLAPPED methods insure proper multi thread and multi process functionality. 6 Several threads are then created; ThreadDataVirtualToPhysical ( ) ThreadModControlVirtualToPhysical( ) ThreadDataPhysicalToVirtual ( ) ThreadModStatusPhysicalToVirtual ( )
As the naming nomenclature suggests, these threads are responsible for either moving data, or modem status / control lines. 7 After the threads are created, the data movement is in progress, and continues until the operator selects termination. Termination is initiated by the operator typing Q on the keyboard. Threads are then terminated, and the corresponding devices are closed.
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Multi VirtualToPhysical.exe
RX Data
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6.7.2 Internal Data Flow and Construction The Internal construction of MultiVirtualToPhysical is that of a multi-thread application using standard WIN32 operations wherever possible. The following programming paradigms are used: Paradigm WIN32 WIN32 Communications API VSP API Stdio Usage Thread creation and synchronization. Access to physical communications device. Access to the Virtual Serial Port. Console operations using printf ( ), misc. string operations, etc.
The following data flow diagram illustrates the internal data flow of a MultiVirtualToPhysical reference design, running with 2 Virtual Ports (hypothetically) named A and B:
TX Data
TX Data RX Data
RX Data
PhysicalToVirtual ( ) -Thread Unit of Execution (Physical to "Virtual A" then "Virtual B") RX Data
As you can see, although there is one VirtualToPhysical thread for each virtual port, there is only one PhysicalToVirtual thread. The construction of
Document Rev 1.04 of 26 Apr 2004 VSP-NT2000-SDK-V104 Page: 33
the PhysicalToVirtual thread is such that the thread blocks on a read to the physical port, and once that read is accomplished, the data just read is written to each of the Virtual Ports. Analogously, each VirtualToPhysical thread blocks on a read to the corresponding virtual port, and then once that read is accomplished, the data just read is written to the physical port. 6.7.3 Module / Function Software Description The primary source module is VirtualToPhysical.cpp, which consists of about 1000 lines of C/C++ code. Note that this reference design is much more complex than its cousin, the simpler VirtualToPhysical reference design. The additional complexity stems from two major differences: 1) multiple Virtual Port handling, and 2) Very robust command line parameter handling. Note: consult the Core Users Guide and Reference for information on command line parameters and operation. 6.7.4 Critical Function Descriptions The following functions are critical. Controlling Thread
ThreadVirtualToPhysical ( )
ThreadPhysicalToVirtual ( )
OpenPhysicalPort ( )
ProcessCommandLineSwitches ()
main ( )
Description Reads data from the virtual serial port(s) and writes that data to the physical serial port. Reads data from the physical serial port and writes that data to the virtual serial port(s). Finds the physical port, gets a handle to the same, and builds a DCB with default settings. Whips through the command line parameters, and sets up global variables based on parameter settings. Entry point.
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6.7.5 Narrative from Entry Point From the main ( ) entry point, the following operations are performed: 1. The physical port is opened by OpenPhysicalPort ( ):
if (!OpenPhysicalPort ( argc, argv)) { CleanupPortsAndThreads (); exit (0); }
Initially the port DCB (global: gDCB) is setup for 19200 BPS, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and XON / XOFF handshaking. These parameters may be overridden by command line parameters later. 2. Command line parameters are processed by ProcessCommandLineSwitches ( ):
if (!ProcessCommandLineSwitches ( argc, argv )){ CleanupPortsAndThreads (); exit (0); }
The majority of the command line switches simply change the global DCB. 3. Now the physical port setup (DCB and timeout) is completed by SetupPhysicalPortDcbAndTO ( ).
// Now that the command line switches have been // processed, we setup timeouts and DCB in the // physical port. // if (!SetupPhysicalPortDcbAndTO ( ) ) { CleanupPortsAndThreads (); exit (0); }
At this point the physical port is completely setup with respect to communications parameters and such which were specified on the command line. 4. Now the following loop runs once for each virtual port indicated on the command line:
// // Start all virtual ports, this loop involves version validation // and thread creation... // for (int VirtualPort = 0; VirtualPort < (argc - 2); VirtualPort++) { // // Look for a leading slash in the argument, which should indicate // then end of the list of virtual ports. //
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Each Virtual Port is then opened, version validated, and read timeouts are installed (Default: 100ms read interval, and 1 second total). Then a ThreadVirtualToPhysical ( ) is created for each Virtual Port. 5. Exactly one ThreadPhysicalToVirtual ( ) thread is then created. 6. The main ( ) then waits for the operator to select Q from the keyboard to indicate its time to quit. During this time the threading performs the desired data movement operations.
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6.8.5 Narrative from Entry Point The following code fragment illustrates the techniques used:
// // Go out to the VSP API to add the port // ErrorCode = hVsp.AddSerialPort (argv[1]); // // Validate the results of that operation... // if (ERROR_SUCCESS == ErrorCode) { printf("Port %s added.\n\n", argv[1]); } else if (ERROR_INVALID_NAME == ErrorCode) { printf("Error - Addport() : Port name too long. Port not created.\n\n"); exit(ErrorCode); } else if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == ErrorCode) { printf("Error - Addport() : Port %s has already been created.\n\n", argv[1]); exit(ErrorCode); } else if (ERROR_CANTOPEN == ErrorCode) { printf("Error - Addport() : Function failed, code %i\n\n", ErrorCode); exit(ErrorCode); } else{ printf("Error - Addport() : %s could not be created. Code %i\n\n", argv[1], ErrorCode);
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The variable argv[1] contains a string representation of the port name to be added; COM-A, or COM4, for example.
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6.9.5 Narrative Description The following code fragment illustrates the techniques used:
// // Checks to make sure that the requested port is not currently in use // ErrorCode = hVsp.GetOpenCount(argv[1], &OpenCount); if ((ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (OpenCount != 0)) { printf("Error : Can not delete port %s...port is in use.\n\n", argv[1]); exit (3); } // // Delete the Virtual Serial Port // ErrorCode = hVsp.DeleteSerialPort (argv[1]); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == ErrorCode) { printf("Port %s deleted.\n\n", argv[1]); } else { printf("Error: Port %s not found.\n" "Make sure %s is a Virtual Port.\n\n", argv[1], argv[1]); }
Note that the variable argv[1] contains a string representation of the port name to be deleted; COM-A, or COM4, for example. Also observe that the OpenCount of the port is examined prior to deletion.
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6.10.5 Narrative Description The following code fragment illustrates the techniques used:
// // Spin through for each COM port name read from the // registry at "HKLM\HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\SERIALCOMM\\" // do { CHAR Name [25]; UCHAR szPortName[80]; DWORD dwName, dwSizeofPortName, Type; dwName = sizeof (Name); dwSizeofPortName = sizeof (szPortName); ++dwIndex; dwNumSubKeys = 0; Status = RegEnumValue (hKey, dwIndex, Name, &dwName, NULL, &Type, szPortName, &dwSizeofPortName); if ((Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA)) { int ErrorCode; // // we have found a port to try... // so, try opening the "backdoor" to the driver with it // and if the port is active then spin off a thread... // ErrorCode = hVspA.IsVirtualPort ( (char *) szPortName, &bIsVirtualPort);
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Software Development Kit Virtual Serial Port if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ErrorCode) { printf ("Error %d VSPAPI IsVirtualPort ( ) failed\n", ErrorCode); } else { if (bIsVirtualPort) { printf("Virtual Port : %s\n", Name); } else { printf("Physical Port: %s is %s\n", szPortName, Name); } } } // if ((Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA)) { } while ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) ); // // Mop all local objects. // RegCloseKey (hKey);
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7.1 CreateThread
The CreateThread function creates a thread to execute within the virtual address space of the calling process. To create a thread that runs in the virtual address space of another process, use the CreateRemoteThread function. HANDLE CreateThread( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, // SD SIZE_T dwStackSize, // initial stack size LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress, // thread function LPVOID lpParameter, // thread argument DWORD dwCreationFlags, // creation option LPDWORD lpThreadId // thread identifier ); Parameters lpThreadAttributes [in] Pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that determines whether the returned handle can be inherited by child processes. If lpThreadAttributes is NULL, the handle cannot be inherited. Windows NT/2000/XP: The lpSecurityDescriptor member of the structure specifies a security descriptor for the new thread. If lpThreadAttributes is NULL, the thread gets a default security descriptor. dwStackSize [in] Specifies the initial size of the stack, in bytes. The system rounds this value to the nearest page. If this parameter is zero, the new thread uses the default size for the executable. For more information, see Thread Stack Size. lpStartAddress [in] Pointer to the application-defined function of type LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE to be executed by the thread and
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represents the starting address of the thread. For more information on the thread function, see ThreadProc. lpParameter [in] Specifies a single parameter value passed to the thread. dwCreationFlags [in] Specifies additional flags that control the creation of the thread. If the CREATE_SUSPENDED flag is specified, the thread is created in a suspended state, and will not run until the ResumeThread function is called. If this value is zero, the thread runs immediately after creation. At this time, no other values are supported. Windows XP: If the STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION flag is specified, the dwStackSize parameter specifies the initial reserve size of the stack. Otherwise, dwStackSize specifies the commit size. lpThreadId [out] Pointer to a variable that receives the thread identifier. Windows NT/2000/XP: If this parameter is NULL, the thread identifier is not returned. Windows 95/98/Me: This parameter may not be NULL. Return Values If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the new thread. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. Note that CreateThread may succeed even if lpStartAddress points to data, code, or is not accessible. If the start address is invalid when the thread runs, an exception occurs, and the thread terminates. Thread termination due to an invalid start address is handled as an error exit for the thread's process. This behavior is similar to the asynchronous nature of CreateProcess, where the process is created even if it refers to invalid or missing dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). Windows 95/98/Me: CreateThread succeeds only when it is called in the context of a 32-bit program. A 32-bit DLL cannot create an additional thread when that DLL is being called by a 16-bit program.
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Remarks The number of threads a process can create is limited by the available virtual memory. By default, every thread has one megabyte of stack space. Therefore, you can create at most 2028 threads. If you reduce the default stack size, you can create more threads. However, your application will have better performance if you create one thread per processor and build queues of requests for which the application maintains the context information. A thread would process all requests in a queue before processing requests in the next queue. The new thread handle is created with THREAD_ALL_ACCESS to the new thread. If a security descriptor is not provided, the handle can be used in any function that requires a thread object handle. When a security descriptor is provided, an access check is performed on all subsequent uses of the handle before access is granted. If the access check denies access, the requesting process cannot use the handle to gain access to the thread. If the thread impersonates a client, then calls CreateThread with a NULL security descriptor, the thread object created has a default security descriptor which allows access only to the impersonation token's TokenDefaultDacl owner or members. For more information, see Thread Security and Access Rights. The thread execution begins at the function specified by the lpStartAddress parameter. If this function returns, the DWORD return value is used to terminate the thread in an implicit call to the ExitThread function. Use the GetExitCodeThread function to get the thread's return value. The thread is created with a thread priority of THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL. Use the GetThreadPriority and SetThreadPriority functions to get and set the priority value of a thread. When a thread terminates, the thread object attains a signaled state, satisfying any threads that were waiting on the object. The thread object remains in the system until the thread has terminated and all handles to it have been closed through a call to CloseHandle. The ExitProcess, ExitThread, CreateThread, CreateRemoteThread functions, and a process that is starting (as the result of a call by CreateProcess) are serialized between each other within a process. Only one of these events can happen in an address space at a time. This means that the following restrictions hold: During process startup and DLL initialization routines, new threads can be created, but they do not begin execution until DLL initialization is done for the process.
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Only one thread in a process can be in a DLL initialization or detach routine at a time. ExitProcess does not return until no threads are in their DLL initialization or detach routines.
A thread that uses functions from the C run-time libraries should use the beginthread and endthread C run-time functions for thread management rather than CreateThread and ExitThread. Failure to do so results in small memory leaks when ExitThread is called. Example Code For an example, see Creating Threads. Requirements Windows NT/2000/XP: Included in Windows NT 3.1 and later. Windows 95/98/Me: Included in Windows 95 and later. Header: Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h. Library: Use Kernel32.lib.
7.2 DCB
The DCB structure defines the control setting for a serial communications device. typedef struct _DCB { DWORD DCBlength ; DWORD BaudRate ; DWORD fBinary : 1; DWORD fParity : 1; DWORD fOutxCtsFlow :1; DWORD fOutxDsrFlow :1; DWORD fDtrControl :2; DWORD fDsrSensitivity :1; DWORD fTXContinueOnXoff :1; DWORD fOutX : 1; DWORD fInX : 1; DWORD fErrorChar : 1; DWORD fNull : 1; DWORD fRtsControl :2; DWORD fAbortOnError :1; DWORD fDummy2 :17; WORD wReserved ; WORD XonLim ;
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WORD XoffLim ; BYTE ByteSize ; BYTE Parity ; BYTE StopBits ; char XonChar ; char XoffChar ; char ErrorChar ; char EofChar ; char EvtChar ; WORD wReserved1 ; } DCB; Members DCBlength Length, in bytes, of the DCB structure. BaudRate Baud rate at which the communications device operates. This member can be an actual baud rate value, or one of the following indexes: CBR_110 CBR_19200 CBR_300 CBR_38400 CBR_600 CBR_56000 CBR_1200 CBR_57600 CBR_2400 CBR_115200 CBR_4800 CBR_128000 CBR_9600 CBR_256000 CBR_14400 fBinary Indicates whether binary mode is enabled. Windows does not support nonbinary mode transfers, so this member must be TRUE. fParity Indicates whether parity checking is enabled. If this member is TRUE, parity checking is performed and errors are reported. fOutxCtsFlow
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Indicates whether the CTS (clear-to-send) signal is monitored for output flow control. If this member is TRUE and CTS is turned off, output is suspended until CTS is sent again. fOutxDsrFlow Indicates whether the DSR (data-set-ready) signal is monitored for output flow control. If this member is TRUE and DSR is turned off, output is suspended until DSR is sent again. fDtrControl DTR (data-terminal-ready) flow control. This member can be one of the following values. Value DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE Meaning Disables the DTR line when the device is opened and leaves it disabled. Enables the DTR line when the device is opened and leaves it on. Enables DTR handshaking. If handshaking is enabled, it is an error for the application to adjust the line by using the EscapeCommFunction function.
Indicates whether the communications driver is sensitive to the state of the DSR signal. If this member is TRUE, the driver ignores any bytes received, unless the DSR modem input line is high. fTXContinueOnXoff Indicates whether transmission stops when the input buffer is full and the driver has transmitted the XoffChar character. If this member is TRUE, transmission continues after the input buffer has come within XoffLim bytes of being full and the driver has transmitted the XoffChar character to stop receiving bytes. If this member is FALSE, transmission does not continue until the input buffer is within XonLim bytes of being empty and the driver has transmitted the XonChar character to resume reception. fOutX Indicates whether XON/XOFF flow control is used during transmission. If this member is TRUE, transmission stops when the XoffChar character is received and starts again when the XonChar character is received. fInX Indicates whether XON/XOFF flow control is used during reception. If this member is TRUE, the XoffChar character is sent when the input buffer
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comes within XoffLim bytes of being full, and the XonChar character is sent when the input buffer comes within XonLim bytes of being empty. fErrorChar Indicates whether bytes received with parity errors are replaced with the character specified by the ErrorChar member. If this member is TRUE and the fParity member is TRUE, replacement occurs. fNull Indicates whether null bytes are discarded. If this member is TRUE, null bytes are discarded when received. fRtsControl RTS (request-to-send) flow control. This member can be one of the following values. Value RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE Meaning Disables the RTS line when the device is opened and leaves it disabled. Enables the RTS line when the device is opened and leaves it on. Enables RTS handshaking. The driver raises the RTS line when the "type-ahead" (input) buffer is less than one-half full and lowers the RTS line when the buffer is more than threequarters full. If handshaking is enabled, it is an error for the application to adjust the line by using the EscapeCommFunction function. Windows NT/2000/XP: Specifies that the RTS line will be high if bytes are available for transmission. After all buffered bytes have been sent, the RTS line will be low.
Indicates whether read and write operations are terminated if an error occurs. If this member is TRUE, the driver terminates all read and write operations with an error status if an error occurs. The driver will not accept any further communications operations until the application has acknowledged the error by calling the ClearCommError function. fDummy2 Reserved; do not use. wReserved Reserved; must be zero.
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XonLim Minimum number of bytes allowed in the input buffer before flow control is activated to inhibit the sender. Note that the sender may transmit characters after the flow control signal has been activated, so this value should never be zero. This assumes that either XON/XOFF, RTS, or DTR input flow control is specified in fInX, fRtsControl, or fDtrControl. XoffLim Maximum number of bytes allowed in the input buffer before flow control is activated to allow transmission by the sender. This assumes that either XON/XOFF, RTS, or DTR input flow control is specified in fInX, fRtsControl, or fDtrControl. The maximum number of bytes allowed is calculated by subtracting this value from the size, in bytes, of the input buffer. ByteSize Number of bits in the bytes transmitted and received. Parity Parity scheme to be used. This member can be one of the following values. Value EVENPARITY MARKPARITY NOPARITY ODDPARITY SPACEPARITY StopBits Number of stop bits to be used. This member can be one of the following values. Value ONESTOPBIT ONE5STOPBITS TWOSTOPBITS XonChar Value of the XON character for both transmission and reception. XoffChar Value of the XOFF character for both transmission and reception. ErrorChar Meaning 1 stop bit 1.5 stop bits 2 stop bits Meaning Even Mark No parity Odd Space
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Value of the character used to replace bytes received with a parity error. EofChar Value of the character used to signal the end of data. EvtChar Value of the character used to signal an event. wReserved1 Reserved; do not use.
Remarks When a DCB structure is used to configure the 8250, the following restrictions apply to the values specified for the ByteSize and StopBits members: The number of data bits must be 5 to 8 bits. The use of 5 data bits with 2 stop bits is an invalid combination, as is 6, 7, or 8 data bits with 1.5 stop bits. Requirements Windows NT/2000/XP: Included in Windows NT 3.1 and later. Windows 95/98/Me: Included in Windows 95 and later. Header: Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h.
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7.3 GetCommState
The GetCommState function retrieves the current control settings for a specified communications device. BOOL GetCommState( HANDLE hFile <>, // handle to communications device LPDCB lpDCB <> // device-control block ); Parameters HFile [in] Handle to the communications device. The CreateFile function returns this handle. lpDCB [out] Pointer to a DCB structure that receives the control settings information. Return Values If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. Requirements Windows NT/2000/XP: Included in Windows NT 3.1 and later. Windows 95/98/Me: Included in Windows 95 and later. Header: Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h. Library: Use Kernel32.lib.
7.4 SetCommState
The SetCommState function configures a communications device according to the specifications in a device-control block (a DCB structure). The function reinitializes all hardware and control settings, but it does not empty output or input queues.
BOOL SetCommState( HANDLE hFile; LPDCB lpDCB; // device-control block );
Parameters hFile
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[in] Handle to the communications device. The CreateFile function returns this handle. lpDCB [in] Pointer to a DCB structure that contains the configuration information for the specified communications device. Return Values If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. Remarks The SetCommState function uses a DCB structure to specify the desired configuration. The GetCommState function returns the current configuration. To set only a few members of the DCB structure, you should modify a DCB structure that has been filled in by a call to GetCommState. This ensures that the other members of the DCB structure have appropriate values. The SetCommState function fails if the XonChar member of the DCB structure is equal to the XoffChar member. When SetCommState is used to configure the 8250, the following restrictions apply to the values for the DCB structure's ByteSize and StopBits members: The number of data bits must be 5 to 8 bits. Example Code For an example, see Configuring a Communications Resource. Requirements Windows NT/2000/XP: Included in Windows NT 3.1 and later. Windows 95/98/Me: Included in Windows 95 and later. Header: Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h. Library: Use Kernel32.lib.
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8. Notices
Use of this software, information, or technology in a system, or as a component of a system, which can through action or inaction, cause damage to life, limb, property, or the environment is not authorized. Use of this software is also subject to the terms and conditions of your properly executed Software License Agreement with CDS. This manual, information, technology and software is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent.
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