Day 3 Indian History IQR Unit-3 EM
Day 3 Indian History IQR Unit-3 EM
Day 3 Indian History IQR Unit-3 EM
1. List of Europeans arrived to India - Chronology order:
European Power Year of Arrival Loca on of Arrival
2. Reason: A er the Roman Empire's decline and Constan nople's fall in 1453, Arabs dominated
Egypt and Persia, controlling Indian trade routes. This led Europeans to lose direct contact and
easy access to Indian commodi es.
3. The commercial contacts between India and Europe were very old via the land route either
through the Oxus valley or Syria or Egypt. But, the new sea route via the Cape of Good Hope
was discovered by Vasco da Gama in 1498.
102. In 1791, Bri sh resident, Jonathan Duncan established a Sanskrit College promote the study of
Hindu laws and philosophy in Banaras.
103. Bri sh scholars were divided into two groups.
Orientalists, advocated the promo on of oriental subjects through Indian languages.
Anglicists Promoted western sciences and literature in the medium of English language.
104. The widow remarriage, which was passed on 13 July 1856 and came to be called the Widow
Remarriage Act, 1856.
105. Child Marriage:
In 1846, the minimum marriageable age for a girl was only 10 years.
In 1891, through the enactment of the Age of Consent Act, this was raised to 12 years.
In 1930, through the Sharda Act, the minimum age was raised to 14 years.
A er independence, the limit was raised to 18 years in 1978.
First Anglo- Haider Ali became the de War continued without Treaty of Madras
Mysore War facto ruler of Mysore in conclusion for a year- signed.
(1767-69) 1761. and-a-half. Exchange of
Threatened British Haider appeared before prisoners and
interests due to Madras causing panic, conquered areas. -
proximity with the leading to the Treaty of English promised to
French and control over Madras (April 4, 1769). assist Haider if
Malabar trade. Treaty provided for attacked.
British, Nizam of exchange of prisoners
Hyderabad, and and conquered areas,
Marathas allied against and English promised
Haider Ali. help to Haider if
Haider diplomatically attacked.
turned Marathas neutral
and Nizam into an ally.
Fourth Tipu aimed to avenge his War began on April 17, Tipu Sultan killed.
Anglo- defeat and recoup losses. 1799, and ended on May British took
Mysore War Lord Wellesley, 4, 1799. - Tipu defeated possession of key
(1799) concerned about Tipu's by British under General territories.
ties with French, forced Stuart and General Mysore handed over
him into submission Harris. to Wodeyars under
through Subsidiary Arthur Wellesley also British subsidiary
Alliance. participated. alliance.
Tipu accused of plotting Marathas and Nizam French influence in
against British. - War assisted British. Deccan permanently
began. Tipu died in the battle, eliminated.
and all treasures
confiscated by British.
British chose a boy from
earlier Hindu royal family
as ruler and imposed
Subsidiary Alliance.
First Anglo- After Madhavrao I's death Raghunathrao signed the Treaty of Salbai
Maratha War in 1772, his brother Treaty of Surat (1775) with (1782) signed.
(1775-82) Narayanrao became the the British, ceding British retained
Peshwa. territories for military Salsette.
Narayanrao’s uncle support. Marathas
Raghunathrao had him The British Calcutta Council regained other
assassinated and declared condemned the treaty and territories.
himself Peshwa. made a new treaty (Treaty Peshwa and
Twelve Maratha chiefs of Purandar, 1776) British agreed not
(Barabhai) led by Nana annulling the previous one. to support
Phadnavis supported Nana Phadnavis violated enemies.
Narayanrao’s son, Sawai the treaty by granting the
Madhavrao, as the French a port, leading to
rightful Peshwa. renewed conflict.
Raghunathrao sought Marathas, under Mahadji
help from the British. Sindhia, trapped the British
and forced them to sign
the Treaty of Wadgaon
Warren Hastings sent
reinforcements, capturing
key territories.
Third Anglo- Lord Hastings sought to Peshwa attacked the Signed Treaty of
Maratha War impose British British Residency at Poona. Poona (1817),
(1817-19) paramountcy. Appa Sahib of Nagpur Treaty of Gwalior
Maratha chiefs rallied attacked the residency at (1817),
under Peshwa Bajirao II Nagpur. Treaty of
First Anglo- Sikh army crossed the British engineered Treaty of Lahore (1846):
Sikh War River Sutlej on Dec 11, internal treachery, British resident
(1845-46) 1845. causing Sikh defeats. established at Lahore.
Post-Ranjit Singh Lahore fell to the Jalandhar Doab annexed.
chaos led to power British without a fight - Sikh Army reduced.
struggle. in 1846. Daleep Singh recognized
English military as ruler.
operations in Kashmir sold to Gulab
Afghanistan and Singh.
annexation of Sindh
raised suspicions.
Increased English
troop presence near
Lahore's border.
122. Lord Canning had the unique opportunity to become the Governor-General as well as the first
Viceroy according to the Act of 1858.
123. Lord Canning proclaimed the new Government at Allahabad on 1 November 1858 in
accordance with the Queen’s Proclama on.
Lord Ly on (1876-1880)
124. The first Famine Commission (1878-80) under Sir Richard Strachey was appointed and it made
many commendable recommenda ons. The Famine Code came into existence in 1883.
125. In 1878, the Vernacular Press Act and the Arms Act was passed.
126. He introduced uniform salt tax. He also abolished many import du es and supported the Free
127. Lord Mayo started the system of decentralisa on of finance and Ly on con nued that system.
128. In 1878, the Statutory Civil Service was established exclusively for Indians but this was
abolished later.
129. The first Afghan War (1838-42) proved to be a disastrous one for the Bri sh in India.
130. Second Afghan War (1878-80): The Bri sh troops captured the territory between Kabul and
Kandahar. Yakub Khan and Bri sh concluded the Treaty of Gandamak.
Lord Ripon (1880-84)
131. He repealed the Vernacular Press Act and earned much popularity among Indians.
132. He introduced Local Self-Government in 1882. District and taluk boards were created.
133. He also insisted on the elec on of local bodies as against selec on by the government.
134. Hunter Commission: Ripon appointed this Commission in 1882.this commission review the
working of the educa onal system on the basis of the recommenda ons of the Wood’s
135. He introduced the Factory Act of 1881 to improve the service condi on of the factory workers
in India. The Act banned the appointment of children below the age of seven in factories.
136. Ilbert Bill Agita on (1884): He wanted to remove two kinds of law that had been prevalent in
India. According to the system of law, a European could be tried only by a European Judge or a
European Magistrate. C.P. Ilbert, Law Member, introduced a bill in 1883 to abolish discrimina on
in judiciary. Europeans even raised a fund of one lakh fi y thousand rupees and established an
organisa on called the Defence Associa on. The immediate result of this awakening of India
was the birth of the Indian Na onal Congress in 1885, the very next year of Ripon’s departure.
Lord Curzon (1899-1905)
137. In 1902, he established a Universi es Commission to thoroughly review the university
educa on system in the country and recommenda ons of the Commission, Curzon brought in
the Indian Universi es Act of 1904.
138. He brought in a new legisla ve measure namely the Calcu a Corpora on Act in 1899.
Justice Party 1916 Dr T.M. Nair, P. Against the Efforts yielded in the
Movement Tyagaraja domination of passing of the 1930
Chetti, C.N. brahmins in Government Order,
Mudalair government providing reservations
service, education, to various social
and the political groups in Madras
field. Presidency.