Structuring A Science Report IMRaD
Structuring A Science Report IMRaD
Structuring A Science Report IMRaD
The purpose of a scientific report is to talk the reader through an experiment or piece
of research you’ve done where you’ve generated some data, the decisions you made,
what you found and what it means. Lab or experimental reports in the Sciences have a
very specific structure, which is often known as IMRAD: Introduction, Methods,
Results and Discussion.
Whether it’s a shorter lab report or a longer research project or dissertation, science writing of this
kind tends to be structured into those sections (or chapters, if it’s a long project or thesis). Empirical
research in the Social Sciences which is based on data collection might also use this structure. You’ll
probably recognise it too in many of the journal articles you’re reading. There are sometimes
variations from this pattern – sometimes results and discussion are combined into one section,
sometimes in a longer research project there is a separate literature review in addition to the
introduction, or there might be a conclusion as well as the discussion. Social sciences reports might
have a theory section too. Always look at the brief for the assignment you have been set, or ask your
lecturer or supervisor if you aren’t sure.
As there is a conventional set structure to follow for scientific reports, the main issue tends to be not
how to structure it, but knowing what to write in each section, and making sure the right things are
in the right places. Each section is clearly marked out with subheadings with a distinct purpose and
role in the report, and the reader will expect to find particular things in each part. To help you follow
this structure and know which of your points goes where, it might be useful to think about what
question each section answers for your reader, and also what type of writing is characteristic of that
section – more descriptive (factual), or more analytical (interpretation).
The introduction answers two questions, and is mostly descriptive, with more analysis if you’re
writing up a research project rather than a lab report:
“How did you do the research?” DESCRIPTIVE
The methods section really is a pretty straightforward description of what you did to perform the
experiment, or collect and process the data. It is often relatively short, about 15-20% of the report,
and because it describes what you did, it is written in the past tense, whereas the rest of the report
is in the present tense. In a lab report, it might even be largely based on the experiment brief you
were given. Its purpose is to allow your research to be replicated, so it needs to be clear and detailed
enough to let another researcher follow it and reproduce what you did, like a recipe. This allows the
reader to know exactly how you gathered and processed your data and judge whether your method
was appropriate, or if it has any limitations or flaws. The methods section describes what you
actually did rather than what you ideally intended to do, so it also includes any places where you
departed from your planned approach and things might have gone a bit wrong or unexpectedly. This
will help you explain any unusual elements in your results. Depending on the kind of research you
are doing, a methods sections might list equipment or software used, describe a set up or process,
“What did you find? What do the findings say?” DESCRIPTIVE
This section is where you present your findings, or data. This could take a number of forms,
depending on the kind of research you’re doing -it could be text, but very often the data is presented
as graphs, tables, images, or other kinds of figure. You might choose to include representative data,
rather than all of the results. The results section is a meaty one, perhaps 30-40% of the report in
terms of space and importance, but it is dense rather than long and wordy, as figures are often richer
and more concise than words. How you represent your data is up to you, and depends on the
observations you want to draw out of it.
The results section is one which many people find confusing to write. Its purpose is to present the
data, but in a form which is easy for the reader to digest. The results section therefore has some
explanation, so the reader knows what they are looking at. For example, it isn’t enough simply to
give them a graph or table; there needs to be an explanation of what the figure is, what it contains
and how to read it (for example, what the image is of and its scale, what the graph axes are or what
the columns and rows in the table represent). You might also draw the reader’s attention to the
main features of the data that you want them to notice, such as trends, patterns, correlations,
noteworthy aspects or significant areas. However, the results section is mostly descriptive – it’s a
slightly digested form of your raw data. It says what the findings are, what the data says, but it
doesn’t tell the reader what the results mean – that’s the job of the discussion.
“What do the findings mean?” ANALYSIS
Results in themselves aren’t the full story. Two people can look at the same data, see two different
things and interpret it in two different ways. The discussion is where you explain what you think the
data means and what it proves. In doing so, you are making an argument, explaining the reasons why
you think your interpretation of the data is correct, so this section is very analytical and therefore
substantial, about 15-20%. In a discussion, you might be arguing that something is significant, or that
it shows a connection, or is due to particular causes. You could comment on the impact of any
limitations, how far the findings support your hypothesis, or what further work needs to be done and
speculate on what it might find. You might also bring some references to the literature in here, to
help support your arguments, explain your findings or show how they are consistent with other
“What’s the overall point you’re making? So what?” ANALYTICAL
If you have been asked to write a conclusion separately to the discussion, this is where you take a big
step back from the detailed analysis of the data in your discussion, and summarise overall what you
think your research has shown. You might comment on its significance or implications for our
understanding of the topic you outlined in the introduction, or where it agrees or disagrees with
other literature. You are making a judgement statement about the validity, quality and significance of
your study and how it fits with existing knowledge. Some reports combine this with the discussion
though. The conclusion is fairly short, about 5%, as you’re not adding new information, just summing
it all up into your main overall message. It is analytical though, so although you are restating the
points you’ve already made, you are synthesising it in a new way so your reader understands what
the research has demonstrated and what has been learned from it.
Other elements
If you are writing a longer research project, dissertation or thesis, you would include an abstract at
the beginning, summarising the whole report for the reader. The abstract is read separately from the
report itself, as it helps the reader get a sense of what it contains and whether they want to read the
whole thing.
At the end of the main report, you would include elements such as your reference list, and any
appendices if you are using them. An appendix is generally used for elements which are long and
detailed information, but which are not central to your points and which would disrupt the flow of
the report if you included them in the main body.