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Annotation: This article discusses the problems of formation of self-

organization and self-control skills in the process of independent work of students
in a foreign language. Key concepts such as "self-organization", "self-control" and
"independent work" are analyzed and defined. The necessary ways and methods
for solving these problems have been formed.
Keywords: self-organization, self-control, independent work, foreign

In modern conditions of rapid accumulation and updating of information, in

which educational processes take place, it is important to interest students in
acquiring new knowledge and teach them the techniques of independent work in
order to overcome the difficulties associated with mastering the necessary
knowledge. The set of necessary requirements required for the implementation of
the basic educational program of secondary general education in educational
institutions is determined by the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary
(complete) General Education. The methodological basis of this standard is an
approach that ensures the formation of students' readiness for continuing education
and self-development. As a result of mastering the educational program for
the ability and readiness for self-development should be instilled, motivation for
learning should be formed, the ability to independently set goals in the preparation
and implementation of educational activities, independently carry out, adjust and
control this activity [5, p 46]. To do this, it is necessary to develop students'
experience of creative and independent activity, willingness and ability to navigate
independently in various sources of information, as well as critically evaluate the
information received from various sources, taking into account information
security standards. A high level of mastering the skills of self-organization and
self-control in educational activities will be a guarantee in obtaining the necessary
knowledge at the subsequent stages of continuing education. Therefore, the
problem of formation of self-organization and self-control skills in the process of
independent work is currently the most urgent. Concepts such as "self-control" and
"self-organization" are an integral part of any learning process. At the same time,
students act as a subject planning, organizing and controlling their actions. In most
cases, control over the performance of various tasks in a foreign language is
carried out by the teacher. There is no denying the fact that teacher control is one
of the important elements in
the learning process. Nevertheless, an important point in the educational process is
to involve students in doing a certain amount of independent work. To achieve this
goal, the teacher needs to help students properly organize and control their
independent activities. So what is meant by the terms "self-control" and "self-
organization"? In her work "On the motivation of learning a foreign language in
secondary school", N.N. Dushkova defines self-organization as an activity and the
ability of a person to be able to organize himself, show determination and activity,
reasonably motivate and plan his activities, independently and quickly make
decisions, be responsible for them, critically evaluate the results of his actions [1,
p. 90-107].The concept of self-control finds different definitions and
interpretations from different researchers.In her works on the organization of
educational activities, L.V. Zharova, considering the issues of stimulating
independent work in education, writes: "The most important method of self–
organization of activity is self-control - independent regulation and direction by a
person of his mental work, behavior, motives, desires on the path necessary for
development" [2, p. 19].Researchers I.A. Zimnaya, I.I. Kitrosskaya, K.A.
Michurina believe that the formation of self-control in students is provided by two
factors [4, p. 25-29]:
• controlling actions of the teacher;
• the development of the trainees' own internal program of action.
To develop self-control in the process of learning a foreign language, it is
necessary to rely on the level of self-control they already have, the level that was
formed earlier in the process of mastering the techniques of speech activity in their
native language or other activities. The first problem of the formation of self-
organization and self-control skills in the process of independent work of students
in a foreign language arises from the fact that not all high school students have an
internal program for independent actions, not all can correctly define goals and
plans for their activities, navigate the information received and critically evaluate
it. There is no clear concept of the mechanism of self-organization and self-control.
In order to form such mechanisms of "self-control" and "self-organization", the
teacher must constantly turn to certain techniques. For example, to encourage
students to make independent judgments or to conduct test tasks with self-checking
of their answers with a standard answer. Self-correction of erroneous actions on the
part of students assumes that they have a certain sample with which the action they
perform is compared. In the process of learning a foreign language, the formation
of a speech action scheme or an internal program is one of the main tasks of
learning. The development of such a program is based on an external sample,
which is either visually or speculatively presented to students [5, p. 46]. After all,
students learn to pronounce words, sounds, combine words into sentences, guided
by the patterns that are presented to them directly by the teacher. The above actions
contribute to the formation of students' basic self-control skills. The second
problem of the formation of self-organization and self-control skills in the process
of independent work of students in a foreign language is directly related to the
interpretation of the term "independent work". Some interpret it as a form and
method of organizing teaching, others believe that these are special tasks designed
for independent performance, and others understand it as the activity of students
without any interference and control by the teacher. However, most agree that
"independent work is a method of teaching in which students, on the instructions of
a teacher and under his guidance, independently solve an educational task,
showing efforts and activity" [3, p. 68].Therefore, it is very important to create a
need for students to expand their knowledge and encourage them to show
independence. But any independent activity cannot be effectively carried out
without the action of a self-control mechanism. The inability to test oneself often
causes serious difficulties for students. This is because the skills of self-control and
self-organization are formed spontaneously. From the very beginning of the
educational process, students should be taught to control and correct themselves.
As a result of such work, students will have an internal apparatus that allows them
to regulate their own activities even before they receive an assessment from the
outside. In this case, not only the teacher has the standard of action, the standard
will also be in the student's mind. This will provide a two-way understanding of
what is controlled and how. This, in turn, will help to reduce the level of
misunderstanding, avoid or smooth out possible conflicts. In the presence of self-
control and assessment, the student finds a source of stimulation and motivation
not in the mark, but within the educational process, in his educational and
cognitive activities. On the part of the teacher, it is important to understand that an
indispensable condition for the formation and development of self-control is its
methodically competent organization. Self-control and self-correction must be
taught throughout the educational process. Psychologists believe that self-control is
not an innate human ability. It is formed both under the influence of personal
experience and as a result of the process of upbringing and purposeful
development. From the point of view of teaching a foreign language, it should be
noted that the emergence of the ability to self-control and self-correction when
mastering a foreign language is facilitated by the fact that students already know
how to exercise self-control in the field of their native language, that is, the
mechanism of self-control has already been formed and is functioning. Thus, the
task of a foreign language teacher is to direct the activity of this mechanism to the
acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in a foreign language. The solution to this
problem lies both in the sphere of involuntary possession of self-control and self-
correction skills, and in the use of special tools for this purpose, representing a
variety of standards, samples, keys, models, .
Summarizing the above, it can be concluded that in relation to mastering a
foreign language, self-organization and self-control are manifested when the
student speaks a foreign language and simultaneously monitors his speech and the
information reproduced by him through hearing and motor sensations. And in the
process of writing, as a result of which certain symbolic signs and images arise,
mechanisms that are controlled by the student's vision and motor sensations come
into action. At the same time, independently evaluate the result of their actions.
With all the variety of approaches to the definition of self-control in the process of
mastering a foreign language, most researchers mainly focus on the psychological
essence of self-control, which mainly consists in comparing the actions performed
by students with a sample and with a set goal. Thus, in relation to mastering a
foreign language, self-control is manifested when, for example, a student, while
carrying out the process of speaking a foreign language, simultaneously controls
himself through hearing and motor sensations, or in the process of writing, hand
movements and graphic symbols resulting from these movements are controlled by
vision and motor sensations. Receptive speech activity, in turn, is subject to self-
control in terms of understanding the semantic relationship of the elements of
visual or auditory perception. Self-control in this case signals a violation of this
process and the need to carry out activities to correct the perception of certain
information. Therefore, self-control in the process of mastering a foreign language
is an organic component of any skill and skill, controlling brain activity carried out
arbitrarily or involuntarily through appropriate psychophysiological channels.

1. Dushkova N.N. On the issue of motivation for teaching a foreign language
in secondary school // Bulletin of the M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State
University for the Humanities. 2009. No. 2. pp. 90-107.
2. Zharova L.V. Self-control in the educational work of adolescents. // Soviet
pedagogy. 1966. No. 7. p. 19
3. Zharova L.V. Teach independence. M., 1993, p 68
4. Zimnaya I.A., Kitrosskaya I.I., Michurina V.A. Self-control as a component
of speech activity and the levels of its formation. General methods of
teaching foreign languages. M., 1991, p 25-29
5. Konysheva A.V. Control of the results of teaching a foreign language.St.
Petersburg.; Minsk, 2004, p. 46

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