Egyptian Civilization
Egyptian Civilization
Egyptian Civilization
The building of exposed tombs above ground was abandoned & during
this period the Egyptian tomb returned to earth .
The best examples are found at Beni Hasan, 125 miles upstream
from Giza on the east bank of the Nile.
The Roc-cut tombs of the Middle Kingdoms proved no less inviolable to grave robbers than the Pyramids. Thus the builders
of the New Kingdom decided to sacrifice the monumentality of tombs in favor of increased security.
To this end they developed the so –called shaft tomb-a complex series of long underground corridors & chambers
hollowed out of the cliffs of the Valley of the Kings on the west bank of the river Nile near Thebes.
A valley temple near the river where the kings
MORTUARY TEMPLES body borne there on a special funerary bark, was
This normally embalmed,
Following the decline of the Pyramid and comprised of
the concealment of the burial chambers in three A mortuary temple at the temple at the foot of
the depths of the cliffs, that mortuary interconnected the pyramid for rituals devoted to the cult of
temples developed into Egyptian’s most units the Pharaoh & associated deities
important monumental form.
Most forward looking Prototypes-the Connecting these two temple structures a long
Funerary temple complexes set before the narrow causeway between thick high walls.
old Kingdom pyramids.
● Roofed passageways
● The axial alignment of spaces & statue
Papyrus-bundle column Lotus Column “Tent pole” column Papyrus column with
Palm column open bud.
Evolution of Principal
forms of Egyptian columns
In ancient Egyptian
architecture a monumental
PYLON gateway usually between
two towers in outline like
Monumental gateway to an truncated pyramids, of which
Egyptian temple, consisting of a one or a series stood before
plain of tower structures with the actual entrance or pylon
slanting walls flanking the of most temples or other
entrance portal . important buildings.
Egyptian Architecture was not all the gigantic temples &
A new town built by Pharaoh Akhnaten-8th
tombs but to the contrary also an affirmation of life busy
with trading, farming ,administration, crafts and
Clay models deposited in tombs indicate that
ordinary dwellings were of crude brick, one or two
storeys high with flat or arched ceilings & a
parapeted roof partly occupied by a loggia.
Remains of barrck-like dwellings for workers exist at
the pyramid sites of Chephren at Gizeh .
Each workers establishment constituted a
considerable village, laid out on rigidly formal lines.
The first four, like the King's Chamber, have flat roofs formed by the floor of
the chamber above, but the final chamber has a pointed roof.
It is roofed by slabs of stone laid at a slightly steeper angle than the floor of
the gallery, so that each stone fits into a slot cut in the top of the gallery like
the teeth of a ratchet.
At the upper end of the Gallery on the right-hand side there is a hole near
the roof that opens into a short tunnel by which access can be gained to
the lowest of the Relieving Chambers.
Arguably pyramids of Ancient Egypt can be attributed as the most famous
form of late Prehistoric art, and are the world's largest funerary edifices or
tombs. The architectural design of the pyramids was a reflection of both
politics and religious custom.
While the Mortuary temples were for The mammisi, which is often referred to as a birth house and
ministrations to deified Pharaohs: the considered by some to be a temple in its own rite, was
cult temples for the popular worship of certainly a structure with considerable religious significance,
the ancient and mysterious gods. especially for the king.
Cult temples began in the It a small chapel attached to a larger temple, and associated
worship of multifarious local with the nativity of a god.
A temple complex was virtually never Located within the temple precinct
constructed in isolation. In fact, the temple and often oriented at right angles to
itself was almost always surrounded by other the main temple axis, this type of
support facilities. Some of the structures were structure was associated with the
directly related to religious functions of the mysterious birth of the gods and the
temple, while others were more celebration of their births.
administrative in nature.
Mammisis were very common in
Unfortunately, many such structures, such as the Greek and Roman period, when
the Sanatoria, the House of Life, storage and they were present in all known,
support facilities, were built of mudbrick and major temples, but their origin was
are therefore significantly deteriorated. probably Egypt's Late Period.
The best preserved of these is the frontal part of
the mammisi at Edfu and the rear section of
that at Dendera.