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Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in the
picturesque Tuscan town of Vinci. His parents were 25-
year-old notary Piero and his beloved, a peasant Caterina.
The first years of life of Leonardo spent with her
mother. His father soon married a rich and noble girl, but
the marriage was childless, and Piero took his three sons
to raise. Separated from the mother of Leonardo lifetime
trying to recreate her image in their masterpieces.
The town of
Vinci near
When Leonardo was 13 years old,
his stepmother died in childbirth.
Father Leonardo had lived 78 years,
was married four times and had 12
children. He tried to attach to the
Leonardo family profession, but to Leonardo
no avail: the son was not interested
in the laws of society.
While his father was lost at work,
the boy brought up by his uncle
Francesco. He was a philosopher by
temperament and thinking slacker by
occupation. The spirit of freedom,
childhood grafted Leonardo
Francesco frivolous dreamer may
subsequently prompted the artist to
throw the unfinished masterpiece
and aspire to new heights.
The house in which he
lived as a child
"Who knows everything, he can do
everything. Only be found - and the wings
will be! "
workshop Verroko
"Decries his friend in private
and praise in public"
Milan, La Scala