Ancient-Egyptians Hamza

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Key Facts Vocabulary

 The ancient Egyptian civilisation lasted for almost

3000 years. Word Definition
Afterlife The place where Egyptians believed
 Some of their greatest architectural achieve- they would go after they died.
ments, such as the pyramids and the Sphinx, are
still standing at Giza today.
History Descendants A person who is related to you and
who lives after you, such as your
 The Nile is the longest river in the world. It runs Year 4 child or grandchild.
through Egypt and many other countries in Africa. Hieroglyph- A picture used as a form of writing
From ancient times, the Egyptians have been de- ics instead of letters.
 Summer 1
pendent on the Nile for food and transportation. Merchants A person who buys or sells goods in
large quantities.
 The Nile would flood every year and leave behind (Ancient Egypt)
rich soil. This was essential for growing food. Mummifica- The process in which the flesh and
tion skin of a corpse (dead body) can be
 The largest pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Khu- preserved.
fu, which was constructed from over 2 million
Official An important person who holds a po-
stone blocks and is believed to have taken nearly sition of authority in an organisation.
20 years to complete.
 Archaeologists divide the history of Ancient Papyrus A plant that grows on the banks of
Egypt into three periods, called kingdoms: the River Nile.

 The Old Kingdom (~ 3000BC), Pharaoh An ancient Egyptian ruler (king or

 The Middle Kingdom (2133-1786 BC)
Pyramid A building with triangular sides built
 The New Kingdom (1550-1070 BC). as an Egyptian tomb (a place to bury
the dead).
 The Egyptians worshiped many gods.
Tomb A large grave which is above ground
with a sculpture or decoration on it.

6000 BC 5000 BC 4500 BC 3500 BC 3000 BC 2500 BC 1550 BC 1325 BC 332 BC

Early people Egyptians Sails were used First wall paint- Walled towns Great Sphinx Many of the Tutankhamun is Egypt is invaded
settled in the farmed sheep for the first ing using hiero- and villages and the Great Royal tombs are buried. by Alexander
Nile Valley. and cattle and time and ships glyphics. were built using Pyramid were built in the Val- the Great and
grew wheat and were used as mud and bricks. built. ley of Kings. ruled by Greek
barley on the transport. kings.
fertile valley.
Knowledge and Understanding: Key Questions
Children will learn: Who were the Ancient Egyptians?

 Where ancient Egypt on a map and place it on a time How did life in Ancient Egypt differ for different
line groups of people?

 About different groups of people that lived in An- Why was the Nile important to Ancient Egyptians?
cient Egypt What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?
 What daily life was like for different groups of What did the Ancient Egyptians do with their dead?
people in Egypt
What can we learn from Ancient Egyptian artefacts?
 About relationship between the geography of Egypt
and the way of life in the past
 About different artefacts from Ancient Egypt Key People
Khufu—Pharaoh responsible for the building
of the Great Pyramid at Giza.

Key skills and concepts:

Children will be able to:
 To demonstrate that the past can be divided into periods
Tutankhamun—Youngest Pharaoh, famed for
 To ask and answer questions about the past by using sources in ways that go beyond sim- his burial tomb in the Valley of the Kings.
ple observations
 To communicate their learning, making appropriate use of specialist terms
Ramses II—Often known as Ramses the
 To compare the past and now Great, his mummy still rests in Cairo’s
 To make a reasoned judgement about the validity of different representations of the Egyptian Museum. Built more statues and
past temples than any other.

 To select and combine information from sources

 To infer and deduce using a range of sources Cleopatra VII—Often
considered the last Pharaoh of
 To give opinions and reasons Egypt. Kept power by making
alliances with famous Romans
such as Mark Antony and
Julius Caesar.

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