6013 Shadow World - Nomads of The Nine Nations
6013 Shadow World - Nomads of The Nine Nations
6013 Shadow World - Nomads of The Nine Nations
This book is the latest addition to the Shadow World line, an HANDLING PLAY
ongoing series of guidebooks designed to detail specific sections of The Adventures presented herein are geared to characters of
the planet Kulthea . Each book covers a specific area of the world, various classes and experience levels (suggestions are included
whether an island, an isolated keep, or like this one, an entire realm . with each Adventure) . Each Adventure is divided into seven
This work is designed to be used in conjunction with the Rolemas- standard parts:
ter and Fantasy Hero Role Playing Systems, and all character 1. The Setting, which gives a general idea of the sites included in
statistics (as well as spells, combat abilities, etc .) are presented the Adventure.
accordingly . Obviously, if a Gamemaster feels that any of the 2. Requirements, which lists the PC types most suitable for the
statistics and situations contained herein donot fithis orher concept Adventure, as well as any equipment or knowledge required.
of the game world as a whole, (s)he should feel free to alter them .
Care must be taken to maintain the play balance established. 3. Aids, which details key items or data which the GM will be able
For more information on the campaign world, the GM should to provide for the PCs.
consult the Shadow World Master Atlas. In addition, data can be 4. The Tale, which describes the initial plotline and events leading
found in the rulesbooks of the Rolemaster system ; these include up to the Adventure itself.
previously published works The Rolemaster Companions (vol- 5. The Task, which presents methods of starting the Adventure,
umes 1, 2 & 3), Character Law & Campaign Law, and Creatures along with obstacles and encounters awaiting the Players.
and Treasures . Combat abilities and rules are in ICE's Arms Law
and Claw Law, and the complete magic system is in Spell Law . 6. The Reward, which describes the rewards given the PCs should
For those GMs who wish to work the world of Kulthea into a they succeed in the task.
much broader, science-fiction based framework, ICE's Space 7. Alternate Adventure, which provides other means of running
Master system provide coherent guidelines and is fully compatible the same basic plotline .
with the Rolemaster rules . In the Imperial time of Space Master, The GM should become familiar with the land of Jaiman by
the world ofKulthea is known as "Ceril VII", located atcoordinates reading the book before attempting to run the Adventures . Before
35X, 20Y, 80Z. It is technically under the jurisdiction of the Inner running an Adventure, the GM should familiarize himself with the
Province ofDevon (see Imperial Crisis : House Devon In Turmoil), sequence ofevents described therein . You may wish to create some
but this claim is currently contested by at least one other Royal additional layouts or elaborate upon the provided material . This
House, as well as the Imperium itself. preparation minimizes the detail-hunting required during play and
This work is presented in thirteen parts . Part I is an introduction allows you to tailor the plotline to better suit your players.
to the Jan, just south of the continent of Thuul . Geography, Flora
and Fauna comprise Part 11. Parts III-VIII provide information on DIFFICULTY MODIFIERS
the Peoples, Cultures, Politics, and Armies of the Jan. Magic is Tasks in Shadow Worldmodules are often described in terms of
discussed in Part IX, while Part X notes fascinating cultures in or Difficulty Modifiers . Each term corresponds to a numerical modi-
near the Jan. Six adventures comprise PartXI, while Master Tables fier in Rolemaster or Fantasy Hero.
appear in PartXII . An appendix closes the book, with notes on Law, Term RM FH Term RM FH
Spells, Diseases, and a Glossary . Routine ... .. .. ..... .... +30 ....... . +4 Very Hard -20 -2
Easy . .. ..... .. .. .... . .. .. +20 ....... .+2 Extremely Hard -30 -4
Light .. .. ..... .. .. .. ..... +10 ....... .+1 Sheer Folly -50 -6
Medium . .. .. ..... .. .. ...±0 ....... .±0 Absurd -70 -8
Hard .. ..... .. ..... .. .... . -10 .... .. .. . -1 Insane -100 -10
Note: Nomads gives Rolemaster Companion professions for some characters, this chart provides the corresponding ChL professions .
A = Arms ; E = Essence; C = Channeling; M = Mentalism .
RMC Prof. (Realm) RM Prof. RMC Prof. (Realm) RM Prof. RMC Prof. (Realm) RM Prof. RMC Prof. (Realm) RM Prof.
Archmage (C-E-M) . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Mystic Craftsman (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Prof . Macabre (A-E-C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Sorceror Sailor (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rogue
Assassin (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rogue Crystal Mage (E-C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sorceror Magus (C-E) . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mystic Scholar (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Prof.
Barbarian (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fighter Dancer (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warrior Monk Montebanc (A-M) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bard Shaman (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Animist
Bashkar (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fighter Delver (A-E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bard Moon Mage (A-C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monk Sleuth (A-C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Bard
Beastmaster (A-E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ranger Dervish (A-C) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monk Necromancer (E-C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sorceror Trader (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rogue
Bounty Hunter (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fighter Dream Lord (E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illusionist Nightblade (A-M) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monk Warlock (C-M) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Astrologer
Burglar (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thief Druid (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Animist Noble Warrior (A-M) . . . . . . . . . . . . Ranger Warrior (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fighter
Cavalier (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fighter Duelist (A) . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fighter Paladin (A-C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ranger Warrior Mage (A-E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Bard
Chaotic Lord (A-C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ranger Farmer (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Prof . (The) Professional (A) . . . . . . . . . No Prof. Witch (E-C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sorcerer
Conjuror (E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Magician Gypsy (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Rogue Runemaster (E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alchemist
Crafter (E or C or M) . . . . . . . . . . No Prof. High War . Monk (A) . Warrior Monk Sage (M) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seer
Nomads of the Nine Nations 3
Kulthea is a large planet of extraordinary contrasts . With a
circumference of 27,000 miles, this seventh of fifteen worlds holds
relatively few large land masses compared to the vast seas which
cover most of it. Numerous volcanic atolls and islands dot the
rugged surface of the Shadow World, which is largely unexplored
and seismically unstable . A dearth of heavy elements keeps tech-
nology at a primitive level ; for example, no chemical explosives
exist, other than through the direct and extremely rare use of
Essence . The world holds in orbit five moons, but only one -
Orhan - significantly affects tides and currents . Flora and fauna of
every manner flourish, as do several races of intelligent beings
isolated from one another by natural barriers, Essence Flows, and
eras of distrust and superstition .
FLOWS OF ESSENCE AND THE LORDS OF ORHAN A more reassuring aspect of the Essence (if you are a Navigator)
The most fascinating aspect of Kulthea is the presence of is its tendency to form foci, permanent and temporary . Such a
Essence Flows, shifting and unseen energy fields akin to radiation . concentration of pure Essence occurs upon Nexus, home-isle of the
Essence orginates in another universe where the laws of physics Navigators . One of a handful of key Foci on the planet, Nexus
differ from those which we study and employ . Like a gateway, serves as a gathering place for power and as a "springboard" for the
Kulthea rests upon the threshold of that other universe and is thus Navigator's transport . In addition, hundreds of Greater and Lesser
affected by the Flows passing to and from that other plane . In all Foci exist, often rooted to a location or an object (an ancient tree,
other ways, the Shadow World of Kulthea is firmly anchored in the for example). Foci might boost power points or even distort or
dimensions of time and space which we all recognize . increase the intrinsic power of spells cast in proximity to the foci .
Some powerful beings have learned to tap the flows and to A very few skilled users can control and even tap some Essence
channel the Essence for both good and evil purposes . A precious Flows .
few draw power from within ; the most powerful of all deities are the GM NOTE : the function of Essence Foci is an important part
Lords of Orhan, immortals (from Kulthea's largest moon) who of Shadow World . Greater Foci have an effective radius of 1
predate the First Era. Rarely intervening in the affairs of the Shadow to 100', while Lesser Foci exist as waves or mutable clouds .
World, Orhanians are immune to the vagaries of Essence Flows and Here are some options regarding Foci :
can transport themselves instantly between their home-moon and 1 . Foci may be seen as a shimmering, more severe at its
Kulthea. The virtually mythical Lords of Orhan are unparalleled in center.
powers and often appear as extraordinarily beautiful humanoids, or
2 . Foci may be felt as a tingling on the skin .
alternately stand 15' high, a form more easily recognized as impres-
sive . 3 . Foci may be smelled as a unique, ozone-like odor.
Invisible and almost undetectable, Essence Flows shift haphaz- 4 . Foci may be heard as a high-pitched whine or a barely
ardly and can form temporary but genuine barriers (which can also discernible thrumming .
be erected by skilled Essence-users of the highest degree) . The
ordinary player would rarely recognize an Essence Flow and would THE LORDS OF ESSENCE AND THE
most likely be baffled and frustrated by it, without the costly THREE ERAS
guidance of a Navigator . No shield or spellcasting mastery can
completely overcome or defy the Essence, which is the basis of all (A WHIRLWIND HISTORY OF KULTHEA
living things . Imbued with extraordinary powers by a freak flare of Essence,
Even more terrifying are Essence Storms, a radical flux in the immortal Lords ruled over the lands and waters of Kulthea for
energy that can drain or quadruple power points in an instant . thousands of years until two camps formed. A titantic struggle
Triggered by a solar flare or a conjunction of moons, Flow-storms ensued, tearing the world apart. Races were buried by rock and
are accompanied by high winds, lightning, and other unusual and flooded by mountainous tidal waves ; lands sank, and islands
destructive weather patterns . When caught in a flow-storm, the best emerged. The wicked Empress Kadaena was slain, her head sev-
advice is to take cover and to offer prayers to the highest deity . ered. This upheaval ended the First Era, and with it faded the power
and presence of the Lords of Orhan .
Shadow World
The Second Era saw the healing of the land and thereawakening Now
of the few races of beings who survived the cataclysms. Erratic It is the year 6,050 TE (in Space Master, Imp 475). The mighty
Essence Flows tortured the world for 100,000 years, ifcertain Lore- and righteous Lords ofOrhan remain aloof from the affairs ofMen
masters are to be believed. Perhaps descendants of the Lords, Lore- and Elves ; dark cults have arisen, and black religions flourish and
masters appeared to guide and to speed the healing ofKulthea in the multiply with impunity. Right-thinking Loremasters are rarely seen
Second Era . Able to tap Essence Flows at will, the remote and and offer only words of advice, never the promise of power or
power-shy Loremasters tutored Elves and Men in their recovery weaponry. This is the Third Era, the Time of the Shadow .
overthecourse ofseveral centuries, then allbut disappeared into the HOW TO USE THIS BOOK
THE UNLIFE Nomads introduces the Worshippers of Charon's Dark God
The coming of the Unlife, a vast power which feeds upon de- Scalu, a powerful deity and awesome servant of the Unlife . Em-
struction, brought to light (and to darkness!) cults and orders ploying stealth and darkmagic, Scalu's followers plottoundermine
dedicated to evil; Great Demons were fashioned by the most the Jan, then move north to subvert the majestic kingdom of the
powerful of the Lords who had fallen under the influence of the Desert Jewel, Gethrya . Oncethat grotesque featis accomplished (if
Unlife, led by the Empress Kadeana. Wise but twisted in spirit, the it is), Scalu's worshippers will export theirterror and evil toall parts
servants of the Shadow .offered knowledge beyond that which the of the Shadow World.
Loremasters deigned to give such "lesser beings," and the power of GM Note: For More about Scalu's cult, see Part V, Religion
the Unlife grew unfettered in the Second Era. (#8) and Part X!, The Adventures (#7), "Servants ofa Dark
The 300-year-long Wars of Dominion concluded the Second God. "
Era . Weary Loremasters at last overcame the forces of the Unlife.
Good Sailing, Adventurers!
At great cost in blood and power, the world was once again at rest,
however uneasily, at the dawning of the Third Era .
Nomads of the Nine Nations
Scholars throughout history have studied various cultures, recording their observations and research for readers
elsewhere to digest . The work at hand comprises a study ofthe cultures and peoples inhabiting a land they name the
Jengada Allied Nations, or the Jan.
Lying south of the main continent of Thuul, the Jan is a vast, sparsely populated region between the southern
shore of the ocean known locally as T'si Ladan and the T'si Dre-meraz to the south. It extends nearly a fortnight's
ride on horseback from east to west, and varies from balmy subtropical latitudes to temperate midlatitudes well to
the south, thus enclosing a wide variety of geographic and climatic regions.
"We crossed the Dreshon Mountains 32 days ago . It was a miserable journey, and we escaped the snow only
to be rained upon continuously as we travelled down the mountains' western slopes . Only the cowardice andfear
these mice showedfor Kaitu's servants sustained me and kept me from killing them in their sleep.
It took3 days topass through the wet, tangledforest below the mountains . We saw no sunlightfor another 4 days
after that, and constant rains soaked us. I know nothing ofwhat thisfeatureless plain will become once the spring
melt ends, but I would gladly leave the traitors here to suffocate in the brown ooze ofmud, or to mildew slowly in
the rain ."
- From the diary of Mulacha, a Shoneb spy
in Jengada's party of refugees, in TE 6050.
The Jan is a land blessed by nature with a rugged variety of mountains, plains, rivers and lakes, as well as
abundant animal and plant life. No adventurer could ask for more physical variety and natural challenge and expect
to live to tell the tale. Walk on, freebooters!
1 " LOCATION The Magachen Forest nestles between Lake Yuntse and the
Dreshon . The Ul'lgon Wood, a hardwood rainforest, extends along
The Jan, an alliance of nine nomadic nations united under a the western flank of the Dregor. As the plains west of the Dregor
single leader, lies on the southwestern portion of the continent of slope gently downward towards the ocean, they form a low marshy
Thuul . To the north, across a broad strait, stands the large and region which drains into the Dalbish River . Both the T'cherno
powerful but isolated Star Crown Empire of Gethrya . To the west, Swamp and the Deadmar Bog (in the north and south, respectively)
the Xeleb river marks the border between the Jan and the country extend nearly 80 miles west from the Ul'lgon Wood. North of the
ofBalaan. The eastern border liesjustbeyond the Magachen Forest, Drepung Mountains, the grasslands turn to short grass and scrub
in the range ofmountains known as the Dreshon . Desert marks the before meeting the ocean, which the natives call the T'si Ladan, or
southern border, and oceans form the remaining boundaries of the "bitter water" because of its bitter, salty flavor. Steep granite cliffs
Jan . The total areais approximately 312,000 square miles . The map rise from the wide sandy beaches in the northwest, but farther east
shows the geography of the Jan, indicating landmarks and specific these cliffs rise out of the ocean to create a coastline of sheer
features. dropoffs and sea-stacks . South ofthe Deadmar Bog, which nomads
believeto be haunted by evil spirits, the grasslands fade to short, dry
2 *NATURAL FEATURES grass and sandy soil before they disappear into the Bsors'gre, a vast
expanse of desert stretching southward for more than 200 miles.
Five types of terrain comprise the lands of the Jan: grasslands, From the Dregor, the southern ann rolls in grassy hills towards the
forests, mountains, swamps, and coastal regions . Grasslands cover cliffs above the T'si Dre-meraz, the "seaofice mountains", named
most of the country and include both tall and short grass, flat plains such because of the icebergs frequently seen floating in it.
and rolling hills. Flat terrain dominates in the west, with more hills While Lake Yuntse ranks as the largest body ofwater in the Jan,
in the south and northeast. The youngest of the three mountain numerous small lakes freckle the countryside .Most notable ofthese
ranges in the Jan, the Drepung, rise to snowy peaks high above the for its size and location is icy Go-chen Lake on Mount Baikal at the
plains on the southern coast. They start in the center ofthe country, east end ofthe Drepung . Fourrivers flow through and about the Jan.
where they are highest, and extend westward through the Jan's
The northward flowing Xeleb meanders gently across the plains in
border with Balaan. Thebarren Elburz Plateau sits high andin) remote
the west. The Nemam, which consists ofthe glacial meltwater from
in theeastern Drepung, at an elevation of 13,000 feet (3,963 . The the Drepung Mountains, flows parallel to the Xeleb, through the
Drepung also contain the one active volcano in the Jan, Mount city of Akglern into T'si Ladan. The Chokhor River originates in
Sergrom ("grey thunder") . Sergrom is set deep in the central both the Drepung and the Dreshon ranges . The headwaters of the
Drepung, far from any human settlement, and erupts every 60-100 Zera Chokhor (Green Chokhor) are at the eastern end of the
years, spewing ash high into the atmosphere. The Dreshon range, Drepung, near Mount Baikal . The Alea Chokhor (Blue Chokhor)
between the Jan and the Shoneb Empire, is the oldest ; only the flows out ofLake Yuntse, which receives most of the runoff from
southern-most peaks rise above the snowline. TheDregor is afickle
the Dreshon . A larger, faster, and more tumultuous river, the
range, comprising both tall peaks and regions of gentler slopes and
Dalbish runs west from the Dregon through chutes and rapids,
hills. spilling out into T'si Dre-meraz over a beautiful waterfall .
Nomads of the Nine Nations 7
3 *UNNATURAL FEATURES the mountain, straddles the path where it emerges onto the Plateau.
Unknown architects built the Great Fortress long ago and when
On a smaller scale than the natural features of the region, the occupied it still serves as a formidable obstacle to anyone attempt-
effects of man's presence mark the land - the cities, roads, ing to either gain or leave the Plateau .
fortresses, villages, and so forth . Because of the predominantly The last unnatural geographic feature tomention-and unques-
nomadic population, the Jan contains only six cities : Akglern, tionably the most spectacular-lies atthe east end of the Drepung,
Techul, Batai, Ulan, Xanderen, and Aldshai . The western-most towering over Xanderen and Go-chen Lake. Xanderen sits on the
city, Aldshai is only a short distance east of Balaan. Akglern, the eastern slope of Mount Baikal (peak elevation 18,822 feet), a
capital, is on the coast of T'si Ladan at the mouth of the Nemam mountain shaped like a human sitting cross-legged. How the
River. Ulan, on the shore of Lake Yuntse, watches the eastern mountain acquired this shape is unknown, but the clarity of the
border of the Jan. A short distance south of Ulan is Xanderen, the features -aftermore than 700 years- indicates the work of some
most attractive city in the Jan . South of Xanderen, beside the agent besides natural forces. The. man faces east with Xanderen on
thundering falls ofthe Dalbish River, Techul overlooks the icebergs his right thigh near the shores of Go-chen Lake, which fills his
in the T'si Dre-meraz . Batai teeters on the edge ofthe Deadmar Bog prodigious lap.
southeast of Techul.
Four roads connect the six cities . The Temple Road goes from
Akglern to Xanderen along the west bank of the Zera Chokhor. The 4 *CLIMATE AND WEATHER
Silver Road continues south from Xanderen to Techul. Travelers on By virtue of its size and complex geography, the Jan contains a
this shorter road can expect adangerous journey, as the road passes number of different climatic regions . Spanning the latitudes from
through the shadow of the Drepung and within range of raiding nearly tropical regions to Southern midlatitudes, the country en-
Lugroki from the mountains . Two more roads cutacross the plains ; compasses some areas where seasonal variations in temperature
the Iron Road going from Akglern southwest to Aldshai, and the and rainfall are minimal and others where the changes are extreme .
Lake Road extending east from the Temple Road to Ulan along the The proximity ofall parts of the country to the oceans, meanwhile,
south bank of theAlea Chokhor . The route to Batai from Techul helps to reduce the amplitude of the seasonal changes most of the
consists of no more than a wide, rocky path. country experiences.
From the northern edge of the Drepung, west of Mount Baikal, Spring and summer showers cool the northern arm of the
a narrow and dangerous path wends its way up to the high and country, and every summer, thunderstorms, squall lines, and torna-
remote Elburz Plateau. At its widest, it is only broad enough for does sweep eastward from Aldshai to Ulan. East of Ulan the
three horses to walk abreast . No other known trails lead up to the weather is always humid and rainy in the summer as moist sea
Plateau. At the upper end of the trail a massive fort, carved out of breezes rise over the Dreshon . This rainforest climate extends south
along the Dregor also, though the rainfall is less severe there . The
coastal regions throughout the country are mild and fair during the
summer . Techul's average temperatures year round aremuch lower
than those in Akglem, as the former sits on what is effectively a
polar ocean.
Winter brings sharp changes in the weather patterns . The
western slopes of the Dreshon and Dregor ranges remain wet,
though much ofthe precipitation now falls as snow. Coastal regions
are again mild, but Techul and the land to the south can experience
freezing temperatures . The weather in lands north of the Drepung
changes from wet and stormy to dry and cool. The prevailing wind
currents carry the air over the Drepung from the south, and in the
process the moisture falls on the mountains, drying and warming
the air .
The Drepung and the Elburz Plateau, because oftheir east-west
orientation and location beside the ocean, experience seasonal
extremes. In summer they are hot and dry, as most of the rain falls
on the northwest end ofthe range . Winter brings heavy snowfall as
the prevailing winds comeout ofthesouthwest . Precipitation at any
time of the year takes the form of snow, and often includes intense
electrical activity in the summer.
The narrow ribbon ofland south of the Drepung sufers from the
combined effects of coastal mountain weather and an altered
climate due to the minor Essence flow that parallels the range .
Freakish storms, tornadoes, hot mountain winds, severe hail, and
surging waves on calm days are just a few of the fits of nature that
sporadically strike the region .
Mount Sergrom's eruptions do not affect local weather signifi-
cantly, due to the rapid dispersal of the ash by turbulent mountain
winds . The most notable consequence is dirty rain along the
Dreshon and Dregor ranges .
8 Shadow World
The interplay ofclimate, terrain, and surface features in the Jan
produces a stunning variety of flora and fauna. Some species are
quite rare and exotic, while others occur frequently. In describing
the more unusual species, the land will be divided into eight
categories; grasslands, fresh-water (river and lake) shores, swamps,
alpine forest, northern forest, mountain areas above the treeline, the
Bsors'gre border region, and coastal shores . The following sections
describe the plants native to these environments separately.
GM Note : statistics and other systems data for allflora can be
found in Part XIIl5.
Bhren-Scattered about the plains, amid the grass, wheat, and
wild flowers the small Bhren bush occasionally rises up above
the vegetation. For ages the nomads have known that the hard,
round leaves of the bush make a tea that soothes nauseous
stomachs and cures headaches .
Tega Grass-Tega grass is rare in the open grasslands and slightly
more common along the shores of lakes and rivers. The unusual
leaves of Tega grass have a distinct shape and so stand out even
though the grass does not grow as tall as other grasses . Tega grass
contains a juice that, after causing some initial pain, allows human
eyes to see infrared, visible and ultraviolet light at the same time
when the juice is dripped upon the eye . If ingested, the eyes adjust
so that thedrinker can see otherwise invisible objects as ifthey were
normally visible.
Zah'nt-Zah'nt, a broadleafed aquatic herb, grows along the
shallower edges of rivers and lakes in the grasslands . Forbidden to
any clansmen but the Ar'shabod, it is apowerful hallucinogen . The
Ar'shabod gather the leaves whenever they find the plant, then dry
the leaves for use later. When burnt, the weed gives off a bluish
smoke which acts as a powerful hallucinogen and induces a Purple Trumpet-The purple trumpet flower adds a touch of
precognitive dream state. beauty and color to the drab, noisome world of the swamplands .
Alas, this beauty misleads, concealing a deadly poison within its
soft petals. The nectar of the trumpet, sweet like honey, can cause
loss of coordination, brain damage or even death if consumed . The
flower grows on the taller, dryer hummocks within the swamp .
The alpine forests, including Magachen Forest beside Lake
Yuntse and the smaller woods about Go-then Lake, provide a wide
variety of unusual vegetation. Descriptions of the more notable
SWAMP FLORA plant forms appear below.
Eshgart-An unusual toxin, Eshgart can be found only in the Drepung Cedar-Quite common in the higher regions of the
deepest stagnant pools of swamps and bogs. The reddish algae can alpine forests, the Drepung Cedar is a squat, scruffy evergreen with
be dried and powdered to form a very subtle and deadly poison broad, flat needle-like leaves. The smoke produced by burning the
which remains in the body up to two weeks and only kills the victim stringy bark of the tree is wonderfully aromatic, but deadly . It seals
under heavy exertion. The chemistry is not understood, and the the pores ofthe skin, thus causing skin suffocation and toxification
poison leaves no trace in the body of its victim . of the blood .
Pesar-While fewmen careto go anywherenear the swamps ofthe Zelovet-The Drepung Cedar also provides a growing surface for
Jan, there are some who willingly travel deep into the dangerous a type of moss known as Zelovet . This moss can be boiled in water
and unpleasant mires in search of the Pesar root. An aquatic root, and then chewed to give a person a telepathic link with all nearby
Pesar is used by the military in battles and by certain mages . By horses orponies, and a bonus forriding maneuvers . Thiscan be used
burning or chewing dried shavings of the root, a person becomes to perform extremely precise riding maneuvers, as all horses will
able to sense all living, sentient beings within one mile (1 .6 km.) act in unison, obeying the same command .
Unfortunately, it puts the person in an intense stupor from which it
is difficult to rouse them.
Nomads of the Nine Nations 9
Snow Lily-A rare and unusual flower, the snow lily grows both The Yland bush only blossoms every 45 years, and bears asingle
above and below the treeline, but only above the snowline. The ruby-red blossom near the center of its base. After approximately
plant bears small yellow and white flowers in early autumn, turning one week the blossom closes and becomes a seed pod 8 inches in
to seedbefore winter . As winter progresses and snow falls, theplant diameter, which soon explodes with a loud pop, scattering seeds up
pushes its flexible seed-stalk up so that the seeds are always above to 50 feet away. These seeds, similar to pomegranite seeds, are
the snow. The seeds hold loosely tothe stalk, and during snowslides extremely valuable and rare. A dying person who eats one may be
they break away and are carried down by the snow. The seeds then transferred mind and soul into a nearby body, where he or she may
sit in the snow until spring melt, when they settle to the wet soil and continue living . Persons not on the brink of death who eat the seeds
germinate . While the plant has no medicinal value, it has saved the may be cured of mind diseases.
lives of many travellers and inhabitants of alpine regions . The Tsefa Tree-Among the largest trees in the Magachen Forest and
stalks, which normally sag and droop, will straighten and extend more northerly regions are the stately Tsefa . The tree grows very
upward as much as an hour before an avalanche sweeps over the slowly, but over its 2,000 year lifespan, it can grow to be as tall as
area. How the plant detects the snowslide is a mystery . 1,000 feet (305 m.), withadiameter upto 50 feet (15 m.) and spread
Hekad-The hekad vine, a somewhat frightening form of vegeta- over an area of 780,000 square feet (73,000 square meters!).
tion, grows upon and among the trees ofthe alpine forests . Waxy, Wrapped in a papery grey-green bark is the beautiful wood of
spider-like black leaves extend from silvery tendrils, wrapping the Tsefa, which brings a high price in markets . When the tree dies
about trees and rocks. At night, the juices of the plant emit a faint naturally, 4"-6" (10-15 cm) alternating rings of willow white and
white glow as they pulse upwards through the tendrils, like blood ebony black develop about the tree's axis. The wood is exception-
through arteries. Perhaps more discomforting is the faint hissing ally hardand dense . Nomads use it for arrows, arrow tips, and clubs
noise that the fluids make as they flow. Ifapersongets close enough whenever they find a fallen tree. Mages will go to great lengths to
to see the leaves, he or she will notice that the spider-leaves crawl obtain the heart of a Tsefa tree that has died naturally. It is rich in
about the tree-trunk, drawing the vines upward and keeping them- Essence, and has several beneficial properties ; when used to create
selves to the moonward side of the tree. On cloudy nights when the a wand, rod, or staff, it will allow the device to hold more spell
moon is hidden, the vine doesn't creep . During full moons, the vine charges, and it makes spell adders of above-average power. Only
blossoms with small white flowers. By morning the flowers wither, the innermost white section ofthe tree has these qualities, and aone
and two nights later small berries appear. These can be eaten to footsegment 1" indiameter can cost as muchas 20,000 b.-enough
allow a person to breath normally and efficiently at altitudes up to wood for a staff is worth 25 katanas or 88 Elburz Ponies!
almost 14,000 feet (4,270 m.)
Plejya-The blossom of the plejya bush, a small yellow flower, is
a highly sought narcotic . When the blossom is chewed and the
pollen ingested, it has an euphoric effect on the chewer . It also
improves spell-casting and missile-firing ability at the expense of
maneuvering and melee skills . While Plejya does have pleasing
effects, itis severely addictive. Using the drug more frequently than
once every month or so can result in a crippling addiction, with
harsh withdrawal symptoms.
Oil Bush-Men find two uses for the oil bush of Ul'lgon Wood.
The nomads have long used the oil of this plant to waterproof and
season their wooden furnishings, especially bows and saddles.
More recently the artisans ofTechul have been using the heated oil
to stain and waterproof woods, as heat turns the oil a dark red. Less
artistic individuals have found that they can use the root of the oil
bush to create a poison which causes blindness or loss of color
vision when introduced into a victim's bloodstream .
Yland-Yland, a small bush with orange-yellow leaves, grows
only in the Ul'lgon Wood, in regions where the soil is very damp.
The bush drops its leaves every autumn, and the reaction of the
leaves with the soiland waterproduces arich ochre humus about the
plant's base. The scraps of leaf and twigs in this debris support a
form of fungus only found beneath Yland . The mold is extremely
rich, providing the equivalent of an entire day's nourishment in a
single handful ofleaves, twigs and soil. It evenrefreshes as an entire
night of sleep.
10 Shadow World
Nomads of the Nine Nations
The alpine forests of the Jan provide an environment suitable to
several creatures found in other regions, such as the burrowing
hawk and the ghyso, as well as two species found only in the
wooded regions of the Drepung and Dregor ranges .
Serkai-Large, long-haired cats, the nocturnal serkai are the pri-
mary predators of the alpine forests . These voracious and efficient
hunters feed on elk and mountain goats most of the time . When food
is scarce they may move down into lower elevations or work
together to hunt trolls . They often continue hunting even when they
are not hungry, hiding the prey in caves and nooks to eat later.
Monitor Parasite-The tiny monitor parasite, only 3 cm . long,
lives in the streams and ponds of the Ul'lgon Wood from birth until
it finds a warm-blooded host. When it manages to locate a host
mammal, it enters the body through the nose or an open vein . Once
inside, the parasite will create a duplicate heart or brain in the lower
abdomen so that when the original organ is destroyed, the host can
survive with the duplicate for at least a short time . While in the
host's body the parasite obtains nutrients from the bloodstream, but
this has no negative effects upon the host's health (it just increases
the appetite a bit) .
"It appears that these humans are content to pass their lives sitting on horses andpursuing little more thanfood.
There are some who strain their spirits and strive for greater goals, either mundane or arcane . For these there is
some hope that they may climb above lesser matters and petty squabbles with one another.
There are some, apart from the rest, living in the most inhospitably coldplaces, and these I do not comprehend
at all. They limit themselves with minor rituals and devote themselves to protecting wildponies, andyet they clearly
have far greater potential than the others ."
-Hedessaen, Senjamade Loremaster, circa Second Era.
Nearly 130,000-common Men populate the Jan, approximately 54,000 of them in the six cities and eight villages .
The remainder constitute the nomad nations. The inhabitants of the Elburz Plateau, the Elubar, are high humans and
number only 1,500. The city dwellers (the "Vosm-hadad," as the nomads refer to them) and the nomads are
collectively referred to as the allies . As far as nonhuman inhabitants, an uncounted number of Trolls, Ogres, and
Lugroki roam the Drepung Mountains, and there is a city of ophidian shapechangers, the Senjamade, under Go-chen
Lake on Mount Baikal .
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE selected by a council of the chenen of the nation, with the eldest son
The nomadic peoples are of short to medium height and stocky and wife of the last keran representing his clan. The Ar'shabod of
build, with short legs and arms . Wheat-colored skin accentuates the the keran's clan also sits on the council. The chenen are the clan-
deep brown of their eyes and their black or dark brown hair . They leaders, and each chenen governs the 8 chiefs of the 9 tribes in his
have little or no facial hair, but grow the hair atop their heads long clan (the chenen is chief of his own tribe) . When a new chenen is
and bind it on the left side (the right side for left-handed people) . chosen, the keran of the nation sits on the council with the chiefs of
Thick, bushy eyebrows attempt to conceal the strong browridge, the tribes, and his vote counts as nine of theirs . Whenever neces-
but the generally heavy bone structure of the people makestheir sary, the chenen appoint new tribal chiefs .
faces appear square nonetheless . THE AR'SHABOD
In contrast, those descended from Shoneb refugees have darker Every clan has at least one shaman, or Ar'shabod, who lives
skin, more facial hair, and more delicate features . They are, in with the chenen's tribe . They perform all religious ceremonies,
general, taller and a touch thinner than their nomadic counterparts . tend injured beasts and clan members, interpret Makhan's will in
The Elubar appear to stem from different stock . Ruddy skin fits important matters, and serve as the clan's link with Makhan and
tightly against muscle on their tall, slender frames . They have black nature . Ar'shabod are animists whose base lists are : Communal
hair and grey or ice-blue eyes, and are rather hirsute . Small ears and Ways, Summons, Protections (cleric) ; Nature's Lore, Herb Mas-
long, black hair wreath their slender, sculpted faces, which center tery (animist) ; Animal Mastery (druid) . They generally do not
around flat noses . They have long, heavy limbs which end in large fight, though their skill with a bow matches that of any other
hands and feet . clansman. The livestock of the Ar'shabod are cared for by his
family or by one assigned the duty by the chenen .
There are nine nomad nations in the Jan ; Horad, Ghane, Erkoli, About one out of every two hundred women in the clans chooses
Kelhoro, Iinje, Chus, Dzejan, Xolag, and Z'hindja. Each nation to become a Nams-shri (pronounced "nahmz shree"), or female
consists of 9 clans, and each clan in turn contains 9 tribes . Every warrior. Most of the Nams-shri are unmarried, although the law
nation's movements remain within the geographical boundaries permits them to marry if the husband is also a fighter, and as long
shown on the political map; the nomads' ancestors determined as the woman bears no children. The Nams-shri and their spouses
these borders long ago. There are occasional disputes over exact form a very close group and care for one another . Their aggressive,
boundaries, sometimes bloody, but seldom fatal . Clans and tribes wild attitudes hold most people at a respectful distance.
move freely about their nations' regions, grazing their herds wher- The Nams-shri form separate combat units, along with their
ever they find food . People live most of their lives on horseback ; a spouses where applicable . A Nams-shri and her husband are a
man who cannot ride a horse and shoot a bow has little honor among fighting pair and always fight beside one another, except in con-
the nomads . Each tribe has a banner with a distinctive design, tests . In major battles the units of Nams-shri from various clans join
indicating the clan or tribe . together, and these larger squads are then used to tip the balance in
Each nation has one keran who rules over his own clan, the 8 critical situations . Units of Nams-shri are not limited to 20
other chenen of his nation and their clans . The position of keran is members as are other units, but a unit of 35 or more always splits
usually hereditary, though it can change families . New kerans are into two new units . All units add a crimson pennant to their banner.
Nomads of the Nine Nations 13
The Jan's short recorded history is by no means indicative of its long and fabled past or of its present vitality .
This rugged land has grown from infancy into adulthood in the wink of a geological eye. This section of the book
will acquaint you with what has happened here and why it all matters . After all, even adventurers are doomed to
repeat the errors of the past if they ignore its lessons, which are many .
1 *THE ORIGIN OF THE years . At the end ofthis time, the ten brothers agreed to divide the
land into ten regions. Their combined realms spread as far east as
CLANS the Dreshon and south to the Bsors'gre .This division lasted 37
years, until Lha-dzar, Stag-pa's youngest son, took his clan south-
Recorded history in the Jan only extends back to the Yearofthe
ward and was never seen again . The remaining sons redivided the
Sky White Eagle, the first cycle ofthe Stagen Calendar (5266 TE),
land, and their clans lived peacefully for many years.
when the reign of Stag-pa began. The only account of any events A few briefcomments about this legend are inorder. First, there
prior to this is that found in the legend of the origin of the clans,
are those who maintain that the Humans who dwelt with the Giants
which the Ar'shabod pass down from one generation to the next.
in the canyon lands are what are presently known as "High Men,"
The most common version of this legend appears below. while those who lived with the Dwarves are the "Common Men."
There was a time, the Blood Years, when men did not obey Second, the Ar'shabod also tellthat some ofthe Giants who helped
Makhan ; for ages,they fought for land and power, and many died. themen regain thegrasslandsmoved upinto the Drepung with some
After centuries of such fighting, men were few and weak. The
ofthe Great Ones after the wars; it is possible that their descendants
Ogres ofthe Drepung saw this, and weary oflife in the cold, rocky
are those currently known as the Elubar. At present no one has
mountains, they fought with man forpossession ofthe green, grassy
proven or disproven any ofthese theories, and the questions remain
plains . Men were unable to drive back the fearsome Ogres, and open to debate .
slowly the monsters forced them from the grasslands and into the
forests . The Ogres drove the men until they crossed the Dreshon,
and the years of Exile began . 2 *THE ARRIVAL OF
In the canyon-lands east of the Dreshon the men were be-
friended by Dwarves and Giants. For 1,329 years men dwelt thus, JENGADA
in valleys where they could find shelter fromthe cold winds, and in Jengada, a general in the Shoneb army, rebelled against the
the villages of the Dwarves and Giants . Once again leaders were Emperor in the Year of the Wood Gold Mehnadzur 3rd cycle (5937
chosen and the men lived peacefully . The few men who associated TE) and went west with a small groupoffollowers . Atthis time the
with Giants came tobe noble, strong, and proud leaders . Those who inhabitants of what is now the Jan were a collection of loosely
lived with Dwarves became in time brave, fierce warriors and hard associated clans of nomadic horsemen.
workers, though they were not as wise as their kin who dwelt with The Emperor's soldiers pursued Jengada at first, following
the Giants . across the Dreshon and into the plains . With his small band of 100
In the 1,328th year of Exile, aleader arose among the Great Ones rebels, Jengada successfully defeated the pursuing army of 300
(as the men who lived with the Giants called themselves), named using night attacks and ambush. Over the next five years the
Stag-pa . He was a great warrior and a wise man, and through his Emperor and Jengada fought intermittently ; as time progressed,
efforts the Exiled men were united and persuaded to return across however, more and more nomads came to Jengada's aid, impressed
the Dreshon and fightthe ogres . So it was that the Unity began and by his cleverness. Withtheir superior riding and archery skills, and
men moved to regain the land thatwas once theirs. The war against Jengada's cunning, the Emperor's efforts became futile and he
the Ogres lasted 12 years, but with the help of the Giants and eventually gave up trying to remove the thorn from his side.
Dwarves, the men won and the Exile ended . Jengada originally left the Empire because hedid not approve of
Stag-pa was chosen to rule over all men (his reign started on the the cruelty exercised by the Emperor and the Nakail (priests ofthe
first day ofthe Stagen calendar; first day ofUde Makhel ascending, evil god Kaitu). He brought withhim avery strong prejudice against
Year of the Sky White Eagle, first cycle), and ruled wisely for 19 nonhumans and a concept of a government intricately intertwined
years. His rule extended over the lands from T'si Ladan to the withreligion. Fortunately theclans weremuch less prejudiced, and
Drepung, fromthe Chokhor river west to the Xeleb River. When he this more tolerant attitude prevails today (nonhumans may still
died, his counselors chose Erkoli, his second son, as the new king. encounter discrimination in Akglern) . Religion still plays a strong
Erkoli's nine brothers rebelled, and there was civil war for three role in Jan politics, though not officially.
Nomads of the Nine Nations 17
3 " SUPREME JENGADAS Because his mother was killed by a Shoneb assassin in revenge
for Dareg's role in the war, Raduvesh bears a great hatred for the
The original Jengada did not adopt any title upon taking office . Empire and refuses to look upon any ambassadors fromthecountry .
He ruled the Jan from the Year of the Sky White Serkai, 4th cycle He watches the Emperor with the eye ofahawk, often predicting the
(5943 TE) until the Year of the Sky White Ahmaluk (5949 TE), latter's moves.
during which time the political and military structures of the nation Raduvesh made several voyages to Balaan with Dorta, and is
developed. Jengada died of natural causes . both familiar with the Balaanese and on friendly terms with their
A citizen of Xanderen, Melalich became the next ruler. He king. Trade with that country is currently improving, and there are
assumed the title of Supreme Jengada II when he began his rule, in rumors thatthe Supreme Jengada is considering apolitical marriage
the Year ofthe Sky Blue Eagle (5950 TE). Melalich was areligious with one of the king's daughters.
fanatic, and while the church grew strong during his reign, the
political machine got rusty and ground out of control . He resigned
to become a religious hermit in the Year of the Sky Green Mehn-
adzur (5964 TE).
Atenan, a chenen from the Dzejan nation, became Supreme
Jengada III later that year. His greatest achievement was establish-
ing regular trade with Balaan and beginning negotiations for an
alliance therewith. He died in theYear ofthe SkyRed Eagle (5968
His chosen successor, a candidate from the Horad Nation, won
the election but died mysteriously in his sleep the night before he
would havetaken office . Thus,Uzhag, a soldier from Ulan, became
the fourth Supreme Jengada. He made no effort to continue Note: All dates before 3925 TE are extremely uncertain, as
Atenan's negotiations with Balaan, instead concentrating on ex- there is no recorded history in the Jan or Shoneb Empire
panding the Horse and fortifying Ulan, Batai and Xanderen. before the period known as the Exile .
During his reign, in the Year ofthe Sky Red Horse (5975 TE), 3925 TE - Begin the period known in the Jan as the Exile.
the Emperor ofthe Shoneb Empire made his first serious attempt to 4828 TE - Abakar, founder of mysticism, is born.
invade the Jan. Largely because ofthe changes Uzhag had made in
the military, he was able to meet the Empire's forces at the Dreshon 5004 TE - Abakar dies or disappears.
Mountains . Before the Emperor's troops had even been on Jan soil 5254 TE - The period of Unity begins .
for two days, Uzhag's army took control of the Shoneb city of 5266 TE - The Exile ends, and men return to the grasslands ofthe
Gothak, and moved towards the fertile farmlands to the north and Jan .
east. Supreme Jengada IV died in battle in the Year ofthe Sky Red 5285 TE - Stag-pa, father of the nomad nations, dies.
Ahmaluk (5976 TE) .
Because of the war, the Assembly ruled the Jan until the Year of 5288 TE - Three years of civil war among Stag-pa's sons end.
the Sky Gold Snake (5978 TE). The fifth Supreme Jengada was a 5325 TE-Lha-dzar, the youngest ofStag-pa's sons, takeshis clan
former Sgar-thog of the Elubar and an adopted member of the south.
Erkoli nation named Zoeg. He is considered the best ruler the Jan 5937 TE - Jengada first crosses the Dreshon into what will
has had, for he brought about major improvements in a variety of become the Jan.
areas . The Horse recuperated from its war losses . Techul and Batai
5943 TE - The Jengada Allied Nations forms .
were rebuilt, the former flourishing under the reign of a patron of
the arts. Trade with Balaan resumed, and a political alliance 5949 TE - Supreme Jengada I dies.
between the nations formed . Zoeg also established the custom of 5950 TE - Melalich of Xanderen becomes Supreme Jengada II.
sending grain to the Great Fortress on the Elburz Plateau as a 5964 TE - Melalich resigns and Atenan nams Dzejan becomes
precautionary measure in case of later wars. Zoeg died in the Year Supreme Jengada III.
of the Stone Red Snake (6014 TE).
It can be taken as a sign that Zoeg's alliance with Balaan was 5968 TE - Atenan dies and Uzhag of-Ulan becomes Supreme
accepted by the allies that his successor, Ebadan, was a citizen of Jengada IV.
Aldshai, originally from Balaan. He was very harsh and almost 5975 TE - War erupts between the Jan and the Shoneb Empire.
choked the country with his efforts to achieve total control and 5976 TE - Uzhag dies in battle and the Assembly rules until the
adherence to the Yasa. Political pressure is blamed for his retire- war is over.
ment in the Year of the Stone Gold Horse (6029 TE). TE - The Empire retreats from the Jan, and Zoeg nams
Dorta, an inhabitant of Akglem, assumed the title of Supreme Erkoli becomes Supreme Jengada V.
Jengada VII later that same year. His rule was not particularly
notable, and he resigned to live in Aldshai in the winter of the Year 6014 TE - Zoeg dies and Ebadan of Aldshai becomes Supreme
of the Sea Blue Horse (6047 TE). Jengada VI.
The current Supreme Jengada (at the time ofwriting, 6050 TE), 6022 TE - The Horse helps Balaan defend against attempted
the eighth, is a high man named Raduvesh, from Batai. He is the invasion.
firstruler to have been both thechosen candidate ofhis predecessor 6029 TE - Ebadan retires and Dorta of Akglern becomes Supre-
and to have the backing of the Church of Makhan. He is the son of meJengada VII .
Dareg, who in his youth was the military genius behind the defense
6047 TE-Dortaresigns and Raduvesh ofBatai becomes Supreme
ofBatai againstthe Empire in the Year ofthe Sky Gold Snake (5978
Jengada VIII.
TE), and shows signs of being even more ingenious than his sire.
6050 TE - The present.
lg Shadow World
Like the Star Crown Empire to the north, the Jan has an organized, flourishing religion : the worship of Makhan .
Makhan, the god ofgods, life and death, is known as Han in the Shoneb Empire. Three other deities in Jan mythology
are also prayed to on occasion by allies . Elil is Makhan's wife and first creation . She is a good deity, whose domains
are water and fertility . She receives the prayers of women, farmers, and sailors (Because of Elil's nature, it is
accepted - and common - to find women, especially pregnant women, on boats. Sailors spend much of the time
they are on land "worshipping Elil" in brothels.) Druids, animists, rangers, and the like worship Makhan and Elil
as the gods of nature . Their daughter, Tara, is goddess of war, balance in all things, and skill in combat. She is a
neutral deity, prayed to mostly by warriors before they go into battle. Tara's brother Kaitu is the evil god of
destruction, worshipped strongly in the Shoneb Empire but scarcely mentioned in the Jan. More darkly, a small but
potentially devastating cult of the Third Moon has arisen in the Deadmar Bog, just west of the city of Batai. (For
more about the cult, see #8, Scalu's Dark Worshippers .)
1 *CREATION MYTH While Tara watched over Kaitu and learned of the Universe,
Makhan and Elil created Z'ram Nadjag, the nine sacred beasts, and
Among the numerous stories told about the adventures of the man . Man was created neither good nor evil, but instead with the
gods and goddesses, the single most important legend in the capacity for either. As vigilant as Tara was, she was young and
religion ofthe Jan is the story of the creation of the universe, a myth Kaitu was clever . He snuck away from her, and whenhe discovered
which follows in a brief format. what Makhan was creating, he was jealous. He warped some of
Without Makhan, there were only emptiness, darkness and Makhan's creatures, fathering Lugroki, Trolls, and otherevil beasts .
silence, all timeless. In His birth, Makhan drew all energy into He also taught them to fight and kill.
Himself, and the emptiness could not bring forth even the weakest When Makhan saw this He was furious, but He was reluctant to
glimmer of light. He was like a man using all of his wood to build destroy even these, and chose a different solution. He allowed Elil
one great bonfire, leaving only the scraps and twigs too small to to touch some of His creatures, creating the elves and fairies . Tara
nurture even the smallest flame. This was how Hecreated Ne-abha, then taught the men and elves to fight and defend themselves, and
the Void that is All. Seeing the Void He fathered, Makhan took part to use magic, thus becoming the goddess ofwarand skill in combat.
of his light, pure and white, and cast it back into the Void in all Then, to serve Him and watch over men and beasts, He created the
directions-these are thestars that shine evennow in the night sky . Ta-kri. Even this was not free of the fouling touch of Kaitu, who
Makhan was pleased, for the stars were beautiful to Him, but He took the darkness left over from the Ta-kri and created demons.
wished for someone to appreciate their beauty with Him . He drew Tara then declared that good and evil were equally represented
from deep within Himself, shaping and moulding the energy to be in the creatures of the Universe, and no more should be created.
like Himself. In this way, He created Elil, who is good and Makhan could not let Kaitu gounpunished, sohe bound himinflesh
appreciates all beauty . Makhan did not yet know that to create a and set him on Z'ram Nadjag, condemned to remain so for nine
being of light is to also create a being of darkness . When Elil was times nine cycles. So that Kaitu's demons could not help him,
born, Makhan found He had also created the evil one who destroys, Makhan banished them from Z'ram Nadjag, only allowing them to
the son of Makhan and Elil who we name Kaitu . return when freely called by a mortal.
Makhan soon understood what He had done, and knew that as These things done, Makhan and Elil finished what they had
long as Elil was to be, so must Kaitu exist. Because they were begun. They made the sun so that creatures of day and night would
opposed, they would each try to destroy the other, even if doing so each wander Z'ram Nadjag for equal times . They created the moon,
would destroy them also. Toprevent this, Makhan created Tara; He which serves as a window through which Makhan can look upon
drew light from Elil and darkness from Kaitu, thus balancing good Z'ram Nadjag without blinding man . Lastly, they set Z'ramNadjag
and evil in the newborn Tara. turning so that men could see all of the heavens and the beauty
which Makhan had created.
Nomads of the Nine Nations 19
2 " HISTORICAL NOTES Ezhaza's memoirs, now in the archives of the Cloud Temple, tell
that afterAkglern was settled "a most magnificent spirit visited me
Worship ofMakhan, Elil, Tara, and Kaitu is as old as the clans, in my sleep. His skin and clothes were ofdarkest black, and through
perhaps older. Men prayed to these gods over 2,000 years ago, him I saw the night sky - the stars shone within him. The Ta-kri
before the Blood Years, although the precise methods of worship told me that to the south was a mountain, Mount Baikal, and upon
have evolved in that time. No records remain from the time before that mountain should I place the seat of the Church of Makhan ."
the Blood Years. During the Exile, men discovered the Grantha Ezhaza travelled south and found Mount Baikal, Go-chen Lake,
Scrolls . Whether the Dwarves or Giants had had them all along, and the Cloud Temple . Some who had accompained him built
found them during this period, or men found them at this time, they homes beside Go-chen, where Xanderen is now . Ezhaza went up
are first mentioned in stories from this period . The Grantha Scrolls, to the Cloud Temple, where he found the text ofthe Grantha Scrolls
a set of four, are the foundation of modern religion in the Jan and already carved into the rock walls, and there he established the
the Shoneb Empire . These documents describe the creation of Church's headquarters . In both Akglern and Xanderen, Ezhaza
Z'ram Nadjag, the birth of the gods, Kaitu's exile and imprison- appointed one cleric to manage Church affairs locally, dubbing this
ment, Makhan's laws for men, and much more. The original scrolls man the Son of Light. Today each of the six cities in the Jan has its
are long lost, but many copies were made, and today there is no own Son of Light.
difficulty in obtaining a copy. When the Nakail and Taran Priests led the Shoneb army in its
When Jengada crossed the Dalbish in his flight from the Shoneb attack on the Jan in the Year of the Sky Red Horse, Fourth Cycle,
Empire, there were in his company many clerics of Makhan, the clerics of Makhan and the Ar'shabod participated in the battle.
including Ezhaza, the leader of Makhan's church in the Empire. (This was when the title "Commander of the Faithful" was first
While Jengada went out to unite the nomads, Ezhaza tookcharge of applied to the leader of the Church of Makhan .) The clerics were
organizing the other refugees into the settlement which later grew responsible for controlling and limiting the damage done by the
to be Akglern . magic oftheNakail and the Taran priests, and their success in doing
so raised the public's opinion of the clergy considerably .
Currently, the Church wields considerable power in the social
and political arenas. This results primarily from the prominence of
the Commander of the Faithful and his relationship with the
Supreme Jengada .
Elil receives only token prayers from the urbanites, with an
occasional supplication from a woman giving birth . Her largest WORSHIPPERS
following is in Ulan, the only major city in the Jan containing a Bringer of Night,
temple dedicated to the goddess. Here, many of the sailors in the Terrible sight,
region ask her protection for the coming voyages . Unlife's delight :
Much like the nomads, the city dwellers pray to Tara almost -from a chant performed
exclusively when they seek justice or victory in combat . Past by Scalu's Followers
attempts to establish a regular following for the goddess have met
Deep within the broad mucky reaches of the Deadmar Bog
with very little success, probably due to the strong connection
looms a curious sight : a village of huts built upon what seems to be
between Taran Priests and the Shoneb Empire in the minds of Jan
solid earth . Adventurers approaching the village (presumably to
Allies . Small shrines dedicated to the goddess remain in martial arts investigate the reports of strange goings-on and disappearances
schools about the land, where they receive token prayers daily from
from nearby Batai) may be struck by more than the unusual sight of
the students of war.
bonfires and dancing chanting men and women in near undress :
they may well be struck by clubs or rendered harmless by incanta-
tions, for the village is a focal point of the Dark God Scalu . In fact,
the huts rest not upon solid ground but hover over the swamp,
protected by prayers offered to one of Char6n's most powerful and
wicked deities . (Charon is the Third Moon, invisible to the naked
eye for most of the year but appearing as a reddish sphere when full,
every 149 days . Charon passes over the poles rather than the
equator .)
Father of nightmares, Scalu and other Dark Gods of the Third
Moon wield considerable power to do evil on Kulthea. In appear-
7*THE ELUBAR ance, Scalu can be either a handsome athletic man about six feet tall
or more likely, a 10' tall man with the head of a black hyena. Pale
Religion among the Elubar differs drastically from the worship of flesh with glowing yellow eyes like a mad panther, Scalu reveals
practiced by the clans and city-dwellers . The Elubar do worship himself to his followers only once every 149 days, when the Third
Makhan, Elil and Tara on special occasions (the holy days), but Moon (Charon) is full, and only at night . Named for the circular
regular worship focuses on ancestors . According to the Church of Ring of Scalu, a constellation of seven stars barely visible from
Makhan, men once shunned the Elubar and bannished them for their Kulthea, Scalu battles the god Reaan for lordship of the night . From
idolatrous ancestor-worship after it was begun, some time after his followers, Scalu demands obedience, burnt offerings and prayers
Stag-pa and his army drove the trolls and ogres back into the (chants and incantations) ; to them, the Dark God grants protection,
Drepung . According to the Elubar, they are Makhan's servants, power and the promise of immortality - a false promise .
chosen by him to protect and tend the Ponies of the Plateau . The
Elubar also believe that living on the Plateau, they are closer to
Scalu has seduced and won over a disgruntled but powerful
Makhan and the heavens. Whichever story is true, it is a touchy
subject for everyone . Each of the sixty-odd families on the Plateau nomad Ar'shabod, Darmad, a shaman and sorceror of note . He and
traces its roots back to one patron or matron (the "prime ancestor"), his dozen followers are joined by the feisty and attractive Nams-shri
who fought beside Stag-pa to regain the land . In addition, a family Stamon, just twenty-five, but poised and deadly in combat. (Sta-
may worship any number of lesser ancestral spirits . Worship mon leads a contingent of six fighters, all men, who would gladly
centers around a bone or piece of bone from the prime ancestor's die for her or for the Dark God she serves .) Scalu's intent is to
skeleton . If this relic is lost or destroyed, the family's honor is also undermine and eventually to control the Jan, then make war on the
lost, and that line will disappear as the last members marry into Shoneb Empire and to win it over to his greater desires or destroy
other families . About one of every eight families also has a weapon it . Next the Dark God expects his worshippers, as many as 100,000
which they believe belonged to their prime ancestor . strong, to invade the stable and religious Star Crown Empire of
The Sgar-thog of the Elubar keep the knowledge of where the Gethrya to the north, across the strait to the mainland of Thuul .
ancestors are buried. While they are loyal to their own families, From there, points east and west are within reach by ship and dark
they also protect the heritage of all of their people . When one of the magic -even Jaiman and Emer, continents which shelter their own
Elubar dies, the Sgar-thog carry the body to the secret burial site and gods and awesome dark magic users . In service only to himself,
place it with the remains of its predecessors . The Sgar-thog will not Scalu nonetheless furthers the destruction and chaos favored by the
reveal the location of the ancestral graves, but should a member of Unlife, the force which seeks to destroy all that is good and to
a dishonored family manage to somehow find the remains of his or replace it with horror, pain and bondage .
her prime ancestor and retrieve any part, he or she restores the When Charon is full, servants of the Unlife may leave the Third
family's honor . Elubar law forbids anyone who is not from the Moon to enter the Shadow World . Adventurers unfortunate enough
Plateau to visit the burial grounds ; should this happen, the Sgar- to witness the ceremony might best pray to their favored deity for
thog must find and kill the unfortunate outsider. a quick and painless passing into the afterlife.
GM Note: statistics for Darmad, Stamon, and their eighteen
followers appear in the NPC Tables in Part XII . For more
about the followers of Scalu, see Adventure #7, "Servants of a
Dark God," in Part Xl .
22 Shadow World
Politically, the Jan operates as a collection of independently governed units working under the direction of the
Supreme Jengada. Each nation, city, and village manages its own affairs in accordance with the general guidelines
set forth by the Supreme Jengada, so that he may devote his time and attention to other matters . The most important
and prominent members of the political system are the kerans, chenen, chiefs, Commanders, delegates of the
Assembly, the Supreme Jengada, Arrow Messengers, and Yasa Elders. These offices, their duties and powers are
described below.
2 " THE NOMAD NATIONS Some interaction between the cities and villages occurs in the
form of minor trade agreements or choosing sides on political
The nomads of the Jan have little need for any elaborate or issues . While the Supreme Jengada dictates the distribution of
formal political system among themselves. The most important important goods (such as grain, livestock, metal ore and lumber),
political activities in the nomad nations comprise agreements the City Commanders may negotiate with one another for anything
between tribes or clans regarding grazing or hunting grounds, or else they need or desire for their cities . The Assembly delegates of
marriage agreements between clans or nations . Occasionally two the parties involved often perform such transactions since they
or more chiefs or chenen may form a short term alliance or pact for know the Supreme Jengada's wishes and plans. City Commanders
hunting or grazing rights in a particular area. Such alliances can sometimes band together to lend strength to their viewpoints on
also develop to enable chenen orchiefs topresent a more impressive issues, ina manner similar tothetemporary alliances ofthenomads.
image to their leader or colleagues at council . Rarely, one ofthese
minor alliances may pressure or bully another alliance or individual
leader for some reason, possibly to the point that both sides draw 4 " THE ASSEMBLY
battle lines. At this stage, the superior keran or chenen must The duties and powers of the 18 members ofthe Jan Assembly
intervene or accept responsibility for any bloodshed . While small combine the wishes and instructions of the Supreme Jengada with
brawls between tribes or clans are not unheard of, never since the the laws oftheYasa. The latter firmly establishes certain rights and
formation of the Jan have the nations fought one another, and responsibilities of the Assembly that can only be altered if the
should events ever take such a turn, the kerans of the nations Assembly and the Supreme Jengada agree on the change.
involved would quickly find themselves without titles and without Ofits several functions, the Assembly mostfrequently serves as
heads . an advisory panel . The members present issues that interest or
Marriage agreements constitute a very important and structured concern their constituents to the Supreme Jengada, listen to issues
area of politics among the nomads. These agreements between he presents, discuss possible approaches and solutions and advise
tribes, clans, and nations help to maintain asense ofunity among the him regarding what they feel to be the wisest course of action .
nomads, interweaving their ancestries and loyalties . The marriage Usually the involvement ofthe Assembly ends there, but should the
agreement is aformal contract between the families ofthe bride and Supreme Jengada choose an alternative solution, a two-thirds
groom, as well as their clans and nations. When the children of two majority vote inthe Assembly can haltthe action and requestfurther
chiefs, chenen, or kerans marry, the union represents a friendship discussion, until an agreement is reached.
pact between the leaders ; young, inexperienced leaders seeking to The three remaining powers and duties ofthe Assembly pertain
gain status and influence may seek spouses for themselves or their to the selection, removal and absence of the Supreme Jengada .
children to cement political alliances . Generations oftradition have When the office becomes vacant for any reason, the Assembly
created ahighly formal, ceremonial courtship and asuitor's success notifies the Commanders and kerans immediately by Arrow Mes-
depends largely on adherence to ancient guidelines and execution senger, and these in turn announce it publicly. From the day the
of the rituals involved. A suitor may present gifts of great value to Assembly notifies the leaders, all challengers for the office have
the woman and her family, but if he does not follow tradition one month to arrive in Akglern . Usually each nation chooses one
strictly, his efforts are in vain. The bride chooses her spouse, but candidate, the previous Jengada has designated a candidate, and the
must have the approvalofher father in his capacity as chief, chenen, Commanders of the Horse each choose a rider from their wing as a
or keran such that the father controls the ultimate outcome - and candidate . The candidates compete first in combat and then in a
subsequent political ties. Sometimes a leaderwill offer the daughter contest of judgement and wisdom. Combat is the more important
of a mistress to a failed suitor as wife, and while such are not as factor, and the Assembly votes between the four candidates who
desirable in apolitical sense, they do representacertain measure of were judged the best in combat . The Supreme Jengada has never
good faith and trust between the families of the bride and groom. been a woman, though no law prohibits this.
Should the Supreme Jengada die in battle or otherwise become
3 " THE CITIES unable to fulfill the duties of the office, the Assembly rules in his
stead. If possible, they will act in his name without revealing his
Because the city-dwellers interact more than the nomads, politi- absence to anyone, including the Commanders and thekerans, until
cal maneuvering is more common and more involved. The small they may safely do so without putting the national security at risk.
number of truly powerful political offices serves to hold the The Assembly also assumes the responsibilities of the Supreme
scheming and dreaming to a minimum ; but no society is completely Jengada whenever he journeys abroad - which is seldom - and
free ofpolitics. Thus, most ofthe play in the cities' political arenas between the tenures of consecutive Supreme Jengadas .
involves merchants and the wealthy, either striving against one The most severe power of the Assembly, and one they have
another orelse working together towards some common goal . Such never needed to exercise, authorizes them to impeach the Supreme
players stand toloseonlymoneyand social status iftheirefforts fail; Jengada and remove him from office . To do this requires a
the City Commander or any ofhis appointees couldlose bothoffice unanimous decision of the Assembly, with .written approval from
and life should they participate inpolitical intrigue placing personal the sponsors ofthe 18 delegates (thekerans and Commanders). The
gain above the duties of their office . This does not mean all Commander of the Faithful can also vote on an impeachment if he
politicians in the Jan are paragons of virtue ; rather that they must wishes ; should he so choose 18 votes of the 19 cast must approve
choose carefully the paths they travel, tread lightly and leave no the impeachment for it to carry.
sign of passing.
24 Shadow World
Xanderen Ulan
Nomads of the Nine Nations 25
26 Shadow World
The Jan economy is varied, complex and viable . A land left largely to itself, the Jan is blessed with abundant
natural resources, a wavering but unbroken unity ofspirit, and a healthy fearof its neighbors, both nearby and abroad .
These forces have helped to shape the character of the nomads as well as the city dwellers of the Jan, and their
concerns are nowhere more clearly reflected than in their military might (detailed in Part VIII) and in their
economics, explored below .
The people of the cities use bak regularly for payments, but
prefer to trade or barter when possible (in Batai and Aldshai,
especially, bak arerarely used.) All monetary exchanges involving
the government, except tithes and taxes, use bak or gems. Gems are
often the currency for large transactions, but exchange costs make
them impractical for everyday use .
In any exchange between the nomads and the Vosm hadad, the
form ofpayment is as important as the amount. The nomads prefer
to receive grain, steel weapons, or horses ; the city dwellers would
rather pay in bak (not many own steel weapons or grain.) Most of
thetime, payment is made in somecombination ofthe twotypes . In
return, the nomads offer furs, wooden weapons, and jewelry which
the vosm hadad accept willingly .
The Elubar play a minor role in the internal economy of the Jan .
They might trade clothing for jewelry, weapons, or grain from the
clansmen who visit in the spring, but they are otherwise self-
The Jan military is large, well-organized, and well-equipped. While external threats are seemingly few, no
country in Kulthea can expect to escape the notice of the forces of the Unlife forever. For that reason and others,
the Jan army stands ready to fight.
Clubs are very popular and common in the Jan, since they do not
require iron or finesse to be effective . Hardened wooden swords The military structure of the Jan is quite extensive, and its army
and daggers are also common - some with sharpened stone edges . well trained . Every man is assigned to either infantry or cavalry
Some families manage to save enough money to afford a katana . unless he is a member of the clergy or a Yasa Elder . Every nation,
These are custom made, each one uniquely designed for the owner, clan, village and city has a commander for each such division . Most
and become heirlooms to pass from one fighter to the next in his of the cavalry come from the clans, the infantry from the villages
family . Riders of the Horse and Arrow Messengers receive katanas and cities . Given a month's time, the Supreme Jengada can
when they take service, but because these are the property of the summon an army of 19,400 men, which includes the Horse . The
government the users must eventually return them . latter are constantly patrolling the country, especially the Shoneb
border . If the Commander of the Faithful raises the clergy to fight,
UNARMED COMBAT he can contribute as many as 600 men, though they are not well
While not a class of weapons, this is an important form of trained as fighters . The total military strength of the Jan is around
combat in the Jan . Most Vosm-hadad are barely adequate fist- 20,300 men, 80% of whom are cavalry. The Supreme Jengada
fighters, able to manage in a bar brawl or street fight . This is also personally leads the army most of the time .
true of many nomads, though their rugged lifestyle makes them a bit The Jan has no navy, though they maintain good relations with
tougher and more dangerous . Clerics of Makhan and anyone who Balaan, whose navy has made a few timely appearances in the past .
has served in the military or studied combat will be trained in
unarmed combat to some degree . On the left knee of Mount Baikal THE HORSE
in a large grove of pine trees, sits the Keshik, a school ofmartial arts . The Horse consists of 6,000 cavalry which serve as the standing
Students here study all forms of combat to the exclusion of virtually army of the Jan. In groups of 200 Riders, they patrol the countryside
all else . They are carefully chosen, fanatically loyal to the school to keep order and serve as the eyes and ears of the Supreme Jengada .
and the Jan, and mercenary . Anyone seeking a capable sell-sword Each Rider, or Nams-vos'mov, is required to maintain the follow-
is sure to find what they want here . Of course, it will not be cheap . ing equipment: 2 bows, each with an extra bow string; 1 suit of splint
Keshik warriors pay 20% of their earnings to the school, and charge armor (shirt and perhaps skirt) ; 1 dagger ; l katana; 2 saddled horses,
twice what another fighter of equal level would ask. Characters both battle ready ; 100 arrows on each horse, of which 4 score per
must be high warrior monks to train here, and must have prime horse should be wrapped in oiled cloth while on normal patrol;
requisites (Agility and Self Discipline) of 92 or higher [DEX and lasso ; rope ; cooking pot; leather bag ; 2 leather bottles. Each Rider
EGO of 18 or more] and a Strength of 90 [STR of 18 or more] or is given one katana when he joins the Horse, and if that ever breaks
more . or is lost, he is required to replace it himself. When a Rider leaves
the Horse, through death or retirement, he returns his katana so that
the next Rider can use it.
New Riders are usually picked each year at the Choosing at
Akglern. Sometimes a potential Rider will present himself to a
Commander of the Horse, bearing a gift or letter of reference from
a khan or city commander . Rarer yet is the individual who appears
before one of the Commanders unsponsored, seeking to join them .
Pay for a rider is good, being 60 b . per day .
The horse is divided into 3 wings, East, Center and West
(identified by their colors ; blue, gold and red, respectively) . Each
wing contains 10 minghan, each of which contains 10 arban . One
arban consists of 20 riders . Each arban contains 12 Riders who act
as light troops, with the 6 remaining Riders and the captain serving
as the heavy troops . Light troops carry long bows or great bows ;
heavy troops carry short bows . All Riders wear a splint shirt and
greaves, with heavy troops also wearing a helmet and splint skirt .
Captains always lead the heavy troops into melee .
The path and structure of each minghan when on routine patrol
are determined by the region being patrolled and are highly vari-
able. In general, the arban will follow paths that radiate outward
from a central point, then back inward along a different radius . In
a battle, the arban of a minghan will line up along side one another,
with the marshal's arban in the center. Each marshal always keeps
5 Arrow Messengers with him .
On patrol, the 30 minghan (10 under each Commander) are each
assigned a region of the Jan ; new patrol regions are assigned every
month, give or take a ten days . Orders are kept secret until sent to
the marshals by Arrow Messenger from the Commanders of the
Horse, each of whom keeps 15 such with him at all times.
Nomads of the Nine Nations 31
During a war, the Horse separates into the three wings, each of
which is reinforcedbytroops leviedfrom the cities and clans. These
troops are led by the Commanders, with City Commanders and Because the Jan's army has been involved in only one war
khans serving as advisors. The Commanders of the Horse receive describing a typical or standard tactical style for them is difficult .
theirorders from the Supreme Jengada, who will usuallybe with the There are, however, a few techniques and tricks of which they are
Commander of the Gold wing. fond.
In the only real offensive drive ever made by the Jan, the Nams-
THE MILITIA shri and part of the Horse took the Shoneb city of Gothak from
Each city has its own militia and city guard. The members ofthe within. Over a period of one month they secretly crossed the
city guard, usually about one for every 500-1000 citizens, serve as Dreshon in small groups-twos and threes-and wove slow paths
the officers for the militia . to the city. There, they posed as merchants, mercenaries and
The city guard are under the command of one or two captains, ruffians until they received word that the Emperor's troops had
who in turn receive their orders from the City Commander. The reached the Dreshon . They quickly took the local Overlord's keep,
City Commander is also in charge of assigning rank and choosing killed all ofhis troops, and imprisoned the city guard. They burnt
the captains. The guard serve to suppress small crime, act asjailers, and scoured surrounding farmlands for 25 miles about the city,
arbiters in small disputes and arrest known criminals. paying farmers with the Overlord's money to burn their own fields.
All able-bodied males in the city are expected to serve in the The few Nakail in the area all contrived togettrampled by theirown
militia. Every fortnight, 1/24th of these men go through training horses .
and drills for one fortnight. This is supervised by the city guard, In retaliation the Emperor's forces burnt Ulan and invaded
who share the task from day to day . Women are not required to Batai. When he was forced to retreat across the Dreshon and
serve in the militia, though some few do regularly and most at least consign himself to failure in his attempt to invade the Jan, the
know how to use a bow . Emperorencircled Gothak with aring of soldiers 200 miles across.
In war-time, roughly half of the militia will go to battle, while They tightened the circle, watching to make sure no one got out of
the other half remains in the city under the command of the City their trap, rushing into the city at nightonly eightdays afterthey left
Commander and a fraction ofthe city guard. Those who go to the the Jan . They succeeded in trapping a city full of farmers, but that
front lines are often used to helprun thecamp, only rarely going into was all. When they stormed theoverlord's keep, nearly 600 Shoneb
the fighting. The Jan relies very heavily on its cavalry, but when soldiers died when the main hall of the keep exploded in blue fire
infantry are needed, the city militia fill this role. Women never go and the ceiling collapsed.
tothe front lines (except theNams-shri), because of the temptations Two factors allowed the Jan troops to successfully accomplish
they present for the men on the field. their mission . The first was the assistance of the dwarves, who
The militia in the villages are similarly arranged, but much less helped them escape through tunnels under the city and out beyond
formally. In the event of a war, an Arrow Messenger will inform the Shoneb troops . The second was the use of the herb zelovet to
the men regarding what they are to do. make the Nakail `s horses turn on their riders . The former was a
tactic of limited use, but the latter was a clever application of a
4 *ENEMIES regular Nams-shri practice; they use zelovet to control their own
steeds for extremely precise, controlled maneuvers.
Because of the nature of the population and location of the The defense of Batai illustrates another limited-use tactic.
country, there is no history of attacks on neighbor regions - to a Allowing the enemy to occupy a city sothat the guerillas could then
great extent the Jan is confined to its present size. The lands to the harass and weaken them is rarely a first line of defense (or offense).
west and southpresent no temptation to a culture ofhorsemen, since In this case, however, it was Batai's only hope. The citizens were
they have no use for barren wastes or tangled jungles . The natives comfortably familiar with the nearby regions of the swamps, and
dislike sailing, and so have never crossed the sea to wage war. To stood a better chance of survival there than trying to hold the city.
the east lies Shoneb, which presents a potential target for invasion, Many Shoneb soldiers died in the night or drowned in the murky
but the Dreshon Mountains and the Nakail dissuade all but themost waters when they pursued an attacker.
battle-happy individuals . In addition to the use of the herb zelovet by the Nams-shri, the
The only real enemy of the Jan is its "step-mother nation," the Jan military occasionally employs pesar . A ring of pesar-drugged
Shoneb Empire. The Emperor's military strength lies in the sheer sentinels will sit and watch around the camp atnight, ready and able
size of his army - up to 115,000 troops, almost six times the size to alert the troops if they detect any presence outside the camp.
of the Jan's army. It is only because his soldiers are poorly trained When an enemy turns from battle to flee, the Jan invariably
and inefficient that the emperor doesnot try to move against the Jan . pursues, sometimes for as long as five days. They will drive the
The Shoneb army consists mostly of infantry and is relatively enemy onward, harrassing and attacking when possible so the
lethargic compared to the Horse . Shoneb steel can wreak havoc on retreating army is less likely to regroup and return . To avoid being
Jan armor, if it can get past the devastating arrow storms . Finally, trapped in a false retreat - a trick the Horse uses - the Jan army
the magical asistance of the Nakail and Taran Priests is slightly will spread out over a great distance and send scouts ahead as far as
superior to thepower ofthe Church ofMakhan . Overall, the armies twenty or thirty miles.
are evenly matched . As mentioned briefly, the Great Fortress is the chosen site for a
The other enemy of the Jan dwells within: the creatures of the last stand should the Jan army find itself in a desperate situation .
Drepung . Fortunately, the Trolls and Ogres are too busy smashing The Fortress is large enough to house 60,000 men and their horses;
each other's faces to attack the Jan as a unified force. Other it extends back into the mountain nearly two miles with its stables,
disadvantages of the evil creatures include insufficient numbers, graineries, and barracks. The army could hold the Fortress for at
and discomfort in daylight. The latter is a serious problem out on least a year, trapping anyone on the Plateau out in the open through
the plains with nowhere to hide from the sun. a deadly winter, without supply lines.
32 Shadow World
Magic is rare in the Jan, both in terms ofitems and casters . Legends tell ofgreat mages long ago and the powerful
enchantments they made; ruins and rumored artifacts in the treasury of the Supreme Jengada and the vaults of the
Cloud Temple lend substantial support to these stories. Indeed, how could Mount Baikal have attained its human
form, or Kaitu have-been bound without great magic or the hand of a god? Historians believe that magic reached
its peak in the Jan before the Exile, with many mages living in the Drepung near the Elburz Plateau .
The magic practiced in the Jan today either diffused into society from neighboring cultures (particularly, Balaan
and Ghagian,) or it came from the Shoneb Empire with Jengada long ago. This does not include the powers of the
clerics or Ar'shabod - their enchantments and divinations are far older. Clansmen are comfortable with the
"natural" powers of the Ar'shabod, but other magics may invoke fear, awe, or hostility . They have been known to
drive out or kill mages who perform great displays of power . The Vosm-hadad, more exposed to new and different
concepts, tolerate and accept magic more readily . They may report conspicuous spell-users to local authorities in
case the mage is a Shoneb spy ortroublemaker . Mostofthe basic magic professions have representatives somewhere
in the Jan. Channelers are most common, with the clerics of the various religions and the Ar'shabod scattered all
about . Healers areplentiful also, but not nearly as common as clerics. Lay healers and seers represent the mentalists .
5 . The restraints of physical space are only felt by those unable to The central school of mysticism is the Hall of Abakar in
perceive its true nature. Xanderen. Only the most promising students may study here, and
6. Time is a phenomenon observed only by those who do not move they mustbe able to afford the 500 b. per day the school charges . [A
in unison withthe Universe . One who can move with theUniverse character must have prime requisites that add to 186 or more to be
is no longer restricted by time. accepted.] The Hall only introduces students to mysticism, sending
them away to learn elsewhere after they attain 5th level . (Some
7. Human emotions prevent us from seeing past the shadows of have travelled to the Magic Isle of Uman for further and more
reality to reality itself . demanding training. See ICE'S Journey to the Magic Isle .)
8. By becoming free of all emotions, man can learn to see the For advanced study, some mystics enroll at the Monastery of
Universe as it really is and learn to move with it . Jazhai in Ghagian . The Monastery has no doors or entrances, and
These are the eight basic ideals of Xanderen mysticism, as only those who can get themselves inside can study here. The
originally taught by Abakar and followed by the Abakri and all quality of instruction is excellent, some teachers very old and
followers ofXanderen mysticism . There are many more teachings, advanced in their studies .
though the exact nature of these varies between individuals . GM Note : any character studying here may be allowed an
When he returned to live among men after being lost, Abakar extra 20% of his or her development points for use on base
wore a medallion around his neck; the pendant consisted of 4 lists, perception, ambush, and other skills in which mystics get
equilateral triangles, each rotated slightly and placed atop the last. a level bonus . This reflects the skill of the teachers and not
No one has ever learned the symbolism of this, but Abakar report- the aptitude of the pupil . [For FH characters, allow an extra
edly studieditoften, and is said to have understood its meaning just 20 points to be used for Development .]
before he left his followers . Today, those who study mysticism
wear similar pendants made of silver as symbols that they hope to
follow Abakar someday through the gateway to the next level of 3 " ARCHMAGES AND
knowledge . ARCANE POWER
In all ofthe Jan, Balaan, and the Shoneb Empire, the only place
one can study arcane magic is in the Academy of Dar-e'sen, in
Ghagian . The most powerful archmages known are Senjamade
who live, study, and teach here. No evil being can enter the
Academy, and so virtually all archmages are ofgood alignment, or
at least neutral . Legends tell that acouncil of great archmages from
all over the continent used to meet near Go-chen Lake and work
powerful magic to help the world through troubled times. Today,
if such a council exists, it remains hidden and works quietly .
Nayeng, the Master of the Academy, is a quiet and thoughtful
man, surprisingly young for one of such status . He often visits
Xanderen and the surrounding regions to learn what is happening
in the world. Some people say that he can assume many faces and
forms, including that of a large black and bronze dragon .
Four nearby cultures influence the world of the Jan, some strongly, others subtly or indirectly . This chapter
describes briefly the country of Balaan to the west, the societies of the Senjamade under Go-chen Lake, the Elves
of the Shonin Forest in the southwest of the Shoneb Empire, and the Shoneb Empire itself, the strongest influence
on the Jan.
The following six adventures represent some of the variety of experience readily available in the Jan.
Kidnappers, pirates, a sorceror, a perfume merchant in search of spies, a remote treasure cavern await those
adventurers bold and wily enough to take them on, one by one. (GMs as well as PCs are advised to read the following
section closely .)
Waitishe, The Nikail-Obviously, this fellow is evil to the mar- Khrulkev has set up his camp about 12 miles south ofDalen, in
row. Hefell out of favor in Gothak and was sentinto theJan on what a small wooded region . They are close enough to town that the
was expected to be a suicide mission . His persistence and refusal Lugr6ki and Ogres are not likely to come after them, but far enough
to be caught have, instead, turned into a source ofamusement for his that they are safely hidden from casual searchers. The gang travels
colleagues. For a very small expenditure, he provides them with another 10 miles every day to the site where they search for iron, in
subjects to torture and sacrifice. Those he does not kill personally the foothills oftheDreshon . The camp is basic: a tool shed, a shelter
he sends to the Empire's contacts in Batai for transport to Gothak . for the men, and a shelter for their horses .
THE TALE 1 . Tool shed. The iron hunters have built this out ofpoorly cut tree
Waitishe has found a source of sacrificial victims who not only trunks, strapped together with gut. The roof (in name only) consists
provide offerings to better please Kaitu, but also satisfy his sense of of pine boughs and beaver skins, both rotting from the damp air .
irony, since it is allies that provide these victims. The set up works Inside are the following items : 2 stone axes, 6 wooden shovels, 1
well in Dalen because the disappearance of people will most likely iron pick, 3 stone picks, one 200' rope, one 40' piece of twisted gut,
be blamed on the beasts of the Magachen Forest and the Dreshon . five 10'x10' pieces ofheavy canvas, and 2 burlap sacks . One sack
The priest pays the gang 1,000 b. for each victim, of which has a chunkoflowgrade iron-orein it weighing 8pounds, and worth
Khrulkev keeps 400 b. and the others split the remainder . about 500 b. if sold to someone who could extract the ore and use
Khrulkev's gangusually finds its victims in thebars and taverns it.
of Dalen, luring them to the camp in the foothills with drinks and 2. Stable. Since the horses are unlikely to run away, the stable is
tales of iron. Alternatively, they ambush small groups of travellers minimal . A rope strung from tree to tree serves as a fence, and a
on the road at night . In the former case, the victim may help search canvas tarp provides a roofover one corner. There may be as many
for iron several days before suffering some tragic accident or as five Elburz Ponies in here, depending on the time of day and the
getting lost - so Khrulkev tells Xibazh, at least. Victims of the weather .
latter tactic go directly to Waitishe and are sold immediately . 3. Human shelter. This is little better than the horse's shelter. A
Xibazh never goes on these raids, taking his turn watching the large, oiled canvas tarp forms a canopy over the men's sleeping
camp . Khrulkev is the only one who has ever met Waitishe, area. No walls protect them from the wind and rain, but they are
although the cleric watches all of them closely . atop a small rise and there are drainage channels dug about thearea.
LAYOUT-THE CAMP A pile of saplings nearby attests to the ore-hunters' intent to add
The following text details the physical setting of the iron walls before the winter buries them in snow.
hunters' camp and its surroundings . As with all the layouts, the text
is keyed to a drawing .
Nomads of the Nine Nations 39
Four bedrolls lie rumpled on the ground, dirty and full offleas. THE TALE
The ground is well trampled, with white freckles of dripped wax Elekei, a wine merchant living and working in Akglern, is quite
marking it. A fire ring sits in the center . A couple of stone scrapers distraught . His newest shipment of wine from Balaan vanished in
and skinning knives (-30 daggers) also lie beside one ofthe bedrolls transit only 3 days ago . There have been no reports of storms along
(that of Khrulkev, the best hunter among them). There is no money the shipping route, and Elekei suspects pirates . He will pay a
or treasure to be found here. handsome reward of up to 10gp to anyone finding the wine and
4. Cooking area. Down beside the stream that flows between the returning the barrels tohim, unopened and unharmed. What he will
tool shed and the men's shelter is a patch of bare dirt where the men not disclose is that he smuggles iron in the wine barrels . Wax seals
fix and eat their food. Wooden bowls and platters stained by use lie hold small ingots of iron to the barrel lids, and the barrels are held
scattered about from the lastmeal. Adeepclay bowl for cooking sits together with iron bands .
beside a bed of old coals, empty. The men hunt for their food daily, Just east ofthe Xeleb River is the lair ofthepirate Rahab and his
and keep no meat overnight . It would only attract predators like crew. They are the culprits in this theft, but they have not yet opened
ghyso and serkai, and the men already get enough trouble from the barrels . The wine sits in the store-room of the pirates' cavern
them due to the horses . lair on the coast, along with other plunder taken by this small but
successful band.
5. The Pond. This is where the men bathe once every fortnight or
so. It is also where Khrulkev hides his money, which is wrapped in THE NPCs
oiled canvas, tiedto a short length ofrope and fastened to atree root Rahab, the Pirate Leader-Rahab practices piracyforthe fun and
under the water. The stashis Very Hard to perceive ifthe searcher/ adventure of it. He doesn't like to kill if he can avoid it, but will
viewer does not know what to look for . It contains 2,000 b. that quickly dispatch anyone who tries to keep or take treasure from
Khrulkev has collected from Waitishe . The water is dreadfully him. He is boyish and hyperactive, but despite his apparent
cold! flightiness, he is quite clever and an accomplished swordsman .
THE TASK Cheles, the First Mate-This sorceror Cheles was Rahab's best
Essentially, the PCs' task is to free one oftheir own captured by friend in childhood and retains that position today. The two still
the iron hunters or to rescue (for a good price) someone else, have not stopped playing games and finding humor in life. Now,
perhaps a noble's son mistaken for a drunken Bard. however, the stakes in their games are higher - human lives and
STARTING THE PLAYERS other mens' fortunes . The sorceror has only a cold, analytical
concept of death and shows no trace of the fear and respect most
The PCs might best come from Ulan, bearing all the supplies
they need on their ponies . Following the trail ofthe kidnappers and people demonstrate when faced with their own mortality. Cheles
is quick to act and sly .
catching up to them present another challenge.
The Ship's Crew-Five men and a woman run Rahab's ship;
AIDS Alesh, Badekei, Urosh, Eled Chus, Yulim, and Jalis'te . Eled Chus
The stealth and mightofthe party are the main aids to overcom- comes from the Chus nation, a fugitive after he was found to be
ing the iron hunters, two of whom are deadly fighters . adulterous. He is quite proficient with a lasso, an excellent archer,
OBSTACLES and unusual in that he loves the sea. Yulim comes from Balaan, as
The iron hunters post one lookout each night. Every member of his name suggests. He is the closest thing on the ship to a second
Khrulkhev's party is a skilled fighter and keeps a sword or knife at mate, but only unofficially. Most familiar of the crew with sailing
hand. Victims are boundhand and foot. Wild beasts abound in the and the sea, he navigates and directs much ofthe sailing . The other
woods, and Ogres lurk nearby . crew members, Alesh, Urosh, and Badekei, are common men from
different regions ofthe Jan . Jalis'te is the one woman on the ship,
bringing Elil's blessing and protection. She is also a formidable
Freeing a member of the group will raise the spirits and the
fighter . No one on the shipfitsthe standard model ofapirate . Their
worth of the party, especially as word of the release spreads primary goal is to seize treasure, and they strongly dislike killing to
throughout the land. Rewards of up to 10gp have been offered by get it. They try to make a great show of force and power, thus
the authorities for the capture of the kidnappers, alive or dead. frightening their victims into handing over their cargo. The wiles
ENCOUNTERS of the sorceror often help in such a case.
Consult the Master Encounter Chart in Part XII for other LAYOUTS-THE PIRATES' SHIP AND LAIR
excitement indigenous to the woods near Ulan . The pirate's ship is small for the crew (50' in length), but they
usually sail during the daytime . Rarely do they sail far away,
3 " RED WINE AND SUNSETS although they may journey to Aldshai or Akglern when the stores
Sea-faring adventurers oflow to mid-level willenjoy this test of from captured ships and the fish they catch fail to feed them well.
wits and will. A word of warning : those who enjoy fine wine may Once every month or so, they may take a longer trip to spend some
be tempted to drink some of the reward. of their hard-eamed money . The pirates hide their boat in a cave
roughly 40 miles east ofthe mouth ofthe Xeleb River. Natural rock
THE SETTING columns and tesselated pavementsurround the entrance and lend an
In search of stolen property, the party travels across the plains almost regal appearance to the hideout . Columns jut out of the
and perhaps out to sea on this adventure . The party must be fairly water inside the cave as well and rake the waves from below
strong to succeed, probably needing about 25-30 levels among the outside, so that sailing into the cave can be quite tricky to an
various members. All else that the scenario requires otherwise is unfamiliar pilot. The cliff is 120' tall, and easier to climb near the
that the party be mercenary and eager to make money . The basic bottom than the top (a Light maneuver for the bottom 20', Medium
plotinvolves a wine merchant and iron smuggler in Akglern, whose forthe next 30', then Hard for the top 70'). The nearestplace to land
most recent shipment disappeared, hiring the party to recover his a boat is 4 miles east, beyond the end of the cliffs .
property for him. Pirates attacked the ship carrying the wine, and
now have the merchant's wine hidden in their lair.
40 Shadow World
Four large dogs serve asbothpets and guards for the crew. They
roam the lower cavern freely, and enjoy an occasional swim in the
shallows .
Because the cave also houses a pair of gargoyles and their
young, the pirates stay either inside or outside the cave at night,
when the creatures are most active . The gargoyles are also alert
during the day, but since the young are well hidden and protected
then, the parents are not aggressive towards the pirates . At times,
sharp-eyed individuals might spot agruesome statue atop one ofthe
columns outside the cave.
The pirates and gargoyles have an agreement . The gargoyles
guard the pirates' lair and treasure, while the pirates give the
gargoyles small baubles, bits of treasure, and gems . Still, the
gargoyles fight more to protect their young, and the pirates protect
and hide most of their treasure from the gargoyles .
1.The Main Cavern. This is where Rahab and company hide their
ship. Because of the shallow water, they anchor the ship in the
middle of the pool, and go ashore on a 10'x8' raft they keep on
board. Stippled areas on the map indicate water less than 4' deep;
other areas are at least 30' deep.
Beside the water lie a few spare supplies for ship repairs; rope,
canvas, pitch, wood, etc . In the back of the cavern, between rooms
(2) and (3), thepirates havesome supplies such as oil, torches, afew
chairs, and a small rowboat .
2.Living Quarters . The only real room in the lair, this cavern was
expanded slightly by the pirates . Here, they have 8 straw beds to
sleep on, 8 private chests, 2 tables, 9 chairs, and two barrels of ale .
The only items of any real value here are : a gold platter used for
food (value 3,000 b.); 10' of steel wire, 1/4" diameter, in Rahab's
locker (value 27,000 b. in the Jan) ; and a book containing the spell
lists Rune Mastery (open essence) and Symbolic Ways (closed
channeling), (value 20,000 b.) in Cheles' trunk, which is Hard to
unlock .
3.Treasure-room Access. Various food supplies sit neatly stacked
in this corner: a couple of cheeses, smoked meat, rice, vinegar,
flour, and last of all, Elekei's wine barrels . There are four barrels,
each containing wine worth 34,000 b. - and iron worth 3,000 b.
waxed to the ends inside .
Near the end ofthis passage there is a 5' opening in the ceiling .
This leads to location (4) on the maps, the pirates' treasure vault.
This passage is trapped with a trip wireacross thefloorat the dashed
line, Very Hard toperceive even with a torch forlight. Any who fail
to avoid the wire and trip it will be shot by 3 darts (+20 for each to
hit, each covered with a level 4 circulatory poison) .
4.Treasure Hoard . The passage between the opening to room (3)
below and room (4) contains a trap; anyone facing west and
stepping intothe areacrosshatched on the map will trigger asymbol
of vacuum (Sorceror base list gas destruction), centered on the
person in the center ofthe area. (Consider range as 10' for all others
in the radius, i.e., +10 on the BAR, but the center-target is consid-
ered touching, or +30 on the BAR.)
Nomads of the Nine Nations 41
The contents of the room are : three 30 gallon barrels of fine reveal a small ball of blackness . This grew until it was as big as a
Balaanese amber wine (108,000 b.); 9-score of steel tipped arrows man, and out of it stepped a foul-smelling, terrible creature that
(2,148 b.); 10 yards of rare Shonin silk cloth, 5' wide (42,800 b.); looked like a man Kaitu had tortured . I tried to move and draw my
silver and malachite jewelry from the Dzejan nation (32,800 b.). blade, but could not. The beast walked about me slowly, breathing
5.Gargoyles' Lair. Within this low ceilinged chamber (4'8" tall), stench in my face and touching me with burning claws . I do not
past the twisting passage, live a mated pair of gargoyles and their know what happened then; the next thing I knew, I stood weapon-
three young. In the lair, they have: 37,500 b. worth ofopals; one +5 less, half a day to the north of our camp ."
stone-headed battleaxe (8,000 b.); one 4" long polished hematite The other nomads now avoid the place, fearing this man and his
"egg" (4,000 b.). If the creatures are cornered in the lair, the male power. Thus, the local chenen offers a reward of 2 Elburz ponies
will try to draw the attacks while the female and young flee. and 2,000 b. to anyone who gets Ennuus out of there - even if it
means killing him .
To locate the Pirates' cave (east of the Xeleb River), find the THE NPCs
wine merchant's goods and to return them to him. Ennuus-The sorceror fled his home in Balaan after angering a
STARTING THE PLAYERS Balaanese High Mage. With his mentor, Ut, and his bound demon-
servant, Axchi, he came here and set up his home in exile . He is a
The PCs would best begin from Akglern, a city where (with the nasty, evil man who made dark contracts with demons for the
willing assistance of the wine merchant) they could obtain the
knowledge he now possesses .
goods they need as well as arrange for a ship to take them to the
pirate's lair, provided they can find it. UT, Teacher-When Ennuus fled, Ut accompanied him to avoid
the wrath ofthe High Mage. Ut is an evil gnome, sneaky, spiteful,
AIDS and hateful . He is blind from a spell that backfired years ago, but
Elekai the wine merchant will fund the journey ; the party will moves around rather well with the aid of his badger familiar.
have all the weapons and goods they might need. While no map of
the pirates' lairexists, the merchantcan describe its general location Axchi, the Daerauk-With foul promises and powerful magic,
from word of mouth sightings of the looted merchantman ships. Ennuus summoned and enslaved the demon Axchi. Now this evil
spirit must obey the mage's every command. Ennuus treats the
OBSTACLES demon well, never abusing his control, and so Axchi tends to
Four guard dogs, the gargoyles, the pirates themsleves and the behave rather well and not seek loopholes in his master's com-
hidden and dangerous nature ofthe cave all add up to be consider- mands. He particularly enjoys killing his own dinner, usuallyagoat
able obstacles . or mngadzur.
REWARDS Hadan, the Fighter-As are all members ofthe Keshik, Hadan is
Elekai offers each member of the party 10,000b plus all the a mercenary . Ennuus met him while fleeing Balaan, and offered
booty they can carry from the pirate cave, if they survive the raid. himaconsiderable sum to serve ashis bodyguard. Skeptical at first,
ENCOUNTERS Hadan quickly found faith in his new master when he received his
first payment . Now he erves loyally - until the money runs out or
Other than those mentioned under Obstacles above, no other a better offer comes along .
encounters of note should be expected. As always, check the
Master Encounter Table in Part XII . LAYOUT-THE HOUSE AND ENVIRONS
1. Ennuus' Home. The house consists of a wooden frame, with
4 " THE SORCEROR'S oiled hides streched over it and a thatched roof. It is highly
flammable, but no one has been so bold as to shoot it with a flaming
RETREAT arrow, or otherwise ignite it. There are no windows, and all doors
A medium-level party with an experienced magic-user will find consist of simple cotton curtains .
this adventure an interesting journey. Those adventurers who have With Axchi and Ut as assistant and advisor, respectively, the
faced demons before have a leg up on others not so blessed . sorceror studies his spells and incantations, and plans his return,
from sunset until the early hours of the morning . Hadan, mean-
THE TALE while, works and exercises during the day . They all eat meals
A fortnight ago, a building and livestock pen appeared over- together just after sunset and before sunrise . Only during a full
nightbeside a small pondin the Xolag nation. Since then, the Xolag moon will there be no one awake at night.
have remained wary of the area and watchful for signs ofwhoever
lives there . Noises from the house at night keep them from going A. Kitchen and Living Room. This almost empty room contains
close. A man has been seen coming and going from the house only 2 chairs, 1 stool, a table, a firepit, and cooking equipment.
during the day . This muscular man spends a great deal of time B. Study. A wooden crate contains 20 books, all bound in leather .
practicing archery, quarterstaff, and unarmed combat beside the One large one is locked and warded with a Stun Cloud (5') spell.
pond. The writing is in a foreign script, but translation will reveal that it
The chief of the local tribe sent his son to the house to ascertain contains the evil magician lists Darkness and Dark Summons to
fromthe owner whathis orher business is. When the son returned, level 30 (value 32,650 b.).
he told his father: A rolled map of the Jan sits beside alarge cushion. Alsonear the
"I approached the house mid-day and spoke to the man who cushion are an oil lamp, ink and brushes, and a ring of6 keys. The
fights alone by the pond. His name is Hadan, and he is servant to latter open the doors in Ennuus' home in Balaan.
the house's owner, a man named Ennuus . He took me into the C. Hadan's Room . A straw mattress lies in the corner, with a pile
building to introduce me. This Ennuus is a man from Balaan, tall of clothes nearby (winter furs, a woolen cloak, riding boots, and a
with dark skin. I asked him why he was living on our lands, and saddle and tack). A black clay figurine of a raven sits on a small
what his business was. All he did was turn and smile at me. When table with a candle against the east wall.
I repeated my question, he brought forth his hand, and opened it to
42 Shadow World
D. Ennuus' Room. Another straw pallet sits in the corner of this D. Ut's Den. A small table with a bowl and cup, and a low stool sit
room. Beside it are several candle stubs, a clay cup, a dagger, and in the middle of the room. In the corner diagonally opposite the
three empty wine-bottles. A broadsword hangs on the north wall. entrance is a bed of woven grass on dirt, fur, and feathers. About
Ennuus brought jewelry and gems worth 800,000 b. with him and 3' from the bed is a pile of dung. Close inspection of the latter (-50
buried it 6' under his bed using the spell Portal . on a Perception roll) reveals it to be a pile of packed mud balls.
These contain a total of 300,000 b. worth of gems.
E. Axchi's Nest. Double curtains hang in the doorway, stopping all
light at the threshold. Inside are a pile of bones, broken and THE TASK
smashed, with the marrow sucked out. Flies buzz about, attracted To capture or kill Ennuus the Sorceror and to return his body to
by the blood that has made the dirt black and tarry . This is where the Xolag leaders for a reward.
Axchi sleeps during the day, and feeds . STARTING THE PLAYERS
2.The Livestock Pen. A wooden fence encloses 2 horses, 1 elburz The party might best hear of the plight of the Xolag nation in
pony, 15 mehnadzur, and 20 goats. There is a 10' gate on the east Aldshai and journey into the nomads' land on ponies, provisioned
side . from the city they have left.
3. Ut's Burrow. Across the pond from Ennuus' home, Ut has AIDS
settled down in the small wooded area. He lives in an underground Xolag warriors will accompany the party to a site near the
burrow, which he and his familiar created together using spells, Sorceror's Den and will provide food, arms, advice, etc. The Xolag
hands, and claws . Ceilings are generally 4' high, or 1-1/2' in the will not accompany the PCs when they enter the Sorceror's Envi-
badger's lair, unless otherwise indicated. The entrances are con- rons, however.
cealed in tangled, low brush, and are Medium to perceive. Utknows
his way around the lair perfectly, and is at no disadvantage in the OBSTACLES
dark. TheSorceror'smagic must be overcome ormuted, his followers
killed or rendered harmless, and the demon Axchi dispensed with
A. Entry . A hole, about Yin diameter, opens under the bushes . It
for good (or bad) .
extends 10' down into the earth, dropping right into Ut's warren .
There are no actual hand-holds, but there are some roots that one REWARDS
could stand on and/or hold to. Two ponies and 2,000b for the delivery ofthe Sorceror, dead or
B. Badger Entry. This hole is quite small (1' wide), and normally alive, to the Xolag. Fame will follow throughout the Jan, and songs
serves only as the badger's entrance to the burrow. of their exploits will live on long after the PCs are gone from the
dark face of Shadow World.
C. Badger's Lair. Small bones, offal, and bits offur and flesh litter
the floor . This is the badger's warren, and the entrance is only 1' ENCOUNTERS
wide. Consult the Master Encounter Chart on Part XII for trouble
along the way .
Nomads of the Nine Nations 43
B'Shan of Xanderen-This man is much more than a simple
perfume merchant, as anyone who spends some time with him will
sense. Over the years he has had many roles; cleric of Makhan,
alchemist in Ghagian, Rider in the Horse, bounty hunter, librarian,
explorer, and now perfume merchant. More amazing, perhaps, is
that he has done all of this before he is 40 years old.
He has many friends, especially in Techul and Xanderen, the
latter his heart-felt home. Some assist him now as herb and
ingredient seekers. Others, in Ghagian, send him potions and
magical perfumes for his own use .
Two months ago, one of his herb collectors returned from the
Empire, and accidentally gave B'shan the disease rgastad. B'shan
has since developed all ofthe characteristics of an undead, with the
exception of an evil and corrupt soul. He does not need to eat or
sleep, though habit induces him to continue these actions . He
cannot be healed by clerics, but heals very quickly naturally (or
unnaturally). He cannot be magically slept, charmed, or "feared,"
but he can be turned or destroyed like other undead . His body must
be burnt to kill him . The potions and perfumes from Ghagian
preserve his flesh, which would otherwise decompose, and mask
his faint odor of decay .
Hefazh-Hefazh, a female Senjamade, came to Akglern with
B'shan. They areold friends who travelled about as bounty hunters
and explorers at one time. When B'shan contracted rgastad, Hefazh
arranged to have the potions and perfumes sent from Ghagian .
Hefazh is a skilled nightblade, neutral in alignment and loyal to
herself and her friends. She knows B'shan better than anyone else,
and wants to help him in any way she can .
Surifen-Surifen is not evil or hateful, only desperate. She has lost
most of her business, her husband spends freely and is afraid she'll
5 *AN UNDYING NEED be run out of business. She was the most popular and wealthy
perfume merchant in Akglern until B'shan appeared, able to afford
No adventurer wants to smell like a pig all the time. Here's your her nice home, servants, and life among the wealthy. Now, those
chance to impress that special lady and earna small fortune as well. days seem like a memory, a dream that may never again come true.
THE TALE Bothmerchants live in the same district of Akglern, arather nice
Business in Akglern is sometimes an unpleasant and even neighborhood on the waterfront, with a grassy park and a sea-side
vicious affair. There is even a Xolag proverb that describes the promenade . The nearby buildings ofinterest are shown on the map,
situation precisely : "No man wins who plays by another man's with the rooftop heights indicated. Notable establishments follow :
rules." Even a business so innocuous as perfume selling can 1.B'shan's store and home. Seethe text and the layout thatfollow
develop a stench of deceit and treachery. for more information about the cleric-merchant's home and shop.
One perfume merchant in particular, a woman named Surifen,
would like to enlist the assistance ofa spy or two to immerse herself 2. Surifen's store and home. The perfume merchant keeps lOgp
in the reek of sabotage and unsavory trade practices . She is one of on hand, hidden in a chamber pot with a false bottom, Very Hard to
the more successful sellers in the city, outsold only by one man, find. Her husband is out most evenings, spending money and
B'shan ofXanderen. B'shan cametoAkglern little more than ayear flapping his lips at the local inn and theater .
ago, and has quickly become reknowned for his almost magical 3. Theater and Inn . Letam's Inn stages broad comedies outside,
perfumes. Surifen's market has evaporated from underneath her in the courtyard, most pleasant evenings; admission is lOb. Letam,
like apuddleofalcohol ona hot summer day . While Surifen usually a fleshy middle-aged fool, performs in all the plays and writes most
refrains from underhandedness, she has started to panic about this of them, which commonly end with a pie in the face or a dousing
new competition . She works herself ragged, concocting her best with a bucket of water, high humor here in Akglem .
scents, seeking new perfumes to import from Balaan, socializing 4. Private Home. The noble Wonn Family maintains a home in
and trying to win new customers . Her husband, meanwhile, has town to watch over their many enterprises, which include money
aggravated the situation by spending extravagant amounts on lending, anns, and ales.
clothes, food, drink, and entertainment . He doesn't seem to 5. Haberdashery (hat-maker) . Hela the Hatmaker works here
understand that they are quickly going broke. alone, though her son Har lives with her. Haar is a leading man at
So Surifen is hiring spies in adesperate attempt to regain her lost the Theatre where he happily takes a pie in the face for 10b.
wealth and customers . She will hire on or two spies (thieves,
nightblades, assassins, burglars, call them what you will) to learn 6. Private Home. The shady and cutthroat Jaemes Clan maintains
the secret of B'shan's perfumes, or destroy him financially . She this elegant townhome to keep an eye on their investments in
would prefer the former, but if that does not work or help, then she shipping and wines .
will turn to sabotage .
Shadow World
into a basin and then down a cascade into the pool. In the pool is
an electric eel, which B'shan feeds every morning .
~11 1 1
N1 fi20'4 16 Diagonally opposite the pool, piles of sitting cushions flank a
MCI 1111111 low cherrywood table. This is where B'shan transacts his business
during the day. B'shan keeps the front door locked [Medium to
pick] and all times, and a bell cord outside is connected to bells in
(1), (3), (8) and (12). The inner door also remains locked [Light to
pick] at all times, B'shan and Hefazh carrying the only keys.
2. Storeroom. A long table wraps around the walls of the room,
littered with glassware,pottery, small wooden boxes, and scraps of
paper . Most ofthe bottles and boxes are empty, but 4 of the former
and 2 of the latter have notes under them:
Bottle #1 : "S.J. for 15 Chus descending"; contains a men's
perfume made from rare Balaanese flowers, value 8,000 b.
Bottle #2: "Bo Fey"; a floral scent made with pesar flowers,
Note : Numbers with highly addictive . Its value is 82,000 b.
0 20' 40' 60' feet symbol () indicate
roof heights .
Nomads of the Nine Nations 45
Bottle #3: "Pelyta" ; a distillation of the poison relyan from alphabet, based on an ancient tongue he learned while he worked as
Balaan . This level 5 poison will calcify the wearer's a librarian in Ghagian . If translated somehow, they reveal many of
circulatory system in 1-20 rounds. Value is 6,500 b. as a his recipes, and thefactthathe uses herbs and narcotics in his scents .
poison . 4. Cool Room. B'shan spends a large sum to keep this room cool,
Bottle #4: "Jifar"; a combination of ghyso musk and hekad preserving his ingredients . Ice is delivered daily and placed in a
juice . The wearer gets mildly euphoric, as the hekad large box against the wall. Shelves at various heights intheboxhold
effectively increasesintake ofoxygen inthe bloodstream . It chemicals at different temperatures . In the chest are small oiled
is not physically addictive, but the feeling is pleasant. The paper packets containing 2 doses of pesar, 3 doses of tega grass, 1
perfume's value is 13,560 b. dose Drepung cedar bark, and petals from several exotic flowers . A
Box # 1 : "Uibax Johur" ; this small box contains arustcolored ceramic jar contains ghyso-musk glands preserved in honey.
flaky dust, amixture oftegagrass and zah'nt. When the dust 5. Hot Room. A small bed ofcoals under a pile of hot rocks keeps
is burnt and inhaled, aperson breathing the smoke will enter this room warm. Herre, B'shan stores several rare, tropical ingre-
a trance for 5-20 minutes, after which they will beable to see dients for his perfumes. Only a knowledgeable alchemist will
invisible objects, as well as the full spectrum of light from recognize the powders and oils which help combine, and fix the
infrared to ultraviolet. scents in a perfume.
The eyes turn a silvery-violet color, and this is the main 6. Foyer. The lock on the front door is Hard to pick.
use of the cosmetic among the wealthy . Women use the 7. Cloak Room.
powder to achieve an exotic, mysterious look currently
considered attractive by gentlemen . A quantity sufficient 8. Salon . A short flight of steps rises to meet the sitting area of the
for 2 uses costs 159,000 b. room . A large fireplace and smokehood fill the north wall, looking
out on a pile ofsitting cushions, a low table, and two long cushions.
Box #2: The note is underneath the box . Ifremoved, two traps
are sprung . First, the paper holder triggers a ward ofthe spell 9. Dining Area. On the west wall hangs a silk tapestry depicting
Fire Nerves (Evil Magician base list Physical Erosion) . Mount Baikal at sunrise, glowing pink and gold. In the center ofthe
Second, the box shoots poison needles in all directions. The room, pillows encompass a low table. The middle of the table is
poison isoil root, and 0-5 will hit anyone within 10' . The box open, with a copper grate over it and coals underneath . B'shan,
contains nothing more than the dart-throwing mechanism . Hefazh, and any guests eat their meals here.
3.The Mixing Room. B'shan mixes his scents and cosmetics here. 10. Kitchen . This is a typical kitchen, with lots of copper pots,
Vials, flasks, crucibles, and other alchemical equipment cover crockery, knives, and otherutensils. A woman comes in every day
several tables . Sheets of parchment covered with illegible notes lie and cooks B'shan's morning and evening meals. As a consequence
scattered amidst the equipment . The writing is B'shan's secret of B'shan's widespread contacts and Hefazh's unusual tastes, the
meals are usually exotic and extravagant .
46 Shadow World
11. Storage Closet/Pantry . Cheese wheels, grain, cider, firewood, THE TASK
wine, mead, flour, rice, cured meats, and other staples fill this Put simply, PCs are to capture B'shan and either steal his
larder . secrets, sabotage his trade, carry him out oftown or "persuade" him
to leave Akglern, never to return .
12. Garden . Here, B'shan relaxes . Low bushes, colorful flowers,
and a tsefa saplinh provide a natural, soothing environment. A STARTING
fountain pool and a cane bench sit in the center . Around the The party will logically hear of Surifen's jealousy in a local
perimeter, ivy covers 10' high stone walls topped with iron spikes. tavern and visit her that night. The merchant will make her offfer
The latter are as -10 dagger attacks on anyone who blindly tries to (ofup to 5gp in reward) if she is convinced that the PCs are able to
scale the wall . Three oil lamps provide dim light (heavy shadows) complete the task without involving her.
at night, whether or not B'shan or anyone is out here. AIDS
13. Storage Closet . This small closet contains sheets, other linens, Surfien knows of B'shan's usual hours and can tell the PCs
brooms, mops, etc. about some of the locks, etc . However, she does not know of the
14. Private Office . Entering the room, a person senses nostalgia unusual nature of Hefazh or of B'Shan's illness .
and memories of an earlier home. A serkai pelt (value 80,000 b.) OBSTACLES
hangs behind the low desk at the north end of the room. An 18" Chiefly, Hefazh stands in the way of the PCs. (See the NPC
ceramic statue of Mouunt Baikal sits on a 4' pedestal against the Chart in Part XII for more about all the NPCs in this adventure .)
west wall . A scroll in some obscure language (that of the Senja-
made) hangs on the south wall. REWARDS
On the desk sit a quill pen, an inkwell, some parchment, an Surifen offers the equivalent of 5gp to a party of adventurers
account book, and a geode 3" in diameter. If the geode is cupped who either destroy B' Shan's business or who chase him out oftown
overone eye and the other eye is closed, one seesthe sunrise service (or kidnap him) for good.
being performed by the Commander of the Faithful in the Cloud ENCOUNTERS
Temple . The scenario is an endless loop, starting over when it ends. PCs may encounter town guards and drunken ruffians leaving a
Each cycle lasts 30 minutes . portside tavern. (ConsulttheMaster Encounter Chart inPartXII for
B'shan's savings are hidden in the pedestal under the statue . other encounters .)
There is a secret catch (Extremely Hard to perceive) at the bottom
of the front panel. When tripped, the side panel is free to slide back
and reveal B'shan's treasure : 500,000 b. worth of gems, a pouch 6 " A GATHERING IN
containing 84,370 b., a magic katana +15/+20 versus Nakail, and a
silver pendant that serves as a +2 cleric's adder. A ward ofthe spell
Icebolt (Magician base list Ice Law, OB=40+point blank range) This adventure is ideal for a small band of 3rd-6th level
covers the pedestal so that anyone who opens the panel without characters . This adventure cannot be undertaken in winter or
speaking Makhan's name will trigger the spell . spring, since the trail will be closed by snow or mud, respectively .
15. B'shan's Chamber . Like the office, this room conveys the THE TALE
feeling that the occupant longs for a place far away, a place with There are rumors circulating in Xanderen; someone has found
great personal meaning . Paintings depict alpine lakes, glaciers, and a treasure hoard left behind by the Great Ones who pursued the
pine and cedar forests. The bed, opposite the door, and a chest Ogres into the Drepung after the Exile! Everyone is talking about
across from the window are made of cedar and give the room a the tests a treasure seeker must pass to get into the vaults, and how
fragrant air . the Guardian will only allow a person to take one item. Some say
The bed, with fine sheets, appears untouched or meticulously they've seen a man who came out of the vaults with an emerald the
made. Under the pillow is a pouch containing 100,000 b. On the size of his fist!
south wall is a closet containing B'shan's clothing . It ranges from The location of the cavern is uncertain, but most stories place it
plain and simple garb to expensive formal attire . The cedar chest about three days up the trail to the Plateau, in a narrow ravine to the
against the wall has no lock, but latches closed . Inside are a full suit side,blocked partway up by a rockslide. It's a difficult journey, and
of splint armor (shirt, skirt, greaves, and helm), a greatbow, a score thechance ofmeeting aband ofLugr6ki and roving Ogres is enough
of arrows in oiled cloth, and the robes of a cleric of Makhan. The to discourage many would-be treasure seekers.
former are well-worn, and discolored by the arrow wrappings . The truth of the matter is very different from the rumors.
B'shan sleeps less and less frequently as a result of his disease, Veheln, a renegade New Taran Priest, is trying to gather a small
instead staying up all night reading, working, or thinking. He is troop of the best fighters he can find, to serve Tara in the Jan - he
usually here anyway . is not a Shoneb citizen . He found the cavern in the Drepung
16. Hefazh's Bedroom . This room is almost empty. All it contains Mountain range after hearing it mentioned by a clansman who
stayed the night in the entrance chamber, and explored it further
are a closet, a chamberpot, and a fireplace. An astute observer
(making a Hard perception roll) will perhaps note two things : there himself. The "tests" were there when he arrived, and they suit his
are small holes in the wall, 3" in diameter, along thefloor, and a few purpose perfectly . Now, he waits within for the worthy to come to
partially burnt scales from a large reptile or fish in the coals in the him, and he offers them glory and fame through service to Tara and
the Jan . Few have tried to find his trap, and fewer yet have passed
fireplace . The former allow Hefazh to move about freely in snake
form. The latter are scales he has lost while sleeping beside the fire the tests . Only one has passed and chosen to stay (two passed and
in large snake form. A less astute observer (a Medium perception chose to leave) . Veheln started the rumors himself, in Xanderen,
roll) will notice a large scales on the floor beside the fireplace . Techul, and Batai, and now they've spread to the villages along the
A secret door, Medium toperceive, leads to a small hiding room. way .
Hefazh and B'shan know of it, but have not ever used it.
Nomads of the Nine Nations 47
Veheln, the New Taran Priest-Veheln is obsessed with serving
Tara, a powerful zealot. He feels that by raising a mercenary army
in her name and serving the interests of the Jan, he can expand
Tara's following in the Jan and increase her popularity. He may be
right in theory, but he has taken a rather bad approach towards the
execution . He is blinded by his religious fervor and will do things
a sane or rational individual would never consider .
Gehod Unjere-Of the three adventurers who have passed the
tests, Gehod is the only one who chose to stay. He is not totally
converted to Tara, but more to his own ego . He will help Veheln in
a fight unless Veheln is obviously behaving irrationally . Gehod
came all the way from Batai under cover, since he is wanted for
murder. (He killed anopponent in a drunken brawl and fled Aldshai
immediately rather than risk the punishment .)
At thepoint where the ravine intersects the side ofthe trail to the
Plateau, there is a sheer 120' wall on the south side and a 1800' drop
on the north side. The walls of the ravine are over 100' high.
1. The Serkai's Lair. In the side of the ravine is a low (4' high),
narrow opening in the rock. It smells only a little like animal, since
the air is so cold (Hard perception). Inside live a mother serkai and
her two kits. She will not leave the caveto fight, but will vigorously
defend her young should anyone come crawling into the cave - an
awkward position for fighting .
2. Veheln's Challenge . The walls of the cave are all rock, some
covered with frost or a thin layer of ice . The entrance is a narrow
opening atop the pile ofrubble froma rockslide . Unless specifically
indicated, there is no light inside the complex .
A . Entrance. A 20' tall pile of rubble blocks the defile. From the
top, an entrance is clearly visible, a 9' tall opening with the lower 6'
blocked by a boulder .
B. Submarine Vault . A clear pool oficy watercovers a door in the
chamber wall. The water is so cold that it requires anyone in it to
make a Resistance Roll with Constitution bonus versus attack level
5 every round . Failure lowers temporary Agility by 5 points; after
Agility has dropped 25 points, the -5 affects permanent and tempo-
rary Agility, and temporary Constitution and Strength. Temporary
drops recover at the rate of 1 point /10 minutes, permanent stat
changes imply frostbite and require special attention to repair.
The door is a Very Hard maneuver to open; consider efforts to
open it as attempts to open it 5', and allow partial success. Charac-
ters can hold their breath for 1 round / 10 Constitution points. The
water is 15' deep overthe door, and fills the stippled area on the map .
C. Ladder. Acopper ladder rises out of 4' of water here, to the next
floor above . The ladder extends from the bottom of the water up 6'
to the new floor level.
D. Stone Golem. Blocking the door out of the room is a stone
golem, and he wears the granite key to the door on a stone ring
around his neck. He mustbe defeated before theparty may pass. He
will revitalize after defeat, becoming whole and hale 1 hour after
defeat. He only attacks those coming from the hallway to room (2) .
E. Arena. Only one person may pass the curtain into this room at
atime; ifmore try, they will be frozen in time outside the room until
the one who did pass leaves the cliff beyond the gate, in room (5) .
It is impossible to leave through the curtain also, unless the
individual trying came from the cliff in room (5). Anyone trying
otherwise will encounter an invisible barrier where the curtain
hangs . In short, the curtain isaone at atime, one-way gate. Theonly
other exits from the room are the gate and the secret door beneath
the small pedestal, the latter exit Extremely Hard to perceive .
48 Shadow World
In the room, beside the pool in the corner, stands a minion of Rune 11, from the Arcane list Blade Runes) . Themedallions bestow
Tara; he looks just like a fighter in splint armor, with a wooden a+5 on Resistance Rolls against channeling spells castat the wearer
katana and no shield . The player character must defeat him before (these are non cumulative).
they may pass the gate ahead. He will speak, but only to issue the Veheln invites successful questers to join him and serve Tara.
challenge : "Those who seek to pass must defeat me and learn my Should they choose to do so, they get a bow, arrows, armor, and a
pattern . You have three chances ." medallion . They must then remain here with him until there are
He fights according to three rules, as follows : bodies to wear and use the other equipment . If they choose not to
join, they may leave when they wish, going the way they came.
a. Starting in round 1, the first round of melee, the minion Veheln will tell them that they are free to go if they give their word
parries full every other round, attacking at these times with
not to tell anyone of his plans. Whenthey start up thecliff (however
no OB. He parries in rounds 1, 3, 5, etc ., unless prohibited
they do so) he will summon a demon, and Gahod Unjere (the man
by a critical result. from the table) will start firing at them with his bow . (Remember
b. The first time through battle with a particular opponent, the that if Veheln summons a demon, he has a 50/50 chance of getting
minion only does A criticals, and 3/4 ofthe damage he does a Ta-kri or an evil demon .) If the party exits through the door to
to the character will heal within 10 minutes after the battle. room (D), Veheln will use his magic crystal to teleport up to the top,
The second time, all criticals are C or lower in severity and and will attack the party there, while Gahod sneaks up the stairs
only 1/2 of the damage will heal . The third time, all damage behind them. If the party escapes, Veheln will pursue them as far
is as per the dice roll, and there is no special healing rate. At as the Stone Golem in room (D), then give up.
any time, a killing critical kills .
c. Between battles with a given opponent, the minion recovers
1/2 of the hits he took as damage during the previous melee.
Between opponents, he recovers fully .
When the minion is "killed", he and all of his possessions
disappear like a shadow fading away. The shadow ofa crow floats
through the gate as if on a breeze, and a whisper in the room
(Medium to perceive) says "The raven carries the worthy beyond
dark death, to her banquet table. Courage and faith, these measure
strength." The gate he guarded is Hard to open, lifting up like a
portcullis .
F. The Chasm . This is thefinal test, one ofcourage and belief. The H. Secret Stairway . In the northwest corner ofthe chasm, an oak
path ends in a gaping chasm, glowing mist swirling about at the doorhides in the shadows . The doorreveals a passage that leads to
passage's floor level . The opposite wall is wet, sheer basalt . The a spiral stairway, and at the top of that, a passage into room (E), the
only way forward is to jump or climb. The torch holders in the arena. The exit is only 3' tall, underneath the pedestal in the corner.
hallway will definitely break free if used as rope anchors . The gate THE TASK
will just as surely hold. First, to locate the cavern and enter it safely . Second, to outwit
Climbing is Extremely Hard without a rope, Very Hard with or overcome Veheln and his "helpers", and third, to escape with
one . Jumping is safer. The mist, 30' deep, is poisonous - a some treasures worth keeping, including one's skin.
Constitution based nerve poison . Climbers, moving 10'/round,
must make 3 RR's; jumpers only make one, with a +10 bonus. STARTING THE PLAYERS
Failure by 01-50 results in 1 round of stun/5% failure; 51+failure PCs hear of the rumor at a tavern in Xanderen (or further away,
means the victim takes a C impact critical . if you like) where they have come to sniff out trouble and fortune.
The drop is 100' and anyone who jumps will float safely down, Perhaps they were hired by a noble to search out a specific item
as affected by the spell "Landing ." The walls ofthe cavern have
if among the treasure hidden in the cavern.
2 doors at the bottom ; one (Hard to perceive) leads backup to room AIDS
(4), the other leads on to room (6). Light creeps out beneath the A map would help, as would a magic user powerful enough to
latter door. overcome the golem and any summoned demons, etc .
G. Veheln's Banquet Hall. Hanging oil lamps illuminate the walls OBSTACLES
of this large marble hall, revealing white pillars and dais. A long, Trouble includes the stone golem, summoned demons, Gehod,
low table runs the length of the room, covered with food and and the wily Veheln, as well as nearby Lugr6ki.
surroundedby large pillows. One man sits at the tables, eating and
drinking; he ignores the newcomers . On a chair at the far end, on REWARDS
the dais, sits Veheln, the renegade New Taran Priest. He will The treasure hidden in the cavern includesmagical weapons and
welcome those who pass the tests, inviting them to sit and eat . As armor ofnote. (See Veheln's Banquet Hall, #7 above.) A grateful
they eathe will tell themthis name, and about how he is assembling noble might offer as much as 10gp for the treasure hoard .
a great army to serve Tara. ENCOUNTERS
The rumors thatdrew the party were planted to draw adventurers Lugr6ki lurk nearby, as do other wild creatures of the Plateau
here, so that Veheln could choose the best fighters that came region . Consult the Master Encounter Chart in Part XII for other
through the trials . The supposed treasure hoard is not to be seen, forms of trouble.
though there is treasure . Veheln has 2 tables beside his chair; one
holds 8 splint armor shirts (AT 13), the other 8 high quality (+5,
non-magical) greatbows, 20 medallions with crows stamped on
them,and 8 score silver-tipped arrows (each enchanted with Weapon
Nomads of the Nine Nations 49
rounds the huts when the weather is warm enough to permit it. H
IN 31
To observe and enter the "village" is vital; once there, PCs can -\
determine the nature of the threat (it is serious and powerful) and i2q,
with good fortune, return to Batai to report their findings. If
captured, PCs are on their own; Scalu's worshippers relish nothing NOUNI H
W-12 101
more than taking control ofthe minds and bodies ofwould-be spies.
Weak fighters and those considered useless to the cause will be held
captive and sacrificed to Scalu at the next full moon of Charon .
After hearing of the haunted Bog at atavern in Batai, PCs set off
from Batai on ponies provided by Tamlin . At the eastern edge of
the swamp, they must continue on foot. 20'
50 Shadow World
Male ; Common Human Fighter. Slats; Co90, Ag82, SD48, Me43, Re30, St87, Qu70, Pr21, 1133, Em62. Slow wilted, and desperate for money and attention. He
idolizes Khrulkev and believes his promises of wealth.
Waitisltc 1 59 9 ,)01 Y 40k-at I Olcb 15
( p8d, r , 9I, Re9?. . Sttt6 Qu73 pr~ I 1195, Em6ZI. Carries a +5 da~acr which serves as a a2 nluldplier for
Male , (o nutnul Mama \akail ; Stalls ; A_o6e),S . ) i ' 7h, hl.~ _~
evil clerics (7 PP ,2). Spell lists arc° : NaF,,, . Shadows, Disease, Dark Cltnnnels. Protectu n. . . Sumcoons L .oti,_ tilovcnle11s all to 7th le vel:Crcatiou to 5tli level.
i 25 1(10) N 50wk 2011) 10
Maic ; Cotnnlan Humankiehmr Slats, ('o92. ..>,g7D,SL14_3 . Ma-16, Re " )3
. . S06,
- fr72 S
lu_ Y,
. Erri%0 Not trtilv evil . Just Susceptible to peer })rCSsttre . Lack, self
.but skilled igbter.
NPCs in "Red Wine and Sunsets"
Cheles 9 32 1(0) N - 4011)/spells 10
Male ; Common Human Sorceror; Slats ; Co71, Ag68, SD75, Me81, Re57, St43, Qu81, Pr62, h193, Em90. First mate . Wears an opal earring that is a +2 adder for
sorcerors, and adds +10 to any Perception roll involving sight . (9 PP+2) . Spell lists include : all Sorceror base lists, Barrier Law, Lofty Movements, Symbolic
ways to 10th level ; Rune Mastery to 5th level .
Rahab 6 72 13(20) Y 65kat 75 1-b 10
:Male : Co .m .uup Human Rogue ; SUas ; ('rr87_AL,80) . SD53
. . tile73 Rc62, St93, (~)u96, Prs6, In71, Fru68 . .Uses +1(1 kataua . wears splint armor. He is ambidcz-
"trous. Clever. personahte . clegaut, and rioyuent .
The Crew
Alesh 1 23 6(20) Y 20wk 3011) 5
Male Common Human Fighter; Slats ; Co93, Ag68, SD35, Me98, Re78, St97, Qu59, Pr36, ln50, Em74.
., . Y,
Badekei 51 9(20) . 3 SO ' 4511) 10
Male Cornnwn Human Figh ,er: Slats ; Co94, Ag50. SD63 . Mc97 .°Rc54, SO() . Qu87 Pr72 . ln4-, l nll6.
Eled Chus 3 11 9(2()) Y 331a 401h l0
Male Common I luman Fighter; Slats: Co90, Ag77, SD55, Me80, Rc79, St00, Qu88, Pt-60, ln4l, Em89.
5 61 13!0) N'
KSaa/30da 4016 10
Male Common Humm Fightcr; Slats; Co90, Ag96 . SD84, Me60, Re92, St90, Quo(), Pr67, w69
Female Common Human Fighter : Slats; Co90, Ag89, SD54, Me96 . Re65 . St9t1, Qu73 . Pr3= . my=. 1-:np5? .
3) . 1)(20) Y 40cl 3516 10
Male C'nmrnon f iuulan Fighrc : Scats: Co90, Av80 . SD69, Al,:52. Re58, St95 ; Qu43 . Pr59, InU8 . Fn174.
Nomads of the Nine Nations 51
Max Pace/ Speed Size/
Creature Rate MN Bonus MS/AQ Crit Hits AT(DB) Attacks
Male Gargoyle FSpt/30 MF/FA 16(35) 60LC1/40MBi<</50We
Female Gargoyle FSpt/30 MF/FA 16(35) 60LC1/40MBi«/50We
Young Gargoyle #1 FSpt/30 MF/FA 16(35) 60LC1/40MBi<</50We
Young Gargoyle #2 FSpt/30 MF/FA 16(35) 60LCl/40MBi450We
Young Gargoyle #3 FSpt/30 MF/FA 16(35) 60LCl/40MBi<</50We
Dog #1 Dash/30 FA/FA 32 3(40) 30SBi100
Dog #2 Dash/30 FA/FA 5 3(40) 30SBi100
Dog #3 Dash/30 FA/FA 3(40) 30SBil00
Dog #4 Dash/30 FA/FA 3(40) 30SB000
Beasts in "The Sorceror's Retreat"
Axchi 5 80 Spt/10 FA/FA M/II 60 11(25) 60ths/Spells
Type II demon. He is magically bound to serve Ennuus with his life . 10 PP.Unhappy in daylight, but not penalized.Knows all evil cleric base lists to level 5.
Ut's Badger Familiar 2 60 Spt/30 FA/VF S/- 45 3(50) 40MBi60/40SC120Both20
Beasts in "An Undying Need"
Electric eel 2 60 Spt/20 MF/FA M/- 40 3(20) 80SBolt/40SBi20/Both20
Beasts in "A Gathering in Darkness"
Female Serkai 5 110 Dash/30 FA/FA L/# 140 4(40) 85LCI60/90MBi40/110MC1«
Kit #1 0 90 Dash/30 FA/FA S/# 4(40) 85SCI/90SBi40
Kit #2 1 110 Dash/30 FA/FA L/# 4(40) 85LC160/90MBi40/110MC1a
Stone Golem 10 40 Run/0 MD/MD M/L# 150 16(20) l00LBa/60LGr/150LCr<<
Minion of Tara 5 200 Dash/10 FA/MD M/# 55 3(40) 80ME/50SMst
Serkai 5D 110 Dash/30 FA/FA L/# 140E 4(40) 85LC160/90MBi40/lIOMCI 1-2 Normal
Minor(I) 2H 60* Dash/20 VF/VF M/I 40D 1(60) 30SBolt/spells 1-5 Good(AA)
Appear as shimmering halos of light. If provoked, they attack with spells : Light Eruption, Stunning or base Mentalist list Mind Control to 5th level .
Lesser(II) 5H 80* Dash/40 VF/BF M/II 65E 1(80) 60SBolt/spells 1-3 Altruistic(SU)
Appear to be ribbons of light . Exude calm and hope to all within 10' radius .Cast these spells to 10th level : Calm Spirits, Protections, and Controlling Songs.
Greater(III) 8H 100 Dash/40 VF/BF M/L 100E 4(60) 100LBolt/spells 1-2 Altruistic(VH)
Appear as blue-white human figures, but only 1 hour a day . Serve as messengers of Makhan and Lord Ta-kri .Can fire 1 lightning bolt per round and use the
following spell lists to 15th level: Repulsions, Channels, Concussions Ways, Purification, Wind Law, Guardian Ways .Any Undead within 5" must make a
successful RR C ¬3 each round or take an A electricity crit .
Major(IV) 15H 150 Dash/40 BF/BF M/L 150E 13(50s) 130We/70FBolt/spells 1-2 Altruisfc(EX)
Black-skinned and apparently composed of stars, these are impressive beings . Anyone within 10' of one must make a RR C15 or be calmed and inable to attack
anything in the area affected . Can summon +20 katana and shield immediately . Can fire 1 firebolt every other round if not in melee and have these spell lists to
20th level : Guardian ways, Etherial Mastery, Mana Fires, all base Cleric lists, Presence .
Lord(V) 20H 180** Dash/50 BF/BF M/L# 22017 20(50s) 150We/Spells/Special 1-2 Altruistic(EX)
Greatest of altruistic spirits, Lords appear as tall men and women in white robes and with auras and white wings . Have a calming effect on all within 50' radius
and can summon +30 2-handed swords of demon slaying instantly . As an attack, they may open a window on the mind of Makhan ; anyone looking at their wing
must make a RR C20 or collapse into unconsciousness for lmd/5% failure . Failure by more than 50% reduces the viewer's temporary RE, IN< EM to 5 for 1 day/
5% failure .The Lord may use these spells to 25th level : Way of the Voice, Mystical Chains, Mystical Cage .
*- flying .
**- flying or walking,
Nomads of the Nine Nations 55
Codes: The statistics given describe a typical creature of that type . Most of the codes are self- explanatory : LA (Level), # (number encountered),
Size (Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, or Huge), Hits, andDB (Defensive Bonus) . The more complex statistics are described below : Speed: A creature's
speed is given in terms of these categories: C = Creeping, VS = Very Slow, S = Slow, M = Medium, MF = Moderately Fast, FA = FAst, VF = Very
Fast, BF= Blindingly Fast. AT(Armor Type): This number indicatesthe Rolemaster Armor type . Attack : Each attack code starts with the attacker's
Offensive Bonus. The first letter indicates the size of the attack ; T = Tiny, S = Small; M = Medium, L = Large, and H = Huge . The last two letters
indicate the type of attack ; Ti = Tiny, Pi = Pincher/beak, Ba = Bash, Bi = Bite, C1=Claw, Kr = Crush, Gr = Grapple, Ho = Horn, Ts = Trample/Stomp,
St = Stinger, andWe = Weapon . Thesecodes may differ slightly from the MERP and Rolemaster codes. Each creature usually initiates combat using
its "Primary" attack, which is the first attack listed. Depending upon the situation or success of the Primary attack, it may later use its "Secondary"
or "Tertiary" (the next two attacks listed) attacks, perhaps all in the same round if previous attacks are very successful .
56 Shadow World
Chance(%) 30 50 40 20 30
Distance (miles) 8 6 1 10 12
Time (hours) 4 3 2 2 4
Inanimate Dangers
Disease 01-02 01-02 01-12 01-02 01-03
General Trap - 03-05 13-14 03-04 04-05
Natural Hazard 03-16 06-10 15-30 05-07 06-07
Ruin, etc. 17-20 11-13 31-32 08-11 08-11
Severe Weather 21-30 14-20 33-36 12-15 12-17
Bahleg 37-38
Boar, wild - - - - 16-20 18-21
Burrowing Hawk - - 39-46 21-27 22-23
Deer - - - 28-34 24-29
Eagle 32-36 21-25 - - 30-31
Elburz Pony 37-45 - - 35-44 -
Ghyso 46-48 26-29 47-50 45-50 32-36
Giant Spider
Lesser - - 51-60 - 37-40
Greater - - 61-66 - 41-43
Major - - 67-70 - 44-45
Griffin 49-51 30-33 - - -
Hawk - - - 51-53 -
Hippogrif - 34-37
Light Drake 52 38-39
Lion - - 54-55
Mngadzur 53-59 40-45 - 56-61 46-47
Monitor Parasite - -
Pegasus - 46-47
Serkai 60-63 48-50 - - 49-50
Skunk - - - 62-63 -
Snake, poisonous - - 71-76 64-68 -
Wolves 64-68 51-57 - 69-72 51-53
Man-like Beings
Adventurers 69-70 58-62 77-80 73-74 54-57
Caravan - - - 75-79 -
Clansmen - - - 80-87 -
Elubar 71-78 - - - -
Elves - 63-65 - - 58-62
Forest Giant - - - - 63-66
Hermit 79-80 66-67 81-84 - -
Loggers - - - - 67-74
Lugroki 81-84 68-76 - 88-89 75-78
Ming Lo - 77-79 - - 79-80
Ogre 85-86 80-86 85-88 90-93 81-88
Rainbow Warrior - - - - 89
Riders (the Horse) - - - 94-98 90-92
Rogue/outlaw - - 89-96 99 -
S'gar-thog 87-90 - - - -
Stone Giant 91-93 87-89 - - -
Storm Giant 94-95
Ta-kri 96
Troll 97-99 91-96 - - 93-97
Undead 00 97-00 97-00 00 98-00
Nomads of the Nine Nations 59
Weapons Used :
Arrow Messengers : 100% katana ; 70% longbow, 20% shortbow, 10% greatbow .
Clansmen Fighters : 100% club, 80% dagger, 20% katana; 80% longbow, 10% composite, 5% greatbow, 5% shortbow .
Nams-Shri: 40% stone mace, 30% katana, 30% club ; 70% longbow, 20% composite bow, 5% greatbow, 5% shortbow .
Nams-vos'mov (Riders of the Horse) : 100% dagger and katana ; 60% longbow, 15% composite bow, 15% greatbow, 10% shortbow .
Sgar-thog: spear, ored-be-thog .
Clansman 14 13 12 14 13 11 7 2D6N
Rider 15 14 13 11 15 12 7 10 2D6N
Messenger 3D6N
Militia 1D6K
Captain 20 19 18 15 19 15 10 13 9 6 6 27 6 6 3D6N 8"
Nams-shri 11 10 10 9 14 10 4 4 3 3 5 15 4 4 11/2DK 6"
Marshal 22 20 19 16 23 16 10 15 9 6 6 33 9 7 4D6N 8"
Sgar-thog 20 1 2D6N
Commander of the Horse
Nomads of theNine Nations 61
Each cycle of the sared, in turn, constitutes one stage of the Great Bow: An individual must have at least a+10 St bonus and be
outermost cycle, the ma'ir . The ma'ir cycle consists of5 forty-five over 6' tall in order to use this weapon.
year stages, each stage denoted by the name of one of the five Type: missile Weight : 4-6 lbs . Length: 4.5-7
elements . Fumble : 1-6 Cost : 9,000 b. Table Used: Long bow
1 . Sky 3. Sea 5. Wood Range modifiers :
2. Stone 4. Fire 0-10' (+30)
The calendar progresses as follows . 11-150' (-)
Year name 151-250' (-30)
Year number
251-400' (-40)
1 sky white eagle
sky white snake 401-550' (-60)
9 sky white dog Armor modifications : AT 1-12 ;+5, AT 13-20 ;+10.
10 sky blue eagle Ored-be-thog : This large heavy crossbow is stabilized by resting
45 sky gold dog it atop a single pole. It takes 3 rounds to set up initially, and either
46 stone white eagle a crank or a Strength greater than 95 to operate. Each Sgar-thog
225 wood gold dog makes his own, so they are rarely sold.
226 sky white eagle, new cycle Type: missile Weight : 10-141bs . Length: 4-5'
Each year contains 10 months of 35 days each. Thefirst 17 days Fumble : 1-6 Cost: n/a Table Used: light
of a month are "- ascending ;" the 18th day is "- reigning," and the crossbow, 2x damage
final 17 days are "- descending." Weeks are not used, and the days Range Modifiers :
have no names . The names of the months follow . 0-20' (+30)
1 . Xolag 4. Dzejan 7. Z'hindja 10. Lha-dzar 21-100' (-)
2. Ghane 5. Chus 8. Horad 101-200' (-30)
3 . Kelhoro 6. linje 9. Erkoli 201-300' (-40)
The Stagen calendar begins the new year on the vernal equinox . 301-400' (-50)
Noteworthy days in the Stagen calendar are listed below. Armor modifications : AT 1-8 ;+0, AT 9-20 ;+5.
THE CHOOSING Fire rate penalties:
1st day of Xolag ascending . This is a greatfestival held outside 4 rounds -0
Akglern and lasting a week. During the week, there are numerous 3 rounds -10
fighting, riding and shooting competitions for any who wish to 2 rounds -30
participate . Most of the new Arrow Messengers and Riders are Wooden katana : Identical to a regular steel or iron katana, but
chosen at this time, and there are usually a few mercenary leaders made of fire- or chemically- hardened wood. Breakage Factor:
looking for good fighters to add to their army. 130+. Bonus: -10
FEAST OF LIGHT Nakail Shadows : In additionto the normalbaselists fortheirclass,
7th day, Xolag descending. This major religious feast is a priests of Kaitu, the Nakail may learn this list. The Spells on this list
celebration of spring. In most cities and villages, feasting and are the same and only vary in range . It allows the caster to project
games are the order of the day . avisual image ofhimself over greatdistances and through interven-
FESTIVAL OF MAKHAN ing barriers. He must specify the direction and distance of the
projection or have been there before. The caster can hear, see, and
1 st-3rd days ofErkoli reigning. This is a3 day religious festival,
smell through the imageand may speak through its mouth. He
celebrating the gifts of Makhan and praising him . Many pilgrims cannot cast spells through the shadow, but may use it to pinpoint a
willtravel to Mount Baikal to visit the CloudTemple and to receive target for a spell or channeling . The shadow can moveas a normal
the blessing of Makhan from the Commander of the Faithful . person ; it is unable to fly or appear to teleport from place to place.
The image can be dispelled normally or destroyed with anAbsolu-
3 " ARMOR, WEAPONS AND tion spell . The latter destroys the shadow permanently; the shadow-
SPELLS caster then loses the ability to use this list or otherwise cast his
image forth magically . The caster's level only affects the range of
Splint Armor Shirt: Lightweight armor made of hardened bam- the spell; duration is concentration .
boo, it protects as Armor Type 13 (chain shirt) but has penalties as Caster's Level Range
Armor Type 9 (rigid leather breastplate). It can include arm and/or 1 ... .. .. .. ..... .. .. ..... . . .. ..... .... .. ....... ....... .. .... ....... ..100'
leg greaves .While swimming in splint is awkward, its buoyant 2 ... .. .. .. .. ..... .. ....... .. ..... .... .. ....... .. ....... .... .. ..... . . 200'
nature makes drowning in it equally difficult . Also, the armor's 5 ..... .... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .... ..... .. .. ..... .. .. ..... .... .. .... . .. 500'
protection against spells is as Armor Type 9. 7 ..... .... .. ....... .. ..... .. .. .. ....... .. ....... .. .. ... .... .. .....1000'
Splint Armor Shirt and Skirt : As the above, but with the addition 10 . ....... .. ..... .. .. .. ....... .. ....... .. ..... .... .. ....... .. ..1 mile
ofa split skirt that can be worn while riding a horse. The skirt hangs 12 .. .. .. ..... .. ....... .. .. ....... .. ....... .. .... ..... .. .......5 miles
to the wearer's knee. This outfit encumbers as Armor Type 10, but 13 .... .. ....... ....... .... .. ....... .. ..... .. .... ... .... .. ...10 miles
protects as Armor Type 16. 15 .... .. ....... .. .... . .... .. ....... .. ....... .. .. .. ..... .. ...20 miles
18 ...... .. ..... .. .... ..... .. .. ..... .. ....... .... .. ..... .. ... 50 miles
20 ...... .. ....... .. .. ....... .. ....... .. .... . .... .. ....... .100 miles
25 . ..... . . .. ..... .... .. ..... .. ....... .. .... ..... .. .. ..... .500 miles
30 (Lord) ... .... .. ....... .. ..... .. .. .. ....... .. ... .1000 miles
50 (True) ..... .. ....... .. .... . .... .. ....... . .100 miles/level
Nomads of the Nine Nations 63
v Ch chew
u D dog
.~ E grey, get
F fish
" G goat
" H horse
fi I inn, pique (only at the end of a word)
,L J jewel
~G K king
C (' L log
M man
N none
p pgre
P paper
Q yew
~9 R run
S sky
1; S T tall
,Z1 Z, U boot
x V vile
150- X X 2~ylophone
Y yak
J Z zoo
Zh rouge
hyphen (none; the hyphen separates certain sounds in writing)
glottal stop (glottal stop is just a brief break in the word)
Numerals :
Written Form Transliteration Written Form Transliteration
1 6 6
2 Z 7
3 `~ 8
4 ~/ 9
5 i 0
Summer Winds Winter Winds
® Summer Rains ® Winter Rains
.;. Continual Rains City
: : Miles
0 45 180
Shoneb Empire
o~ Shmlin Woods
Alea Chokhor Yuntse
G4 ~1'
Mount Sergrom . Xanderen T'cherno
I)rclr1iiz' Mountains !~ Swamp
Dalbish Wood
Shadow World
products form a
rich, self-
contained fantasy
environment for
i iiii~~ii
ISBN 1-55806-098-7