Canary Breeding Programme

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Breeding Programme for Canaries

This Breeding Programme provides breeding pairs with their best opportunity to produce and rear strong young.
The effects of the programme are rapid. It maximises fertility and creates strong babies from day one so that the
young produced remain healthy throughout critical times.

Day of Week Water Supplements Food Supplements Additional information

Fresh water ph <7 Turbobooster, Quik-gel Quik gel may be mixed into the
E Powder & Fvite drinking water or soft food mix

Turbobooster, Quik-gel Airsac Mite Treatment controls

Tuesday S76 once a month
E Powder & Fvite airsac mites and in so doing helps
protect breeding pairs and their
Turbobooster, Quik-gel young from all other diseases.
Wednesday Fresh water ph <7 S76 - 5mls/2 litres of drinking
E Powder & Fvite

Turbobooster, Quik-gel
Megamix is used daily when
Thursday Megamix2 ph >7 drinking water ph >7 to control
E Powder & Fvite
intestinal infections
Turbobooster, Quik-gel
KD 1/4 teaspoon/litre of
Friday KD1 drinking water to maintain
E Powder & Fvite
normal foregut pH.
Dufoplus (2.5ml), Ioford - (5ml)
Saturday Dufoplus3/ Ioford4 Turbobooster, Quik-gel
and Megamix (2mls) are mixed
Megamix E Powder & Fvite
into one litre of drinking water
These sugar free supplements
Sunday Ioford/Megamix Turbobooster, Quik-gel provide the vitamins and trace
E Powder & Fvite elements needed to breed vital
and healthy young.

Notes on Soft Food Supplements

The Food Supplements may be mixed with dry seed or provided in this soft food mix. Canaries will climb the
wire in eagerness to eat this tastey and highly nutritious soft food mix. Additional E-powder and F-vite may also
be provided in small dishes where they are eaten as required.

Soft Food Recipe

Ingredients: 1 cup (250mls) Finch Crumbles (e.g.Passwells)

1 - 12 hard boiled eggs
1 tablespoon (10-80 mls) Turbobooster
2 tablespoons (20 - 200gm ) E-powder
1 tablespoon (20gm) F-vite
1 drop (0.2mls) Quik gel
Dissolve Quik gel into a small amount (10mls) of warm water.
Thoroughly mix Turbobooster and Quik gel solution into Finch crumbles. Store in refrigerator
Then mix in E-powder followed by F-vite .
Finally add the diced boiled egg through the mixture.
Provide fresh each day in a clean container.

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