Anat MCQs
Anat MCQs
Anat MCQs
1i Median nerve injury at the wrist joint leads to paralysis of all muscles except
a) Thenar muscles
b) Lumbrical of middle finger
c) Lumbrical of index finger
d) Adductor pollicis
10 In left subclavian artery, the branches of the first part of the subclavian artery are all
a) Costocervical trunk
b) Internal thoracic artery
c) Thyrocervical trunk
d) Vertebral artery
39 The cells of the testis that form the blood-testis barrier are
a) Spermatogonia
b) Primary spermatocyte
c) Interstitial cells of Leydig
d) Sustentacular cells of Sertoli
41i Following are the clinical features noticed in Klumpke's paralysis, except
a) Claw hand
b) Sensory loss along the medial border of the forearm and hand
c) Drooping of the upper eyelid
d) Wrist drop
48i All of the following structures pass superficial to flexor retinaculum of wrist except
a) Palmaris longus
b) Ulnar artery
c) Ulnar nerve
d) Median nerve
56 This cranial nerve lies between the pons and middle cerebellar peduncle
a) Trigeminal
b) Trochlear
c) Facial
d) Vestibulocochlear
57 The following statements concerning the spermatic cord are correct except,
a) It extends from the deep inguinal ring to the scrotum
b) It contains the testicular artery
c) It is covered by five layers of spermatic fascia
d) It contains the pampiniform plexus
63 The following group of Lymph nodes receive lymphatics from the uterus except,
a) External iliac
b) Internal iliac
c) Superficial inguinal
d) Deep inguinal
67 Referred pain from ureteric colic is felt in the groin due to the involvement of the
following Nerve
a) Subcostal
b) Iliohypogastric
c) Ilioinguinal
d) Genitofemoral
75 The middle cerebellar peduncles contain the nerve fibres arising from
a) Pontine nuclei
b) Tectum
c) Spinal cord
d) Spinal trigeminal nucleus
81 Which one of the following bones is the first one to start ossifying?
a) Ulna
b) Scapula
c) Clavicle
d) Humerus
85 Dysphagia may be felt due to the compression of oesophagus by the enlarged left
atrium in
a) Tricuspid valve stenosis
b) Mitral valve stenosis
c) Aortic valve stenosis
d) Pulmonary valve stenosis
88 Which of the following cell types line the central canal of spinal cord and ventricular
system of the brain?
a) Microglial cells
b) Astroglial cells
c) Ependymal cells
d) Oligodendrocytes
90 The parasympathetic fibres contained in chorda tympani nerve get relayed within
which ganglion
a) Ciliary ganglion
b) Submandibular ganglion
c) Pterygopalatine ganglion
d) Otic ganglion
91 The pes hippocampus is related to which part of lateral ventricle?
a) Anterior horn
b) Posterior horn
c) Body (central part)
d) Inferior horn
92 Which one of the following dural sinus is only within the meningeal layer?
a) Transverse sinus
b) Inferior petrosal sinus
c) Straight sinus
d) Sigmoid sinus
100 Mesonephric duct in male does not form one of the following structures
a) Ureteric bud
b) Seminal vesicle and Ejaculatory duct
c) Epididymis and Vas deferens
d) Duct of Gartner
110 The patency of fallopian tubes are tested by which one of the following procedure
a) Intravenous pyelography
b) Cholecystography
c) Retrograde pyelography
d) Hysterosalpingography
112 Inversion and Eversion of foot takes place at the following joint
a) Ankle joint
b) Calcaneo- cuboid joint
c) Subtalar joint
d) Metatarsophalangeal joint
130 The hexagonal functional unit of liver with central vein in the centre is
a) Portal lobule
b) Portal triad
c) Hepatic lobule
d) Portal acinus
131 The projections of mucous membrane in the small intestine are called
a) Villi
b) Microvilli
c) Crypts of Lieberkuhn
d) Valves of Kerkring
142 While walking, the hip bone of the suspended leg is raised by which of the following
muscles acting on the supported side of the body?
a) Gluteus maximus
b) Gluteus medius
c) Quadratus femoris
d) Obturator internus
143 The suprapatellar bursa is kept in position by the action of this muscle
a) Rectus femoris
b) Vastus intermedius
c) Articularis genu
d) Vastus medialis
144 The cells of the testis that form the blood-testes barrier are
a) Spermatogonia
b) Interstitial cells of Leydig
c) Sustentacular cells of Sertoli
d) Primary spermatocytes
145 The muscle not present in the first layer of the sole is
a) Flexor digitorum brevis
b) Flexor digitorum accessorius
c) Abductor hallucis
d) Abductor digiti minimi
146 The following structures pass through the greater sciatic foramen except :
a) superior gluteal artery
b) sciatic nerve
c) obturator internus tendon
d) pudendal nerve
150 In an infant with hydrocephalus, the MRI image shows dilatation of third ventricle.
The site of block is.................. .
a) Foramen of Luschka
b) Central canal
c) Interventricular foramen
d) Aqueduct of Sylvius
152 The structure that passes along with oesophagus through the diaphragm is
a) Vagus
b) Thoracic duct
c) Azygos vein
d) Hemiazygos vein
157 Which is the venous sinus present at the junction of falx cerebri with tentorium
a) Straight
b) Occipital
c) Transverse
d) Sigmoid
162 The lesser occipital nerve hooks around the............. cranial nerve.
a) IX
b) X
c) XI
d) XII
163 Peau d' orange appearance in carcinoma of mammary gland is due to spread to
cancer cells to
a) Ligament of cooper
b) Lactiferous ducts
c) Cutaneous lymphatic vessels
d) Axillary lymph nodes
173 The urogenital diaphragm is formed by all of the following structures except
a) Deep transverse perinei muscles
b) Perineal membrane
c) Sphincter urethrae muscle
d) Colle's fascia
181 Which one of the following structures is derived from all the three germ layers
a) Prostate
b) Ductus deferens
c) Seminal vesicle
d) Male urethra
196 Which of these nerves does NOT pass through the common tendinous ring ?
a) Abducent
b) Frontal
c) Occulomotor
d) Nasociliary
197 All the following are seen in central nervous system EXCEPT
a) Microglia
b) Astrocytes
c) Oligodendroblasts
d) Satellite cells
205 The seminal vesicles are ralated to which aspect of the urinary bladder ?
a) Superior surface
b) Infero lateral surface
c) Apex
d) Base
206 The free margin of the broad ligament of the uterus contains
a) Ligament of ovary
b) Round ligament of uterus
c) Fallopian tube
d) 4 Remnants of mesonephric duct
207 Which one of the following contributes in the formation of urogenital diaphragm ?
a) Obturator membrane
b) Perineal membrane
c) Coccygeus
d) Pubo rectalis muscle
208 Medial umbilical ligament is a derivative of
a) Umbilical artery
b) Inferior epigastric Vein
c) Left umbilical vein
d) Urachus
210 Posterior boundary of the epiploic foramen is related to which one of the structures
mentioned below ?
a) Portal vein
b) Inferior vena cava
c) Superior mesenteric vein
d) Splenic vein
211 Following glands are the derivatives of the intermediate mesoderm, except
a) Kidney
b) Testis
c) Suprarenal medulla
d) Ovary
213 Following are the branches of anterior division of internal iliac artery, except
a) Superior gluteal artery
b) Internal pudendal artery
c) Obturator artery
d) Middle rectal artery
215 Lurching gait is noticed in the unilateral paralysis of which one of the muscle listed
below ?
a) Short head of biceps femoris
b) Adductor magnus
c) Qudriceps femoris
d) Gluteus medius muscle
216 The muscle inserted into the trochanteric fossa of the femur is
a) Piriformis with gemelli
b) Obturator internus
c) Obturator externus
d) Quadratus femoris
219 Which one of the tarsal bones mentioned below has no muscle attachment ?
a) Medial cuneiform bone
b) Navicular bone
c) Talus
d) Cuboid bone
221 Following statements regarding interior features of the duodenum are correct
a) Major duodenal papilla is seen in the second part
b) Plicae circularis are visible in the third part
c) There are plicae circularis in proximal part of first part of duodenum
d) A verical mucosal fold indicates position of common bile duct
229 Which one of the following muscles is supplied by the cranial accessory nerve?
a) Palatoglossus
b) Genioglossus
c) Hyoglossus
d) Styloglossus
231 Which one of the following statements is a wrong with regard to first rib ?
a) Suprapleural membrane is attached to its lateral border.
b) Lower trunk of brachial plexus lies on first rib
c) Scalenus anterior muscle is inserted.
d) Subclavian artery lies on the first rib.
235 Superior bulb of internal jugular vein is related to which wall of the middle ear ?
a) Anterior wall
b) Floor
c) Lateral wall
d) Roof
239 During pleural tapping in the mid axillary line the muscle that is not pierced by is
a) External intercostal muscle
b) Internal intercostal muscle
c) Sternocostalis muscle
d) Intercostalis muscle
242 The peritoneal ligament attached to the cardiac end of the greater curvature of the
stomach is
a) Gastro-hepatic
b) Gastro-colic
c) Gastro-phrenic
d) Gastro-splenic
243 The peritoneal fold that contains the tail of the pancreas is
a) Gastro-phrenic
b) Gastro-hepatic
c) Lienorenal
d) Phrenicocolic
248 The muscle that is inserted into the trochanteric fossa of the femur is
a) Obturator internus
b) Obturator externus
c) Superior gemellus
d) Inferior gemellus
254 The oesophageal opening in the diaphragm lies at this vertebral level:
a) T8
b) T10
c) T9
d) T11
259 All the structures traverse the whole length of the mediastinum, except
a) Oesophagus
b) Trachea
c) Thoracic duct
d) Sympathetic trunks
280 The perineal body is the site of convergence of all of the following muscles except
a) Ischiocavernosus
b) Bulbospongiosus
c) Superficial transverse perinei
d) Deep transverse perinei