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– Exemplar Student Reflective Practice Logs: Meeting the

Unit Assessment Criteria

These are only examples of what each of your reflective logs for your units could
look like. You can adapt as necessary; use the unit criteria in Form HCP 10 to guide
the content and structure of each reflective log against the unit evidence. Examples
are provided only for core and specialist units in the L4 HNC in Healthcare Practice
for England (Healthcare and Nursing Assistant) pathway.

Student name Saeed Haniyah

Unit number and title

2 Demonstrating Professional Principles and
Values in Health and Social Care Practice


P3, P4, M2, D2 P6, M3, D3 P7, M4
Placement Farah Hospital
How well did you achieve the practice criteria for this unit?
I have achieved this practice criteria in a good way by applying the health safety
and lifeguarding through the lifespan and by that I became applying to ensure the
protection for me and other patients like children and vulnerable adults and by that
I have lowered the risk of facing abuse or neglect.

What challenges did you face?

Dealing with some patients/stuffs don’t desire to involved in the safeguarding

Dealing with some staff and patients not understanding the importance of

A lack of understanding about the important interaction between safeguarding and

healthcare / hospital policies

Are there any specific examples from your placement that evidence your
learning/development, e.g., adhering to policies, procedures and

During the training in the Farah Hospital which helped me to handing different
levels of vulnerability and towards in different ages like children and adults like an
old man comes to Emergency department suffering with Alzheimer’s which I helped
him by guiding him and giving him healthcare under health and safety provisions,
under the policy and procedures that such vulnerable users aren’t expose to any
sort of negligence or abuse due to their health condition.
What changes or improvements do you think could be implemented into practice
as a result of completing this element of the unit?
Its application may contribute to increasing the health awareness of the
community, helps to avoid anything that exposes them to danger and reduces

Its application ensures an increase in the accuracy of health care performance by

increasing confidence in performance that depends on avoiding errors and risks

How can you action plan to develop these skills and/or qualities further/ help to
improve provision in the healthcare sector?
Conducting awareness seminars for the health staff, alerting them to their
importance and the danger of avoiding them.

Conducting periodic courses that explain the policies that guarantee their
application and explain how to use them in a simplified manner that ensures their
use when needed.

Student signature Date 11/1/2023

Assessor name Dr. Sajida Al-hawamdeh

Assessor signature Date


While I undertake care sessions preventative and precautionary measures are adequately
maintain. An instance of exposure to hazardous substances must be at a secured place.
Chemical and inflammable substances in the form of drugs and medical equipment security
aspects, the data protection act of 1998 was necessary for me to be adapted wile undertraining
in Farah Hospital. The confidentiality and protection of the data and information reflecting
patient’s personal information are understood to be create within my professional practices.


I felt confident while applying these criteria whereas during the practice I was sure that I was
protected myself and others by it so I can apply my professional practice more efficiently within
the scope of keeping everyone safe.


It was good to adhere to the safety policies during the practice, which increased their
application not only verbally, but also practically.

It wasn’t a good idea not to practice other safety keeping policies because they haven’t
happened yet with me.


In the event of non-compliance with the special safety policy in preserving medicines and
putting them in the wrong place, it would have endangered the lives of others and affected my
practice badly, so it would be inaccurate


To ensure that I didn’t mistake any safety and health safeguarding during my practice of safety
policies and I apply them poorly, or I see someone applying them poorly, I will seek to deviate
from the best way to implement them, as I am responsible for my colleague and my colleague is
responsible for me in correcting the other before applying the error again.

Action plan

I will ask about the safety measures and how to apply them for each procedure separately.

Read more about health safety and safeguarding documents that is needed in ensure that
safety through the lifespan.

Attending conducting periodic courses that explain the policies that

guarantee their application and explain how to use them in a simplified
manner that ensures their use when needed

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