Curriculum Alignment and Evaluation

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+Template for Evaluation of Curriculum through Application of National Guidelines

Program SUNY Delhi Nursing: Online RN-to-BSN

Type of BSN
Program catoid=7&poid=720&returnto=102
URL of
Course Univ 300, Nurs 300
prior to
this course)
Course Title (copy and paste from course syllabus)
NURS 303 - Health Promotion

Course Description (copy and paste from course syllabus)

Current trends in health promotion and clinical preventive care across the lifespan are
examined. Specific and evidence-based guidelines for assisting clients to maintain/improve
health and/or prevent illness are reviewed. Attention is given to the roles of the health care
provider and care recipient in screening, communication, and counseling. The use of
complementary and alternative therapeutics in assisting clients to achieve goals of health
promotion is examined and evaluated based on research findings related to selection of
therapeutics and measurement of expected outcomes. Choices of social media are analyzed as
a method for health promotion education.

List of student learning outcomes (numbered, copy and paste from course syllabus)
1. Apply theoretical and conceptual models of health-related behavior, risk factors, health
promotion, and illness prevention in both internal and external environments to
individuals, families, and groups throughout the life span, considering factors such as
age and cultural background.
2. Examine empirical basis for selected complementary (non-pharmacological)
therapeutics and application in Western medicine and medical treatment.
3. Evaluate appropriateness of complementary therapeutics for assisting clients to achieve
goals of health promotion and/or symptom attenuation.
4. Develop appropriate plans of health promotion and clinical preventive care education
for individuals and groups of clients from diverse ethnic and sociocultural backgrounds
through the use of social media campaigns and community health fairs.
5. Design outcome measures appropriate for selected evidence-based therapeutic
interventions related to healthy lifestyles.

Program Student Learning Correlating Practice essentials or

Learning Outcome(s) of the competencies guiding the program
Outcomes course that correlates to (examples include BSN Essentials of Practice
(List only program learning or QSEN Competencies-
three) outcome Example: I. Liberal Education for
Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice )
Use theory, 1. Apply theoretical and Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence Based
research conceptual models of Practice
findings, and health-related behavior,
evidence to risk factors, health
support nursing promotion, and illness
practice related prevention in both
to disease internal and external
prevention, environments to
health individuals, families, and
promotion, groups throughout the
illness, and life span, considering
restoration of factors such as age and
health cultural background.

Apply 4. Develop appropriate Essential IV: Information Management and

knowledge and plans of health promotion Application of Patient Care Technology
skills of health and clinical preventive
literacy, care education for Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and
information individuals and groups of Population Health
management, clients from diverse
and technology ethnic and sociocultural Essential IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing
in the care of backgrounds through the Practice
clients across use of social media
the lifespan. campaigns and
community health fairs.

Develop 3. Examine empirical Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and

interventions to basis for selected Population Health
meet the complementary (non-
healthcare, pharmacological) Essential IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing
safety, therapeutics and Practice
education, and application in Western
counseling medicine and medical
needs of diverse treatment.
client groups. 4. Evaluate
appropriateness of
therapeutics for assisting
clients to achieve goals
of health promotion
and/or symptom
Identify the program’s accrediting body (can be found on program webpage) and list the
standard and substandard related to the development of an evaluation demonstrating
alignment with practice essentials or competencies (you will find this information in the
accrediting body’s manual).

The accreditor for the Nursing RN to BSN program at SUNY Delhi is Accreditation
Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).

Criterion 4.1: The nursing curriculum has one set of end-of-program student learning
outcomes that:
1. are based on contemporary professional nursing standards, guidelines, and/or
competencies; and
2. apply to all program options and reflect the educational level at which students are
being prepared.

Criterion 4.3: Teaching/instructional strategies and learning activities in all learning

environments are varied, appropriate for the method of delivery, and incorporate learning and
technology resources to facilitate the students’ achievement of course student learning

Criterion 4.5: The nursing program of study includes:

1. education courses/concepts that enhance nursing knowledge and practice for the
educational level at which students are being prepared.
2. Nursing courses that facilitate student achievement of course student learning
outcomes and end-of-program student learning outcomes.

Criterion 4.7: Emphasizing the role of the nurse at the educational level for which students
are being prepared, the curriculum incorporates contemporary concepts in all learning
environments, including, but not limited to:
1. diversity, equity, inclusion, and/or social determinants of health;
2. evidence-based practice, research, and/or scholarship;
3. information literacy;
4. interprofessional collaboration and delegation; and
5. professional identity and scope of practice.

Curriculum Alignment and Evaluation

The two essential components of program success are curriculum alignment and curriculum

evaluation. To properly prepare students for end-of-program goals, course outcomes must be

harmonious and evaluated for effectiveness. Stakeholders evaluate on a scheduled basis to

determine the need for revision or updates.

Purpose of Curriculum Evaluation

Healthcare continues to advance and progress frequently, as does the education needs of

new healthcare professionals. Evaluation is the process gathering, analyzing, and determining

the usefulness of the data (Halstead, 2019). The data is then used to determine course in need of

improvement. Evaluation should be done on courses, course outcomes, program learning

outcomes, and faculty. Frequent evaluation provides assurance of the quality of education and

needs for further development (Bharvad, 2010).

Alignment of Outcomes

Program outcomes are broad statements designed to inform students of the expectations

upon completing the program. To ensure students are prepared to meet program outcomes, each

course also has expected course learning objectives. Course learning objectives provide specific

expectations of learning goals. To ensure coherence and consistency in the program, the

institution should align the program and course outcomes. Along with ensuring alignment of

program and course learning outcomes the institution must also incorporate accrediting agency

requirements. The following program learning objectives are from SUNY Delhi RN-to-BSN

program showing alignment with the course Health Promotion.

PLO 1:
The student learning objective is to be able to apply theoretical and conceptual models to

the health of individual, aligns with the program learning outcome of using theory and evidence

to support healthcare practice Delhi State University of New York [Delhi SUNY], 2021). The

student's understanding of theoretical and conceptual models of health-related behavior allows

them to apply knowledge to the data gathered from the models. Evidence-based practice is

essential in professional nursing practice. Understanding the use of theoretical and conceptual

models in healthcare will allow the ungraduated nurse to apply evidence-based approaches to

patient care, monitor patient outcomes, and identify needed changes to practice.

An assignment example for these outcomes would consist of a discussion. The students

will engage in a discussion regarding different types of theoretical and conceptual models of

health. The students will provide a thorough explanation of a chosen model from a choice poll

and explain how they are used. Determine any advantages or disadvantages regarding their

chosen model and offer a scholarly article where the model was used. The students must then

reply to a student who chose a different model. Examine the differences between the two models

and determine the benefits of one over the other. To apply theoretical and conceptual models to

health, the student will first need to understand different models used in health care. Afterward,

the student will understand the use of other models in healthcare and how they provide evidence

to support nursing practice within different patient populations, disease processes and

prevention, and health promotion.


Health literacy is the ability of individuals to understand the complexity of the health

system in modern society (Sorensen et al., 2012). Health literacy became the focus of the

Healthy People 2030 initiative. The course learning outcome, "Developing Appropriate Plans of
Health Promotion and Clinical Preventive Care…" requires the student to develop educational

material at an appropriate learning level for the patient (Delhi State University of New York

[Delhi SUNY], 2021). The student must understand the patient's ability to interpret medical

information and their knowledge of healthcare, disease process, and disease management using

technology and community events (, n.d.).

The student will be able to demonstrate the use of technology for education to promote

health and understanding. The assignments for this outcome will be geared toward preventive

care and health promotion education. The student will develop an educational presentation to

promote or improve health and health outcomes for a specific group. Students can use any

means necessary to ensure their information is heard and understood. This will require the

student to develop ways to interact with individuals. Possible methods include using social

media such as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok to present their information. The student will

provide access to the information to the instructor and classmates. The student will provide

feedback to individuals interacting with content. This assignment will examine the student's

ability to apply an understanding of health literacy and incorporate health information in a way

that non-medical clients understand. The assignment will challenge their ability to use different

technology to educate individuals.


The student's ability to develop and understand the patient's needs in determining

complementary and alternative medicine will correlate with their ability to determine appropriate

interventions. Complementary and alternative medicine is used for various reasons, including

benefits and perceived safety, control, patient healthcare participation, social culture alignment,

beliefs, and needs (Tangkiatkumjai et al., 2020).

The nurse generalist is expected to determine evidence-based, practice-focused outcomes

that involve individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations in different practice

settings. (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2008). Clinical prevention and

population refer to determining health needs based on individual and community needs. The

student will understand why the interventions are required to promote health on the individual

and/or community level.

To assess the student’s understanding of this learning outcome the student will determine a

community or group of individuals with a common healthcare need or determinant of health.

The student will develop a thorough assessment of the identified group for health, safety, and

education needs by implementing complementary therapies and evaluating the likelihood of

effectiveness in the community. Each student will provide a presentation and voice thread

explaining their findings among the community and the proposed interventions and evaluate

expected outcomes. Each will then reply to another student, discussing their thoughts on their

interventions and presenting other possible interventions.

Assignment Failure

Course assignments allow students to demonstrate their understanding of the covered

material. An overall poor student performance on an assignment can negatively impact the

success rate of the students. There are many possible causes of failure, including student-

focused or curriculum-focused causes. Student-focused issues include a lack of motivation in

attending or participating in class, being preoccupied with outside concerns such as family,

friends, or work, and lack of clarity of course work. Assignment failure can also be due to a lack

of appropriate curriculum preparedness, unclear directions, unusable course materials, and the

teacher's ability to explain course content effectively.

With overall student failure of a course assignment faculty should review the failed

assignment to determine its worthiness in the curriculum. Assignments should be evaluated with

the course objective, program objective, and course material provided for the assignment. The

faculty should consider the correct result for the assignment to improve and ensure the

incorporation of the material in the class content.

Curriculum Evaluation Process

The ACEN-required curriculum is comprised of ten elements. The focus of the

requirements surrounds meeting the end-of-program learning objectives, developed by faculty

with a regularly scheduled review and executed as published. The curriculum will contain

courses and concepts that develop the student's knowledge. Course concepts will include social

determinants of health, evidence-based practice, understanding of research, and information

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing [ACEN], n.d.
literacy ( ). Skill labs and

clinical experience should be done in light of evidence-based practice, using healthcare

technology, and meeting regulatory agencies' requirements (

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing [ACEN], n.d.

Curriculum evaluation is composed of six components. These components include

determining the purpose and scope of the review, developing evaluation questions, determining

the design and data collection plan, collecting, analyzing, preparing data reports, and applying

them to program improvement (Button, 2021). A determination needs to be made as to what

level of evaluation will be completed. Stakeholders involved in developing and reviewing the

curriculum include faculty, students, community organizations, and members of affiliated

instructional organizations such as clinical or practicum sites.

Curriculum alignment and evaluation provide insight into the effectiveness of a nursing

program. Regular analysis and revisions of the curriculum are important for the success of

students. Alignment with program and course outcomes ensures student program success.


Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. (n.d.). Acen 2023 standards and criteria –

accreditation commission for education in nursing. ACEN 2023 standards and criteria.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education

for professional nursing practice (Executive Summary).

Bharvad, A. J. (2010). Curriculum evaluation. International Research Journal, 1(12), 72–74.

Button, L. J. (2021). Factors that influence curriculum and curriculum evaluation – curriculum

essentials: A journey. PressBooks.


Delhi State University of New York. (2021). Nursing: Online RN-to-BSN. SUNY Delhi.

Halstead, J. A. (2019). Introduction to the evaluation process. In D. M. Billings & J. A. Halstead

(Eds.), Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (6th ed., pp. 436–449). Elsevier. (n.d.). Health literacy in healthy people 2030 - healthy people 2030.
Keogh, J. J., Fourie, W. J., Watson, S., & Gay, H. (2010). Involving the stakeholders in the

curriculum process: A recipe for success? Nurse Education Today, 30(1), 37–43.

Sørensen, K., Van den Broucke, S., Fullam, J., Doyle, G., Pelikan, J., Slonska, Z., & Brand, H.

(2012). Health literacy and public health: A systematic review and integration of

definitions and models. BMC Public Health, 12(1).


Tangkiatkumjai, M., Boardman, H., & Walker, D.-M. (2020). Potential factors that influence

usage of complementary and alternative medicine worldwide: A systematic review. BMC

Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 20(1).


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