Stage 8
Paper 2 Geographical Skills
Time: 45 minutes
● Answer all questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● If additional space is needed, you should use the lined pages at the end of this booklet; the
question number or numbers must be clearly shown.
● The total mark for this paper is 25.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
Study the map extract for Toblach Dobbiaco, Italy. The scale is 1:25000.
(a) Fig. 1.1 shows some of the features in the north-east of the map extract.
Using the map extract, identify the following features shown on Fig. 1.1:
(i) the name of river A
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) feature B
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) feature C
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) the height above sea level of the spot height at D.
........................... metres [2]
(b) Fig. 1.2 shows an area in the west of the map at Graubőden. Fig. 1.3 shows an area in the
east of the map at Toblacher Felder. Study both areas and answer the following questions.
The following table compares the features of both areas. Complete the table by putting
ticks ( ) in the correct five boxes. Use only one tick for each row.
(c) Find the railway which runs across the map from west to east.
(i) What is the distance along the railway from the western edge of the map to Toblach
Dobbiaco railway station (879783)? Give your answer in metres.
........................... metres [2]
(ii) Measure the bearing from where the railway meets the western edge of the map to
Toblach Dobbiaco railway station (879783).
........................... degrees [2]
(iii) Give the six-figure grid reference of the place where main road 51 passes over the
railway, 300 m west of the station.
........................................ [2]
(d) Fig. 1.4 is a cross-section along northing 76 from 860760 to 890760, through the
Toblacher See / L. di Dobbiaco lake.
(ii) The cross-section shown in Fig. 1.4 is incomplete. Using information from the map
extract, draw a line on Fig. 1.4 to complete the cross-section. Label the lake on your
cross-section. [2]
(e) Look at the main settlement at Toblach Dobbiaco (8779, 8879).
(i) Which one of the following has helped the settlement to grow? Tick (3) one box.
(ii) Which one of the following has not helped the settlement to grow? Tick ( ) one box.
(f) Study the area in the south-west of the map shown in Fig. 1.5.
Which three of the following statements describe the relief and drainage of the area shown in
Fig. 1.5? Tick (3) only three boxes.
[Total: 25]