Usermanual GC Maintenance 8890 g3540 90015 en Agilent
Usermanual GC Maintenance 8890 g3540 90015 en Agilent
Usermanual GC Maintenance 8890 g3540 90015 en Agilent
Maintaining Your GC
1 About Maintaining the GC
Overview of Maintenance 10
Tools and Materials Required for Maintenance 11
Preparing for Maintenance 13
Viewing Status Data 14
Finding a Replacement Part Number 16
2 Removing Covers
To Remove the Detector Top Cover 18
To Remove the Pneumatics Cover 19
To Remove the Electronics Cover 20
3 Maintaining the GC
Consumables and Parts for General GC Maintenance 24
Parts Identification 26
To Change the Hydrogen Sensor Calibration Gas Cylinder 27
Maintaining Your GC 3
To Change the Liner and O-Ring on the Split/Splitless Inlet 62
To Replace the Gold Seal on the Split/Splitless Inlet 65
To Replace the Filter in the Split Vent Trap for the Split/Splitless Inlet 67
To Clean the Split/Splitless Inlet 69
To Bakeout Contaminants from the Split/Splitless Inlet 71
4 Maintaining Your GC
To Replace the Fused Silica Needle in a Syringe for the COC Inlet 118
To Bakeout Contaminants from the COC Inlet 119
10 Maintaining the VI
Consumables and Parts for the Volatiles Interface 164
Exploded Parts View of the VI 166
To Install a Capillary Column with the Volatiles Interface 167
To Remove the VI Interface 171
Maintaining Your GC 5
To Clean the VI 173
To Install the VI Interface 174
To Replace the Filter in the Split Vent Trap for the VI 175
To Bakeout Contaminants from the VI Inlet 177
6 Maintaining Your GC
To Replace the ECD Fused Silica Indented Mixing Liner and Install the Makeup Gas
Adapter 233
To Install a Capillary Column in the ECD 236
To Bakeout the ECD 238
17 Maintaining a Valve
Consumables and Parts for Valves 266
Exploded Parts View of GC Rotary Valves 267
To Replace a Gas Sampling Valve Loop 268
To Align a Rotary Valve Rotor 270
To Replace a Rotary Valve in the Valve Box 271
To Remove the Upper Valve Box 274
To Install the Upper Valve Box 275
A Swagelok Connections
Making Swagelok Connections 278
Using a Swagelok Tee 281
Maintaining Your GC 7
8 Maintaining Your GC
1 About Maintaining the GC
Overview of Maintenance 10
This section provides an overview of the maintenance procedures included in this document. It
also lists the tools needed for routine maintenance and the information needed to safely
perform the various maintenance task.
Maintaining Your GC 9
1 About Maintaining the GC
Overview of Maintenance
Overview of Maintenance
This manual details the routine tasks needed to maintain the Agilent 8890 Gas Chromatograph
(GC). The procedures assume a basic knowledge of tool use and of GC operation. Readers are,
for example, expected to know how to:
• Safely turn devices on and off
• Load methods
• Change component temperatures, flows, and pressures
• Make typical pneumatic connections using Swagelok and other standard fittings
• Reset GC service counters
• Use the GC touchscreen
10 Maintaining Your GC
1 About Maintaining the GC
Tools and Materials Required for Maintenance
Flathead screwdriver
Electronic flow meter(s) or bubble meter(s) capable of calibrated measurements at 1, 10, and
100 mL/min flow ranges
Metric ruler
Tweezers, or 8710-0007
thin needle-nose pliers 8710-0004
Needle-nose pliers
Cleaning brushes—The FID cleaning kit contains appropriate brushes for cleaning detectors and 9301-0985
Cleaning brushes—For cleaning split/splitless inlet split vent fitting, FID and collectors 8710-1346
Small ultrasonic cleaning bath with aqueous detergent (for cleaning detector and inlet parts)
Maintaining Your GC 11
1 About Maintaining the GC
Tools and Materials Required for Maintenance
Gloves, clean, lint-free, nylon (for handling contamination-sensitive parts) large: 8650-0030
small: 8650-0029
12 Maintaining Your GC
1 About Maintaining the GC
Preparing for Maintenance
If you choose to perform maintenance without using the GC's built-in features, first cool all
WAR N IN G heated zones in the instrument, including auxiliary heaters or other heated devices you might
contact during maintenance. Then turn off the GC and unplug the power cord. If using
cryogenic cooling, you will also need to turn off the cryogen supply and safely bleed off any
residual backpressure.
Maintaining Your GC 13
1 About Maintaining the GC
Viewing Status Data
14 Maintaining Your GC
1 About Maintaining the GC
Viewing Status Data
Maintaining Your GC 15
1 About Maintaining the GC
Finding a Replacement Part Number
16 Maintaining Your GC
2 Removing Covers
To Remove the Detector Top Cover 18
This section describes how to remove covers as needed for routine maintenance.
Only the covers listed in this chapter should be removed. Removing other GC covers can
compromise the safety features of the GC, leading to personal injury or damage to the
Maintaining Your GC 17
2 Removing Covers
To Remove the Detector Top Cover
Be careful! With the power switch on, potentially dangerous voltages also exist:
• All electronics boards in the instrument.
• The internal wires and cables connected to these boards.
• The wires for the oven heater.
The covers shield these parts as the parts may be hot enough to cause burns. Never remove
a cover unless the instrument is unplugged.
Do not force the cover, either when installing it or closing it. This could break the plastic
C AU T I O N parts.
Pneumatics cover
release button (on
both sides)
Power switch
18 Maintaining Your GC
2 Removing Covers
To Remove the Pneumatics Cover
Maintaining Your GC 19
2 Removing Covers
To Remove the Electronics Cover
Be careful! With the power switch on, potentially dangerous voltages also exist:
• All electronics boards in the instrument.
• The internal wires and cables connected to these boards.
• The wires for the oven heater.
The covers shield these parts as the parts may be hot enough to cause burns. Never remove
a cover unless the instrument is unplugged.
20 Maintaining Your GC
2 Removing Covers
To Remove the Electronics Cover
GC front
GC back
3 Loosen the two captive screws on the right side cover, slide the cover backwards, then
4 Loosen the captive screw located on the left side of the electronics cover.
5 Reach under the back of the electronics cover to release the clip holding it in place, then
raise the electronics cover and remove.
6 Loosen the two thumbscrews in the tray below the PMT, and remove the two screws in the
back of the tray.
7 Remove the tray from the electronics cover.
Maintaining Your GC 21
2 Removing Covers
To Remove the Electronics Cover
22 Maintaining Your GC
3 Maintaining the GC
Consumables and Parts for General GC Maintenance 24
Parts Identification 26
Maintaining Your GC 23
3 Maintaining the GC
Consumables and Parts for General GC Maintenance
Gas regulators
Regulator, 2-stage, brass body, stainless steel diaphragms, 125 psi max, CGA350, hydrogen, 5183-4642
argon/methane, with 1/8-inch fitting. For 1/4-inch tubing purchase a 1/4-inch adapter.
Regulator, 2-stage, brass body, stainless steel diaphragms, 125 psi max, CGA346, air, with 1/8-inch 5183-4641
fitting. For 1/4-inch tubing purchase a 1/4-inch adapter.
Regulator, 2-stage, brass body, stainless steel diaphragms, 125 psi max, CGA590, industrial air, with 5183-4645
1/8-inch fitting. For 1/4-inch tubing purchase a 1/4-inch adapter.
Regulator, 2-stage, brass body, stainless steel diaphragms, 125 psi max, CGA580, helium, argon, 5183-4644
nitrogen, 1/8-inch fitting. For 1/4-inch tubing purchase a 1/4-inch adapter.
Regulator, 2-stage, brass body, stainless steel diaphragms, 125 psi max, CGA540, oxygen, 1/8-inch 5183-4643
fitting. For 1/4-inch tubing purchase a 1/4-inch adapter.
24 Maintaining Your GC
3 Maintaining the GC
Consumables and Parts for General GC Maintenance
Gas Clean kit (connecting unit for one filter, one carrier gas filter, 1/8-inch connections, mounting
bracket, and Smart Sensor) for new GC
Gas Clean high-flow connecting unit, 2-position), with 1/4-inch fittings, for high-flow applications such CP17984
Gas Clean Filter kit (connecting unit for one filter, including one carrier gas filter, 1/8-inch connections, CP179880
a smart sensor, and mounting bracket for the GC) for carrier gas only
Gas Clean Filter kit (connecting unit for four filters, including four filters, 1/4-inch connections) for FID, CP7995
Gas Clean Filter kit (connecting unit for four filters, including four filters, 1/8-inch connections) for FID, CP736530
GC/MS Gas Clean Filter kit (includes one connecting unit and two GC/MS filters, 1/8-inch CP17976
connections) for ECD, GC/MS
GC/MS Gas Clean Filter kit (includes one connecting unit and two GC/MS filters, 1/4-inch CP17977
connections) for ECD, GC/MS
GC/MS Gas Clean Filter installation kit (includes CP17976, 1 m copper tubing, and two 1/8-inch nuts CP17978
and ferrules) for ECD, GC/MS
TCD filter kit (with oxygen and moisture filters) for TCD CO738408
Flush head, Gas Clean connecting unit, used to purge gas lines after installing connecting unit CP7987
Gas Clean wall-mounting bracket for 1-position) connecting unit only CP7981
For additional general and filters, refer to the Agilent web site and Parts Finder software. For
additional information about choosing the correct gas line filters, see the GC, GC/MS, and ALS
Site Preparation Guide and visit the Agilent web site.
Maintaining Your GC 25
3 Maintaining the GC
Parts Identification
Parts Identification
Calibration gas
cylinder 1/8-inch copper tubing,
cut to length needed
26 Maintaining Your GC
3 Maintaining the GC
To Change the Hydrogen Sensor Calibration Gas Cylinder
Connect only the Agilent calibration gas to the hydrogen sensor fitting. The calibration gas is
WAR N IN G 2% hydrogen in air and is not potentially explosive. Gases with higher concentrations of
hydrogen can create a dangerous condition in the oven or damage the hydrogen sensor.
Be careful! The oven and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. While hydrogen
WAR N IN G sensor calibration can be performed at any temperature, cool the oven and detector to safe
handling temperatures, < 40 °C, before continuing.
7 Select Settings > Calibration > Hydrogen Sensor > Start Calibration Cycle? > On/Yes. The
calibration cycle begins. The hydrogen sensor module will wait to stabilize, then will begin
to send calibration gas across the sensor.
8 While continuing to measure the flow rate from the tube, adjust the pressure regulator on
the calibration gas cylinder until the flow rate is approximately 30 mL/min. Remove the
flowmeter and close the oven door.
9 Allow the calibration cycle to complete (approximately 5 minutes total).
10 Check for leaks.
Maintaining Your GC 27
3 Maintaining the GC
To Change the Hydrogen Sensor Calibration Gas Cylinder
28 Maintaining Your GC
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
Consumables and Parts for Columns 30
Maintaining Your GC 29
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
Consumables and Parts for Columns
.530 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.8-mm id 0.45-mm and 0.53-mm capillary columns 5062-3512 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.250 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.100 and .200 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.37-mm id 0.1-mm and 0.2-mm capillary columns 5062-3516 (10/pk)
Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
30 Maintaining Your GC
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
Consumables and Parts for Columns
Maintaining Your GC 31
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
To Install a Capillary Column Hanger
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
1 Place GC in maintenance mode: Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Start Maintenance. Wait for the GC to become ready.
2 Select either the front or back hanger position. (Hanger is shown in back position.)
Front position
Back position
3 Insert the ends of the hanger into the slots in the selected position.
32 Maintaining Your GC
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
To Install Capillary Column Clips
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
4 Slip each corner screw through the large hole on the clip.
5 Slide the clip so that the screw is positioned in the slot.
6 Tighten the screws enough to hold the clips in place. Once the column is installed, fully
tighten the four corner screws to secure the clips and column to the oven wall.
Maintaining Your GC 33
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
To Condition a Capillary Column
Do not use hydrogen as the carrier for conditioning! It could vent into the oven and present an
WAR N IN G explosion hazard.
2 Manually set the inlet and oven temperature to < 40 °C, and wait for the inlet, oven, and
other parts you might come into contact with inside the oven, to cool before continuing.
Alternately, place the GC in maintenance mode: Maintenance > Instrument > Perform
Maintenance > Maintenance Mode > Start Maintenance.
Be careful! The oven may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
3 Install the column into the inlet using the new ferrules.
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Split/Splitless Inlet”
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Multimode Inlet”
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Purged Packed Inlet”
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Cool On-Column Inlet”
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Programmable Temperature Vaporization
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Volatiles Interface”
4 Cap the open column fitting, for example, the detector column fitting.
5 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
34 Maintaining Your GC
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
To Condition a Capillary Column
Be careful! The oven and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is
WAR N IN G hot, wear gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
10 Attach the column to the detector. For details, select your specific detector.
• To Install a Capillary Column in the FID
• To Install a Capillary Column in the NPD
• To Install a Capillary Column in the TCD
• To Install a Capillary Column in the ECD
• To Install a Capillary Column to the FPD+
11 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
12 Restore the analytical method.
• For FID or any FPD+, immediately turn off the flame.
• For NPD, immediately turn off the bead.
13 After the GC becomes ready, wait 10 minutes, then ignite the detector flame or bead.
Maintaining Your GC 35
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
To Cut a Loop from a Column
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
3 Loosen the inlet column nut and remove the column from the inlet.
4 Uncoil one loop of column from the column hanger.
5 Cut the unwanted loop from the column.
6 Install the column into the inlet using the new ferrules.
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Split/Splitless Inlet”
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Multimode Inlet”
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Purged Packed Inlet”
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Cool On-Column Inlet”
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Programmable Temperature Vaporization
• “To Install a Capillary Column with the Volatiles Interface”
7 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
36 Maintaining Your GC
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
To Reverse a Column and Bakeout Contaminants
Be careful! The oven and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is
WAR N IN G hot, wear gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
Maintaining Your GC 37
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
To Reverse a Column and Bakeout Contaminants
11 Set the inlet temperature to 300 °C or 25 °C above the normal operating temperature.
12 Set the column oven 25 °C above the GC method final oven temperature to bake
contaminants out of the inlet, mostly through the split vent. Do not exceed the column
manufacturer’s maximum temperature limit.
13 Bakeout for 30 minutes.
38 Maintaining Your GC
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
To Attach a Capillary Column Using UltiMetal Plus Flexible Metal Fittings
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 6. UltiMetal Plus Flexible Metal ferrules
Each UltiMetal Plus Flexible Metal ferrule part number is uniquely designed to prevent
inventory mix-ups, and to help you find the ferrule you need quickly. Color variations between
ferrules are a normal result of the UltiMetal coating.
Maintaining Your GC 39
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
Preparing the column installation to the CFT fitting
Figure 7. Thread the column through the internal nut, ferrule, and swaging tool
6 Begin to swage the ferrule to the column using a 1/4-inch open-ended wrench.
The design of UltiMetal Plus Flexible Metal ferrules reduces the probability of column
breakage and minimizes the damage to the thread of the corresponding fittings.
Unlike other ferrule designs, a reliable leak-free seal is best made by tightening the
internal nut to a recommended number of degrees, not by applying more force. Applying
excessive force will not provide a better seal. Also, compressing the flexible ferrule less
minimizes damage to fittings.
To swage the ferrule to the column:
a Find your ferrule type in Table 6 and note the range of degrees to tighten the internal
b Tighten the internal nut clockwise to the lower end of your ferrule’s range.
c Check if the ferrule is gripping the column. If yes, stop. If not, continue to tighten the
internal nut in small 5- to 15-degree increments. Check after each increment to see if
the ferrule is gripping the column. Stop as soon as gripping occurs. See Figure 9.
40 Maintaining Your GC
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
Preparing the column installation to the CFT fitting
G3188-27502 30 – 70 degrees
G3188-27503 20 – 50 degrees
G3188-27504 60 degrees
G3188-27505 40 – 90 degrees
G3188-27506 20 – 50 degrees
7 Using the 1/4-inch open-ended wrench, turn the internal nut an additional 15 to 20 degrees
clockwise to assure the ferrule is properly swaged onto the column. See Figure 10.
Maintaining Your GC 41
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
Preparing the column installation to the inlet
8 Using the 1/4-inch open-ended wrench, remove the internal nut from the swaging tool and
Figure 12.
3 Pass the column end through the column nut, the ferrule, and the swaging tool, as shown
in Figure 13.
42 Maintaining Your GC
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
Preparing the column installation to the inlet
Figure 13. Thread the column through the column nut, ferrule, and swaging tool
4 Loosely thread the column nut into the swaging tool until you start to feel resistance. The
column should still slide freely. See Figure 14.
Figure 14. Thread the column nut onto the swaging tool
5 Adjust the column position in the tool until the column end aligns with the correct
dimension for the inlet. See Figure 15.
Maintaining Your GC 43
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
Preparing the column installation to the inlet
6 Begin to swage the ferrule to the column using a 1/4-inch open-ended wrench.
The design of UltiMetal Plus Flexible Metal ferrules reduces the probability of column
breakage and minimizes the damage to the thread of the corresponding fittings.
Unlike other ferrule designs, a reliable leak-free seal is best made by tightening the
column nut to a recommended number of degrees, not by applying more force. Applying
excessive force will not provide a better seal. Also, compressing the flexible ferrule less
minimizes damage to fittings.
To swage the ferrule to the column:
a Find your ferrule type in Table 7 and note the range of degrees to tighten the column
b Tighten the column nut clockwise to the lower end of your ferrule’s range.
c Check if the ferrule is gripping the column. If yes, stop. If not, continue to tighten the
column nut in small 5- to 15-degree increments. Check after each increment to see if
the ferrule is gripping the column. Stop as soon as gripping occurs. See Figure 16.
G3188-27502 30 – 70 degrees
G3188-27503 20 – 50 degrees
G3188-27504 60 degrees
G3188-27505 40 – 90 degrees
G3188-27506 20 – 50 degrees
44 Maintaining Your GC
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
Preparing the column installation to the inlet
7 Using the 1/4-inch open-ended wrench, turn the column nut an additional 15 to 20 degrees
clockwise to assure the ferrule is properly swaged onto the column. See Figure 17.
8 Using the 1/4-inch open-ended wrench, remove the column nut from the swaging tool and
Maintaining Your GC 45
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
Swaging Quality Inspection
If your column and ferrule appear like the incorrect example in Figure 18 above, it is possible
that your swaging wrench is defective or worn out. Try swaging with a new wrench or new nut.
46 Maintaining Your GC
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
To Remove the Ferrule From a CFT Fitting
Maintaining Your GC 47
4 Maintaining Capillary Columns
To Remove the Ferrule From a CFT Fitting
48 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
Consumables and Parts for the Split/Splitless Inlet 50
To Clean the Septum Seat in the Insert Assembly of the Split/Splitless Inlet 60
To Replace the Filter in the Split Vent Trap for the Split/Splitless Inlet 67
Maintaining Your GC 49
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
Consumables and Parts for the Split/Splitless Inlet
Split Low-pressure drop, glass wool, single taper, 870 µL Yes 5183-4647
Split or splitless Ultra Inert, low pressure drop, glass wool Yes 5190-2295
.530 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.8-mm id 0.45-mm and 0.53-mm capillary columns 5062-3512 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
50 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
Consumables and Parts for the Split/Splitless Inlet
.250 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.100 and .200 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.37-mm id 0.1-mm and 0.2-mm capillary columns 5062-3516 (10/pk)
Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
Nonstick fluorocarbon liner O-ring (for temperatures up to 350 °C), 10/pk 5188-5365
Graphite O-ring for split liner (for temperatures above 350 °C), 10/pk 5180-4168
Graphite O-ring for splitless liner (for temperatures above 350 °C), 10/pk 5180-4173
Gold-plated seal with cross (high split flows) (includes SS washer) 5182-9652
Maintaining Your GC 51
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
Consumables and Parts for the Split/Splitless Inlet
Table 10 Other consumables and parts for the split/splitless inlet (continued)
52 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
Exploded Parts View of the Split/Splitless Inlet
Insert assembly
Retaining nut
Reducing nut
Insulation cup
Column nut
Maintaining Your GC 53
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Install a Capillary Column with the Split/Splitless Inlet
1 Gather the following, see “Consumables and Parts for the Split/Splitless Inlet” on
page 50:
• Column
• Ferrule(s)
• Column nut
• Septum
• Column cutter
• Isopropanol
• Lab tissue
• Metric ruler
• Two 1/4-inch open-end wrenches
• Lint-free gloves
2 Place GC in maintenance mode: Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Start Maintenance. Wait for the GC to become ready.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
3 Verify that the correct glass liner is installed. See “Consumables and Parts for the
Split/Splitless Inlet” on page 50.
4 Place the column on the hanger with the ends pointing up and the label to the front.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
54 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Install a Capillary Column with the Split/Splitless Inlet
Column nut
6 Score the column using a glass scribing tool. The score must be square to ensure a clean
7 Break off the column end by supporting it against the column cutter opposite the scribe.
Inspect the end with a magnifying loupe to make certain there are no burrs or jagged
8 Wipe the column walls with a tissue dampened with isopropanol to remove fingerprints
and dust.
9 Position the column so it extends 4 to 6 mm above the end of the ferrule. Slide the septum
up the column to hold the column nut at this position.
Maintaining Your GC 55
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Install a Capillary Column with the Split/Splitless Inlet
4%6 mm
10 Thread the column nut into the inlet but do not tighten.
11 Adjust the column position so that the septum contacts the bottom of the column nut.
Finger-tighten the column nut until it begins to grip the column.
12 Tighten the column nut an additional 1/4 to 1/2 turn with a wrench so that the column
cannot be pulled from the fitting with gentle pressure.
13 Plug in the new column’s Smart ID key. See Figure 21.
Smart ID key
56 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Install a Capillary Column with the Split/Splitless Inlet
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If they are hot,
WAR N IN G wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
21 Allow the oven, inlet, and detector to equilibrate at operating temperature, then retighten
the fittings.
22 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
Maintaining Your GC 57
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Change the Septum on the Split/Splitless Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Insert assembly
5 Firmly press the new septum or Merlin Microseal into the fitting. The metal parts side of
the Merlin Microseal should face down (toward the oven).
6 Install the septum retainer nut or Merlin cap and finger-tighten. Tighten the septum retainer
nut until the C-ring is about 1 mm above the nut.
58 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Change the Septum on the Split/Splitless Inlet
1 mm
7 Select Maintenance > Inlets > Septum injections, then touch Reset Counter.
8 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
9 Select Finished, then select OK to exit the GC maintenance wizard.
10 Restore the analytical method.
Maintaining Your GC 59
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Clean the Septum Seat in the Insert Assembly of the Split/Splitless Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
3 Slide the locking tab forward (counterclockwise). Lift the insert assembly straight up and
away from the inlet to avoid chipping or breaking the liner.
60 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Clean the Septum Seat in the Insert Assembly of the Split/Splitless Inlet
6 Scrub the residue from the retainer nut and septum holder with a small piece of rolled-up
steel wool and tweezers. Do not do this over the inlet.
7 Use compressed air or nitrogen to blow away the pieces of steel wool and septum.
8 Line up the tab on the bottom of the insert assembly with the slot on the inlet body and
push down to connect. Slide the locking tab to the left.
9 Firmly press the new septum or Merlin Microseal into the fitting. See “To Change the
Septum on the Split/Splitless Inlet” on page 58.
10 Replace the septum retainer nut or Merlin cap and finger-tighten. See “To Change the
Septum on the Split/Splitless Inlet” on page 58.
11 On the GC touchscreen select Maintenance > Inlets > Septum injections, then select Reset
12 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
13 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
14 Restore the analytical method.
Maintaining Your GC 61
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Change the Liner and O-Ring on the Split/Splitless Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
3 Slide the locking tab forward (counterclockwise). Lift the insert assembly straight up and
away from the inlet to avoid chipping or breaking the liner.
62 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Change the Liner and O-Ring on the Split/Splitless Inlet
6 Inspect the surface of the gold seal for graphite or rubber septum contamination. If
required, replace the gold seal. See“To Replace the Gold Seal on the Split/Splitless
Inlet” on page 65.
Maintaining Your GC 63
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Change the Liner and O-Ring on the Split/Splitless Inlet
7 Clean the inlet if there is visible or suspected contamination. See “To Clean the
Split/Splitless Inlet” on page 69.
8 Clean O-ring residue from sealing surface.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
11 Line up the tab on the bottom of the insert assembly with the slot on the inlet body and
push down to connect. Slide the locking tab to the back.
12 Turn on the inlet. Allow the inlet and column to purge with carrier gas for 15 minutes before
heating the inlet or the column oven.
13 Bakeout contaminants. See “To Bakeout Contaminants from the Split/Splitless Inlet” on
page 71.
14 Configure the new column.
15 The GC maintenance wizard will perform checks at the appropriate times, including Leak &
Restriction tests, and will automatically reset the maintenance counters.
16 Select Finished, then select OK to exit the GC maintenance wizard.
17 Restore the analytical method.
64 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Replace the Gold Seal on the Split/Splitless Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
5 Loosen and remove the reducing nut. Remove the washer and seal inside the reducing nut.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
Maintaining Your GC 65
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Replace the Gold Seal on the Split/Splitless Inlet
6 Put on gloves to protect the new gold seal and washer from contamination. Put a new
washer in the reducing nut and place the new gold seal on top of it (raised portion facing
Reducing nut
Make sure raised portion faces
66 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Replace the Filter in the Split Vent Trap for the Split/Splitless Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
The split vent trap may contain residual amounts of any samples or other chemicals you
WAR N IN G have injected into the GC. Follow your company’s safety procedures for handling these types
of substances while replacing the trap filter cartridge.
3 Remove the pneumatics cover (top, back of GC). See “To Remove the Pneumatics
Cover” on page 19.
4 Completely loosen the knurled nut that secures the split vent trap in place as shown in
Figure 22.
5 Slide the trap assembly back from the guided mounting bracket and tilt up to expose the
filter as shown in Figure 23.
Maintaining Your GC 67
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Replace the Filter in the Split Vent Trap for the Split/Splitless Inlet
Knurled nut
68 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Clean the Split/Splitless Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
3 Remove the inlet liner, O-ring, and septum. See “To Change the Liner and O-Ring on the
Split/Splitless Inlet” on page 62.
4 Disconnect the column from the inlet.
5 Remove the reducing nut, gold seal, and washer. See “To Replace the Gold Seal on the
Split/Splitless Inlet” on page 65.
6 Place a beaker in the oven under the inlet to catch the solvent.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
7 Soak a cleaning brush in the solvent and scrub the inside of the insert assembly. Repeat
10 times.
8 Rinse the inlet with the solvent.
9 Blow the inside of the inlet dry with compressed air or nitrogen.
10 Install the gold seal, washer, and reducing nut.
11 Install the liner, O-ring, and septum.
12 Install the column. See “To Install a Capillary Column with the Split/Splitless Inlet” on
page 54.
Maintaining Your GC 69
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Clean the Split/Splitless Inlet
13 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
14 Bakeout contaminants. See “To Bakeout Contaminants from the Split/Splitless Inlet” on
page 71.
15 On the GC touchscreen, select Maintenance > Inlets, then touch Reset Counter.
16 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
17 Restore the analytical method.
70 Maintaining Your GC
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Bakeout Contaminants from the Split/Splitless Inlet
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If they are hot,
WAR N IN G wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
6 If the column is not attached to the detector, cap the detector fitting.
7 Set the inlet temperature to 300 °C or 25 °C above the normal operating temperature to
bakeout contaminants from the inlet, mostly through the split vent.
8 Set the column oven 25 °C above the GC method final oven temperature to bake
contaminants from the column. Do not exceed the column manufacturer’s maximum
temperature limit.
9 Bakeout for 30 minutes or until the detector baseline is free of contamination peaks.
Maintaining Your GC 71
5 Maintaining the Split/Splitless Inlet
To Bakeout Contaminants from the Split/Splitless Inlet
72 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
Consumables and Parts for the Purged Packed Inlet 74
Maintaining Your GC 73
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
Consumables and Parts for the Purged Packed Inlet
1/8-inch id Swagelok stainless steel nut, front ferrule, 1/8-inch column 5080-8751 (20 each/pk)
back ferrule
1/8-inch id Swagelok brass nut, front ferrule, back 1/8-inch column 5080-8750 (20 each/pk)
1/4-inch id Swagelok stainless steel nut, front ferrule, 1/4-inch column 5080-8753 (20 each/pk)
back ferrule
74 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
Consumables and Parts for the Purged Packed Inlet
1/4-inch id Swagelok brass nut, front ferrule, back 1/4-inch column 5080-8752 (20 each/pk)
.530 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.8-mm id 0.45-mm and 0.53-mm capillary columns 5062-3512 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
.250 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
.100 and .200 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.37-mm id 0.1-mm and 0.2-mm capillary columns 5062-3516 (10/pk)
Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
Maintaining Your GC 75
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
Consumables and Parts for the Purged Packed Inlet
76 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
Exploded Parts View of the Purged Packed Inlet
Glass liner
Adapter nut
Insulation cup
Column nut
Maintaining Your GC 77
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install a Capillary Column with the Purged Packed Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
3 Install a 0.53-mm column adapter. See “To Install an Adapter on the Purged Packed
Inlet” on page 86.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
4 Install a new Viton O-ring. See “To Change the O-Ring on the Purged Packed Inlet” on
page 87.
5 Place a septum, capillary column nut, and ferrule on the column.
Column nut
78 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install a Capillary Column with the Purged Packed Inlet
6 Score the column using a glass scribing tool. The score must be square to ensure a clean
7 Break off the column end by supporting it against the column cutter opposite the scribe.
Inspect the end with a magnifying loupe to make certain there are no burrs or jagged
8 Wipe the column walls with a tissue dampened with isopropanol to remove fingerprints
and dust.
9 Position the column so it extends 1 to 2 mm above the end of the ferrule. Slide the septum
up the column to hold the column nut at this fixed position.
1%2 mm
10 Thread the column nut into the inlet adapter but do not tighten.
Maintaining Your GC 79
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install a Capillary Column with the Purged Packed Inlet
11 Adjust the column position so that the septum is even with the bottom of the column nut.
Finger-tighten the column nut until it begins to grip the column.
12 Tighten the column nut an additional 1/4 to 1/2 turn with a wrench so that the column
cannot be pulled from the fitting with gentle pressure.
13 Plug in the new column’s Smart ID key. See Figure 25.
Smart ID key
80 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install a Capillary Column with the Purged Packed Inlet
18 After the column is installed at both inlet and detector, establish a flow of carrier gas and
purge as recommended by the column manufacturer.
19 Restore the analytical method.
• For FPD+, immediately turn off the flame.
• For NPD, immediately turn off the bead.
20 After the GC becomes ready, wait 10 minutes then ignite the detector flame or adjust
offset on the NPD bead.
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
21 Allow the oven, inlet, and detector to equilibrate at operating temperature, then retighten
the fittings.
22 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
Maintaining Your GC 81
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Change the Septum on the Purged Packed Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
5 Firmly press the new septum or Merlin Microseal into the fitting. The metal parts side of
the Merlin Microseal should face down (toward the oven).
82 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Change the Septum on the Purged Packed Inlet
6 Replace the septum retainer nut or Merlin cap and finger-tighten. Tighten the septum
retainer nut until the C-ring is about 1 mm above the nut.
1 mm
7 On the GC touchscreen, select Maintenance > Inlets > Septum injections, then touch Reset
8 The GC maintenance wizard will perform checks at the appropriate times, including Leak &
Restriction tests, and will automatically reset the maintenance counters.
9 Select Finished, then select OK to exit the GC maintenance wizard.
10 Restore the analytical method.
Maintaining Your GC 83
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Clean the Septum Seat in the Purged Packed Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
5 Use tweezers to remove the septum or Merlin Microseal from the top insert assembly. Do
not gouge or scratch the interior of the septum head.
6 Scrub the residue from the top insert assembly and septum nut with a small piece of
rolled-up steel wool and tweezers. Ultrasonically clean the retainer nut and top insert
7 Use compressed air or nitrogen to blow away the pieces of steel wool and septum.
8 Wearing gloves, inspect the O-ring and replace, if necessary. See “To Change the O-Ring
on the Purged Packed Inlet” on page 87.
9 Install the top insert assembly and hand-tighten firmly.
10 Firmly press the new septum or Merlin Microseal into the fitting.
11 Install the septum retainer nut or Merlin cap and finger-tighten. Tighten the septum retainer
nut until the C-ring is about 1 mm above the nut.
84 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Clean the Septum Seat in the Purged Packed Inlet
1 mm
12 On the GC touchscreen select Maintenance > Inlets > Septum injections, then select Reset
13 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
14 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
15 Restore the analytical method.
Maintaining Your GC 85
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install an Adapter on the Purged Packed Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
3 Clean the end of the adapter with a lint-free cloth and methanol to remove contamination
such as fingerprints.
4 Place the tubing nut and Vespel/graphite ferrule on the adapter.
Inlet fitting
Tubing nut
5 Insert the adapter straight into the inlet base as far as possible.
6 Hold the adapter in this position and finger-tighten the nut.
7 Tighten an additional 1/4 turn with a wrench.
8 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
86 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Change the O-Ring on the Purged Packed Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
3 Loosen the top insert assembly to remove the top portion of the inlet.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
Maintaining Your GC 87
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Change the Glass Liner on the Purged Packed Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
3 Loosen the top insert assembly to remove the top portion of the inlet.
Flared end
Glass liner
4 Use a thin wire or wood splint to carefully lift and remove the old glass liner.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
5 Wearing gloves, inspect the O-ring and replace, if necessary. See “To Change the O-Ring
on the Purged Packed Inlet” on page 87.
88 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Change the Glass Liner on the Purged Packed Inlet
6 Wearing gloves, grasp the flared end (top) of the replacement glass liner with tweezers and
install it in the inlet. If the glass liner does not seat properly because a capillary column is
installed, remove the column, install the glass liner, and replace the column. See “To Install
a Capillary Column with the Purged Packed Inlet” on page 78.
7 Install the top insert assembly and hand-tighten firmly.
8 Configure the new liner.
9 The GC maintenance wizard will perform checks at the appropriate times, including Leak &
Restriction tests, and will automatically reset the maintenance counters.
10 Select Finished, then select OK to exit the GC maintenance wizard.
11 Restore the analytical method.
Maintaining Your GC 89
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Clean the Purged Packed Inlet
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
10 Soak a cleaning brush with the solvent and vigorously scrub the interior walls of the inlet.
11 Blow the inside of the inlet dry with compressed air or nitrogen.
12 Install the adapter, if used. See “To Install an Adapter on the Purged Packed Inlet” on
page 86.
13 Install the glass liner and O-ring. See “To Change the Glass Liner on the Purged Packed
Inlet” on page 88.
14 Install the top insert assembly and finger-tighten.
90 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Clean the Purged Packed Inlet
15 Install the septum and septum nut. See “To Change the Septum on the Purged Packed
Inlet” on page 82.
16 Attach the column. See “To Install a Capillary Column with the Purged Packed Inlet” on
page 78.
17 Set the septum and glass liner counters.
18 Perform the inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
19 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
20 Restore the analytical method.
Maintaining Your GC 91
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Bakeout Contaminants from the Purged Packed Inlet
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If they are hot,
WAR N IN G wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
4 Set the inlet temperature to 300 °C or 25 °C above the normal operating temperature.
5 Set the column oven 25 °C above the GC method final oven temperature to bake
contaminants out of the inlet. Do not exceed the column manufacturer’s maximum
temperature limit.
6 Bakeout for 30 minutes or until the detector baseline is free of contamination peaks.
92 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install a Packed Metal Column
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
4 Install the 1/8-inch or 1/4-inch packed column inlet adapter, if necessary. See “To Install
an Adapter on the Purged Packed Inlet” on page 86.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
Do not use hydrogen as the carrier for conditioning! It could vent into the oven and present an
WAR N IN G explosion hazard.
9 Condition the column, if necessary. See “To Condition a Packed Column” on page 99.
10 Place GC in maintenance mode: Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Start Maintenance. Wait for the GC to become ready.
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
11 If required, install a packed column adapter onto the detector column fitting. See “To
Install a Packed Column Adapter onto a Detector” on page 95.
12 Place a nut and ferrule onto the packed column.
Maintaining Your GC 93
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install a Packed Metal Column
13 Attach the column to the detector or detector adapter. Finger-tighten the nut.
Packed column
14 Using two wrenches, one on the adapter and one on the column nut, tighten the column
nut an additional 1/4 turn (for a 1/8-inch column) or an additional 3/4 turn (for a 1/4-inch
15 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
16 Establish a flow of carrier gas and purge as recommended by the packing manufacturer.
• 20 to 30 mL/min for 2-mm id glass or 1/8-inch od metal columns
• 50 to 60 mL/min for 4-mm id glass or 1/4-inch od metal columns
17 Heat the oven to 200 °C, cool it to a safe handling temperature, then re-tighten the column
connection. (Re-tighten until snug, only about 15 degrees rotation.) Repeat two more
times. This process will set the Vespel/graphite ferrule to help prevent leaks.
18 Restore the analytical method.
• For FPD+, immediately turn off the flame.
• For NPD, immediately turn off the bead.
19 After the GC becomes ready, wait 10 minutes then ignite the detector flame or adjust
offset on the NPD bead.
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
20 Allow the oven, inlet, and detector to equilibrate at operating temperature, then retighten
the fittings.
21 Perform the inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
94 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install a Packed Column Adapter onto a Detector
Be careful! The oven and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is
WAR N IN G hot, wear gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
Handle the adapter carefully and install the packed column before installing the adapter into
the detector base. The thin-walled capillary tube that carries the sample into the detector can
be damaged by rough handling.
Capillary tube
4 Carefully install the adapter assembly into the detector fitting. Align the adapter so the it
enters the detector fitting as vertically as possible. Avoid stressing the adapter capillary
tube. Finger-tighten the adapter into the detector base, then tighten an additional 1/8 turn
using a wrench.
Maintaining Your GC 95
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install a Packed Column Adapter onto a Detector
Detector fitting
5 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
After installation, heat the oven to 200 °C, cool it to a safe handling temperature, then re-tighten
the column connection. (Re-tighten until snug, only about 15 degrees rotation.) Repeat two
more times. This process will set the Vespel/graphite ferrule to help prevent leaks.
96 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install a Packed Glass Column
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
3 Assemble a brass nut and Vespel/graphite ferrule on each end of the column.
Glass columns must be simultaneously inserted into the inlet and detector and installed
parallel to the oven door. When conditioning the column, do not attach the column to the
4 If conditioning the column, insert the column into the purged packed inlet until it bottoms.
Withdraw the column 1 to 2 mm. Finger-tighten the inlet column nut. See “To Condition a
Packed Column” on page 99.
Overtightening the column nut or forcing it to bottom in either the inlet or detector may
C AU T I O N shatter the column.
Do not use hydrogen as the carrier for conditioning! It could vent into the oven and present an
WAR N IN G explosion hazard.
Maintaining Your GC 97
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install a Packed Glass Column
8 Withdraw the column 1 to 2 mm from both the inlet and detector. Finger-tighten both
column nuts.
Overtightening the column nut or forcing it to bottom in either the inlet or detector may
C AU T I O N shatter the column.
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
16 Allow the oven, inlet, and detector to equilibrate at operating temperature, then retighten
the fittings.
17 Perform the inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
98 Maintaining Your GC
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Condition a Packed Column
Do not use hydrogen as the carrier for conditioning! It could vent into the oven and present an
WAR N IN G explosion hazard.
2 Place GC in maintenance mode: Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Start Maintenance. Wait for the GC to become ready.
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
3 Install the proper liner in the inlet and attach the column. See “To Install a Packed Metal
Column” on page 93.
4 If present, remove the packed column adapter from the detector base. (If it is installed to
the column, it can be conditioned with the column.)
5 Cap the detector fitting with the no-hole ferrule and column nut, or with a blanking nut.
6 Enter a column flow as recommended by the packing manufacturer or an appropriate flow
as follows:
• 20 to 30 mL/min for 2-mm id glass or 1/8-inch od metal columns
• 50 to 60 mL/min for 4-mm id glass or 1/4-inch od metal columns
7 Raise the oven temperature slowly to the conditioning temperature for the column. The
conditioning temperature is never higher than the maximum temperature limit for the
column; 30 °C less than the maximum is usually sufficient.
8 Continue conditioning overnight at the final temperature. Cool the oven to room
temperature with carrier flow on.
9 Attach the column to the detector and maintain established flow. See “To Install a Packed
Metal Column” on page 93.
10 Perform the inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
11 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
Maintaining Your GC 99
6 Maintaining the Purged Packed Inlet
To Install Ferrules on a Packed Metal Column
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
Front ferrule
Back ferrule
Column nut
5 Fully insert the column into the vise-held fitting, then withdraw 1–2 mm. Finger-tighten the
6 Tighten the nut an additional 3/4 turn with a wrench (for a 1/8-inch column) or an
additional 1-1/4 turn (for a 1/4-inch column).
7 Unscrew the column nut from the vise-held fitting and remove the column. Ferrules should
now be set in place on the column with the column end correctly positioned.
To Replace the Fused Silica Needle in a Syringe for the COC Inlet 118
Table 14 Recommended parts for injections onto 0.53-mm fused silica columns
Plunger button, 10/pk, for manual injections using syringe barrel 5182-0836 5181-8866
Plunger button, 10/pk, for manual injections using syringe barrel 5182-0836 5181-8866
Table 16 Recommended parts for injections onto 0.32-mm fused silica columns
Plunger button, 10/pk, for manual injections using syringe barrel 5182-0836 5181-8866
Table 16 Recommended parts for injections onto 0.32-mm fused silica columns (continued)
Table 17 Recommended parts for injections onto 0.25-mm fused silica columns
Plunger button, 10/pk, for manual injections using syringe barrel 5182-0836 5181-8866
Table 18 Recommended parts for injections onto 0.2-mm fused silica columns
Duckbill septum for manual injection only (must use cooling tower with duckbill) 19245-40050 (10/pk)
.530 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.8-mm id 0.45-mm and 0.53-mm capillary columns 5062-3512 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.250 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.100 and 200 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.37-mm id 0.1-mm and 0.2-mm capillary columns 5062-3516 (10/pk)
Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
Septum nut
(0.53 mm)
Cooling tower assembly
Septum nut
(0.25-mm and 0.32-mm
Duckbill septum
Column nut
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
3 Before installing the column, be sure the correct insert is installed for the needle and
column. See “To Install an Insert on the COC Inlet” on page 112.
4 Place a capillary column nut and ferrule on the column.
Column nut
5 Score the column using a glass scribing tool. The score must be square to ensure a clean
6 Break off the column end by supporting it against the column cutter opposite the scribe.
Inspect the end with a magnifying loupe to make certain there are no burrs or jagged
7 Wipe the column walls with a tissue dampened with isopropanol to remove fingerprints
and dust.
8 Gently insert the column into the inlet until it bottoms. You should feel spring tension as
you push up on the column. (Do not withdraw the column.)
9 Insert the column nut into the inlet fitting and finger-tighten.
To avoid bending the inlet, always use two wrenches. Use a 5/16-inch wrench to support the
WAR N IN G inlet while tightening the column nut with a 1/4-inch wrench.
10 Tighten the column nut an additional 1/4 turn with a wrench or until the column does not
11 If using an automatic injection system with a 0.25-mm or 0.32-mm column, verify that the
column installation by manually pushing the syringe into the inlet.
Smart ID key
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If they are hot,
WAR N IN G wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
20 Allow the oven, inlet, and detector to equilibrate at operating temperature, then retighten
the fittings.
21 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
3 Check that the needle is the correct size for the desired column id. If needed, replaced the
needle with one of the correct size. See “Consumables and Parts for the Cool On-Column
Inlet” on page 102, and “To Replace a Needle in a Syringe” on page 117 or “To Replace
the Fused Silica Needle in a Syringe for the COC Inlet” on page 118.
4 Identify the correct insert for the column size. See “Consumables and Parts for the Cool
On-Column Inlet” on page 102. Use the insert that is the same size as the syringe needle to
verify that the column you plan to use is the correct size.
5 Make a clean cut on the end of the column. See “To Install a Capillary Column with the
Cool On-Column Inlet” on page 106.
6 Insert the column into one end of the insert.
7 Insert the syringe needle through the other end of the insert and into the column. The
needle should visibly enter the column without any obstruction. If the needle cannot pass
easily into the column, reverse the insert to try the needle and column in the other end.
8 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
• If you are using a cooling tower, grasp the three rings and unscrew. The spring and
duckbill septum may pop out of the inlet when you remove the cooling tower. Be careful
not to lose them. If they do not pop out, use a thin wire to remove them from the inlet.
Insert the replacement duckbill septum into the spring and place in the inlet. Reattach
the cooling tower assembly, then finger-tighten.
4 Before making an injection, check the alignment of the entire assembly using the proper
size syringe.
5 On the GC touchscreen select Maintenance > Inlets > Septum injections, then touch Reset
6 The GC maintenance wizard will perform checks at the appropriate times, including Leak &
Restriction tests, and will automatically reset the maintenance counters.
7 Select Finished, then select OK to exit the GC maintenance wizard.
8 Restore the analytical method.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
6 Remove the existing insert from the inlet by gently pushing it out from below with a wire or
piece of column. Store the insert for possible later use.
7 Check that the insert is the correct size for both the needle and column. See “To Check the
Needle-to-Column Size on the COC Inlet” on page 109.
8 Lower the new insert straight into the inlet from the top. The insert can be installed either
end up.
9 Install the spring on top of the insert.
10 Install the septum and septum nut or duckbill septum and cooling tower assembly and
11 Install the column. See “To Install a Capillary Column with the Cool On-Column Inlet” on
page 106.
12 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
6 Fill an ultrasonic cleansing bath with aqueous detergent and place the spring and insert
into it. Sonicate for 1 minute.
7 Drain the aqueous detergent and fill the bath with distilled water. Sonicate for 1 minute.
8 Remove the spring and insert from the bath and rinse thoroughly with water and methanol.
9 Dry the spring and insert with compressed air or nitrogen.
10 Install the insert. See “To Install an Insert on the COC Inlet” on page 112.
11 Install the column. See “To Install a Capillary Column with the Cool On-Column Inlet” on
page 106.
12 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
Standard needle
support guide
needle support
PTFE disk
4 Check the new needle for a small wire inserted for shipment. Remove the wire if present.
5 Slide the spring and the cap over the needle.
6 Insert the needle into the syringe barrel.
7 Screw the cap back on the syringe barrel.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
PTFE ferrule
5 Finger-tighten the retaining nut. Pull the needle gently to be sure the PTFE ferrule has
formed a tight seal with the needle. Tighten the retaining nut further, if necessary.
6 Loosen the retaining nut just enough so the needle is again free.
7 Depress the syringe plunger slowly until it pushes the needle to the end of the barrel, then
finger-tighten the retaining nut.
8 Use a solvent to rinse the syringe and check for leaks or blocks. Leaks may be fixed by
further tightening the retaining nut. Blocks or serious leaks require repeating this
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If they are hot,
WAR N IN G wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
5 Set the column oven 25 °C above the GC method final oven temperature to bake
contaminants out of the inlet. Do not exceed the column manufacturer’s maximum
temperature limit.
6 Bakeout for 30 minutes or until the detector baseline is free of contamination peaks.
To Clean the Septum Seat in the Insert Assembly of the MMI 132
To Replace the Filter in the Split Vent Trap for the MMI 137
Split Low-pressure drop, glass wool, single taper, 870 µL Yes 5183-4647
.530 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.8-mm id 0.45-mm and 0.53-mm capillary columns 5062-3512 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.250 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.100 and .200 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.37-mm id 0.1-mm and 0.2-mm capillary columns 5062-3516 (10/pk)
Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
Table 23 Other consumables and parts for the multimode inlet (MMI)
Graphite O-ring for split liner (for temperatures above 350 °C), 10/pk 5180-4168
Graphite O-ring for splitless liner (for temperatures above 350 °C), 5180-4173
Cleaning kit, multimode inlet. (Contains 5 each abrasive swabs and G3510-60820
5 each cotton swabs.)
Split vent line
Inlet base
Column nut
Insulation cup
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
The nut must spin freely before it can be used to install a column.
1 Gather the following, see “Consumables and Parts for the Multimode Inlet” on page 122:
• Column
• Ferrule(s)
• Column nut
• Septum
• Column cutter
• Isopropanol
• Lab tissue
• Metric ruler
• Two 1/4-inch open-end wrenches
• Lint-free gloves
2 Place GC in maintenance mode: Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Start Maintenance. Wait for the GC to become ready.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
3 Verify that the correct glass liner is installed. See “Consumables and Parts for the
Multimode Inlet” on page 122.
4 Place the column on the hanger with the ends pointing up and the label to the front.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
Column nut
6 Score the column using a glass scribing tool. The score must be square to ensure a clean
7 Break off the column end by supporting it against the column cutter opposite the scribe.
Inspect the end with a magnifying loupe to make certain there are no burrs or jagged
8 Wipe the column walls with a tissue dampened with isopropanol to remove fingerprints
and dust.
9 Position the column so it extends 10 to 12 mm above the end of the ferrule. Slide the
septum up the column to hold the column nut at this position.
10%12 mm
10 While holding the inlet base with a wrench thread the column nut into the inlet (but do not
11 Adjust the column position so that the septum contacts the bottom of the column nut.
Finger-tighten the column nut until it begins to grip the column.
12 While holding the inlet base with one wrench, use the second wrench to tighten the column
nut an additional 1/4 to 1/2 turn so that the column cannot be pulled from the fitting with
gentle pressure.
Smart ID key
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If they are hot,
WAR N IN G wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
21 Allow the oven, inlet, and detector to equilibrate at operating temperature, then retighten
the fittings.
22 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Insert assembly
5 Firmly press the new septum or Merlin Microseal into the fitting. The metal parts side of
the Merlin Microseal should face down (toward the oven).
6 Install the septum retainer nut or Merlin cap and finger-tighten. Tighten the septum retainer
nut until the C-ring is about 1 mm above the nut.
1 mm
7 On the GC touchscreen, select Maintenance > Inlets > Septum injections, then touch Reset
8 The GC maintenance wizard will perform checks at the appropriate times, including Leak &
Restriction tests, and will automatically reset the maintenance counters.
9 Select Finished, then select OK to exit the GC maintenance wizard.
10 Restore the analytical method.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
3 Slide the locking tab forward (counterclockwise). Lift the insert assembly straight up and
away from the inlet to avoid chipping or breaking the liner.
7 Use compressed air or nitrogen to blow away the pieces of steel wool and septum.
8 Line up the tab on the bottom of the insert assembly with the slot on the inlet body and
push down to connect. Slide the locking tab to the left.
9 Firmly press the new septum or Merlin Microseal into the fitting. See “To Change the
Septum on the MMI” on page 130.
10 Replace the septum retainer nut or Merlin cap and finger-tighten. See “To Change the
Septum on the MMI” on page 130.
11 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
12 On the GC touchscreen select Maintenance > Inlets > Septum injections, then select Reset
13 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
14 Restore the analytical method.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
3 Slide the locking tab forward (counterclockwise). Lift the insert assembly straight up and
away from the inlet to avoid chipping or breaking the liner.
6 Inspect the surface of the seal for contamination. If required, clean with cotton swabs.
Clean the inlet if there is visible or suspected contamination. See “To Clean the
Multimode Inlet” on page 139.
Clean O-ring residue from sealing surface.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
9 Line up the tab on the bottom of the insert assembly with the slot on the inlet body and
push down to connect. Slide the locking tab to the back.
10 Turn on the inlet. Allow the inlet and column to purge with carrier gas for 15 minutes before
heating the inlet or the column oven.
11 Bakeout contaminants. See “To Bakeout Contaminants from the MMI” on page 141.
12 The GC maintenance wizard will perform checks at the appropriate times, including Leak &
Restriction tests, and will automatically reset the maintenance counters.
13 Select Finished, then select OK to exit the GC maintenance wizard.
14 Restore the analytical method.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
The split vent trap may contain residual amounts of any samples or other chemicals you
WAR N IN G have injected into the GC. Follow your company’s safety procedures for handling these types
of substances while replacing the trap filter cartridge.
3 Remove the “To Remove the Pneumatics Cover” on page 19 (top, back of GC).
4 Completely loosen the knurled nut that secures the split vent trap in place as shown in
Figure 30.
5 Slide the trap assembly back from the guided mounting bracket and tilt up to expose the
filter as shown in Figure 31.
Knurled nut
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If the inlet is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
4 Remove the inlet liner. See “To Change the Liner and O-Ring on the MMI” on page 134.
5 Remove the column from the inlet. See “To Install a Capillary Column with the Multimode
Inlet” on page 126.
6 Place the glass beaker or other container in the GC oven, below the MMI inlet, so it will
catch any solvent that drips through the inlet body.
7 Moisten a cotton swab with solvent and wipe the inside bottom seal of the inlet repeatedly
to remove any loose material from the MMI. If desired, the cotton swab can be used to
clean the bore of the inlet. For most samples, this is not necessary. Dispose of the swab
after a single use.
8 Using a dry abrasive swab, place the swab all the way to the bottom of the inlet and with
moderate pressure, twist the swab forwards and backwards while it is in contact with the
bottom of the MMI (approximately 20 cycles should be sufficient). The abrasive swab can
be used multiple times.
9 Using a second solvent moistened cotton swab, wipe the bottom of the inlet to remove any
residue. Depending on the amount of use and maximum temperature used, the bottom of
the inlet may still show some oxidation (light brown color). This is normal and will not
affect inlet performance. Repeat steps 3-5 (if necessary) to remove any remaining
10 Using clean solvent, rinse the inlet volume several times but never overfill the inlet bore.
Position a container under the column opening in the inlet to catch the used solvent exiting
the bottom of the MMI.
11 Allow the inlet to dry.
12 Install the liner and O-ring.
13 Reinstall the column.
14 Turn on the GC.
15 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
16 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
17 Restore the analytical method.
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If they are hot,
WAR N IN G wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
6 If the column is not attached to the detector, cap the detector fitting.
7 Set the inlet temperature to 300 °C or 25 °C above the normal operating temperature to
bakeout contaminants from the inlet, mostly through the split vent.
8 Set the column oven 25 °C above the GC method final oven temperature to bake
contaminants from the column. Do not exceed the column manufacturer’s maximum
temperature limit.
9 Bakeout for 30 minutes or until the detector baseline is free of contamination peaks.
To Install a Capillary Column with the Programmable Temperature Vaporization Inlet 147
To Replace the Septumless Head PTFE Ferrule on the PTV Inlet 152
To Clean the Septum Seat in the Septum Head Assembly of the PTV Inlet 155
To Replace the Filter in the Split Vent Trap for the PTV Inlet 160
Septumless head
Septumless head rebuild kit (includes Viton seal, Kalrez seal, and pressure spring) 5182-9747
Ferrule, 1/16-inch PTFE, for septumless head carrier gas tube 0100-1375
Septum head
Table 25 Other consumables and parts for the PTV inlet (continued)
* Includes (1) adapter, (1) silver seal, and (1) split column nut.
Guide cap
Merlin cap Septum nut
PTFE ferrule
Merlin Microseal
Septumless head Kalrez seal
Valve body
Pressure spring
Septum head
Viton seal
Carrier gas
tube Sealing element
Graphpak 3D ferrule
Silver seal
Column nut
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
3 Before installing the column, install the correct column adapter. See “To Replace the Inlet
Adapter for the PTV Inlet” on page 158.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
4 Place the column on the hanger with the ends pointing up and the label to the front.
5 Place a Graphpak 2M ferrule onto the column, with the graphite facing up towards the inlet.
6 Score the column using a glass scribing tool. The score must be square to ensure a clean
7 Break off the column end by supporting it against the column cutter opposite the scribe.
Inspect the end with a magnifying loupe to make certain that there are no burrs or jagged
8 Wipe the column walls with a tissue dampened with isopropanol to remove fingerprints
and dust.
9 Position the column so it extends 17 mm above the end of the ferrule. Mark the column
behind the ferrule with typewriter correction fluid or a marker. Slide the nut over the
17 mm
10 Insert the column into the adapter and finger-tighten the column nut. Looking through the
slot in the nut, adjust the column until the mark is correctly positioned below the Graphpak
2M ferrule.
11 Tighten the column nut an additional 1/8 to 1/4 turn with a wrench. Do not overtighten.
12 Plug in the new column’s Smart ID key. See Figure 33.
Smart ID key
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If they are hot,
WAR N IN G wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
20 Allow the oven, inlet, and detector to equilibrate at operating temperature, then retighten
the fittings.
21 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
4 Unscrew and remove the septumless head assembly from the inlet.
5 Unscrew the sealing element from the head assembly and carefully remove the Viton seal
and the pressure spring
Guide cap
PTFE ferrule
Ferrule, 1/16-inch
PTFE Kalrez seal
Valve body
Carrier gas tube Pressure spring
Viton seal
Sealing element
6 Unscrew the guide cap from the head and remove the PTFE ferrule.
7 Carefully insert a syringe with a 23-gauge needle into the head to press the valve body and
Kalrez seal slightly out of the head.
8 Gently tap the head on a soft, smooth surface so that the valve body falls out completely or
slips out far enough to grasp with fingers.
9 Remove the Kalrez seal from the valve body.
10 Clean all components in hexane.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
11 Replace the PTFE ferrule. See “To Replace the Septumless Head PTFE Ferrule on the PTV
Inlet” on page 152.
12 Wearing clean lint-free gloves, reassemble the head in reverse order. Be sure that the seals
and the pressure spring are not damaged.
13 Finger-tighten the septumless head, then tighten an additional 1/8 turn with a wrench.
14 Reconnect the carrier gas line.
15 Check for leaks; if necessary, slightly tighten the guide cap with the syringe needle inserted.
• If the head leaks with the syringe inserted, replace the PTFE ferrule.
• If the head leaks without the syringe inserted, replace the Kalrez and Viton seals.
16 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
17 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
18 Restore the analytical method.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
3 Unscrew the guide cap from the septumless head and remove the PTFE ferrule.
4 Push the guide cap and replacement ferrule over the syringe needle so that at least 10 mm
of the needle tip is exposed.
5 Guide the end of the needle into the septumless head until the ferrule meets the
septumless head.
6 Loosely install the guide cap.
7 If not configured, configure the column.
8 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
9 Put the inlet into Splitless mode.
10 Set the column flow to 5 mL/min and the purge flow to 60 mL/min.
11 After the inlet pressurizes, press once.
12 Observe the inlet Total Flow. Tighten the guide cap until the Total Flow stops decreasing
(typically near 8 mL/min).
13 Remove the syringe from the inlet and press .
14 Restore the analytical method.
15 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
3 Remove the septum retainer nut or Merlin cap. If the septum head begins to turn during
removal, support it manually while removing the cap.
4 Use tweezers to remove the septum or Merlin Microseal from the retainer nut. Do not
gouge or scratch the interior of the septum head.
5 Firmly press the new septum or Merlin Microseal into the fitting. The metal parts side of
the Merlin Microseal should face down (toward the oven).
6 Replace the septum retainer nut or Merlin cap and finger-tighten. Tighten the septum
retainer nut until the C-ring is about 1 mm above the nut.
1 mm
7 The GC maintenance wizard will perform checks at the appropriate times, including Leak &
Restriction tests, and will automatically reset the maintenance counters.
8 Select Finished, then select OK to exit the GC maintenance wizard.
9 Restore the analytical method.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
3 Remove the septum retainer nut or Merlin cap. If the septum head begins to turn during
removal, support it manually while removing the cap.
4 Unscrew the septum head assembly from the inlet and move it up and away from the inlet.
5 Use tweezers to remove the septum or Merlin Microseal from the retainer nut. Do not
gouge or scratch the interior of the septum head.
6 Scrub the residue from the retainer nut and septum holder with a small piece of rolled-up
steel wool and tweezers. Do not do this over the inlet.
7 Use compressed air or nitrogen to blow away the pieces of steel wool and septum.
8 Replace the septum head assembly on the inlet. Finger-tighten the septum head and then
tighten an additional 1/2 turn with a wrench.
9 Firmly press the new septum or Merlin Microseal into the fitting. See “To Change the
Septum on the PTV Inlet” on page 154.
10 Replace the septum retainer nut or Merlin cap and finger-tighten. See “To Change the
Septum on the PTV Inlet” on page 154.
11 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
12 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
13 Restore the analytical method.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
5 Unscrew the assembly tool into two pieces: the ferrule guide and the compression fitting.
Ferrule guide
Graphpak 3D ferrule
Compression fitting
6 Slide the compression fitting onto the longer, straight end of the new liner with the threads
pointing toward the end of the liner.
7 Place a Graphpak 3D ferrule on the same end of the liner with the recessed graphite end
towards the compression fitting. Slide the ferrule so that about 2 mm of the liner is
exposed beyond the ferrule.
8 Slide the compression fitting up to meet the ferrule. Finger-tighten the ferrule guide onto
the compression fitting.
9 Unscrew and remove the ferrule guide.
10 Slide the compression fitting off the other end of the liner. The ferrule should now be set
with 1 mm of the liner exposed. Check that the graphite within the ferrule is flush with the
top of the metal collar.
11 Insert the glass liner into the inlet from above until the unpacked side of the ferrule rests on
the top of the inlet.
12 Replace the head:
• For septumless head, screw the head onto the inlet and tighten 1/8 turn past finger-tight
with a wrench. Reconnect the carrier gas line.
• For septum head, align the head with the inlet and manually engage the free-spinning
nut to the inlet. Tighten 1/2 turn past finger-tight with a wrench.
13 Check all connections for leaks. If necessary, tighten them again by hand.
14 Configure the new liner.
15 The GC maintenance wizard will perform checks at the appropriate times, including Leak &
Restriction tests, and will automatically reset the maintenance counters.
16 Select Finished, then select OK to exit the GC maintenance wizard.
17 Restore the analytical method.
0.20 mm 31 5182-9754
0.53 mm 70 5182-9762
* Includes (1) adapter, (1) silver seal, and (1) split column nut.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
4 Unscrew the column nut from the adapter. Remove the nut and the column from the inlet.
Silver seal
Column nut
5 Remove the inlet adapter and discard the old silver seal.
6 Insert a new silver seal into the adapter and finger-tighten the adapter onto the inlet.
Tighten an additional 1/16 to 1/8 turn with a wrench; overtightening will damage the inlet.
7 Install the column. See “To Install a Capillary Column with the Programmable
Temperature Vaporization Inlet” on page 147.
8 Check the adapter for leaks.
9 Reset the silver seal EMF counter.
10 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
11 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
12 Restore the analytical method.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
The split vent trap may contain residual amounts of any samples or other chemicals you
WAR N IN G have injected into the GC. Follow your company’s safety procedures for handling these types
of substances while replacing the trap filter cartridge.
3 Remove the “To Remove the Pneumatics Cover” on page 19 (top, back of GC).
4 Completely loosen the knurled nut that secures the split vent trap in place as shown in
Figure 34.
5 Slide the trap assembly back from the guided mounting bracket and tilt up to expose the
filter as shown in Figure 35.
Knurled nut
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If they are hot,
WAR N IN G wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
6 If the column is not attached to the detector, cap the detector fitting.
7 Set the inlet temperature to 300 °C or 25 °C above the normal operating temperature to
bakeout contaminants from the inlet, mostly through the split vent.
8 Set the column oven 25 °C above the GC method final oven temperature to bake
contaminants from the column. Do not exceed the column manufacturer’s maximum
temperature limit.
9 Bakeout for 30 minutes or until the detector baseline is free of contamination peaks.
To Replace the Filter in the Split Vent Trap for the VI 175
.530 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.8-mm id 0.45-mm and 0.53-mm capillary columns 5062-3512 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
.250 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
.100 and .200 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.37-mm id 0.1-mm and 0.2-mm capillary columns 5062-3516 (10/pk)
Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
Clamping plate
Volatiles interface
Ferrule, column
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
3 Place the column on the hanger with the ends pointing up and the label to the front.
4 Place a septum, long capillary column nut, and ferrule on the column.
Use a long column nut. See “Consumables and Parts for the Volatiles Interface” on
page 164.
If you are using a standard column nut, you must remove the interface. For this reason it
is recommended that you use the long column nut. See “To Remove the VI Interface” on
page 171.
Column nut
5 Score the column using a glass scribing tool. The score must be square to ensure a clean
6 Break off the column end by supporting it against the column cutter opposite the scribe.
Inspect the end with a magnifying loupe to make certain that there are no burrs or jagged
7 Wipe the column walls with a tissue dampened with isopropanol to remove fingerprints
and dust.
8 Position the column so it extends 6 mm above the end of the ferrule. Slide the septum up
the column to hold the column nut at this fixed position.
6 mm
9 Insert the column into the interface and finger-tighten the column nut.
10 Adjust the column (not the septum) position until the septum is snug against the bottom of
the nut.
11 Tighten the column nut an additional 1/4 to 1/2 turn with a wrench so that the column
cannot be pulled from the fitting with gentle pressure.
12 Plug in the new column’s Smart ID key. See Figure 37.
Smart ID key
20 After the GC becomes ready, wait 10 minutes then ignite the detector flame or adjust
offset on the NPD bead.
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
21 Allow the oven, inlet, and detector to equilibrate at operating temperature, then retighten
the fittings.
22 Reset the EMF counter.
23 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
Be careful! The interface may be hot enough to cause burns. If the interface is hot, wear
WAR N IN G gloves to protect your hands.
8 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
To Clean the VI
1 Gather the following:
• 1/4-inch and 7-mm wrench
• T-20 Torx screwdriver
• Lint-free gloves
2 Manually set the inlet and oven temperature to < 40 °C, and wait for the inlet, oven, and
other parts you might come into contact with inside the oven, to cool before continuing.
Alternately, place the GC in maintenance mode: Maintenance > Instrument > Perform
Maintenance > Maintenance Mode > Start Maintenance.
3 Remove the interface. See “To Remove the VI Interface” on page 171.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
The split vent trap and line may contain residual amounts of any samples or other chemicals
WAR N IN G you have injected into the GC. Follow your company’s safety procedures for handling these
types of substances.
4 Remove the split vent and pressure sensing lines by loosening the nuts.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
5 Clean the interface using an ultrasonic bath. Sonicate twice, then rinse and air dry.
6 Inspect the split vent line. If clogged, contact Agilent for service.
7 Install the interface. See “To Install the VI Interface” on page 174.
8 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
5 Install the inlet cover. Be sure the cover does not damage any tubing.
6 Attach the sample transfer line.
7 Install the column. See “To Install a Capillary Column with the Volatiles Interface” on
page 167.
Be careful! The oven and/or inlet may be hot enough to cause burns. If either is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
The split vent trap may contain residual amounts of any samples or other chemicals you
WAR N IN G have injected into the GC. Follow your company’s safety procedures for handling these types
of substances while replacing the trap filter cartridge.
3 Remove the pneumatics cover (top, back of GC). See “To Remove the Pneumatics
Cover” on page 19.
4 Completely loosen the knurled nut that secures the split vent trap in place as shown in
Figure 38.
5 Slide the trap assembly back from the guided mounting bracket and tilt up to expose the
filter as shown in. Figure 39.
Knurled nut
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If they are hot,
WAR N IN G wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
6 Set the inlet and oven temperature to 300 °C or 25 °C above the normal operating
temperature to bakeout contaminants from the inlet, mostly through the split vent.
7 Set the column oven 25 °C above the GC method final oven temperature to bake
contaminants from the column. Do not exceed the column manufacturer’s maximum
temperature limit.
8 Bakeout for 30 minutes or until the detector baseline is free of contamination peaks.
.530 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.8-mm id 0.45-mm and 0.53-mm capillary columns 5062-3512 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.250 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.100 and .200 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.37-mm id 0.1-mm and 0.2-mm capillary columns 5062-3516 (10/pk)
Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
PTFE chimney
25-mm screws
Collector assembly
Mounting pallet
Column adapter
Column nut
25-mm screws
Collector assembly
Collector nut
Spring washer
screws Ignitor castle Ignitor (glow plug)
assembly with
Collector Upper collector O-ring
assembly insulator
Collector body
Spanner nut
Ignitor cable
Collector mount
Lower collector
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
3 Place a septum (if the column id is ≤0.1 mm), capillary column nut, and ferrule on the
Column nut
4 Score the column using a glass scribing tool. The score must be square to ensure a clean
5 Break off the column end by supporting it against the column cutter opposite the scribe.
Inspect the end with a magnifying loupe to make certain there are no burrs or jagged
6 Wipe the column walls with a tissue dampened with isopropanol to remove fingerprints
and dust.
7 Install the capillary column.
If the column id is greater than 0.1 mm:
a Gently insert the column into the detector until it bottoms; do not attempt to force it
b Finger-tighten the column nut, then withdraw the column about 2 mm. Tighten the nut
an additional 1/4 turn with a wrench.
If the column id is 0.1 mm or less position the column so it extends above the ferrule by
48 mm. Slide the septum up to hold the column nut and ferrule at this fixed position.
48 mm
c Insert the column into the detector. Slide the nut and ferrule up the column to the
detector base. Finger-tighten the column nut until it grips the column.
d Adjust the column (not the septum) position so that the septum is even with the
bottom of the column nut. Tighten the nut an additional 1/4 turn with a wrench.
8 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
Be careful! The oven and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is
WAR N IN G hot, wear gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
Handle the clean or new jet only with tweezers, or wear gloves.
6 Loosen the jet, then lift it out of the housing with tweezers.
7 Clean the detector base cavity using solvent, a swab, and compressed air or nitrogen.
8 Use tweezers to lower the new jet into the housing.
Do not overtighten the jet! Overtightening may permanently deform and damage the jet, the
C AU T I O N detector base, or both. The torque specification is 10 inch-pounds.
9 Carefully screw the jet into the housing. Tighten 1/6-turn past finger-tight (1/6-turn is one
“flat” on a typical screwdriver handle, or the jet head).
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
f Allow the oven, inlet, and detector to equilibrate at operating temperature, then
retighten the fittings.
14 Check the FID baseline. See “To Check the FID Baseline” on page 198.
To avoid contaminating the FID, wear clean, lint-free gloves when handling the collector
C AU T I O N assembly.
2 Place GC in maintenance mode: Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Start Maintenance. Wait for the GC to become ready.
Be careful! The oven and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is
WAR N IN G hot, wear gloves to protect your hands.
3 Remove the FID ignitor. If you are not replacing the ignitor, skip to step 5.
a Disconnect the ignitor cable assembly.
c Turn the nut counterclockwise by hand. Remove the ignitor and copper washer.
4 If replacing only the FID ignitor assembly with copper washer, skip to step 16 for assembly.
5 Remove the three screws that secure the collector assembly to the FID mounting pallet.
This step exposes the interconnect spring. Be careful not to touch or disfigure the spring
C AU T I O N while working on the FID. Any dirt or bending will reduce the sensitivity of your detector.
6 Remove the collector assembly. Place it on a clean cloth for additional disassembly.
c Lift the castle out of the collector housing. When removing the castle, some of the
collector parts may be attached. Set these on a clean cloth to protect from scratches
or dirt.
b Remove the lower insulator with tweezers and place the parts on a clean cloth.
b Insert the long end of collector into the housing and lower insulator.
c Insert the other insulator onto the top of the collector, with the flat surface facing
towards the housing.
d Install the collector nut over the castle and tighten firmly. The seal should be airtight.
Maintain the orientation of the ignitor hole with the base as shown below.
b Tighten the ignitor with a wrench. Ignition requires a good electrical contact that is
free of any dirt.
Be careful! The detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
If using hydrogen as a carrier gas, turn off the hydrogen supply and cap the end of the column
WAR N IN G to prevent an oven explosion.
3 Maintain inert carrier gas flow through the column, or remove the column from the GC.
4 Set the detector temperature at 350 to 375 °C.
5 Set normal operating flows.
6 Light the FID flame.
7 Set the oven temperature to 250 °C or 25 °C above the normal maximum operating
temperature. Do not exceed the column’s temperature limit.
8 Hold at temperature for 30 minutes or until the baseline settles at a lower value. The
baseline will typically rise, then fall to a final value lower than the initial baseline.
.530 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.8-mm id 0.45-mm and 0.53-mm capillary columns 5062-3512 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.250 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.100 and .200 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.37-mm id 0.1-mm and 0.2-mm capillary columns 5062-3516 (10/pk)
Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
3 Place a septum (if the column id is ≤0.1 mm), capillary column nut, and ferrule on the
Column nut
4 Score the column using a glass scribing tool. The score must be square to ensure a clean
5 Break off the column end by supporting it against the column cutter opposite the scribe.
Inspect the end with a magnifying loupe to make certain there are no burrs or jagged
6 Wipe the column walls with a tissue dampened with isopropanol to remove fingerprints
and dust.
7 Install the capillary column.
If the column id is greater than 0.1 mm:
a Gently insert the column into the detector until it bottoms; do not attempt to force it
b Finger-tighten the column nut, then withdraw the column about 2 mm. Tighten the nut
an additional 1/4 turn with a wrench.
If the column id is 0.1 mm or less position the column so it extends above the ferrule by
48 mm (capillary optimized fitting). Slide the septum up to hold the column nut and ferrule at this
fixed position.
48 mm
c Insert the column into the detector. Slide the nut and ferrule up the column to the
detector base. Finger-tighten the column nut until it grips the column.
d Adjust the column (not the septum) position so that the septum is even with the
bottom of the column nut. Tighten the nut an additional 1/4 turn with a wrench.
8 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
If the column is not installed, you must turn off the TCD filament and cap the detector column
C AU T I O N fitting to prevent irreparable damage to the filament caused by oxygen entering the detector.
Be careful! The detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
If using hydrogen as a carrier gas, turn off the hydrogen supply and cap the end of the column
WAR N IN G to prevent an oven explosion.
Be careful! The oven or detector fittings may be hot enough to cause burns.
9 Allow the oven, inlet, and detector to equilibrate at operating temperature, then re-tighten
the fittings.
Collector G1534-20530
Screw, M4 × 10 mm 0515-2495
J-clamp 1400-0015
NPD chemical sample kit solution of 0.65 ppm azobenzene, 1000 ppm octadecane, 18789-60060
1 ppm malathion in isooctane, 3 ampoules
.530 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.8-mm id 0.45-mm and 0.53-mm capillary columns 5062-3512 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.250 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.100 and .200 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.37-mm id 0.1-mm and 0.2-mm capillary columns 5062-3516 (10/pk)
Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
NPD cover
Bead assembly
Jet Electrometer
Insulation cover
Column nut
Be careful! The oven, inlet, and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the oven,
WAR N IN G inlet, or detector is hot, wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
3 Place a septum (if the column id is ≤0.1 mm), capillary column nut, and ferrule on the
Column nut
4 Score the column using a glass scribing tool. The score must be square to ensure a clean
5 Break off the column end by supporting it against the column cutter opposite the scribe.
Inspect the end with a magnifying loupe to make certain there are no burrs or jagged
6 Wipe the column walls with a tissue dampened with isopropanol to remove fingerprints
and dust.
7 Install the capillary column.
If the column id is greater than 0.1 mm:
a Gently insert the column into the detector until it bottoms; do not attempt to force it
b Finger-tighten the column nut, then withdraw the column about 2 mm. Tighten the nut
an additional 1/4 turn with a wrench.
If the column id is 0.1 mm or less position the column so it extends above the ferrule by
48 mm (capillary optimized fitting). Slide the septum up to hold the column nut and ferrule at this
fixed position.
48 mm
c Insert the column into the detector. Slide the nut and ferrule up the column to the
detector base. Finger-tighten the column nut until it grips the column.
d Adjust the column (not the septum) position so that the septum is even with the
bottom of the column nut. Tighten the nut an additional 1/4 turn with a wrench.
8 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
The bead is delicate. Be careful not to break or crack the bead. When performing
C AU T I O N maintenance on the NPD, avoid touching the bead with your fingers, and prevent it from
coming in contact with other surfaces.
4 Turn off the NPD bead, and enable the Dry Bead and Auto Adjust settings.
Agilent data system users: After turning off the bead, save the data system method and
shut down the instrument session. (Note that in some data system versions, you may
need to use the GC touchscreen for these settings. To do this, the keypad must be
unlocked and you must close the GC parameters screen of the data system. Upload the
revised setting, then save the method and shut down the instrument session.)
5 Remove the GC detector top cover. See “To Remove the Detector Top Cover” on page 18.
Hazardous voltages are present when the electronics top cover is open.
6 Remove the electronics cover. See “To Remove the Electronics Cover” on page 20.
7 Put on lint-free gloves before touching any of the detector parts.
Be careful! The oven or detector fittings may be hot enough to cause burns.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
8 Remove the screw from the NPD cover then lift up and set aside. See Figure 44.
9 Twist the ring to disconnect the bead assembly cable. Push and twist the lock so that the
button slides up in the groove, then pull the cable ends apart.
11 Gently lift up and remove the old bead assembly. Avoid bumping the bead on the sides of
the collector.
17 Close the NPD cover, install the GC detector top cover, and install the electronics top cover.
All covers must be closed to get a stable NPD baseline.
18 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
19 Restore normal NPD operating gas flows.
20 With all gases on, heat the detector to 150 °C and hold for about 15 minutes, then increase
the temperature to 250 °C and hold for 15 minutes.
21 Increase the temperature to operating value (310 to 320 °C recommended). Allow
15 minutes for equilibration.
22 Check the NPD leakage current. See “To Check the NPD Leakage Current” on page 225. If
> 2.0 pA, verify bead installation or see the Troubleshooting manual.
23 If using an Agilent data system, connect to the instrument.
24 Restore the analytical method. Confirm the detector hydrogen, air, makeup gas flow rates.
25 Start the Adjust offset process. Enter the desired offset in the Target offset field. The
default offset is 20 pA for Blos beads. An offset of 25 to 30 pA is sufficient for most
applications. The bead life may be shortened at a higher offset.
26 Reset the bead counter.
The insulation around the inlets, detectors, valve box, and the insulation cups is made of
WAR N IN G refractory ceramic fibers. To avoid inhaling fiber particles, we recommend the following
safety procedures: ventilate your work area; wear long sleeves, gloves, safety glasses, and a
disposable dust/mist respirator; dispose of insulation in a sealed plastic bag; wash your
hands with mild soap and cold water after handling the insulation.
The bead is delicate. Be careful not to break or crack the bead. When performing
C AU T I O N maintenance on the NPD, avoid touching the bead with your fingers, and prevent it from
coming in contact with other surfaces.
Be careful! The oven or detector fittings may be hot enough to cause burns.
5 Remove the bead. See “To Replace the NPD Bead Assembly” on page 216.
This step exposes the interconnect spring. Be careful not to touch or disfigure the spring
C AU T I O N while working on the FID. Any dirt or bending will reduce the sensitivity of your detector.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
6 Remove the screws that secure the lid, then lift up the lid and set aside. The top metal
C-ring and upper ceramic insulator may be attached to the lid.
7 Remove the screws that secure the cover base, then lift up the cover base and set aside.
8 Remove the screws that secure the interconnect cover, then lift up the cover and set aside.
9 Remove the screws that secure the electrometer, then lift up and set aside.
10 Pull the electrometer away from the detector to free the interconnect. Turn the
electrometer to the right to obtain working space. Be careful not to touch or bend the
spring. Be careful not to lose the EMI suppressor.
11 Remove the large metal C-ring and the upper ceramic insulator if they were not attached to
the lid.
12 Remove the collector. If the detector is operated at high temperatures, the collector parts
may stick inside the detector. Gently push and wiggle them to break the seal.
13 Use tweezers to remove the lower ceramic insulator and the two small metal C-rings
located above and below the collector. If these parts are stuck together, do not separate
them. If they are not stuck, remember which metal ring was on top of the insulator and
which was below it. The pieces must be reassembled in the same orientation.
17 Pull the jet straight out of the detector. Use tweezers, if necessary.
The adaptable NPD jet is longer than the capillary optimized NPD extended jet and should
C AU T I O N never be installed in a capillary optimized detector.
1 Bakeout the NPD with the column installed or uninstalled. If uninstalled, gather the
following, see “Consumables and Parts for the NPD” on page 210:
• Column nut
• No-hole ferrule
2 Place GC in maintenance mode: Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Start Maintenance. Wait for the GC to become ready to continue (all
zones cooled to safe handling temperatures).
Be careful! The detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
To Replace the ECD Fused Silica Indented Mixing Liner and Install the Makeup Gas
Adapter 233
This section describes the routine maintenance tasks for the Electron Capture Detector (ECD).
For important regulatory and safety information for this detector, refer to the general
information booklet and CD provided with the detector.
Materials that may react with the 63Ni source, either to form volatile products or to cause
WAR N IN G physical degradation of the plated film, must be avoided. These materials include oxidizing
compounds, acids, wet halogens, wet nitric acid, ammonium hydroxide, hydrogen sulfide,
PCBs, and carbon monoxide. This list is not exhaustive but indicates the kinds of compounds
that may cause damage to 63Ni detectors.
In the extremely unlikely event that both the oven and the detector-heated zone should go
WAR N IN G into thermal runaway (maximum, uncontrolled heating in excess of 400 °C) at the same time
and the detector remains exposed to this condition for more than 12 hours, take the following
• After turning off the main power and allowing the instrument to cool, cap the detector
inlet and exhaust vent openings. Wear disposable plastic gloves and observe normal
laboratory safety precautions.
• Return the cell for disposal, following directions included with the License Verification
Form (part number 19233-90750).
• Include a letter stating the condition of abuse.
It is unlikely, even in this very unusual situation, that radioactive material will escape the cell.
However, permanent damage to the 63Ni plating within the cell is possible; therefore, the cell
must be returned for exchange.
You may not open the ECD cell unless authorized to do so by your local nuclear regulatory
WAR N IN G agency. Do not disturb the four socket-head bolts. These hold the cell halves together. United
States customers removing or disturbing them is a violation of the terms of the exemption
and could create a safety hazard.
.530 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.8-mm id 0.45-mm and 0.53-mm capillary columns 5062-3512 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.250 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
.100 and .200 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.37-mm id 0.1-mm and 0.2-mm capillary columns 5062-3516 (10/pk)
Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- to Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
.320-mm columns)
Perforated cover
Warning tag
Adapter nut
Column nut
Be careful! The oven and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is
WAR N IN G hot, wear gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
To prevent damage avoid flexing/bending the tubing on the makeup gas adapter.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
6 Remove the fused silica indented mixing liner and inspect. Replace it if it is broken or
contaminated with sample or graphite.
7 Ultrasonically clean the adapter cap in methanol. Clean the outer surfaces of the makeup
gas adapter with methanol.
8 Install the fused silica indented mixing liner into the makeup gas adapter, then install the
cap. The indentation on the fused silica indented mixing liner must be at the cap end of the
9 Place a new 1/4-inch Swagelok nut and ferrule onto the makeup gas adapter.
1/4-inch nut
10 Slowly install the adapter straight into the detector fitting. Jiggle the adapter, if necessary,
to make sure it is seated all the way into the detector fitting. Be careful not to break the
column end.
Detector fitting
11 Tighten the nut finger-tight and then use a 9/16-inch wrench to tighten until snug.
If the adapter is properly installed, the distance between the 1/4-inch nut and the bottom
of the adapter will be 19 ± 1 mm. If the distance is 22 to 23 mm, install the adapter into
the detector fitting.
19 ± 1 mm
12 Attach the column. See “To Install a Capillary Column in the ECD” on page 236.
13 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
14 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
Be careful! The oven and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is
WAR N IN G hot, wear gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
3 Load the inlet maintenance method and wait for the GC to become ready.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
4 Place a septum (if the column id is ≤0.2 mm), capillary column nut, and ferrule on the
Column nut
5 Score the column using a glass scribing tool. The score must be square to ensure a clean
6 Break off the column end by supporting it against the column cutter opposite the scribe.
Inspect the end with a magnifying loupe to make certain there are no burrs or jagged
7 Wipe the column walls with a tissue dampened with isopropanol to remove fingerprints
and dust.
8 Install the column.
If the column id is 200 um or more, push the column into the adapter until it stops at the
indentation. Pull it back 1 to 2 mm and tighten the column nut with one 5/16-inch wrench
on the adapter and another 1/4-inch wrench on the column nut.
If the id is less the 200 um, mark the column with a septum 70 ± 1 mm from the end.
Insert column and nut into the adapter with the septum at the rear of the column nut, and
tighten the column nut with one 5/16-inch wrench on the adapter and another 1/4-inch
wrench on the column nut.
70 ± 1 mm
9 After heating the detector, retighten the 9/16-inch makeup adapter nut and 1/4-inch
column nut.
10 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
To prevent possible hazardous contamination of the area with radioactive material, the
C AU T I O N detector exhaust vent always must be connected to a fume hood or otherwise vented in
compliance with the latest revision of 10 CFR Part 20, or with state regulations with which the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission has entered into an agreement (USA only). For other
countries, consult with the appropriate agency for equivalent requirements.
Be careful! The oven and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is
WAR N IN G hot, wear gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
4 If the column maximum temperature is < 250 °C, remove the column from the detector.
5 If the column is uninstalled, plug the detector connection with the column nut and no-hole
Maintain inert carrier gas flow through the column, or remove the column from the GC.
6 Set the ECD temperature to 350 to 375 °C, the makeup gas flow to 60 mL/min, and the
oven temperature to 250 °C. If the column is uninstalled, leave the oven off to protect the
7 If the column is installed in the ECD, set the oven temperature to 250 °C. If the column is
uninstalled, leave the oven off to protect the column.
8 Allow thermal cleaning to continue for several hours and then cool the system to normal
operating temperatures. The figure below shows detector output during a typical cleaning
9 Check the ECD output value on the control table. It should be lower than the first reading. If
it is not, contact your Agilent service representative.
10 Reinstall the column.
11 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
12 Restore the analytical method.
Ignitor 19256-60750
Collet 19256-20690
.530 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.8-mm id 0.45-mm and 0.53-mm capillary columns 5062-3512 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
to .320-mm columns)
.250 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
to .320-mm columns)
.100 and .200 Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.37-mm id 0.1-mm and 0.2-mm capillary columns 5062-3516 (10/pk)
Ferrule, Vespel/graphite, 0.4-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, and 0.25-mm capillary 5181-3323 (10/pk)
Ferrule, graphite, 0.5-mm id 0.1-mm, 0.2-mm, 0.25-mm, and 0.32-mm 5080-8853 (10/pk)
capillary columns
Column nut, finger-tight (for .100- Connect column to inlet or detector 5020-8292
to .320-mm columns)
Single wavelength
FPD+ cover Filter
Spacer (for
sulfur filter)
Ignitor (glow plug)
PMT assembly
Ignitor cable
1/8-inch Packed
column adapter
Figure 48. Flame Photometric Detector Plus (FPD+) single wavelength exploded parts
Be careful! The oven and/or detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is
WAR N IN G hot, wear gloves to protect your hands.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles while handling, cutting, or
WAR N IN G installing glass or fused silica capillary columns. Use care in handling these columns to
prevent puncture wounds.
Wear clean, lint-free gloves to prevent contamination of parts with dirt and skin oils.
3 Assemble a septum, column nut, and ferrule on the end of the column.
4 Insert the end of the column through the column measuring tool so that the end protrudes
beyond the tool.
Column nut
137.5 mm
5 Tighten the column nut until it grips the column. Tighten the nut an additional 1/8 to 1/4
turn with a pair of wrenches. Snug the septum against the base of the column nut.
6 Use a wafer cutter at 45 ° to score the column.
7 Snap off the column end. The column may protrude about 1 mm beyond the end of the
tool. Inspect the end with a magnifying loupe to make certain that there are no burrs or
jagged edges.
8 Remove the column, nut, and swaged ferrule from the tool.
9 Wipe the column walls with a tissue dampened with isopropanol to remove fingerprints
and dust.
10 Carefully thread the swaged column up into the detector fitting. Finger-tighten the column
nut, then use a wrench to tighten an additional 1/8 turn.
11 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
Be careful! The detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
The photomultiplier tube (PMT) is extremely sensitive to light. Always turn off the
C AU T I O N electrometer (which turns off the high voltage to the PMT) before removing the PMT housing
or opening the emissions chamber. Failing to do this can destroy the PMT.
Even with the electrometer off, protect the PMT from room light. Cap the housing after it is
removed, place it end down to exclude light, or reduce the room light level before exposing
the PMT. A brief exposure (always with the electrometer turned off) will not damage it, but
prolonged exposure will cause a gradual loss of sensitivity.
4 Disconnect the retaining spring that holds the PMT assembly to the bracket. With a
rotating motion, pull the assembly away from the filter housing.
5 To prevent light from damaging the PMT, cap the end or place it face down.
6 Place a clean cloth under the filter housing to catch the filter.
• For phosphorus filter, use the sharpened wooden tip of a toothpick or cotton swab to
dislodge the filter from the housing.
• For sulfur filter (shown below), use the wooden tip of the cotton swab to remove the
filter spacer. Then dislodge the filter from the housing.
Sulfur filter
Filter spacer
Do not use cleaning fluids. Cleaning fluids will damage lens coatings.
Filters are designed for the light of the flame to pass through in a specific direction. The
C AU T I O N triangle (on the edge of the phosphorus filter) and the arrow (on the edge of the sulfur filter)
should face away from the flame and toward the PMT.
8 Install the filter in the filter housing. Install the sulfur filter spacer, if necessary.
9 Replace the PMT assembly and secure with the spring.
10 Route the PMT wires through the clips as shown. Avoid placing the wires very near heated
areas (such as the emission block or oven top).
11 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
12 Restore the analytical method.
When turning off the GC, first turn off the flame to prevent condensation from dripping into
C AU T I O N the jet and column.
Be careful! The detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
5 For a single wavelength FPD, remove the two screws at the bottom left of the cover.
Be careful! The detector may be hot enough to cause burns. If the detector is hot, wear
WAR N IN G heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
3 Remove the FPD cover. See “To Remove the FPD+ Cover” on page 250.
4 Loosen the collet screw holding the cable assembly to the ignitor. Remove the collet and
cable assembly.
6 Install the new ignitor assembly and tighten with the nut driver. Do not overtighten. (If the
ignitor comes with a copper washer, discard the copper washer.)
7 Replace the ignitor collet and cable assembly and tighten the screw. Align the collet set
screw as shown. Do not let the collet screw touch metal parts, such as the emission block
or PMT bracket (dual wavelength detector).
8 Replace the FPD cover. See “To Install the FPD+ Cover” on page 253.
9 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
10 Restore the analytical method.
11 Wait 20 min. for the detector to heat up, then ignite the flame.
12 Reset the EMF counter.
13 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
The FPD+ brazement, which consists of the transfer line and emission block assemblies, uses
an inert coating layer to provide better performance. Normally, manually cleaning the
brazement is not required. However, if it becomes necessary to clean the brazement to
remove contamination, note that exposing the inert coating to abrasives or certain solvents
will degrade the coating. If cleaning is needed, follow the recommendations below for best
• Rinse with a solvent appropriate to dissolve the expected contaminants. Avoid abrasive or
highly basic solutions (see the caution above). Recommended solvents: dichloromethane,
acetone, or methanol.
• Mildly sonicate if needed, but excessive sonication can damage the coating layer.
• Gently remove solids using a soft, nylon bristle brush. Do not scrub hard. Recommended
brush: Use the MMI inlet cleaning brush from the MMI cleaning kit (G3510-80820). (Do
NOT used the MMI inlet abrasive cleaning swab, G3510-80829.)
This chapter describes the maintenance procedures for Auxiliary EPC (Aux) and Pneumatics
Control Module (PCM). Pneumatic Switching Devices (PSD) do not have any required routine
One ring Low 400 ± 30 SCCM AIR @ 40 PSIG FID Air, QuickSwap, Purged
Brown splitters, Deans Switch
When hydrogen is used, dangerously high flows are possible if insufficient flow resistance is
WAR N IN G provided downstream of the supply tube. Always use either the High (Blue dot) or Medium
(Red dot) frit with hydrogen.
Frit O-ring
Tubing weldment
Figure 50. Replace an Aux EPC frit (2 flow tube channels not shown)
10 Place the tubing weldment into the Aux EPC module, and secure in place using the molded
partner fitting and screw.
11 Restore gas flows and check for leaks at the fitting.
After installing or replacing a frit, be sure to update the Aux EPC module PIDs used with your
module. If needed, update the Aux EPC module PIDs using the GC Firmware Update Tool
available on To download the GC Firmware Update Tool, open a web
browser, navigate to, then in the search box type in “GC Firmware Update” to
search for the tool.
Molded Partner fitting
Channel 1
Channel 2
7 Place a new O-ring on the new frit and press it down into the block.
8 Place the block on the module and tighten the screw firmly.
9 Restore the gas supply.
When hydrogen is used, dangerously high flows are possible if insufficient flow resistance is
WAR N IN G provided downstream of the supply tube. Always use either the High (Blue dot) or Medium
(Red dot) frit with hydrogen.
After installing or replacing a frit, be sure to update the PIDs used with your PCM.
0.25-cc 0101-0303
0.50-cc 0101-0282
1.00-cc 0101-0299
2.00-cc 0101-0300
5.00-cc 0101-0301
10.00-cc 0101-0302
Valve actuator
Valve body
Valve rotor
Preload assembly
The oven, inlet, detector, and valve box may be very hot.
Sample and/or harmful gases may be present. Refer to your company’s standard operating
procedures for purging the chemicals from the sample line.
The valve box insulation is made of refractory ceramic fibers (RCFs). To avoid inhaling RCF
WAR N IN G particles, we recommend these safety procedures:
• Ventilate your work area
• Wear long sleeves, gloves, safety glasses, and a disposable dust/mist respirator
• Dispose of insulation in a sealed plastic bag
• Vacuum any residual particles and discard
• Wash your hands with mild soap and cold water after handling RCFs.
7 Remove the upper valve box. See “To Remove the Upper Valve Box” on page 274.
8 Vacuum any loose particulate insulation.
9 When the valve is cool, loosen the sample loop’s two 1/4-inch fittings on the valve head
and remove the loop.
Sample loop
The oven, inlet, detector, and valve box may be very hot. If they are hot, wear heat-resistant
WAR N IN G gloves to protect your hands.
Rotor adjustment
slotted shaft
5 Locate the rotor adjustment shaft on top of the actuator. Using a flathead screwdriver,
rotate the valve rotor counterclockwise until it stops, then back it off a small amount to set
one end of the rotor’s motion (< 1 mm).
6 Tighten the adjustment set screw.
7 Turn the valve On, turn Off to check for smooth operation.
8 Restore the analytical method.
The oven, inlet, detector, and valve box may be very hot.
Sample and/or harmful gases may be present. Refer to your company’s standard operating
procedures for purging the chemicals from the sample line.
The valve box insulation is made of refractory ceramic fibers (RCFs). To avoid inhaling RCF
WAR N IN G particles, we recommend these safety procedures:
• Ventilate your work area
• Wear long sleeves, gloves, safety glasses, and a disposable dust/mist respirator
• Dispose of insulation in a sealed plastic bag
• Vacuum any residual particles and discard
• Wash your hands with mild soap and cold water after handling RCFs.
6 Remove the upper valve box. See “To Remove the Upper Valve Box” on page 274.
Vacuum any RCF insulation particulates from the valve box area.
7 Note the tubing connections to the existing valve and label if desired.
8 Disconnect the existing valve fittings.
9 Remove the two T-10 Torx screws attaching the valve to the valve box, then remove the
valve from the valve box.
10 Place the new valve in the valve box. The gap in the index ring on top of a 6-port valve
points toward the back of the GC if installed correctly. This is the On position. Install and
tighten the two screws with a screwdriver.
11 Use needle-nosed pliers to move the valve rotor index pin of the valve counterclockwise
until the pin touches the valve stop Off position.
4. Column
5. Carrier gas in
2. Sample out
1. Sample in
13 Turn on the carrier and sample gases, then check for leaks at the valve fittings.
• Using the needle-nosed pliers to toggle the valve, check both the On and Off positions.
• When leak free, set the valve to Off. See step 11.
14 Install the upper valve box assembly. See “To Install the Upper Valve Box” on page 275.
15 Reset the valve EMF counters.
16 Perform an inlet Leak & Restriction test and reset the maintenance counters.
17 Exit maintenance mode. Select Maintenance > Instrument > Perform Maintenance >
Maintenance Mode > Finished.
18 Restore the analytical method.
The oven, inlet, detector, and valve box may be very hot. If they are hot, wear heat-resistant
WAR N IN G gloves to protect your hands.
The valve box insulation is made of refractory ceramic fibers (RCFs). To avoid inhaling RCF
WAR N IN G particles, we recommend these safety procedures:
• Ventilate your work area
• Wear long sleeves, gloves, safety glasses, and a disposable dust/mist respirator
• Dispose of insulation in a sealed plastic bag
• Vacuum any residual particles and discard
• Wash your hands with mild soap and cold water after handling RCFs.
Rotor adjustment
slotted shaft
b Locate the rotor adjustment shaft on top of the actuator. Use a screwdriver to rotate
the valve rotor counterclockwise until it stops.
4 Locate the two half-moon cutouts at the bottom back of the upper valve box. Place the
upper valve box on top of the lower valve assembly, routing the heater/sensor wires
through the cutouts. Secure with two T-20 mounting screws.
5 Push each coupling/shaft assembly downward with a flathead screwdriver until the slot on
the coupling engages the rotor index pin.
If the coupling and valve do not engage, check that both are fully counterclockwise and
try again. If necessary, turn the shaft slightly to engage the coupling.
6 For each newly installed valve:
a Using a flathead screwdriver, turn the rotor adjustment shaft counterclockwise until it
stops, then back it off a small amount (< 1 mm) to set one end of the rotor’s motion.
b Tighten the adjustment set screw.
7 Install the detector cover.
8 Restore normal operating condition.
The gas supply tubing is attached with Swagelok fittings. If you are not familiar with Swagelok
connections, review the following procedures.
Materials needed:
• 1/8-inch (or 1/4-inch, if used) preconditioned copper tubing
• 1/8-inch (or 1/4-inch, if used) Swagelok nuts
• Front and back ferrules
• Two 7/16-inch (for 1/8-inch nuts) or 9/16-inch (for 1/4-inch nuts) wrenches
1 Place a Swagelok nut, back ferrule, and front ferrule to the tubing as shown in Figure 52.
Use a separate stainless steel fitting in a vise for initial tightening of the nut. Do not use an
C AU T I O N inlet or detector fitting. Strong forces are required to properly set the ferrules, and damage to
an inlet or detector fitting is very costly to repair.
3 Push the tubing into the stainless steel plug. See Figure 53.
4 Make sure that the front ferrule is touching the plug. Slide the Swagelok nut over the ferrule
and thread it onto the plug.
Plug or fitting
held in a vise Tubing
5 Push the tube fully into the plug, then withdraw it approximately 1 to 2 mm as shown in
Figure 54.
Front Nut
Insert tubing fully
Withdraw tubing 1 to 2 mm
Tighten nut
Pencil line
8 For 1/8-inch Swagelok fittings, use a pair of 7/16-inch wrenches to tighten the fitting 3/4 of
a turn. See Figure 56.
For 1/4-inch fittings, use a pair of 9/16-inch wrenches to tighten them 1-1/4 turn, as
shown in Figure 56.
9 Remove the plug from the fitting. To connect the tubing, with nut and ferrules, to another
fitting, finger-tighten the nut, then use a wrench to tighten it 3/4 (1/8-inch fittings) or 1-1/4
(1/4-inch fittings) of a turn.
10 Both correctly- and incorrectly-swaged connections are shown in Figure 57. Note that the
end of the tubing in a correctly-swaged fitting is not crushed and does not interfere with the
action of the ferrules.
Do not combine valve actuator air with flame ionization air. The valve action will cause major
NOTE upsets in the detector signal.
Materials needed:
• 1/8-inch preconditioned copper tubing
• Tubing cutter
• 1/8-inch Swagelok nuts and front and back ferrules
• 1/8-inch Swagelok Tee
• Two 7/16-inch wrenches
• 1/8-inch Swagelok cap (optional)
1 Cut the tubing where you want to install the Tee. Connect the tubing and Tee with a
Swagelok fitting. See Figure 58.
Tee fitting
2 Measure the distance from the Tee to the GC inlets. Attach copper tubing to the open Tee
ends with Swagelok fittings.