Rays of Hope
Rays of Hope
Rays of Hope
The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men. Tit. 2:11
Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy. Psa. 33:18
1. There are some rays of hope di - vine, To cheer the dark - est heart;
2. De - spon - dent soul, can you not see Hope gleam - ing from a - bove?
3. Though shame and guilt op - press thy soul, Thy heart as ad - a - mant,
4. Thy life of sin now weighs thee down, And death and hell are near;
A - round the cross they ev - er shine, Where life a - new may start.
Oh, look once more to Cal - va - ry, And know that God is love.
Yet Je - sus will thy name en - roll, If thou wilt but re - pent.
But heav - en wills thee yet a crown, And an - gels want thee there.
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Heav -en is free, heav-en is free, Sin-ner, be -lieve, in heav - en you may shine;
Heav - en is free for thee, heav - en is free for thee,
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Come and be free, come and be free; Won -der-ful love, that heav-en may be thine.
Come and be free, be free, come and be free, be free,
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WORDS: Daniel S. Warner, pub.1893. MUSIC: Daniel O. Teasley, pub.1911. Public Domain.