Lenten Hymn - Forty Days and Forty Nights
Lenten Hymn - Forty Days and Forty Nights
Lenten Hymn - Forty Days and Forty Nights
Tune: AUS DER TIEFE (77 77) Text: George Smyttan (†1870)
1. For - ty days and for - ty nights thou wast
2. Should not we thy sor - row share and from
3. Then if Sa - tan on us press, Je - sus,
4. So shall we have peace di - vine: ho - lier
5. Keep, O keep us, Sav - ior dear, ev - er
fast - ing in the wild; for - ty days and for - ty
world - ly joys ab - stain, fast - ing with un - ceas - ing
Sav - ior, hear our call! Vic - tor in the wil - der -
glad - ness ours shall be; round us, too, shall an - gels
con - stant by thy side; that with Thee we may ap -
nights tempt - ed, and yet un - de - filed.
prayer, strong with thee to suf - fer pain?
ness, grant we may not faint or fall!
shine, such as min - is - tered to thee.
pear at th’e - ter - nal East - er - tide.
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