In The Furnace of Thy Love
In The Furnace of Thy Love
In The Furnace of Thy Love
3. Oh, who would cast a - way the gold We’ve gath - ered in the fur -nace flame!
Nay, let us thank God’s ho - ly name For all His love o’er us un - furled.
To thee each prov - i - dence is blest If in love thou bear the chas -t’ning rod.
And who would wish a - gain the dross Here purged in our Re-deem - er’s name?
O Je - sus, bear our souls a - bove Each wave of trou -ble that we meet;
yes, bear our souls a - bove that we meet;
Then in the fur-nace of Thy love We’ll sing Thy praise with joy com - plete!
WORDS: Daniel S. Warner, 1883. MUSIC: Allie R. Fisher, pub.1885; har. by Barney E. Warren, pub.1911. Public Domain.