DAngeli OneHealthAMS IJHG 8.26.16
DAngeli OneHealthAMS IJHG 8.26.16
DAngeli OneHealthAMS IJHG 8.26.16
Antimicrobial stewardship
through a one health lens
Observations from Washington State
114 Marisa Anne D’Angeli, Joe B. Baker, Douglas R. Call,
Received 21 February 2016 Margaret A. Davis, Kelly J. Kauber, Uma Malhotra,
Revised 13 June 2016
Accepted 13 June 2016
Gregory T. Matsuura, Dale A. Moore, Chris Porter, Paul Pottinger,
Virginia Stockwell, Carol Wagner, Ron Wohrle, Jonathan Yoder,
Leah Hampson Yoke and Peter Rabinowitz
(Information about the authors can be found at the end of this article.)
Purpose – Antibiotic resistance (AR) is a global health crisis that is attracting focussed attention from
healthcare, public health, governmental agencies, the public, and food producers. The purpose of this
paper is to describe the work in Washington State to combat resistance and promote antimicrobial
stewardship from a one health perspective.
Design/methodology/approach – In 2014, the Washington State Department of Health convened a
One Health Steering Committee and two workgroups to focus on AR, the One Health Antimicrobial
Stewardship work group and the One Health Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance work group. The
group organized educational sessions to establish a basic understanding of epidemiological factors
that contribute to resistance, including antibiotic use, transmission of resistant bacteria, and
environmental contamination with resistant bacteria and antibiotic residues.
Findings – The authors describe the varied uses of antibiotics; efforts to promote stewardship in
human, and animal health, including examples from the USA and Europe; economic factors
that promote use of antibiotics in animal agriculture; and efforts, products and next steps of
the workgroups.
Originality/value – In Washington, human, animal and environmental health experts are working
collaboratively to address resistance from a one health perspective. The authors are establishing a
multi-species resistance database that will allow tracking resistance trends in the region. Gaps include
measurement of antibiotic use in humans and animals; integrated resistance surveillance information;
and funding for AR and animal health research.
Keywords One health, Antibiotic resistance, Antibiotic stewardship, Washington State
Paper type Viewpoint
Antibiotic resistance (AR) is a global health crisis (World Health Organization, 2012)
that threatens patient care, public health, agriculture, economic growth, and
national security (King, 2014). It has recently attracted increasing attention from
healthcare professionals, public health officials, federal governments, international
agencies, the public, and food producers. Despite seven decades of warnings, AR
continues to increase (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). It is clear
that AR is a threat to all – healthy and vulnerable humans in high- and low-income
nations, pets and animals raised for food – and that cooperative, collaborative
International Journal of Health
Governance global action is essential to mitigate this threat. The purpose of this paper is to
Vol. 21 No. 3, 2016
pp. 114-130
describe Washington’s statewide effort to combat antibiotic resistant bacteria from a
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited one health perspective, and to present our findings and observations about the
DOI 10.1108/IJHG-02-2016-0009 challenges we face.
In 2014, the Washington State Department of Health established a statewide One Antimicrobial
Health Steering Committee with representation from State Departments of Agriculture, stewardship
Fish and Wildlife, and Health; academic researchers from University of Washington
Center for One Health Research and Washington State University Paul G. Allen School
for Global Animal Health; human and animal health experts; the Washington State
Veterinary Medical Association; and the Governor’s office. The committee’s goal is to
improve knowledge, communication, cooperation, and coordination in responding to 115
health issues that cross the human and animal health sectors. Many zoonoses and
emerging infections are worthy of attention using a one health lens. However, in
response to President Obama’s National Strategy for Combating AR that calls for a one
health approach, the Washington One Health committee chose to focus first on AR.
The complex epidemiology of AR guides our work in Washington. Figure 1
illustrates the principal transfer pathways for antibiotics and AR genes between
humans, animals, food, and the environment. We believe a one health approach to
combating AR should be based on a comprehensive understanding of how, where and
why antibiotics are used, how previously susceptible bacteria acquire new resistance
traits, and what factors favor amplification and transmission of resistant bacteria.
The main factors promoting resistance have been well documented in the literature and
will receive only a cursory review here.
Antibiotic use – Most antibiotics are derived from naturally produced compounds
that can be found in association with existing AR traits (Cox and Wright, 2013), but
the prevalence of acquired resistance has dramatically increased due to selection
pressure imposed through large-scale use in human medicine. Clinically important
AR is often identified within a relatively short time after introduction of new
antibiotics (Levy et al., 1976). In some cases, withdrawal of antibiotics results in
reduced AR (Dutil et al., 2010), but not always (Enne, 2010). Resistance mechanisms
include mutations, such as spontaneous point mutations (Hooper and Jacoby, 2015),
or acquisition of entire functional genes coding for resistance traits via conjugation,
transduction, or transformation processes (Huddleston, 2014). Occurrence of
Antibiotic use
Environment Figure 1.
(soil and water) Principal transfer
pathways for
antibiotics and
antibiotic resistance
genes between
humans, animals,
food, and the
Antibiotics environment
Antibiotic resistance genes
IJHG mutations and horizontal gene transfer events are considered stochastic processes,
21,3 but evidence suggests that exposure to some antibiotics may increase mutation and
horizontal gene transfer rates via the SOS response (an inducible DNA repair system),
phage induction, and by influencing gene expression (Andersson and Hughes, 2014;
Blazquez et al., 2001).
Transmission of antibiotic resistant bacteria – the primary transmission routes for
116 resistant bacteria are between people in healthcare settings (Magill et al., 2014) and in
the community (Rafee et al., 2012); between people and animals, such as to and from
household pets (van Duijkeren et al., 2004; Harrison et al., 2014) and farm animals
(Fey et al., 2000; Harrison et al., 2013; Price et al., 2012); between livestock (Le Devendec
et al., 2011); between environmental systems such as soil and water; and between the
environment and living creatures (Blanco et al., 2009; Vieira et al., 2011), either directly,
or indirectly through food. The most significant routes of transmission likely vary by
setting, for example, in low resource settings with poor sanitation, contaminated water
could be a more significant route than in high-income countries.
De novo resistance generated in ecosystems – bacteria in water, soil, and sewage
may be acted upon by antibiotic residues and metabolites that result from industry,
runoff from agricultural uses, improper disposal of antibiotics, excreta from humans
and animals, and household uses. Improperly treated wastewater containing antibiotics
from pharmaceutical manufacturing has been documented in India (Fick et al., 2009).
The risk from antibiotic contamination generating resistance depends on the
environmental conditions, and concentration and bioavailability of antibiotics
(Youngquist et al., 2014, Subbiah et al., 2011).
Horizontal gene transfer – horizontal gene transfer between bacteria may result in
increased prevalence of a new resistance characteristic, particularly in the context of
antimicrobial selection pressure. This process of genetic mixing may occur between
different species of bacteria, such as between Klebsiella, E. coli, and Enterobacter. These
genera in the family Enterobacteriaceae are normally found in the stool of mammals and
birds and are common causes of healthcare- and community-associated infections. Plasmid-
mediated gene transfer is thought to be responsible for the rapid and alarming spread of
carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae around the world (Nordmann et al., 2011).
There is also concern that resistance genes from food sources may be transferred intra-
intestinally via whole bacterium transmission or mobile genetic elements and ultimately
cause extra-intestinal disease (Lazarus et al., 2015; Manges, 2016; Singer, 2015).
Our goal is to identify the most important causes of AR and interventions that are
low cost and high impact in order to maximize the effectiveness of our limited
resources. Toward this goal, Washington State’s Combating Antibiotic Resistant
Bacteria initiative identified the following 5 strategies for addressing AR: detect;
protect; prevent; innovate; and collaborate.
(1) detect includes surveillance and laboratory capacity to identify important
mechanisms of resistance;
(2) protect refers to reporting, notification, and communication about
epidemiologically important organisms, and promoting best practices in
infection control and biosecurity;
(3) prevent encompasses antibiotic stewardship, immunization, health
enhancement, and other novel interventions to prevent infections from
(4) innovate denotes development of new, better diagnostics and therapeutics, and Antimicrobial
improvements in health management; and stewardship
(5) collaborate represents local, regional, national, international and cross-
disciplinary work to comprehensively address resistance.
Working together
Human and veterinary health care communities do not routinely work together on AR
and sometimes view each other with suspicion. An early one health goal was for our
human and animal health representatives to become more familiar with each other’s
“culture.” Members developed a vision and mission statement to define the group’s
purpose and goals in the first list below and, subsequently, defined common principles
for collaboration and communication which include showing mutual respect, seeking
win-win solutions, avoiding blame, and focussing on science (second list below).
Vision and Mission of the Washington One Health Antimicrobial Stewardship
(1) Vision:
• Judicious use of antimicrobials in all species to maximize health, minimize
harm, and preserve effectiveness.
(2) Mission:
• represent key partners and stakeholders in human, animal, and plant
• work collaboratively to promote judicious use of antimicrobials across all
• identify gaps, strategize solutions, and mobilize resources to advance
antimicrobial stewardship;
• promote education and shared learning; and
• evaluate outcomes with a one health perspective.
Washington One Health Principles of Collaboration and Communication
The members of the Washington State One Health Steering Committee and its
subcommittees and workgroups acknowledge that the process of working across the
sectors of human health, animal health, and environmental health requires unique
processes of collaboration and communication. The principles underlying these
processes include the following:
• mutual respect for the perspectives and needs of the different disciplines;
IJHG • agreeing to work on solutions to complex problems that are “win-win” in terms of
21,3 simultaneously maximizing human, animal, and environmental health;
• agreeing that we will work whenever possible in a collaborative manner to develop
standards for best professional practices across sectors and not single out
particular sectors for “blame” or attribution regarding particular health issues;
• agreeing that we will focus on evidence based, scientific approaches for best
practices and conclusions regarding root causes of problems; and
• agreeing that when sharing data between sectors, integrated data will be
analyzed in a responsible manner based on science and not politics.
Members therefore agree to follow these principles in their professional involvement
and activities with the Steering Committee and workgroups.
The group’s early accomplishments served to publicize our collaborative effort and
recruit others to work in a similar manner to improve antibiotic use in all sectors.
Members authored a position statement for the Council of State and Territorial
Epidemiologists promoting antimicrobial stewardship in veterinary medicine and
animal agriculture (Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 2015). We also
co-wrote and disseminated a “call to action” to improve antibiotic stewardship in
human and animal healthcare and in food animal production, citing specific actions for
consumers, prescribers, and food animal producers to improve antibiotic use. This
letter was signed by 18 state agencies and organizations in Washington, a novel
example of human and animal sectors working in common cause to combat AR
(Washington State Department of Health, 2015).
In summary, AR is increasing due to widespread use of antibiotics, and transmission of
resistant organisms in healthcare settings, in the community, via travel, and from food.
International, national and state efforts are underway to combat AR. In this paper, we
have described progress to date in Washington State to address this challenge from a
one health perspective. Our One Health committee and workgroups have succeeded in
convening key subject matter experts from the human, animal and environmental
health sectors to learn, strategize, and act to combat AR. We have chosen to focus
initially on increasing understanding of the current state of AR in Washington and
trends over time; minimizing transmission of resistant organisms; and improving use
of antibiotics in all sectors. Engaging food animal producers to learn and work with us
is an important next step.
As Lord Kelvin said, “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.”
In all sectors, accurate measurement of antibiotic use is important to allow
evaluation of the effectiveness of stewardship interventions and to assess
correlation between antibiotic use and resistance surveillance data. In animal
agriculture, more granular measurement of antibiotic administration than that
provided by the FDA antibiotic sales data may allow increased understanding of
how changing antibiotic use affects animal health and production costs. Current US
capabilities to measure antibiotic use are deficient, especially when compared
to continent-wide surveillance of antibiotic use and bacterial resistance by the
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. With new funding for
combating AR efforts in the USA, there is potential for improving measurement of
antibiotic use in human medicine (both acute care and ambulatory settings),
veterinary medicine and agriculture. Additional federal support for implementing
national antibiotic use measurement in both acute care and ambulatory settings
would be extremely helpful since there is a need to both develop and sustain such
tracking systems.
Additional funding for research on resistance is needed to address other knowledge
gaps and identify how to best focus limited resources. Critical research opportunities
include: animal management strategies and their effect on animal health; source and Antimicrobial
quantity of environmental transmission of resistant strains; and quantification of type stewardship
and duration of antibiotics and AR genes in the environment, among others. We hope
that a description of our efforts can offer a model to other states that choose to engage
in similar work and may provide stimulus for national and international collaboration
to improve antibiotic use and minimize AR.
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Author Affiliations
Marisa Anne D’Angeli, Department of Communicable Disease Epidemiology, Washington
State Department of Health, Shoreline, Washington, USA
Joe B. Baker, Animal Services Division, Washington State Department of Health, Olympia,
Washington, USA
Douglas R. Call and Margaret A. Davis, Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health,
Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA
Kelly J. Kauber, Department of Communicable Disease Epidemiology, Washington State
Department of Health, Shoreline, Washington, USA
Uma Malhotra, Department of Infectious Diseases, Virginia Mason Hospital and Seattle
Medical Center, Seattle, Washington, USA
Gregory T. Matsuura, Department of Infection Prevention/Antibiotic Stewardship, Yakima
Valley Memorial Hospital, Yakima, USA
Dale A. Moore, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA
Chris Porter, United Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners of Washington, Seattle,
Washington, USA
Paul Pottinger, Allergy and Infectious Disease Division, University of Washington Medical
Center, Seattle, Washington, USA
Virginia Stockwell, Agricultural Research Service, Horticultural Crops Research Unit, United
States Department of Agriculture, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Carol Wagner, Patient Safety Program, Washington State Hospital Association, Seattle,
Washington, USA
Ron Wohrle, Zoonotic Disease Program, Office of Environmental Public Health Sciences,
Washington State Department of Health, Olympia, Washington, USA
IJHG Jonathan Yoder, School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman,
Washington, USA and Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health, Washington State
21,3 University, Pullman, Washington, USA
Leah Hampson Yoke, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center, Seattle, Washington, USA and Allergy and Infectious Disease Division,
School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA, and
130 Peter Rabinowitz, Center for One Health Research, Department of Environmental and
Occupational Health, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Corresponding author
Marisa Anne D’Angeli can be contacted at: [email protected]
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