Minor New Format-1
Minor New Format-1
Minor New Format-1
Note: - All the answers have to written in an A4 sheet and submitted in PDF Format. Kindly fill
up the details as mentioned on the first page of attached answer sheet format.
Section-A (5×1)
Note: -This section contains 5 multiple choice questions and all the questions are compulsory. All questions
carry 1 mark each. There will be no negative marking.
Que.6 What are the advantages of COD determination over BOD determination?
Que.7 What causes indoor air quality problems and how prevent it?
Section-C (1×5)
Note: -This section contains 2 subjective questions out of which only 1 question needs to be attended and it
should be answered within 150-200 words.
Que.11 Write a note on source and effects of particulate air pollutants mentioning their
chemical composition.