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Punjab Group of Colleges

Quarter Test-2 Paper

F.Sc (Part-II)
Time: 15 Min. Objective Max. Marks: 12

Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A,B,C and D.The choice which you think is
correct, fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling of
two or more circles will result zero in that question.

1. Preparation of vegetable ghee involves

(A) Halogenation (B) Hydrogenation
(C) Hydroxylation (D) Dehydrogenation
2. Which one of the following gases is used for the artificial ripening of fruits?
(A) Ethene (B) Ethyne (C) Methane (D) propane
3. Synthetic rubber is made by polymerization of .
(A) Chloroform (B) Acetylene (C) Divinylacetylene (D) Chloroprene
4. Grignard reagent is reactive due to:
(A) The presence of halogen atom (B) the presence of Mg atom
(c) The polarity of C-Mg bond (D) none of these
5. Elimination bimolecular reaction involves:
(A) First order kinetics (B) second order kinetics
(c) third order kinetics (D) zero order kinetics
6. Which of the following is not a nucleophile
(A) H2O (B) H2S (C) BF3 (D) NH3
7. Which woody raw material is used for the manufacture of the paper pulp?
(A) cotton (B) Bagasse (C) poplar (D) rice straw
8. Which is not a calcarious material?
(A) lime (B) clay (C) marble (D) marine shell
9. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer is not used for which crop:
(A) Cotton (B) Wheat (C) Sugar cane (D) Paddy rice
10. Which of the following does not belong to alkaline-earth metals?
(A) Be (B) Ra (C) Ba (D) Rn
11. Which ion will have the maximum value of heat of hydration?
(A) Na+ (B) Cs+ (C) Ba+2 (D) Mg+2
12. The mineral CaSO4.2H2O has the general name
(A) Gypsum (B) dolomite (C) Calcite (D) Epsom salt
Punjab Group of Colleges
Quarter Test-2 Paper
F.Sc (Part-II)
Time: 1:45 Hours Subjective Max. Marks: 48

(Section I)
Q # 2 Write short answers to all questions. (16 × 2= 32)
1. Discuss catalytic oxidation of methane?
2. How alkanes can be prepared from aldehydes and ketones?
3. Why boiling points of straight chain alkanes are higher than branched chain alkanes?
4. How cis. and trans. alkenes can be prepared by partial hydrogenation of alkynes?
5. What is the importance of KO2 in the breathing equipments?
6. Write main woody and non-woody raw materials used for manufacture of pulp?
7. Why dry ether is necessary for the preparation of Grignard reagent?
8. What is Wurtz reaction? Give its importance.
9. Give two methods for the preparation of alkyl halides from alcohols.
10. How ethyl magnesium bromide reacts with.
(a) Ethylene epoxide (b) Ethyl alcohol
11. Draw a labeled diagram of down’s cell.
12. Why 2% gypsum is added in the cement?
13. Why lime water turned milky with CO2 but become clear with excess of CO2.
14. Differentiate between micro and macro nutrients.
15. How phosphorous is important for plant growth.
16. Write main steps in the manufacturing of Portland cement.

Note: Attempt all the 2 questions;
Q:3 (A) Explain the mechanism for the halogenation of methane . (4)
(B) Using ethyl bromide as a starting material how would you prepare the following compounds?
(a) n-butane (b) ethene
(c) propanoic acid (d) 1-propanol
Q:4 (A) Write a note on the acidic nature of alkynes . (4)
(B) What are SN reactions? Explain SN2 mechanism in detail. (4)

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