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Postgraduate track program: Applied Mathematics and Artificial


1. Olympiad winner’s skill set

To win the Olympiad, you should have a firm grasp of mathematics, data analysis and machine
learning concepts, namely:
 mathematical logic, algorithms, machine learning, and information technology;
 data analysis, neural network design and training, and software development;
 graph theory, modular arithmetic, real and complex analysis, and the fundamental laws of
probability distributions.
You should also have a solid command of the following skills:
 solving ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations;
 investigating system stability;
 constructing functions of random variables, and applying limit theorems;
 using modern software development methodologies, including the Unified Process and
agile methodologies like Scrum or XP.

2. List of degree programs covered by subject area

2.1. List of master programs

01.04.01 Mathematics
01.04.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
01.04.03 Mechanics and Mathematical Modelling
01.04.04 Applied Mathematics
01.04.05 Statistics
02.04.01 Mathematics and Computer Sciences
09.04.01 Information Science and Computer Engineering
09.04.03 Applied Computer Science
09.04.04 Software Engineering

2.2. List of doctoral programs

1.1.1 Real, complex and functional analysis
1.1.2 Differential equations and mathematical physics
1.1.4 Probability theory and mathematical statistics
1.1.5 Mathematical logic, algebra, number theory and discrete mathematics
1.1.6 Computational mathematics
1.2.1 Artificial intelligence and machine learning
1.2.2 Mathematical modelling, numerical methods and software packages
1.2.3 Theoretical informatics, cybernetics
2.3.1 System analysis, management and information processing, statistics
2.3.5 Mathematical and software foundation for data science
2.3.7 Computer modelling and computer-aided design


3. Content

Linear algebra and analytic geometry
1. Complex numbers. Algebraic and exponential (polar) forms. Roots of complex numbers. De
Moivre’s formula. The fundamental theorem of algebra.
2. Polynomials. The roots of a polynomial. The multiplicity of a root. The little Bezout theorem.
Polynomial long division. The greatest common divisor of polynomials. The Lagrange and
Newton interpolating polynomials. Irreducible polynomials. The unique factorization theorem for
3. Gaussian elimination. Cramer’s rule. The Rouche-Capelli theorem.
4. Real and complex vector spaces. A basis, the dimension and coordinates of a vector. Vector
subspaces. Sum and intersection of subspaces. A linear transformation of a finite-dimensional
vector space, the matrix of a linear transformation. The change of basis formulas.
5. The characteristic polynomial of a linear. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a linear
6. The Jordan normal form of a linear transformation on a complex vector space.
7. Bilinear forms. Symmetric bilinear forms and quadratic forms. Positive-definite and negative-
definite quadratic forms. Sylvester’s law of inertia. Sylvester’s criterion.
8. Euclidean spaces. Self-adjoint and orthogonal linear transformations. An orthogonal
diagonalization of the quadratic form.
9. The three-dimensional space. The dot product, the cross product, and the triple product.
10. Various ways to define a straight line and a plane in three-dimensional space. The angle
between a straight line and a plane, the angle between two straight lines, the angle between two
planes. The distance from a point to a plane. The distance between two lines.
11. Curves of the second order.
12. Surfaces of the second order.
Real and complex analysis (calculus)
13. Limit of a sequence: definition and properties. Cauchy’s criterion. Limit inferior and limit
superior. The Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem. The limit of a function at a point. The equivalence of
Cauchy’s and Heine’s definitions.
14. Function continuity at a point. Behavior of a continuous function on a segment: the
Weierstrass and Bolzano-Cauchy theorems. The inverse function theorem. Uniform continuity,
Cantor’s theorem.
15. Derivative of a function (of a single variable) at a point: definition and basic properties. The
derivative of a composition of functions. Differentiability of a function at a point. Function
differential at a point. Derivative of an inverse function. Higher order derivatives and differentials.
The Leibniz rule. Rolle's Theorem, the mean value theorem, and Cauchy's mean value theorem.
L'Hôpital's rule. Taylor's expansion with the Peano and Lagrange form of the remainder. Using
Taylor's expansion and L'Hôpital's rule for limit calculations. Using derivative to study the
properties of a function of a single variable: monotonicity, extrema, convexity, inflexion points.
16. Indefinite integral. Definite integral. Darboux’s criterion of the integrability of a function.
Properties of an integral with a variable upper limit: continuity, differentiability. The Newton–


Leibniz formula. Geometric applications of a definite integral. Improper integrals. Absolute

convergence and conditional convergence. Cauchy's criterion, and Dirichlet's test of convergence.
17. Differentiability of a function of several variables. Necessary conditions and sufficient
conditions for differentiability. Gradient of a function. Implicit function theorem. Local extrema
of a function of several variables. Necessary conditions and sufficient conditions of a local
extremum point. Conditional extrema of a function. The Lagrange multiplier method, necessary
and sufficient conditions for conditional extrema.
18. Numeric series. Absolute and conditional convergence. Cauchy’s criterion, comparison test,
integral test, the Root and Ratio tests, Leibniz’s and Dirichlet’s tests. Function series. Uniform
convergence. Cauchy’s criterion, the Weierstrass test, and Dirichlet's test of uniform convergence.
Power series. The radius of convergence, the Cauchy—Hadamard formula. The Taylor expansion.
Taylor expansions for elementary functions.
19. Line integral. Green’s theorem. Surface integrals. The Gauss—Ostrogradsky theorem. Stokes’
20. A Fourier series. Pointwise convergence conditions. Uniform convergence conditions. The
Fourier transform of an absolutely integrable function and its properties. The Fourier transform of
a derivative and the derivative of a Fourier transform.
21. Functions of a Complex Variable. Analytic functions.
22. Integral of a function of a complex variable. Cauchy's integral theorem. Cauchy’s integral
23. Maximum modulus principle and the Schwarz lemma.
24. The Taylor and Laurent series.
25. Residues of complex functions. Cauchy's residue theorem. Calculation of integrals using
residues. Jordan's lemma.
26. Conformal mappings. Möbius transformations. The Joukowsky transform.

Applied Mathematics
Graph theory and number theory
1. The Euclidean algorithm. GCD and LCM. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
2. Modular arithmetic. Congruence classes. The ring of integers modulo m. Invertible elements.
The Chinese remainder theorem.
3. Fermat’s little theorem. Wilson’s theorem.
4. Euler’s totient function. Euler’s theorem.
5. Finite fields (Galois fields).
6. Graphs. Connected components in a graph. Depth-first and breadth-first search. Adjacency
matrix. Planar graphs. Euler’s theorem.
7. An Eulerian path in a graph. A Hamiltonian path in a graph. Dijkstra’s algorithm. The Floyd-
Warshall algorithm.
8. Spanning trees in a graph. Prim’s algorithm. Kruskal’s algorithm.
Differential equations
9. Ordinary differential equations. Separation of variables. Reduction of the order of the
differential equation. The method of introducing a parameter.
10. Linear ODEs and systems of ODEs with constant coefficients.


11. Linear ODEs and systems of ODEs with variable coefficients. A fundamental solution set.
The Wrońskian, Liouville’s formula. The variation of constants method.
12. Calculus of variations. The Euler–Lagrange equation. A necessary condition for a weak local
13. Equilibrium of an autonomous system of differential equations. Classifying the equilibria of
linear autonomous second-order systems. Stability and asymptotic stability of equilibrium.
14. First integrals of the autonomous system of differential equations. Theorem on the number of
independent first integrals. Linear PDEs. General solution and the Cauchy problem.

Mathematical physics
1. Statement of problems of mathematical physics. Posed and ill-posed problems of mathematical
2. Classification of second-order partial differential equations with two independent variables,
linear with respect to higher derivatives.
3. Cauchy problems for equations of hyperbolic and parabolic types.
4. Method of separation of variables. Sturm-Liouville problem.
5. Hyperbolic type equations.
6. Parabolic type equations.
7. Elliptic type equations. Properties of harmonic functions.
8. Method of integral transformations.

Mathematical logic
1. Introduction to logic.
2. Predicate logic.
3. The theory of evidence.
4. Applications of mathematical logic.

Statistics & probability

1. Fundamentals of combinatorics: counting rules, addition and multiplication rules, combinations
with and without repetitions, binomial coefficients and Newton's binomials.
2. Probabilistic space. Independent events. Addition theorem. Conditional probability. Complete
event system. The formula for full probability. Bayes' formula.
3. Random variable and its distribution function. Mathematical expectation and dispersion of a
random variable, their properties.
4. The main types of distributions of random variables: binomial, geometric, uniform, Poisson,
exponential, and normal. Bernoulli's experiments. Chebyshev's inequality and the Central Limit
5. Joint distribution of several random variables. Independence of random variables. Covariation.
Correlation coefficient.
6. Estimation of numerical characteristics of distributions in the sample.

Computer science, artificial intelligence

1. Regression analysis.
2. Binary classification.


3. Multiclass classification.
4. Mathematical models of neural networks.
5. Backpropagation algorithm.

Computer science, cybernetics

1. Mathematical models of dynamic systems, and their classification. Equations of statics and
dynamics, linearization. The transfer function of continuous and digital systems, their transient
and impulse transient characteristics. Frequency characteristics, frequency hodograph. Feedback
principle. Typical dynamic links, groups of links. Structural transformations of systems.
2. Stability of dynamic systems, its various types. Algebraic and frequency stability criteria,
Mikhailov-Nyquist criterion. Stability reserves.
3. Dynamic accuracy of systems, and its indicators. Coefficients and error values. Various types
of quality factors, and frequency methods for their determination. Static and astatic systems.
4. The principle of superposition in cybernetics, features of control processes in nonlinear systems.
Typical nonlinearities. Methods for analyzing nonlinear systems. The phase plane method, its
advantages and disadvantages. Construction of transient processes using known phase trajectories.
Harmonic and statistical linearization.
5. Root hodograph method in technical cybernetics. Properties of root hodographs, their
construction. Analysis and synthesis of systems using the root hodograph.
6. Equations of dynamics of systems in state space. Obtaining equations of the state of continuous
and discrete systems from their known transfer functions. Normal form of equations of state.
Controllability and observability.

Computer science, software engineering

1. Definition of a project. Project goals. Definition of a software development process. Key
project indicators.
2. Human resources management. Key roles of software developers. Project risk management.
3. Basics of Unified Process. Definition of a use case and iteration.
4. Inception phase. Requirements analysis. Role of a system analyst.
5. Elaboration phase. Definition of a project architecture. Building of an architecture.
6. Popular architecture prototypes.
7. Construction phase. Key artefacts of a project release.
8. Purpose of project testing. Tests types. Building of tests.
9. Definition of DevOps. Tasks of CD and CI.
10. History of the agile methodology. Comparing the agile methodology and UP.
11. Key practices of Scrum, XP, DSDM and FDD.
12. Popular chart notations (UML, Gantt etc).

Computer science, information systems

1. Information: collecting, transmitting, processing, accumulation, measurement;
information units. Information and entropy.
2. The concept of the information system and information technology. Information systems
3. Data classification.


4. Architecture of distributed systems. Distributed information processing.

5. Data processing. Concept of ETL process.
6. Data storage in information systems. Types of storage. Basic concepts of relational algebra.
7. Hardware and software of information technology. Parallel data processing in information
systems. Basic classes of modern parallel systems.
8. Concept of a system. Types of systems.
9. Control object and control system. Information. Feedback. Subject of technical cybernetics and
information theory.
10. Pragmatic, semantic and syntactic aspects of information.
4. Recommended references

4.1. Reading list

Sources in English Topic
1. 1. E.B. Vinberg. A course in algebra. American Mathematical Society, 1-8
Limited access
2. 2. V. A. Ilyin, E. G. Poznyak. Analytic geometry. Moscow : Mir, 9-12
1984. 232 p.
Limited access
3. 3. Ya. S. Bugrov, S. M. Nikolsky. Differential and Integral Calculus. 13-20
Imported Pubn, 1983. 464 p.
Limited access
4. 4. M. I. Shabunin, Yu. V. Sidorov, M. V. Fedoryuk. Lectures on the 21-26
Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable. Mir, 1985.
Free access
5. A.G. Sveshnikov, A.N. Tikhonov. The Theory of Functions of a 21-26
Complex Variable. Mir, 1978.
Free access

Sources in Russian Topic

1. 1. Э.Б. Винберг. Курс алгебры. М.: МЦНМО, 2011. — 592 с. 1-8
Free access
2. Ильин В. А., Позняк Э. Г. Аналитическая геометрия: Учеб. Для 9-12
вузов. — 7-е изд., стер. — М., 2004. — 224 с.


Free access
3. С. М. Никольский. Курс математического анализа. В 2-х томах. 13-20
М.: Физматлит,2001.
Free access
4. Ю. В. Сидоров, М. В. Федорюк, М. И. Шабунин. Лекции по 21-26
теории функций комплексного переменного, любое издание,
напр., М.: Наука, 1982.
Free access
5. А.Г. Свешников, А. Н. Тихонов. Теория функции комплексного 21-26
переменного, любое издание, напр., М. Физматлит, 2005.
Free access

Applied mathematics
Sources in English Topic
5. 1. E.B. Vinberg. A course in algebra. American Mathematical Society, 1-5
Limited access
1. 2. N. Christofides. Graph theory. An algorithmic approach. London 6-8
Free access
2. 3. L. Elsgolts. Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations. 9-14
University Press of the Pacific , 2003.
Free access

Sources in Russian Topic

2. 1. Э.Б. Винберг. Курс алгебры. М.: МЦНМО, 2011. — 592 с. 1-5
Free access
2. Н. Кристофидес. Теория графов: алгоритмический подход. 6-8
Free access
3. Л.Э. Эльсгольц. Дифференциальные уравнения и вариационное 9-14
исчисление. М.: Наука, 1965.


Free access

Mathematical physics
Sources in English Topic
1. A.N. Tikhonov, A.A. Samarskii,. Equations of mathematical 1-8
physics. Dover books on physics. 2011.
Limited access
2. Budak B.M., A.A. Samarskii, A.N. Tikhonov. A Collection of 1-8
Problems on Mathematical Physics. Moscow, 1964.
Free access
3. Lawrence C. Evans. Partial differential equations. Providence, 1-8
R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 1998.
Free access

Sources in Russian Topic

1. Тихонов А. Н., Самарский А. А. Уравнения 1-8
математической физики. – 6-ое издание. – М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1999.
Free access
2. Будак Б.М., Самарский А.А., Тихонов А.Н. Сборник задач 1-8
по математической физике (3-е изд.). М.: Наука, 1979.
Free access
3. Владимиров В.С. Уравнения математической физики. М.: 1-8
Наука, 1967.
Free access

Mathematical logic
Sources in English Topic
1. Mendelsohn E., Introduction to Mathematical Logic: New 1-4
York: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 6th Edition, 2015, 513p


Free access
2. Kleene S. C. Mathematical logic. NY: Dover Publ., 2002. 432 1-4
Free access
3. Hurley, Patrick J. A concise introduction to logic. Cengage 1-4
Learning, 2023. 658 p.
Free access

Sources in Russian Topic

1. Мендельсон Э. Введение в математическую логику. М.: 1-4
Наука, 1976. 320 с.
URL: https://djvu.online/file/jGBResxAtPkdd
Free access
2. Колмогоров А. Н., Драгалин А. Г. Математическая логика: 1-4
Введение в математическую логику. Изд.6: М.: URSS, 2023, 240 с.
URL: https://vk.com/doc-91031095_651760865
Free access
3. Колмогоров А. Н., Драгалин А. Г. Математическая логика: 3-4
Дополнительные главы. Изд.5: М.: URSS, 2022, 232 с.
URL: https://vk.com/doc-91031095_651760872
Free access

Statistics & probability

Sources in English Topic
1. W. Feller. An Introduction to Probability Theory and its 1,2,3
Applications. John Wiley & Sons, 1967.
a. https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Probability-
b. https://bitcoinwords.github.io/assets/papers/an-
Free access
2. R.E. Walpol, R.H. Myers, S.L. Myers, K. Ye. Probability and 1-6
Statistics. Prentice Hall, 2011.
Free access


3. Ross, Sheldon M. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for 1-6

Engineers and Scientists Academic Press 2014. 686 p.
Free access

Sources in Russian Topic

1. Г.И. Ивченко, Ю.И. Медведев. Математическая статистика. М.: 6
Высш. шк., любое издание
Free access
2. В. Феллер. Введение в теорию вероятностей и ее приложения, 1,2,3
любое издание
Free access
3. В. П. Чистяков. Курс теории вероятностей, любое издание 1-6

Free access

Computer science, artificial intelligence

Sources in English Topic
1. VanderPlas, Jake. Python data science handbook: Essential 1-3
tools for working with data. O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2016.
URL: https://github.com/jakevdp/PythonDataScienceHandbook
2. Goodfellow I. et al. Deep learning. – Cambridge: MIT press, 4-5
3. Russell Stuart, Norvig Peter Artificial Intelligence: A Modern 1-5
Approach, 4th Global Edition. Pearson Education Limited, 2022. 1167
URL: https://vk.com/doc163931991_661373357
Free access

Sources in Russian Topic

1. 1. Плас Дж. Вандер. Python для сложных задач: наука о данных и 1-3
машинное обучение. СПб.: Питер, 2018, 576 с.
Free access


Sources in Russian Topic

2. 2. Гудфеллоу Я., Иошуа Б., Курвилль А. Глубокое обучение. М.: 4-5
ДМК Пресс, 2018, 652 с.
URL: https://djvu.online/file/WXow6KxPSw2v7
Free access
3. Рассел С., Норвиг П. Искусственный интеллект: современный 1-5
подход М.: Издательский дом Вильямс, 2006. 1408 с.
URL: https://djvu.online/file/yYvRRPzYzppds
Free access

Computer science, cybernetics

Sources in English Topic
1. D.A. Novikov. Cybernetics: From past to Future. Springer 1-6
Cham, 2016. 107 p.
Free access
2. Cybernetics Unveiled: Exploring Its Interdisciplinary Nature 1-6
and Implications
Free access
3. Dorf R.C., Bishop R.H. Modern Control Systems. Pearson 1-6
Education, Inc., 2007. 1056 p.
Free access

Sources in Russian Topic

1. Ложкин С.А. Лекции по основам кибернетики. М., МГУ, 1-6
Free access
2. Яблонский С.В. Элементы математической кибернетики. 1-6
М., Высшая школа, 2007.
Free access
3. Е. И. Юревич. Теория автоматического управления. 1-6
Энергия, 1975.
Free access

Computer science, software engineering

Sources in English Topic


1. Sommerville I. Software Engineering. – Addison-Wesley, 2001. 693 1

Limited access
2. Jacobson I., Butch G., Rambo J. Unified software development 2-3
process. — Addison-Wesley, 1999. 498 p.
Limited access
3. Matsyashek L.A. Requirements analysis and system design : 4
developing information systems with UML. – Harlow, England; New
York: Addison-Wesley, 2001. 378 p.
Free access
4.. Kruchten F. Introduction to the Rational Unified Process (second 5-6
edition) – Addison-Wesley Professional, 2000.
Limited access
5. Pollis G., Augustine L., Low K., Madhar D. Software Development
for Small Teams: A RUP-centric Approach. – Addison-Wesley, 2004.
272 p.
Limited access
6. Levinson J. Software testing using Visual Studio 2010. Addison- 7-8
Wesley, 2010. 333p.
Free access
7. DevOps and application lifecycle management. [An electronic 9
Limited access
8. Agile Data Home Page. [An electronic resource]. 10
Free access
9. The Agile Unified Process (AUP). [An electronic resource].
Free access
10. Auer K., Miller R. Extreme Programming Applied: Playing to win. 11
Addison-Wesley, 2002. 326p.
Limited access
11. Beck K. Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change.
Reading. – MA: Addison-Wesley, 2000. 224 p.


Limited access
12. DSDM Altern. [An electronic resource]. http://www.dsdm.org
Free access
13. Scrum. [An electronic resource].
Free access
14. Kniberg H. Scrum and XP from the Trenches (2nd Edition). 2015.
Free access
15. Arlow J., Neustadt A. UML 2 and the Unified Process. Practical 12
object-oriented analysis and design, 2nd ed. – Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Addison-Wesley, 2005. 592 p.
Limited access

Sources in Russian Topic

1. Соммервилл И. Инженерия программного обеспечения. – М.: 1
Издательский дом «Вильямс», 2002. 624 с.
Free access
2. Якобсон А., Буч Г., Рамбо Дж. Унифицированный процесс 2-3
разработки программного обеспечения. — СПб.: Питер, 2002. 496
Free access
3. Мацяшек Л.А. Анализ требований и проектирование систем. 4
Разработка информационных систем с использованием UML. –
М: Изд. Дом «Вильямс», 2002. 432 c.
Limited access
4. Поллис Г., Огастин Л., Лоу К., Мадхар Д. Разработка 5-6
программных проектов: на основе Rational Unified Process (RUP)
– М.: ООО «Бином-Пресс», 2005.
Limited access
5. Левинсон Дж. Тестирование ПО с помощью Visual Studio 2010. 7-8
– М.: ЭКОМ Паблишерз, 2012. 333с.
Limited access


6. DevOps и управление жизненным циклом приложений. 9

[Электронный ресурс].
Free access
7. Грин, Стеллман: Постигая Agile. Ценности, принципы, 10
методологии. Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2019 г. 448 с.
Free access
8. Бек К. Экстремальное программирование: разработка через 11
тестирование. – СПб.: Питер, 2017. 291с.
Free access
9. Scrum. [Электронный ресурс].
Free access
10. Ауэр К., Миллер Р. Экстремальное программирование:
постановка процесса. С первых шагов и до победного конца. –
СПб.: Питер, 2004.
Limited access
11. Книберг Х. Scrum и XP: заметки с передовой C4Media 2007.
Free access
12. Ларман К. Применение UML и шаблонов проектирования. 12
(второе издание) – М.: Вильямс, 2002. Или 3-е издание, 2019.
Limited access

Informatics and information systems

Sources in English Topic
1. 1. Rainer R. K., Prince B., Cegielski C. G. Introduction to Information 1-10
Systems: R. Kelly Rainer, Brad Prince, Casey Cegielski. – John Wiley
& Sons Singapore Pte. Limited, 2015. URL:
Limited access
2. 2. Ralph Stair, Information Systems. Course Technology Cengage 1-10
Learning, U.S.A. 704 p.
URL: https://archive.org/details/informationsyste0000stai/mode/2up
Limited access
3. John Gallaugher Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to 1-10
Harnessing Technology. Flat World Knowledge, Inc., 2010. 328 p.
URL: https://archive.org/details/informationsyste0000gall/mode/2up


Limited access

Sources in Russian Topic

1. Мишин, И.Н. Основы информационных систем и баз 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
данных: Учебное пособие для вузов, 238 с. 2023. [Электронный
Free access
2. Белов В.С. Информационно-аналитические системы. Основы 1-10
проектирования и применения: учебное пособие, руководство,
практикум / Московский государственный университет
экономики, статистики и информатики. М., 2005. 111 с.
URL: https://shpora1.do.am/_ld/2/255_-_.pdf
Free access
3. Информационные системы: учебник для студ. учреждений. 1-10
сред. проф. образования / Г. Н. Федорова. — 3-е изд., стер. — М.
: Издательский центр «Академия», 2013. — 208 с.
URL: https://www.bolohovomt.ru/doc/informazionnie_sistemi.pdf
Free access

4.2. Recommended online-courses

Online courses Link Summary
in English
Linear algebra https://www.khanaca The course covers basic concepts and facts of linear
demy.org/math/linea algebra: vectors, spans, linear transformations,
r-algebra matrices, determinants, eigenvectors and so on.

Calculus: Single https://www.courser The course covers the following topics: Taylor
Variable Part 1 a.org/learn/single- series, limits, Lopitale rule, asymptotics
– Functions. variable-calculus

Calculus: Single https://www.courser This course covers: derivatives, differentiation rules,

Variable Part 2 – a.org/learn/differenti linearization, higher derivatives, optimization,
Differentiation. ation-calculus differentials, and differentiation operators.

Calculus: Single https://www.courser The course covers integrating differential equations,

Variable Part 3 a.org/learn/integratio techniques of integration, the fundamental theorem
– Integration. n-calculus of integral calculus, and difficult integrals.


Calculus: Single https://www.courser This introductory calculus course explores

Variable Part 4 a.org/learn/applicatio fundamental concepts like derivatives and integrals,
– Applications. ns-calculus applying them to calculate areas, and volumes, and
solve problems in geometry, physics, and other
fields. The course also introduces probability and the
concept of averages and mass.
Introduction to https://www.courser The course covers the following topics: complex
Complex a.org/learn/complex- numbers, power series and Laurent series, conformal
Analysis analysis mappings

Online courses Link Summary

in Russian
Линейная https://teach- The course contains basic facts and concepts of
алгебра in.ru/course/linear- linear algebra from matrices and linear systems to
algebra/lecture bilinear forms and tensors
Аналитическая https://openedu.ru/co This course is a complete course of classical analytic
геометрия urse/msu/ANGEOM/ geometry.
Calculus: Single https://www.courser The course covers the following topics: Taylor
Variable Часть a.org/learn/single- series, limits, Lopitale rule, asymptotics
1 – Функции. variable-calculus
(на русском)
Математически https://www.lektoriu The course consists of several modules: differential
й анализ m.tv/ calculus of functions of one variable; differential
calculus of functions of several variables; integral
calculus; ordinary differential equations
Ряды и https://openedu.ru/co This course delves into the theory and applications
интегралы urse/spbu/INTEGRA of integration, covering both definite and indefinite
L/?session=fall_202 integrals. Students will learn various integration
1 techniques and explore the properties of infinite
series, including determining their convergence.
Introduction to https://www.courser The course covers the following topics: complex
Complex a.org/learn/complex- numbers, power series and Laurent series, conformal
Analysis (на analysis mappings

Applied Mathematics
Online courses Link Summary
in English
Introduction to https://www.classcen The course contains basic concepts and applications
graph theory tral.com/course/grap of graph theory
Introduction to https://www.open.ed The course contains basic concepts of algebraic
number theory u/openlearn/science- number theory from Euclid’s algorithm to modular
maths- arithmetic



Ordinary https://www.udemy. The course covers the following topics: ODES of the
Differential com/course/ordinary 1st order, linear ODES of the highest order, systems
Equations. -differential- of ODES of the 1st order, theory of stability, Laplace
equations/ transform, numerical methods for solving DU

Online courses Link Summary

in Russian
Основы теории https://stepik.org/cou The course contains basic concepts and algorithms
графов rse/74545 of graph theory
Элементы https://teach- The course contains basic concepts of number
теории чисел in.ru/course/element theory, including continued fractions and quadratic
s-of-number-theory- irrationalities

Дифференциал https://openedu.ru/co The course covers the following topics: ODES of the
ьные urse/ITMOUniversit 1st order, linear ODES of the highest order, systems
уравнения y/DIFEQ/ of ODES of the 1st order, theory of stability

Mathematical physics
Online courses Link Summary
in English
Introduction to https://ocw.mit.edu/ This course introduces the fundamental concepts of
partial courses/18-152- partial differential equations (PDEs), focusing on
differential introduction-to- three main types: diffusion, elliptic, and hyperbolic.
equations. MIT. partial-differential-
Partial https://www.classcen This course provides an introduction to first-order
differential tral.com/course/sway and second-order linear partial differential equations
equations. am-partial- (PDEs), focusing on key concepts and applications
India’s national differential- relevant to students with backgrounds in
course platform equations-17721 Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering.

Online courses Link Summary

in Russian
Математическа https://openedu.ru/c The course is designed for students of
я физика ourse/spbstu/MATH technical/engineering background.


Уравнения https://teach- This course offers a comprehensive overview of

математическо in.ru/lecture/2020- partial differential equations (PDEs), covering all
й физики. 09-12-Goritskiy-1 topics within the curriculum.
Горицкий А.Ю.
Лекции по https://online.mephi. Series of lectures on partial differential equations for
уравнениям ru/course/view.php?i engineers
математическо d=884
й физики.

Mathematical logic
Online courses Link Summary
in English
Logic: The https://www.courser The course covers propositional and predicate logic,
Basics by a.org/learn/logic proof methods, and applications in computer
Stanford science.
Introduction to https://www.courser The course focuses on propositional and predicate
Logic by a.org/learn/logic-uw logic, with an emphasis on using logic to solve
University of problems.
Reasoning https://www.edx.org/ This course explores the application of logic to
Under course/reasoning- problems involving reasoning under uncertainty,
Uncertainty by under-uncertainty- with a focus on its relevance to artificial intelligence.
MIT mitx-6-034-1x

Mathematical https://www.courser The course delves deeper into topics such as formal
Logic by the a.org/learn/mathemat systems, Gödel's incompleteness theorems, and set
University of ical-logic theory.
California, San
Online courses Link Summary
in Russian
Введение в https://www.courser The course provides an understanding of logical
математическу a.org/learn/mathemat principles and their application in various fields,
ю логику ical-logic including mathematics, computer science,
philosophy and artificial intelligence.
Логика https://stepik.org/cou The course covers the basics of logic, propositional
rse/114/syllabus and predicate logic, set theory and logical paradoxes.

Математическа https://stepik.org/cou The course focuses on the study of the basic concepts
я логика: rse/15988/syllabus of mathematical logic, predicate logic and the basics
основы. of set theory.


Statistics & probability

Online courses Link Summary
in English
Probability https://stepik.org/521 The course includes the basic concepts of probability
Theory 34 theory, the most important probability-theoretic
models, limit theorems and some methods of
mathematical statistics.
Introduction to https://www.courser The Introduction to Statistics course at Stanford
Statistics. a.org/learn/stanford- teaches you the concepts of statistical thinking that are
statistics necessary for studying data and communicating
information. By the end of the course, you will be able
to perform exploratory data analysis, understand key
sampling principles, and select appropriate
significance tests for different contexts. You will
acquire basic skills that will prepare you to study more
complex topics in statistical thinking and machine
learning. Topics include descriptive statistics,
sampling and randomized controlled experiments,
probability, sample distributions and the central
theorem, regression, general significance tests, re-
sampling, and multiple comparisons.
Probability https://www.courser This course provides a foundational understanding of
Theory: a.org/learn/probabilit probability theory and its applications in statistics and
Foundation for y-theory-foundation- data science. We'll explore key concepts like
Data Science. for-data-science probability calculations, independent and dependent
events, and conditional probabilities, along with
discrete and continuous random variables. The course
culminates with a focus on the Gaussian (normal)
distribution, the Central Limit Theorem, and their
essential role in statistical analysis and data science.
Combinatorics https://www.courser This online course explores a wide range of
and Probability. a.org/learn/combinat combinatorial problems, emphasizing the ability to
orics identify and apply these concepts in real-world
scenarios and algorithmic tasks. You'll gain hands-on
experience with the recursive counting technique and
develop a solid foundation in probability theory,
fostering both theoretical knowledge and practical
To p or not to p? https://www.courser This course equips you with essential tools for dealing
a.org/learn/probabilit with uncertainty and making informed decisions.
y-statistics You'll learn about quantifying uncertainty using
probability, descriptive statistics, and methods for
estimating averages and proportions. The course also


covers the fundamentals of hypothesis testing and

explores multidimensional applications of key
concepts, empowering you to make confident decisions
in various real-world scenarios.
Online courses Link Summary
in Russian
Introduction to https://www.courser The Introduction to Statistics course at Stanford
Statistics. a.org/learn/stanford- teaches you the concepts of statistical thinking that are
statistics necessary for studying data and communicating
information. By the end of the course, you will be able
to perform exploratory data analysis, understand key
sampling principles, and select appropriate
significance tests for different contexts. You will
acquire basic skills that will prepare you to study more
complex topics in statistical thinking and machine
learning. Topics include descriptive statistics,
sampling and randomized controlled experiments,
probability, sample distributions and the central
theorem, regression, general significance tests, re-
sampling, and multiple comparisons.
Probability https://www.courser This course provides a foundational understanding of
Theory: a.org/learn/probabilit probability theory and its applications in statistics and
Foundation for y-theory-foundation- data science. We'll explore key concepts like
Data Science. for-data-science probability calculations, independent and dependent
events, and conditional probabilities, along with
discrete and continuous random variables. The course
culminates with a focus on the Gaussian (normal)
distribution, the Central Limit Theorem, and their
essential role in statistical analysis and data science.
Combinatorics https://www.courser This online course explores a wide range of
and Probability. a.org/learn/combinat combinatorial problems, emphasizing the ability to
orics identify and apply these concepts in real-world
scenarios and algorithmic tasks. You'll gain hands-on
experience with the recursive counting technique and
develop a solid foundation in probability theory,
fostering both theoretical knowledge and practical
To p or not to p? https://www.courser This course equips you with essential tools for dealing
a.org/learn/probabilit with uncertainty and making informed decisions.
y-statistics You'll learn about quantifying uncertainty using
probability, descriptive statistics, and methods for
estimating averages and proportions. The course also
covers the fundamentals of hypothesis testing and
explores multidimensional applications of key


concepts, empowering you to make confident decisions

in various real-world scenarios.

Computer science, artificial intelligence

Online courses Link Summary
in English
Machine https://openedu.ru/coStudents of the course will learn what big data looks
Learning urse/mephi/mephi_m like, learn how to process it: restore missing values,
o/ remove anomalies, and predict feature values. Students
will also learn how to analyze artificial intelligence
models, find their strengths and weaknesses, and argue
their point of view on issues related to artificial
Neural https://openedu.ru/co This course explores the fundamental concepts of
Networks urse/mephi/mephi_n neural networks, including their architecture,
s/ algorithms for configuration, and effective methods for
presenting problems to these networks. You'll learn
how to identify solvable problems and gain insights
into the limits of neural network applications.
Supervised https://www.courser This course covers machine learning methods such as
Machine a.org/learn/machine- decision trees and neural networks. The practical part
Learning: learning of the course will be devoted to getting acquainted with
Regression and the most popular libraries for data analysis using the
Classification Python programming language — Pandas and Scikit-
Online courses Link Summary
in Russian
Машинное https://stepik.org/cou The Machine Learning course is dedicated to the study
обучение rse/8057/info of one of the most popular sections of machine learning
– machine learning with a teacher. A brief history and
paradigms of machine learning, the basic principles of
machine learning with a teacher are given, regression
and classification tasks are considered, models used to
solve them, teaching methods and quality assessment
of trained models are considered, the features of the
organization of the learning process with a teacher and
the application of machine learning methods to solve
practical problems are considered. The presentation is
conducted in strict mathematical language,
accompanied by a variety of formulas and
mathematical calculations. To study this course,
knowledge of university courses in mathematical
analysis, linear algebra, probability theory and
mathematical statistics is required. Basic knowledge of


optimization methods and applied statistical data

analysis is desirable.
Нейронные https://stepik.org/cou The course "Neural networks" is devoted to the study
сети и rse/50352/promo of the mathematical foundations of the theory of neural
компьютерное networks, provides a brief history of the theory of
зрение neural networks, mathematical models of neural
network architectures, formulation of the learning task
and methods of its solution, discusses the features of
the organization of the learning process and the use of
neural networks to solve practical problems. The
presentation is conducted in strict mathematical
language, accompanied by a variety of formulas and
mathematical calculations. To study this course,
knowledge of university courses in mathematical
analysis, linear algebra, probability theory and
mathematical statistics is required. Basic knowledge of
optimization methods and applied statistical data
analysis is desirable.
Введение в https://stepik.org/cou The course will teach you how to build machine
Data Science и rse/4852/promo learning models in Python using popular machine
машинное learning libraries NumPy and sci-kit-learn. Build and
обучение train supervised machine learning models for
prediction and binary classification tasks, including
linear regression and logistic regression The Machine
Learning Specialization is a foundational online
program created in collaboration between
DeepLearning.AI and Stanford Online. In this
beginner-friendly program, you will learn the
fundamentals of machine learning and how to use
these techniques to build real-world AI applications.
This Specialization is taught by Andrew Ng, an AI
visionary who has led critical research at Stanford
University and groundbreaking work at Google Brain,
Baidu, and Landing.AI to advance the AI field.

Computer science, cybernetics

Online courses Link Summary
in English
Planning and https://www.classcen This brief course with Alfredo Canziani dives into
Control tral.com/classroom/y planning and control strategies, covering state
outube-planning- transition equations, numerical examples, and
and-control-141805 practical implementation of optimal control problems
using PyTorch.


Programming https://www.classcen This 8-week course from IIT Roorkee delves into
and Simulink tral.com/course/sway advanced linear continuous control systems. You'll
am-advanced-linear- master state space modelling, stability analysis,
continuous-control- controllability, and observability, gaining practical skills
systems- with MATLAB and Simulink to confidently tackle real-
applications-with- world control challenges.
An https://www.classcen This short course from the Simons Institute, led by
Informational tral.com/classroom/y Gireeja Ranade of Microsoft Research, examines
Perspective on outube-an- uncertainty in control systems from an information-
Uncertainty in informational- theoretic perspective.
Control perspective-on-
Online courses Link Summary
in Russian
Кибернетика https://stepik.org/cou This is a course that studies the fundamentals of
rse/200842/promo#t information theory and control in systems.
Основы https://teach- This course explores various classes of control systems,
кибернетики in.ru/course/fundame focusing on their discrete mathematical models. These
ntals-of-cybernetics models represent diverse types of electronic circuits,
information processing and control systems,
algorithms, and programs, providing a comprehensive
understanding of their underlying structure and
Теория https://openedu.ru/co This course helps students understand issues of linear
кибернетическ urse/spbu/CYBERS theory, discrete systems and discretization, features of
их систем YS/ nonlinear problems

Computer science, software engineering

Online courses Link Summary
in English


IBM: Software https://www.edx.org/ This course is suitable for anyone willing to start in a
Engineering learn/software- software development-related role, including those
Basics for engineering/ibm- aspiring to be Software Engineers, IT Product and
Everyone software- Project Managers, Scrum Masters, Information
engineering-basics- Developers, UI/UX Designers, QA Engineers, as well
for-everyone as Sales Executives, and Marketing Managers in the
Tech industry. No prior programming experience or
degree is required.

UBCx: Software https://www.edx.org/ This course introduces how teams design, build, and test
Engineering: learn/software- multi-version software systems.
Introduction engineering/universit You will learn software engineering principles that
y-of-british- apply to the breadth of large-scale software systems.
columbia-software- The course explores topics such as agile development,
engineering- REST and Async programming, software specification,
introduction design, refactoring, information security, and more.

DevOps and https://www.edx.org/ This self-paced certificate program of online courses,

Software certificates/professio built for beginners, will equip you with the key DevOps
Engineering nal-certificate/ibm- concepts and technical know-how to build your
devops-and- Software Development skills and knowledge with
software-engineering DevOps practices, tools, and technologies. By the end
of this program, you will be prepared for an entry-level
role in Software Engineering with an organization of
DevOps practitioners.

Online courses Link Summary

in Russian
Программная https://stepik.org/175 The purpose of the course is to form a comprehensive
инженерия. 415 understanding of the activities that form the "core" and
Анализ, the basis of the working outlook of a software engineer.
моделирование Each chapter examines activities that represent self-
, sufficient professional fields of knowledge.


Основы Agile https://stepik.org/183 This is a course that allows you to delve deeply into the
476 values, principles and practices of Agile (agile), as well
as understand their connection with the methods used in
popular methodologies such as Scrum, XP (extreme
programming) and Kanban.

Современный https://stepik.org/203 This course provides a balanced and accessible

Agile для 018 approach to the subject matter, combining concise
Разработчиков theory with clear illustrations and practical examples.
[и Each lesson includes self-assessment tests to ensure a
Менеджеров] thorough understanding of the material.

Informatics and information systems

Online courses Link Summary
in English
Databases: https://www.edx.org/ This course covers underlying principles and design
Modeling and learn/databases/stanf considerations related to databases. It can be taken
Theory ord-university- either before or after taking other courses in the
databases-modeling- Databases series.
Information https://www.courser The Information Systems Foundations specialization
Systems a.org/specializations/ provides an immersive experience in software
Foundations information- development and information systems across four
systems- courses. Throughout this specialization, you'll master
foundations#credits the art of modelling significant business applications
swiftly and effectively, preparing you for challenges in
the professional world of information systems.
The Nature of https://www.courser This course provides a comprehensive understanding
Data and a.org/learn/nature- of data, different types of data, designing databases to
Relational of-data-relational- store them, and creating and manipulating data in
Database Design databases using SQL.


Online courses Link Summary
in Russian
Проектировани https://intuit.ru/studi The course is aimed at studying modern methods and
е es/courses/2195/55/i means of designing information systems in the field of
информационн nfo economics. The scientific basis of the course is the
ых систем methodologies of system analysis and modelling.
Введение в https://intuit.ru/studi The course outlines the basic concepts and methods of
реляционные es/courses/74/74/inf organizing and manipulating relational databases and
базы данных o also describes basic approaches to designing relational
databases. The concept of a relational data model is
introduced, and the structural, manipulation and
holistic components of the model are discussed.
Хранение и https://openedu.ru/co The purpose of the course is to show the practical
обработка urse/ITMOUniversit aspects of technologies related to storage, processing
данных y/DATST/?session= and approaches to analyzing large volumes of data.
self_2024 Practical exercises of the course can be performed
using MS Excel, programming languages (not
required), relational and NoSQL DBMS.


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