Sust Math Syllabus

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rsity of Science &Technology


Mathematics 1 (3,3,-) 3 MAT 115

Course Description

Lecture 2 hours per week, tutorial 2hours per week, 3 credits hours: Limits and
continuity, function and function of more than one variable, transcendental functions
the derivative, derivative of transcendental functions , derivative of function of more
than one variable , application of the derivative, , partial derivatives, the integral,
application of the integral, integration of transcendental functions, techniques of
integral , series and sequences.


Leonard I.Holder , James Defranza, Jay M.Pasachoff ," Calculus " , Second Edition 1992,
Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company , Pacific Grove , California.

Course Objectives

1. Define the limit of a function and its properties,

2. Develop basic understanding of different types of continuous functions,
3. Understand the concept of the derivative and investigate the relationship between a
function and its derivative,
4. Develop some working rules for calculating derivatives of function such as
polynomial, rational function ,rational power function ,transcendental functions,
5. Develop basic understanding of application of the derivative such as extreme values,
related rates , approximating roots of equations , L'Hopital's rule and the mean – value
6. Understand the concept of functions of more than one variables and multivariable
differential calculus,
7. Develop basic understanding of integral calculus , techniques of integration and its
8. Develop basic understanding of approximation of functions by polynomials and
Taylor's theorem,
9. Develop basic understanding of different types of series and sequences such as
infinite series, series of positive terms, series with terms of variable signs , power series ,
Taylor series.
10. Develop basic understanding of differentiation and integration of the above series.

P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774

rsity of Science &Technology

Topics Covered

Function ,Limits and Continuity:

Function , polynomials , transcendental functions ,The limit of a function ,limit

properties and techniques for finding limits, continuity, infinite limits and limits at
infinity , a rigorous approach to limits and continuity

The Derivative:

The derivative , derivative of sums , differences , and powers , the product and quotient
rules, higher order derivatives and other notation , derivative of transcendental
functions , the chain rule , implicit differentiation , the differential and linear

Applications of derivative:

Extreme values , concavity , applied maximum and minimum problems, related rates,
approximation roots of equations , L'Hopital's rule, the mean value theorem, ant
derivative and differential equations,

Function of two or more than one Variables:

Limits and continuity of function of two or more than one variables, partial derivative ,
differentiability and chain rules , total differentials ,directional derivatives and gradient,
maxima and minima ,Lagrange multipliers,

The Integral:

The definite integral , the indefinite integral , approximating definite integrals,

application of the integral)line length, area ,and volume), techniques of integration,

Series :

Taylor's theorem , sequences , series ( infinite , positive terms , power , Taylor),

differentiation and integration of power series.

P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774

rsity of Science &Technology

Mathematics 2 (2, 2,-)3.MAT 124

Course Description

Two hours lecture per week, Two hours tutorial per week , 3 credits hours: Algebra , Set
Theory, Groups, Rings ,and Fields , Polynomials , Complex and Real Numbers , matrices,
theory of matrices ,linear algebra, linear equations, linear transformation , Analytical
geometry; coordinates ,grapes ,lines , conic sections (elliptic, parabolic , hyperbolic)),
polar co-ordinate and parametric equations ,three dimensional space vectors , vector -
valued functions.


1- Vinod k.parashar ,' Applied Mathematics', copyright 2003

2- R.Balakrishnan,' A text book of Modern Algebra', copyright 1999

Course Objectives

1. Understand the concept of set theory ,

2. Define the Set, group, ring …. etc,
3. Develop basic understanding of complex and real numbers,
4. Develop basic understanding of complex and real numbers
5. Develop basic understanding of matrices and matrix theory
6. Develop basic understanding of linear algebra
7. Develop some working rules for polar co-ordinate and parametric equations,
8. Develop basic understanding of three dimensional space vectors and vector - valued

Topics Covered

Preliminary concepts, maps, equivalence relations, finite and infinite sets, binary
operations on a set ,groups , subgroups , permutation groups ,cyclic groups , factor
groups ,rings , sub rings and ideals , homomorphism and isomorphism, quotient rings

P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774

rsity of Science &Technology

fields , polynomials in one variable over a ring , vector space , logic , real number and
polynomials ,properties of real number,
Complex number
The sum ,the difference, the product, quotient, geometrical representation of complex
number , De Mover’s theorem, polar form , absolute value , the roots of the equation of
complex number.

Matrices Theory;
Definitions, algebraic matrices, solution of algebraic equations using matrices, inverse of
matrix and its application.

Linear Algebra:
Basic of linear algebra, dependence and independence vectors ,bases and dimension,
linear transformation.

Analytical Geometry:
Coordinate planes an graphs, lines, distance, circle, equations, Introduction to the conic
sections (parabola, ellipse ,hyperbola) , rotation of axes, second degree equations , polar
coordinates ,graphs in polar coordinates , parametric equations, tangent lines and arc
length in polar coordinates , rectangular coordinates in 3-space , spheres , cylindrical
surfaces ,vector, Dot and cross product , planes in 3-space , quadric surfaces , cylindrical
and spherical coordinates, introduction to vector –valued functions , unit tangent and
normal vectors , curvature , motion along a curve , Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774

rsity of Science &Technology

Course Name: Mathematics 3 (2,2,-) 3 MAT211

Course Description

Two hours lecture session per week , 2 hours tutorial session per week 3 credits
hours :Definition and preliminary problems , Ordinary differential equation of
first order, higher order differential equations , linear differential equations with
constant coefficients , simultaneous linear differential equations , the descriptive
theory of ordinary differential equation ,engineering system. Series solution,
O.D.E. with variable coefficients ,the operator D and Laplace transformation,
Euler – Cauchy differential equation and its solution, Vector spaces and linear
transformations ,vector analysis , the calculus of variations.


1- C. Ray Wylie ,Louis C. Barrett , " Advanced Engineering Mathematics ",Sixth

Edition ,1995

2- Heward Enton ," linear algebra " Copyright 1982 John and Wiley & Sons.

Course Objectives

1. Understand the concept of the Variable and function, and classification of

differential equations,
2. Develop some working rules of solution of ordinary differential equations of
homogeneous and linear first order ,
3. Develop some working rules of solution of linear differential equations of first
and higher order (homogeneous and non- homogeneous ),
4. Understand the concept of the Euler – Cauchy differential equation and its
5. Understand the concept of the vector analysis,
6. Develop basic understanding of vector spaces and linear transformation such as
subspace, linear dependence and in dependence, Bases and dimension , angle

Topics Covered
P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774
rsity of Science &Technology

Ordinary Differential Equations of the first order:

Variable and function, classification of differential equations , solution of differential

equations solution curves and integral curves , existence and uniqueness of solutions ,
exact first order equations , integrating factors for first order equations , separable first
order equations , homogeneous first order equations , linear first order equations ,
special first order equations, , orthogonal trajectories, application of first order
differential equations,

Second Order Linear Differential Equations:

A fundamental existence and uniqueness theorem , families of solutions , solution of

non- homogeneous equations , variation of parameters and reduction order, second –
order equations of reducible order , homogeneous second – order equations with
constant coefficients , homogeneous equations of higher order , non- homogeneous
equations with constant coefficients , the Euler – Cauchy differential equation , power
series solutions, the method of Frobenius, application of linear differential equations
with constant coefficient, Green's Function, the operator D method

Simultaneous Linear Differential Equations :

Solutions , Consistency , and equivalence of linear differential systems, the equations

with constant coefficient , the reduction of a differential systems to an equivalent
systems, theorems for general linear differential systems, linear differential systems
with constant coefficient,

The Laplace Transformation :

Definitions , uniform convergence and its consequences , the general method , the transforms
of special functions , the shifting theorems , the differentiation and integration of transforms,
limit theorems, the transform of periodic functions , the ,F and Z transformation compared,
using Laplace transformation to solve O.D.E.

The Descriptive Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations:

Introduction ,the phase plane and critical points , critical points and the trajectories of
linear systems , critical points of linear systems that are approximately linear , systems
that are not approximately linear , periodic solution and limit cycles.
P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774
rsity of Science &Technology

Engineering Systems:

Introduction , systems with one degree of freedom , the translational mechanical

systems , the series electric circuit , systems with several degrees of freedom.,
reduction of a differential system to an equivalent system
Vector spaces and linear transformations:

Vector spaces , Subspaces , angles , projections , and the Gram- Schmidt

orthogonalization process , Sums , products and inverses of linear transformations ,
linear operator equations , applications and further application of matrices (rank and
equivalence of matrices , quadratic forms , the transformation of matrices , functions of
a square matrix),

Vector Analysis:

Basic algebra and geometric properties of vectors in 3-space , the cross product , lines
and planes, composition of products involving vectors, vector functions of one variable ,
the operator , line , surface , and volume integrals, Gauss theorem, Stock’s theorem.

The Calculus of Variations:

System of Euler – lagrange Equations , the extrema of integrals under constraints, Sturm
– Liouville problems, variations , Hamilton's principle and Lagrange equations of
motion , Hamilton 's equations,

P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774

rsity of Science &Technology

Mathematics 4 (2,2,-)3 MAT 312

Course Description

Two hours per week lecture, 2 hour per week tutorial, 3 credits hours : Fourier Series,
Bessel Functions and Legendre Polynomials, Fourier integrals and Fourier Transforms,
rules of differentiation and integration of transforms , Partial differential equations , the
concept of characteristics and the classification of partial differential equations,2nd order
partial differential equations, application of Partial differential equations.


1. Ordinary Differential equations, Shumm series

2. Partial differential equations, Shumm series

Course Objectives

1. Understand the concept of the periodic functions and the Euler formulas,
2. Applied Fourier Series for some engineering problems,
3. Develop basic understanding Fourier integral and properties of Fourier transforms,
4. Develop some working rules for Fourier integrals and transforms,
5. Understand the concept of Laplace transformation,
6. Develop some working rules of differentiation and integration of transforms,
7. Understand the d'Alembert solution of the wave equation,
8. Understand the concept of characteristics and the classification of partial differential
9. Understand the concept of orthogonal functions and the general expansion theorem,
10. Develop some application of Partial differential equations ,
11. Understand the series solution of Bessel's function ,
12. Understand the theory of Bessel's function ,
13. Develop some application of Bessel's function.

Topics Covered

Fourier Series :

P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774

rsity of Science &Technology

Periodic Functions , the Euler formulas , alternative formulas for the Fourier coefficients,
half – range expansions , alternative forms of Fourier series , Applications of Fourier

Fourier Integrals and Fourier Transforms:

The Fourier integral as the limit of a Fourier series , Fourier Integral approximations and
Gibbs phenomenon , properties of Fourier Transforms , Applications Fourier integrals
and Fourier Transforms , Fourier sign and cosin transforms, singularity functions and
their Fourier Transforms , from the Fourier integral to the Laplace Transformation,

Partial Differential Equations:

The derivation of equations, the solution of the wave, diffusion and Laplace equations ,
characteristics and the classification of partial differential equations , separation of
variables , orthogonal functions and the general expansion problem , Laplace
transformation methods

Bessel Functions and Legendre Polynomials:

Gama , Beta, and Bessel functions ,The series solution of Bessel's function , identities for
the Bessel function , the generation function for [ J an (x) ] , the orthogonality of the
Bessel function , Legendre polynomials.

P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774

rsity of Science &Technology

Mathematics 5 (2,1,-)2 MAT 311

Course Description

Two hours per week lecture, 1 hour per week tutorial, 2 credits hours


Statistics Theory, Shumm”s series

Course Objectives

1. To know the principles of Probability and Statistics.

2. Understand the statistics methods

Topics Covered

Probability and Statistics : Introduction to the importance of statistics, variables and

graphs, frequency distribution, mean, median, mode and other parameters of central
tendency, standard deviation and other parameters of scatter, basics of probability
theory, binomial distribution, Poisson and normal, elementary sampling theory, decision
theory, tests of hypothesis, tests of significance, small sample theory, Chi-squared test
for fitting equations, least square method, theory of correlation, partial correlation
coefficient, multiple correlation coefficient, time series analysis.

P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774

rsity of Science &Technology

Numerical Methods (2,2,-)3 Math 321

Course Description

Covers the basics of numerical methods for the solution of applied problems in physics
and engineering. Course emphasizes an understanding of the mathematics underlying
the various numerical methods that have developed for solving linear and nonlinear
problems and for approximating functions using polynomial approximations, and curve
fitting. The course includes a treatment of numerical differentiation, numerical
integration and an introduction to the computational solution of ordinary differential
equations. All computer programming is done using MATLAB and the students are
required to develop and demonstrate a basic understanding of this programming
environment as one of the course requirements.

Course Objectives

 Understand and be able to demonstrate how numerical methods for solving

applied problems in physics and engineering are developed.
 Appreciate and understand the importance of applied mathematics for solving
practical problems in physics and engineering.
 Be able to develop, test and evaluate simple numerical algorithms for solving
problems such as finding fixed points of linear and nonlinear equations and
approximating functions using least square and various curve fitting methods.
 Be able to develop, test and evaluate simple numerical algorithms for numerical
differentiation and integration and for solving simple first and second order
ordinary differential equations.
 Be able to implement, test and evaluate numerical algorithms using the
computer (MATLAB) programming environment.

Topics Covered:

 Review of Calculus. Review includes concepts of continuity and differentiability of

real valued functions and convergence of infinite sequences. Special attention is
devoted to various theorems that underlie numerical analysis such as the
intermediate value theorem, Rolle’s Theorem, the mean value theorem, and
Taylor’s theorem.

P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774

rsity of Science &Technology

 Iterative methods for solving linear and nonlinear fixed point problems and for
finding the roots of nonlinear equations.
 Interpolation and polynomial approximation. How these methods are applied to
analyze Engineering data.
 Curve fitting using least square method.
 Numerical differentiation and numerical integration.
 Solution of simple differential equations using Euler’s method as well as Taylor
series and Runge-Kutta methods.
 Implementation and test and evaluation of algorithms using MATLAB.


1- (Lecture notes: Theses should be studied but explain only the basic outline of the
necessary concepts and ideas.)

2- Any of the book listed below are more than adequate for this course.

3- Steven C.chapra ; Raymond P.Canale “Numerical Methods for Engineers”;

P.O. Box 72 Eastren Daims – Khartoum  0155661774

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